Purpose Prayers

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Other Books in this Series Purpose Quest: Passionately Pursuing Your Purpose

Purpose Guide:199 Principles for Pursuing Purpose

Purpose Prayers 199 Prayers for Pursuing Your Purpose By Andrea Richards Scott

Purpose Prayers Copyright Š 2010 by Andrea Richards Scott All rights reserved. No part of these manual or associated audio/visual components may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. Scriptures in this book were taken from the following Bible Translations: Godâ€&#x;s Word Translation King James Version New International Version ISBN: 978-1456543051

ISBN-10: 1456543059


This program is dedicated to my family whose continuous support and encouragement fills me with hope and joy as I pursue my purpose.


Thank You, Linda Richards, for once again helping me with editing. You edited my first book (Keys to the Kingdom: A Manual for Success in Todayâ€&#x;s World) and my second book (Purpose Guide). I canâ€&#x;t express how much I value your corrections, input and suggestions. I can count on you to find the things that I miss and ask questions that help me clarify my points. You helped me to clearly and accurately deliver my message. All praise and glory goes to God, my Creator, who formed me in secret and placed His purpose for my life in my heart. He blessed me with the vision to help others live the life they were created to live. The books I write, the workshops I lead, and the coaching I do with my clients are all based on what the Lord has placed inside of me.

Foreword After developing Pursuing Guide (the Guide), I got the request to create a prayer book that could be used in conjunction with the Guide. The prayers at the end of each chapter seem to whet the reader‟s appetite so I set out to create a book of prayers that addresses each of the principles that are outlined in the Guide. This was no small task. I decided in order to make it as authentic and powerful as possible, I would have to pray – really pray. So that‟s what I did. I‟ve always enjoyed journaling my prayers and this gave me an opportunity to capture them so that I could share them with you. The prayers found in this book were compiled over a period of several months. I prayed by writing my prayers down so that they would be a permanent record. These prayers are my petitions to God that He allows your purpose to be manifested in your life. They are filled with scriptures because I believe God's Word is powerful and that it doesn't return void. What better way to communicate with God than through His Word? I know that He looks over His Word to perform it. I suggest you read these prayers when you wake up or just before you go to bed. Starting the day and going to bed with God on my mind allows me to know that He‟s able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything I could possibly ask for. I suggest that you use these prayers in conjunction with Purpose Guide. However, they were designed to stand alone for those who just want to develop the habit of praying without ceasing. To find out more information about Purpose Guide and all of my books and programs, share your stories and testimonials, or provide me with your feedback by visit www.purposeguide.com To Your success,

Table of Contents Power .............................................................................................. 21 1. Creator....................................................................................... 22 2. Savior........................................................................................ 23 3. Sacrifice.................................................................................... 24 4. Slaughtered .............................................................................. 25 5. Fulfilled ...................................................................................... 26 6. Returning................................................................................... 27 7. The Guide ................................................................................. 28 8. Power of the Truth ................................................................... 29 9. Diluted Truth ............................................................................. 30 Transformation............................................................................... 31 10. Fruit of the Flesh .................................................................... 32 11. Fruit of the Spirit ................................................................... 33 12. Procrastination ...................................................................... 34 13. Goal Setting ............................................................................ 35 14. Time Management ................................................................ 36 15. Priority ..................................................................................... 37 16. Systematic Action .................................................................. 38 17. Kaizen...................................................................................... 39 18. Deadlines ................................................................................ 40 19. Rewarding Effort .................................................................... 41

20. Accountability ......................................................................... 42 21. Scrutiny ................................................................................... 43 22. Commitment ........................................................................... 44 23. Follow Through ....................................................................... 45 24. Challenge ................................................................................ 46 25. Partnering ............................................................................... 47 26. Forgiveness ............................................................................ 48 27. Decisiveness .......................................................................... 49 28. Thoughts ................................................................................. 50 29. Personality .............................................................................. 52 30. Positive Thinking .................................................................. 53 31. Circumstances ...................................................................... 54 32. Positive Attitude .................................................................... 55 33. Thought Patterns .................................................................. 56 34. God Centered ....................................................................... 57 35. Faith in God ........................................................................... 58 36. Self-Esteem ............................................................................ 59 37. Powerful Thoughts ................................................................ 60 38. Spiritual Guidance ................................................................. 61 39. Meditation ............................................................................... 62 40. Reflection ................................................................................ 63 41. Word Power ............................................................................ 64 42. Mind Guarding ....................................................................... 65

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Stewardship.................................................................................... 66 43. Ownership ............................................................................... 67 44. Redeeming Blood .................................................................. 68 45. Right Hand of God................................................................. 69 46. Sowing ..................................................................................... 70 47. Reaping ................................................................................... 71 48. An Acceptable Gift................................................................. 72 49. Generosity .............................................................................. 73 50. First Fruits ............................................................................... 74 51. Submission ............................................................................. 75 52. Guidance................................................................................. 76 53. Providing ................................................................................. 77 54. Family ...................................................................................... 78 55. Church ..................................................................................... 79 56. Underprivileged ...................................................................... 80 57. Time ......................................................................................... 81 58. Talent....................................................................................... 82 59. Treasure .................................................................................. 83 60. Gifts.......................................................................................... 84 61. Faithful Steward .................................................................... 85 62. Responsibility ......................................................................... 86 63. Abundance ............................................................................. 87 64. Accepting ................................................................................ 88

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Self Control..................................................................................... 89 65. Listening................................................................................. 90 66. Speaking ................................................................................. 91 67. Anger ....................................................................................... 92 68. Patience .................................................................................. 93 69. Timing ...................................................................................... 94 70. Seasons .................................................................................. 95 71. Meditate .................................................................................. 96 72. Stick to It ................................................................................. 97 73. Prayer ...................................................................................... 98 74. Godâ€&#x;s Promises...................................................................... 99 75. Purpose ................................................................................. 100 76. Will Power ............................................................................ 101 77. Emotions ............................................................................... 102 78. The Seed of Action .............................................................. 103 79. Desires .................................................................................. 104 80. Actions................................................................................... 105 81. Contentment ........................................................................ 106 82. Strength................................................................................. 107 83. Courage ................................................................................ 108 84. Grace ...................................................................................... 109 85. Praise .................................................................................... 110 Coping ........................................................................................... 111

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86. Challenge .............................................................................. 112 87. Trouble .................................................................................. 113 88. Death .................................................................................... 114 89. Pruning .................................................................................. 115 90. Flexibility ............................................................................... 116 91. Hope ...................................................................................... 117 92. Instruction ............................................................................. 118 Balance ......................................................................................... 119 93. Guard Your Mind ................................................................. 120 94. Spirit....................................................................................... 121 95. Mind ....................................................................................... 122 96. Body....................................................................................... 123 97. Quiet Time ............................................................................ 124 98. Joy.......................................................................................... 125 99. Fasting................................................................................... 126 100. Types of Fasts ................................................................... 127 101. Choice ................................................................................ 128 102. Self-Care............................................................................. 129 Wellness ....................................................................................... 130 103. Stress .................................................................................. 131 104. Worry ................................................................................... 132 105. Guilt ..................................................................................... 133 106. Prayer .................................................................................. 134

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107. Faith..................................................................................... 135 108. Humor.................................................................................. 136 109. Peace .................................................................................. 137 110. Words of Life ...................................................................... 138 111. Letting Go ........................................................................... 139 112. Prevention .......................................................................... 140 113. Nutrition............................................................................... 141 114. Portion Control ................................................................... 142 115. Doctorâ€&#x;s Visits .................................................................... 143 Vision............................................................................................. 144 116. Imagination ......................................................................... 145 117. Creative Power .................................................................. 146 118. Prophetic Sight .................................................................. 147 119. Write the Vision ................................................................. 148 120. Clarify Vision ...................................................................... 149 121. Planning .............................................................................. 150 122. Destiny ................................................................................ 151 123. Ultimate Purpose ............................................................... 152 124. Love ...................................................................................... 153 125. Blessings ............................................................................ 154 126. Your Guide ......................................................................... 155 127. Faithfulness ......................................................................... 156 128. Dreams................................................................................ 157

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129. Rekindle Dreams ................................................................ 158 130. Treasures............................................................................ 159 131. Courage .............................................................................. 160 132. Testing ................................................................................ 161 133. Visualization ........................................................................ 162 134. Distractions .......................................................................... 163 Teamwork ..................................................................................... 164 135. United .................................................................................. 165 136. Alliances.............................................................................. 166 137. Wise Counsel ..................................................................... 167 138. Mentoring ............................................................................ 168 139. Prayer Partnership ............................................................ 169 140. Intercession ........................................................................ 170 141. Move Mountains ................................................................ 171 142. Friendships ......................................................................... 172 143. Godâ€&#x;s Friend....................................................................... 173 144. Synergy ............................................................................... 174 145. Roles & Resources ........................................................... 175 Leadership .................................................................................... 176 146. Empowering The Team .................................................... 177 147. Excellence .......................................................................... 178 148. Decision Making ................................................................ 179 149. Clarity .................................................................................. 180

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150. Optimal Performance ........................................................ 181 151. Core Values ....................................................................... 182 152. Team Members................................................................... 183 153. Resolve Conflicts............................................................... 184 154. Communication .................................................................. 185 155. Problem Solving ................................................................ 186 156. Challenges ......................................................................... 187 157. Hearing From God ............................................................ 188 158. Accepting The Call ............................................................ 189 159. Mission ................................................................................ 190 160. Focused .............................................................................. 191 161. Above & Beyond ................................................................ 192 162. Opportunities ...................................................................... 193 163. Developing Skills ............................................................... 194 164. Start Small .......................................................................... 195 165. Practice ............................................................................... 196 166. Greater Challenge ............................................................. 197 167. Make a Difference ............................................................. 198 168. Personal Best..................................................................... 199 169. Risk Taking......................................................................... 200 170. Decisiveness ...................................................................... 201 171. Effectiveness ...................................................................... 202 172. Choose The Best ............................................................. 203

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173. Serving ............................................................................... 204 174. Inspiring .............................................................................. 205 175. Delegating ......................................................................... 206 176. Continuity ............................................................................ 207 Attainment .................................................................................... 208 177. Progress.............................................................................. 209 178. Goal Attainment Cycle ...................................................... 210 179. Identification ....................................................................... 211 180. Action .................................................................................. 212 181. Review ................................................................................ 213 182. Resources .......................................................................... 214 183. Assistance .......................................................................... 215 184. Boundaries ......................................................................... 216 185. Correction ........................................................................... 217 186. Time Management ............................................................. 218 187. Fear ...................................................................................... 219 188. Change ............................................................................... 220 189. Ridicule ............................................................................... 221 190. Rejection ............................................................................. 222 191. Lack of Skill ........................................................................ 223 192. Attainment .......................................................................... 224 193. Internalization..................................................................... 225 194. Flexibility ............................................................................. 226

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195. Balance ............................................................................... 227 196. Laser-Focus ....................................................................... 228 197. Persistence......................................................................... 229 198. Vicarious learning .............................................................. 230 199. Affirmations ........................................................................ 231 About the Author ......................................................................... 233

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1. CREATOR God I praise Your holy and magnificent name. You are worthy of all the praise, honor, and glory. You are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. You are high and lifted up. I confess that I am weak and I need Your strength to work on my behalf. I confess that I‟ve been trying to do things in my own strength and that I need You to fight my battles. I know that all the power I need for daily living starts and ends with You. I know that without You I am nothing and I can do nothing. Father, fill me with Your power so that I can change those behaviors that are not pleasing to You. Thank You for always being there for me. Thank You for being present when I didn‟t even realize Your power at work on my behalf. Thank You for protecting me and holding me in Your arms. Thank You for keeping the force that desires to destroy me at bay. Thank You for fortifying my weaknesses. For Christ‟s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.1 Let Your power flow through me as I embrace my purpose. Fill me up to overflowing so that even my language reflects Your power. Allow me to internalize the power that comes from You. Allow me to walk and not faint.2 Allow me to turn to You for care and support when I‟m weak. Give me the power to do Your will. Guard my heart and my tongue so that I‟m strengthened to follow through on my Godgiven mission. In Jesus Name, Amen

1 2

2 Corinthians 12:10 Isaiah 40:31 22

2. SAVIOR My Savior, I praise You and I adore You. Lord, You saved me from destruction. When Satan came to kill my dreams, destroy my hope and steal my purpose, You laid down Your life to stop him in his tracks. I praise You for taking on human flesh and coming to Earth to ensure my reconciliation to You. I confess that I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. 3 I understand that I am lost without You. I need You to be Lord over my life. Forgive me for my sins of commission as well as sins of omission. Thank You for executing the plan to reconcile me back to You. Thank You that I am Your child and an heir of God and co-heir with Christ because I share in his suffering in order that I may also share in his glory. 4 I think about all the agony and pain that Christ suffered on my behalf, and I‟m thankful that He isn‟t like other humans who would not be willing to sacrifice anything let alone their lives. Thank You for saving my life because I know that the wages of sin is death.5 I ask that You help me to live my life in a way that pleases You. I want to live the way that You desire for me to live – serving those people You‟ve assigned to me and lining up my will to Yours so that I will be successful in Your sight. In Jesus Name, Amen

Romans 3:23 Romans 8:17 5 Romans 6:23 3 4


3. SACRIFICE O Lord, I praise You for Your sacrifices. I praise You for Your love of mankind. I adore You Lord, because You are the lover of my soul. You laid down Your life willingly so that I may have life and have it more abundantly. When I consider the magnitude of what You did, I sit in awe. I confess that I have taken You and Your sacrificial gift for granted. I go about my daily life so focused on my issues, problems and concerns that I forget that You already died to resolve them. I know that I need to trust You more. Thank You for everything that Youâ€&#x;ve done, the things You are doing and those things yet to come. I know that You have only thoughts of good and not evil for me.6 I know that Your plans are for my prosperity. I Thank You that my purpose was set from the beginning of time and that Your sacrifices made it possible for me to live the way You called me to live. Help me to remember that You already paid it all and that I donâ€&#x;t need to do anything else but trust in You. I pray that You will show me how to benefit from the sacrifices that You already made. As I live out my purpose, I pray that I will use Christ as role model and make the appropriate sacrifices. I desire to relinquish all the things that stop me from moving towards my purpose and embrace You, Your Word and Your ways. In Jesus Name, Amen


Jeremiah 29:11 KJV 24

4. SLAUGHTERED I praise You for Your resolve. When You were taken to the cross like a lamb is sent to be slaughtered, You didn‟t say a word.7 You could have called an army of angels to rescue You, but You didn‟t. I praise You that Your restraint enabled all humankind to be redeemed. I praise You for being humble, meek and mild. I praise You for setting an example of how to be victorious over the enemy. I confess Lord that I haven‟t been as humble as I am called to be. When being attacked, I attack back. I admit that my humanity causes me to seek revenge whenever I am hurt. However, I know that vengeance is Yours and You will repay.8 Allow me to submit to Your will and not my own. Thank You for being there for me. I Thank You that revenge is Yours and not mine. I don‟t have to worry because You fight my battles for me. Thank You for making me a priority and teaching me how to prioritize my life so that You come first. Thank You for laying down Your life and paving a way for me to be successful with the things You‟ve called me to do. Lord, teach me how to be meek without being weak. Show me how to be like You in my quest for my purpose. Instruct me on how to humbly wait on You to manifest it in my life. Show me how to resist the enemy by depending on You to fight my battles. Lead me Lord away from trouble and into the purpose that You promised me. In Jesus name, Amen.

7 8

Isaiah 53:7 Deuteronomy 32:35 25

5. FULFILLED Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who fulfilled His mission by allowing Himself to be crucified on the cross. I praise You because You are all knowing and completely wise. Lord, the plan to reconcile man back to You had to be done by no one else but You. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, You did by sending Your own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. 9 I praise You because You fulfilled the mission of defeating Satan and his legion of followers. I confess that I am scared sometimes. When I think about what my place in this world and the reason I am here, I feel small. I confess that sometimes I let fear stop me from doing what You‟ve called me to do. I repent of all the times when I heard Your voice but I didn‟t listen to the call. Lord, I turn my life over to You completely. Cover me with Your blood so that I am able to walk and not faint. Thank You Lord for setting an example how a mission can be fulfilled. The work that You came to do was so awesome and so important that You laid down Your life for it. Thank You for showing me how vital the work is that You‟ve given me to do. Please give me the strength, courage and sound mind required to do this work. Allow me to stand on the „Solid Rock;‟ never wavering about my commitment to do Your will. I truly want to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”10 In Jesus name, Amen.


Romans 8:3 Matthew 25:23



6. RETURNING Lord God, I praise You for Your promise that Jesus is coming back again. I praise You that when He died that day on the cross, he didn‟t remain dead. I praise You that He got up on the third day just as He promised. And now, He sits at Your right hand. Lord, I praise You that we can count on Him coming back and taking us home with Him. Lord I repent for those times that I‟ve taken my focus off You. I confess that I‟ve gotten distracted and allowed myself to be consumed by my own problems rather than on the call You have on my life. I desire to be focused on doing what You have called me to do until the day You return. Thank You for being patient and kind with me as I figure out and execute the plan You have for my life. Thank You for placing people in my path that will help me discover and live the mission. Thank You for not only the promise of my purpose but also the provision to follow it through. Thank You that no matter how difficult this seems to get that You never leave me or forsake me11 and that You left me a promise of Christ‟s return. Come Lord Jesus. I pray for a deep knowing that I am on the right track and that I am doing exactly what I was put here on this Earth to do. I pray that my efforts will not be in vain. I look forward to Your glorious return. In Jesus name, Amen.


Hebrews 13:5 27

7. THE GUIDE I praise You, God, that You are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I praise You that Your Spirit guides me and directs my path. I praise You that Jesus promised that Your Sprit would guide me to all truth. I praise You that I can depend on Your Spirit to instruct me on what‟s right and wrong for me, as well as, in which direction I should go. I know that I haven‟t always been attuned to Your Spirit. There have been times when I‟ve heard the „Still Small Voice‟ and ignored it. I know that You are constantly there directing me and guiding me but there are times when I am so bogged down with the cares of the world that I just can‟t hear what You are trying to tell me. I repent of my distraction and renew my focus on You. Thank You for never turning away from me; even when I‟ve lost focus. Whenever I return You are there waiting for me with open arms. Thank You for being a lamp at my feet and a light for my path. God without Your direction I would be completely lost - like a child wandering around in the dark. You are my shepherd; I shall not be in want. You make me lie down in green pastures. You lead me beside quite waters. You restore my soul. You guide me in the paths of righteousness for Your name‟s sake.12 Please be patient with me as I lean into You to hear, with clarity, what You‟re trying to tell me. Open my ears, eyes, and heart so that I fully comprehend what You‟re saying to me. Open up my spiritual senses so that I don‟t miss Your guidance towards my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 23:1-3 28

8. POWER OF THE TRUTH I praise You because You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.13 Your son Jesus, is the Way, Truth and Life. You told us in Your Word that the Truth will set us free.14 God I praise You for freedom. I praise You for the liberty that I‟ve come to know because of You and the truth found in Your Word. Lord, I know that I haven‟t always walked according to the truth. I know there are things that I‟ve done in my life that are in direct conflict with Your law. I repent of those completely – once and for all. I release all guilt associated with my actions I proclaim this a new day in which I will walk in the Truth that You‟ve laid out before me. Thank You for guiding me in Your truth and teaching me, for You are God my Savior and my hope is in You all day long.15 Lord, I turn over a new leaf today. Starting with a clean slate, today, I plan to do what You‟ve called me to do. Lord, I ask for Your help as I walk this path. I know that there is no way that I can do this according to my own strength or power. I can‟t do this without Your help, support and guidance. I pray that You will build up my spirit so that I can discern the truth in those around me. Help me avoid those things that have a measure of truth and be able to distinguish whether something is from You or if it is watered down to make it palatable for the masses. Lead me away from things that are not of You and lead me on the path of all truth. In Jesus name, Amen. John 14:6 John 8:32 15 Psalm 25:5 13 14


9. DILUTED TRUTH I praise You O Lord because You are Truth in its purest form. I praise You because there is no truth without You. I praise You Lord because I can count on Your to never change. There is no shadow of turning in You.16 Over 2000 years, the message of Your Truth has remained constant. I praise You because You love me and You want me to be reconciled to You. Your truth, represented in the Holy Scriptures, recounts Your love for me over and over again. Your love is sacrificial, greater than anyone else‟s, inseparable, and perfect.17 Lord, please search my heart and discover anywhere that I‟ve allowed diluted truth to filter in. Show me how I‟ve been compromising. I confess that sometimes I let in the little things because they seem harmless. But understand that it is the little things that get a foot old and them become insidious; at which point it becomes almost impossible to eradicate them. Thank You for showing me when I‟ve been out of line. I praise You for Your Holy Spirit that resides in me. I praise You for the gift of discernment; that feeling that I get that tells me that something is wrong. I praise You for a conscience that lets me know not to step over the line into falsehood and watered down truth. Now Lord, I ask for even more discernment. As I walk towards my purpose, I know that there will be things that come in my path; temptations to make this journey a little easier. Please Lord; help me to distinguish which ones are for me and which ones I need to leave alone. In Jesus name, Amen.

16 17

James 1:17 John 3:16, Romans 5:8, John 15:12-15, Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 4:9-18 30



10. FRUIT OF THE FLESH I praise You for Your goodness and Your mercy. I praise You for blessing me and caring for me. I praise You for loving me even though I‟ve made so many mistakes. I adore You Lord, because You love me unconditionally. I also praise You because You are just and Your desire is for me to be holy. I praise You because You command me to be holy even as You are holy.18 This tells me that it‟s possible to be holy. You wouldn‟t have commanded it if it weren‟t so. Lord I confess that I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. I confess that I have done some things that are not pleasing in Your sight. Lord, I also know that those things have not been hidden from You. I know that no matter where I try to hide You are there with me. So Lord, I don‟t sweep anything under the rug but I can be truly sorry and repent of those deeds; and I do right now. I Thank You for forgiveness. I Thank You for forgiving me of all my sins and teaching me how to forgive others as well as myself for all the infractions that happen on a daily basis. I Thank You that I no longer need to feel ashamed or guilty. Lord, my desire is to be like Christ, holy and pure, in Your sight. I know in order to do that I have to allow Your Holy Spirit to take up residence in my heart. I pray that You will grow up my spirit man. Allow me to become more mature; living the way You‟ve called me to live. Lord, allow me to eliminate all the things that are not like You and those things that are not pleasing in Your sight so that I can step into my purpose with confidence, strength and power to do Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Peter 1:16 32

11. FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT Lord, I adore You. You are my God and my King. Lord You are my Source and my Rock. Lord I praise Your holy and magnificent name. Lord I delight in Your words. I love You and am honored to be called Your child. Lord I confess that I have had thoughts, words and deeds that haven‟t been in line with Your will for my life. There have been times when I haven‟t allowed the spiritual fruit to be evident in my life. I desire to do it Your way not mine and commit to serving You and not my sinful nature. Thank You that I‟m not what I used to be. I continue to improve day by day. I Thank You because I see the transformation taking place in my life. Thank You because some of the things I used to do, the places I used to go and even the thoughts I used to think no longer appeal to me. Thank You for all the spiritual fruit that are manifested in my life. Thank You for all the good in my life and allowing me to attract and reflect this goodness. Thank You for maturing me so that the fruit of the Spirit grows within me. I pray that the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control19 will show up in my life. I want to epitomize these fruits so that others will automatically think of me when these adjectives come to mind. Lord, I know I can‟t do any of this with Your loving help and support so help me be the person You‟ve called me to be. In Jesus name, Amen.


Galatians 5:22 33

12. PROCRASTINATION Heavenly Father, I praise You, honor You and glorify Your holy name. You are Alpha and Omega.20 Lord, Your name is above all names. You are mighty and provide me with weapons that are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. 21 Lord I magnify Your name. Lord, I praise You because I don‟t want any rocks crying out on in my place. Lord, sometimes I feel that I just can‟t seem to get anything done. I‟m not sure why but I put things off. I procrastinate when it comes to doing Your will or taking a step that will get me closer to the vision You‟ve given me. Lord, I know there are many reasons why people procrastinate. I pray for Your forgiveness for not being obedient and taking immediate and sustained action. Thank You for being so compassionate with me. Thank You for always forgiving me. Thank You that I‟m growing and maturing in You. Father I Thank You for the things that I have been able to complete. Thank You for motivating me and inspiring me to do Your will. Father, help me with procrastination as well. Help me to not look back after putting my hand to the plow. Help me to press forward toward the mark. O God, please help me to trust You when the going gets rough. Be my constant light for each step I take. Help me to face change and uncertainty with the confidence that You‟ll never leave me or forsake me. Give me strength to carry out the actions that I‟ve been avoiding. In Jesus name, Amen.

20 21

Revelation 1:8 2 Corinthians 10:4 34

13. GOAL SETTING God You are a Mighty Fortress. You are my refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.22 You are my Rock because You are solid and dependable. You are my Sword because You fight my battles. You are my Shield because You protect me from all hurt harm and danger. God You are all-mighty and all-powerful. God, when You speak things happen; You are truly amazing. Your power is unending and Your abilities are unmatched. I praise You and adore You God. Please forgive me for not always focusing on the plan You have for my life. Forgive me for getting caught up with the worries of this world. I ask that You take away anything that prevents me from being in right relationship with You. Thank You for all the things that You‟ve already done for me in me and through me. The truth is if You didn‟t do one more thing, I would still be able to say that I am abundantly blessed. Thank You for everything I have in my life; whether person place of thing. I‟m truly grateful for everything I. The goals that have been floating around in my head are the visions I know that You have placed there. Father, help me to set a God-centered-purpose-related goal and show me what to do today and the coming weeks, months and years to execute that goal. Lord, help me to keep this goal as my primary focus so that I can execute the plan to bring it to pass. Let everything I do be successful in Your sight. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 46:1 35

14. TIME MANAGEMENT God You are the Great Timekeeper. I know that with You one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day.23 Your powers never cease to amaze me. You are not limited by time nor are You subjected to it. Father You operate outside of the restrictions of time. You are Lord, over time; manipulating it at Your command. I know that the time that You‟ve given me on this earth is not infinite. I know that just like other resources, time is a gift that You‟ve given me stewardship over. I know that I‟ve not always made the best use of my time. I confess that there have been times when I could have been a better steward over this precious resource. Forgive me for being callous in this area. Thank You for blessing me with the amount of time I‟ve been given. Thank You for those things that I have been able to accomplish so far. Most of all, I Thank You for teaching me the importance of living each moment to the fullest so that I will not look back in regret or wonder where all the time has gone. Now God, I ask that You would please make me an excellent steward over the time that You have allotted to me. Please show where I should spend my time and instruct me in the things that will propel me towards my God-given purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Peter 3:8 36

15. PRIORITY God I praise You and magnify You. Lord, I lift up Your holy and precious name. I honor You and glorify You. God You are amazing and there is no one like You and certainly no one who could ever take Your place. I confess, dear God, that there have been times that my priorities haven‟t been in order. I know that I have put things and people ahead of You. I ask for forgiveness for allowing those things to become my god. I confess that I‟ve gotten distracted, that I‟ve been lazy, and that I‟ve taken to easy path; going along with the flow. Forgive me for not making You the center of everything that I do. Thank You for Jesus‟ example in this area. He set priorities even when dealing with his parents. Asking his mother, “…Did You not know that I must be about my Father‟s business?”24 Thank You that I have such a consistent role model in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the times when You were my primary focus and everything else to fall into place with little effort from me. Thank You for the joy of being in relationship with You. Please help me to keep focused as I journey towards my purpose. Help me to prioritize in a way that puts You first while accomplishing everything that You‟ve assigned to me. In Jesus name, Amen.


Luke 2:49 37

16. SYSTEMATIC ACTION God when I think about the creation of this world, I‟m always amazed about how systematic You were. You created it in seven days without missing one detail nor neglecting Your rest. You created order out of chaos and You covered the minutest detail with simply a spoken word. You‟re amazing. I confess that I haven‟t always been systematic in executing the plan. Lord, I confess that sometimes I‟ve been paralyzed, not knowing what to do next. I‟ve been afraid to take the necessary steps to get me to Your plans for my life. I repent because I know that You have not given me a spirit of fear but one of power and love and a sound mind.25 Thank You for being with me when I need You and showing me the way to execute the plan that You have for my life. Thank You for helping me through the fears that are blocking my success. Please continue to hold my hand as I journey towards my purpose and give me a solid plan that I can execute, step-bystep. Allow me to focus on taking each step so that I don‟t get swallowed up in the big picture. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Timothy 1:7 38

17. KAIZEN Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You and magnify You. You are worthy of all the praise and adoration. You have done so many great things. You are a magnificent and awesome God. You are so vast that I can‟t wrap my mind around You. Your goodness is so great, I can‟t contain it. Please forgive me for times when I just gave up because I was too overwhelmed to go on. There have been times that I took no action instead of taking small steps towards the goal. Lord, I know that waiting on You is an activity. While it may look like I‟m doing nothing, I need to actively pursuing You and Your purpose for my life. There have been times when I‟ve lost sight of this. I now know that while I wait on You, I need to get prepared for my purpose. Forgive me for losing sight of what I really need to do with my time, energy and resources. Thank You that I can use the principle of kaizen, small actions, to move forward. Thank You that in doing so, I can overcome the fears that are stopping me from taking action toward my purpose. Thank You for giving me love because I know that the love inside of me will cast out fear26 and allow me to take little steps towards my goal. Show me which small step to take and then show me the step after that until I arrive at my destiny. Guide every step I take, correct me when I‟m wrong and send others to encourage me when I get weary. Allow me execute little actions on a daily basis so that I don‟t get overwhelmed with the big picture. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 John 4:18 39

18. DEADLINES Father, I praise You that all time tables are up to You. You have all things in the palm of Your hand and You have a plan for my life. I praise You that You allow everything to happen in You perfect time and according to Your perfect will. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve been so lackadaisical that I let important deadlines slip. Forgive me for the times when You sent opportunities my way and I let them go by without taking advantage of them. I know that You‟ve called me to do certain things in this world. I don‟t want to miss the opportunity to hear You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”27 I know that if I don‟t take advantage of the things put in my path I run the risk of missing my blessing all together. Thank You for helping me to put structure in place by creating simple things like deadlines; which motivate me to keep moving towards my purpose. Lord, Thank You for every deadline and opportunity that I‟ve met. Please continue to remind me of the benefits of being timely in doing what You‟ve called me to do. Remind me to be like the wise maidens who brought their own to the wedding instead of having to go out and buy some.28 Like these wise maidens allow me to be prepared for my opportunities. In Jesus name, Amen.

27 28

Matthew 25:21 Matthew 25:1-13 40

19. REWARDING EFFORT I praise Your precious and holy name. I praise You for Your goodness, Your grace and Your mercy. I truly love You God because You are my all and all. You are everything to me God. I desire to walk with You and talk with You and be filled up with You Holy Spirit. I confess that there have been times when I have been extremely hard on myself. I have been overly critical of my activity or lack of activity. I have allowed the enemy to invade my thoughts and undermine myself esteem. Instead of focusing on the good, I‟ve put too much emphasis on the things that aren‟t working. Thank You for constantly reminding me that I am a work in progress and that You aren‟t through with me yet. Thank You for my confidence that You have begun a good work in me and will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.29 Thank You for bringing to mind all the things that I have done that have been pleasing in Your sight. I know that as I focus on the good, these things will multiply. I know that my reward is in Heaven. You are such a generous and giving God - You continue to bless me abundantly here on Earth. Show me how to recognize these rewards for my effort and give me ideas on how to reward my own efforts so that I can move towards my purpose with energy and joy. In Jesus name, Amen.


Philippians 1:6 41

20. ACCOUNTABILITY Heavenly Father, I love You. I adore You because You first loved me. You loved me so much that You are always there for me. Thant‟s why I have confidence that I can always count on You. You promised to never leave me or forsake me30 and I know I can count on You to keep Your word. Your promises don‟t change and Your word that goes out of Your mouth doesn‟t return void but it accomplishes what You please, and it prospers the thing where You send it.31 Forgive me for not keeping my word. Please forgive me for the promises that I‟ve made to You that I‟ve discarded. Forgive me for the times I„ve made commitments to others and then didn‟t follow through. I repent of that because I desire to be a reflection of You. I want my actions to draw people closer to You. I want my words to line up with my deeds. Thank You for renewing my mind and transforming me in this area. I desire to be just like Christ; always living up to the promises He made no matter how difficult. He could have come down from the cross but He was accountable to the end. Thank You for Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever.32 Show me how to be accountable in everything. Instruct me how to be careful to make only those promises that line up with Your purpose for my life. This means that I must get good at saying no to all distractions that take me off course. In Jesus name, Amen.

Hebrews 13:5 Isaiah 55:11 32 Hebrews 13:8 30 31


21. SCRUTINY Dear Heavenly Father, I praise and magnify You. You are holy and worthy of all my praise. You are El Roi – God of Seeing;33 You knew me even in my mother‟s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.34 I confess that sometimes I come up short under the light of scrutiny. At times I get lazy and try to take short cuts or even worse give up or slack off. But God I desire for my work to hold up under scrutiny because I know that as Your ambassador, I am a reflection of You. I don‟t want deter anyone from serving You with their whole hearts. Thank You for Your favor. I know that everything I have comes directly from You and is due to Your unmerited grace. I understand that I couldn‟t be good enough, clean enough or right enough for me to deserve the blessings You given me. I am truly grateful and don‟t take one of them for granted. My desire is to do better than I‟ve done in the past and to serve You with my whole heart. I want to pursue my purpose with dogged determination and do exactly what You‟ve calling me to do. Give me a fresh revelation so that I will walk in Your will and ways. I know that everything that I do will be under scrutiny, therefore allow me to always do my best and to rely on You for the results. Remind me that I can‟t do anything on my own power but with Your power I can do everything well. In Jesus name, Amen.

33 34

Genesis 16:13 Psalm 139:14 43

22. COMMITMENT God of all grace, You are El-Olam – Everlasting God. 35 I know that You are always there. You surround me with Your presence. You are the footprint that carries me when I can‟t go on. I praise You because I know that I can totally and completely trust You. Father, forgive me for the times when I haven‟t met my commitments. Forgive me for the times when people were counting on me and I let them down. But most of all forgive me for the times when I broke my commitment to You. Father also allow me to forgive others when they have disappointed me. Because Your word tells me to bear with others and forgive whatever grievances I have against them. So Father, allow me to forgive as You forgave me.36 Thank You for allowing me the opportunity to make up for past mistakes. Thank You for giving me a second and sometimes a third and fourth chance. Thank You for maturing me to the point where my commitments are of utmost important. God please give me more opportunity to do Your will. Allow me to be an example to someone who is still trying to find their way. God, show me how to be more and more committed to my purpose as each day goes by. Let me be consistent and reliable when it comes to doing Your will to bless Your people. I truly need You by me to guide me. I know that sometimes I can be week so I stretch my hands to You to lead me and guide me. In Jesus name, Amen.

35 36

Psalm 90:1-3 Colossians 3:13 44

23. FOLLOW THROUGH Dear Heavenly Father, I am in awe of You. You are my salvation and my glory. You are the rock of my strength. My refuge is in You.37 God You mean everything to me. Without You I can‟t even begin to think of where I would be. I would be totally lost. I praise You because You enable me to go on and to accomplish the things that You‟re calling me to do. God, I confess that there have been times that I neglected to follow through to the end. I know that Your Son Jesus Christ was the best example of following something through; even when it is difficult. I know that anyone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for Your Kingdom.38 Allow me to keep pressing forward in doing Your will. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me – no matter how difficult it gets. Thank You for allowing me to stand in the face of difficulty and to walk without getting weary. Thank You for caring and ensuring that my needs are met. Thank You for giving me opportunities to follow through on my commitments and the things that You‟ve called me to do. I pray that You will fill me up now with Your power so that I can follow through on everything that I start. I need Your strength and the guidance of Holy Spirit in order to do Your will. Show me how to be like Jesus in everything I do. Show me how to follow through on everything I‟m responsible for so that my purpose will be fulfilled and my mission will be accomplished. In Jesus name, Amen.

37 38

Psalm 62.7 KJV Luke 9:62 45

24. CHALLENGE Heavenly Father, my God and King You are a shield for me. You are my glory. You are the lifter up of my head.39 God, life gets truly challenging sometimes and I‟m not sure how I am going to make it. Sometimes, I procrastinate or am tempted to give up all together. Sometimes, I‟m just simply afraid to move forward and take on the challenge that lies before me. Forgive me for the times that I‟ve hesitated to do Your will. Thank You for sending me the challenges because I know that they have opportunity wrapped up in them. Thank You for the times that I didn‟t turn away but met the challenge head on. Those times have propelled me toward my purpose and my life hasn‟t been the same. God, now I ask for You to give me the motivation and strength to take on my current challenge. Please anoint me for my purpose and never let me forget that You chose me to do Your will and that greater is He that is within me than He that is in the world. 40 Make me fit for my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

39 40

Psalm 3:3 KJV 1 John 4: 46

25. PARTNERING Father God in Heaven, I praise and magnify Your holy and precious name. God You are so awesome. You hide me in the shelter of Your tabernacle and You set me high upon a rock.41 I know there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.42 Forgive me for the times when I wasn‟t the best partner, for the times when I didn‟t pull my weight, or where I had an adverse impact on a relationship. Forgive me for not acting like the child-of-God that You created me to be. You know my heart and I know that I can hide nothing from You. Thank You for the relationships that I‟ve had both good and bad because they enabled me to grow. I especially Thank You for those relationships where I‟ve been a blessing to someone else or caused someone else to get closer to You. I know there are still areas that need to come in alignment with You. Father, please bring those things to my consciousness and give me a solid plan to get in alignment with Your desire for me. God, I want to be in a relationship with others so that we can be partners in building Your kingdom. Show me how to attract the appropriate people so that we can be instrumental in doing Your will for the edification of Your people and the carrying out of my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

41 42

Psalm 27:5 KJV Romans 8:1 47

26. FORGIVENESS Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your holiness. I adore You because You are worthy of worship and adoration. I praise You Lord because You are able to make all grace – unmerited favor – abound towards me.43 Without Your favor, I would have nothing. So I give You all the honor, glory and praise. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness for all the things that I‟ve done that have not been pleasing in Your sight. I especially ask You to remind me of those places where I haven‟t truly forgiven someone else. Show me where I‟m still holding a grudge so that I can truly line up with Your will in this area. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that I can truly be forgiven of all my sins. Thank You for allowing me to have an open and forgiving heart concerning those who have abused, harmed, or mistreated me in anyway. Thank You for continuing to mature me in this area. God, I pray for Your strength so that I can be quicker to forgive. Eliminate from me the need to mull over the infraction against me but instead to pray for the other person because they haven‟t come to the level of spiritual maturity that You desire for them. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV 48

27. DECISIVENESS Heavenly Father, my soul trusts in You; yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I make my refuge.44 O God, I know that You are my helper and that You work within me. I praise You for propping me up on every side so that I have the strength to make the tough decisions. Lord, please forgive me for those times when I heard the call but hesitated to act. Forgive me for not making tough decisions on a timely basis. Forgive me for not taking risks especially when I know what Iâ€&#x;m called to do. Thank You for giving me opportunity after opportunity to do Your will. Thank You for blessing me with options from which I can make selections. Thank You for showing me that every dead end has a secret passage; a way of escape. Allow me now to be decisive. Please give me the strength and courage to make sound decisions and to follow through with decisive action. Allow me to complete what I start and only focus on those things that are inside of Your will and in line with my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 57:1 49

28. THOUGHTS Father God, I praise You because I know with You nothing shall be impossible.45 God I know that Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts and Your ways are higher than my ways. I confess that I my thoughts have not always been pure. Sometimes I have trouble bringing my thoughts under submission to Christ. I confess that I have let things wander into my mind uncensored and unchecked. Thank You for arresting those thoughts that are holding me back from reaching my full potential. Thank You for destroying those thoughts that are poisoning my mind, body, and spirit. Thank You for allowing me to think positively more and more often. If I do have any negative thoughts, please let me cancel them out by flooding my mind with positive ones. Father God, I pray that You would help me to have good thought towards, You, others and myself. I especially ask for Your help to speak health and life to my situation. Lord, I ask for Your power to think about success not failure; about life not death; about wealth not poverty. Guard my mind so that I can achieve all that Youâ€&#x;ve called me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Luke 1:37 50



29. PERSONALITY God I praise You because You restore my soul: You lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name‟s sake.46 God You are always there for me. You know me inside and out. Nothing about me is hidden from You. Please forgive me for the times when I haven‟t been as nice as I ought to be. I know there have been times when I didn‟t show kindness to others. There have been times when I‟ve neglected other people. God I repent for those times when I wasn‟t generous, warm, and giving. Thank You for blessing me in spite of my short comings. Thank You for understanding and supportive family, friends and associates. Thank You for allowing me to grow each day into the Child of God that You‟ve called me to be. Please give me a pleasing personality. I know that much of what needs to be accomplished in this world can‟t be done without developing good relationships. I know that I need to enhance my personality in such a way that I can influence and inspire others to follow the vision that You‟ve given me. Help me to reign in the negative aspects of my personality and to leverage the aspects of my character that are pleasing to You and others. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 23:3 52

30. POSITIVE THINKING Father God, I praise You for knowing the thoughts that You have towards me. I praise You that Your thoughts are of good and not evil. I praise You that You plan to give me a hope and a future.47 Please forgive me for every negative an idle thought that Iâ€&#x;ve allowed to cross my mind. I know that the more I dwell on the negative, the more negative my life will be come. Forgive me for not always seeing the glass as half filled and for letting the negative have any place in my life. Thank You O God, for sending so many positive role models into mile. I Thank You for those models have passed on as well as those that are still alive. I specifically Thank You for Christ because it is through Him that I learned that I must have faith in order for the positive things to manifest in my life. Thank You for bringing me to my purpose. Thank You for preparing it for me and allowing me to walk towards it until I comfortably step into it. This world if filled with so many negative reports. If I watch the news programs, all I hear about is death and destruction. Even though I know these things are going on around me, I want to be able to focus on all the good things that are going on. In Jesus name, Amen.


Jeremiah 29:11 53

31. CIRCUMSTANCES Father, I praise Your holy and magnificent name because You are an ever present help in time of trouble. I praise You that no matter what my circumstances appear to be, You have the power to transform them and to bring me through. Father, please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Lord, I know that some of the circumstances that come in to my life are self generated and others are an attack from Satan. Please forgive me for those times when I have been disobedient or stepped outside of Your will. Lord, when my circumstance is a result of chastisement, allow me to learn from the lesson with a repentant heart. Thank You for protecting me especially during those times when the circumstances are as a result of an attack or something totally outside of my control. Thank You for the blood of Jesus poured out for me which protects me from all evil. Thank You for walking with me through difficult situations and allowing me to mature in the process Lord, I pray that You will use my current circumstance to bring me that much closer to my vision and the purpose that You have for my life. I pray that nothing hinders me from doing Your will and accomplishing what Youâ€&#x;ve created me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


32. POSITIVE ATTITUDE When I think about the attitude that Your Son, Jesus, had as He hung on the cross, I can only praise You and magnify You all the more. He endured insults and torture yet He never said a word. I praise You for this example of having a positive attitude. I also am in awe when I read about the saints of old who kept appositive attitude even when the situation looked bleak. I praise You for Joshua and Caleb who brought back a good report even though their counterparts were victims of the negativity that they saw around them. Please forgive me for those times when Iâ€&#x;ve had a negative attitude. Forgive me for complaining about the things that I donâ€&#x;t have when I have so much to be grateful for. Forgive me for taking You for granted. God, I Thank You that You are developing me daily. Thank You for the tests that come my way that force me to check my attitude. Thank You for giving me opportunity after opportunity to mature in this area. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that dwells in me and guides me and reminds me to stay positive Father, I pray for Your help and power in this area of my life. I especially pray that You will insulate me from negative people and that You will allow me to eradicate them from my life. I pray that each and every time I am tempted to be negative that You will allow me to annihilate that spirit within me and replace it with the fruit of the spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.


33. THOUGHT PATTERNS Heavenly Father, I praise You and magnify You. God, I lift up Your holy name. Lord, I praise You because You‟re worthy of the praise. God I praise You because You simply have to think something and it can be manifested. God, I repent for some of the patterns of thoughts that I‟ve developed over the years. I know that I‟ve developed some of these patterns from association with others. I also acknowledge that I‟ve developed some by looking for the negative to show up. Please forgive me for allowing negativity to enter my mind and take up even the smallest amount of space. Thank You for sending positive people into my life. Thank You for making me conscious of the patterns as they‟re developing so that I can turn them around. Thank You for making me conscious of every negative pattern and showing me how to focus my thoughts on more uplifting and inspiring things. I know that I can count on You to revitalize my thoughts and give me new productive patterns. Please strengthen me in this area because I understand that everything that I focus on and allow to be ingrained into my mind will manifest itself in the physical realm. Therefore, God allow me to think only positive thoughts about my future and my purpose so I get in the habit of developing positive thought patterns. In Jesus name, Amen.


34. GOD CENTERED Dear Heavenly Father, You are awesome. I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I praise You for the power of the Trinity. I praise You for Creation, Salvation and Guidance for daily living. God I desire to have You at the center of my life, however, I know that I often let the cares of this world interfere with my focus. I desire to put You first in everything I do, but sometimes I get distracted. I desire to consult You on every decision and yet sometimes I jump the gun. Please forgive me for not saying, doing and being the way You designed me to be. Thank You for the Trinity that is available for every situation in my life. Thank You for being a loving Father, a brother that gives His life for me and a Friend to walk with me and guide me through the maze of life. God please allow me to yield to You in every aspect of my life. I want You to be the center of my joy. I want everything I do to have You as the primary focus. Teach me how to consult with You on a regular basis so that I will be in alignment. Show me how to keep my focus on You always. Help me to make my decisions based on Your guidance, to ensure that my purpose is firmly rooted in You, and to seek You in every action I take towards accomplishing my purpose. Help me to keep You central in everything I do; never forgetting that my help comes from You. In Jesus name, Amen.


35. FAITH IN GOD Father I praise You for Your faithfulness. I praise You that I can always count on You. I praise You for everything You‟ve already done that shows me how much I can rely on You. I praise You for getting me out of every sticky situation and I praise You for putting me in situations that prove that I have Your favor on my life. Please forgive me for the times when I doubted You. I repent for the times when my language didn‟t line up with the things that I believe. I know that miracles can‟t work where there is a lack of faith so I repent for even the slightest amount of unbelief that I‟ve allowed to enter into my heart. Thank You God that each day I grow stronger in You. Thank You for constantly reminding me that all I need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Thank You that a little faith mixed with Your inability to fail always yields a rich reward. I pray now O God that You will increase my faith for this purpose. I believe with all my heart that You‟ve called me to this task and I won‟t stop until it has been completed. I pray for ever increasing faith. I pray for mountain moving faith. I pray for opportunities to show others what can be done with the measure of faith that You‟ve blessed me with. I declare today that I will not doubt Your word or Your promise and that I will walk by faith and not by sight. In Jesus name, Amen.


36. SELF-ESTEEM Father, I praise You. You are high and lifted up. I praise You because You are merciful. I praise You because You created me. I praise You because You are worthy of the praise. Please cast my sins away from me as far as the East is from the West. Forgive me so that my prayers will ascend to Your throne. Father, clear the path so that my petition to You will be unhindered. Show me where I‟ve fallen short so that I can be the Child of God You‟ve called me to be. Thank You for giving me confidence to live the life You‟ve called me to live. Thank You for being with me especially when I‟ve been afraid to walk in the power that You‟ve granted me. Thank You for carrying me during the times when I didn‟t think I could make it. Thank You for being my constant companion when I‟ve been afraid. Increase my confidence in You which will translate into increased confidence in every aspect of my life. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. 48With that sound mind, I pray that I will be able to go after my purpose in a manner that will allow me to execute with excellence and never quit no matter how difficult it gets. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) 59

37. POWERFUL THOUGHTS Heavenly Father, my hope and trust is in You. You are everything to me. God, without You I know that I can‟t do anything. I depend on You for the very air I breathe. God, please forgive me for not standing in the power You‟ve given me. Forgive me for not using the power of thought that You‟ve given me to manifest my destiny. Forgive me for procrastinating or being lazy when it comes to thinking about the things that are aligned with my purpose. Thank You, God, for giving me the ability to think. Thank You for allowing me to have a sound mind. Thank You for keeping me to be in my right mind so that I can make good choices and sound decisions. Thank You for the power of thought so that I can come up with unique strategies for accomplishing the work that You have given me to do. Father, please clear my mind of all the things that are stopping me from doing Your will. Allow me to have laser focus on the achievement of my purpose. Allow my thoughts to be powerful. Please let me see the manifestation of my positive thoughts and allow powerful positive thinking to become a habit that I take with me my whole life. In Jesus name, Amen.


38. SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE Heavenly Father, You are so awesome. You‟re mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. God You are my help and my strength. My hope is in You. Father I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. I have not loved with my whole heart. I‟ve not curbed my speech or checked my thoughts. I desire to change and repent of every thought, word or deed that was offensive to You. Forgive me for ever thinking that I was doing anything of my own strength or power. Thank You, God, for giving me a chance to get things right. Each and every day, I realize that I have another day to move with determination towards my purpose. Thank You for making the way clear. Thank You for paving my path with solid rock. Thank You for allowing me to stand firmly on You. Father, please allow You Holy Spirit to dwell with me and never leave me. I know without Your direction, I will get lost. I need You every hour. There is not a minute that goes by that I can make it without Your help. I need Your constant guiding hand to lead me on the righteous path that leads to my purpose. I want to do everything I was created to do and I know that I can‟t do any of it without You ever present help. God I need You to walk with me, talk with me, and hold my hand. I need to lose myself in You and let You work everything out to Your glory and for my good. In Jesus name, Amen.


39. MEDITATION Father You are my rock and my fortress. I know that whenever I need You are available to m. I praise You because You never turn Your back on me. I praise You because I can meditate on You goodness and Your mercy. I praise You because You first loved me and showed me how to love others as well as myself. Please forgive me for neglecting my prayer and meditation time. Please forgive me for being inconsistent and lazy when it comes to communing with You. Forgive me for not meditating on Your word as often as I could. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to spend time with You. Thank You for filling my life up with Your presence. Thank You for being my God. Thank You for selecting me to be Your child. Thank You for saving my life. Heavenly Father, teach me how to meditate on You and You word so that I come to a full understanding about how You want me to live. Lord, allow me to remember to mediate on You while I wait for You to fulfill the plans that You have for me. Please surround me with others who love You and desire to do Your will. Help me to meditate on Your promises and to trust Your word to bring all my desires for my purpose to me. I meditate on You promises and know that waiting on You has such sweet rewards. In Jesus name, Amen.


40. REFLECTION Dear God in Heaven, I praise You for You goodness, mercy, kindness and generosity towards me. I praise You that withal the things that You could be occupied with, You think enough of me as Your child to see to my needs. I praise You because You have infinite intelligence and no one can take anything away from You. Lord I ask for You forgiveness for not only missing the target but for the times that I didn‟t even try. Lord, I want to be a reflection of Jesus Christ. I understand that everything I do is a reflection of You and that others will be harmed in the faith if I abuse my position. Forgive me for not being friendly and courteous those times when I was having a bad day. Help me to remember You that You restore my joy. Thank You for Your goodness in my life. When I reflect back over all the things that You‟ve done, the only conclusion that I can draw is that I‟m truly blessed. Thank You for always making a way for me. Thank You for being there when I needed a friend, a shoulder, support or provision. God I pray that You will help me make an honest assessment of what I‟m reflecting in the world. If it doesn‟t line up with You, God help me to change in such a way that I bring glory to You and be equipped to fulfill my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


41. WORD POWER I praise You O God because Your word has power. I praise You because You word doesn‟t return void but accomplishes everything You send it to do. I praise You because the power of life and death are in the tongue. I know that the words that I speak have the power to heal or harm so I‟m remorseful about every idle word that I have spoken. Forgive me of speaking sickness, pain and disaster into my life or anyone else‟s. Forgive me for the little things I say that slip in and cause significant damage. Thank You, God, for everything You‟ve done for me. Thank You for proving to me that with faith I can have anything and do anything that I desire. Thank You that faith is shown through the power of the spoken word. Thank You for reminding me what a powerful tool I have when I mix my faith with my language. Thank You for allowing me to talk with confidence and power. God please make me conscious of everything I say – even those things spoken jokingly. I want my life to be rich and full and focused. I want to live my purpose to the fullest. I desire to only speak powerful positive words over my life and to cancel any negative words that I‟ve ever spoken. Keep me aware of the words that come out of my mouth so that I can live a life that is healthy happy and whole. In Jesus name, Amen.


42. MIND GUARDING Father God in Heaven, I praise You for waking me up and allowing me to be in my right mind. So many things could have happened or conspired to stop me from performing with all my faculties. I praise You for protecting me and caring for me. Father, forgive me for anything that I‟ve done that would cause to be off track and to have my mind infiltrated by the enemy. Forgive me for times when I didn‟t have my mind stayed on You. Thank You for taking care of my mind. Thank You for blessing me with a heart, soul and spirit that desires to do You will. Thank You for taking care of me especially those times that I was confused enough to think that I didn‟t need it. Pease show me how to protect my mind against the forces of the evil one. Help me to be more selective in what I read, watch and listen to. Help me to be more selective about my associates, friends, and inner circle. Teach me how to have a discerning spirit so that I don‟t allow anyone to infiltrate my circle with negativity. Help me to guard my mind from people, places and things that would distract me from the purpose and make it impossible to do Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.




43. OWNERSHIP Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are creator and designer of all that I see. God, ultimately You own everything that I have. I am merely a steward over the things in my possession. God forgive me for the times when I did not take good care of the things that You‟ve placed under my control, for not realizing that I have all the power that You‟ve blessed me with, and for misusing my power or being disobedient to Your guidance. Thank You for all the material, emotional and spiritual blessings that I enjoy. Thanks for allowing me to speak and to manifest positive things in my life. Thank You for showing me that You have infinite supply and that You can easily meet each and every demand. God, I pray that You will help me to be a good steward over everything that You‟ve blessed me with. I pray for a positive mental attitude and good habits that will make me a success in living my purpose. Lord please help me to remember that all good and perfect gifts come from above.49 And it‟s Your pleasure to give me the Kingdom.50 In Jesus name, Amen.

49 50

James 1:17 Luke 12:32 67

44. REDEEMING BLOOD Father God, I praise You for Jesus Christ who shed His blood for my redemption. I praise You for Your plan to reconcile me back to You. I praise You that through this shed blood, we don‟t have to worry about the challenges, sicknesses and woes of this world. You‟ve already paid the price for our salvation. Father, forgive me for forgetting my rightful place as an heir to Your kingdom. Forgive me for not always acting like a joint heir with Christ. Forgive me for anything that I‟ve done that has caused You to turn Your face away. I know that my righteousness is as filthy rags.51 That‟s why I‟m so blessed that I don‟t have to stand in my own power. Thank You for all You‟ve done and continue to do for me. Thank You for directing my path and helping me to stay on the straight and narrow. Thank You for helping me to work out my salvation with fear and trembling.52 Thank You for helping me live a life worthy of the calling. Father, I pray for strength for the journey. I pray that my thoughts and my actions line up with Your will. I ask for Your strength and power to stay the course so that I reach the place of purpose You created for me. In Jesus name, Amen.

51 52

Isaiah 64:4-9 Philippians 2:12 68

45. RIGHT HAND OF GOD Father, I praise Your holy and magnificent name because You are God most high. God You are incredible, awesome, wonderful and invincible. God there is nothing that can stand against You. God Your right hand directs and guides me. Heavenly Father, please forgive me for not accepting Your direction and getting off track because I chose to do things my way. Forgive me for not walking the straight and narrow path that leads to my purpose. Forgive me for getting distracted in the middle of the journey. Thank You for the times that You reached out Your hand of guidance to get me back on track. Thank You for always protecting me even when I was out of place because of my selfish rebellion. Father, now I ask that You will continue to strengthen me, help me, and uphold me with Your righteous right hand.53 Please help me keep focused on those things that You have designed for my life and steer me away from anything that is detrimental to my purpose. Provide me with the resources to bring the vision into manifest reality. I know that I canâ€&#x;t do anything without Your help. In Jesus name, Amen.


Isaiah 41:10 69

46. SOWING Great Jehovah, You are everything to me. You are my source and my strength. You are Jehovah Jireh – my provider.54 You are always making a way for me. I praise You because I don‟t have to worry about anything. I praise You for Your law of sowing and reaping. I praise You because Your word stands firms and Your laws stand true. Father, I confess that I have been challenged in this area. I know that there are areas where I can give even more. I now that I need to sow the things that I expect to reap and while this principle works with material things such as money and possessions, it also works with the way that I‟ve treated people and the ways I‟ve conducted my affairs. Forgive me for sowing the negative things that I‟m reaping today. Thank You for the positive things that I have sown. Thank You for convicting me and allowing me to see when I was off course. Thank You for my purpose and my deep desire to fulfill it. Thank You for being there when I stumbled and picking me up when I fell. Show me what to sow and reap a rich reward. Teach me how to sow love and harmony with my purpose and to eliminate all the things that are not uplifting or edifying to the people who are designated to benefit from the work You‟ve given me to do. Show me how to sow into their lives so that there will be a great harvest. Let me not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I do not give up.55 In Jesus name, Amen.

54 55

Genesis 22:14 Galatians 6:9 70

47. REAPING Father God, I praise You for Your laws. The law of sowing and reaping cannot fail. Like Your Word, it will never pass away. I praise You because I know that it‟s time to reap all the blessings that You have in store for me. Father, forgive me for not trusting You. Sometimes it seems like I‟ve been waiting for a long time for the promise to be manifested. Lord, there have been times when I‟ve doubted or when my resolve has waned. God, I know that I‟ve been frustrated when it seemed like the promise was taking too long to come to pass. Lord, forgive me for putting my hand to the plow and thinking about looking back. I know that this type of activity does not make me fit for Your kingdom.56 I desire to be consistent in my faith and to trust You in every way. Thank You for allowing me to reap the reward and for showing me that my faith was not unfounded. Thank You for the times when I had to wait for the promise because it strengthened my faith. Thank You for showing me that You are faithful. I come to You now totally and completely trusting Your word that that You‟ve placed in my heart; they won‟t return void.57 I know that I will reap every desire of mine that lines up with You will. So today, Lord, I pray that every desire I have is based on Your plans of my life and that anything that doesn‟t line up with You and Your world will just dissipate. Bring forth now all the blessing that cause my cup to overflow.58 In Jesus name, Amen. Luke 9:62 Isaiah 55:11 58 Psalm 23:5 56 57


48. AN ACCEPTABLE GIFT Father, I praise You because You are the ultimate gift giver. I praise You because Your gifts are better than those that humans can supply. I praise You because Your perfect gift was in the fashion of Jesus Christ. I praise You because You supply me with spiritual gifts that I can use to fulfill my purpose. Forgive me for the times when I didn‟t recognize the gifts that You‟ve blessed me with. Forgive me for the times when I longed for someone else‟s gift. Forgive me for not unwrapping my gift and putting it to good use. Father, I know that You desire more for and from me and I confess that I‟ve been the one standing in the way of my success. Thank You for never giving up on me. Thank You for holding a place for me until I was ready and mature enough to appreciate the gifts that You‟ve given me. Thank You for sending people my way who can help to mentor me and instruct me in the best way to utilize what You‟ve given me. Father, I know that give back is acceptable if I do it with a pure heart. So I ask for You to purify me. Take away all selfish motives from me. Allow me to act in accordance with Your desire for my life and my love for the people You‟ve sent me to serve. Lord, allow everything I do to get the reward of hearing You say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”59 Correct me when I‟m off course and show me how to walk the correct path to my destiny. In Jesus name, Amen.


Matthew 25;21 72

49. GENEROSITY Dear Father in Heaven, I get so excited when I think about how good You‟ve been to me. You‟ve been better to me than I‟ve been to myself. You‟ve definitely been better to me than any other person. I praise You for Your generosity towards me. I praise You for Your goodness and Your mercies that I see daily. Father, please forgive me for not always being generous to those who cross my path. Forgive me for being short rather than helpful. I confess that sometimes I lose my patience with others and my life doesn‟t line up with the model that Jesus gave me during his brief time here on Earth. Thank You for giving Jesus, who laid down his life as a gift for me, as an example of giving freely. Thank You for giving me the faith to believe that as I give You pour into me even more so that I have more resources for my purpose. Thank You for reminding me that when I give, good measure is pressed down, shaken together and running over for me.60 O God let me use up what You have given me with the understanding that if I use it to build Your kingdom You will replenish my store. Allow me to remember that when I horde, I‟m like a stagnant pool of water and that when I give I‟m like a flowing river. I always want to experience Your flow in my life. Show me now any area of my life where I‟m being stingy and show me how to release and let You have Your way in that area. Teach me how to be a giver - used by You to bless others. Allow me the opportunity to give cheerfully to someone in need today. In Jesus name, Amen.


Luke 6:38 73

50. FIRST FRUITS God, I praise You because You are the Alpha and the Omega. Everything begins and ends with You. I praise You for Your omnipotence. I praise You because You are truly worthy of all the praise, honor and glory. I lift up my voice to give You glory because You are my priority. You are first in my life. I put no other gods or idols before You. Forgive me for the times when I made choices that did not put You first. Forgive me for the times when I paid out to everyone else and had very little time, talents or treasure left to give to Your kingdom. Forgive me for expending energy in a way that didnâ€&#x;t serve You or Your people. Thank You God for bringing to my attention anything that is out of alignment with Your will. Thank You for allowing me to correct my course and to be on the path of righteousness. Thank You for the times when I gave You my first fruits because I have received Your blessings. Thank You for receiving my gift and allowing me to be blessed abundantly. Thank You for those times when I gave out of faith, not knowing how I would meet the material needs. Thank You that my faith was not in vain because You have never left me or forsaken me. Thank You that no matter how difficult things seem in the natural, Your laws always work. Giving You first fruits puts me in proper position for Your blessings to reign down on me. Father, keep me on the straight and narrow when it comes to my giving into Your kingdom. I know that there are so many things that require my material and spiritual attention but none of those things compare to what You desire of me. God, please help me to seek You and You kingdom first with the knowledge that everything else will be added to me. In Jesus name, Amen. 74

51. SUBMISSION Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You and adore You. I praise Your holy and magnificent name. I praise You because You are Jehovah Shalom, God of Peace. I praise You because I don‟t need a go-between; I have an opportunity to be in direct relationship with You. Father, forgive me for the times when I have stepped out of place. Lord, I haven‟t always been submissive to Your will. I haven‟t always been obedient to the call. I desire to repent of those times when I was outside of Your will. Thank You for always being there for me. Thank You for showing me how to be submissive to You and to do the things that You are calling me to do. Thank You for making a way out of no way; showing me the light at the end of the tunnel. Father, there are times when things are difficult when I feel like I need to figure things out. During these times, I realize that I can‟t do anything with my own strength or power. It is during these times that I realize that I really need You. I desire to be submissive to Your will because I do now understand that is not by might or by strength but by Your Spirit.61 I therefore yield to You. I submit to Your will and I cast all my cares on You because I know that You care for me.62

In Jesus name, Amen.

61 62

Zech. 4:6 1 Peter 5:7 75

52. GUIDANCE Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your power and You guiding hand. I praise You for Your wisdom; You are omniscient. I praise You that You know the right way to go at all times and all I have to do is yield to Your direction. Father, please forgive me for every time when I thought I had everything all figured out and I went forward without Your guidance. Forgive e of stepping out of Your will to do something that I was not called to do. Forgive me for not waiting until I hear Your voice with clear direction. Thank You for being my refuge and strength as well as my ever present help in times of trouble. 63 Thank You for showing up and making things work out according to Your good. Thank You for calling me according to Your purpose. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who guides me into all truth.64 Thank You for removing the scale from my eyes so that I can understand what You desire from me. Father, I stretch my hands to You, no other help I know. If You withdraw Your hands from me where would I go? I donâ€&#x;t want to make any decisions or move forward without Your directions. I know the plans that You have for me; plans to prosper and not harm me; plans to give me a hope and a future.65 I yield to Your guidance because I know that is the only way for Your plans for my purpose to come to pass. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 46:1 John 16:13 65 Jeremiah 29:11 63 64


53. PROVIDING Jehovah Jireh, I praise You for always providing for me. God, You sit high and look low and know exactly what I need. You grant me my needs as well as the desires of my heart. I adore You because You are so consistent with Your mercies and so generous with Your gifts. Please forgive me for not doing the things that line me up with You flow. Forgive me for pushing when I should be standing. Forgive me for complaining when I should be thankful. Forgive me for envying when I should be rejoicing for others who receive Your blessings. Thank You for being so good to me. Thank You for Your generosity and kindness. God, I know that Your blessings are so abundant that I never worry when O see others receiving their reward. I know that the blessings are in the neighborhood and that I will be rewarded if I donâ€&#x;t give up and paint. Father, please help me to be patient when it comes to waiting on You to manifest Yourself and my purpose. Allow me to spend my time focused on providing for others. Allow me to work diligently while I wait. Please renew my strength. Let me soar on wings like eagles; so that I run without growing weary and walk without fainting.66 Please let the work I do for You stand the test of time. Let my efforts not be in vain. Please provide for me in such a way that I can be poured out in a way that blesses those Iâ€&#x;ve been called to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.


Isaiah 40:31 77

54. FAMILY Heavenly Father, I praise You for the natural and spiritual family that You‟ve blessed me with. I praise You for loving me so much that You enabled me to be part of Your family.67 I praise You for Jesus Christ; the first born of many brethren. Please forgive me for the times when I was so caught u with what I was doing and neglected my family. Forgive me for putting off spending quality time with those I love. Forgive me for not giving first to the members of my family who are in need‟ particularly when I am capable of doing so. Father I know that Your word commands me to take care of my family. In fact, if I don‟t do so, I would be considered worse than an unbeliever.68 First so I request forgiveness for the times when I‟ve been so caught p with ministry work that I‟ve forgotten my first duty is to minister to those in my own home. Thank You for taking care of me and showing me how to take care of those You have put under my care. Thank You for blessing me with the means to bless others. Thank You for uplifting me so that I can edify others. Thank You for making it so that I can take care of my family. Father, please give me all the strength that I need to start with my family first. I know that the experiences and lessons I learn from humbling myself in this way will be a blessing as I branch out and fulfill my purpose. Father allow me to no despise small beginnings. In Jesus name, Amen.

67 68

Romans 8:29 1 Timothy 5:8 78

55. CHURCH Father, I praise You for establishing a Christ6ian entity that can be used for fellowship and growth. Father I praise You that Youâ€&#x;ve put men and women of integrity into these institutions so that they will lead Your people along the right path. Father I praise You that I have a place to go for corporate worship and when Iâ€&#x;m with fellow Christ, I find that I can sense Your presence more intensely. You commanded me to tithe into Your church, the storehouse. When I do this, You throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that I will not have room enough for it.69 Forgive me for times when I came up with excuses for not obeying Your commands. Forgive me for worrying about what man intends to do with these resources. Thank You for blessing me with good leaders with integrity. I know that You have put the proper people in place to handle the finances for Your kingdom. Thank You for allowing me to cheerfully give without reservation and blessing me with a church that efficiently uses the resources to minister to Your people, especially the lost, broken and disenfranchised. Father, please help me to give without reservation and to get to a point where I am able to give well above the tithe in the form of an offering with the knowledge that when I give it will be given unto me; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into my lap. In Jesus name, Amen.


Malachi 3:10 79

56. UNDERPRIVILEGED Heavenly Father, I praise You and adore You. Lord, You are my shepherd. I praise You that I want for nothing. I praise You for allowing me to lie in green pastures. I praise You for restoring my soul. 70 Forgive me, O God, for being selfish. Forgive me for always focusing on myself and forgetting about the people who are in need. I spend time worried and concerned about my personal situation and sometimes forget to be thankful for the abundance that is already in my life. Forgive me for not focusing on how to help Your people rather than how to help myself. Thank You for all the blessings that You‟ve given me because I am clear that You didn‟t give them to me to be hoarded. I know that the many blessings that I‟ve received both spiritually and materially are designed for me to help someone more needy than myself. Thank You for Your favor. Thank You for Your rich rewards and benefits that I receive daily. Thank You for abundance in every area of my life. Thank You for showing me that I am rich even when I don‟t see it in the natural. Father, use me as a vessel to help Your people. Where there is a need for material things allow my cup to overflow so that I can pour out on them. Where there is another need such as emotional or spiritual, shore me up emotionally and spiritually so that I can answer the call. Here I am Lord, send me to Your people to do You will and accomplish my purpose. .In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 23 80

57. TIME Father, I praise You because You have time in Your hands. Were we always concerned about losing time or time going by, You don‟t have those concerns because You control time. To You a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day. 71 I praise You because that means that You accomplish so much in a day. It also means that time immaterial because what seems like a long time to me is a twinkling of an eye to You. I praise You because You master time. Forgive me for not having more respect for the time that You‟ve given me. Forgive me for the time that I wasted because there is no way to recapture it. Forgive me for not giving You the time or cheating You out of time when it comes to my personal time with You. Thank You for the gift of time. Thank You for the years since my birth that You have allotted to me. Thank You for the time that I‟ve already experienced and the time yet to come. Thank You for allowing so much to be accomplished in my life during this time. Thank You for blessing me on a daily basis so that I can be a blessing to others. I commit my time to You so that I can do Your will in the time that has been allotted. Show me how to be the best manager of the time that You have given me. Please manipulate, bend, stretch, and control time so that I can be where I need to be and o what I need to do to serve You and fulfill my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Peter 3:8 81

58. TALENT Father, I praise You because You are holy. I praise You because You are a master craftsman. I praise You because You speak and things come into being. I praise You because You are my maker and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that quite well.72 Father, forgive me for the times that I hid my light under a bed. Forgive me for not allowing the talents that You‟ve blessed me with to shine. Forgive me for not using those talents to bless someone else or to further the kingdom. Father, please forgive me for sitting on my talents or resting on my laurels. I know You have a work for me to do, so there is no time for me to horde, save or store away these talents. Thank You for blessing me in such a mighty way. Thank You for the talents that came as part of my package from birth as well as all those I‟ve acquired along the way. Thank You for using my special talents to elevate me where You want me to be. Thank You for allowing me to be recognized in my area of talent, not for fame or fortune, but as an acknowledgement of what You can do in the life of an ordinary believer. I ask that You would help me to recognize any under used talent. Let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt what You‟ve blessed me with so that I will have a new appreciation for them. Allow me to find ways to use my talents in my vocation and my ministry so that I‟m always a blessing to others. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 139:14 82

59. TREASURE Father, I praise You because You hold everything in Your hand. I praise You because You decided to trust me to be a steward over Your belongings. I praise You that You have cattle on a thousand hills73as well as many mansions.74 You have many treasures that Youâ€&#x;ve kindly shared with me. Forgive me for the times when I focused on lack. Forgive me for the times when I forgot how rich You are and how You can cover every need. Forgive me for the times when I used human efforts to figure out financial matters. Forgive me for forgetting how You desire to bless Your obedient children and how You can make a way out of now way. Thank You for filling my cup up to overflowing. Thank You for pouring into my life both materially and spiritually. Thank You for building me up and giving me rich rewards. Thank You for reminding me to use my treasure to bless Your people or to edify Your kingdom. Thank You for reminding me that where my treasure sis, my heart is also there.75 Father, no matter what it looks like in the natural right now, I claim abundance and I give all back to You. Show me how to be good steward over Your treasury. Show me how to be a light in this dark world. Show me how to be obedient to Your mandate about giving. Show me how to do everything that pleases You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 50:10 John 14:2 75 Matthew 6:21 73 74


60. GIFTS Father, I praise You for the best gift I ever received and that was the gift of Salvation. I praise You that You didn‟t stop there butut continue to bless me daily with good health, strength and a sound mind. God I praise You because You give good gifts to Your children. I praise You that Your gifts are eternal. Father, please forgive me for not acknowledging my gift. Forgive me for taking my time in unwrapping and using my gift. Forgive me for squandering my gift or using it to satisfy selfish passions instead of using it to edify Your kingdom and build up Your people in their holy faith. Thank You for my unique gifts. Thank You for my spiritual gifts. Thank You for my motivational gifts. Thank You for my material possessions as well as my emotional health. I realize that all these are gifts that come directly from You. Now Father, please allow me to use these gifts and even those that are yet undiscovered to serve You. Allow me to put You first in all I do and allow me to dust off my gifts and begin to use them to accomplish Your will in my life. Lord, my desire is to serve You and to live the rest of my life serving the individuals who You‟ve assigned to me. Allow me to use all the gifts You‟ve given me to carry out my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


61. FAITHFUL STEWARD I praise You O god Most High. Lord, You are high and lifted up. Lord, I praise You in Your majesty. I praise You for You splendor. I praise You so much that if I had ten thousand tongues, I couldn‟t praise You adequately. I enter You gates with thanksgiving and Your court with praise.76 Forgive me God for not always being a faithful steward. Forgive me when I‟ve made the mistake of taking care of my other needs and neglecting my duty to give my first fruits. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve shirked my responsibility in any area that You‟ve given me stewardship. I Thank You that You‟ve matured me in this Christian walk where I can recognize the things that You have given me aren‟t truly mine. They are on loan to me and I am here to take care of them. This means I have to take care of the people as well as the stuff in my lie. Thank You that I‟ve also come to the understanding that all this is temporary; that I don‟t truly own anything. God, show me how to be a better steward. Show me how to care and feed those who You‟ve left in my care. Teach me how to respect and use money. Teach me how to be there for others without being their mini-god; trying to provide all their needs. Help me to understand that I can help but never take Your place as sole provider. Help me to be faithful to You in every way so that I will hear “Well done.”77 In Jesus name, Amen.

76 77

Psalm 100:4 Matthew 25;21 85

62. RESPONSIBILITY Dear Heavenly Father, I praise Your holy name. I adore You O God. I praise You for Your power. I praise You for Your splendor. I praise You for being my God, King, Rock, and Fortress. I praise You for taking good care of me and holding me in the palm of Your hand. Father, I know that I haven‟t always done my best. There have been times when I have fallen short of Your glory. There have been times when I was slow to act on the things that I‟ve been responsible for. God please forgive me for hesitating or taking for granted the things that I was responsible for. Thank You for elevating me to a position where I have authority and responsibility. Lord Thank You for growing me up into the kind of person that can be trusted with the keys to Your kingdom. Thank You God for allowing me to be a mature Christian that responds with ability. God, please continue to develop me in a way that allows me to be who You‟ve called me to be. Please show me where I need to pay more attention and where I need to apply more energy. Father, I know that I‟m not all that I should be and I am definitely striving for what You‟ve called me to be. Father, please give me a discerning heart so that I can see what I‟m supposed to do in order to responsibly fulfill my purpose. I yield to You in everything. There is nothing that is more important to me than serving You, fulfilling my purpose and being who You‟ve called me to be. Equip me to be responsible to the purpose as I help those You‟ve designated for me to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.


63. ABUNDANCE Father, I praise You because You are my all-in-all. I canâ€&#x;t help but think about You infinite supply. I know that You have everything that I need and then some. I know that all I have to do is trust in You and have real faith and You will release this abundance to me. I praise You that Your laws are sure. I praise You that You are not a man that You should lie nor are You the son of man that You should repent.78 Father, please forgive me for not seeing the abundance that is all around me. Forgive me for speaking about lack. Forgive me for attracting lack into my life. Forgive me every time I worried about what I would eat, drink, or put.79 Thank You for always making a way out of now way. Thank You that no matter how difficult a situation looks in the natural, You are always behind the scenes working it out in my favor. Thank You that with faith the size of a mustard seed, I know that I can accomplish amazing things. God please continue to equip me with Your power to do the amazing. Allow me to see Your abundance even during a drought. Allow me to see the rain on the horizon even when everyone is focused on the arid dry land. Let me always see Your abundance and allow Your favor to bring it into my life. Allow me to be obedient to You so that Your abundance flows though me to the people Youâ€&#x;ve called me to serve. Let me follow through on my purpose abundantly. In Jesus name, Amen.

78 79

Numbers 23:19 Luke 12:29 87

64. ACCEPTING Father, I praise You because in You there is a supply for every demand. I praise You because You are more than a God who supplies my needs; You are a God that loves me unconditionally. Father I love You and I desire to walk with You in every aspect of my life. I praise You because You designed me with a heart shaped void that only You can fill up. Father, forgive me for the times when people tried bless me and I felt funny about it. Forgive me for insulting the giver of the gift by denying it and acting like I was self sufficient. I know that You use others to bless me and to the extent that Iâ€&#x;m unwilling to accept the gift or have any negative feelings about the gift, I deny the work Youâ€&#x;re doing on my behalf. Thank You for each and every person that has ever blessed me or poured into my life. Thank You for using them to show me Your favor. Thank You for blessing me so abundantly. Thank You for always taking care of me and providing for me. Thank You for allowing me to say Thank You with gratitude. Thank You for allowing me to be kind and compassionate and accepting the gift in such a way that the giver is blessed. God, teach me to be just as cheerful a receiver as I am a giver. Help me to dig ditches80 that people can pour into and to rejoice as I see them being filled up. Allow me to be obedient to Your commands and follow through on what You tell me to do so that I can be aligned with Your blessings. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Kings 3:4-24 88

Self Control


65. LISTENING Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You and magnify You. I lift up Your holy and precious name. I praise You for You might and Your power. I praise You for Your tender mercies. I praise You for caring about me, listening to me, and providing for me. I praise You for Your glory and Your majesty. Father, I‟ve not always listened to Your call. There have been times when I heard Your voice but I did not obey. Father, please forgive me for disobedience. I know there have been times when You were speaking to me and tying to get my attention but I was too distracted to focus on You and what You wanted me to do. Thank You for all that You‟ve done for me. Thank You for being there for me even when everyone else failed me. Thank You for being my God and King and being everything to me. Father, teach me how to listen to You. Allow me to not only hear You but to be obedient to Your instructions. I desire to walk in the path of righteousness. I desire to do everything You‟ve called me to that will get me closer to my purpose. Help me to listen carefully so that I can do what needs to be done to get to the place that You promised me. I bind up anything on earth that prevents me from being in alignment with You and getting every good and perfect gift You have for me. Help me to be quick to listen.81 In Jesus name, Amen.


James 1:19 90

66. SPEAKING Dear Father, I praise You. God I magnify Your holy name. You are worthy of the praise. You are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. I praise You that Your word doesn‟t return void.82 I praise You because when You speak things take shape. You speak things into existence. Please forgive me for the words that I‟ve allowed to flow unchecked from my mouth. Forgive me for allowing my tongue to rule me instead of me being ruler over it. Father I desire to be like Christ in my speech. I desire for my “Yes" to be yes and my “No” to be no because I know anything beyond this comes from the devil.83 Thank You for allowing me to be able to control my tongue and for giving me the words to speak. Thank You for enabling me to eloquently present my point of view. Thank You for speaking on my behalf when I am lost about what to say. Father, I know that this is an area where I can definitely grow; especially in the area of speaking life and not death to my situation. I pray that You would feed my mind with positive things because I know that out of the overflow of my heart my mouth speaks.84 Help me to be slow to speak.85 Help me to think before I speak. Help me to speak with confidence knowing that I can speak to mountains and make them move. In Jesus name, Amen.

Isaiah 59:11 Matthew 5:37 84 Luke 6:43-49 85 James 1:19 82 83


67. ANGER Heavenly Father, I praise You. I praise You because You know me inside and out. You know when I sit and when I get up. You know my thoughts even at a distance. You know when I come and when I go, You know when I lie down. You are familiar with everything about me. Every word I think about uttering, You already completely know it.86 Forgive me for letting my anger get the best of me or for holding on to my anger. Forgive me for the times when I didnâ€&#x;t forgive an offense against me. Father, I desire to be forgiven so I realize that I also must be willing to forgive. Thank You for teaching me how to temper my anger and how to not let the sun go down on my wrath.87 Thank You for allowing me to have a forgiving spirit and to let go of things that offend me. Thank You for taking away anger from my heart so that I can get a good night sleep. Teach me to follow Christâ€&#x;s example of getting angry without sinning. Teach me to stand up for what is right without allowing malice and revenge to creep in because I know that revenge belongs to You.88 Teach me how to be more temperate without being a push over. Show me how to walk in a way that will allow me to fulfill my purpose without conflict and strife. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 139:2-4 Ephesians 4:26 88 Romans 12:19 86 87


68. PATIENCE Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your loving kindness and Your tender mercies. When I think about how good You have been to me I can hardly understand it. I praise You because the blessings Iâ€&#x;ve received are a result of grace and nothing I did to deserve them. Forgive me for taking anything I received from You for granted. Forgive me for getting short with my loved ones and strangers alike. Forgive me for not patiently waiting for the promise that You made to me about my purpose. Forgive me for venting my frustration and causing others to doubt Your ability to do what You said You would do. Thank You for enlightening me and allowing me to understand that everything happens according to Your timing. Thank You for reminding me that those who wait on You will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.89 Help me O God, to patiently pursue the purpose always remembering that I should not become weary in doing good because at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I do not give up. Show me how to walk this path while patiently waiting on You to manifest my purpose.90 In Jesus name, Amen.

89 90

Isaiah 40:31 Galatians 6:9 93

69. TIMING Father, I praise You and magnify You for Your perfect timing. I praise You for Your perfect knowledge. I praise You that You have everything completely under control. I have confidence in You and Your timing. I know that nothing happens before its time and You are never late. I praise You for allowing me to rest in the confidence that Your timing is impeccable. Father forgive me for being impatient at times. Forgive me for the times when I try to make things happen of my own will and strength. Forgive me for being like Sarah who couldnâ€&#x;t wait for Isaac but gave used her handmaid, Hagar, to bear a child.91 Forgive me for the things that Iâ€&#x;ve done that have delayed Your promise even further. Thank You for making everything happens at the right time. I Thank You that when the time is right, You will do all that You have planned, and Christ will bring together everything in Heaven and on Earth.92 Father, please lead me to Your truth and teach me because You are the God of my salvation. I wait on You all day long.93 I know that You will manifest the promise in Your perfect time and that the work You have given me to do will be fulfilled. I wait on the purpose as You prepare me for my purpose. I know that when the time is right everything will come together. In Jesus name, Amen.

Genesis 6:12 Ephesians 1:10 93 Psalm 25:5 91 92


70. SEASONS Father in Heaven, I marvel at how You created this world. I am in awe of how my life reflects the seasons You designed in nature. I praise You that at each stage, something valuable is going on. I praise You for the season of life that I‟m in right at this very moment because I know that You are doing a tremendous work on me. Father please forgive me for coveting something that I don‟t have. Forgive me for wanting to be somewhere other than where I am. I know that where I am now is exactly where I need to be so that I can get everything that You have for me. I understand that even in the winter season some amazing preparation is taking place. Thank You that there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heavens.94 I don‟t have to worry about anything because You have everything under control. Thank You for allowing me to rest in You knowing that whatever season I‟m in I can count on the promises You made to me to be fulfilled. Father, I understand that I don‟t know the times or seasons that You have fixed by Your own authority. This is why I yield completely and wholeheartedly to You. I trust You to work things out for my good and Your Glory. I receive Your favor on my life because I know without it; I have little chance of accomplishing my purpose here on Earth.

In Jesus name, Amen.


Ecclesiastes 3:1 95

71. MEDITATE Dear Father, I praise You. I love You. You are an amazing force. You are God most high. I magnify You and meditate on Your word that brings life and strength to my soul. Please forgive me, O God, for the times when Iâ€&#x;ve gotten too busy to focus on You and You Word. Forgive me for the times that Iâ€&#x;ve skipped my regular time of meditation on Your word. I know that this is where I get the directions for my lie. Cast my sins far from You. Throw them into the sea of forgetfulness and remember them no more. Thank You for giving me the Word in the form of scriptures so that I can meditate on them day and night. Thank You for directing my path as I acknowledge You in all my ways.95 Thank You for allowing me to focus on Your word for daily guidance. Please help me to keep Your word and not let it depart from my mouth. Allow me to meditate on it day and night so that I do everything written in it so that I will be prosperous and successful as I work diligently towards the accomplishment of my purpose.96 Please help me to heed the words of my Savior by not focusing on what I can get but focusing on Your word instead. I know that I shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of Your mouth.97 In Jesus name, Amen.

Proverbs 3:6 Joshua 1:8 97 Matthew 4:4 95 96


72. STICK TO IT Father I praise You for Your love towards me. I praise You for always being there for me. I praise You that when I‟m weak, You carry me. I praise You that every good and perfect gift comes from above and there is no shadow of turning in You.98 Please forgive me for every time that I‟ve given up. Forgive me for not completing what I‟ve started. Forgive me for letting fear prevent me from pressing on. Forgive me for not sticking to the plan that You‟ve laid out for me. Forgive me for getting side tracked and caught up doing my own thing. Thank You for getting me back on track and allowing my feet to stay on the right path. Thank You for showing me how to enter through the narrow gate. I know that the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction and many enter that way. But I am thankful for the small gate and the narrow road that leads to life and I am among the few that have found it.99 Father please teach me how to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. Show me how to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.100 Show me how to stick to what I‟ve started. Show me how to keep moving towards my purpose no matter how discouraging it looks in the natural. Show me how to keep the faith and believe the promise. In Jesus name, Amen.

James 1:17 Matthew 7:13-14 100 Philippians 3:13-14 98 99


73. PRAYER Dear Heavenly Father, I praise Your holy name. You are God most high. You are the King of kings and the Lords of lords. I praise You because I donâ€&#x;t want any rocks crying out in my place.101 Father, forgive me for the times that I have neglected my oneon-one time with You. Forgive me for those times when I was too tired, distracted or busy to give You the time of day required to build a solid relationship with You. Forgive me for focusing on the cares of this world, what I should eat, drink or put on because I know the pagans worry after these things. 102 Thank You for Your perfect answers to my prayers; whether they are yes, no or wait. I know that I can count on You to deliver Your promises to me because Your word never returns void.103 Thank You that my prayers reach Your throne and accomplish what I send them out to do because I strive to line up my desires and my prayers with Your will. Create in me a clean heart. Do not cast me away from Your presence, do not take Your Holy Spirit from me, restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.104 Allow my prayers to You to be pure and help me keep focused on the promise that leads to my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

Luke 19:40 Matthew 6:31-32 103 Isaiah 5511 104 Psalm 51:10-12 101 102


74. GOD’S PROMISES Father I praise You because You are holy and reliable. Your promises are yes and amen. Because no matter how many promises You make to me they are “Yes” in Christ”. Therefore thorough Christ, I speak Amen to Your Glory.105 Father, please forgive me for doubting that my purpose was going to come to fruition. Forgive me for worrying and hurrying because I know both those things bring destruction. You told me not to worry for anything and to wait on You but there have been times when I‟ve been anxious about the future. Please renew me and restore me so that I walk upright. Thank You for allowing me to first receive Your promise. I don‟t take it lightly or for granted. I know that You plan to use me to accomplish something significant while I travel through this path on Earth. Thank You for being true to Your word and always manifesting the things You declare. I pray for strength for this journey. I pray that I learn how to increase my trust in Your promises daily and that I continue to walk by faith and not by sight. I know that the ups and downs of this journey are required for me to make it to the final destination of the promise and that I will be even more prepared to perform my purpose because of the experiences I‟ve gained along the way. I receive and believe the promise. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Corinthians 1:20 99

75. PURPOSE Father, I praise You for creating me for a specific purpose. I praise You that You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother‟s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful I know that full well.106 Forgive me God, for delaying action towards my purpose. Forgive me for the fear that paralyzes me and roots me to the ground preventing any forward movement toward the very thing that You‟ve called me to. Forgive me for hearing the call and not responding because I have some other pot on the fire. Thank You O god, that Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. 107 Thank You for trusting me to carry out this purpose. Thank You for equipping me with everything I need to successfully accomplish my purpose. Father, please search me and know my heart. Please test me and know my anxious thoughts. Please see if there is any offensive way in me that would prevent me from accomplishing what You‟ve called me to do. Lead me to the way everlasting.108 Lead me on the path that will bring You glory. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 139:13-14


Psalm 139”16 Psalm 138



76. WILL POWER Father, I praise You for Christ who was a perfect example of control. He showed me that even when things were difficult he was able to bolster his will power by drawing from You. I praise You that he chose Your will and not his own.109 This choice was the epitome of will power. Father, please forgive me for the times when I have been weak and I let my flesh control my will. I know that I typically do exactly what I desire to do and so itâ€&#x;s my misplaced desire that has gotten me off course. Father forgive me for not getting my will into alignment with Your will. Forgive me for going off course and getting off the path. Thank You for restoring me into right relationship with You. Thank You for showing me You will as outlined in the Bible as well as flashes of insight or revelations that come from the Holy Spirit. Thank You for being in constant communication with me telling me which way to go. Father, I pray that my will lings up with You so that when my will power is activated; it is pointed in the direction of my purpose. I pray that You will send resources, both material and human, to help me to achieve my purpose. I pray that no obstacle, challenge or set-back will deter me from reaching the promise. I ask for a double dose of will power, fortitude, stickto-tivness so that I can do exactly what Youâ€&#x;ve called me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Luke 22:42 101

77. EMOTIONS Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You. Lord You are magnificent. You are awesome. You are great and greatly to be praised. Father I know that I could never find the adequate words to fully praise You. I‟m humbled by how all compassing You are and yet You care about me. I know I was given a personality that is distinct from anyone else but I admit that there are times that I allow my emotions to get in the way of the things that You are calling me to do. There have been times when I allowed myself to get into a place where I dwell on things that aren‟t productive. There have been times when I allowed my thoughts to focus on things that aren‟t necessarily pure lovely and of good report. 110

Thank You for lifting me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. Thank You for setting my feet on solid ground and steadying me as I walked along.111 Father, I depend on You to help me through the emotional times in my life. I pray that during these times, You help me to focus on You. I will lift up my eyes to the hills. My help comes from You O Lord, the maker of heaven and Earth.112 I know that without You help, I wouldn‟t be able to make it. I know that You are behind my accomplishments and that Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path.113 In Jesus name, Amen.

Philippians 4:8 Psalm 40:2 NLT 112 Psalm 121:1-2 113 Psalm 119:105 110 111


78. THE SEED OF ACTION God You are holy and magnificent. You are high and lifted up. I am in awe of Your glory. I am humbled in Your presence. I praise You for just being God. I praise You every time I look at creation. I praise You that You speak and things come into being. Father, please forgive me for my inaction and rotten thinking. I repent of everything that Iâ€&#x;ve thought or done or made a habit of that is not like You. I ask You to first show me where Iâ€&#x;ve been off track and then take it away from me. Cast it out of Your presence and allow me to be in right relationship with You once more. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. Thank You for covering me with the blood of the lamb. Thank You for making him who had no sin to be a sin offering for me so that in him I might become the righteousness of God.114 So now You only see Christ when You look down on me. Father, please align my thoughts every day so that they are in synch with You. Please let these seeds grow into huge trees that bring You glory. Please keep me in Your perfect will. I want to enter that narrow gate. I understand that the wide gate and broad road lead to destruction. Many people enter that way but I want to take the small gate and narrow road that leads to life. I desire to be among the few that find it.115 In Jesus name, Amen.

114 115

2 Corinthians5;21 Matthew 7:12-14 103

79. DESIRES Dear Heavenly Father, I praise Your name. I magnify You O God most high. I lift up my voice to You. I make a joyful noise unto You. God You are holy and omnipotent. God You are my rock. In You O god is fullness of joy. Father, please forgive me for the things that I have desired that are not in alignment with Your will for my life. Forgive me for chasing after, coveting or pursuing those things that are not ordained for me. Forgive me for looking at anything that belongs to someone else, wishing that I had it too. Thank You O God that I can confidently say, What God has for me is for me.� Thank You for aligning my desires with Your will. Thank You for allowing me to be temperate in everything. Thank You for allowing me to wait on You to fulfill my desires. Thank You for the understanding that not all desires are bad but the ones that take the place of You need to be crucified. Father, I desire to walk in Your presence. I desire to have a relationship with You that allows me to understand what step to take at every moment. I desire a discerning spirit so that I will know those things that are designed for me and those things that are not. Father, I stretch my hands to thee, no other help I know. If You withdraw Yourself from me where will I go? I need You to direct my path so that my journey towards my purpose will be marked by Your presence and Your power. In Jesus name, Amen.


80. ACTIONS God You are awesome. You are omniscient - You know everything. Nothing is hidden from You. You are always present and always available for me to lean on. I want to dwell in Your presence all the days of my life. Forgive me for the times that I‟ve dwelt with in-action. There have been times that I‟ve mulled something over and over but haven‟t done anything about it. There also have been times when I‟ve been too afraid to act. I know that You haven‟t given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.116 Thank You for turning me into a warrior who is determined to fight this battle on Your behalf. Thank You for fitting for battle. Thank You for allowing me to be proactive and action oriented. Father, I desire to be strong in Your mighty power. Help me to put on the full armor: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. 117 I know that when I‟m properly outfitted, I can go after my purpose and do exactly what You‟ve called me to do. Please help me to take this battle seriously so that I can be victorious in the assignment that You‟ve given me. In Jesus name, Amen.

116 117

2 Timothy 1:7 Ephesians 6:10-18 105

81. CONTENTMENT God, You are my rock and shield. You are the comforter of my soul. You are my ever present help in times of trouble. 118 I praise You for Your goodness and purity and loving kindness. God, I know that I have been guilty of complaining about things that I‟ve not been satisfied with. Instead of figuring out a plan I‟ve discussed it with anyone and everyone who would listen to me. I‟ve even complained over and over in my inner most being. Please forgive me for not being like Paul; content in whatever situation I find myself. 119 Thank You for providing for all my needs. Thank You for everything from the smallest to the largest of my blessings. Thank You for allowing me to not take You for granted. Thank You for allowing me to be content with my current situation. Thank You for show me how to be happy in the here and now. Thank You for allowing me to be satisfied even as I look to the future and the promises that You have for me. Father, I desire to serve You and only You. Help me to get rid of excess in my life so that I can appreciate the things that are truly important. Help me to focus on only those things that bring value to my life and the life of those You‟ve ordained me to serve. Allow me to be content with much or little and not to be swayed or delayed by either. Allow me never to be anxious for anything but in everything through prayer and supplication make my request known to You.120 In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 46:1 Philippians 4:11 120 Ephesians 4:6 118 119


82. STRENGTH Father, I praise You for Your omnipotence. Father Your power and might is unmatched in the entire world. I praise You because You have all power in Your hands and You can command the elements to respond to Your will. I know there is no one who comes close to matching Your strength. Please look down on me O God and cover my flaws and weakness with the blood of the Lamb. I admit that I am not what I should be. I confess that my righteousness is as filthy rags.121 I confess that I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory.122 Thank You God for allowing me to grow in Your strength dayby-day. Thank for Your grace which is sufficient for me. I know that my power is made perfect in weakness. So I boast all the more about my weakness, so that Christ‟s power may rest on me. That‟s why, for Christ‟s sake, I delight in my weakness, insults, in hardships, in persecution, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.123 Father, I desire a closer walk with You because I know that it is by Your power and Your might that I will accomplish my purpose. I pray that You will build up my confidence as well as my ingenuity as I put together a plan to accomplish the thing that You have called me to do in support of the people You‟ve assigned to me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Isaiah 64:4 Romans 3:23 123 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 121 122


83. COURAGE Praise You O God for You everlasting mercies and overwhelming love. I praise You for Your Son Jesus who was courageous in the face of death. I praise You that the assignment that You gave him, saving mankind from sin, was more important to him that selfish passions. I praise You that You have created me in his image and I too can be courageous in my purpose. Please forgive me for fear that has paralyzed me. Forgive me for letting anything stand in my way of serving You. Forgive me for not acting despite the fear. God, Thank You for not giving me a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.124 Thank You that Your power gives me the courage to do the things that You‟ve called me to do. Thank You that You love with an overflowing love that allows me to pursue my purpose in love for those You‟ve called me to serve. Thank You for the self-discipline and sound mind that enables me to feel the fear and do it anyway. Father, please build up my courage so that I am successful in completing the assignment that You‟ve given me. Father I completely turn over every aspect of my life to You so that You will make provision for the vision that You‟ve given me. I know that when I yield to You, I walk courageously. This is because I have confidence that You are always successful. I just need to walk with You and allow Your strength and power to flow through me. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Timothy 1:7 108

84. GRACE Father, I praise You because of Your presence. I praise You because in Your presence is power, peace and protection. I praise You for Your grace and mercy in my life. I praise You for the provision that is has already been made for me; everything that pertains to life and Godliness. Father, please forgive me for complaining about my situation. Forgive me for being impatient as I wait for the vision to manifest in my life. Forgive me for not trusting that You already have everything worked out. Thank You God for You unmerited favor on my life. Thank You for picking me even before I was born to be a blessing to those Youâ€&#x;ve called me to serve. Thank You for equipping me for this journey and fitting me for my purpose. Thank You that everything I need was provided to me at birth. Thank You for lifting up my head and allowing me to understand that Your grace is sufficient for me.125 Allow me to soar on wings like eagles so that I will run and not grow weary; so that I will walk and not faint.126 God please cover me with the blood and allow me to always recognize Your favor that is all over my life. Allow me acknowledge the tiniest amount of favor that I receive to the most humongous blessing as all coming from Your hand because You are my provider. In Jesus name, Amen.

125 126

2 Corinthians 12:9 Isaiah 40:31 109

85. PRAISE You are worthy of the praise. I praise You O god, because the greatness, power, glory, victory, majesty are all Your. I praise You for all that is in heaven and Earth because they all belong to You. The kingdom is Yours, O God and You are exalted as head above all. Riches and honor comes from You. You reign over everything and in Your hand is power and might. Your hand makes everything great and I get strength from You.127 Father forgive me for neglecting You. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve gotten too busy or consumed with my problems and have forgotten to give You the praise. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve sunk deeper in the mess instead of looking to the hills for my help.128 Thank You for being my God. Thank You for being there for me always. Thank You for going before me and being with me. Thank You for never leaving me nor forsaking me. I will not be afraid or discouraged.129 Father, teach me how to praise You the way that You deserve to be praised. When I can‟t praise You because my voice, mind and heart are inadequate, allow my spirit agree with Your in praise. Let Your Holy Spirit help me in my weakness. I don‟t know what I am supposed to pray for, but I know that You Spirit intercedes for me with groans that words cannot express. In Jesus name, Amen.

1 Corinthians 29:11-13 Psalm 121:1 129 Deuteronomy 31:8 127 128




86. CHALLENGE I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify Your name for evermore. For great is Your mercy toward me. You have delivered my soul from the lowest hell. O Lord, You are full of compassion and gracious, longsuffering. You are overflowing in mercy and truth.130 Lord please forgive me for the times when I was afraid to take on a challenge. Forgive me for running away or cowering in the corner. Forgive me for not trusting You to go before me to pave the way to success. Thank You for the confidence that You‟ve given me that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.131 Thank You for fighting my battles and keeping me safe from dangers that I see as well as those that I don‟t. I pray for Your continued anointing and favor in my lie. Please help me to face challenges with the knowledge that whenever I‟m with You, I‟m in the majority. Please help me to walk the path that though filled with challenges leads me straight to the destination You have ordained for me. Help me to live my purpose by going over, around under or through any challenge that presents itself in my path. In Jesus name, Amen.

130 131

Psalm 86:12,13,15 Philippians 4:13 112

87. TROUBLE Father, I praise You for lifting me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; You set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. You put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to You. Many, O Lord my god, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for me no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.132 I confess that some my trouble comes as a result of me being out of alignment with Your will for my life. I know that I haven‟t always been on the right path. I pray for Your forgiveness because I understand now that any deviation from the path to my purpose will be riddled with consequences. Thank You for protection from adversity. Even though I have had to journey through some bad things, I know that You were always with me. I know that You never left my side. In fact, I‟m confident that there were times that You carried me because I know that I couldn‟t‟ have made it on my won. Thank You for being my ever present help in times of trouble.133 I pray for You peace, power and protection to be my constant companion. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and the life of those who I serve. I pray for Your protection for my loved ones and all those in my charge. Please guide me through the dangerous path that leads to the place to which You called me. In Jesus name, Amen.

132 133

Psalm 40:2,3,5 Psalm 46:1 113

88. DEATH Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You. I trust in You and will not be afraid. What can man do to me? I am under vows to You O god; I present thank offerings to You. You have delivered me from death. You have stopped my feet from stumbling so that I may walk before You O god, the light of my life.134 Father, I have fallen short of Your glory on numerous occasions. Please cast my sins away from me as far as the east is from the west.135 I repent for the things I‟ve done, the things, I‟ve said, the things I‟ve thought as well as the things that I‟ve left undone. Thank You for the opportunity to come to You and to be transformed into a new creation.136 Thank You for the being victorious over death giving me everlasting life. Thank You that You have given me an opportunity to work out my salvation with fear and trembling because I know it is You who works in me to act according to Your good purpose. O God, send now Your comforter to remind me that those who have gone on before me are truly in a better place if they believe in You. Help me to be a living example for those who are still here so that they will understand that they must embrace You so that they too will have eternal joy and a place to celebrate around Your throne. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 56:11-13 Psalm 103:12 136 2 Corinthians 5:17 134 135


89. PRUNING Father, I praise You because You are a loving God who corrects His children. As Your child, I know that there are times when I need to be pruned. Praise You because while You discipline those You love, You donâ€&#x;t utterly cast me out. I praise You for cutting off every branch in my life that is not bearing fruit and pruning the fruitful branches so that they can bear even more fruit.137 Father, please forgive me for doing the things that have caused me to grow those extra branches. Forgive me for disobedience as well as apathy. Forgive me for doing the things that I should not and not doing the things that I should. Thank You for making me clean because of the word that You spoke to me138 and for being my Divine Gardner. I know that with You everything will bloom in due season. Thank You for allowing me to grow in such an amazing way and weeding and pruning me so that I and fit for my purpose. God, please teach me how to remain in You so that You can remain in me. I know that I cannot bear fruit by myself that I must remain with You. I know that without You, I can do nothing.139 Allow me to come to the full understanding of what it takes to walk this path to my purpose and help me to commit to do those things. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I will always know which path to take and what You want me to do to accomplish the goals Youâ€&#x;ve set before me. In Jesus name, Amen.

John 15:2 John 15:3 139 John 15:4-5 137 138


90. FLEXIBILITY Lord God You are my rock; I know that I can stand firmly on You. You are my sword; You are the one who fights my battles. You are my shield; the blood of the Lamb protects me from all visible and invisible dangers. Please forgive me for those times when I stubbornly went my way and refused to take guidance from You or people with wisdom and experience. Show me the areas where I need to confess my sins so that I can be cleansed and redeemed. Thank You for maturing me each and every day. Thank You for bringing to my attention areas where I need to be more flexible. Thank You for putting role models in my life who can show me how to align myself with You will and do the things that Youâ€&#x;ve called me to do. Thank You for Your grace which is sufficient for me because Your power is made perfect in weakness. I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christâ€&#x;s power may rest on me.140 Father, show me how to be more flexible when it comes to serving You. Give me the strength to change course whenever You dictate. Allow me to let go of the comfortable and easy way and be willing at any moment to go where You tell me to go. Show me also how to be firm in those things that should not be compromised. Allow me to stand my ground without pushing back. I know that inflexible things tend to crack and break so teach me how yield to You in everything that I do. In Jesus name, Amen.


2 Corinthians 12:9 116

91. HOPE Dear Heavenly Father, all my hope is in You. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. God You are exalted over all the nations. Your glory is above the heavens.141 O Lord God, please forgive me the times that I have lost the faith and giving up before accomplishing my goal. There have times when I couldn‟t see any light at the end of the tunnel. There have been times when I just wanted to stop trying to get to the place that You‟ve called me to because it was just so difficult. Thank You that while I may go down in the valley, I won‟t stay there very long. Thank You that for every valley in my life, I can look forward with gladness to the peaks. I look to the hills because I know that my help comes from You.142 Father I know You have something amazing in store for me. I know that You selected me specifically to carry out my purpose. I know that You desire for me to be in communion with You so that I will understand what You want me to do. I look on with anticipation and hope for what You will manifest in my life. Teach me how to meditate on Your word day and night so that I will recognize Your voice. Strengthen me when I falter. Renew my hope. Restore my joy. Lead me on the path of everlasting life, abundance and joy so that I will step into the place that You‟ve ordained for me in due season. In Jesus name, Amen.

141 142

Psalm 1133-4 Psalm 121:1 117

92. INSTRUCTION O God my King, my Rock, my Portion. I praise You for Your Holy Spirit that is wise beyond compare. I praise You for Your majesty and Your knowledge which is too great for me to comprehend. I praise You because You satisfy the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things.143 Forgive me for deviating from Your commands and for doing was wrong when I knew better. Forgive me for choosing anything over You. Show me now where You want me to go, what You want me to say and how You‟d like me to behave. I desire to do exactly what You‟ve called me to do. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit my guide, my counselor and my instructor. I know that the way that You lead me is straight and narrow. I also know that even though it may seem difficult, You are a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path.144 Father, I yield all my plans to You today. Anything that doesn‟t line up with Your will for my life, remove it. Allow me to understand clearly the instructions You have for me to get from the place that I am right now to the place that You promised. Father, I know that sometimes I can get caught up in my web of planning and trying to figure things out. But help me to focus on the „why‟ and wait on You for the „how.‟ I know that You will provide me with all the necessary instructions for me to go after my purpose and accomplish all the things You‟ve planned for me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.

143 144

Psalm107:9 Psalm 119:105 118



93. GUARD YOUR MIND Dear Heavenly Father, I praise Your name. I lift You up. I glorify You. You are worthy. You are awesome. You are magnificent. I praise You because even as Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, His mind was guarded. I praise You because though Satan comes to tempt me, You have guarded my mind so that I will not stumble and fall. Please forgive me for times when I have filled my mind with useless or harmful things. Forgive me for thinking on anything less than was pure, lovely or of good report.145 Thank You for protecting me from the tricks of the devils who roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour.146 Thank You for the blood of the Lamb that flows down from my crown to my feet. Thank You for allowing me to think the kind of thoughts that are pleasing to You. I desire to have the mind of Christ147 Father, please enable me to remove anything that would take me off track. Please reveal anything that will cause me to get off the path that You have designated for me. Lord God in Heaven, show me which things distract me from my purpose and help me to keep my heart, soul and mind stayed on Christ, the author and finisher of my faith.148 In Jesus name, Amen.

Philippians 4:8 1 Peter 5:8 147 Philippians 2:5 148 Hebrews 12:2 145 146


94. SPIRIT Dear God in Heaven. You are righteous and pure. You are holy and powerful. You are my God and my King. You are everything to me. You hem me in – behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me t attain. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.149 Please forgive me for not being in tune with Your Spirit. Forgive me for not heading the direction from the Holy Spirit. Forgive me for going my own way and do my own thing. Thank You for an opportunity to fellowship with You, to feast on Your Word and to come into alignment with what You desire for me to be. Thank You for the fellowship of other believers that help to edify me and build up my spirit. Thank You for Your Spirit that continually guides me on the path to my purpose. Please increase the desire in me to fellowship with You continually. Increase a desire in me to communicate with You; not just telling You what I want and need because You already know these things, but listening to You so I can get clarity about exactly what You want me to do. I pray that You would open up the hearts and minds of those You sent me to serve so that there will be fertile ground for me to do the work Iâ€&#x;ve been called to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 139: 5-8 121

95. MIND God, I praise Your holy and magnificent name. There is no one greater than You. I bow down before Your throne acknowledging that You are mighty and wonderful. You are awesome and powerful. You are a mighty fortress. You are a rock in a weary land. Father, please forgive me for not focusing like I should. Forgive me for not paying close attention to my purpose. Forgive me for getting distracted or for occupying my time with things of little relevance. Please take away the desire I have for the mediocre, mundane or mindless. Thank You for creating me with such a vital mind. Thank You for allowing me to have creative insights and to let my flow with the creative juices that comes directly from the Holy Spirit. Thank You for allowing me to use my mind not only for academic purposes but for practical purposes as well. Thank You for giving me common sense so that I can work out difficult situations and challenges. Heavenly Father, I cry out to You to sharpen my mind. Enable me to be quick when it comes to learning about You and the things that You want me to do. Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to You, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.150 Allow me to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to You. Allow me to accomplish my purpose along the way. Allow me to live and abide in You. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 61:1-2 122

96. BODY Heavenly Father, I praise You for all creation. I especially praise You for creating Adam and then fashioning Eve from his rib. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.151 I praise You because You dwell inside of me and my body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit.152 Please forgive me for misusing or abusing my body. Every time that I put anything inside of my body that is not of You, I‟ve defiled my body. Every time that I did anything to or with my body that wasn‟t pleasing to You, I‟ve defiled my body. Forgive me for not taking the best care of my body so that I remain healthy and strong. I pray for forgiveness of all these offenses. Thank You for making me conscious and aware of dangers before they even approach. Thank You for allowing me to behave in a manner that is pleasing to You and to set an example for those who look to me for guidance. Father, please help me to be pure and holy. Please help me to carry myself in a manner that brings honor to Your name. Show me how to manage my temple so that I‟m able to do all that You‟ve called me to do. Show me how to eat, exercise, and rest so that my vitality will increase as I age. Please heal anything in my body that is out of alignment. Take away pain, sickness and disease from me so that I can be well equipped to accomplish my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

151 152

Psalm 139:14 1 Corinthians 6:19 123

97. QUIET TIME Father, I praise You because You are worthy; You are amazing. You never cease to do glorious wonders in my life. I praise You because You never change. I praise You because I know that I can completely trust You. I praise You because Your word is firm and never disappoints. Father, I pray that You would forgive me for not spending more time with You. I‟ve not carved out enough quiet moments where I can commune with You. Forgive me for the times when I haven‟t taken time out to listen to Your still small voice. Thank You for allowing me another opportunity to make a commitment to focusing on You, waiting for You and listening to You. I know that only comes when I tune out the world and its distractions. Thank You for always being present; especially those times when I‟ve turned my back on You. Thank You for always being there when I returned. Father, allow me to be like Jesus who took quite time out for prayer to You. Enable me to get up early in the morning while it is still dark and go off to a solitary place where I can pray.153Show me how to separate myself from the people in my life long enough to get a fresh perspective on what You have called me to do. Help me to consistently carve out my quiet time with You because I know this is where You restore my soul and guide me in the path of righteousness.154 In Jesus name, Amen.

153 154

Mark 1:35 Psalm 23:3 124

98. JOY Dear Lord God, You are holy and precious. You are great and worthy of all the praise. There is no one like You. You fill me with a joy that the world can‟t take away from me. I praise You magnificent name. I praise You for Your wonderful works Heavenly Father, there have been times when I‟ve been totally miserable. Some of the unhappiness came from things that I self inflicted. Then there were times when I was unhappy because of someone else‟s actions. I confess that I have let circumstance determine my emotions instead of being joyful no matter the situation. Thank You for creating in me a clean heart and renewing a right spirit in me. 155 Thank You for showing me that no matter what the situation is I can have unspeakable joy and for showing me that I can be thoroughly filled up with Your presence so no circumstance can affect my emotions. Please help me to be like Paul who was determined to be content in whatever situation that he found himself. Teach me O God the secret of being content in any and every situation. Teach me to have joy whether I‟m well fed or hungry. Teach me to be satisfied whether I‟m living with plenty or if I‟m longing for things I want. Help me to always remember that I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.156 Heavenly Father let Your joy flow through me so abundantly that people are overwhelmingly blessed by the execution of my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

155 156

Psalm 51:10 Philippians 4:12b-13 125

99. FASTING All praises and honor are Yours O God Most High. Let everything that breathes sing Your praises and exalt You. There is no one who can compare to Your greatness. No king or lord can measure up to Your glory. You are the ultimate ruler; sovereign over everything that we see. Father, I know there have been times that You‟ve called me to go a little deeper. I desire to be in tune with Your Spirit. I know that there are many ways that I can usher in the Holy Spirit. I pray that You would show me the way. Thank You for helping me with my daily challenges. Thank You for being there whenever I need You. Thank You for being a constant guide; one that I can rely on with confidence. Thank You for speaking into my spirit and letting me know how You want me to proceed. I want to be pure and holy because Your word tells me that I can be. I want to get closer to You. Lord please show me if You are calling me into a fasting period. I pray that You would prepare my mind for action. Please allow me to be selfcontrolled. I want to set my hope fully on the grace to be given to me when Jesus Christ is revealed. Help me, O God, to not conform to evil desires that I had when I lived in ignorance. But just as You are holy, please let me be holy in all I do; for it is written” Be holy because I am holy.”157 Father, show me clearly how to do what You‟ve called me to do for those You‟ve called me to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Peter 1:13-16 126

100. TYPES OF FASTS Dear Father in Heaven, I stand in awe of Your mighty wondrous works. I know You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything I can even think, according to the power that works in me. Unto You be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.158 Please forgive me for any fruit of the flesh that rises up in me and give me a burning desire for the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.159 Thank You for giving me a daily opportunity to get closer to You. Thank You for making all different types of fasts available to me so that I can choose the right one that will get me closer to You. I want to hear from You. I want o have the self control and the power that comes from the Holy Spirit to deny myself so that I can get closer to You. Heavenly Father, show me Your desire for me in this area. Donâ€&#x;t let me go into something for form or fashion. I want to do what it takes to be in communion with You constantly. I want to serve You with my whole heart. I know there are things that You desire to share with me. Iâ€&#x;m looking for a break through. Take me up higher and higher so that I can stand on the top of the mountain and have an unobstructed view of what You are doing with me, in me, and through me. In Jesus name, Amen.

158 159

Ephesians 3:20 Galatians 5:22-23 127

101. CHOICE Holy and magnificent is Your name in all the Earth. I sing Your praises because I have experienced Your goodness, mercy, generosity, and abundance. There is no lack in You. I can choose to look at my circumstances or I can choose to look at You. When I look at You, I see all the splendor of the world You created but when I look at my circumstance, I see the destruction cause by the fallen angel. I choose You and You power knowing that Satan is already defeated. Father, forgive me for all the times when I made the wrong choice. Forgive me for choosing people over You. Forgive me for choosing things over You. Forgive me for choosing to procrastinate rather than do the things Youâ€&#x;ve called me to do. Thank You for giving me free will. I understand that this relationship that I have with You is a choice. I chose to ask and You gave to me. I sought and You allowed me to find. I knocked and You opened the door for me.160 Thank You for abiding in Your word. "Ask and it will be given to You; seek and You will find; knock and the door will be opened to You. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Show me O God, how to make the best and most effective choices so that I accomplish Your will in my life. In Jesus name, Amen.


Matthew 7:7-8 128

102. SELF-CARE God, I praise You for all creation and Your wondrous works. I praise You for taking Your time with each intricate detail. I praise You that You spoke and created land and sea, animals, fish, and birds. But most of all I praise You for the care You took in creating humans. I know that You created me in Your image. I praise You that I was created as a reflection of You. I praise You that I‟m fearfully and wonderfully made.161 God I desire to be clean and pure so that You can operate through me. Forgive me for all thoughts, words and deeds that don‟t line up with You. Forgive me for not treating my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in me, whom I received from God. Forgive me for forgetting that I am not my own but that I was bought at a price. Forgive me for not honoring You with my body.162 Teach me O God, how to practice extreme self care. Teach me how to set boundaries. Teach me how to manage my life and control the things that adversely affect my well being. I fully understand that I can‟t be helpful to anyone else when I‟m not fully rested, unhealthy, riddled with pain, tired, overwhelmed or worn out. Show me how to put on my own life vest, Your Spirit, before attempting to jump in and save anyone else. And O God please let me incorporate whatever insights and revelations I get as a result of spending time with You. Don‟t let me go back to the same place that I‟ve been. Help me to go up a little higher. In Jesus name, Amen.

161 162

Psalm 139:14 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 129



103. STRESS God You are magnificent and glorious. I praise You because the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty in You for pulling down strongholds.163 I praise You for Your power and might. I am nothing without You and I can do nothing without You. However, with You all things are possible. God, I know that You care for me. Please forgive me for not casting all my cares upon You.164 Forgive me for allowing the stress of this world to consume me. Forgive me for letting myself get sick with worry and concern over the things that I should have turned over to You. Thank You for allowing me to put down this load and to take up Your yoke which is easy.165 Thank You for fighting my battles and always coming out victoriously. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me.166 Thank You for not always taking me out of the stressful situations but allowing me to grow through overcoming daily challenges. Please allow me to rest in You. Please allow me to let go of the things that easily hinder and entangle me.167 Please give me the peace that passes all understanding.168 Father I trust You in all matters in my life and I yield to You because I know everything Iâ€&#x;m dealing with is shaping me for my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

2 Corinthians 10:4 1Peter 5:7 165 Matthew 11:30 166 Hebrews 13:5 167 Hebrews 12:1 168 Philippians 4;7 163 164


104. WORRY Heavenly Father, my God and my King, You are ruler over everything. You are high and lifted up and Your train fills the temple.169 You are magnificent and awesome. You are the most High and living God. Please forgive me for worrying about anything. Forgive me for little worries and my grand ones as well. Forgive me for not having faith in You and Your Word. Thank You, that You have cattle on a thousand hills170 and that You feed and clothe me better than the birds of the air and the lily of the fields.171 Thank You for going before me and fighting my battles. Thank You that no weapon formed against me will prosper.172 Thank You for making me more than a conqueror.173 You know the things that Iâ€&#x;ve tried to master on my own without a bit of success. You know my failings and my weaknesses. God, I turn them all over to You. I renounce the accuser who tries to sabotage my efforts and my confidence. I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.174 Now Father, please go before me. Renew my mind so that I can always see Your favor in my life. Give me an extra portion of faith so that I can walk boldly into my purpose. Sustain me so that I can do Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.

Isaiah6:1 Psalm 50:10 171 Matthew 6:25-30 172 Isaiah 54:17 173 Romans 8:37 174 Philippians 4:13 169 170


105. GUILT Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your plan to redeem me. I praise You that though I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory,175 You still love me. I praise You for Christ who died for my sins so that I wouldn‟t have to carry the guilt anymore. Lord, please forgive me for all the things that I have done which don‟t please You. Forgive me for holding on to sin after I‟ve prayed for Your forgiveness. Forgive me for getting up from the altar and taking my burdens back with me. Forgive me for allowing the accuser to keep me bound up. Thank You God for total forgiveness. Thank You for Your saving Grace that is sufficient for me.176 Thank You for rescuing me from the clutches of my enemies. Thank You for allowing me to have peace of mind. Thank You for throwing my sin into the depths of the sea177 and removing them from me; as far as the East is from the West.178 Father, now I ask that You would help me to let go of all the guilt and shame. Free my mind from the past and allow me to focus only on You and Your current and future plans for me. Help me to beat down any thought and bring into submission any imagination that exalts itself above knowledge of You. 179 Release me from the memories that plague and paralyze me from moving forward on the path of my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

Romans 3;23 2 Corinthians 12:9 177 Micah 7:19 178 Psalm 103:12 179 2 Corinthians 10:5 175 176


106. PRAYER Dear heavenly Father, You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are awesome. You are worthy of all the praise. You are perfect and pure. You are powerful and mighty. Please forgive me for neglecting my prayer life. Please forgive me for not taking time out to get centered by communicating with You. Please forgive me for relying on my own strength rather than the power that comes from You through prayer. Thank You for Your precious Holy Spirit that communicates to and through me. Thank You for the Spirit that helps me in my weakness. I do not know what I should pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for me with groans that words cannot express.180 Thank You for using the gift of the Holy Spirit to confound and confuse the enemy so that my prayers reach Your throne unhindered. Thank You that I no longer need a go between but I can come directly to You in prayer. Thank You that Christ intercedes on my behalf.181 Allow me to be committed to praying without ceasing.182 Allow me to use prayer as an offensive weapon; as well as an armor and shield. Remind me to pray about everything. Remind me that nothing is too small or large for You. Father fill me with a praying spirit that allows me to put everything in front of You. Allow me to yield to You in every aspect of my life. Allow me to trust that You will answer my prayers and it will always work out for my good and Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

Romans 8:26 Romans 8:34 182 1 Thessalonians 5:17 180 181


107. FAITH Father, I praise You for Your holiness and Your consistent mercy and grace and Your faithfulness. I praise You for Your tender mercies that are new each and every day.183 Father, there have been times that I have operated out of fear. There have been times when I haven‟t taken action because I was afraid of what people would say or I was afraid of the outcome. Lord, I have been afraid of the unknown. But most of all I have been afraid of the things which I have manufactured and conjured up in my own imagination. I understand that when I‟m living in fear, I can‟t walk in faith. Thank You for helping me to overcome every one of my fears; particularly the ones that hold me back from doing what You‟ve called me to do. Thank You for not giving me a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind.184 Thank You, for teaching me how to walk by faith and not by sight. 185 Father, I stretch my hands to You. No other help I know. If You withdraw Yourself from me, where will I go?186 Lord I need You. I can‟t do anything without Your presence and Your assistance. Allow me to keep my eyes focused on You so that I will not slip. Allow me to trust that You will do everything that You have promised in Your word and in the vision You‟ve given me. Let me have ever increasing faith in Your promises. Let me trust in You and not in what I see. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lamentations 3:22-23 2 Timothy 1:7 185 2 Corinthians 5:7 186 Father, I Stretch My Hands to Thee by Charles Wesley 183 184


108. HUMOR Dear God of grace, goodness and kindness. You are my daily bread and my portion. God, You are the lifter upper o f my head. You are the maker of all things and the supreme Creator with all power in Your hands. Please forgive me for taking myself and my situation so seriously and for not releasing everything to You so that I can find joy in each and every moment. Forgive me for being uptight and a poor ambassador for You and Your Word. Thank You, O God, for humor. I know that the times that I allow myself to laugh, I‟m bringing healing to my body. Your word says that a merry heart does good; like medicine.187 Thank You for showing me where I can find joy. Thank You for allowing me opportunities where I can appreciate something witty, funny and even hilarious. Thank You for those occasions when I‟ve had a good belly laugh. Father, now I ask for more joy, more laughter and more lightness in my life. I pray for opportunities where I can be lost in joy and humor. I pray that I not only find things, people, and situations funny, but that I would be an instrument of joy and humor so I can bring lightness and healing into someone‟s life. Lord, I pray that You would help me to see the funny side of situations that typically irritate me. I pray that You would fill me with merriment and teach me how not to sweat the small stuff. Father, let me embrace Your joy and peace so that I will be fit and fully equipped for my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


Proverbs 17:22 136

109. PEACE Father, I praise You for Your peace that surpasses all understanding.188 I praise You for guiding me when all around me seems chaotic. I praise You for peace in the midst of a storm. I praise You that no one can take my peace from me because that peace comes from an intimate relationship with You. Forgive me for the times when I allowed other people‟s actions to disturb my peace. Forgive me for reacting to the situations in such a manner that You could not distinguish me from the perpetrator or heathen. Sometimes I‟ve allowed my mouth to get engaged before I used my mind or before I sought You and Your will. Father sometimes I‟ve been the agitator or instigator; for this I am truly sorry. Thank You for the Prince of Peace. Thank You that His examples have shown me how to be angry without sinning189 and for sending the Holy Spirit who fills me with peace. I pray for peace in my home, in my work, in my finances and in my heart. I know whatever is in my heart will come out in my life because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.190 Allow me to find internal peace so that I can bring peace to all the situations of my life. Let me be a peace maker so that I will be call a child of God.191 Bless me to be the epitome of peace to those around me; especially those whom, I‟ve been called to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.

Philippians 4:7 Ephesians 4:36 190 Luke 6:45 191 Matthew 5:9 188 189


110. WORDS OF LIFE Dear God, I praise You for being God, the Creator who . I uses words to create every living and inanimate thing that I see. I praise You that Your Word does not return void.192 I praise You that since I was created in Your image,193 my words don‟t return void either. Please forgive me for every idle and negative word that I‟ve spoken and for every destructive word that has escaped my lips. Forgive me for speaking death and not life and for claiming and proclaiming ill health, disaster and mayhem in my life. Thank You, O God, for showing me a more excellent way. Thank You for making me more conscious of what I‟m saying. Thank You for opening up the eyes of my understanding and showing me how to curtail negative self talk. Thank You for showing me how to speak life, health and strength to my body, mind and spirit. Help me to guard my tongue because I know it is a little member that boast of great things and can cause a great fire.194 Teach me how to use it to bless and not curse. Take away all negative talk from my life. Show me how to profess good. Show me how to speak prosperity. Allow me to use my words to build life and to bring health, strength, vitality and longevity to my body, my situation, my family, my friends and those in my charge. In Jesus name, Amen.

Isaiah 55:11 Genesis 1:27 194 James 3:5-6 192 193


111. LETTING GO Father in Heaven, Your name is holy. I lift You up above everything in my life. I let go of anything that exalts itself above You. I praise You for everything You are and everything You do. You are a mighty fortress as well as a shelter in the time of storm. Please forgive me, O God, for holding on to things when I should let them go. Forgive me for holding on to pain, grief, loss, lack, hurt, guilt and a host of other things that I need to release unto You. Forgive me for wallowing in these things when I need to be focused on You. Thank You for complete healing that comes from the restorative powers of Your word. Thank You that I have the privilege to cast my cares on Christ because He cares for me. 195 Thank You for showing me how to let go of bad habits. Thank You for allowing me to let go of all the things that are holding me back from being the person that You have called me to be. Father I pray that You teach me to delight in Your laws and meditate on them day and night. 196 Show me how to let go of the things that are preventing me from moving forward. Show me how to bind up fear, procrastination and lack and how to loose faith, action and prosperity. For I know that whatever I bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever I loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven.197 With Your assistance and might power, I let go of anything that hinders my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen. 1 Peter 5:7 Psalm 1:2 197 Matthew 18:18 195 196


112. PREVENTION Heavenly Father, I praise You. I praise You for Your word that gives instruction and light. I praise You for all the prescriptive disciplines that are contained within the scriptures. I praise You for the Proverbs that give instructions about conducting my life. I praise You for the biblical characters that provide instructive, relevant, and timely examples. Please forgive me for the times when I didn‟t follow the creed that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Forgive me for seeking a path that was not on the course that You set for me. Forgive me for taking on things that have been harmful to my body, mind and spirit as well as not doing things to bring health, life and soundness of mind. Thank You God for allowing me to learn from my experiences and use what I‟ve learned to make better choices. Thank You for giving me an opportunity to manage my health. Thank You for directing me to the best health care so that I can take care of this body that You have blessed me with. Teach me to respect my body. I know that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in me, whom I received from God. I am not my own, I was bought at a price. Therefore, show me how to honor You with my body.198 Help me to make good choices about what I put into my body as well as what I do with my body. Teach me how to take good care of myself by practicing good preventive care. Make me healthy in mind, body and spirit so I can do the work You‟ve called me to. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 140

113. NUTRITION O Lord my God, You are the source of my life. You are the center of my joy. You are the essence of my being. God I praise You for Your presence in my life. Because Your love is better than life, my lips glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You.199 Forgive me for not paying strict attention to my health and doing anything that harms my body; Your temple. Forgive me for abusing my body with any substance that causes me to be in poor health. Forgive me for making poor food choices and choices that weaken my body mind and spirit. I Thank You that You allow me to make excellent choices about what to do with my life. I Thank You that Your Holy Spirit helps me to make the decisions that will edify my body and glorify You. In view of Your mercy, I offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You as my spiritual act of worship. Help me to no longer conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Help me to be able to test and approve Your will – Your good, pleasing and perfect will.200 Help me to make sound choices about nutrition so that I will have longevity and strength to pursue my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.

199 200

Psalm 63:3-4 Romans 12:1-2 141

114. PORTION CONTROL I praise You, God, because You are generous and kind; providing for my needs and the desires of my heart. You shower me with favor, feed my soul and keep me satisfied. Forgive me God, for doubting that You will give me what I need when I need it. Forgive me for the times when I have been greedy and went overboard; taking more than I could handle. Forgive me for not practicing moderation in all things. Thank You, O God, because my eyes look to You and You give me my food at the proper time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.201 Thank You for taking such good care of me. You always guide me and satisfy my needs. You strengthen my frame. Thank You that I am like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.202 Help me to practice self control in all areas of my life. I need Your assistance in practicing moderate and healthy eating habits. Help me to remember that what I put into my body will determine my health, strength and vitality. Also help me to remember that the quantity of the food is just as important as the quality. Lord, help me to bring my body mind and spirit into alignment with what You created me to be. Lord, show me how to do Your will in this area of my life so that I will be healthy enough to follow through on the things Youâ€&#x;ve placed in my heart. Help me to boldly go after the goal. Help me to have life, health, strength and vitality to accomplish Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.

201 202

Psalm 145:15-16 Isaiah 58:11 142

115. DOCTOR’S VISITS Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your supreme healing plan. I praise You that Jesus died so that I might have life and have it more abundantly.203 I praise You that You‟ve made provisions in modern times for us to visit a health care provider and get diagnosed and treated. I praise You that Your will is done in all situations concerning my health, vitality and longevity. Forgive me for any fear I have allowed to linger; fear that has prevented me from taking good care of myself. Forgive me for procrastinating when it comes to taking care of myself and for the times when I‟ve put others first to my detriment. Thank You for allowing me to see that I can‟t take care of anyone else until I first take care of myself. Thank You for helping me to understand that good health starts with knowing what I‟m dealing with and practicing good preventive care. Thank You for showing me how to make my health a priority. Heavenly Father, please remove all fear that I have associated with my health. Because I know that Jesus took up my infirmities and carried my sorrows, He was pierced for my transgressions, he was crushed for my iniquities; the punishment that brought me peace was upon him, and by his wounds I am healed.204 I am Your child and no bad report than take away my joy. I know that whatever I think about and focus on will grow. Therefore, I determine to think about whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. 205 In Jesus name, Amen. John 10:10 Isaiah 54:4a,5 205 Philippians 4:8 203 204




116. IMAGINATION All praises and honor and glory to You O Lord, my God. You are awesome and magnificent. You are mighty and powerful. Your creative power has created everything that I see as well as all the things I don‟t see. You operate with might in both the physical and spiritual realm. I confess that I have been lazy when it comes to using my imagination to the fullest. I have let fear stop me from thinking big and going after the things that You have put in my spirit. Thank You for showing me that I am capable of achieving great things. Thank You for telling me that my faith in Jesus will allow me to do what He has done and for proclaiming that I will do even greater things. Thank You for making the provision for me to ask for things in Christ‟s name, so that He brings glory to You.206 Father, I ask to be opened up in such a way that my imagination flows freely. I want to see myself as You see me. I want to be able to do the things that You are calling me to do. But I know that in order to be successful with my purpose I have to walk by faith not by sight.207 Father please remove all fear from me. Allow me to fearlessly walking the path You have ordained for me. Allow me to understand that courage is about facing my fears and not letting them paralyze me. Help me, O God, to want the promise You‟ve given me much more that I want the comfort and safety from failure and rejection. In Jesus name, Amen.

206 207

John 14:12-13 2 Corinthians 5:7 145

117. CREATIVE POWER Praise You, O God, for Your omnipresent creative power that designed this universe with the spoken word. With grandeur and magnificence all it took was a command. Heavenly Father, I beg for Your forgiveness for not doing enough with the potential that You placed inside of me from birth. Please forgive me for my lazy days and my procrastination. I know that all hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.208 Thank You for all the creativity that You‟ve poured into me. Thank You for allowing my creativity to lead me to do things in unconventional ways. These ingenious ways allow me to do thing that others think are impossible. Thank You for giving me revelation knowledge about things that will be successful and steering me away from the traps and pitfalls along the path. Father, please allow me to be like ant who has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.209 I desire to use all the talents and skills that You have given me to do the one thing that I was created to do. I desire to be so good at what I do. I want the gifts that I provide to make room for me and bring me before great men.210 But most of all, I want to hear You say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”211 In Jesus name, Amen.

Proverbs 14:23 Proverbs 6:6-8 210 Proverbs 18:16 211 Luke 19:17 208 209


118. PROPHETIC SIGHT I praise You O God Most High. I praise You with all my heart and soul. I praise You for Your omniscience. Father You see all and You know all and there are times when You give a peek into what You have in store for me. I praise You for those moments of connection the spirit realm which reinforce for me that the work I‟m doing is not in vain. Forgive me for every time that I got insight and sat on it. Forgive me for when I‟ve been so busy with the cares of this world that I didn‟t make myself available for our relationship. Forgive me for taking our relationship for granted because I know the only way to perfect my prophetic sight is by being in constant communication with You. Thank You for filling me up with Your vision for my life. Thank You for allowing me to see exactly what You‟ve called me to be. Thank You for allowing me to have the confidence that You are the one who placed this vision in my heart. Thank You for giving me the strength and the fortitude to keep going until what I see with my spiritual eyes is manifested in my life. O God, I desire to live my life to the fullest. I believe that we are in the last days, when You will pour out Your Spirit on all people. I pray that You will allow me to prophesy, see visions, and dream dreams that will guide me to the destination that You have designed for me. 212 Father give me the insight to understand what You‟ve called me to do and give me the power to carry out Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.


Acts 2:17 147

119. WRITE THE VISION You are so good and kind to me, God. I praise You for Your grace and I‟m grateful for Your mercies. I‟m awed by Your omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. You are the one who lifts up my head when I‟m down and the one who steadies me when I stumble. I praise You because You gave me a vision and You shall see it come to pass. Please forgive me for the times that I‟ve neglected the vision. I‟ve acted like the man without the Spirit who does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.213 I know I‟ve fallen short when it comes to living out the vision and I truly repent. Thank You for continuing to bless me in spite of myself. Thank You for giving me a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I may know Jesus better. Thank You also that the eyes of my heart to be enlightened in order that I may know the hope which Jesus has called me to and the riches of his glorious inheritance in me.214 Thank You for giving me this vision. Allow me, O God, to write my vision plainly. Allow me to write what I see in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. Let it be a witness; pointing to what‟s coming. My vision aches to come – it can hardly wait. And it doesn‟t lie. If it seems slow in coming, I‟ll wait. I know it‟s on its way. I know it will come on time.215 In Jesus name, Amen.

1 Corinthians 2:14 Ephesians 1:71-18 215 Habakkuk 2:2-3 (MSG) 213 214


120. CLARIFY VISION Heavenly Father, I praise You and magnify You. I lift up You holy and precious name. God You are worthy to be praised. Lord, if I had ten thousand tongues I just couldnâ€&#x;t give You adequate praise. I praise You for the depths of my soul. I praise You with all of my heart. Forgive me, O God, for settling for mediocrity. Forgive me for getting the vision and not spending enough time with it so that I could flesh it out. Forgive me for now owning the vision and making it a priority in my life. Forgive me for being lax in this area of my life. Thank You God for giving me a chance each and every day to build upon what Youâ€&#x;ve given me. Thank You for giving me this vision of how You want to use me in Your kingdom. Thank You that every good and every perfect gift is from above and comedown from the Father of lights, with who there is no variation or shadow of turning.216 Lord God, please help me in this area. I know that where there is no vision, the people perish: but he who keeps the law is happy.217 God I want to have a clear vision. I want to spend time daily focused on this vision and I want grow in Your goodness, grace and favor so that I can execute the vision and purpose You have for me. Help me O God, to see Your kingdom first so that all these things will be given to me as well.218 In Jesus name, Amen. James 1:17 Proverbs 29:18 218 Matthew 6;33 216 217


121. PLANNING Dear God, I love You and adore You. I worship You and magnify Your holy name. God You are the one true and living God. There is no other god that compares to You. There is no one and nothing that can compete with You. I praise You for Your awesome and magnificent power to effortlessly execute Your will. Heavenly Father, please forgive me for taking everything that Youâ€&#x;ve blessed me with for granted. Forgive me for procrastinating when it comes to going after my dream. Forgive me for allowing the passion to wane as I wait for my change to come. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions.219 Thank You God for all that Youâ€&#x;ve already done for me. Thank You for Your word which is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.220 Thank You for showing me exactly which path to take and which plans to make. Father, Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.221 I depend upon You for the wisdom and knowledge that I need in order to make sound plans concerning my vision and purpose. Lord, teach me how to turn to You for each and every piece of the plan. Let me patiently wait on You to reveal the plan to me. Lord, You gave me this vision so I know You will make provision for it. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 51:1 Psalm 119:105 221 Psalm 119:24 219 220


122. DESTINY Father God, I praise Your holy and magnificent name. You are Jehovah Adonai, Lord of lords. You are mighty, You are omniscient. You know everything about me. You have all the days of my life ordered. I praise You for all the things You have ordained for me. I praise You for all the gifts You‟ve placed in me. I praise You for

Forgive me for my sins, O God. Take away anything from me that stops me for walking into my destiny. Forgive me for the things that I‟ve said that have spoken death to the design You have for my life. Forgive those moments of doubt when I did not trust that You would bring my vision to pass. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me.222 Thank You for never turning Your back on me. Thank You for Your patience and tender mercies. I pray for Your strength each and every day as I try to understand how to walk in my calling. I pray for fresh insight. I pray that You would open up the eyes of my understanding. I pray for the courage to do Your will. I pray for an increase desire to serve the people that You‟ve called me to serve. I pray that nothing would hold me back from doing exactly what You‟ve called me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Hebrews 13:5 151

123. ULTIMATE PURPOSE Heavenly Father, I praise You for Jesus Christ who took on human flesh and came to Earth to dwell among us.223 I praise You that You had an ultimate purpose for all his suffering and pain. That ultimate purpose was to redeem mankind. 224 Please forgive me for getting distracted and lost sometimes when it comes to my ultimate purpose. I know that ultimately everything I do is designed to draw men to You and not myself. Forgive me for thinking, even for one moment, that it is about me. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve hogged the lime light and not deferred to You. Forgive me for putting my desires above You. Thank You for allowing me to focus like never before on You and Your will for my life. Thank You for allowing me to walk in the calling that You‟ve provided me with. Thank You for helping me to clearly understand and live my purpose. Father, please provide everything I need to execute my ultimate purpose. Take away all doubt and inhibitions. Remove all fear and trepidation. Open me up, O God, so that I see the possibilities in what You are doing in my life. Help me to understand that what You‟ve given me is so much bigger than me. Help me to live my ultimate purpose and not settle for anything less. Help me to hope in You O Lord, so that I will renew my strength. Allow me to soar on wings like eagles. Allow me to run and not grow weary and walk and not faint.225 In Jesus name, Amen.

John 1:14 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 225 Isaiah 40:31 223 224


124. LOVE Father I praise You for Your love and Your tender mercies. I praise You for Your kindness and generosity towards me. I praise You because You have been so good to me. You‟ve been better to me than I could ever dream of being to myself. You protect me on every side. You carry me when I‟m weak and give me the power to remain strong. I love You O Lord my God. Forgive me for not showing love to each and every one of Your creation; from the least to the greatest. Forgive me for being unkind. Forgive me for blowing up in anger or being short and frustrated. Forgive me for not wearing love as a garment that everyone can see. Thank You, O God, for loving me first and for showing me true love. Thank You for allowing me to experience it so that I can share it with those close to me as well as those in my charge. Father You are LOVE. Teach me to be like You. I want to be patient and kind. I desire to put away envy and boasting. Please remove pride and rudeness. God I don‟t want to be self seeking or easily angered. Show me how to stop keeping record of wrongs. God I don‟t want to delight in evil; instead I‟d desire to delight in truth. Show me how to always protect, trust, hope and preserve. Help me to experience and give love that never fails.226 Father, Help me now to take the love that You‟ve placed in me and use it to build Your kingdom and accomplish my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 153

125. BLESSINGS Praise Your holy name O God in Heaven. Praise You for Your favor and your grace. Praise You for all the things You‟ve done and those yet to come. I magnify You O God because You are worthy to be lauded and adored. You‟re worthy to be magnified and lifted up. God You are everything to me. Please forgive me, O God, for taking any of my blessings for granted. Forgive me for living the way that I do and only complaining about what I don‟t have or just looking at what I want next. Forgive me for laying up treasures instead of focusing on You and Your will for my life. Thank You Lord, for whatever station and condition I find myself in. Thank You for blessing me so thoroughly that if You never did another thing I could truly say that I‟ve been blessed. Thank You for blessing my home, my family, and my work. Thank You for blessing all those who come in contact with me. Thank You for blessing me with Your favor. Thank You for blessing me with everything I have. Thank You for blessing me with a heart, mind and soul made up to serve You. Father, please allow me to be obedient to everything You‟ve called me to so that I will be blessed in the city and the country. I pray blessings for my children, land, livestock, herd, flock, basket, bread bowl. Bless me in my coming and going. God please defeat my enemies who come at me on one road but run away on seven roads. Please bless my barns and my work places. Bless me in the land that You gave me.227 In Jesus name, Amen.


Deuteronomy 28:3-8 (MSG) 154

126. YOUR GUIDE Praise You Father for always looking out for me. My hope and trust is in You O God most High. Your Spirit is my guide. Please forgive me for taking the lead away from You. There have been times when I‟ve gotten so impatient that I got ahead of You. Like Sarai with Hagar, I‟ve tried to make things happen in my own time.228 I‟ve trusted in what I could see rather than in what can only be seen with spiritual eyes. Thank You for guiding me back to Your truth about the promise that You gave me. Thank You for allowing me to hold on to my purpose when all else looked bleak. Please continue to be my refuge, fortress; the God in who I trust. Save me from the fowler‟s snare and the deadly pestilence. Cover me with Your feathers. Under Your wings I find refuge. Your faithfulness is my shield and rampart. I will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand but it will not come near me. I make the Most High my dwelling and the Lord is my refuge. Please let no harm befall me and no disaster come near my tent. Please command Your angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways. Allow them to lift me up in their hands so that I do not strike my foot against a stone.229

In Jesus name, Amen.

228 229

Genesis 16 Psalm 91:2-12 155

127. FAITHFULNESS O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.230 I praise You because You desire to bless Your children with good things. I praise You Lord, that You have been faithful to me even during my difficult times. You promised never to leave me; and You never have. Please forgive me, Father, for not being faithful to the promise, vision and purpose. It takes real effort each and every day to hold on to something that I‟ve glimpsed but hasn‟t yet given birth. It takes a real struggle for me to remind myself daily about what You‟re doing in my life; especially when I haven‟t heard from You in a while. Forgive me for not being faithful in my prayers, my study of Your word and all the things that ensure that I stay in communication with You. Thank You, O God that You are not a man, that You should lie, no a son of man, that You should change Your mind. Thank You that You speak and act. Thank You that You promise and fulfill.231 I release all doubt about my purpose. I walk with You and I totally believe that You will take me to the place that You‟ve ordained for me. I trust You because You are faithful. I know that there isn‟t another living soul that I can put this much faith in. I know that You will do exactly what You promised. I know that I don‟t have to worry about it because it will come to pass. In Jesus name, Amen.

230 231

Isaiah 25:1 Numbers 23:19 156

128. DREAMS Lord God, I magnify You. I lift up Your holy name. God You are amazing. I praise You for giving me a dream to accomplish great things. I praise You that I also have the assurance that You will provide a way for me to accomplish my dreams. Father, please forgive me for letting anything get in the way of me going after the dream. I know that life happens and unexpected things come up that seem to take precedence over the things that I‟m called to do. Forgive me for getting side tracked or defocused on what is truly important Thank You, O God, for bringing my focus back to the dream. Thank You for helping me to hold on to it when there is little support in the natural realm for it. Thank You God for renewing my faith with is the substance o things that I‟m hoping for and being certain of the things that I do not see.232 Teach me to trust You with my dreams and to believe in Your power to bring them to pass. Lead me on the path to accomplish the dreams and help me to remain focused on them at all times. Show me how to diligently follow the path that You have laid out for me. Send others to encourage and fortify me. When no one shows up to do so, let me encourage and fortify myself with Your Word. Show me how to call those things that are not as though they are.233 Please help me to utilize every resource that I have to diligently pursue my purpose so that I can accomplish everything You‟ve placed in my spirit. In Jesus name, Amen.

232 233

Hebrews 11:1 Romans 4:17 157

129. REKINDLE DREAMS Father, I praise You because You are the same yesterday, today and forever more.234 I praise You because the plans You had for me from the beginning have not changed. I praise You because You are omniscient and that means You know exactly what I am supposed to do as well as what I will accomplish. I praise You for the confidence that You give me because I know that if I remain in You and Your words remain in me, I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be given to me.235 Forgive me for taking You for granted and forgetting to ask with faith. Forgive me for the times when I asked for things with doubt in my heart. Forgive me for doubting because I know that at times I have been like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.236 Thank You for allowing me to have ever increasing faith in You about the dream and vision that Youâ€&#x;ve given me. Thank You for allowing me to rekindle my faith and belief in my dreams. Show me how to walk boldly and with confidence. Take away all doubt and uncertainty about my dreams and purpose. Teach me how to deal with the naysayers who try to rob me of my dreams. Help me to make sound and wise choices concerning my purpose and to emerge victorious; accomplishing all that You have set out for me to do. Allow me to trust with my whole heart and allow me to provide an example to others who have dreams that they have allowed to become dormant. In Jesus name, Amen.

Hebrews 13:8 John 15L7 236 James 1:6 234 235


130. TREASURES Dear God, I praise You that there is no lack in You. I praise You that You have more than enough and provide it freely to Your children. I praise You for Your favor and Your goodness toward me. Father, I praise You for all the stored up treasures You have for me. I praise You that all these treasures aren‟t just material in nature but that Your treasures are holistic and cover every aspect of my life. My focus has not always been toward Heaven. I confess that often I spend time trying to figure out how to live more comfortably here on Earth. Please forgive me for not storing up for myself treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For, I know, where my treasure is, there‟re my heart will be also.237 Each day, when I wake up, I realize that I have another chance to get it right. Thank You for new mercies that come this day. Thank You for allowing me to grow and learn from my errors. IThank You that I don‟t have to worry about storing up treasures because through my obedience to Your will, I have a sacred promise that in Your house are many mansions and Christ has prepared a place there for me.238 Help me to remember that there are people who need what You have placed inside of me. Help me to stay focused on delivering to them what they need because I know that You will continue to take care of my needs. In Jesus name, Amen.

237 238

Matthew 6:20-21 John 14:2 159

131. COURAGE Father, I praise You and magnify You. God You are omnipotent. Because of Your power I have the courage to face any battle and challenge any enemy. I praise You for Your might and for never leaving me alone. I know that You will always walk beside me and there are times when You will carry me. But most of all I know that You‟ll never leave or forsake me.239 Father, forgive me for cowering in the corner; if only in my mind. It has paralyzed me from taking action. This has stopped me from embracing my purpose. It has prevented me from living the full life that You‟ve called me to. Thank You, O God that I don‟t have to fight my battles alone. Thank You for showing me the areas of my life that need more work. Thank You for sending people into my path that will prop me up on either side. Thank You for sending the Ruth(s)240 and the Jonathan(s)241 into my life with true friendship. Thank You for all the support I have been given. Help me to stare in the face of challenge, uncertainty and still move forward. Allow me to wait for YOU; to be strong and take heart and wait for YOU.242 Give me the courage to go after the promise. Give me the courage to trust in Your power and not my own. Give me the courage to do what You told me to do without any hesitation or procrastination. In Jesus name, Amen.

Hebrews 13:5 Ruth 1-2 241 1 Samuel 20:1-42 242 Psalm 27:14 239 240


132. TESTING Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are my light and my salvation. I don‟t fear anyone because You are the strength of my life. In the time of trouble You shall hide me in Your pavilion; In the secret place of Your tabernacle You shall hide me; You shall set me high upon a rock. Therefore, I will offer sacrifices of joy in Your tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to You O Lord.243 Father, please forgive me for complaining as I go through my testing period. The way gets tough sometimes and I fall into the temptation of speaking death instead of life. Forgive me for not watching and praying because I know that while the spirit is willing the flesh is weak.244 Thank You for always being with me through each and every situation. Thank You for I know that I couldn‟t make it through any difficult situation without You carrying me. Thank You for teaching me how to endure the test that makes me stronger. Thank You for teaching me how to weather the storms while keeping my perspective about Your promise. Father, show me what You would like me to learn from my current test. Show me what You would like me to do, where You‟d like me to go, and how You‟d like me to act. I fully acknowledge that I‟m lost without You and I totally depend on Your strength to see me through. Help me to keep faith, hope and love at the forefront as I pursue my calling. In Jesus name, Amen.

243 244

Psalm 27:1,4 Matthew 26:4 161

133. VISUALIZATION Dear Father, I praise You for giving me sight. I praise You that the spiritual sight that You have blessed me with allows me to visualize exactly what You desire for my life. I praise You for the ability to meet You and commune with You so You can impart in me the things that You desire for me to be and do. Forgive me for the times when I‟ve put on my blinders and for allowing my vision to get cloudy and muddy. Forgive me for not spending enough time with You; clarifying the things that You have ordained for me, and for not spending more time in the Word so I can learn about You and Your will for my life. Thank You for giving me the creative gift of visualization and for pouring into my spirit and giving me a glimpse of what You are doing in my life. “No eye has seen no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what You have prepared for me, who loves You.245 I give You thanks for the things that I can‟t see and hear. I put all my hope and trust in You. I‟ve been able to visualize only a small portion of the things that You have planned for me. I know that if I were to see it all, I may get overwhelmed and turn back. I know that no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the service in the kingdom.246 Therefore I pray for my focus to remain forward. I pray that I will keep moving in the direction of the calling. I pray for strength for the journey and increased clarity in my sight. In Jesus name, Amen.

245 246

1 Corinthians 2:9 Luke 9:62 162

134. DISTRACTIONS Father, I praise You for Your laser-like focus. You are exalted over all the nations; Your glory is above the heavens247 and You are not distracted by man‟s shortcomings. Forgive me O God for getting distracted from my purpose. I know that no matter how hard I try, there is always a constant tug and pull between my spirit and my flesh. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.248 Thank You for searching me, O God, and knowing my heart. Thank You for testing me and knowing my anxious thoughts. Thank You for seeing any offensive way that is in me and leading me in the way everlasting.249 I understand that distractions can be dangerous if not deadly. I desire to be like Christ, who accomplished what He was called to do. I don‟t want to be distracted by looking back at the past and turning into a pillar of salt.250 I want to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, and then I know that everything that I desire will be given to me.251 Father, help me to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to You and Your will for my life. Help me to stay clear of the winding road that leads to destruction and don‟t let me be distracted by anything that I meet along the path. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 113:4 Romans 7:15 249 Psalm 139:23-24 250 Genesis 19:26 251 Matthew 6:33 247 248




135. UNITED Father, I praise You for the perfect example of unity in the Godhead; the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Father You are my Creator. Jesus You are my Savior. Holy Spirit You are my Guide and Comforter. You O God are three in One. Forgive me for getting into that place where I stop trusting people. Remove from me the belief that says, “If I want anything done right I have to do it myself.” Take away that rebellious spirit that seeks for evidence to prove that no one is worthy of my trust. Forgive me for not having a compassionate heart towards those who have let me down in the past. Thank You God for providing me with people who support my vision and purpose. Thank You for the ones that are in my life as well as those that are on their way. Thank You for helping me to understand that You created me to be part of a society and that in society there is a give and take. Thank You for helping me to recognize that I reap what I sow ,therefore I‟m a reflection of all the people who are in my life. I know that two are better than one, because we have a good return for our work: if I fall down, my friend can help me up. But pity me if I fall and have no one to help men up. Also, if I lie down with someone, we can keep warm. But how can I keep warm alone? Though I may be overpowered, two of us can defend ourselves.252 Help me to use these principles and choose wisely as I unite and form alliances with people who have the same values and share the same beliefs as I do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 165

136. ALLIANCES All praises be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I praise the Holy Triune God. I praise You because You are the highest example of an extraordinary alliance. Each component of Your character stands alone with purposes to fulfill and each fits together to make the whole. I praise You that I, as imperfect creature, can model this by uniting with others that can ensure that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Please forgive me for being fearful about seeking out alliances with others who believe in You and who have similar visions. I have been hesitant to share my vision for fear that someone would reject me, ridicule me or worst yet try to steal my vision. Thank You for helping me to understand that Your promise to me is for me and me alone. Even if someone tried to do it, it wouldn‟t be what You gave me. Thank You for helping me to understand how unique the gift is You placed inside of me. Please help me to find those people who You‟ve already set aside to be part of my alliance. I know that You are preparing them for the alliance just as You are preparing me now. Allow each member of my alliance to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground and after we have done everything, to stand. Clothe us with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.253 With this armor, I pray that we will be totally prepared to do what You‟ve called us to do. In Jesus name, Amen.


Ephesians 6:10-18 166

137. WISE COUNSEL I praise You for Your precious and Holy Spirit. I praise You because I know that this is where wise counsel begins; You are my source and my guide. I praise You because You make getting to know and understand You ways simple for a child but mysterious to those who don‟t know You. Forgive me for all the detrimental advice that I‟ve followed over the years; including my own. Forgive me for not choosing to come to You and other wise people for sage advice because You are Omniscient and You have given the wise insight and knowledge. I know that the way of the fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise man is he who listens to counsel.254 Thank You God for not being through with me yet. Thank You for casting my mistakes and disappointments away. Thank You for putting people in my life that are wiser than me. Lord teach me how to seek out others who have a relationship with You because I understand that the person who walks with wise men will be wise.255 Introduce me to wise people who share what You have to say rather than their opinions. Teach me to seek out situations where I‟m not the smartest one in the room. Humble me so that I can be silent before those who have a deeper relationship with You as well as those who have more experience that I do. I know that a wise person will hear and increase in learning, and a person of understanding will acquire wise counsel.256 In Jesus name, Amen. Proverbs 12:15 Proverbs 13:10 256 Proverbs 1:5 254 255


138. MENTORING Praise You O God Most High. Praise You in Your sanctuary. Praise You in the tabernacle. Praise You on the mountain top as well as the fields. My lips sing praises unto You because You are worthy to be praised. Lord god, O King of kings and Lord of lords, You are magnificent and everlasting. You are the one true and living God and no one can come pare to You. I come before You confessing that I have been trying to do everything alone. I‟ve been sitting in a vacuum trying to figure things out. I‟ve been wondering why I haven‟t been making much progress and now I realize it‟s because I‟ve not allowed anyone to come in and give me support or guidance. Thank You O God, that there are people that You have ordained just for that purpose. Thank You God that even though I may not even know them right now, my mentors are being prepared for a time when we will meet. I know that that time is based on Your time and I eagerly wait in anticipation for the people You are sending my way. Bless me with a mentor and allow me to be a mentor. I know that You are mocked; for whatever I sow, that shall I also reap. For if I sow to my flesh, I shall reap corruption. But if I sow to the Spirit, I shall reap life everlasting. So please don‟t let me be weary in well doing. I understand that I don‟t faint, I will reap in due season.257 Let me live my purpose so that I will benefit others and let the doing of my purpose lead me to the people who need me as well as those who will support me. In Jesus name, Amen.


Galatians 6:7-9 168

139. PRAYER PARTNERSHIP I praise You for Your Word because it is living and active. It is sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.258 I praise You because You‟ve provided Your Word as a weapon that I can use when I pray. I also praise You because You have blessed us with the awesome gift of corporate prayer. I praise You that where two people on earth agree about anything we ask for, it will be done for us by You; our Father in heaven. Because where two or three come together in Your name, there You are with us.259 Forgive me for neglecting corporate prayer especially for those situations where I haven‟t been getting much movement. Forgive me for not teaming up with follower believers and bombarding Your throne. Forgive me for asking for just material things instead for life changing outcomes. Thank You God, that I have this confidence in approaching You: that if my prayer partner and I ask anything according to Your will, You hear us. And if we know that You hear us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of You.260 Father, I pray that You will reveal to me who I need to partner with in prayer. I pray blessings on my current partnerships and that You will be done in our lives. I pray for a renewed comfort in knowing that You answer prayers. In Jesus name, Amen. Hebrews 4:12 Matthew 18:19 260 1 John 5:14 258 259


140. INTERCESSION O God in Heaven, I praise You for Your great mercies and Your compassion. I praise You because You care so much about me. I praise You that You watch over me. You are a protector and the lifter upper of my head, O God Most High. Please forgive me for those times when I looked at other people‟s situations and thought that there wasn‟t anything I could do to help. Forgive me for walking past them in the street without even so much as an encouraging smile. Forgive me for not doing more because You said in Your Word, “I tell You the truth, whatever You did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, You did for me.”261 Thank You God for allowing me to grow more compassionate each and every day. Thank You for allowing me to give thanks for everything that I have and to also give to those in need; even if all I have to offer on their behalf is a prayer. Thank You for the many intercessory prayers that went up on my behalf and for people who know how to pray and don‟t hesitate to include me among those they pray for. Teach me O God to pray without ceasing.262 Show me how to be like Christ who continues to intercede on my behalf. Increase my faith in Your power to do great things as a result of my submission and prayers to You. Lord, help me to not take my prayer life for granted. Teach me how to intercede for those in need especially, those I‟ve been called to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.

261 262

Matthew 25:40 1 Thessalonians 5:17 170

141. MOVE MOUNTAINS Father, I praise You for Your WORD. I praise You because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of God.263 I praise You for that mustard-size faith that can move mountains.264 Father God, I praise You for Your power to not only move and obstacle but transform it. I praise You for every situation that looked bleak until You turned it around and for every miraculous thing You have done and those yet to come. Father, please forgive me for the times when my faith has waned. I have had those moments when I almost lost hope. Iâ€&#x;ve experienced those times when I just wanted to give up. Forgive me for not allowing Your Word to be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.265 Forgive me for not activating my faith as the first step in my strategic plan. Thank You O God for the reminder that I have the power to do extraordinary things as the Your Spirit rests, rules and abides in me. Thank You for the ability to move mountains just simply by having the smallest amount of faith. Thank You that it doesnâ€&#x;t take great faith to accomplish great things. Father help me to exercise my faith. Help me to use whatever faith I have. Help me to understand that my faith is a muscle that will grow over time from conditioning and strength training. Help me to begin a spiritual workout program that will get me closer to You; always having faith that You will lead me directly to my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen. Romans 10:17 Matthew 17:20 265 Psalm 119:105 263 264


142. FRIENDSHIPS Your name is worthy to be praised and worthy of all the honor and glory. I praise You that as Your child, I don‟t have to worry about being alone. You are a friend to the friendless. I praise You because Christ is the perfect example of true friendship. No one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friend.266 That‟s exactly what he did for me at Calvary. Father forgive me for taking my friendships for granted. Also forgive me for compromising when it comes to friendships and tolerating toxic people. Father forgive me for allowing myself to embrace their ways instead of modeling and teaching Yours. Thank You O God for allowing me to select friendships that are pleasing to You. Thank You that You are at the center of my friendships. Thank You that the friendships that I‟ve cultivated have allowed each of us to grow. Thank You for allowing me to have good and trustworthy people in my life. Father, allow me to only make sound decisions about friendships. Allow me to be very careful in my selection of friends because I understand that it is easy to pick up useless, unproductive and unhealthy habits. Allow me to not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Then I will be able to test and approve what Your will is—Your good, pleasing and perfect will.267 In Jesus name, Amen.

266 267

John 15:3 Romans 12:2 172

143. GOD’S FRIEND Father I praise You for the simplicity of Your plan for me. I praise You because even though I constantly try to complicate things, You are very clear and straight forward. I praise You for clarity. I praise You because You seek intimacy with me. I praise You because You promise to be with me always Forgive me God for doing things that are not been pleasing to You. I especially ask for forgiveness for my wavering faith. I understand that without faith it is impossible to please You268 and wit it I‟m elevated to the status of friendship with You. Thank You God for the model You provided in Abraham. He believed You and You credited it to him as righteousness. As a result, He was called Your friend.269 Thank You that it is just that simple. I am Your friend because I believe in the promise that You gave to me. Thank You that I can keep this faith no matter how long it seems to take to reach the destination You‟ve marked out for me. Father, I desire to be Your friend. I desire to have an intimate relationship with You. I desire to walk by faith not by sight 270 and in doing so, develop my ability to commune with You on a more regular basis. No matter what my situation looks like at this current moment, I have faith that You will do more than I could ever hope or dream. I have faith in You and I have faith I the gifts You‟ve given me as well as the provisions for my vision. In Jesus name, Amen. Hebrews 11:6 James 2:23 270 2 Corinthians 5:7 268 269


144. SYNERGY Praise You O God for Your power to speak and allow everything to come together so beautifully. In awesome wonder, I think about everything You‟ve made. I think about the fact that You made all of us the same and yet unique. I praise You because everything in Your creation works together thereby forming the circle of life. I praise You because heaven and earth are Yours; You founded the world and all that is in it.271 Father, please look deep within me and bring to my conscious thought anything that I‟ve thought, said or done that hinders me from fellowship with You. Lord show me areas where I‟ve neglected to do something I was supposed to. I am truly sorry and I repent for these sins of action and inaction. Thank You for showing me the way. Thank You for stepping of Your throne and taking on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ so that You would model what humanity should be. Thank You that everything Christ did was in synergy with the Father; stating, “The Father and I are One.272 Father help me to live synergistically with You as well as those in my life; particularly those who You have given me responsibility over. God, allow me to find people who will help me to live the vision to the fullest and to give of myself in such a way that their needs are met. Fit me for my purpose and allow me to be available to help anyone who reaches out to me for support. In Jesus name, Amen.

271 272

Psalm 89:11 John 10:30 174

145. ROLES & RESOURCES Father, I come before Your throne singing praises to Your name. I praise You for all You are and all You do. I praise You because You are worthy and because I am privileged to be in Your presence and I am counted among one of Your children. I praise Your holy name because You are so worthy. Forgive me O God for the times when I didn‟t live up to my responsibilities. There have been times when I haven‟t done what I committed to do. Forgive me for all those things that I‟ve left undone. But most of all forgive me for disappointing You as well as myself. Thank You O God, that You never condemn me. Thank You for Your conviction that reminds me to keep forward movement towards my purpose. Thank You for creating me with unique gifts and abilities that are beneficial to my team. Father, please help me to remember my role as part of the team that You‟ve blessed me with. I understand that everyone can‟t take on one role because then nothing much would happen. Help me to remember that there are indeed many members but just one body. Don‟t let the eye discriminate against the hand or the head dismiss the feet. Help me to remember that those members who seem weaker are necessary. 273 Show me how to make the most out of the role that I‟ve been given so that I can use it to edify others. Allow me to embrace my role as well as the responsibilities that come along with it so that I‟ll achieve all that You‟ve called me to be. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Corinthians 12:20-22 175



146. EMPOWERING THE TEAM Your name is to be praised to the end of the Earth. All of Heaven can‟t contain Your splendor. I‟m amazed at the fact that You could have chosen to treat us as pawns without free will, but You chose to empowered us to make wise choices. Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times when I negatively impacted others by my words or deeds. Father, I know that I have gotten frustrated by other people‟s action or in action. Forgive me for not always modeling Christ in the way that I‟ve treated other people. Thank You for improving my leadership skills. Thank You that each interaction with the people that are close to me including my team members brings new insights. Thank You for blessing me with opportunities to empower the team to embrace the vision that You‟ve given me. Help me, O God, to recognize the amazing responsibility that You‟ve set before me. Allow me to be like Joshua and Caleb who saw possibilities and returned a good report even when others all the challenges and defeat. Help me to understand how to motive and empower the people who look to me for leadership and guidance. Show me how to convince them that the promise land is exceedingly good and if You are pleased with us, You will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey; and You will give it to us.274 In Jesus name, Amen.


Numbers 14:7-8 177

147. EXCELLENCE Heavenly Father, I praise You because Your handiwork is excellent. When You created the world, You surveyed all You had done and declared it to be excellent. I praise You because this excellence extends to me and my life. I praise You that You didn‟t create junk but You created people in Your image; people filled with the potential for excellence. Father, forgive me for every negative word that I uttered against myself or others. Forgive me for thinking or uttering the word „fool” as it concerns me or anyone else. Your word tells me that whoever says, „You fool!‟ shall be in danger of hell fire. 275 Thank You for teaching me how to watch my tongue so that I do not bring damnation on myself or others. Thank You for transforming me by the renewing of my mind so that I don‟t conform to this world. Thank You that I am able to prove what is Your good, acceptable and perfect will.276 Father, I want to be excellent in every way. I want to be excellent in my actions as well as my speech. I understand that there is a big difference between excellence and perfection. I realize that I can never be perfect but I can choose to be excellent. Show me how to walk with excellence the path that You have set before me. No one else can walk that path for me so let me do the very best job that I‟m capable of doing then I know that everything I do will be pleasing to You. In Jesus name, Amen.

275 276

Matthew 5:22 Romans 12:2 178

148. DECISION MAKING I praise You O God because You don‟t even have to debate Your decisions or weigh the pros and cons. You instinctively know what is right from wrong because You are omniscient. Father, I praise You because You‟ve given me the power to make wise choices and great decisions. I praise You because You provided me with the Holy Spirit as a guide to help me in my decision making. Jesus promised to leave the Guide who would guide me into all truth. I praise You that I can count on Your Holy Spirit to fulfill that promise. You are the Lord my God who teaches me what is best for me, who directs me in the way I should go.277 Please forgive me for making decisions which were contrary to Your instructions. I know that You are a just and faithful God so I understand You judgment and chastisement. Forgive me for stepping off the straight and narrow and thinking I could get away with things that I‟ve done. Father Thank You that even though You do chastise, You also edify. Thank You that I‟ve learned from some of my poor decisions and Thank You for all the wise choices that I‟ve made that worked out. Father please allow me to make better choices as I progress along the path. Let me turn to Your Holy Spirit for all the guidance I need. Help me to be decisive and not to second guess myself. Help me to also understand that I don‟t need to make all the decisions because there are capable people who can make decisions as well. All I have to do is to focus on You and You will guide me through. In Jesus name, Amen.


Isaiah 48L17 179

149. CLARITY All praise and honor is due to You O god Most High. You sit high on Your throne and You survey the land. You know my comings and my goings. Father, You even see situations before they happen. Father, I praise You because I know that I have the mind of Christ.278 Farther forgive me for forgetting who I am in Christ. Forgive me for being like the prodigal son and wallowing around in the pigs pen because I didnâ€&#x;t remember who my Father is or what authority I have because of my relationship with You. Thank You for allowing me to be part of a chosen people, a royal priesthood a holy nation, a people belonging to You, that I may declare Your praises. You called me out of darkness into Your wonderful light.279 Thank You in advance for sharpening up my focus and preparing me for my purpose. I come before You now and ask for clarity of vision and articulation of that vision. Help me to develop a clear plan that can be executed without any confusion or misunderstandings. Where there is no clarity, Father, please let me stop and be still and wait on You. Allow me to wait for Your clarity and Your power, but the moment I receive the signal let me run this race without hesitation or question. Allow me to be so clear about my purpose that no naysayer can get me off the path. Help me to be so confident in the plan that You have for my life that I canâ€&#x;t even imagine it any other way. In Jesus name, Amen.

278 279

1 Corinthians 2:16 1 Peter 2:9 180

150. OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE Dear God, You are my friend, my comforter, and my guide. I praise You because You are excellent. I praise You because I was created in Your image, therefore, You created me to be excellent. Father, You are worthy of all the honor and praise. Forgive me for not believing in the abilities that You‟ve given me. Forgive me for second guessing myself and doubting my abilities. I know since You dwell in side of me, I have nothing to fear or worry about. Thank You O God for reminding me that greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world.280 Thank You that because of this greatness, I can perform at my best. Thank You that I don‟t have to worry about failure because I realize that it is only one rung on the ladder to success. Help me to have optimal performance in everything that I undertake on Your behalf and to realize that optimal performance requires good preparation. Guide me as I prepare for my purpose. Help me keep Your statues and precepts so that I don‟t sin against You. Help me to learn principles from the Saints in the Bible who provide examples for Christian living. Help me to learn from their successes as well as their failures. As I move forward into my purpose, allow me to keep my focus on You. Then I‟ll be sure of always giving one hundred percent and performing at my very best. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 John 4:4 181

151. CORE VALUES Dear precious and holy God. You sit high and You look low. You have a great view of all the things that encircle me day by day. You watch over me and protect me. You keep me from stumbling and falling. You pick me up after defeat. You fight my battles and You keep me safely wrapped in Your tender arms. I adore You O God, because You are everything to me. Father, please forgive me for times when I was disconnected from my values. I‟ve made grave mistakes and have had to pay a dear price. Forgive me for doing anything and everything that was in conflict with these values. Thank You for bringing me back home. Thank You for allowing me to have free will. Thank You even more for giving me the sense enough to know when enough is enough. Thank You for the values that You‟ve placed in my heart. Thank You that the Holy Spirit activates these values each and every time I have a choice to make. Thank You that going outside of my values is so uncomfortable that I soon notice that there is a problem and begin to look for a path that leads me back home. Father, please enable me to walk the path with purpose. Pepper it with my values so that I have a constant reminder of what I‟ve been called to do. Teach me how to trust in You with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding. Allow me to acknowledge You so that You can make my paths straight.281 In Jesus name, Amen.


Proverbs 3:4-5 182

152. TEAM MEMBERS Father, I praise You for creating and blessing me with people who share a vision for my purpose. I praise You that Your designs and plans aren‟t confined to me and my own limited imagination. You are able to bring together strong Christians who desire to work together to get Your will be done. Forgive me for the times when I doubted that You would send supportive people my way. Forgive me for settling for those people who weren‟t meant to be part of the team. Forgive me for almost letting go and giving up on the dream. Thank You that I‟m not alone in this plan for my purpose. No matter what it looks like in the natural, I know that You have already put people in place to carry out Your promise. Father, Thank You for allowing me to be still and know that You are God.282 Thank You for also letting me know that while I wait on You I have plenty of time to prepare for the promise. This is the most critical time in my life because it is the present. I can‟t do anything about the past, I can‟t predict the future, but I can make sound decisions right now. Allow me to choose my friends, associates and members of my team wisely. Allow me to have the leadership skills required to cultivate each member. Help me to make room for growth and expression. Allow the team members to operate on one accord. Lord, even if I can‟t see the members yet, remind me that I have a full and productive team that will operate in unison as we make this vision come alive. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 46 10 183

153. RESOLVE CONFLICTS I praise Your name O God most High. I praise You because You are not the author of confusion.283 I praise You because You bring peace and joy everlasting. I praise You because You have blessed me with the ability to manage difficult situations. Father please forgive me for any part Iâ€&#x;ve played in stirring up anger and strife. Forgive me for getting angry and sinning. Forgive me for letting the sun go down on my wrath.284 Forgive me for not always being a model leader. Thank You God that You donâ€&#x;t hold my offenses against me and for giving me opportunities grow. Thank You for teaching me how to be a good leader; one who admits her faults and sets a good example for her team. Thank You for giving me opportunities to work closely with people and to understand them better. Father please improve my conflict resolution skills and teach me how to be a pleasing people person; one who loves Your people. Allow me to be forgiving by nature and tolerant in action. Help me to show compassion towards people who may not be behaving in a manner that I see as appropriate. Allow me to draw on the very nature of Christ to interact with those who I support in such a way that they always feel bless as a result of an interaction with me. In Jesus name, Amen.

283 284

1 Corinthians 14:33 Ephesians 4:26 184

154. COMMUNICATION Heavenly Father, I exalt You. I will praise Your name forever. Every day I will praise You and extol Your name forever and ever. You are great and most worthy of praise; Your greatness no one can fathom. One generation will tell about Your works to another; they will tell of Your mighty acts.285 Father, test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.286 Show me where I need to repent. Humble my heart so that I can receive correction. Forgive me for any unkind word that I‟ve uttered. Forgive me for negative non-verbal communications that speak louder than anything I‟ve said. Thank You O God for giving me two eyes and two ears and only one mouth. Thank You for teaching me how to look and listen before I speak. Thank You for giving me good listening skills. Thank You for improving my communications skills with each new challenge. Father, allow me to articulately communicate my vision to those in my circle. These include my supporters, my mentors, my prayer partners and those who I serve. Help me to be so clear in explaining the vision that You‟ve given me that people will zealously try to help me build this portion of the kingdom. Help me to be clear in my communications in every situation because I know by my words I will be justified, and by my words I will be condemned. So make my speech be pleasing to You. In Jesus name, Amen.

285 286

Psalm 145:104 Psalm 26;2 185

155. PROBLEM SOLVING I praise You O God because You are mighty and able. There is no problem too great for You. You are a mighty, powerful and holy God. King of kings, Your name is holy. Holy One, You are full of glory. I know that without You I can do nothing and I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.287 Father, please forgive me for worrying about things that seem to stand in my way. For I know that when I‟m worried and anxious I‟m already defeated. Please forgive me for not having faith in You to work out even the most difficult problems because nothing is impossible with You.288 Thank You for enabling me to grow day by day. Thank You for the realization that my challenges of today would have destroyed me a while ago. Thank You that the things that I over come today are strengthening me for tomorrow. God, I know that my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Help me to put on Your full armor, so that when the day of evil comes, I may be able to stand my ground and after I‟ve done everything, to stand 289 Help me to use Your power to solve the problems that prohibit me from moving towards my purpose; knocking down everything that stands in my way. In Jesus name, Amen.

Philippians 4:3 Luke 1:37 289 Ephesians 6:12 287 288


156. CHALLENGES Heavenly Father, I praise Your name, lift You up and glorify You. I sing Your praises because You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I praise You for Your ability to speak life. I praise You because there are no limitations in You. Father, please forgive me for not always being who You‟ve called me to be. There have been times when I haven‟t given my all. There are times when I haven‟t done my best. Thank You O God, that You have created me with a heart to serve You and Your people. I know that as a result of the awesome responsibility that You‟ve given me, I will be faced with many challenges. Thank You that I can always count on You to see me through each and every one of them. Thank You for allowing me to cast my cares on You because You care for me.290 Father, I come before You with my current challenges, knowing that nothing can defeat me or over whelm me. This is because when I get together with You I‟m always on the side of the majority. God I know that any challenge I face will be met because You have powers and abilities that I can‟t even fathom. Father please allow me to turn everything over to You and to wait on You for the directions to take. Father, as a leader, please enable me to face challenges that others might be afraid of. Help me to set an example for those who are following me. Allow me to tackle every challenge that stands in the path between me and my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


1 Peter 5:7 187

157. HEARING FROM GOD I praise, adore, and honor You O God because You loved me first. I praise You for Your tender mercies and for watching over me. I praise You for waking me up each morning clothed and in my right mind.291 Forgive me for not recognizing Your voice, ignoring it, or not allowing it to cut through all the clutter. Forgive me for being preoccupied with stuff that I hasn‟t made me available to hear what you want from me. Forgive me O God for not making enough space and time for You. Thank You for speaking to my heart and for letting Your Sprit guide me and Your word abide in me. Thank You for allowing me to delve into Your word because I know the more I get into my studies I will show myself approved unto You. Thank You for allowing me to be a worker that doesn‟t need to be ashamed but one that rightly divides the word or truth.292 Please allow me to be quick to respond when I hear Your voice. Help me to be attuned to You. Please remove every distraction that stands in the way for me hearing from You. Show me how to sweep away everything that hinders my growth in You. Allow me to be unplugged from this world for at least long enough to hear Your voice clearly. Strengthen me through my commune with You so that I can be used to fulfill my purpose and support those You‟ve called me to serve. In Jesus name, Amen.

291 292

Luke 8:35 2 Timothy 2;15 188

158. ACCEPTING THE CALL Dear God, I praise You and worship You. I praise You and magnify Your holy name. Father You are high and lifted up. I praise You because of Your goodness and Your mercy. I praise You because You‟ve provided me with Your favor. Forgive me O God for not always being available to do the things that I‟ve been called to do. Forgive me for being so caught up with my own stuff that I‟ve gotten weighted down. Forgive me for the things in my life that I have put before You because I know that to be fit for the kingdom, I can‟t look back once I put my hand to the plow.293 Thank You O God for calling me into service. Thank You for opening my eyes to what it is You would have me do with the rest of my life. Thank You for clearly articulating my purpose. Thank You for reminding me daily that I can and do hear Your voice. Thank You for taking all doubt away from me about what You‟ve called me to do. Father, there are so many people in this world who need to know that You can meet everyone of their needs. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few.294 Because of this I know that it is necessary to do the things that You‟ve called me to do. I know that the work You‟ve called me to is of vital importance. Please don‟t let me get so caught up in my own stuff that I forget that I‟ve been called for a purpose. Allow me to boldly say, “Here I am send me.”295 In Jesus name, Amen. Luke 9:62 Matthew 9:37 295 Isaiah 6:8 293 294


159. MISSION I was created to praise You, magnify You and glorify You. I lift up my voice to You. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.296 Please look deep within me and show me where I have fallen short and where I‟ve miss stepped. I beg for Your forgiveness for those sins I remember. I also ask for forgiveness of those sins that I‟ve dismissed as minor. Show me where I need to repent so that I can be holy enough to be in Your presence. I know You call me to be holy because You are holy.297 Thank You Lord for reveling m mission and giving me all the provision I need to accomplish it. Thank You for showing me which path to take. Thank You for going on the journey with me so that I will never be alone. Thank You for giving me courage for to go after my purpose with a conviction that everything will work out exactly as planned. Father, I look to You now for direction and guidance all the way. I know that my mission is to accomplish Your will. Show me how the mission You have called me to lines up perfectly with the vision You‟ve given me. Let me be systematic about creating a strategic plan that will ensure that I accomplish what I set out to do. Father give me fortitude and longsuffering so that no matter what obstacles I meet along the way, I‟m fully convinced of You ability to bring it to pass. In Jesus name, Amen.

296 297

Philippians 2:10-11 1 Peter 1:15-16 190

160. FOCUSED Father, I praise Your holy and magnificent name. I lift You up. I glorify You. Lord, I bow down before Your throne. Father there is no one greater than You. Your name is worthy to be praised throughout the land. You are mighty and powerful. You are full of grace and abounding in steadfast love.298 Gracious God, forgiving Father, I come before You knowing that Iâ€&#x;ve fallen short of Your glory.299 Father, I have not been focused on the right things. Iâ€&#x;ve allowed myself to get distracted by the world and its systems rather than focusing on You and my purpose. Thank You, O God, that You will not always accuse, nor will You harbor Your anger forever; You do not treat me as my sins deserve or repay me according to my iniquities. Thank You for Your love which is as high as the heavens are above the earth.300 Thank You for teaching me how to focus on what is truly important and to discard anything that comes into conflict with my relationship with You and my drive towards my purpose. Father, please show me where my focus needs to be in order for me to accomplish what You have called me to do. Show me how to help the people on my team get focused as we work together to accomplish Your will. Guide me along this path and allow me to focus my sight on the beauty that I experience along the way as well as the end result. In Jesus name, Amen. Psalm 108:8 Romans 3:23 300 Psalm 108:9-11 298 299


161. ABOVE & BEYOND O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;301 Father, You are truly great. The things that You do are so amazing. You truly can‟t be compared to anything or anyone. Father to the extent that I ever go above and beyond it is only because of Your power working through me. Father, forgive me for being so lax when it comes to doing the things that I know I should do. Forgive me for the times when I haven‟t gone above and beyond. I know that You expect excellence from me because I was created in Your image. I know that Your very nature is excellent. Thank You for opening up my eyes to the things that I‟ve been ignoring. Thank You for polishing me daily. Thank You for pruning and purging me. Thank You for testing me and allowing me to come forth as gold.302 Thank You for maturing me and allowing me to operate at optimal capacity. There are so many things that I have to do. Help me to do the things that are the most important with a high degree of integrity and quality. Allow the people who come in contact with me or the product of my labor to be blessed immeasurably. Help me to pour love into everything that I do. Help me to pursue my purpose in such a way that others are blessed immeasurably. In Jesus name, Amen.

301 302

How Great Thou Art by Carl Gustaf Boberg (1859-1940) Job 23:10 192

162. OPPORTUNITIES Heavenly Father, I praise You and sing Your praise morning, noon and night. You are worthy of continuous praise for Your goodness, kindness and grace toward me. I praise You for Your favor. I praise You because of Your holiness. I praise You because of Your vast love that knows no bounds. Father, please forgive me for all my sins. I know that sin stands between me and my ability to enter Your presence. Anything that Iâ€&#x;ve done, said or thought that hinders me from being in an intimate relationship with You, please remove it. Though my sins are like scarlet, make them white as snow. Though they are red as crimson, make them like wool.303 Thank You for blessing me with so many opportunities and for bombarding me with Your favor. Thank You for making a way out of no way and constantly blessing me with good and perfect gifts that come from above.304 Father, Thank You for blessing me with so many amazing ways to do Your will and to build Your kingdom. Thank You that the opportunities that You send my way are in line with my vision, mission and purpose and that You give me the courage, skill and strength to accomplish the tasks set before me. I pray for clarity in determining which opportunities to focus on. Help me to decipher which ones are from You and help me to seize the right opportunity when it knocks. Allow me to be proactive and allow me to do everything to Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

303 304

Isaiah 1:18 James 1:17 193

163. DEVELOPING SKILLS Dear Father, You are my God and King. I trust You and have faith in Your ability to bring me to the level that You desire to me to be. God You are everything. I sing praises to Your holy and precious name. I magnify and lift You up. I praise You for everything You re and everything You do. Forgive me O God for everything and anything that I‟ve done that hasn‟t been pleasing to You. Father, please show me how to eliminate those things from my life. I repent right now and ask for Your strength and guidance so that I turn away from them and never return that way. I don‟t want to be a fool that returns to my folly just as a dog returns to his vomit.305 Thank You for molding me and making me. I am the clay, You are the potter; I am the work of Your hands306. Thank You for allowing me to grow and learn from my mistakes. Thank You for allowing me to develop strong skills that are instrumental in moving towards my purpose. Thank You for showing me how to develop my strengths and giving me guidance for finding ways to supplement my areas of weaknesses. Father I desire to make improvements to my life that will glorify You and be a blessing to others. Minister to me and show me where to start. Show me how to do the things that You‟ve called me to do. I want to execute them with excellence. Therefore, I ask for a double portion of skill and ability. Let me be effortless in my execution of Your will. In Jesus name, Amen.

305 306

Proverbs 26:11 Isaiah 64:8 194

164. START SMALL Heavenly Father I praise You for small beginnings and for the little seed that grows into a great tree. I praise You because those things that others despise, elevate. I praise You that You donâ€&#x;t see me the way the world sees me but You see something greater. I You see my full potential. Father forgive me for not having me faith and confidence in myself. Father, sometimes I spend more time talking negatively to myself or talking myself out of moving towards my purpose. Sometimes I question my ability, my skill, and my intelligence. Father, remind me that I was created in Your image and what You made, it was very good.307 I repent for every time I questioned the value of Your handiwork. Thank You O God, that even if things arenâ€&#x;t the way I desire them to be right now, I know that You have the power to make amazing things come to pass. I praise You that it truly has very little to do with me and my abilities as much as it has to do with my faith in You. I praise You. Father, allow me not to despise the day of small beginnings. Help me to understand that I have to start somewhere. Father, please take the little I do and bless it and break it and multiply it. Allow my work to touch so many lives as a result of me giving of myself. Allow me to give my time, talents and treasure to You so that You can press it down, shake it together and allow it to overflow.308 In Jesus name, Amen.

307 308

Genesis 1:27,31 Luke 6:38 195

165. PRACTICE I magnify You O God most High. I adore You. I sing Your praises day and night. I praise You in my spirit. I am so blessed to be one of Your children. I don‟t deserve Your blessings but You bless me any way. I praise You for Your favor over my life. I praise You that I am Your sheep, who listens to Your voice. You give me eternal life and I shall never perish; no one can snatch me out of Your hand.309 Father, forgive me for the times when I‟ve gotten lazy and didn‟t put into practice the things that I‟ve learned. Forgive me for trying to take the low road instead of the high one. Forgive me for trying to take the easy way out. Lord, forgive me for not taking the time out for perfect practice, because I know that practice makes habits but perfect practice makes perfect. Thank You that the perfection I seek doesn‟t come from my skills and abilities but it comes from dependence on You to work everything out for my good and Your glory. I know that all things work for the good of those who love You, who have been called according to Your purpose.310 Father, please teach me diligence. Allow me to practice with perseverance and longsuffering because I know that the reward will be mine if I don‟t give up. Allow me to put into practice all the things that You command me to do. Allow me to lead those who have embraced the vision that You given me in a way that they see my diligence and commitment. In Jesus name, Amen.

309 310

John 10:27-28 Romans 8:28 196

166. GREATER CHALLENGE I exalt You O Lord my God and worship at Your footstool. I exalt You O Lord my God and worship at Your holy mountain, for You are holy.311 I praise Your magnificent name. I magnify You for Your wondrous works. Dear God, I come before You asking for forgiveness from anything that hinders my progress. I know that if You wash me I will be clean. If You purge and prune me I will grow stronger. Remove any resistance I have that prevents me from doing Your will. Allow me to fully repent so that I can commune with You. Thank You for daily doses of Your power and might. I need Your strength daily to take on greater challenges. Thank You for being there for me and undertaking my challenges. Thank You for never leaving me. Thank You for being my constant guide and my source of joy. Father, please give me wisdom and courage so that I can take on all that You have in store for me. I know that challenges and obstacles may come my way but I know that with Christ I can do anything and apart from You I can do nothing.312 Father help me to embrace greater challenges. Help me to seek them out and tackle them. Help me to successfully overcome obstacles and challenges in my path. Help me keep narrowly focused on things that are important to the purpose and defeat any challenge that stands in the way. In Jesus name, Amen.

311 312

Psalm 99:5,9 John 15:5 197

167. MAKE A DIFFERENCE Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your power and Your might. I praise You for Your Word. I praise You for Your Son. I praise You for Your precious Holy Spirit. All of this has made a tremendous difference in my life. I praise You because You‟ve equipped me for my purpose so that I can make an impact on someone‟s life. Lord, I praise You that You can use the least eloquent, least with regards to each and every attribute and still accomplish great things. Forgive me for not trying and buying into the falsehood that one person can‟t „really make a difference. I have wasted much time waiting for someone to step up. Thank You for reminding me as a leader, it is my duty and responsibility to step up and make a difference. Thank You for showing me that even though I may be small and insignificant by worldly standards, I‟m powerful and mighty and can bring down giants just like David when he slew Goliath.313 Father, teach me how to trust in You with all my heart and lean not unto my own understandings. I know that You can take the little that I have and do amazing things with it just as You did with the widow‟s oil and flour. Allow me to be as obedient with my gifts as she was with her last meal. 314 Allow the oil in my jar to never run out so it can be used to bless someone‟s life tremendously. Let my pursuit of my purpose make a real difference to someone who needs my gifts. In Jesus name, Amen.

313 314

1 Samuel 17:49-51 1 Kings 17:10-17 198

168. PERSONAL BEST Dear God, I praise You because You are a shield around me. You bestow glory on me and lift up my head. I cry aloud to You O Lord and You answer me from Your holy hill. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because You sustain me.315 I don‟t take it for granted. I know that every breath I date is a gift from You. I praise You for the good and the bad. I praise You for the sunshine and the rain. Without out a little bit of rain, I couldn‟t appreciate basking in Your rays. Father, please take a look over my life. Show me all the times when I wasn‟t at my personal best. I‟m asking You to point these things out to me for continuous improvement. I want to know where I‟ve stumbled or fallen so that I can be careful in the future. I understand that a person who doesn‟t understand and learn from their history is destined to repeat it. Thank You for wiping my slate clean so that I can do my personal best from this day forward. Thank You that each day I get a brand new start and I can learn from the errors of the past. Thank You that I‟ve been given free will and I choose to do my best in every area of my life. I understand that as a leader, many people are watching to see how I will behave. They are interested in what I‟ll say and how I‟ll respond to a variety of situations. Lord, help me to keep focused on You. Help me to seek You and Your righteousness first so that everything else to be added to me.316 In Jesus name, Amen.

315 316

Psalm 3:3-4 Matthew 6:33 199

169. RISK TAKING Father, I praise You because Your words are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.317 Father I praise You because I can totally and completely trust You and the promise that You‟ve given to me. Heaven and earth may pass away, but Your word will never pass away.318 Forgive me for playing it safe and for not speaking out when I was supposed to or walking away when I should have taken action. Forgive me for not being proactive and for not taking risks to ensure that Your will is accomplished. Thank You for still trusting me with Your vision for my life. Thank You for seeing all my faults and loving me in spite of my flaws. Thank You for giving me more and more courage daily so that I can take greater risks on behalf of You. You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.319 Father I need all of Your power so that I can take a risks on my purpose. Things may not seem the way I want them to be. Everything may not have lined up perfectly. The path doesn‟t look like anything I imagined it to be, but at the end of the day I‟m willing to take a risk so that I can serve You and do the things that You calling me to do. I know that it is foolish to take risks under my own strength and power. That‟s why I‟m so grateful that I don‟t have to. As long as I walk with You, I have confidence in every action I take; they become less risky because I‟m insured by You. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 12:6 Matthew 24:35 319 2 Timothy 1:7 317 318


170. DECISIVENESS Heavenly Father, You are amazing. You are magnificent. You are awesome. What is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of Your hands; You put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beast of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swims the paths of the seas. O Lord, my Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!320 Father, forgive me for doubting myself. You made me to rule over Your handiwork; therefore I should have no doubt about my ability to perform the task that Youâ€&#x;ve set before me. Thank You for creating me a little lower than the angels in heaven. Thank You for reminding me that I have the ability to make good choices and sound decisions. Thank You for walking with me and allowing me to call on Your wisdom. Father, allow me to be decisive in everything I do. Help me to give adequate analysis to a situation but at the end of the day not be afraid to make a decision. Help me to own the decisions I make no matter the outcome. I trust You to guide me into all truth. I know that if I put a matter before You and wait on You to provide me with insight, I will make the best decisions every time. Help me to decisively tackle the duties that will move me towards the vision You have for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 8:4-9 201

171. EFFECTIVENESS Praise be to You , the Lord God, the god of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. Praise be to Your glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with Your glory.321 Father, I come to You humble and repentant. I repent for not even attempting certain things for fear of the outcome. Lord, please remove from me any fear that is holding me back from effectively pursuing Your purpose for my life. Lord, I pray that You will show me how to take one step at a time and give me just enough light for the step Iâ€&#x;m on. Thank You for being present with me. Thank You for instructing me. Thank You for Your guidance and Your directions. I know that You were instrumental in all my successful experiences. Thank You for past successes as well as successes to come. I know I can count on You to make my path straight. Father, please allow me to be effective in the way that I handle Your business. Allow me to have effective leadership, management, and listening skills. Allow me to be able to listen to Your voice and do what You instruct. Help me to effectively minister to the people Youâ€&#x;ve called me to serve. Show me how to decrease so that You can increase. I know for a fact that when I let go of my investment in something and allow Your will to be the only reason for my action, then I know that people will be bless beyond compare. Give me wisdom and skill so I can complete my responsibilities and duties effectively and elegantly so that others will be blessed. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 72:18-19 202

172. CHOOSE THE BEST Heavenly Father I sing praises to Your glorious name. You deserve the honor and the praise because You are perfect without spot or wrinkle. Father, I praise You for Your goodness and mercy. I praise You because there is no one better than You in the entire world. I serve You O Lord, with fear and rejoice with trembling.322 I have made choices in the past that weren‟t the best ones that I could have made. I have chosen to associate with people who were not on one accord with me. I have chosen paths that led nowhere or even worse; led to destruction. Father so many of my choices have come back to haunt me but I‟m so grateful that You don‟t hold any of those things against me. Unlike Satan who condemns, I know Your spirit convicts so that I can be awaken to the errors of my ways and repent. Thank You for choosing me and showing me how to do what You want me to do. Thank You for allowing me to learn from mistakes without feeling intimidated about pressing forward. Father, I seek Your heart in all my decisions. I know it‟s easy to turn over the big ones to You; however, I want to practice turning the little ones over as well. Please present me with excellent options so that I have an opportunity to choose the best. Please give me a discerning spirit to enable me to identify all the things that are not Your best. Please open my eyes to be able to see things the way they are and not how they appear to be. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 2:11 203

173. SERVING My spirit sings praises to Your magnificent name. I stand in awe of You. Father, You clothed Yourself in humanity and humbled Yourself just to save us from sin. Jesus thought nothing of washing the discipleâ€&#x;s feet. This is the example You have set for me. Forgive me for thinking that I was too important to do certain tasks and wanting to walk before I crawl. Forgive me for expecting everything to be the way that I desire without first humbling myself to serve. Forgive me for thinking more highly of myself than I ought.323 Thank You O God for giving me opportunities to be of service to someone who needs it. Thank You for allowing me to show up to reap the harvest because I know that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few.324 Thank You for allowing me to one of the willing laborers. Thank You for allowing me to use my gifts to bless those who are in need. Show me how to be all that You are calling me to be. Show me how to fully unwrap these gifts that You placed inside of me from birth. Show me how to use them to benefit others and edify You. Father, I know that You have given me mighty powers and itâ€&#x;s a matter of me calling on the Holy Spirit for not only His indwelling presence but his manifestation. I desire to be used in a mighty way. I desire to lead people who can visualize Your will and are ready to make it happen. In Jesus name, Amen.

323 324

Romans 12:3 Matthew 9:37 204

174. INSPIRING Father God, You inspired me just by breathing the breath of life into me. You inspire me with Your thoughts. You inspire me to do well. I sing praises because I know that basking in Your presence is a gift. When I do so, I‟m fully equipped for all of life‟s challenges and disappointments. Father, forgive me for those times when I was not only uninspiring to those around me but I‟ve gone as far as discouraging them with negative or pessimistic talk. Forgive me if my words or actions have deterred anyone from doing what You‟ve called them to do. Thank You for all the inspiration I‟ve gotten from You as well as those whom You‟ve sent into my life. I‟ve been inspired to do great things and because of some of the examples I‟ve been exposed to, I know that I can do amazing things with Your guidance. Father, please give me the inspiration I need to lead those who You have blessed me to serve. Also give me the gifts so that I can inspire them to do You will. Father, I am inspired by Your word because it is enduring. Heaven and earth will pass away, but Your word will never pass away.325 Heavenly Father, I desire to do Your will and to lead others to do it as well. I want to passionately pursue my purpose and do great things for Your kingdom. Inspire me to do more than I ever thought possible. Give me a burning desire to go forward and the passion to see my challenge through to the end. In Jesus name, Amen.


Mark 13:31 205

175. DELEGATING The earth and everything in it is Yours, the world and all who live in it; for You founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. God You are mighty beyond compare.326 I praise You for Your example because once You created the world, You delegated its care to man. Father forgive me for trying to put the whole world on my shoulders. Forgive me for taking on so much that I‟ve neglected myself of those whom I love. Father, please forgive me for trying to do everything myself and ending up overwhelmed. Thank You God for showing me areas where I can delegate. Thank You for sending able bodied people who aren‟t afraid of a little hard work. Father Thank You for blessing me in the moment. Thank You for teaching me how to let go of the things that are not beneficial or helpful for my purpose. I depend on You to help me with everything I do. Increase my leadership skills and enable me to be expert delegator. Help me to understand that no matter what the challenge I can trust You. Give me enough faith to do what You‟ve called me to do and to wait patiently for You to work out the details of my life. Father, allow me to build a team that has Your power to make things happen. Father, show me how to delegate without frustration. Help me to choose wisely and delegate to individuals who operate in excellence and have yielded to Your will. Give me opportunities to delegate so that I can be free to follow the path that leads to Your promise. Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 24:1-2 206

176. CONTINUITY Father You are my rock and my fortress. I praise You for Your guidance. Free me from the trap that is set for me, because You are my refuge. Into Your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me O lord, the God of truth.327 Please show me where I‟m missing the target. Father God, I know that everything that You‟ve given to do will die right here with me if I don‟t have a plan for its survival. No one wants believe that their legacy will be cut off but once they are gone there is nothing left of lasting value unless someone else takes up the charge. Forgive me for being so selfish by not sharing and inspiring other s with the vision You gave me. Thank You for modeling for me the perfect continuity planed when Jesus died and gave us charge over his responsibilities. God, just as Jesus made provisions for the future that are still in practice today, Thank You for allowing me to design plans that will affect future generations. Father, show me how to develop a suitable continuity plan. Show me how to walk this walk and allow the things that I am working on to have longevity. Help me to make plans for the future so that my work can go on with or without me. Please help me to do Your will and make serious plans for how the vision You‟ve given me will continue long after I‟ve passed on. Father, let the work I do be so good and thorough that others are blessed by is and still others want to join in to help with the care and feeding of my vision. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 31:3-5 207



177. PROGRESS God, I praise Your name. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for You, the Living God. When can I go and meet with You?328 As long as I keep my focus on You, I donâ€&#x;t have to worry about my progress; You have everything under control. Please forgive me for becoming stagnant and allowing myself to get into a rut. Father, forgive me for not doing everything in my power to proceed down the path You have given me. Father, sometimes the way is rough and I get weary. Thank You for sustaining me and for sending people to encourage me. Thank You for Your goodness and mercy. Thank You that Your blessing and favor cover my life. Father, I count on You to allow me to reach new heights. I trust You to help me move forward in the direction of my purpose. Allow me to put all my hope in You so that I can renew my strength. Allow me to soar on wings like eagles; let me run and not grow weary. Let me walk and not be faint.329 Father, I know only You can guarantee my progress. I lean on Your everlasting arms. I follow where You lead. I trust with all my heart that You have already worked out a way for me to achieve my purpose and manifest my vision. Lord, my faith is at least the size of a mustard seed and growing day by day. Therefore, I know that I can do amazing things that will build up Your kingdom and serve those who need me. In Jesus name, Amen.

328 329

Psalm 42:1-2 Isaiah 40:31 209

178. GOAL ATTAINMENT CYCLE Father in Heaven, I praise You because You bless each and every one of Your children. I praise You that You give me exactly what I need. I praise You for fulfilling the desires of my heart. I praise You because I am like an olive tree flourishing in Your house. I trust in Your unfailing love forever and ever. I will praise You forever for what You have done; in Your name I will hope, for Your name is good. I will praise You in the presence of Your saints.330 Forgive me for losing focus of the big picture and getting mired down in the details of life. Forgive me for letting the worries of this world choke You out. Forgive me for not focusing on my goals in a renewed and refreshed way each and every day. Thank You, God that even when I move You donâ€&#x;t. When I return, You are right there to take me back. Thank You that there is no shadow of turning in You.331 Thank You for seeing fit to bless me in such a mighty way. God, help me to fully understand how You desire me to execute my purpose. Show me how to go after and reach my goals without holding back because of fear or ignorance. Father, I desire to serve You in a mighty way. I desire to live up to the monumental task that Youâ€&#x;ve given me. Please remove all fear and replace it with unmitigated faith. In Jesus name, Amen.

330 331

Psalm 52:8-9 James 1:17 210

179. IDENTIFICATION Dear God, I will sing to You a new song; I will join with the entire earth in singing to You O Lord. I will sing to You or Lord and praise Your name. I will proclaim Your salvation day after day. I declare Your glory among the nations. Your deeds are marvelous. For You are great, O Lord and most worthy of praise. You are to be feared above all gods.332 Forgive me for not focusing on what is truly important. Help me to flee from those things that the adversary designed to hold me back from accomplishing my dreams. Please take away anything from me that isnâ€&#x;t pleasing to You and help me to find my identification in You and not in material things. Thank You God for sustaining me daily. Thank You for bringing me to this place in my life where I know that big things will come my way as a result of opening my heart and my hands. Thank You, O God, for allowing me to have this time to develop my mind because I know that I have the mind of Christ. Thank You for allowing me to trust and never doubt that You will bring me out of whatever is holding me back. Father, please show me how to identify the things that are going to bring me closer to my purpose. I know that once I can clearly articulate my vision, You will manifest it. I know that You are still in the miracle making business. I know that You can do even more than I can imagine. Help me to identify the people, places and things that I need to embrace and those I need to discard. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalm 96:1-4 211

180. ACTION Praise the Lord, O my soul; and my inmost being, praise Your holy name. Praise You Lord, O my soul, and I don‟t forget all Your benefits. You forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases. You redeem my life from the pit and crown me with love and compassion. You satisfy my desires with good things. 333 Father forgive me for being paralyzed by fear which leads to inaction. Forgive me for allowing fear and confusion to grip me so much at times that I fall prey to procrastination. Forgive me for being sluggish in doing Your will and achieving Your purposes. Thank You for allowing me not to conform to the pattern of this world any longer but instead to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Thank You for enabling me to test and approve Your will – Your good, pleasing and perfect will.334 I‟m looking forward to taking action on Your behalf. I desire to do exactly what You‟ve called me to do. I want to be proactive in everything concerning You. God I know that I‟m Your workmanship. I was created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which You prepared in advance for me to do.335 Allow these good works of mine to touch those who really need to know You and Your love. Let my efforts not be in vain. Allow my purpose to be manifested so You will be glorified. I hide myself in You and I embrace Your will for my life. Enable me to activate my faith and move into action banishing all fear. In Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 103:1-5 Romans 12:2 335 Ephesians 2;10 333 334


181. REVIEW I praise You O God because nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. Not trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger of sword. As is it is written “For Your sake I face death all day long; I am considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. For I am convinced that neither death no life, nor angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord. 336 Father I repent of all my sins that hinder my prayers from getting to Your throne. Please look over my life and show me where I need to improve. Allow me to do a thorough review of my life and discard anything that is not pleasing to You. Thank You O God, for a chance to grow from my mistakes. Thank You for being able to review where I am and make an honest assessment of what I need to do to get where I need to be. Thank You for providing me with constant feedback from Your precious Holy Spirit. Allow me to heed Your advice and put into practice all the things I learn from a review of my life. Father. I truly desire to do Your will. I desire to walk in Your ways and I desire to do everything that You‟ve given me to do. Please help me to not only review but also revise. Allow me to fortify my plans and ensure that they will lead to success. In Jesus name, Amen.


Romans 8:35-39 213

182. RESOURCES You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are the source of all resources. I praise You because You‟re always with me and You‟re always providing for me. I praise You because when I pass through the waters, You are with me; and through the rivers, they shall not over flow me. When I walk through the fire, I shall not be burned nor shall the flame kindle on me.337 I praise You for protecting me and giving me everything I need as well as the desires of my heart. When I think of all the resources that have come through my hands, I am repentant because of all the waste I‟ve created. Forgive me for not wisely using what You have given me and letting things be stolen, lost or spoiled. These things could have been used to do my work or they could have been used to bless other. Help me to be more conscious of my resources in the future and find ways to efficiently use them. Thank You for all the resources that You continue to bless me with and for maturing me so that I can put them to better use. Thank You for providing for me and that I lack nothing. I know it‟s Your good pleasure to bless me with good gifts. Please let me take nothing for granted. Also let me release the things that I don‟t need so that I can make room for all the things that You are waiting to bless me with. Not just material blessings, O God, but abundance in every area. I believe they are waiting to flow into my life if I would just open my hand to give first. Then O Lord, I will be in the posture to receive. In Jesus name, Amen.


Isaiah 43:2 214

183. ASSISTANCE Father, I praise You for Your assistance which is there for the asking. You help me out of every difficult spot when I call on You. Even if I walk in the midst of trouble, You revive me. You stretch fourth Your hand against the anger of my enemies. Your right hand shall save me.338 Forgive me for thinking that I don‟t have any help. This is kind of thinking often prevents me from getting started. Sometimes I feel that I have to do everything myself and that I can‟t get any help no matter where I look. Forgive me for being so caught up in my own stuff and forgetting to cast out fear. Thank You for reminding me not to fear because You are with me and not to be dismayed because You are my god. Thank You for strengthening me and helping me. Thank You for upholding me with the right hand of Your righteousness.339 Father, I look to You for all kinds of help. I know that if I ask You will assist me and send people who will help me to carry the load. I pray that when the road gets tough and I get tired of carrying the load, that I remember to turn to You and to give it all to You. Father remind me of the single set of footprints in the sand for I know when it‟s necessary, You will carry me. Help me to be extremely clear about my purpose and mission. Help me to find everything I need to execute efficiently. Help me to do so much more with You and the support of other believers than I could have ever thought of doing by myself. In Jesus name, Amen.

338 339

Psalm 138:7 Isaiah 41:10 215

184. BOUNDARIES Father, I praise You for sanctifying me by the truth; Your word is truth. Praise You for sending me into the world, just as You sent Jesus into the world. Praise You for Jesus‟ sanctification, that I too may be truly sanctified. Father, I haven‟t always set the best boundaries in the past. I‟ve either crossed lines or allowed others to cross over them. Father I repent for not being lukewarm because You said in Your word that You would rather me being hot or cold but lukewarm makes You want to spit me out of Your mouth.340 Thank You for showing me how to set boundaries so that other people can‟t influence me and lead me astray. Thank You that my boundaries are based on Your word. Thank You for allowing me to think on the appropriate things. Help me Father to remember to hide Your word in my heart so that I don‟t sin against You.341 I seek to do You will and this means that I have to eliminate anything and anyone who stands in the way or tries to prohibit me from making progress. Father help me to set strong boundaries and then stick by them. Help me to be able to communicate these boundaries effectively so that people in my life know what I‟m willing to do and what is not negotiable. Give me good strategies to employ when people challenge these boundaries. At the end of the day allow the boundaries to serve the purpose of me doing Your will and accomplishing the call You have on my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

340 341

Revelations 3:15 Psalm 119:11 216

185. CORRECTION Heavenly Father, I praise Your holy and precious name. I praise You in the morning, I praise You in the noon day, and I praise You when the sun goes down.342 Father, You have been so good to me. You take care of me, provide for me, guide me, lead me and correct me. You never condemn me, but offer me a place of redemption and hope. Please forgive me for all the things that I‟ve done that aren‟t‟ pleasing to You. Forgive me for the thoughts and deeds that offended You today. Allow me to daily come before Your throne and purge myself of the sin that tries t trap me. Thank You God for Your hand of correction. Thank You for strengthening me, helping me, and upholding me with Your righteous right hand.343 I‟d like for You to shower me with Your favor, however there is a time and place for everything and I know that ultimately Your correction of my wrong doing, misstep or ignorance will ultimately lead me to the path that You‟ve designed just for me. Father, I ask for You help in understanding the difference between what is Your permissible will and Your perfect will. God I want to walk in Your perfect will for my life because I know only then will I see the blessings that You have in store for me. I know that I will carry out my purpose because I know that You will keep me on the straight and narrow as long as I yield my will to Yours. In Jesus name, Amen.

342 343

Praise Him. Written by Byron Cage Isaiah 41:10 217

186. TIME MANAGEMENT I praise You O God because You don‟t have to worry about time. With You O Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.344 I praise You because while I might have to juggle things in order to fit everything into my schedule, I know You simple act because whenever You do so, it‟s always the perfect time. I praise You for being the creator and manipulator of time. I praise You be no one else can cause time to stand still. Forgive me for wasting time. I know what I do with this time will determine how I spend the rest of eternity. Forgive me for doing anything that would cause You to be ashamed to call me Your child. Forgive me for not taking serious the fact that no one knows the time or hour when the son of man shall return. 345 Forgive me for allowing that to take back place to everything else that I‟m concerned about. Thank You God, that with the amount of time that I‟ve been given I can do miraculous things. Thank You for giving me ancient and modern examples of those who lived their purpose to the fullest and accomplished amazing things. Thank You for showing me how to live my life in this manner. Teach me how to be the best steward over my time. Help me eliminate distractions, delegate unnecessary items, schedule important items and prioritize the items that are of the utmost importance. Remind me to keep You as my primary focus. In Jesus name, Amen.

344 345

2 Peter 3:8 Mathew 24:36 218

187. FEAR Father, I praise You because You are amazing, You‟re awesome and magnificent, and worthy of all praise honor and glory. I praise You for Your majesty and because You have all power in Your hand. I praise You because You have the ability to bring down Your wrath on my enemies and You can also shower down blessings. I praise You because You are bigger than anything or anyone that I could ever imagine. Please forgive me for being struck with fear and for allowing my dreams to lay dormant because of the fear of putting myself out there and fear getting ridiculed or rejected. Thank You for You never ending favor and my ever increasing faith. Each and every time You prove Yourself to me, my faith increases. Even if the blessing isn‟t mine, just watching You at work is awesome to behold. Please cast away all fear and worry. I know that the enemy roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour.346 Thank You that no matter how hard he tries, he will never capture me because I‟m Your sand no one can take me out of Your hand.347 I know that as long as I stay connected to You, I will be fine. Father please help me to stay connected to You even when I can‟t see and hear You. Allow me to remember that You will always be with me even to the end of the age.348 I know that being in lock step with You is my only chance of making it to the place of promise. In Jesus name, Amen. 1 Peter 5:8 John 10:28 348 Matthew 28:20 346 347


188. CHANGE Heavenly Father, You are awesome. You are mighty and powerful. You can do anything but fail. You are so truly amazing. Father I love You and adore. I praise You for Your ability to do such amazing things and then make it look effortless. I praise You because You change people‟s hearts and mind and that is one for the most important things. Forgive me for being stuck in my ways and for not keeping current by evaluating everything to make sure that I‟ve living life authentically and according to Your will for my life. I want to live the life that You demand of Your followers. I want to be one with You because there isn‟t a better way to grow. Thank You for allowing me the change when the time was appropriate and also Thank You for helping me to stand my ground without conforming fully to this world and its systems. Thank You for allowing me to make positive changes and avoid changes that takes me off course. I know that I have to transform myself in little ways, unless I won‟t survive, However, let me make change that make a real difference in someone‟s life, Your kingdom and my purpose. Therefore, since I am surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let me throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let me run with perseverance the race marked out for me.349 Allow me to change those things that are inappropriate or immature and stand with confidence in those things that lead me directly to my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


Hebrews 12:1 220

189. RIDICULE Dear God, I praise You. You are worthy of all the praise. I don‟t have adequate abilities to give You the praise You deserve. I praise You because I know that You inhabit the praise of Your people350 I praise You because You take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. I praise You that though I look foolish to others, I still love You enough to praise You like David did. I praise You that though his wife ridiculed him, he didn‟t feel the need to have a dignified praise. Forgive me for sitting on my hands and resting my feet when I felt the spirit moving through the atmosphere afraid to move because of how foolish I might look. Forgive me for all the silly little inhibitors that have paralyzed me and prevented me from giving You the honor and glory that You truly deserve. People may scoff at me about my faith in You or my dedication to my purpose when nothing seems to be happening. However, I know You will vindicate me. Thank You that You‟re not a God made by man‟s hands; You are real. Thank You that I can still count on Your promises never fail.351 Please help me ignore what people say about me, You or my path to my purpose. I know that they will try to discourage me or try to fix my situation by enlightening me to the error of my ways. Help me stand my ground believing that the purpose is for a promised time and You will manifest it in due season. No matter how foolish I look, I will still trust You. In Jesus name, Amen.

350 351

Psalm 22:3 Hebrews 10:23 221

190. REJECTION Dear Father, I praise Your holy and magnificent name. I praise You for Your goodness and kindness. I You because the stone that the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone.352 I praise You that this cornerstone is Christ Jesus. I adore You O God, I know that no amount of rejection by the world can compare to the acceptance I have in You. Forgive me for caring about how the world views me and forgetting that I do not belong to the world, but I have been chosen out of the world. That is why the world hates me.353 Thank You O God that I grow a little each and every day. Thank You for allowing me to reach a point where I don‟t care what others say about me as long as I get to hear You say, “well done my good and faithful servant”354 I pray for Your peace that transcends all understanding so that my heart and mind will be guarded in Christ Jesus.355 As I seek to do Your purpose, I know that I may come face to face with rejection from people who don‟t understand what I‟m doing or those who may understand but want to see me fail. Whatever the reason I experience rejection; I believe with all my heart that You won‟t let it hinder my progress. Lord, I pray that You will elevate me above rejection and move me into the realm where everything flows easily from You and my purpose is magnificently manifested. In Jesus name, Amen.

Ephesians 2:20 John 15:19 354 Matthew 25:21 355 Philippians 4:7 352 353


191. LACK OF SKILL O Lord my God I adore You. I lift up my voice to sing praises to Your name. I praise You for Your omniscience and abilities. Father, when I think about You, I realize just how frail I really am and just how little ability I really have. Father without You I am nothing and I can do nothing. However with You all things are possible.356 Forgive me for using my lack of skill as an excuse for not getting started on my purpose. Forgive me for hiding behind my shortfalls and using them as an excuse for not moving forward. Forgive me for coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses for not doing what You have called me to do. Thank You that I don‟t have to know anything or have any special skills to be obedient. Thank You for reminding me that I need to trust in You with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding; in all my ways acknowledge You, and You will make my paths straight.357 Father, I turn it all over to You. I let go of all my failures from the past as well as my insecurities about the future. I desire to walk by faith and not sight.358 I know that if I trust You and for Christ‟s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.359 Allow me to be strong in You and to do what You‟ve called me to do. In Jesus name, Amen.

Matthew 19:26 Proverbs 3:5-6 358 2 Corinthians 5:7 359 2 Corinthians 12:10 356 357


192. ATTAINMENT Heavenly Father, You are amazing. You are light; in You there is no darkness at all.360 Praise You O God Most High. Praise You for Your power and splendor. Praise You for Your might works. Praise You for Your wonder working power. Please forgive me for my sins of commission and omission. There is so much that I have neglected to do. There are things that have been on my list for so long. These things keep coming up over and over again, however, I‟ve dismissed them. I know that You designed me specifically to accomplish them and until I do, they will continue to haunt me. Thank You God for renewing my mind so that I can focus on what You have called me to do. Thank You for giving me a fresh perspective on my ability to accomplish my goals. Thank You for allowing me to see that it is not about my will but Yours.361 Father, I now look to You for the accomplishment of the work that You‟ve given me to do. I‟ve tried to do it on my own but failed. I‟ve been trying to use my own power but it is no measure for the task before me. I‟ve been trying to attain great heights but haven‟t been able to soar. I hope in You Lord so that my strength will be renewed. I desire to soar on wings like eagles; I want to run and not grow weary. I desire to walk and not be faint.362 I know that the only way that I will be able to attain my goal is through You. In Jesus name, Amen.

1 John 1:15 Luke 22:42 362 Isaiah 40:31 360 361


193. INTERNALIZATION O God in Heaven, You are truly amazing and magnificent. You are my God and King – my everything. I wouldn‟t be able to make it without Your love and protection. I praise You because You take care of me in every way possible. When my Father and mother forsake me, You lift me up.363 Father, I have internalized so much negativity in the past. I‟ve allowed so many negative things to get under my skin and play games with my mind. I‟ve allowed the things that people said and did to me to affect me. Forgive me for remembering that I‟m a child of the living God. Thank You for reminding me that I am a chosen person, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a person belonging to You so that I may declare the praises of You who called me out of darkness into the wonderful light.364 Father, please allow me to internalize the benefits of being Your child. Allow me to draw upon all Your strength to do the things that You‟ve called me to do. Please let me focus on my calling and do the things that are required to get me to my place of purpose. I know that everything that I need to do first starts with me believing in my heart. I know that everything that I‟ve been called to d can be accomplished only through total and complete dedication to You. I plan to seek You first and all Your righteousness and trust that everything will be added to me as a result. 365 In Jesus name, Amen. Psalm 27:10 1 Peter 2:9 365 Matthew 6:33 363 364


194. FLEXIBILITY Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are worthy of all the praise honor and glory. I praise You precious name. I praise You because You are the creator of this entire world. I praise You because while You watch over everything You created, You take special time out to watch over me and pour out Your favor on me. Father, forgive me for taking things that I have for granted. Forgive me for not be attune to the fact that everything I have truly is a gift for You. Forgive me for hoarding things and not believing that if I let go and become a little more flexible then things will start to come into place. Thank You for allowing me to be molded by You. Like clay in the hand of the potter, so am I in Your hand.366 Thank You for allowing me to be flexible enough that I can discard my old ways and become more like Christ. Father, please enable me to be transformed. Allow me to let go of the past and anything that prevents me from learning and growing. Help me to find new ways more productive ways of doing things that will lead me in the right direction. Help me to be open to new methods and strategies for achieving my goal. Show me how to have a major perspective shift so that I will be able to discern things that were previously obscure to me. Please allow me to go on the straight and narrow path by giving me insight, knowledge and wisdom. In Jesus name, Amen.


Jeremiah 18:6 226

195. BALANCE Dear God, I praise You because You are holy and righteous. You are mighty and powerful. You are awesome and magnificent. Lord god, I stand in awe of You because of Your loving kindness and Your mercy. I praise You for being a protector and a provider. I praise You for being a shield around me, O Lord; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head367. Father, I praise You because I can always count on You. Father, please forgive me for allowing things to get out of balance in my life. Forgive for not putting You first. I repent because I have not always had You front and center. I know that without Your guiding influence, I will not be able to find balance. There are too many competing priorities in the world so I canâ€&#x;t allow the world to dictate where I should focus my energies Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that guides me into all truth.368 Thank You for allowing me to find balance in my life so that I can be both productive and patient. Thank You for allowing me to wait on You to renew my strength.369 Father, please go with me in everything I do. Show me the way that leads to success. Help me to avoid the path that leads me off course. Help me to choose only those things that will be beneficial and to reject those things that are going to compromise my vision. Help me to stay in balance by keeping You at the core of everything I do. In Jesus name, Amen. Psalm 3:3 John 16:13 369 Isaiah 40;31 367 368


196. LASER-FOCUS Lord God, You are a mighty fortress. You are the rock of my salvation. You are truly amazing. I depend on You for everything I am and everything that I will become. I trust You because Your promises are clear and Your word is true. Please forgive me for being scattered all over the place. I know that I can do many things but the minute I start to do too many things at one time I lose focus and nothing seems to be accomplished. Forgive me for the times when I got caught up in worldly things and have taken my focus off You. Thank You for teaching me to seek first Your kingdom because everything else will be added to me as well. 370 Thank You O God because when I consider the great things You have done for me, I fear You and serve You faithfully with all my heart. Father, I pray for a laser-like focused when it comes to me serving You and doing Your will. I pray that You will allow me to operate in the place that You have designed for me and for me to not step outside of You will at all. Father, help me to move through this journey staying on the path; not deviating one bit. I desire to produce great things as a result of the work that I put my hands to. Allow me to be known by the fruit that I yield.371 I desire to bless the people that are in my sphere of influence. I desire to stay focused on the goal and not let anything take me away for the plan that You have for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

370 371

Matthew 6:33 Luke 6:44 228

197. PERSISTENCE Father, I sing praises to You holy and magnificent name in the morning when I wake up. My spirit praise You throughout the day and when I lay my head on my pillow I give You all the glory. Father You are worthy of the praise honor and glory. Forgive me for the times when I felt like giving up and not sticking to the things that are important. I‟m sorry for giving up when my blessing were around the corner. Lord, I know that there have been many lost opportunities as a result of my failure to go the distance. Please forgive me for my failure to complete the mission. Thank You for all the things that have happened in my life that have prepared me for my purpose. Thank You for every time that You came through and made a way out of no way. Thank You for showing me that there is reward in persistence and that You will make my latter greater than my former.372 Thank You for blessing me in spite of my loss. Instead of shame, I will receive a double portion and instead of disgrace I will rejoice in my inheritance; and so I will inherit a double portion in my land and everlasting joy will be mine.373 Teach me to be like Noah who persistently built an ark even though he had never felt a drop of rain. Teach me to have that much faith in Your promise and my purpose. Teach me to be persistent in following through on what You‟ve given me to do so that in the end when the flood comes, I‟m prepared for it. In Jesus name, Amen.

372 373

Haggai 2:9 Isaiah 61:7 229

198. VICARIOUS LEARNING Father, I praise You for who You as well as what You do. I praise You that You are all powerful and no one compares to You. I praise You because You are awesome and powerful while being gentle and tender. I praise You for wrapping me in Your loving arms and making place for me in Your bosom. I repent of all the things that I‟ve thought, said and done. I know that since I live in this mortal body, I have to crucify the flesh daily. I understand that because I belong to Christ Jesus, I have to crucify the sinful nature with its passions and desires.374 Thank You that I don‟t have to learn every lesson by experience. Thank You for the examples in the Holy Scriptures of saints with similar situations as the ones I‟m likely to encounter. Thank You for modern day saints that share their testimonies so that I can learn from their experiences. I pray that those I serve will overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.375 Allow me to devote myself to continuous learning as I pursue my purpose. Allow me to incorporate what I learn from Your word into my life because I don‟t want to be like the person who looks at his face in the mirror and immediately forgets what he looks like.376 Allow me to use what I‟ve learned to live fully as I seek out Your perfect will for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

Galatians 5:24 Revelation 12:11 376 James 1:23 374 375


199. AFFIRMATIONS Heavenly Father, I praise You and glorify You. I praise You because I understand that Your Word is living and active. It is sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.377 Forgive me for any idle word s of death and destruction Iâ€&#x;ve spoke to me or others. Because I know from the fruit of my mouth my stomach is filled; with the harvest from my lips am I satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death.378 Thank You O God for caring about me enough to meet my needs.379 Thank You for providing Your word to me so that I can speak positive things into my life. Thank You for giving me Your word as a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.380 Father, I speak the following words over my life: 1 John 2:5

Your love is made complete in me when I obey Your principles.

1 Peter 5:5

I defeat this evil world by trusting Christ to give me victory.

1 Samuel 30:6

I find strength in You O Lord my God.

2 Chronicles 16:9

You strengthen me because my heart is fully committed to You.

Acts 17:28

In You I live, move and exist. The secret is that Christ lives in me and I have assurance of sharing His glory.

Colossians 1:27 Ephesians 2:8 Ephesians 4:24

Hebrews 4:12 Proverbs 18:20 379 Matthew 6:25-44 380 Psalm 119:105 377 378


By Your grace and through faith in Jesus, I have a full and eternal life. I display a new nature because I am a new person, created in Your likeness – holy and true.

Hebrews 12:10

Your discipline is always good for me because it means I share in Your holiness.

Isaiah 40:8

Your truth – Your Word – stands forever.

Isaiah 41:10

I know that You are always with me.

Isaiah 51:11

I know that today’s discouragement will be replaced by tomorrow’s joy.

James 4:8

As I draw near to You, You draw near to me.

John 14:15 John 15:2

I follow Your principles because I love You. Jesus keeps pruning me so that I will be even more productive for You O God.

John 3:3

Because I have been born again, I will see Your Kingdom.

John 4:14 John 6:63

The water Jesus gives takes away all my thirst. It is Your Spirit that gives me eternal life. My human effort accomplishes nothing.

Matthew 11:28-29

I have rest in my soul because I go to Jesus when I am weary.

Philippians 4:7

Through prayer, Your peace guards my heart and mind.

Psalm 103:1-5 Psalm 107:9

I know that You will fill my life with good things. You satisfy me when I am thirsty and fill me with good things when I am hungry.

Psalm 119:116

I trust my hopes and dreams to You.

Psalm 119:138

Your principles are perfect. They are entirely worthy of my trust.

Psalm 23:10

I know that Your unfailing love surrounds me and that I can trust You.

Psalm 27:10

I know that You will take care of me,

Psalm 37:4

I know that You will give me the desires of my heart.

Romans 8:31

You are for me, so no one can ever be against me.

Romans 8:39

Nothing can separate me from Your love that is in Christ Jesus.

Lord, allow me to hide Your word in my heart so that I don‟t sin against You.381 Let it empower me to do Your will and fulfill my purpose. In Jesus name, Amen.


Psalms 119:11 232

Ab ou t th e Au thor Andrea worked in Corporate America for over 20 years. Although she had a successful career, Andrea always knew there was more to life. From her earliest recollection, she pictured herself as an entrepreneur. She honed her skills and contributed to the Corporation. Then in 2004, her opportunity came disguised as adversity. She was downsized from her job as the lead person on one of the largest accounts in the organization. Andrea was given the choice to take a downgrade and continue performing at the same level or leave the company. Struggling with that decision, she consulted her sister, Dr. Michelle Richards – a licensed therapist, who had the following advice: “Leap and the Net Will Appear.” She took the „Leap’ and never looked back. She decided to branch out on her own. Since that time, Andrea has been designing her work, living her dream and helping others to Leap to Success. She admits, “It‟s not always easy but it‟s always simple. Do what You are called to do and You will be blessed immeasurably.” The Word of God says, “I was Young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”382 That has been Andrea‟s experience. Even during economic downturn, God continues to show His favor. She believes God‟s Word “For I know the plans I have for You,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper You and not to harm You, plans to give You hope and a future.”383 He hasn‟t failed her yet! Through her books and programs You‟ll discover what Andrea did: God has a plan for Your life and no matter how difficult things get, He will never leave You or forsake You. Now is the time to passionately pursue Your purpose!

382 383

Psalm 37:25 (New International Version) Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version) 233

Andrea Richards Scott Coaching | Consulting | Communications ARS Professional Development P.O. Box 7031 Silver Spring, MD 20907 866-302-6501 www.AndreaRichardsScott.com www.PurposeGuide.com


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