PoolParty Thesaurus Management - User Manual

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PoolParty - Thesaurus Manager PoolParty - User Guide

Table of Contents Conventions Used in This Guide .............................................................................................................................. 5 Thesaurus Basics ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Why to Create Your Own Thesaurus with PoolParty ................................................................................................. 7 Semantic Applications Using PoolParty Thesauri .................................................................................................. 8 Thesaurus Management Made Easy ..................................................................................................................... 9 PoolParty Overview .................................................................................................................................................10 System Requirements .........................................................................................................................................10 PoolParty, SKOS, RDF and URIs ............................................................................................................................11 PoolParty's Graphical User Interface ...................................................................................................................13 PoolParty's Toolbar ..........................................................................................................................................13 PoolParty's Hierarchy Tree ...............................................................................................................................17 PoolParty's Details View ..................................................................................................................................19 Thesaurus Management ..........................................................................................................................................21 Working With PoolParty Projects .........................................................................................................................21 Creating Projects .............................................................................................................................................22 Project Details .................................................................................................................................................27 Deleting Projects .............................................................................................................................................28 Working With Concept Schemes and Concepts ...................................................................................................29 Editing Details .................................................................................................................................................29 Creating Concept Schemes ..............................................................................................................................30 Concept Scheme Details ..................................................................................................................................31 Deleting Concept Schemes ..............................................................................................................................32 Creating Top Concepts ....................................................................................................................................32 Removing Top Concepts ..................................................................................................................................33 Creating Concepts ...........................................................................................................................................33 Concept Details ...............................................................................................................................................34 Searching for Concepts ...................................................................................................................................35 Deleting Concepts ...........................................................................................................................................36 Managing your Thesauri ......................................................................................................................................36 Creating Relations per Drag and Drop .............................................................................................................36 Merging Concepts per Drag and Drop .............................................................................................................37 Adding Relations Using Autocomplete ............................................................................................................38 Translating Labels in Multilingual Thesauri .....................................................................................................38 Adding Notes to your Concepts .......................................................................................................................39 User Rights Management ....................................................................................................................................41 Š 2011, punkt netServices


Document Management ..........................................................................................................................................42 Uploading a Document ........................................................................................................................................42 Extracting Phrases as Tags for the Document .................................................................................................43 Adding Tags for a Document ...........................................................................................................................45 Managing Free Concepts .....................................................................................................................................45 How PoolParty Preserves Tagging Information when Editing or Merging Concepts ........................................46 Viewing the Documents of a Project ...................................................................................................................47 Searching for Documents ....................................................................................................................................47 Similar documents ..........................................................................................................................................48 Adjust Search Settings .....................................................................................................................................49 Semantic Web Access and Linked Data ...................................................................................................................50 Creating Linked Data with PoolParty ...................................................................................................................50 Delivering Concepts as Linked Data ................................................................................................................52 Incorporating Data from the Semantic Web ........................................................................................................53 Choose Data from the Semantic Web ..............................................................................................................54 Handling of Incorporated Data in the Linked Data Frontend ...........................................................................57 Map View ........................................................................................................................................................57 The PoolParty Frontend ...........................................................................................................................................58 Wiki Frontend ......................................................................................................................................................59 SPARQL Endpoint .................................................................................................................................................60 Error Handling .....................................................................................................................................................61 Advanced Thesaurus Management .........................................................................................................................61 Import, Export and Reporting with PoolParty ......................................................................................................61 Exporting and Backing Up a Project ................................................................................................................61 Exporting Concept Schemes or Subtrees .........................................................................................................63 Importing Projects or Concept Schemes .........................................................................................................63 Importing Subtrees ..........................................................................................................................................64 Available Formats for Import and Export ........................................................................................................65 Prerequisites for Importing non-PoolParty SKOS Thesauri or Zthes thesauri ..................................................66 Import Several Concepts from a CSV File ........................................................................................................66 Generating Reports with PoolParty..................................................................................................................68 Validating Thesauri ..............................................................................................................................................68 Additional Information for the Project and its Concepts .....................................................................................69 Displaying Triples ............................................................................................................................................69 Displaying the Tag Cloud of a Concept or Project ...........................................................................................70 Visualisation of a Project ................................................................................................................................71 Logging Information for a Project ....................................................................................................................72 Š 2011, punkt netServices


History of a Concept........................................................................................................................................72 Displaying the Concept Index..........................................................................................................................73 PoolParty Webservices ........................................................................................................................................73 Advanced PoolParty Configuration ..........................................................................................................................74 Adding Custom Metadata ....................................................................................................................................74 Add Custom Metadata Properties ...................................................................................................................74 Define Metadata for a Concept .......................................................................................................................76 Creating Custom Relation Types..........................................................................................................................77 Creating Subproperties ....................................................................................................................................78 Using Custom Relations ..................................................................................................................................80 Linking PoolParty Projects ...................................................................................................................................81 Link Projects on a PoolParty server .................................................................................................................81 Link Matching Concepts in Different Projects .................................................................................................82 Create an Autocomplete Index ............................................................................................................................84 The Admin Dashboard .........................................................................................................................................84 Automatic Snapshots ......................................................................................................................................86 Restore Projects from a Snapshot ...................................................................................................................87 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................................88

Š 2011, punkt netServices


Introduction This manual is intended for users of the thesaurus management system PoolParty . It mainly serves as a guide on how to work with PoolParty, aiming to be useful especially for a non-technical audience. All functionalities of PoolParty are outlined and various ways to use these features are described. You can also find some basics on concepts like thesauri and technologies like SKOS . The PoolParty - User Guide contains the following chapters:  Conventions Used in This Guide    

Thesaurus Basics Why to Create Your Own Thesaurus with PoolParty PoolParty Overview Thesaurus Management

     

Document Management Semantic Web Access and Linked Data The PoolParty Frontend Advanced Thesaurus Management Advanced PoolParty Configuration Troubleshooting

As we try to keep this manual as comprehensible and easy to work with as possible, we welcome any of your suggestions for improvement (poolparty-support@punkt.at )

Conventions Used in This Guide The following typographic conventions are used in this guide:  italic Is used to indicate important things.  bold Is used to indicate GUI elements like dialogues, tabs, buttons etc.  'single quotes' Are used to indicate selections made in the GUI e.g. selected menu items, selected values etc. The following symbols are used in this guide: To mark all sections that go into more technical details, which are not necessary to know for the day-to-day use of PoolParty, we use this image of Albert Einstein.

Tips for working with PoolParty.

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Thing you should know when you are working with PoolParty.

Things you should not do when you are working with PoolParty or things you cannot revoke once they are done. PoolParty default icons: Icon



Add icon

Adds a new relation, label or definition

Delete icon

Deletes a relation, label or definition

Edit icon

Opens inline editing for an existing label or definition

Link icon

Opens a selection field to select other concepts to link to.

These icons are referred in the text by their names.

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Thesaurus Basics A thesaurus is a special kind of a controlled vocabulary as it consists of a collection of concepts. A concept in a thesaurus is more than merely a word, but it is a 'unit of thought', which can have several labels, i.e. different words that are associated with it. These might be synonyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and other words that can be used to refer to that concept. All this information can be stored with a concept in a thesaurus. Beyond that a thesaurus is also structured, as it describes the relationships between its concepts.

Fig. 1: Relations between concepts

Concepts are arranged in hierarchical or associative relationships. Hierarchical relationships are used to indicate concepts which are narrower and broader in scope, e.g. in a geographical thesaurus one expects to have concepts for countries and cities and a structure that declares which country is a super-class of which cities. An associative relationship is of a more general nature, it can be used to indicate any kind of relation between concepts. Concepts and their relations are explained in greater detail by means of examples and visualisations in the following sections. Wikipedia sums up the uses for a thesaurus nicely: "In Information Science, Library Science, and Information Technology, specialized thesauri are designed for information retrieval. They are a type of controlled vocabulary, for indexing or tagging purposes. Such a thesaurus can be used as the basis of an index for online material." (Wikipedia )

Why to Create Your Own Thesaurus with PoolParty PoolParty is a tool that makes it straightforward to create and maintain SKOS based knowledge organisation systems like thesauri. It is designed to be easy to use for people without a Semantic Web background or special technical skills. It was conceived with various commercial applications for Š 2011, punkt netServices


thesauri in mind and aims to facilitate these applications by offering a range of web services. In the following we elaborate on the use of thesauri in a corporate setting.

Semantic Applications Using PoolParty Thesauri On top of PoolParty's currently developed service-interface a variety of semantic web applications can be realized, for example:      

annotation & tag recommender systems auto-complete and faceted browsing corporate bookmarking & social tagging corporate thesauri & controlled vocabularies recommender systems (similarity search) semantic search engines

In a lot of content management systems the users can tag documents. While this turned out to be quite successful and is one of the key features of the 'Web 2.0', there is still a lot of room to improve this method. In a system with multiple users it is inevitable that they will use different tags to refer to the same concept. Using a thesaurus the system can consolidate synonyms, spelling mistakes and different tagging styles, thereby creating concepts instead of tags. Going a step further, a system can also apply text analysis algorithms to new content, thereby discovering potential tags for it. Backed by a thesaurus these tag suggestion mechanisms become more powerful and help users to keep the tagging consistent, which makes finding documents easier. As an added benefit, tagging can be supported with a semantic autocomplete feature. With a regular autocomplete feature the system suggests words of phrases the user wants to type in without the user actually typing it in completely. With a semantic autocomplete the user might also enter synonyms, which the system recognizes prompting it to suggest the concepts main label to the user. In the same way a thesaurus backed tagging helps to find documents. On the one hand searching is more efficient when tags are merged into concepts, as a user will find documents even when his search term is spelled differently than the tag of a relevant document. It is even possible to create advanced semantic search systems like faceted search . For an example of faceted search/browsing see the SIMILE project . Another example for a advanced semantic search system is a moderated search. An example for the latter is reegle a search engine for renewable energy and energy efficiency. reegle's search engine is based on a thesaurus and makes use of PoolParty services to provide automatic query expansion and moderated search mechanisms which help to refine search queries and retrieve more precise results. On the other hand the system can use concepts and their relationships to each other to calculate similarity between documents, thereby improving search results and their ranking. This can also be used to suggest documents that might be interesting to a user based on which content items he previously looked at, rated or otherwise interacted with. In this way an application can aid in serendipitous discovery of content relevant to the users' interests.

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Thesaurus Management Made Easy PoolParty's philosophy is to make the creation and maintenance of thesauri as easy as possible. The system's user interface was designed to be simple and intuitive to use, so any end-users could work effortlessly with it, without requiring any special knowledge or extensive training. Even though PoolParty's thesaurus management interface is entirely web-based, it offers user friendly drag and drop and autocomplete via AJAX and a translation functionality for labels. This philosophy of relieving the user of burdensome tasks while managing thesauri doesn't end with a comfortable user interface. PoolParty helps to semi-automatically expand your thesaurus as you can have it analyse documents relevant to your domain in order to glean candidate terms for your thesaurus.

Fig. 2:PoolParty thesaurus management workflow

Going even further in supporting users, PoolParty does away with conventional isolated thesauri, offering the possibility to make your thesaurus available as linked data and connecting it to related data on the Semantic Web. Using this innovative 'Linking Open Data' approach you can not only gain additional information for your concepts, but you will be able to connect a thesaurus to related information of external sites. This whole workflow is depicted in the image above. For a deeper understanding of the Linked Data and Linking Open Data methodology see Price Waterhouse Coopers´ Technology Forecast, Spring 09 or visit http://linkeddata.org/

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PoolParty Overview In this section you get an overview on PoolParty s system requirements, thesaurus construction with SKOS and of the PoolParty user interface:  System Requirements  PoolParty, SKOS, RDF and URIs  PoolParty's Graphical User Interface For a demo go to our PoolParty instance on http://demo.poolparty.punkt.at/PoolParty/ and login with your access credentials. If you haven't got access credentials yet you can register for a demo account.

System Requirements Client Side  PoolParty works with Firefox 3.5 (or higher) Other browsers' JavaScript capabilities are not elaborate enough or have not been thoroughly tested yet. Using the Mozilla based 'site specific browser' Prism is also a recommended option, as it will give you a larger window panel to view your project. It can be downloaded at http://prism.mozilla.com/  PoolParty has been designed for a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher.  It is recommended to have a DSL connection to the Internet, otherwise response times might be a bit slow. Server Side If you want to run PoolParty on your own server, you will need  Linux Server (Debian 6, CentOS 5 or 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS), 32bit/64bit or Windows Server (Windows Server 2008 R2)  Sun/Oracle Java Development Kit 6 and  Apache Tomcat 6,  2 GB RAM minimum, 3.5 GB are recommended for JVM

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PoolParty, SKOS, RDF and URIs Here we list the most important SKOS classes and properties that PoolParty uses, which is relevant for advanced users or programmers who need to work with the RDF representation of a project. We also give a very short introduction to the Semantic Web technologies behind SKOS. For more comprehensive information on the Semantic Web go to W3C´s Semantic Web Activity site and pick a presentation which fits your interests. SKOS is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF ) which is one of the fundamental Semantic Web specifications and was developed within the W3C framework. RDF uses graphs as its data structure. This means every concept is a node and edges connect these nodes to create a graph. In the image below you can see data of a thesaurus presented in a graph view. The graph has the concept 'Germany' as the node in the centre. Several edges connect this node to its labels and definition as well as to other nodes. All edges are typed, thereby indicating which kind of relationship exists between the nodes they connect, e.g. the node 'Germany' is connected to the node 'Hamburg' via skos:narrower. The edges are called 'properties' in RDF. They can also connect a node with a literal, in the case of SKOS these are the labels, definitions or scope notes.

Fig. 3:

Every statement in RDF encodes information in triples. A triple always has the form subject > predicate > object, e.g. 'Hamburg' > skos:narrower > 'Germany'. Each property and class in SKOS and each concept in PoolParty has a unique identifier, also called URI . In the case of SKOS these are always HTTP URIs, in the case of PoolParty they can either be URNs or HTTP URIs. The complete URIs of SKOS properties or classes can be formed by expanding the namespace prefix 'skos:' which is just a shortcut for the base URI http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# . The complete URI for e.g. skos:narrower is http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrower .

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The following table shows elements PoolParty uses from the SKOS definition: PoolParty


Classes Concept Scheme (e.g. a thesaurus)

The SKOS counterpart for a PoolParty concept scheme is skos:ConceptScheme.

Top Concept/Concept

In SKOS both are represented by the same class, namely skos:Concept. To distinguish between concepts and top concepts the property skos:hasTopConcept is used to connect a thesaurus to a top-concept.

Lexical properties Preferred Label, Alternative Label, Hidden Label

skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel, skos:hiddenLabel are used to add lexical labels to concepts.

Relation properties Broader/Narrower, Related

skos:narrower, skos:broader and skos:related are used to create semantic relations between concepts.

Exact Match, Close Match

skos:exactMatch and skos:closeMatch are used to create semantic relations to linked data resources and may be used to create relations between concepts in different concept schemes

Documentation properties Scope Note, Definition

skos:scopeNote and skos:definition are used to add information about the meaning and the use of a concept.

Editorial Note, History Note, Change Note

skos:editorialNote, skos:historyNote, skos:changeNote are used to add information about the maintenance, the history and changes made to a concept.

Notation properties Notation

skos:notation is used to add a classification code to a concept.

A PoolParty project has no counterpart in SKOS. It is a PoolParty specific container, used to group concepts schemes, in PoolParty concept schemes are equated with thesauri. PoolParty uses more classes and properties from SKOS and other ontologies than those listed, but this goes beyond the scope of this manual, so we restricted the list to the most important classes and properties for describing thesauri, which are also used in the other examples in this manual. These semantic technologies open up the possibility to use a RDF reasoning engine on thesauri to draw inferences, e.g. as narrower and broader relations can be transitive a reasoner could list all narrower concepts of their parent as being also narrower concepts of their grandparents, e.g. 'Berlin's broader concepts are 'Germany' as well as 'Western Europe'.

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PoolParty's Graphical User Interface The image below shows PoolParty's graphical user interface. It is divided into three areas:  Toolbar Provides the main menu, a search function and the document processing icons.  Hierarchy tree Displays the hierarchical structure of your project. Click on the boxes to select a concept scheme or a concept.  Details view Displays detailed information available for the selected project, concept scheme or concept. The available information is grouped in tabs. You can use the tab bar to switch between the different views.

Fig. 4: PoolParty GUI

PoolParty's Toolbar The PoolParty Toolbar provides the following functions:

Fig. 5: PoolParty Toolbar

 Main menu The PoolParty menu provides functions for managing Projects and Documents, Tools for thesaurus management e.g. quality queries, the Options menu where you can define e.g. the Themes of the © 2011, punkt netServices


interface or the language used for autocomplete, the Advanced menu for the PoolParty configuration, links to the online Help and information About PoolParty. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.  Search bar Via the selection next to the search field you can choose if you want to search for concepts in a thesaurus in a Thesaurus or inside documents. For the 'Thesaurus search' there is an autocomplete function available. Type the beginning of a concept and you will get a list of suggestions you can choose from. The autocomplete function starts searching when you have entered three or more characters.  Document processing Use these icons to upload documents as single files (FILE) or as zipped archive (ZIP) or grab information from a website (HTM) in order to glean new concepts for your thesauri. You can also add documents and respective concepts per copy and paste (TXT). The Document processing icons and the search inside documents are only available if document processing is enabled for the project.  Snapshot information For every project per default a autosave function is enabled creating snapshots in a defined interval. The snapshot information shows if the autosave function works correctly and snapshots of the project are created.

PoolParty's Main Menu The following table lists all items of PoolParty's main menu: Menu Item


Project Create Project

Opens the Create Project dialog.

Load Project

Displays a list of all available projects for the user.

Delete Current Project

Deletes the currently open project.


Opens the Import Project or Concept Scheme dialog.


Opens the Export Project dialog.


Opens the Reports dialog.


Logs you out of PoolParty.

Documents Add Document

Lets you choose to add documents to your project  uploading a file,  grabbing a text from a URL,  pasting text per copy & paste,  uploading a zip file.

Show All Documents

Opens the Tag Events tab of the project.

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Menu Item Refresh Extraction Model

Description Lets you choose to refresh the model used for term extraction for this project per language. Changes made to a project are only taken into account for term extraction after refreshing the extraction model.

Enable Document Processing

Lets you enable document processing for the open project.

Build Document Index

Rebuilds the document index and opens a result message when finished.

If document processing has already been enabled this menu entry is not active. If it has not been enabled all other entries in this menu are not active.

Newly uploaded documents are only available in document search after rebuilding the document index. Index Settings

Opens the Index Settings tab of the project.

Tools Collapse All

Collapses all open branches in the hierarchy tree.

Concept Index

Opens the concept index of your thesaurus.

Run SPARQL Query

Opens the SPARQL Endpoint tab in the PoolParty Frontend.

Quality Queries

Lets you choose one of several quality queries to check the integrity of your thesauri.

Autocomplete Index

Lets you choose to enable or disable the autocomplete index for the session and to update the autocomplete index. This entry is only available when a autocomplete index has been created for the project via the entry in the Advanced menu.

Refresh Visual Browser

Refreshes the Visual Browser and opens a result message when finished.

Delete Projects

Opens the Delete Projects dialog.

Options Display Languages

Lets you choose the languages displayed for concepts and concept schemes. You cannot deselect the default language.

Autocomplete Language

Lets you choose the language to be used for autocomplete. You can only select one language for autocomplete.

Themes Advanced

Lets you choose the PoolParty theme to be used. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.


Opens the Metadata dialogue.

Linked Projects

Opens the Linked Projects dialogue.


Opens the Subproperties dialogue.

Create Autocomplete Index

Creates the initial autocomplete index for the project.

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If an autocomplete index has been created for a project the menu entries for 15

Menu Item

Description updating and enabling/disabling the index are available in the Tools menu.


Opens the PoolParty Admin Dashboard.

Help Online Help

Opens the online help for this PoolParty version.

Download Help Manual

Opens the download link for a PDF version of the PoolParty - User Guide.

About PoolParty About

Opens a window with some basic information about PoolParty.


Opens a window listing all people involved in the development of PoolParty.


Opens a window with contact information for PoolParty.


Opens an RSS-feed with news about PoolParty in the details view. This feed is also displayed when you log into PoolParty.

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PoolParty Themes Via the Options > Themes menu you can choose between different styles to display the PoolParty GUI. There are three themes available:  Tequila Sunrise  White Russian (see image below) More compact theme which will depict more concepts on one screen in the hierarchy tree.  Blue Bird (used as default theme in this manual)

Fig. 6: PoolParty: White Russian theme

PoolParty's Hierarchy Tree In the image below you can see how a concept hierarchy looks like in PoolParty. The nodes of the hierarchy tree are colour coded and represent projects, concept schemes (thesauri) and concepts. The following list describes them:

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Fig. 7: Concept hierarchy tree in PoolParty

 Project (blue) The topmost node represents the current PoolParty project. It is a container used to hold one or more thesauri. Click on it to get the details view of the project where you can view or edit metadata for the project and see various statistics about it, e.g. total number of concepts and labels.  Concept schemes (purple) A concept scheme can hold multiple top concepts and concepts. Click on it to get the details view of the scheme where you can view or edit its metadata.  Top-Concepts (dark green) and Concepts (green) The concepts on the first level below a concept scheme are called top-concepts, which in turn can hold other concepts. Each concept can have children so called sub-concepts. This concept hierarchy is formed by stating that concepts are in a 'narrower' or 'broader' relationship. By stating that the concept 'Germany' has a broader concept 'Western Europe', we say that the latter is its parent. On the contrary the narrower concepts of 'Germany' are its sub-concepts and their total number is shown in brackets. Click on any concept or top-concept to get the details view of the concept where you cand view or edit its metadata. Another possibility to link concepts to each other is saying that concepts are 'related'. This doesn't put concepts in a hierarchical relationship, but in an associative one. It is rather a semantic association which can be used to express any kind of relation between concepts on any level in the tree. One might for example say that the concept 'Germany' from the Regions concept scheme is related to the concept 'University of Leipzig' in the Places concept scheme. Related concepts are not displayed in the hierarchy tree but in the details view of the concepts. If you opened too many branches of your project's hierarchy tree and you want to close them all at once, you can do that by selecting 'Collapse All' from the Tools menu.

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Polyhierarchical Structure in a Thesaurus Before you start your own thesaurus project it is important to notice the difference between a thesaurus and traditional folder trees as we all know from e.g. Windows Explorer. Although represented as a tree, a thesaurus is not just a simple tree but it is a semantic network. An example is shown in the image below e.g. a concept labelled 'Berlin' can be a sub-concept of 'Capitals' as well as a sub-concept of 'Germany'. In this case the 'Berlin' concept exists only once in the system (represented by exactly one URI) although displayed in the tree at various positions.

Fig. 8: Polyhierarchical structure in a thesaurus

PoolParty's Details View In the details view you can find detailed information for the selected node in the hierarchy tree. Located at the top of the details view underneath the name of the selected node you can find its identifier. The uniform identifier is the URI or URN of the selected project, concept scheme or concept. The type and form of the identifier is defined when creating the project. For projects with URIs it is displayed as a link to the respective concept schemes and concepts in the Linked Data Frontend.

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Fig. 9: Details view of a concept in PoolParty

The available information in the details view is grouped in tabs and the number and type of tabs depends on the configuration of the project and the type of node that is selected in the hierarchy tree. If document processing is enabled in the configuration additional tabs are available. In the following list, all tabs that are displayed per default are printed bold. Tabs in a projects details view:  Metadata & Statistics - Metadata, statistic and settings of the project and links to the SPARQL Endpoint and the HTML Frontend (default tab).  Tag Events - All Documents added to the project.  Tag Cloud - Tag cloud of all tag events of the project  Index Settings - Settings for indexing documents.  Documents - Full text search for all documents of the project.  Triples - Shows all triples related to a concept selected from the project.  Log - Logging information for the project. Tabs in a concept schemes details view:  Metadata - General information for the concept scheme.  Triples - Shows all Triples for the concept scheme

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Tabs in a concepts details view:  SKOS - SKOS information for the concept (default tab).  Metadata - General information on the concept and its relations.  Documents - Documents tagged with this concept.  Tag Cloud - Other concepts the related documents are tagged with.  Linked Data - Information on and handling of linked data for the concept.  Triples - Shows all triples related to the concept.  Visualization - Shows a visualization (concept map) of the concept and its relations.  Geo - Shows the concept on a map if geographical information is available.

Thesaurus Management In this section you find information on the basic thesaurus management functions of PoolParty:  Working With PoolParty Projects  Working With Concept Schemes and Concepts  Managing your Thesauri  User Rights Management

Working With PoolParty Projects A PoolParty project is a container used to hold one or more concept schemes (thesauri). After logging in you can open an existing project by selecting 'Load Project' from the Project menu and selecting a project in the presented list.

Fig. 10: Opening a project

Always when opening a project a check is made if the data in the project is valid. If any changes in the data to the last status (status at last logout) is detected, PoolParty assumes that there is something wrong and a message is displayed. In this case the autosave mechanism of PoolParty is disabled. You should check your project and contact your PoolParty administrator to restore from a snapshot created by the autosave mechanism of PoolParty.

Fig. 11: Validity check information

You can also create new projects, edit project details and delete a project. © 2011, punkt netServices


When you finished your work, you can log out of PoolParty in the Project menu by selecting 'Logout'. If you remain idle for more than 30 minutes, PoolParty will automatically log you out.

Creating Projects To create a new project, select 'Create Project' in the Project menu. The New Project dialogue appears and guides you through the process of creating a project.

Fig. 12: New Project - Metadata

In the first step of the dialogue you have to enter Title and Subject of your project and you can add additional information about the project. Clicking Next brings up the language selection settings. You can change the meta information of your project later in the details view of your project.

New Project - Languages Scroll through the list or type the first letters of your desired language to select the 'Default language' for the project. It will be used as default for displaying the labels of concepts. You can add more languages by selecting them and clicking on the -> button and remove them with the <- button (double clicking works as well). The first language you select will be marked red and defined as default language for the project. You can change the default language by selecting a language an clicking the Set Default Language button.

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You have to choose at least one language as default language for the project. All languages installed on the PoolParty server are available.

Fig. 13: New Project - Languages

Theses settings cannot be changed after the creation of a project but you can view the project settings in the details view of your project.

If you want to add languages to an existing project or change the default language, backup your project create a new one with the new language settings and import the backup into your new project. After choosing your project's languages click Next to select a repository type for your project.

New Project - Repository Type This is the type of triple store (RDF store) in which your concepts, relations, etc. will be stored. There are four options:  Native Repository (Default) All triples are stored in PoolParty's file system. As a rule of thumb you usually should use this option.

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 Native Repository with RDFS Inferencing All triples are stored in PoolParty's file system and RDFS inferencing is enabled. This shouldn't be relevant for the average user and is only needed when your thesauri contain subclasses of skos:Concepts or subproperties of skos:related.  Memory All triples are stored in PoolParty's server memory. This is needed when you have large thesauri with many thousands of concepts and the performance of e.g. the autocomplete feature is lacking. Please note, that if you have many projects using memory repositories your PoolParty server needs enough memory.  Memory with RDFS Inferencing All triples are stored in PoolParty's server memory and RDFS inferencing is enabled. This is only needed when you use inferencing for a large thesaurus, e.g. in order to have better performance for the feature that enables sub-properties of skos:related.

Fig. 14: New Project - Repository Type

For all repositories a autosave function is enabled by default taking a snapshot of the project every 10 minutes. Via the Autosave project select box you can choose the snapshot interval - the following options are available:     

disable 5 min 10 min (Default) 15 min 30 min It is not recommended to disable snapshots for a project. In this case you cannot restore a project if the repository gets corrupted or deleted.

Information if the creation of snapshots has been successful will be displayed. This enables you to detect if the autosave feature works properly and you can recover a project if anything went wrong. If a snapshot could not be saved on the disk, a red coloured error message will appear and you should contact your system administrator to locate the problem. Details on the autosave and recovery process can be found in the "Advanced PoolParty Configuration" section of this guide. © 2011, punkt netServices


Fig. 15: Snapshot information

Even if the autosave function is enabled for a project it is strongly recommended to backup a project regularly. Theses settings cannot be changed after the creation of a project but you can view the project settings in the details view of your project. Clicking Next opens the document processing settings for the project.

New Project - Document Processing In the document processing settings you can check the 'Enable Document Processing' checkbox if you want to use PoolParty's document management features.

Fig. 16: New Project - Document Processing

You can enable document processing later in the details view of your project or by selecting 'Enable Document Processing' in the Documents menu. Clicking Next opens the URI generation settings for your project.

New Project - Linked Data PoolParty offers the possibility to give access to a project as linked data . If a PoolParty thesaurus may be published as linked data depends on the selection in the 'URI Generation' field:  URN (default) Creates URNs for a Project (see image below).  URI Creates URIs for a Project so the project can be accessed as linked data. If this option is selected settings for defining the URI pattern are displayed. These settings along with other requirements for creating linked date with PoolParty are described in the 'Creating Linked Data with PoolParty' chapter.

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Fig. 17: New Project - Linked Data

Theses settings cannot be changed after the creation of a project but you can view the project settings in the details view of your project. Clicking Next opens the security settings for your project.

New Project - Usergroups The last screen is for selecting the usergroups that can view and edit a project. Selection and de-selections works as with languages. If the 'Public' group is selected, anyone who has access to this PoolParty server can view and edit this project. Otherwise access is restricted to users of the selected groups. For more information see chapter user rights management in this manual.

Fig. 18: New Project - Usergroups

You can change the security setting later in the details view of your project.

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Press Create Project and you will be presented with the project details view of your new project that will already have a tree for 'Free Concepts'. Now you are ready to create thesauri and new concepts or import an existing thesaurus.

Project Details After creating a project, when you open a project or when you click the project node in the hierarchy tree you open the default details view of the project, the Metadata & Statistics tab. It is devided in four main parts:  Metadata Displaying metadata for this project like title, subject, creation date, creator etc. You can edit parts of the projects metadata clicking the Edit icon.  Languages Displaying the languages of the project defined when creating the project.  Statistics Displaying statistic information for the project like the number of concepts or preferred labels etc.  Settings Displaying project settings:  Usergroups Displaying the security settings of the project. You can edit the security settings clicking the Edit icon.  Document Processing Displaying if document processing has been enabled for the project. If document processing has not been enabled when creating the project you can enable it here.  URI Generation Displaying the URI generation pattern defined when creating the project.  Repository Type Displaying the repository type defined when creating the project. Via the Frontend button in the upper right corner you can access the PoolParty Frontend where you find the SPARQL Endpoint and the Wiki Frontend of the project and also the Linked Data Frontend for projects with URIs.

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Fig. 19: Project details - Metadata & Statistics tab

Deleting Projects To delete the currently opened project select 'Delete Current Project' in the Project menu. The Delete Project dialogue opens asking you to confirm the process.

Fig. 20: Deleting the open project

If you want to delete another project from your PoolParty server or delete several projects in a row select 'Delete Project' from the Tools menu. The Select Project dialogue appears showing you all projects you are allowed to access according to your assigned user groups. When you select a project and click the Delete Selected Project button the Delete Project dialogue opens asking you to confirm the process. After finishing the process you can continue to select and delete projects or close the Select Project dialogue. Make sure to export and back-up your project or projects if you want to keep them for further use.

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Working With Concept Schemes and Concepts PoolParty offers a multi user environment to enable collaborative editing of thesauri. In this section you find information on working with concept schemes and concepts:  Editing Details  Creating Concept Schemes  Concept Scheme Details  Deleting Concept Schemes    

Creating Top Concepts Removing Top Concepts Creating Concepts Concept Details

 Searching for Concepts  Deleting Concepts Concurrent editing is handled in a 'last in wins' way. So if two users edit the same concept scheme or concept at the same time the changes that were stored last are used.

Editing Details All information for a selected concept scheme or concept can be edited in the details view. You have different ways of adding, editing or deleting details depending on the type of property. 1. To edit labels or documentation properties click on the Edit icon to activate inline editing. 2. Clicking the Add icon lets you add new labels or documentation properties or relations. 3. Click the Link icon to add relations to your concept scheme or concept. Via autocomplete you can search for existing concepts. 4. Click the Delete icon to delete labels, documentation properties or relations to your concept.

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Fig. 21: Editing details

Preferred labels cannot be deleted since exactly one preferred label has to exist per concept. Deleting relations will not delete the concepts themselves, thus deleting relations disconnects concepts that were previously related to each other via narrower, broader, related, exact or close match. To prevent concepts from loosing their relation to the hierarchy tree and become 'loose concepts' you cannot delete the last broader relationship of a concept.

Creating Concept Schemes It's easy to add concept schemes (thesauri) to your project. Simply double click the project node in the hierarchy tree or select 'Create Concept Scheme' from the context menu to open the New Concept Scheme dialogue. The fields are filled per default with the definitions of the project. You can change the title and subject and add additional information for your concept scheme.

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Fig. 22: Creating concept schemes

You can edit this information later in the Metadata tab of the details view of the concept scheme.

Concept Scheme Details After creating a concept scheme or when you click a concept scheme node in the hierarchy tree you open the details view of the concept scheme the Metadata tab. On the left side you find the top concepts linked to your concept scheme and you can add top concepts clicking the link icon and selecting a concept. On the right side you find the metadata for the concept scheme. You can add and edit metadata the same way you can edit a concepts details. For projects with URIs the URI of the concept scheme is displayed as a link to the respective concept schemes in the Linked Data Frontend.

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Fig. 23: Concept scheme details - Metadata tab

Deleting Concept Schemes If you want to delete a concept scheme you have to remove all it's top concepts. This prevents you from deleting concept schemes that have relationships you might have overlooked. For concept schemes without top concepts the Delete button is displayed. Clicking the button a dialogue appears asking you to confirm that the scheme will be deleted.

Fig. 24: Deleting concept schemes

Creating Top Concepts Per double click on the concept scheme node you want to use as a parent in the hierarchy tree or selecting 'Create Top Concept' in the context menu you open the New Top Concept dialogue. When you create a top concept you can only define the name (preferred label) of the concept. You can add all other definitions for the concept later in the SKOS tab of the details view of the concept.

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Fig. 25: Creating top concepts

Removing Top Concepts For top concepts which are used as top concepts in another concept scheme or as a narrower concept of another concept in a concept scheme in your project the Remove as Top Concept button is displayed in the concept details view. Clicking that button removes the selected concept as a top concept but does not delete the concept itself.

Fig. 26: Remove as top concept

Creating Concepts There are three simple ways to create new concepts: 1. By double clicking a concept's node in the hierarchy tree. 2. By clicking the Add icon in the 'Narrower' area of a selected concept. 3. Through a context menu which can be accessed by right clicking any node in the tree.

Fig. 27: Ways for creating concepts Š 2011, punkt netServices


After selecting one way to create a concept, the New Concept dialog appears. You have to enter the name (preferred lable) for the concept, clicking Create Concept completes the procedure.

Fig. 28: Creating concepts

After creating a concept you can edit all concept details and delete concepts.

Concept Details The image below shows the main view for a concept the SKOS tab. In this example the main view for the concept 'Germany'. The main view for a concept is divided in four areas containing different information:

Fig. 29: Concept details view - SKOS tab

 Semantic relations  Broader Concepts/ Narrower Concepts The 'broader' area of a concept's details displays its parent(s), while the 'narrower' area lists all child concepts.  Related All concepts related to the current one in some way.  Exact Matching Concepts Concepts of different concept schemes (thesauri) or linked data which are identical. All resources that are linked to the concept via the linking open data feature of PoolParty are displayed as exact matches.  Close Matching Concepts Concepts of different concept schemes (thesauri) or linked data which are nearly identical.

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 Lexical Labels There may be only one preferred label in each language of a concept, while multiple alternative and hidden labels are allowed.  Preferred Label The main word or phrase that is used to identify the concept. Each concept must have a preferred label, but not more than one for each language.  Alternative Label Other words or phrases used to refer to this concept. This includes synonyms, acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants and irregular plural/singular forms.  Hidden Label Labels that should be hidden for display purposes of the concept, but which still will be used for search operations. These are misspellings or otherwise deprecated terms for a concept.  Notation  Notation A classification code uniquely identifying the concept in the concept scheme.  Document properties  Scope Note A description to clarify the usage and scope of a concept, i.e. information about what is or is not included within its meaning.  Definition A description of the meaning of the concept.

Searching for Concepts To find a concept quickly in an opened project, begin to enter a search string in the search bar and make sure 'Thesaurus Search' is selected in the drop-down list next to it. The system will look for concepts that contain that string in any label (also in alternative labels etc.) and will suggest matching ones. The example in the image below shows the concept 'Germany' being found when the beginning of its alternative label 'Federal Republic of Germany' is entered.

Fig. 30: Autocomplete suggestion in the search bar

Selecting a concept from the drop-down list presented by autocomplete will expand the containing branch of the hierarchy tree and also will display the concept's details view. Per default autocomplete only searches for labels in the default language of the project. Via Options > Autocomplete Language you can select the language of the project used for autocomplete. The active language is displayed in the search bar on the left. Autocomplete starts searching for other concepts after typing at least three characters.

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Deleting Concepts To delete a concept, you can use the Delete button. It is only displayed for concepts that don't have any narrower or related concepts or any exact or close matching concepts. This prevents you from deleting concepts that have relationships you might have overlooked. If you want to delete a concept you have to remove all relationships to other concepts before.

Fig. 31: Delete a concept

Managing your Thesauri PoolParty offers some additional functions that help thesaurus managers to easily maintain and develop their thesauri:  Creating Relations per Drag and Drop  Merging Concepts per Drag and Drop  Adding Relations Using Autocomplete  Translating Labels in Multilingual Thesauri  Adding Notes to your Concepts

Creating Relations per Drag and Drop Managing the thesaurus works like a charm by using PoolParty's ubiquitous drag and drop functionality. To express that there is a relationship between concepts, select one of the involved concepts in the tree on the left. In the example displayed in the image below, we selected 'University of Leipzig' from the concept tree. Then we dragged the node with the concept 'Leipzig' and drop it into the 'University of Leipzig's area for related concepts, thereby creating the desired link between the two concepts. Naturally this works bi-directional. Not only will 'Leipzig' show up in 'University of Leipzig's related concept's area but also 'University of Leipzig' will show up in 'Leipzig's related concept's area.

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Fig. 32: Creating a relationship between concepts by using drag and drop

When you drag a concepts all areas where you can drop it are displayed in a darker grey (see image above). You can not only drag and drop concepts to create relationships to other concepts you can also drag and drop a concept to the Alternative Label or Hidden Label area of another concept to merge two concepts.

Merging Concepts per Drag and Drop Say you have two concepts that are actually the same, i.e. one concept's preferred label is actually a synonym of another concept. You can merge those concepts in the following way: 1. Select the concept with the preferred label you want to keep. 2. Simply drag the synonymous concept to the Alternative Label or Hidden Label area of the concept you want to keep. 3. A message appears asking you if you want to merge the two concepts. By confirming the message the two concepts are merged, automatically removing the obsolete concept from the project whereby the new, consolidated concept inherits all relations from the removed one.

Fig. 33: Merge concepts Š 2011, punkt netServices


If you accidently created two concepts with the same Preferred Label you can also merge them by dragging on concept to the Alternative Label or Hidden Label area of the other.

Adding Relations Using Autocomplete Another way to create relationships between concepts is using PoolParty's autocomplete functionality. The image below demonstrates its capabilities. 1. Select one of the concepts you want to link. 2. Click the Link icon in one of its semantic relations areas and start to enter a string. Immediately PoolParty will show you any concepts that have a label containing that string. This of course also works for alternative or hidden labels of the concept you are looking for.

Fig. 34: Using autocomplete to create relations between concepts

Autocomplete starts searching for other concepts after typing at least three characters. You can select the language used for autocomplete in the Options menu.

Translating Labels in Multilingual Thesauri PoolParty offers a translate function for the preferred label of concepts in multilingual thesauri. Just click the translate link next to the Preferred Label heading in the details view of the concept. A dialogue appears, offering translations for all languages with missing preferred label definitions. You can select the translations you want to adopt via checkboxes. Clicking OK the selected translations are stored as preferred labels for the concept.

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Fig. 35: Translate preferred labels of a concept

Adding Notes to your Concepts PoolParty helps thesaurus managers in keeping track of the development of their thesauri offering the possibility to add notes to concepts. There are different types of notes available:  Change Notes Notes which add information about a modification to a concept.  Editorial Notes Notes for an editor, translator or maintainer, e.g. to discuss possible meanings of a concept  History Notes Notes about the past state/use/meaning of a concept. You can add and display notes selecting the Metadata tab of a concept. The Metadata tab holds two sub-tabs:  the Metadata subtab is displayed per default and displays information about the history of a concept and the Notes subtab. In the Notes subtab you can set a filter to display notes added to the concept. Per default all notes are displayed. You can filter notes per note typ, author and/or date.

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Fig. 36: Displaying notes

To create a new note click the respective button. The New Note dialogue appears. You can select the note type and add a title and a comment. When you click the Create Note button the note is added to the concept.

Fig. 37: Adding notes

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User Rights Management Creating users in PoolParty has to be managed by the administrator as described in the Developer Guide. In this process each user is assigned to at least one user group. The rights for a project are set while creating a project by assigning user groups to the project. A user can only assign user groups to a project he is a member of. Only users that are in at least one of the user groups assigned to a project are allowed to view and edit the project. You can change the assigned user groups of a project editing the User groups section in the projects details view.

Fig. 38: Change user groups of a project

In PoolParty three special user groups exist:  PoolPartyUser  PoolPartyAdmin  Public PoolPartyUser This is the default user group that has to be assigned to every user to be able to login. PoolPartyAdmin The PoolPartyAdmin user group allows access to the Advanced menu where several functions for system monitoring and configuration are available. Public The user group 'Public' has a special role in PoolParty. Per default every user in PoolParty is in the user group 'Public'. So if this group is among the assigned user groups of a project anyone with access to this PoolParty server can access the project, the Linked Data frontend, the Wiki view and also the SPARQL endpoint. If the 'Public' group is not assigned to a project, you have to provide a valid user name and © 2011, punkt netServices


password to access the Wiki view and the Linked Data frontend. The SPARQL endpoint will not be available. The PoolPartyUser and the PoolPartyAdmin group are 'system' user groups which are not available for assigning rights to projects.

Document Management PoolParty supports you in creating and expanding your thesauri with relevant concepts, as it has the ability to analyse documents and extract words and phrases that characterize their content. This means you can process documents that are related to your project's topic, and work the extracted domain specific terms into your thesaurus. PoolParty uses information extraction algorithms to find your project's controlled concepts if they are mentioned in a document. Additionally the text will be statistically analysed, and terms and phrases deemed relevant to the document are suggested. From these suggestions you can select the terms you like and they will be used as tags for the document. If the selected terms are not yet included in one of your project's thesauri, PoolParty will save them in the project's 'Free concepts' tree. A thesaurus manager can then work them into a thesaurus. Note the distinction between free concepts and controlled concepts:  Controlled concepts are already part of a thesaurus. This means they are either declared as top-concepts of a thesaurus or as narrower concepts of another concept.  Free concepts are the result of this document analysis, they have to be turned into controlled concepts by inserting them into an appropriate branch of a thesaurus hierarchy tree. The following sections outline the basic workflow for obtaining concepts via this key phrase extraction and show information on:  Uploading a Document  Managing Free Concepts  Viewing the Documents of a Project  Searching for Documents

Uploading a Document The option to upload documents is only available after 'enabling document processing' for a project You can activate document processing when you create a new project, or activate it later by selecting 'Enable document processing' from the Documents menu. Before you add a new document you always should refresh the PoolParty text extractor to make sure that it uses the latest version of your thesauri. To do that select 'Refresh text analysis' from the Documents menu and choose the language of the text you want to analyse. Now you are ready to analyse your documents. Specify the way you want to upload it by either choosing from the 'Add document' sub-menu in the Documents menu or by directly clicking on the respective icons: © 2011, punkt netServices


Fig. 39: Add documents

1. Add Document from File Opens a dialogue where you can browse your local file system for a document to upload and analyse. 2. Add Document from Url Opens a dialogue in which you can paste any web address, which usually is the fastest way to upload a document. Please note, as HTML pages often contain more text than the actual content you might be interested in (page navigation items, advertisements, etc.) this can cause the extraction of irrelevant terms. This is not a problem per se, but might lead to the extraction of more irrelevant phrases. You can activate 'Pre-process document' to clean websites from some 'noise'. 3. Add Document via Copy & Paste Opens a dialogue where you can enter or copy and paste a text to analyse it. 4. Add Documents from .zip File Opens a dialogue where you can browse your local file system for a zip archive to upload. PoolParty's document processor can extract text from a wide variety of file types, including plain text, (X)HTML, PDF, MS Office, OpenOffice, E-mails, etc. For a full list of supported file formats visit http://aperture.wiki.sourceforge.net/Extractors . Per default PoolParty has an upload size limit of 10MB. This setting can be changed in the PoolParty configuration.

If the results of the automatic extraction of a document's content aren't satisfying, it is recommended to manually copy and paste it to PoolParty using the 'Add Document via Copy & Paste' method. After analysing a document you can start to select tags for the document and add tags if necessary.

Extracting Phrases as Tags for the Document Once your file is uploaded and analysed you are presented with a details view like the one in the image below. The top half of the view shows the content of your document. The bottom half consists of extracted terms and phrases (we'll refer to both as 'phrases' from now on). These phrases are shown in a tag cloud style, e.g. the more relevant a phrase is in a given document or text, the bigger its font size will be. The phrases shown in dark blue are labels from concepts already existing in your project. As you click on the phrases they become selected as tags for the document, marking them with a red background. To deselect a phrase, just click on it again.

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If the 'Highlight Tags in Document' checkbox is set, the tags you selected will be highlighted in the text. Concepts from your thesauri will be highlighted red and newly found phrases green. If the 'Hide Unselected Tags' checkbox is set all extracted phrases you didn't select yet are hidden. Proceed to select tags until you are satisfied or you are missing when you are finished click the Save Tag Event button. This will store the document and its tags. All new phrases you selected as tags will become 'Free Concepts' and will be stored together with your project.

Fig. 40: Result of information extraction

A maximum of 30 tag recommendations is displayed

If the extraction results contain no terms of already existing concepts or if you see an extracted term not marked as an existing concept even though you know it is already in a thesaurus, then try to refresh the text analysis component.

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Adding Tags for a Document If the missed a phrase that you'd like to use as tag, just mark it with your mouse in the text and click on the Add Tag button (see image below). It will be added to the other phrases and become a selected tag (single-word phrases can be added by a simple double click). To distinguish it from the automatically extracted phrases it will be displayed in italics. If you want to tag the document with a word or phrase that is not mentioned in the text, just type it into the text field at the bottom and click the Add Tag button. Proceed to add tags until you are satisfied and click the Save Tag Event button. This will store the document and its tags. All new phrases you selected as tags will become 'Free Concepts' and will be stored together with your project.

Fig. 41: Adding custom phrases from the text

Managing Free Concepts Free concepts are the result of tagging documents with new terms and phrases and therefore aren't yet part of one of your thesauri. The Free concepts node and its children are conceptually equal to traditional folders and should not be considered to be a thesaurus or the like. This special system nodes will be generated automatically whenever a new project is created. You will see the three default child nodes of the Free Concepts node:

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 Approval needed All new terms from the tagging process are put under this node.  Expert Approval needed The thesaurus manager can use this to temporarily store free concepts, that can only be classified by a domain expert. Therefore the concept can be moved from the Approval needed node to this special folder simply by drag & drop mechanisms.  Idle This folder can be used as a container for concepts that are candidates for removal, but might need to be reviewed before they are actually deleted. Using the concept management methods free concepts can be turned into controlled concepts or can be merged with already existing controlled concepts. This process of finding the appropriate position for free concepts in a project's concept tree is called 'releasing free concepts'.

Fig. 42: Free Concepts

How PoolParty Preserves Tagging Information when Editing or Merging Concepts If you process a document with PoolParty and apply tags to it, these tags will not simply be saved as strings in the metadata layer for your document. Instead PoolParty uses unique identifiers (URIs or URNs) to represent concepts which are stored for each tagging event along with the URI of the document and the person who tagged it. As a consequence, it is possible to preserve and update tagging information even when concepts which were used as tags are edited or merged with other concepts. Two examples:  Someone changes the preferred label of a concept. All documents that were tagged with this concept use the new preferred label as a tag from now on.  This also works when merging two concepts. Suppose in your thesaurus are the concepts 'Timothy Berners-Lee' as well as 'Tim Berners-Lee'. Upon discovering that redundancy, you merge these concepts by declaring the first one as alternative label of the latter. PoolParty will update all tag events accordingly and every document tagged with 'Timothy Berners-Lee' will now have the tag 'Tim Berners-Lee'.

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Viewing the Documents of a Project To see which documents already have been processed for your project, select 'Show all Documents' from the Documents menu or select the TagEvents tab of your projects details view. Click the + icon to show the metadata, tag cloud and RDF data of a document. In this dialogue you can also detach tags from the document or you can delete the document itself from the document store.

Fig. 43: Viewing documents

It is possible to see a combined tag cloud for all of the documents of a project. Click on the project's node in the hierarchy tree and select the Tag Cloud tab of your projects details view. Now you can click on any concept to navigate to its SKOS details view.

Fig. 44: Tag cloud of all documents

Searching for Documents PoolParty offers several ways to search for documents, namely regular full text search, similarity search and semantic search. Before conducting a search you might want to update the index of documents in order to have recently added documents included in your search. Do this by selecting 'Build Document Index' in the Documents menu.

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To do a full text search over all documents, select 'Document Search' from the drop down menu next to the search bar and start to enter one or more terms. PoolParty will fetch a list of all documents containing either of the terms and display them in the, i.e. using a logical 'OR' operator. To display only documents that contain both of two search terms you can use the 'AND' operator in uppercase letters, e.g. 'google AND advertising'. You may also search for a phrase by enclosing it in double quotation marks, in order to get only results matching that exact phrase. It is also possible to use a 'NOT' operator to exclude documents that contain a certain term, e.g. use 'Homer NOT Simpson' to search for documents about the Greek poet. The results of the search are displayed in the Fulltext Search Tab of the project. Please note that each result also has a link to 'Similar documents'. An alternative way to execute a full text search is to select a concept in the tree and click on the Documents tab. This will search for all documents that contain the preferred label of the selected concept somewhere in their content. As result a second tab bar is displayed and the Fulltext Search tab with the resulting documents is displayed. In this second tab bar there is also a Semantic Search tab and a Tag Events tab. Conducting a semantic search means that not only a concept's preferred labels, but also its alternative labels and the labels of its related concepts are considered in the search. On the results page of a semantic search you can deselect the search terms used by clicking on the phrases with the blue background. You can see the results of a semantic search for the concept 'Berlin' in the image below. Note the gold stars next to each result. They tell you how relevant the system thinks the document is for your search. Clicking the Tag Events tab lists all documents that were tagged with this concept. You can influence the full text search with the index settings of the project.

Fig. 45: Semantic search results for the concept Berlin

Similar documents For every results of a full text search for documents a Similar Documents link is displayed. Clicking the Similar Documents link brings up a new tab in the document search tab bar displaying documents the system determines to be of similar content. You can affect the similarity search by changing the index settings of the project.

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Fig. 46: Searching for similar documents

Adjust Search Settings Select 'Document Index Settings' from the Document menu to view the Index Settings tab of the project where you find various settings to adjust the way search result relevancy is calculated in PoolParty's document index. An alternative way to access these settings is by clicking on the project's node in the hierarchy tree and selecting the Index Settings tab in the projects details view. You can define index settings for different aspects:  FREEPHRASES Settings regarding concepts that are still in the 'Free Concepts' folder of PoolParty.  TEXT Settings regarding  KEYPHRASES Settings regarding  URI Settings regarding  NARROWERS Settings regarding  BROADERS Settings regarding  RELATEDS Settings regarding

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the plain text information of the imported document. concepts that are already in a thesaurus of the Project. the URI of the imported document concepts in a narrower relationship to a concept found during indexing. concepts in a broader relationship to a concept found during indexing. concepts in a related relationship to a concept found during indexing.


Fig. 47: Index Settings The following settings are available for each aspect:

 UsePhrase Defines if the hole text of a label is used or each part if a label consist of more than one word.  Suggest This setting is currently not used.  Search Defines if this settings are used in a full text search.  Boost Value in the range of 0 ... 1 used as quantifier in the search query.  FindSimilar Docs Defines if this settings are used in a similarity search. Semantic Web Access and Linked Data PoolParty offers new and comfortable ways to publish your projects as Linked Date to the Semantic Web and to enrich your concepts with additional facts from the Semantic Web linking them to similar concepts published in the Linked Open Data Cloud. This functionality supports any thesaurus manager to generate richer knowledge models around specific domains.  Creating Linked Data with PoolParty  Incorporating Data from the Semantic Web

Creating Linked Data with PoolParty PoolParty offers the possibility to publish a project as linked data. This requires that the URI Generation setting is set to 'URI' during the creation of the project. On selecting this option several settings are displayed to configure the format of the URIs that will be created for the project:

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 BaseURL Represents the first part of the created URIs. The BaseURL has to start with 'http://' followed by the domain that should be used for the linked data URIs. The URL of the PoolParty server is used as default value.  Project identifier Represents the second part of the created URIs and is used to distinguish between different projects on a PoolParty server. The project name is defined as default value spaces in the project name are deleted.  ID Generation Represents the last part of the created URIs and defines the method for creating unique identifiers for the concepts. The following methods are available:  Increment You need to define a starting number from which the incrementation starts. All concepts get a single incremented number starting at the defined starting number.  UUID (Default) All concepts are represented by their 'Universal Unique Identifier' (UUID).  From prefLabel All concepts are represented by the preferred label of the default language of the project. If two concepts with the same preferred label exist, a number is added to the preferred label (e.g. 'Label_(1)'). Below the settings you can see an example of the URIs that will be created based on your settings.

Fig. 48: Linked data configuration

If linked data publishing is properly configured on your server and you enter the URI of a concept in a browser you will get a html representation of the concept. To provide public availability of the created linked data, the defined BaseURL must exist and point to the PoolParty server. How to configure a web-server for linked data publishing is described in the Administrator Guide.

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Delivering Concepts as Linked Data If linked data has been enabled in a project's configuration you can access all concept schemes and concepts in a project as linked data according to the linked data principles defined by W3C (see also: "Linked Data Patterns " by Leigh Dodds and Ian Davis). The html tab of PoolParty's Linked Data Frontend provides a human-readable HTML version of a concept scheme or concept including RDFa. Under the RDF/XML tab and the TriX tab you get a machine-processable RDF version of the concept scheme or concept.

Fig. 49: PoolParty's Linked Data frontend

The Linked Data frontend is only available if a project is public (the user group 'Public' is assigned to a project). If you link your concept to other linked data resources all incorporated data is handled to preserve the provenance information for the data.

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Incorporating Data from the Semantic Web Driven by the Linked Data initiative more and more viable data sets about various topics were published on the semantic web. PoolParty offers the possibility to link to different data sources:  Dmoz The Open Directory Project (ODP) offers site listings organized in a hierarchical scheme.  DBpedia The semantic version of Wikipedia.  GeoNames  Geographical database covering all countries.  LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings) Programmatic access to different data sources offered by the Library of Congress (e.g. subject headings).  WordNet  Lexical database of English.  Sindice The semantic web index.  FreeBase Entity graph of people, places and things.  Yago Semantic knowledge base including facts about entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.).  Umbel Lightweight ontology structure for relating Web content and data to a standard set of subject concepts. The kind of information extracted depends on the selected data source. E.g., if a concept has been linked with an entity from GeoNames you will get the geographical coordinates (longitude & latitude) of your concept (which can also be used by PoolParty's map view feature). To enrich one of your concepts with data from the semantic web choose the Linked Data tab in the concept's details view. You will get a list of the available data sources and you can choose data to link to or delete existing mappings. Clicking the + icon preceding the headings of the different data sources expands detailed information on the data linked to your concept. Succeeding the headings you can find the number of triples that are linked to your concept.

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Fig. 50: Linked Data tab

Choose Data from the Semantic Web To select the data you want to link to click the respective link of the data source you want to use. A dialogue will pop up presenting a list of suggestions for possible matching concepts, e.g. because your concept is maybe too generic, you can modify the search string, in order to get more specific or different results.

Fig. 51: Choosing data from the Semantic Web

Clicking OK you will see a preview of what information will be imported, where you can also check language boxes for all languages defined for your project to get information in additionally languages, e.g. abstracts in English and German that will be used as skos:definition in the corresponding language fields of your concept (of course only if Wikipedia contains the information in these languages!). Per default only the checkbox for the default language of your project is selected. You can also choose the type of mapping for the resource and its "sameAs" definitions. The following types of definitions are available:  Exact Match (SKOS)  Close Match (SKOS) © 2011, punkt netServices



See Also (RDFs)

Fig. 52: Data selected from the Semantic Web

Clicking OK will import the triples from the selected source (e.g. DBpedia) into PoolParty.

Delete Mappings to Data from the Semantic Web You can delete existing mappings to linked data per data source. By clicking the delete link all mappings are deleted.

Fig. 53: Delete links to data from the Semantic Web

All data added to your concept like alternative labels, definitions etc. is not deleted.

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Available Information per Data Source You can view all data linked to your concept by clicking the + icon preceding the heading of the data source listed in the Linked Data tab.

Fig. 54: View data linked to a concept

The following list gives you a brief overview over the information linked to your concept per data source.  Dmoz Links a Dmoz resource (web address) to your concept.  DBpedia Links the DBpedia resource and its subjects, definitions, types, pictures etc. to your concept. The DBpedia definitions are used as definitions for your concept.  GeoNames  Links the GeoNames resource and its alternate names, and geographical information (longitude, latitude) to your concept. The alternate names are used as alternative labels for your concept. The geographical Information is used for PoolParty's map view.  LCSH Links the LCSH resource and its alternative labels, scope notes, "same as" definitions etc. to your concept. The LCSH alternative labels and the scope notes are used for your concept.  WordNet Links the WordNet resource and its glossary information to your concept. The WordNet glossary information is used as definitions for your concept.  Sindice Links a Sindice resource to your concept.  Freebase Links the Freebase resource and its names, aliases, types and "same as" definitions to your concept. The Frebase name and aliases are used as alternative and hidden labels for your concept.  Yago Links the Yago resource and its genre definitions and labels to your concept. The Yago labels are used as alternative labels for your concept. © 2011, punkt netServices


 Umbel Links the Umbel resource and its alternative labels to your concept. The Umbel alternative labels are used as labels for your concept.

Handling of Incorporated Data in the Linked Data Frontend In PoolParty based projects all incorporated data from other linked data sources is stored in a separate graph to preserve the provenance information of the data. In the Linked Data Frontend of PoolParty data from other sources is displayed in separate areas in the html tab. Since the RDF/XML format does not support graphs this data is not available in the RDF/XML tab but in the TriX tab it is available again as a separate graph.

Fig. 55: Handling of incorporated data in the linked data frontend

Map View If concepts have geographical coordinates associated with them, you can view their location on a map (see image below). You can use the features of Google maps to zoom in and out and display different views. Of course you don't want to enter your concept's geographical coordinates manually. Instead you can use the Linked Data feature to automatically grab that data from the Semantic Web. Š 2011, punkt netServices


Fig. 56: Map view of a geographical concept

A 'Google Maps API Key' has to be installed on your PoolParty server for this feature to work. See the Developer Guide for further information.

The PoolParty Frontend PoolParty offers a frontend for easy access to your thesauri. Depending on the URI definition of the project and the frontend configuration you can access different views on your thesauri. The PoolParty Frontend is divided in two main parts:  The PoolParty Browser offers a view on the whole project. The PoolParty Browser is divided in the following parts.  Wiki The Wiki tab offers a light weight editing frontend to display and navigate your project and edit labels and document properties (definition, scope note) of concepts.  SPARQL The SPARQL tab provides a SPARQL Endpoint to query your thesauri.  The Linked Data Frontend offers a view on a resource (concept or concept scheme) in your thesaurus. The Linked Data Frontend offers an html tab the RDF/XML tab and the TriX tab providing a Linked Data © 2011, punkt netServices


Frontend according to the linked data principles defined by W3C for your thesauri. The Linked Data Frontend is only available for Projects where http:// based URIs are generated (non-http URNs are not Linked Data compliant!). You can get access to the PoolParty Browser by clicking the Frontend button in the project details view. For projects with URIs you can open the Linked Data Frontend by clicking the identifier (URI) of the concept scheme or concept displayed as a link in the details view of the concept or concept scheme.

Wiki Frontend The Wiki tab offers a light weight editing frontend which provides an alternative way to browse and edit your thesauri. You can find the wiki frontend in the Wiki tab of the PoolParty Browser. Depending on the frontend configuration the user rights for your project can give everyone access to your thesauri via the wiki frontend. Just send them the URL for a project's wiki frontend, and provided they have access to the page, they can browse your thesauri in their web browser. They can also use the auto-complete supported search function and switch between the different languages of the project. It is also possible to add, edit or delete labels, scope notes and definitions in the wiki frontend by clicking on the corresponding links next to the labels. Relations cannot be changed or added in the wiki frontend.

Fig. 57: Wiki Frontend Š 2011, punkt netServices


SPARQL Endpoint PoolParty offers a full fledged SPARQL endpoint to query your thesauri. This is particularly useful for distributed queries, where you can incorporate data from various sources. You can find the SPARQL Endpoint in the SPARQL tab of the Poolparty Browser. The availability of the SPARQL endpoint depends on the user rights of your project. You can select the format of the results of a query, add namespace definitions to your queries selecting one of the checkboxes in the Add Namespace section or start with one of the sample queries provided. Once your query is defined click the Run Query button to get the results. The following result formats are available:     

Table (Default) xml/text xml/application json/text json/application

Fig. 58: PoolParty's SPARQL Endpoint

Find more information about the SPARQL Endpoint in the PoolParty - Developer Guide.

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Error Handling In the PoolParty Frontend sometimes something might go wrong and instead of the concept, concept scheme or project you are looking for you get an error. The following Table shows all error codes that may appear, with an explanation why they might appear: Error Code



This error code is displayed if you try to open an URI and are not logged in or have missing privileges.


This error code is displayed if you try to open an URI that does not exist.


This error code is displayed if there are problems with the PoolParty server.


This error code is displayed if there are problems in the communication between the PoolParty Backend and Frontend.

Advanced Thesaurus Management In this section you find information on advanced thesaurus management functionalities in PoolParty:  Import, Export and Reporting with PoolParty  Validating Thesauri  Additional Information for the Project and its Concepts  PoolParty Webservices

Import, Export and Reporting with PoolParty PoolParty offers the possibility to export and import projects or parts of projects in different formats and to create various reports of projects. In this section you find information on the available import and export functionalities:       

Exporting and Backing Up a Project Exporting Concept Schemes or Subtrees Importing Projects or Concept Schemes Importing Subtrees Available Formats for Import and Export Prerequisites for Importing non-PoolParty SKOS Thesauri or Zthes thesauri Import Several Concepts from a CSV File

 Generating Reports with PoolParty

Exporting and Backing Up a Project To prevent the loss of data and work it is important to back up your projects in PoolParty regularly. Use the export functionality for that purpose. As every change you make is immediately committed to a database (triple store), you run the risk of losing data when you delete concepts or thesauri. There is © 2011, punkt netServices


also the danger of accidentally creating a mess in case you unwittingly import thesauri into the wrong project, as it takes time to remove the added concepts. If this happens, it might be faster to delete the existing project and import a previous version from an RDF file. Therefore make it a habit to back up your work by exporting the project in the format appropriate for you so you can import it later. Select 'Export' from the Project menu to open the Export Project dialogue. In this case exporting works on the whole project, so you will get all of a project's concept schemes and concepts in in a single RDF file. In the Export RDF tab you can select all data from the triple store related to your project:  Concepts (selected per default) All concept schemes and concepts in the project.  Free Concepts All free concepts added per document upload not integrated in your thesaurus yet.  Taggings All tags added for documents per document upload.  Documents All links to documents related to concepts per document upload. Choose the export format and click Export. Per default the file name is 'pp_project_<node name>' but you can change the file name later.

Fig. 59: Exporting a project

Related Linked Data, notes added to concepts and subproperty definitions for the project are only exported if you use the export formats Trix or TriG. You can also export all data related to your project which is not stored in the triple store via the Export Data tab of the Export Project dialogue. In the tab you can select more relevant data:  Uploaded Files  Extraction Models Created for document processing  Documents Added to your project via document processing

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 Document Indexes Created after uploading documents  Autocomplete Indexes After you have selected data to be exported a zip file with the name 'pp_project_<node name>' will be created and offered for download.

Exporting Concept Schemes or Subtrees Besides exporting the complete project PoolParty offers the possibility to export single concept schemes of a project or a subtree in a concept scheme. A subtree in this case means a node and its sub-nodes in the hierarchy tree. To export a concept scheme or subtree right click on the respective node in the tree and select 'Export Subtree...' from the context menu to open the Export Concept Scheme or Subtree dialogue. Select the export format and click Export to save the export file. Per default the file name is 'pp_<scheme/subtree>_<node name>' but you can change the file name later.

Fig. 60: Export of a concept scheme or a subtree

Related Linked Data, notes added to concepts and subproperty definitions for the project are only exported using the export formats Trix or TriG.

Importing Projects or Concept Schemes You might have several projects that can make good use of a couple of thesauri that are more or less the same in any project, e.g. geographical areas. So instead of creating a new thesaurus from scratch, you may want to simply import an existing SKOS compatible thesaurus from another project or other sources. You may also want to re-import a previously backed-up project or a concept scheme from another project. Select 'Import' from the Project menu to open the Import Project or Concept Scheme dialogue. Select the file you want to import and the format of the file. Click Import to upload the file and import the concept schemes and concepts included.

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If you import concept schemes or concepts which are already available in the project, they are not duplicated but the correct broader/narrower relationships are created. Imported concepts will keep the URI/URN they have in the import file. This prevents you form duplicating concepts published already as linked data and just embeds them in a new context.

Fig. 61: Importing a project

You have to set the language settings according to the languages used in the thesaurus you want to import, e.g. if there are English and French labels in the thesaurus to be imported, make sure to set those as project languages. Especially the default language has to be the same because concepts with a different default language cannot be mapped to the hierarchy tree of a project. Data for languages available in the import file but not in the settings of the project will be imported nonetheless but will not be visible in the PoolParty GUI.

Importing Subtrees Besides importing projects or concept schemes PoolParty offers the possibility to import subtrees of a concept scheme of another project. This opens up numerous possibilities for thesaurus managers to reuse concepts and hierarchies already available in other projects. Right click the node in the hierarchy tree that should be the root for the subtree you want to import and select 'Import Subtree' in the context menu to open the Import Subtree dialogue. Select the file you want to import and the import format. Click Import to upload the file and import the concepts included. If you import concepts which are already available in the project they are not duplicated but the correct broader/narrower relationships are created. Imported concepts will keep the URI/URN they have in the import file. This prevents you from duplicating concepts published already as linked data and just embeds them in a new context.

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Fig. 62: Importing a subtree

You have to set the language settings according to the languages used in the thesaurus you want to import, e.g. if there are English and French labels in the thesaurus to be imported, make sure to set those as project languages. Especially the default language has to be the same because concepts with a different default language cannot be mapped to the hierarchy tree of a project. Data for languages available in the import file but not in the settings of the project will be imported nonetheless but will not be visible in the PoolParty GUI.

Available Formats for Import and Export For importing and exporting data PoolParty covers the most common notations for representing RDF data. The following table gives an overview of the available formats and their capabilities: Name






XML serialization for RDF graphs. (Default)



Plain text format for encoding RDF graphs subset of N3.



Plain text format for encoding RDF graphs subset of N3.



N3 (Notation 3)

Plain text format for encoding RDF graphs that is more compact and human-readable.




XML serialization for RDF graphs adding the possibility to include named graphs.




Plain text format for encoding RDF graphs based on Turtle adding the possibility to include name graphs.





* Support for import and export of PoolParty data. ** Support for import and export of Linked Data, notes added to concepts and subproperty definitions for the project. *** Support for namespaces in the export file.

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Prerequisites for Importing non-PoolParty SKOS Thesauri or Zthes thesauri If you import SKOS thesauri which were not created with PoolParty, there are certain prerequisites a file should satisfy in order to be imported smoothly. Most of these problems with non-PoolParty thesauri can be automatically fixed by the importer. punkt. netServices also created a free SKOS consistency checker, where you can see whether your thesauri are valid SKOS, and a Zthes to SKOS converter. Both tools can be found at http://demo.semantic-web.at:8080/SkosServices/index . Prerequisites for importing thesauri into PoolParty are:  The file has to be valid RDF and should be valid SKOS. Alternatively PoolParty can import thesauri in Zthes XML format and convert them to SKOS. RDF validity can be checked at http://www.w3.org/RDF/Validator/ . Several SKOS checks can be made at http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/validation .  There has to be a skos:ConceptScheme (which represents the thesaurus itself) and one or more concepts connected to it via skos:hasTopConcept (see details about SKOS definition and PoolParty).  All concepts should be connected to a parent concept via skos:broader or to a thesaurus via skos:hasTopConcept. PoolParty fixes this problem as following: Concepts without parents are called 'loose concepts' and will consequently be put in a special 'Collected Loose Concepts' thesaurus in the concept tree. If there are loose concepts that use a skos:inScheme property, they will become TopConcepts (i.e. a triple skos:hasTopConcept will be added).  Connections between concepts should be in both directions e.g. each triple stating that concept X has a broader concept Y should be matched by a triple saying that concept Y has a narrower concept X. The same goes for "related" connections.  URIs shouldn't contain space characters. PoolParty fix: Spaces from URIs will be removed  Concepts should have a preferred label for at least one language. PoolParty fix: A skos:prefLabel 'Missing Label' will be added.  The labels of concepts should have language tags attached to denote which language the label is in. PoolParty fix: Language tags with the project's default language will be added.  Concepts shouldn't have single or double quotes in their preferred label. PoolParty fix: Quotes will be replaced with acute accent characters.

Import Several Concepts from a CSV File It is possible to import flat lists of SKOS concepts into your thesaurus using comma-separated values (CSV) files containing information about the concepts. Thus you can create several concepts under a parent concept at once. Simply right click on the node of the concept you want to use as parent for all the imported concepts, choose import and locate the CSV file on your disk. A convenient way to create such a file is to use a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel and save your spreadsheet as a .csv file. Your CSV files have to use commas as delimiters. Please note that Excel might save the CSV files using semi-colons as delimiters. In this case either

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change this in the preferences or open the file in a text editor and use "Find and replace" to substitute the semicolons for commas. Each row equals one concept and each column in that row contains the values for one SKOS property. In the first line of the file you have to specify the properties of your concepts. You can import the following properties for a concept:  prefLabel  altLabel  hiddenLabel  definition  scopeNote There are the following restrictions for the csv-Import:  In the first row of the CSV file you define the properties for each column of the import file (e.g. 'prefLabel,altLabel,definition') You can order the properties in any way you want.  Each concept has to have one prefLabel, but must not have more than one prefLabel for a single language.  You can append a language tag to each property (e.g. prefLabel@de). If no language tag is appended the property is added for the default language of the project.  If a concept doesn't have values for any of the properties the property is simply skipped during import.  The maximum of records to be imported per file is 250. Find a list of all language tags here: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry An example for a CSV file (download it from here ) and how it would look like in Excel is displayed in the following example: prefLabel@en,altLabel@en,prefLabel@de,hiddenLabel@de,definition Cologne,,Köln,Kölle,City in Germany Vienna,,Wien,Wean,City in Austria

Fig. 63: CSV File in Excel

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Generating Reports with PoolParty Select 'Reports' from the Project menu to open PoolParty's Reports assistant. PoolParty offers different types of reports that display information for a project:  Thesaurus Hierarchy Report Generates an overview of the thesauri in a project and their hierarchies displaying up to four levels. For multilingual thesauri you can choose the language for the report.  Full Details Report Generates a list of all concepts in alphabetical order along with their metadata and relations to other concepts. For multilingual thesauri you can choose the language for the report.  Google Custom Synonyms Generates a synonym list which can be used to extend Google's Customized Search Engine (CSE) .

Fig. 64: Reports in PoolParty

PoolParty uses the Velocity Template Engine and the SPARQL Endpoint to create reports. This offers the possibility to create customized reports easily. You can find an introduction on 'POOLDOKU:Creating Custom Reports ' in the PoolParty Developer Guide.

Validating Thesauri In order to keep your thesauri from violating the SKOS principles, PoolParty offers quality queries to check a projects integrity. Navigate to 'Quality Queries' in the Tools menu and select one of the offered queries there. To have a valid SKOS thesaurus its graph structure has to  be complete.  be non-cyclic (e.g. no circularity in the broader narrower hierarchy). © 2011, punkt netServices


 have no disjoints between related and hierarchical paths. With the quality queries you can also check whether multiple concepts have identical labels, find labels with less than two characters, or concepts without a definition. Per default the following queries are available:          

Same preferred and alternative label Same preferred and hidden label Same hidden and alternative label Loose concept (no broader and not a top concept) Narrower of another concept and top concept Preferred label less than 3 characters Alternative label less than 3 characters Hidden label less than 3 characters Circularity in the broader narrower hierarchy Concept has no definition

Additional Information for the Project and its Concepts In the details view of a project, concept scheme or concept the information is grouped in tabs. In this chapter you find information on tabs containing additional information not described yet:      

Displaying Triples Displaying the Tag Cloud of a Concept or Project Visualisation of a Project Logging Information for a Project History of a Concept Displaying the Concept Index

Displaying Triples The Triples tab allows you to display all Triples of a concept or concept scheme in your project. It is available for the project, and all concept schemes and concepts of your project. If you open the Triples tab for a concept or concept scheme the URN or URI of the concept or concept scheme is displayed in the search field of the RDF Triples Explorer and all triples of the concept or concept scheme are displayed. If you open the Triples tab for a project the search field is empty and no triples are displayed you have to search for a concept or concept scheme first. In the RDF Triples Explorer triples are grouped in two sets. The first set displays all triples where the concept scheme or concept is used as a subject. You can see the related predicates and objects. The second set displays all triples where the concept scheme or concept is used as an object. You can see the related subjects and predicates. For a concept all triples are displayed including all triples created by linking the concept to Linked Data. For all objects and subjects again representing concepts or concept schemes a clickable URN or URI is displayed. Following those links the triples of these concepts or concept schemes are displayed. You can © 2011, punkt netServices


also select different concepts in the RDF Triples Explorer typing their name or using the autocomplete function and clicking the Get Triples button.

Fig. 65: Concept details - Triples tab

Displaying the Tag Cloud of a Concept or Project The Tag Cloud tab is available for the project and for all concepts of a project. Selecting the Tag Cloud tab for the project will show a tag cloud with all concepts used for tagging documents in your project. Selecting the Tag Cloud tab for a concept will show concepts, which are often used as tags on the same documents as the selected concept. The more frequently they are used in conjunction with the current concept, the bigger they appear in the cloud. This is a hint for a thesaurus manager, that they might be candidates for use as related concept.

Fig. 66: Co-occurrence tag cloud for concept 'Berlin'

The 'See Also' tab is only available ifdocument processingis enabled.

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Visualisation of a Project Based on Moritz Stefaner's Relation Browser PoolParty offers a way to browse through a project in an alternative way. Click on the Visualization tab of any concept and see all its relations at once. For a new project you have to initialize the visual browser once. You can do that selecting 'Renew visual browser' in the Tools menu or you are prompted to do that when you open the Visualization tab for the first time. Navigate through your thesaurus by clicking on a connected concept. On the right side of the Relations Browser you find information for the selected concept selecting the edit link brings you back to the selected concept and its default SKOS view.

Fig. 67: Visualizing concepts and relations

Visual browsing helps thesaurus managers to get an overview over existing structures and to present concepts and their relations in an appealing way. It has an advantage over the regular tree view, where a concept's relation to only one broader can be depicted at once and no other connections to related concepts can be seen. The visual browser shows the following relations:  N ... Narrower concept Indicating a hierarchical relationship the arrow points to from the broader to the narrower concept.  R ... Related concept Indicating an associative relationship the arrow points in both directions.

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If you have added new concepts to a thesaurus or modified existing labels, you have to select 'Renew Visual Browser' from the Tools menu in order to reflect these changes in the visual browser.

Logging Information for a Project Selecting the Log tab in the details view of a project displays logging information for the project. You can filter the logging information per user and per date. The filter settings used for the displayed logging information is shown in the heading of the tab. Per default logging information is displayed for all users and the current month. PoolParty logs the following information:    

Creation of a concept. Modification of a concept. Merging a concept. Deletion of a concept.

Fig. 68: Project details - Log tab

PoolParty only stores the last modification for a concept.

History of a Concept Selecting the Metadata tab and then the Metadata subtab you will see information about the history of a concept. This includes the creator (author) and creation date of a concept, as well as who last modified the concept at which time and the version of the concept. Modification means any editing, adding or removing of information or relations of a concept.

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Fig. 69: Metadata subtab

PoolParty only stores the last modification for a concept.

Displaying the Concept Index Select 'Concept Index' in the Tools menu in order to view an alphabetically sorted index of all concepts in the project.

Fig. 70: Concept index

PoolParty Webservices PoolParty offers web services to access and query thesauri via HTTP/RPC. Our examples include services for text auto-completion, phrase extraction, similar documents, tag cloud generators and the like. All available Web Services are documented in the PoolParty Developer Guide.

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The PoolParty - Developer Guide is only available for PoolParty Customers.

Advanced PoolParty Configuration In this section you find information on advanced configuration features available for PoolParty:  Adding Custom Metadata  Creating Custom Relation Types  Linking PoolParty Projects  Create an Autocomplete Index  The Admin Dashboard The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.

Adding Custom Metadata PoolParty offers the possibility to add custom metadata properties to concepts. This feature enables you to extend the expressiveness of a concept by adding e.g. additional properties from the DCterms or FOAF scheme or any other vocabulary or ontology that may be relevant for the domain of your thesaurus. It would also be possible to develop your own vocabulary or ontology and connect your thesaurus to it with this feature. To use this feature you have to:  Add Custom Metadata Properties  Define Metadata for a Concept

Add Custom Metadata Properties You can add new metadata properties via the Metadata dialogue in the Advanced menu. Metadata properties are defined per server so the dialogue is also available when no project is open. When you open the dialogue the Add Metadata tab is enabled. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.

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Fig. 71: Add metadata properties

To add a new metadata property you have to fill in the form in the Add Metadata tab and click the Add Metadata button when you have added all necessary definitions. You can enter the following definitions (definitions marked with * are required):  Select a group or add a new one.* (1+2) Groups are used to group metadata properties. When 'Add Group' is selected (1) you have to enter a name for the new group (2). When at least one group already exist you can select a group the second field is hidden and you add the new property for the selected group.  Add the URI of the property.* (3) If you use a existing vocabulary e.g. dcterms enter the URI from the respective definition e.g. http://purl.org/dc/terms/source for dcterms:source.  You can add a display name for the property. (4) e.g. Source. If no display name is added, the URI of the property is displayed.  Select the type for the property. (5) Default: Literal. The following types are available:  Literal  Date  Number  URI  Select how often the property may be assigned. (6) Default: Single. You can select if a property may be assigned one time (Single) or multiple times (Multiple). When you have made a new metadata definition, click the Add Metadata button and the Available Metadata tab is displayed showing all metadata defined for the server including your newly defined property. The definition of metadata added here is done in the Metadata tab of a concept.

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View Available Metadata Properties You can view all defined metadata properties via the Metadata dialogue in the Advanced menu. Metadata properties are defined per server so the dialogue is also available when no project is open. When you open the dialogue the Add Metadata tab is enabled. Select the Available Metadata tab to see all properties already defined. As you can see in the image below properties are displayed per group. The URI of the property is displayed and in brackets the display name, and the type of the property. The definition of metadata added here is done in the Metadata tab of a concept. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.

Fig. 72: Available metadata

Delete Metadata Properties You can delete metadata properties in the Available Metadata tab by clicking the Delete icon of a property or delete a whole group of metadata properties by clicking the Delete icon of a group. Deleting metadata properties also deletes all triples defined for those properties in the corresponding projects.

Define Metadata for a Concept When custom metadata properties are defined for a PoolParty server they are immediately displayed in the Metadata tab. You can find them for each concept below the default metadata available for this concept. The properties are displayed as groups.

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Fig. 73: Define custom metadata

When you define metadata for a concept the following rules apply for the different types of metadata properties:  Literal Can be added per language. Existing entries are editable.  Date A date chooser is displayed to add entries. Existing entries are not editable. Dates are displayed as timestamps.  Number  You may only enter numbers up to +2147483647/-2147483648. Existing entries are not editable.  URI Entries have to start with http://. Existing entries are not editable.

Creating Custom Relation Types PoolParty offers the possibility to create your own types of relations between concepts. New relation types are defined as subproperties of skos:related which is the property used to create associative relationships between concepts. You can create sub-properties only if inferencing has been enabled for your project. © 2011, punkt netServices


 Creating Subproperties  Using Custom Relations

Creating Subproperties You can add new subproperties via the Subproperty dialogue in the Advanced menu. Subproperties are defined per project so the dialogue is only available when a project where inferencing has been enabled is open. When you open the dialogue the New Subproperty tab is enabled. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group. You can create inverse and symmetric relations. All relation types are defined as a subproperty (rdfs:subPropertyOf) of the skos:related property. To create a new subproperty you have to fill in the form in the New Subproperty tab and click the Create Subproperty button when you have inserted all necessary definitions. For subproperties you can enter the following definitions (definitions marked with * are required):  Label in URI* Name of the subproperty in the URI created for the subproperty.  Subproperty Of* Select the property for which the subproperty is defined for. At the moment only subproperties of skos:related can be defined.  Inverse Of* Defines subproperty type (inverse or symmetric). To define an inverse relation type at least two subproperties have to exist. Leaving the selection empty defines a subproperty as a symmetric relation.  Label* Name of the subproperty shown in the details view. You can add labels in several languages.  Comment Comment for the usage of the subproperty. You can add comments in several languages.

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Fig. 74: New subproperties

After you have clicked the Create Subproperty button the Available Subproperties tab will be displayed showing all subproperty definitions for this project including the new definition. Now you can create a particular relation between two concepts by choosing the proper subproperty in the SKOS tab of a concept.

Viewing and Deleting Subproperties You can view all defined subproperties via the Subproperties dialogue in the Advanced menu. Metadata properties are defined per project so the dialogue is only available when a project where inferencing has been enabled is open. When you open the dialogue the New Subproperty tab is enabled. Select the Available Subproperties tab to see all properties already defined. For each subproperty the URI and the comments and labels are displayed. If the subproperty has an inverse relation the URI of the related subproperty is displayed too. In front of each subproperty a Delete icon is displayed. Deleting a subproperty also deletes all relations defined with this subproperty. This also applies to deleting only one part of an inverse subproperty pair. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.

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Fig. 75: Available subproperties

You can create relations between concepts with all defined subproperties in the SKOS tab of a concept.

Using Custom Relations If subproperties are defined for a project, every time you create a relation between concepts via drag and drop or the Link icon the New Relation dialogue is displayed asking you to define the relation type you want to use. Per default 'related' is selected creating a standard skos:related relation. If you select one of the relation types defined as a subproperty, two relations are created. The skos:related relation and a relation with the selected relation type.

Fig. 76: Create relation per drag and drop Š 2011, punkt netServices


The selected custom relation displayed in the Related Concepts area and all concepts related with this custom relations are displayed indented below the relation. You can delete the custom relation by clicking the Delete icon in front of the concept. This does not delete the skos:related relation so the concept is still displayed as related concepts since only the custom relation has been deleted.

Fig. 77: Related concept with custom relation type

Linking PoolParty Projects The creation and management of controlled vocabularies in e.g. companies often takes place in a distributed manner. Under certain circumstances it might be more appropriate to have several vocabularies holding different information for different purposes (technical, marketing) or domains in several projects instead of managing them in one central knowledge model. Dealing with several decentralized vocabularies will also lead to different representations and contextualizations of the same concepts in different vocabularies. With PoolParty's linking project feature you can create links between matching concepts in different vocabularies. To use this feature you have to:  Link Projects on a PoolParty server  Link Matching Concepts in Different Projects

Link Projects on a PoolParty server You can link projects via the Linked Projects dialogue in the Advanced menu. Linked projects are defined per project so the dialogue is only available when a project is open. When you open the dialogue the Available projects tab is enabled. In this tab you can see all projects on this server which are available for linking. To be available for linking a project has to have a http://uri definition and the user group 'Public' has to be assigned to the project. The Advanced menu is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group. To link projects select at least one project (1) and click the Save button (2). © 2011, punkt netServices


Fig. 78: Available projects

After clicking the save button the Linked Projects tab is displayed showing all linked projects including the newly selected projects.

Fig. 79: Linked projects

Now you can create links between matching concepts in these linked projects.

Link Matching Concepts in Different Projects If you have linked your project to other projects on the PoolPary server you can create links between matching concepts in those projects. Click the Add icon in the Exact Matching Concepts of Close Matching Concepts area of the SKOS tab of a concept. The Linked Projects dialogue appears showing all

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concepts in the linked projects with labels corresponding with the selected concept. Select the concept which you want to link to by clicking the checkbox next to it (2).

Fig. 80: Search for matching concepts

When you click the Save button the dialogue will be closed and the URI of the concept is displayed in the respective area. By clicking the URI of the concept the Linked data frontend of the linked project is opened and the available information for the concept is displayed. The project the linked concept belongs to is displayed in brackets behind the URI. The project name is displayed as a link, clicking the link you are directed to the SPARQL endpoint of the linked project.

Fig. 81: Linked matching concepts

Š 2011, punkt netServices


Create an Autocomplete Index For large projects with a huge number of concepts and labels PoolParty's default autocomplete function might become slow. In this case enabling the autocomplete index could increase performance and bring the speed of the autocomplete function back to normal. To enable the autocomplete index select Created Autocomplete Index in the Advanced menu. A message shows if the index has been successfully updated and how many labels are in the index.

Fig. 82: Create autocomplete index

Once an autocomplete index has been created you have to keep it up to date when you change your thesaurus e.g. add concepts or labels. This can be done by selecting Update Autocomplete Index in the Tools menu. A message displays if the index has been successfully updated and how many labels have been added to the index. You can also disable/enable the autocomplete index per session selecting the respective entry under Tools > Use Lucene Autocomplete Index.

The Admin Dashboard The Admin Dashboard displays information for all projects on the PoolParty server. It displays 10 projects per page. You can switch pages via tabs. Also the autosave settings for all projects and a list of available snapshots per project are displayed in the Admin Dashboard. The Admin Dashboard is only available for users in the PoolPartyAdmin group.

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Fig. 83: Admin Dashboard

In the Admin Dashboard you can find the following information per project:

Fig. 84: Admin Dashboard - Project information Name (Context URI)

Extraction model

The title of the project

Yes, if an extraction model exists

Concepts The number of concepts of the project

Languages The default language and all languages of the project


The creator of the All user groups project assigned to the project.

The internal project number

The creation date of the project

The repository type

The date of the last modification

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User groups


Automatic Snapshots For all projects per default the autosave function is enabled during project creation and snapshots of the project are generated in a defined interval (default value is every 10 minutes). In the Admin Dashboard information about the snapshot settings and a list of available snapshots is displayed. All snapshots are saved to the snapshots directory under <PoolParty-Data>/snapshotRoot. This implies that the snapshots directory should be included in the backup strategy for a PoolParty server but also that if anything goes wrong you can restore projects from a snapshot . The snapshot information is grouped in two parts:

Fig. 85: Admin Dashboards - Snapshot information Snapshot Settings


The following settings are available:  autosave Shows if autosave is enabled. (Default: true)  interval  Shows the autosave interval. (Default: 5min)  onExit Shows if a snapshot is generated on exit. (Default: true)  persists Shows if persistance is enabled for the repository. (Default: true)  syncdelay Number of milliseconds system between transactions to be handled seperately (Default: 1000)

The following information is displayed:  Number of snapshots for project  For every snapshot the following information is displayed  date  snapshot / <user> User generated snapshots  restore link offers the possibility to restore projects from a snapshot

The recommended settings link sets all settings to default The make snapshot now link creates a new user generated values manual snapshot. Manual snapshots are not overwritten by the autosave function.

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The snapshot information in the Admin Dashboard is displayed green as soon as automatically generated (system) snapshots are available.

Restore Projects from a Snapshot When you open a project a check is made if the data in the project is valid. If any changes in the data compared to the last status (status at last logout) is detected, PoolParty assumes that there is something wrong and a message is displayed. In this case the autosave mechanism of PoolParty is disabled so that the snapshots of a project are not overwritten with outdated or corrupt data. Via the Admin Dashboard you can restore a project from a snapshot. Before restoring a snapshot, a manual snapshot should be triggered in the admin dashboard. Click the make snapshot now link to create a manual snapshot. 1. Choose the snapshot (by date or by checking the file or by importing snapshots in a test project and examining the data) and click the restore link. (1) 2. A message appears asking if you want to proceed. Click OK to proceed. (2) 3. A new snapshot is displayed in the list of available snapshots created by a user named "restored". (3) A message is displayed at the top of the Admin Dashboard informing you that the restore process was successful. (4)

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Fig. 86: Restore from Snapshot

When you restore a project in the Admin Dashboard, you have to reload the project in the PoolParty Backend to refresh the tree view and see the changes.

Troubleshooting PoolParty Freezing If PoolParty isn't reacting to your input or doesn't seem to finish processing a task, it is recommended to use the browser's reload function and open your project again. You should be able to continue your work as usual. Preventing Loss of Data Changes to your project are committed to the database at regular intervals. Still it is recommended that you export your project as RDF after major changes, to make sure none of your work gets lost. Please see chapter 'Exporting and Backing Up a Project ' on how to do that.

Š 2011, punkt netServices


Unexpected Behaviour  After PoolParty Upgrade When your PoolParty instance is upgraded to a new release it might cause unexpected behaviour, if you previously worked with an older version. This is a common issue for all applications using Ajax technology. To avoid this, you'll have to delete the PoolParty cookie and clear your browser's cache after each new release. To clear the cache in Firefox you have to choose 'Options' from the Tools menu. Click on the 'Privacy' icon in the options dialogue. Make sure the 'Ask me before clearing private data' box is checked and click on settings. Check only the box for 'Cache', confirm with okay, and then you can go ahead and hit the 'Clear now' button. Information about new releases, screen casts and the documentation is published at http://poolparty.punkt.at/ . Important news will also be posted to our mailing list.  Multiple PoolParty Projects Opened in One Browser Opening a second project in another browser tab or window will also result in unexpected behaviour. Either stick to one open project at a time, or use a different browser to display a second project. Of course it is unproblematic if other users on other machines work on different projects at the same time as you work on yours. Support by E-mail For any problems with or suggestions for PoolParty please don't hesitate to write an e-mail to poolparty-support@punkt.at .

© 2011, punkt netServices


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