VeloVap Marketing Report & Design Brief

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Bring back VeloVap MARKETING REPORT &





PREFACE These days exercise, green energy and hip designs is a part of almost every ones life, granted some mean more for others and so on. The VeloVap is a product that tries to combine these three factors in a bike that comes close to no other. This report will evolve about how we are going to market the re-launch of the VeloVap. VeloVap is a bike engine that helps pedaling being environment friendly due to the fact it uses electric energy instead of gasoline or any other harmful products. VeloVap is produced under the Velo Company and it is one of the premium products of the company. VeloVap is a product that was very popular in the 60’s, is a French product but with a distribution in several European countries, such as: France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Italy and other. We want to bring back VeloVap on the Danish Market, due to the fact that the country is bicycle friendly and the bike market keeps blooming each year. Because of its strong brand name the company has an advantage when it comes to penetrating a new market as they already have customer loyalty they gained in the past.



PROBLEM AREA AND PROBLEM FORMULATION VeloVap is an old fashioned bike engine that used to sell during the 1960s. Bringing a product back from the past has always been a challenge for marketeers as they have to re-establish the image of the company and live up to the customers expectations. Whether the product sells or it goes low in profit margins depends on the marketing campaign responsible for adjusting the product to certain target audiences. As well as that the campaign is responsible for the company’s image and it handles the way customers see our product. But will a marketing campaign be enough to keep a product long on the market? This depends on the company’s ability to differentiate and innovate once they gain a fair amount of market share and competition starts to grow. The VeloVap is going to be launched as an electrical bike, with a hip retro design giving it a wide appeal for people of several ages. With so many e-bike suppliers out there it is crucial that we find a way to successfully differentiate our bike among the hundreds of models that are on the market. PROBLEM STATEMENT How should the VeloVap be positioned and advertised in order to make its comeback a feasible marketing decision?



THE PRODUCT AND ITS HISTORY: PLC PLC OF VELOVAP IN THE PAST INTRODUCTION STAGE During 1957 the VAP Company came up with an engine that helps people bike. At launch the product was facing certain limitations, which slowed down the sales volumes. People were required to have helmets and license to be able to use the engine thus limiting sales. GROWTH STAGE Due to economies of scale the production costs lowered. Based on that VeloVap saw potential in expanding their business internationally during 1959. It was a feasible decision but it also provided them with more competition and higher risk.The automatic clutch and the accelerator placed next to the handle were features that helped the VeloVap product differentiate from its competition. MATURITY STAGE As the production facilities of VeloVap increased, they were able to produce more units at low cost. The company vastly reached 100 000 units produced and managed to obtain 35% of its sales in Britain and Switzerland. The success of their bike engine ensured them 5th place in amount of sells in France. Back then a direct competitor of VeloVap was Velo Solex. Their bike engine would offer less features and was not as advanced as the VeloVap’s. However its cost was twice as less which made it appealing to the customers and got Solex ahead in sales.


DECLINE STAGE In 1967 VeloVap stopped production. Based on our desk research that it’s the high price of the product that brought it down and the strong competition that offered the same product cheaper.

FUTURE VELOVAP PLC ASSUMPTION MARKET INTRODUCTION STAGE We expect the product to launch with a premium price due to high production costs at the beginning. The product will rely heavily on brand name and the awareness created by the marketing campaign. The competition will not be a threat at first due to the fact that there aren’t many companies producing similar product. Sales volumes will grow slowly at first but as the product builds customer loyalty and awareness increases, profit margins will start rising. At this early stage of the life cycle of the product it is our main priority to create demand for our product. It is expected for the company not to reach breakeven point in this early stage of the development of the product due to the amount of units sold. GROWTH STAGE At this point VeloVap is supposed to have unit costs reduced as the size of the production facility and product usage is increasing. Relying on the success of our marketing campaign we expect customer awareness and loyalty to provide the company with an increase in sales volume. Due to the product’s success, competition should be growing as other companies see the bike engine market as attractive. At this point we expect decrease in product price in order


to generate more sales than our direct competition. Public awareness is rising because people have been exposed to the marketing campaign for VeloVap or have heard about the product from people who have it (word of mouth). MATURITY STAGE At this stage product differentiation is crucial as the competition grows even further and it is important for VeloVap to be easily distinguished from the other players on the market. Pointing out unique features and using emotional selling proposition will help the company maintain its market share. At this stage of the PLC it is expected for VeloVap to have a reduction in sales volume because of competition or other influence of the market. DECLINE STAGE At the final stage of our product life cycle we expect profit margins to lower due to amount of units sold. We expect strong competition to have an impact on our market share which could also be a reason for a decline in sells. As the market grows our product can be perceived as old and will therefore start to lose customer’s interest and it’s up to VeloVap to introduce new features or expand the product line in order to maintain a stable position on the market.



PEST ANALYSIS Before starting a business every company needs information about its macro and micro environment. PEST is a tool that provides us with information about the macro environment – what’s outside the company, its surrounding area. PEST analyzes the political, economical, social and technological factors that could affect our business. POLITICAL FACTORS - We believe Denmark is a great place for our product because it replaces cars and is a relatively cheap means of transport. The annual taxes and insurance for cars are one of the highest around Europe. This is an advantage for VeloVap because what we offer is a cheap substitute for cars, a tax free means of transport. However our target group is limited due to the fact that people below the age of 16 are not allowed to ride any type of motor bike. ECONOMIC FACTORS – Denmark is a country known for its high paid labor which is a treat for new coming companies as they have to spend extra on salaries. Having to spend more means VeloVap has to take higher loans. This is where interest rates become an issue. Looking at Danske bank’s latest update1 on interest rates we can say this is not our main economical concern as the interest rate keeps falling. This means taking loans from the bank will not be so costly. Having a look at the inflation rates for 2012 we can see that during June the inflation has hit its lowest level (2.1%). In the following months it keeps increasing steadily and reaches 2.6%2 during September. This means that prices of products are generally rising. When there is high inflation on the market, banks are adjusting their nominal interest rates in order to mitigate recession (a general slow down in the economical growth over a period of time). This means taking a loan from the bank becomes a more attractive option. However high inflation rates also generates risks one of which is reducing the real value of money. As well as that future fear of inflation discourages investments. A low interest rate means low product prices. During such period customers are purchasing more than the usual because they are afraid of future shortages or increase in price, which might lead to shortages of goods.


SOCIAL – Looking at the social aspect of our PEST analysis we can say that Danes from the capital and rich areas care about their environment. The car battery recharging facilities at fuel stations also indicate the Dane’s concern for the atmosphere. This will create preference for our product because of its environment friendly technology. As for the demography of Denmark we can see that the people from the age of 15 to 64 consist of 65.3% of the total population. This will benefit our profit margins as this age group sums up our marketing segment (the people who we focus our marketing campaign to). TECHNOLOGY - Due to the old design of our product, technologically speaking its production is rather simple and fast. However, because of the high bargaining power of the suppliers we are limited in choice and we depend on the conditions our suppliers provide.



THE COMPETITORS: PORTER’S 5 FORCES, ANALYSIS OF THE COMPETITORS PORTER’S FIVE FORCES The Porter’s Five Forces is a common tool companies use in order to get a brief knowledge regarding the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market they try to penetrate. THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS – The easier it is for companies to enter our market, the higher the competition will be. However, in order to do so, every new entrant has to be aware of certain barriers the Danish market has. This could be high start-up costs or government intervention (special tax benefits for existing companies, industry regulation). A strong brand identity could also be a barrier for a company, which is interested in a new market. As well as that a company with a strong customer loyalty could also be an obstacle in our way towards the Danish market. Since our business involves producing bike engines we have to take the technological patents into consideration, as it can be a threat for our production units yield. Looking at the Danish market, it is well known fact for most international companies that market entry is rather cheap and fast. Nevertheless, it would be a challenge for new entrants to maintain their position on this market, as costs tend to get higher with time. Companies should consider the high starting salaries for employees, which could pose a threat to their equity in the long run. To sum it up we can say that entering the Danish market is relatively easy and does not take much time. Hence, other competitive companies can appear as well. It is up to us to differentiate in order to maintain our position on the market.The Danish market, being attractive for bike businesses, holds many benefits and assures profitability for company such as ours.Therefore, other competitors from our business field will see the same opportunity and attempt to enter such market thus increasing the competition intensity.


THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS – the product VeloVap offers is of a luxury nature – it is not a necessity and customers will not frequently buy it as it has a long period usage. This means that potential buyers have to spend more time on their buying decision, as bike engines are a product people do not buy every day. Some of the companies that offer a substitute to our product are Velorbiss, Promovek, Protanium. They are our direct competition and our goal would be to differentiate us as a company and establish our previously known brand name VeloVap.The risk of having an alternative for our product is rather high, as customers will have many options while making their purchasing decision. Having many options means people will prioritize the cheapest one. This would cause companies to lower prices in order to appeal more to their audience. In order to coop with that we at VeloVap will focus on the emotions of the user through our marketing campaign and not just sell a product, but a feeling. As well as that we rely heavily on our brand name and customer loyalty we built in the past. Nostalgia is also a strong emotion our product will trigger in many customers. A product such as ours, which used to be popular during a person’s youth, will have an impact on their buying habits throughout their whole life, making our product preferable over others. BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS – In situation where we only have one supplier that provides us with materials needed for unit production, the suppliers have high bargaining power – they can set prices high as we have no other alternatives but to buy from them. BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS – Because of the easy way customers can substitute our product and the intensity of our direct competition we can say that the bargaining power of buyers is rather high. Among our biggest competitors are Protanium and Promover. They offer product which satisfies similar needs as ours. Their bike engines have removable batteries, futuristic design and use relatively new technology. Despite their differential features they lack the ability to promote their product and


it is not clear which their target audience is. Their websites are hard to navigate through and might push customers away even before seeing the product. However they are currently few of the big players on the market we are trying to enter and have already established themselves as quality brands.



THE CUSTOMER: STP SEGMENTATION The process of dividing the market in different target groups based on their needs and wants is called Segmentation. Through segmentation we are able to define who are our potential customers and evaluate the intensity of competition in the market we are trying to penetrate. As stated before, the Danish market is attractive for a company such as VeloVap because of the bicycle usage in the country. The biking paths allow people from all ages to use bicycles as their main means of transportation which is the reason why the market is suitable for our product. The danish government encourages biking in order to get people out of their cars and to reduce air pollution. Having that said it is safe to assume Danes care about the environment which is another plus for our energy using bike engine. Because of the classic design of our product, we will appeal to the people who prefer the old school fashion and the people from the growing hipster trend. In summation, we can say that as of now our target market consists of people from all ages who bike, people who prefer environment friendly products and the hipster audience.

TARGETING Focusing our effort on a specific target group is essential for the company as it saves resources, time and effort. As well as that adjusting the marketing campaign to a certain target group of people who are the most likely to purchase our product would guarantee positive profit margins. Now that we have determined who our potential target groups are we have to define which is the one that is the most attractive to us and is most likely to become our customers. The purpose of our product is to ease transportation. Having that said it is safe to assume our product is attractive to the elderly population and people who want to save time and energy in Denmark. Our focus with the marketing campaign would be to promote what is unique


about our engine and explain its features and how it benefits the user. As mentioned before the classic look of the engine would inspire interest in many of the customers following the hipster trend from the ages between 16-35. We will make a marketing mix specifically tailored towards the needs of this segment. To sum up, we are aiming our campaign at two market segments, thus using the differentiated marketing approach. This type of strategy is used when the company focuses effort on two or more target groups and establishes a marketing mix for each one of them.

POSITIONING At this stage of the STP it is our task to create a product identity in the minds of our customers – defining whether we are aiming at product differentiation (unique features) or we want to influence the emotions of our target audience (emotional selling proposition). As well as that through positioning we explain the customers how will our product satisfy their needs. The environment friendly technology of our product contributes to its overall high quality, which is the reason we will launch it with a high starting price. We chose to start with such price due to the fact that production is expensive at first and as we generate profit and expand our production we will be able to lower price because of economies of scale. High starting price would not be affecting profits negatively because Danes prefer quality over quantity. This implies they are willing to pay more for a product as high price ensures high quality. Promotion is a very important aspect of positioning. Through promotion we handle the communication channels, which we use to reach our target audience. As stated before, one of our marketing segments are people who


seek comfort and ease in their travel while they bike. After a short team meeting we established that the most effective way to reach that audience is to display our ads at certain areas which our customers frequently visit as they bike, e.g. buses, buss stops and high traffic areas. Our secondary segment consists of hipsters from the age of 16 to 35. Due to the demography of this target group we can safely assume that most of them are students. Therefore we found it feasible for our campaign to place ads in cities with a high percentage of student residents (Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Helsingør). Because of our differentiated marketing strategy we have to adjust our campaign towards two marketing segments.This involves different selling points for each target group. Promoting what our product does and how does it differentiate from the substitute products, would seem appropriate for the target audience aging from 16 to 60 because those are the customers who want our product for its features.This is the so called unique selling point which is meant to explain the core characteristics of the product that make it different from other similar products. As for our second target group (hipsters between the age of 16-35) we will use the emotional selling point. It aims at influencing the emotions of the customers, making them feel as a part of a growing trend/ fashion. This is where the classic design of our product will be an advantage as it fits the hipster trend making it appealing to this segment.



SWOT:- STRENGHTS, WEEKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS STRENGTHS - Strong brand name; - Product differentiation; - Old fashioned design; - Green friendly product; - Appealing to people who are not able or do not have the energy to ride a regular bicycle.

WEAKNESSES - Old fashioned design not appealing to some people; - Luxury product/not a necessity.

OPPORTUNITIES - Constantly growing bike market; - Wide range of potential customers; - Easy market entry (not many barriers); - Inflation rate level; - Interest rate at low levels.

THREATS - Many substitute products/means of transportation; - Many other bike manufacturers, electrical as well as regular ones.



MARKETING OBJECTIVES: TOWS TOWS MATRIX MAXI (S) - MAXI (O) – Combining the strengths and weaknesses in order to fully take advantage of them. Our strong brand name and product differentiation will take us a long way on the Danish market. The customer loyalty VeloVap has built in the past will make our product a preferable choice for ex owners of our product. The fact that our engine does not pollute the environment will attract many people from the vastly growing numbers of bike users. MINI (W) - MAXI (O) – Incorporating the weaknesses and opportunities. Our goal here is to maximize the opportunities and minimize the weaknesses. The fact that our market keeps growing and it consists of wide range of potential customers, narrows down the negative effect of the luxury nature of our product. This happens because the functionality of our bike engine appeals to different target audiences and its high price is not to be seen as a drawback in a country with high starting income. MAXI (S) - MINI (T) – Putting the strengths and weaknesses together so that we minimize the threats and get the best out of the strengths. Through our desk research we found out our direct competition consists of multiple companies who offer similar product with the same purpose. Even though we haven’t established ourselves on the market yet we can assume this will not impact us as much due to our strong brand name and the nostalgia our come back will bring on the market. As well as that our old fashioned design will attract the growing hipster audience. MINI (W) - MINI (T) – Combining the weaknesses and threats in order to minimize them.


The fact that our bike engine has an old fashioned design and a high starting price will define it as a luxury product which could make it seem appealing to some customers because we know Danes prefer quality over quantity.



COMPETITIVE STRATEGY: GENERIC STRATEGIES The Danish market provides us with many potential customers because of its bike friendly roads and the amount of people who bike. As well as that biking is sometimes faster and cheaper way of transportation. Having that said we can say that our product has functionality that many buyers would appreciate. There are many products that our competitors offer that serve the same purpose. However, the old fashioned design, the fact that our brand name has nostalgic value and already has established customer loyalty will help us differentiate. The main objective of our marketing campaign will be to separate us from the competition and appear as a strong brand in the minds of our customers. To wrap it up, we can say that we are going for the Differentiation strategy because we have multiple target segments and our bike engine has emotional value and is different from the other substitute products.



PROMOTION PRODUCT – the product, whether tangible or intangible, serves the purpose of satisfying a need. The bike engine we sell, obviously tangible product, strives to ease the biking for people from all ages. As mentioned before we expect to reach maturity stage and eventually meet a period of sells decline. If this is to occur VeloVap could consider expanding the product line and aim at a similar market. PRICE – the price is what the customers are willing to pay for our product. After a short group meeting we decided to launch the bike engine with a high starting price that underlines its quality and puts it in the luxury group. As well as that early production of the product will be expensive limiting us from offering a lower price than the competitor but as our business grows, production will become cheaper due to economies of scale and lowering the price will be easier. We are going for the skimming pricing – selling at a high price where fewer sales are needed to breakeven. This pricing strategy addresses customers that believe their need for the product out lifts their need to economise, or they simply have high disposable income which is very likely in Denmark. When it comes to price elasticity, our product is price elastic – changing the price will have an impact on demand as the product is not a necessity and people can live without it. PROMOTION – promotion is essential when it comes to bringing back a product to the market. It represents all the communication channels through which we send our message to our target audience. Social media, posters and ads will be our main ways of reaching the customers. Placing posters on places where our customers are more likely to see is important. Such places are buss stops, train stations and areas with high biking traffic. Social media has became a focus of many advertising companies as it is cheap and easy way to access the customers. Seeing as more and more people start using webpages such as Facebook and Twitter it is a valuable opportunity for us to use social media as a tool to create product awareness. We will focus on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram. Each social website will be adjusted to a certain target audience, e.g


Instagram will be hipster friendly, Facebook will focus old/mature people. PLACE – at this point of the 4P’s it is important to discuss where are we going to sell our product (distribution channels). Bike shops, fashionable stores and online are the channels we are going to sell through. We chose the bike shops for our product because that is the expected place for our product where it is relevant to have a bike engine. Due to our old fashioned design we can have our product in fashion stores too, where people that appreciate fashion can notice it.



DESIGN BRIEF VeloVap is a bike engine that helps pedaling being environment friendly due to the fact it uses electric energy instead of gasoline or any other harmful products. VeloVap is produced under the Velo Company and it is one of the premium products of the company. VeloVap is a product that was very popular in the 60’s, is a French product but with a distribution in several European countries, such as: France, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Italy and other. We want to bring back VeloVap on the Danish Market, due to the fact that the country is bicycle friendly and the bike market keeps blooming each year. Because of its strong brand name the company has an advantage when it comes to penetrating a new market as they already have customer loyalty they gained in the past.

BRIEF HISTORY During 1957 the VAP Company came up with an engine that helps people bike. At launch the product was facing certain limitations, which slowed down the sales volume. People were required to have helmets and license to be able to use the engine thus limitating sales. Due to economies of scale the production costs lowered. Based on that VeloVap saw potential in expanding their business internationally during 1959. It was a feasible decision but it also provided them with more competition and higher risk.The automatic clutch and the accelerator placed next to the handle were features that helped the VeloVap product differentiate from its competition. As the production facilities of VeloVap increased, they were able to produce more units at low cost. The company vastly reached 100 000 units produced and managed to obtain 35% of its sales in Britain and Switzerland. The success of their bike engine ensured them 5th place in amount of sells in France. Back then a direct competitor of VeloVap was Velo Solex. Their bike


engine would offer fewer features and was not as advanced as the VeloVap’s. However its cost was twive as less which made it appealing to the customers and got Solex ahead in sales. In 1967 VeloVap stopped production. Based on our desk research that it’s the high price of the product that brought it down and the strong competition that offered the same product cheaper.

OVERVIEW VeloVap is a retro product that we want to bring back on the Danish market. Being popular in the 60’s, the main inspiration lays in the style of that period meaning specific visual elements, retro feeling and old school graphics. The overall look will be retro inserted with vintage graphic elements and combined with modern visual graphics. Based on the old look of the VeloVap bycicle, the old version of the logo and the old posters and ads used to promote the product, we will create the new visual identity that corresponds with the values and features that the new VeloVap will encounter. Folowing the strategy that we want to approach to promote our product, meaning to address to two main target audiences - people that needs help in bycicling, group that can be represented by an older audience, and a much younger audience, fashionable people that we can position them in the ‘Hipster‘ culture, the visual identity will be created to meet their expectations. To create that we will get our inspiration in the old materials used to shape the visual identity and also the style specific to that period: colors, fonts, graphic elements, photos and imagery and also in the hipster culture that is defined as a modern style, beat, hippie, punk even grunge with a strong feeling of vintage and retro. To illustrate the VeloVap visual concept we decided to use different media: posters and ads, stickers and other printed materials. The online media will be represented by our website, being the main tool that we use to promote


VeloVap. The website will be designed to follow the same concept and to incorporate the ideas and features of the VeloVap design.The overall look will be retro and consistent with the offline media. To create our website we choose to use the Parallax scrolling effect. Parallax is a difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along different lines of sight.The term derives from the Greek word ‘parallaxis’, meaning alteration. In web design, the parallax effect is a relatively new trend. The effect itself has been around for a while, but lately is becoming more used and talked about. The Parallax effect or parallax scrolling in web design is the technique that features layered images that move around the website in different speeds/ perspectives creating a nice and interesting 3D illusion. We choose to use this effect because is interactive, offers movement to our layouts and graphic elements and is consistent with the VeloVap concept. Therefore, the content of the webside will be structured in different slides, every slide containing one of the values and features of VeloVap, so that the user can receive the information about the bike and the values that it represents.

PART 1: THE GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES: 1. Display of the VeloVap logo on the webpage and on the visual materials. 2. The webpage will be created by using the Parallax scrolling, the technique that uses multiple backgrounds which seem to move at different speeds to create a sensation of depth (creating a faux-3D effect) and an interesting browsing experience. Nearby objects have a larger parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions, so parallax scrolling can be used to determine distances. The VeloVap website will folllow the specifications oh this


technique and the structure will be shaped in different layers, each one of them displaying the features and values that VeloVap incorporates as a product for the selected audiences. This effect is appropiate for the concept that we build for our product because it gives motion and dynamism for the layouts and graphics that we use and it creates an interactive and interesting univers. 3. For the promotional materials we chose to go with online media and also with offline media that is represented by posters, ads, stickers, t-shirts and other printed materials. For this, photos with specific charecters were taken to shape up the concept of VeloVap that is a product which creates emotional bounding with the audience. The characters could be indentified as our target audience and this way to create a link with our potential customers.

PART 2: THE DESIGN THEME: 1. Display the main values of VeloVap: easy, fun, elegant, fashionable, retro, stylish, effortless. 2. Represent visually the concept that VeloVap is built on: being a product from the past it has an old-school feeling, a retro style that echoes in the today fashion tendencies, gives a trust value by the fact that was a product that existed in the past and built an audience, is a friendly environmental product that could be cathegorized as a ‘green’ product for that fact that uses an electric motor to get the boost, and release the biking from the effort and sweat that comes toghether with the regular biking. 3. Use a specific color palette inspired by the old design of the bike and the retro style of the 60’s. The main colors that we use to build the visual indentity and the overall look are light blue, yellow, cream, and red with different variations of these hues.


4. The design should combine high quality, restro feeling, elegance, simplicity and yet stylish sense.

PART 3: THE WEBPAGE WILL MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Parallax scrolling: layered images that move around the website in different speeds and perspectives creating the 3D illusion. 2. Interactive communication with the user given by the animated display texts that introduce and describe the bike values and features. 3. Implicit navigation into the scrolling feature - the user will browse the website by scrolling the way down and will have the overview of the content. 4. Contact button will be displayed in the end of the slides where the user can get in touch with the company. 5. At the end of the slides a ‘One more time‘ button will be displayed that gives the possibility for the user to explore again the website and hence to receive again the experience. 6. Pictures that were taken to create the adverts and posters for the promotional campaigne will be displayed in each section to describe visually the features that VeloVap has. The pictures illustrate different characters on the VeloVap bike that are representative and could relate to the selected target audiences.


PART 4: THE DESIGN WILL INCLUDE PHOTOS TAKEN BY US IN THE GREEN SCREEN STUDIO 1. VeloVap bycicle photos. 2. Characters on the bycicle that describes the concept of VeloVap: young, fresh, retro, fashionable, elegant, stylish.

PART 5: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Parallax scrolling - technique that uses multiple backgrounds which seem to move at different speeds to create a sensation of depth (creating a faux-3D effect). 2. Nearby objects have a larger parallax than more distant objects when observed from different positions, this way the distance is determined. 3. jQuery script of around 80 lines, defining speeds and coordination of different elements. 4. The website will contain a blog where administrators can add/edit/delete posts 5. Display of blog content through a database driven gallery scripted with PHP. 6. User rating of the various products/comments displayed scripted with PHP. 7. Easy accessible admin page from where it is possible to add, remove and edit the posts.


8. Various animated .gif files created in Photoshop. 9. HTML markup stylized with CSS.

PART 6: TIMESCALES 1. Week 1: - team meeting; - research on the product. 2. Week 2: - marketing research: history and the PLC of the product; - brainstorming on design concept and design solutions. 3. Week 3: - analysis of the market the STP model; - analysis of the market: analysis of the competitors and the surroundings; - the design process: wireframes, logo design, website prototype. 4. Week 4: - SWOT analysis; - TOWS matrix; - the Competitive Strategy; - the design process: website prototype, functionalities prototype, design of the graphic elements; - photoshooting in the green screen room for the promotional materials and website content. 5. Week 5: - the design process: website prototype, functionalities prototype, design of the graphic elements; - design of the promotional materials: graphic design, photo editing. 6. Week 6: - marketing report and design brief; - the design process: website prototype, functionalities prototype,


design of the graphic elements. 7. Week 7: - the design process: website prototype, functionalities prototype, design of the graphic elements; - incorporatin of the blog; - design program and design manual; - presentation of the project.





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