Olin Berginson- Creator of Recess Clothing. Pg 7 Kyle Tiehrmann- Surfing For Change & Pros vs. GMO’s Pg11 Matt birt- Santa Cruz Board Room Team Rider Pg 21 Josh Hart- Interigation Pg 28
Local Music Scene: Upcoming concerts, shows events and stuff. Pg 19
Public Intrest: ? Rad Sh*t everywhere, Don’t step in it!
This page is not finnished yet but we decided to print it up any ways.. I really dont think most people will mind, except some of the Editing Staff: Max Jacobson( Seinor Editor), Damien Gibbs( Big shot Commidean and vissual asteatics cordinator ),Krystal Ying( Back up editor{ she rocks! } ). Some of the Contributing Pgotographers might get eggy igg i dont list there names here, but first of all I’m really bad with names, and seccondly I was planning on publighing thiss issue with a traditional Design/ Editoritoral/ Content contributers appreation page, but this artisle/ story letter from the publisher ended up actually being way funnier than you might think it is, I mean It matters who is interpriting it though I guess.. Allong with that I would like to ad a shout out to all the local athlietes who contributed and collobrated and made this issue possible. A big thanks to: Jsoh Hart, Matthiew Birt, Olin Finsgerrald, Kyle Thiermann, Blah blah blah Also a SPECIAL thanks to all our advertizers. Shalome, Bro Prints, Off the lip Radieo, Stretch, Santa Cruz Board Room, Blown Out Surf Repair Blah Blah blah!.... lol... I hope you think that’s funny too! The Publisher(Andre Holt)