Lighting Design

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Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas Klass // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco

Project Brief


The objective with this semester project is to develop an understanding of creating an interactive lighting design through media technology, as well as human/conceptual and functional considerations. It will be based on a specific exterior context, function and theme and will define an interactive lighting design project that must show solutions on several levels such as the functional, technical and aesthetic. The 2nd semester project in the MSc program in Lighting Design takes the context of cycle tunnels of the Cycle Super Highways in Greater Copenhagen area. The initial question posed is how to create a better biking environment, prioritizing commuters’ and other users’ needs, using interactive lighting and at the same time create a solution that is realizable/realistic in the longer term for the clients. Students will in groups of 4 generate analyses, ideas, designs and tests of 1:1 mock ups in a tunnel to explore how this question can be answered. The imaginative (initial) research question to be answered in the semester project: How can interactive lighting design in tunnels improve the Cycle Super Highways? The project is defined in collaboration with the CSC office, Cycle Super Highways, which is a joint office in the Capital Region of Copenhagen, City of Copenhagen, City of Gladsaxe and ÅF Lighting. In connection with the establishment of Cycle Super Highways in the Capital Region a series of tunnels are established where cyclists cross busy roads. On the route SCS95 along Hillerød highway from Copenhagen to Gladsaxe, 14 tunnels are established. There is a need to provide lighting in these cycle tunnels to encourage usage, to provide security and to design a good cycling experience. New intelligent lighting technology makes it possible to develop new lighting concepts for cycle paths. The development of intelligent LED lighting is now at a stage where it is possible to install innovative lighting technology which can be controlled and operated at reduced energy expenditure and budgets. This opens up unique possibilities to adjust lighting in creating

context-specific experience for cyclists. The semester projects must be based on studies in the phenomenon of light in a biking tunnel, referring to how light can support experiences of time and space in a given physical context. This should include the consideration of potentially different user groups, and assess the effect of the proposed solutions on users. In addition, operating parameters such as maintenance, vandalism, safety, energy, legislation, etc. should be considered. The validation of the concepts will be done through tests and evaluated in relation to the success parameters set up in the analyses. The design idea is based on the ability to combine the requirements defined within the three parameters function, aesthetics and technology. Approaches to aesthetic and functional knowledge will be presented in the course “Light and Context”. Subjects as time and space, how lighting can adjust to the time of the day and the year, the cycling experience, the entrance and the exit will be examined. We will discuss how different scenarios adjust to daylight, transition and darkness. We will examine concepts of how responsive light can communicate to the cyclist. The implementation of intelligent lighting technologies will be presented in the course “Intelligent lighting Design”. The course will include defining sensors, lighting fixtures and concepts for programming. Examples of sensor-based lighting designs will be examined with a goal of creating and developing an efficient and meaningful interactive lighting system, considering concepts of user control, responsiveness, real-time interactions, connectedness, personalization, and playfulness. The validation of the design will relate to knowledge from the course “Evidence Based Lighting Design” by testing the different concepts over time in 1:1 mock-ups on the site. The concept for lighting in cycle tunnels will be applied in a specific tunnel – “ Tunnel no. 11”, which runs under Motor Ring 3. See photos and “Tunneloversigt” on Moodle, semester page.The objective with this semester project is to develop an understanding of creating an interactive lighting design through media technology, as well as human/conceptual and functional considerations. It will be based on a specific exterior context, function and theme and will define an interactive lighting design project that must show solutions on several levels such as the functional, technical and aesthetic.

Project Team

Andrei Ducu

Konstantin Klaas

Natalia Velasco

Tim Magnunsson

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Site Coordinates: 55°44’24.4”N 12°27’20.5”E

Project Location

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Illumination // Daylight Factor Daylight factor

vertical Illumination on ground 10000 lx


1000 lx 100 lx


10 lx Dir

SL10 serien™


SL10 serien sætter standarden for udendørs LED armaturer, til vejbelysning. Armaturet er designet helt i overensstemmelse

med faktorerne for effektivitet og optimale lysegenskaber. SL10 serien kan monteres på mastehøjde fra 3,5 meter til 10 meter. Det er muligt at opnå meget lange afstande mellem masterne, da armaturerne har en meget bredstrålende optik.

SL10 serien leveres med vendbar flange, som muliggør både mastetopmontage samt montage på udlæggerarm. Bikelane: Solar Light - SL10 micro Tunnel: Unknown with CFL lamp 740 - 3200 lm 827 - 435 lm SL10 mini SL10?? midi SL10 micro


Philips - SRS421 150W - 17500 lm SON-TPP

Site Analysis Materials // Geometry // Patterns

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Tunnel Effect // Day time Observations

Tunnel Effect // Night time Observations

Site Analysis

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Our initial concept, the companion, had as a goal palliating the feeling of loneliness that the traveller experiences. We wanted transform the tunnel, an archetypical no-place, into a living being, an abstract company that would make the traveler have feeling of security all along the SCS path. In this way, it could be stablished that it’s the tunnel itself “who” is giving and input to the user, a response of some kind, an acknowledgement of a presence. However, we started talking about the benefits of using this tunnel in particular and the Super Cycle Highway in general, concluding that, overall, it promotes a healthy lifestyle, providing the cycle commuters with not only a safe but a fast way of transport; a real alternative that happens

at the same time as the cars, with all their negative environmental impact, run on top of the tunnel. It is therefore an active decision from the individual, something to be encouraged, and something to be rewarded. That idea is what made us move towards the user as the active component of the network of tunnels, the trigger to some kind of reaction. We extracted the concept from the previous idea of the tunnel as a living entity and thought about the possibility of inversing the roles: instead of the tunnel accompanying the user, the user providing some information to the tunnel, that the tunnel would have a positive reaction to. Not only that, but we want to make the user remember and acknowledging what a good action they are

VS doing by commuting by bike everyday, as opposed to the cars, running just on top of the tunnel (in the best possible example of a fully contaminating environment as a highway is). So we have the contraposition of these two highways, living side by side, one absolutely green in its use and the other an example of pollution. One cycle leads to positive growth, the other to a destructive use. Combining this and the “living creature” that we want the tunnel to be, we established a movement to be held in the tunnel: the movement of growth. Having this in mind, we wanted to establish two systems of communication: first, the growth that each user would provide just by passing by; a trace that would be left to contribute to the growth that the trace of the next users would activate. To make this more precise,, we want a graphical movement, that would grow from the floor upwards, similar to abstract climbing plants, and that

would multiply as more people come by, using as a metaphor the fact that no growth happens if we all don’t contribute. As the second system of communication, we have a “fight” between highways, a contraposition between cars and cyclists/pedestrians. The cars, acting “as the enemy”, however pushes away/ down the growth that the cyclists have contributed to, restarting the process and making it never repeat itself. Finally, we want to take advantage of the special conditions tunnels have, as darkness, low ceilings, semiclosed space etc, to transform an unfriendly space into an environment that helps users to have a magical sensory experience, basing ourselves in simple shapes that relate to nature and endowing them of especial properties.


Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Bikers Afecting Walls

This graphical impact that impregnates the tunnel will be through a built skeleton of lights, made possible through slim “gates� of light. The gates will have two colors interacting with each other in a constant wave movement, being orange at ground level and white at top. The orange, the SCS branding color, will be the color that the bikes interact with, changing its wave frequency with the speed. Also the pedestrians will affect it; like in water, the new users that enter the tunnel will be the elements that will affect the rest of the waves; therefore, if there is a user inside of the tunnel and another one comes in, he/she will know that he/she has company by a sudden wave frequency change. Fast users will provoke small waves, while slow users will provoke wider waves. However, the person entering the tunnel will always be able to see its own effect on the orange wave. Besides the intrinsic movement that is always happening, the amount of orange also grows vertically towards the ceiling; it has a minimum growth moment (where less bicycles

Concept Vizualisation of cars on ceilling

have gone by in comparison to cars) and a maximum moment in which the orange color reaches the top; this happens when the bycicles outlaw the cars. As for the cars, they are gonna be represented in the top part of the gates with a cold white color that will blend with the orange in a gradient. The white is the counterpart of the orange, like the oil in the water; the element that allows the orange waves to move through, but never blends in. The white at the same time provides general lighting in a continuous way on the ceiling, but moves in the walls and invades almost all of the tunnel when the cars outnumbers the bicycles. The cyclists, this way, will acknowledge as common users that at certain hours of the day, more users have been using the SCS, and at the same time be aware of their personal input to this growth.

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Concept Visual Identity General Lighting


Branding Regulations

Design Idea Light as a “Structural” Element

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco



A 1500 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm


3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm


000 mm

Design Implementation

A 3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

3000 mm

2000 mm

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco

0 mm


3000 mm 1500 mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 30003000 mm mm 3

Part Plan - North Entrance

00 mmmm 3000

Design Implementation

3000 mmmm 3000

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

Part Plan - Mid Section

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm

3000 3000 mmmm 2000 mm 3000 mm

Part Plan - South Entrance

3000 mm

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco



Design Implementation

Section A-A

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Part Section 1 A-A

Design Implementation

Part Section 2 A-A

Part Section 3 A-A Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco

LightScape D


Section B-B

3300 mm

7000 mm





Section D-D

Section C-C

Design Implementation

Detail 1

Detail 1 Scale 1:20

Detail 2

Detail 2 Scale 1:20

Detail 3

Detail 3 Scale 1:20

Scale 1:20

Scale 1:20

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Design Development

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Design Visualisation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Design Visualisation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco




LED Stri

D ip

System Diagram Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

LED Strip

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

Strip LED

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

33 X Fade Candy


LED Strip

Strip LED

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

LED Strip

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Price Estimation


The price estimation is comprised from the curent estimation of the materials needed for the system and the price for the manual labor involved in building the project

We have tryed to design a system that requires a minimum maintenace level, however there are minimum requirements that need to be satified in order to ensure a high eficiency of the installation, as such a set of guidlines has been established.

Quantity Estimations: - 90 pcs - 5M WS2812B Pixel LED Strip 30pixels/M Addressable Color DC5V - 200 dkk/pcs - 450 linear m ( 1.5 tons) - 100X100 High Reflectance Aluminium Profile - 16500 dkk/ton - 50 m2 ( 50 pcs )-Acrylic light diffused plastic sheet frosted for LED lighting - 150 dkk/pcs - 47 pcs - Zumtobel 42182798 METRUM L3000S - 600 dkk/pcs - 33 pcs - FadeCandy - 200 dkk/pcs - 3 pcs - RaspberyPi2 -400 dkk/pcs - 2 pcs - SNF 8010 5MP 360Ëš Fisheye Camera - 3300 dkk/pcs

Amount 18. 000 dkk Amount 24. 750 dkk Amount 7. 500 dkk Amount 28. 200 dkk Amount 6. 600 dkk Amount 1. 200 dkk Amount 6. 600 dkk

Labor Price Estimation: - drilling concrete holes - 30h - 1000 dkk/h - mounting aluminum frames 80 h - 200 dkk/h - mounting led strips 80 h - 250 dkk/h - mounting luminaires 15 h - 150 dkk/h - electrical wiring 20 h - 250 dkk/h - mounting diffuser panels 30 h -150 dkk/h

Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount

30. 000 dkk 16. 000 dkk 20. 000 dkk 17. 500 dkk 5. 000 dkk 4. 500 dkk

Total Amount 185. 350 DKK

- There must be an anual inspection of the site in order to asses possible malfunctions or damages that have acured since the previous inspection, such weather damage or vandalism. - The difussing panels must be cleaned anually, through removal of the panels and cleaning both the interior and exterior sides with a special solution which is able to remove paint markings that can accure from acts of vandalism in order to ensure a high eficiancy of the luminaires. - In the case of damaged panels as in shatered or cracked the manufacturer must be contacted and a replacement must be ordered acording to the original specification of the panels, in order to avoid a discrepancy between the panel in question and the rest, this could mean a different color, transmission, refraction or relection levels. - An close inspection of the different sensors must be made, as in a visual inspection and through testing of each individual sensor. - Electronics must be inspected for water damage, tension fluctuations and rodents damage. The total maintenace should sum up to 20 h a year adding up to a total of 2000dkk plus eventual damage repair. Annual Maintenance 2000 DKK

Design Documentation Power Consumption

Life Cycle Cost

The power consumption calculation is an aproximation of the energy used to operate the system at any given time.

Life Cycle Costing is a method of economic analysis for all costs related to building, operating, and maintaining an energy conservation measure (ECM) project over a defined period of time, in our case over a period of 20 years.

Maximum power consumption Walls Ceilling Camera RaspberyPI GSM Sim Card

9W/m X 450m = 4050W 43pcs Luminaires X 46W = 1978W 2pcs Camera X 8,7W = 17,4W 2pcs RaspberyPi X 10W = 20W = 10W

Average power consumption Walls Ceilling Camera RaspberyPI GSM Sim Card



Building Price Annual Maintenance Annual Energy Costs

185. 350 DKK 2. 000 DKK 64. 805 DKK

Life Cycle Cost 185. 350 + (2. 000 + 64.805) X 20 = 1 . 336. 285 DKK

9W/m X 450m X 50% = 2025W 43pcs Luminaires X 46W = 1978W 2pcs Camera X 8,7W = 17,4W 2pcs RaspberyPi X 10W = 20W = 10W

Annual Energy Costs

64. 805 DKK

Average power consumption X 24 X 365 = 35 268 kWh Price Copenhagen Region April 2015 =183.75 øre/kWh

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


205 mm

10 mm 5 mm

85 mm

5 mm

5 mm

10 mm 10 mm

5 mm 30 mm

8 mm

130 mm 10 mm

Type A - Acrylic Plate 3 mm Scale 1:1 9 pcs

82 mm

82 mm

150 mm

5 mm 167 mm 295 mm

8 mm

10 mm 30 mm

10 mm

20 mm 10 mm

Prototype Fabrication 10 mm Drawings

235 mm

25 mm

Type B - MDF Plate 3 mm Scale 1:1 9 pcs

5 mm

20 mm

5 mm

81 mm

17 mm

17 mm

151 mm


5 mm

360 mm 150 mm

5 mm

5 mm

110 mm

Type C - MDF Plate 3 mm Scale 1:1 18 pcs

82 mm

23 mm

27 mm

5 mm

75 mm

20 mm

5 mm

Prototype Fabrication

175 mm 195 mm

5 mm 5 mm

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Prototype Assembly

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Prototype Experimentation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Prototype Experimentation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Prototype Experimentation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Prototype Experimentation

Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 1


A.I. Entity

Companion Growth Light App Idea

Ă…F Workshop Semester Start

Pin-Up 1

Design Process Diagram


Week 16

Week 17

Week 18

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

Week 23

Forest Trace

Areal Illumination




Landscape Projection Sinusoids Media Display Linear Light

Contours LightScape

Ă…F Meeting Pin-Up 2

Pin-Up 3


Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco


Group 7 // Andrei Ducu // Konstantin Klaas // Tim Magnunsson // Natalia Velasco

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