Andreij Portfolio 2012

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Andreij NylanderPortfolio 2012

Care for CowsDesigning for Animals 2010 Industrial Design BFA Graduation Work. In my thesis project I have studied dairy cows and their environment. Above all, the studies have been on how the cows perceive things through their senses. To find the cows natural behavior and develop concepts around it, veterinarians and ethologs (animal behaviorists) were involved in the project. The focus has been cow ergonomics and to develop something that makes cows happy, a symbol for animal welfare.

Design, Only For Humans? It is interesting to design for the animals best, without having human beings in mind. It is an area in design which is often forgotten; designing for living beings who are put in a system where they have no influence to make a change.

Loose housing benefits cows’ natural behavior and provides more freedom.

Cows fight eachother for resources there are not enough of. At the feeding area there are cages for protection. All surfaces must have rounded corners to prevent damage for the animals.

The Cow Situation Today In Sweden there are about 1.6 million cows and thus employ a huge industry, e.g. Tetra Laval and Arla has turnovers of hundreds of billions. It takes a lot of energy and resources to have dairy cows. In addition to all the food that is eaten, a cow drinks 100 liters of water every day. A cow weighs about 600 kg. Cows like to be in the nature but in Sweden they will have to stay inside the barn three quarters of a year. It is still most common with housing cows in cubicles. It, however, is becoming increasingly popular with automatic loose housing, a stable system so that the cows can move around more freely. This favors the natural behavior, the cows get more happy and they produce better milk. Cows are herd animals and there is a strong rivalry for resources there are not enough of. A cow likes to keep clean. There is a rotating brush that is popular among the cows, it is their only way of keeping themselves clean. The product is far from ideal in this environment and easily get destroyed. It is expensive and having only one makes cows fight eachother for using it. It is square, feels unfriendly and has electric cords hanging loose. Cows are very sensitive to electricity.

Cow Psychology Perception I was very interested in how a cows sense their environment and perceive things so I contacted ethologs, researchers on cow behavior. Through them I could understand cows better. Someone who inspired greatly is Temple Grandin, a woman who revolutionized the cattle industry in the United States. Through her autism she thinks in pictures. She percieves the environment as a cow does and she has conducted many studies on cow behavior. She has developed entire farming systems to make cows less stressed which makes the livestock facilities more efficient.

Inspiration Temple Grandin researches and works for cow welfare. Her ideas and designs has revolutionized the cattle industry in the United States.

The Five Freedoms (The European Animal Welfare Platform) 1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition. 2. Freedom from discomfort. 3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease. 4. Freedom to express their natural behaviour. 5. Freedom from fear and distress

Stressful environment Farms today are not optimized for cows’ perception and behavior. In the picture above we can see different things that hang and flutter. This stresses cows.

Concepts After evaluating my observations I developed four concepts based on cows’ perception, behaviors and environment. 1. Massage A concept focused on hygiene, pleasure and placement in the interior. 2. Screening A concept focused on creating a peaceful harmonious place with a natural feeling and kindness. 3. Health Device Keyword - Accessibility. A product that is simple, small and that comes in many. 4. Cow Brush Redesign New alternative materials and a new design language. Surfaces, textures and new brushes.

Development of Forms

+ –

Free behaviour, scratch everywhere. No attraction, too flat.

+ –

+ –

Interesting shape, playful. Great edge. Too much volume.

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

Large edges. Area for neck and chest. Weak construction. Unpleasant flat areas.

Round, playful. Many fragmented forms. Ugly. Difficult to place.

Friendly. Easy to place. Organic surfaces, deep edge. Unstable

+ –

+ –

+ –

Large horizontal/vertical surfaces and edges. Use. Weak point in the middle.

Interesting shape, organic. Large area, great edge, Inaccessible. Difficult to place, unstable.

Many convex shapes. Many scrubbing surfaces. Not sturdy feel. Unstable.

Large surface, good edges for cheek and chin. Unnecessary surfaces, Sharp corners.

Opportunities. Many horizontal/vertical surfaces, edges. Not solid. Weak point in the center. Big.

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

Clear convex soft surface. Clear long edges. Not suited for cow anatomy. Too thick.

Large surface area. Simple design and edge. Square. Gives a feeling that it will break.

Surface for head and neck. Protruding edge. Not friendly. Unused surface.

Triangular gives corners. Large surface in top. Inaccessible. Weak construction.

Custom surfaces, easy use, playful. Not solid, incoherent. Weak construction.

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

+ –

Too tall. Sharp edges.

+ –

Friendly. Beautiful round shape. Playful wide area. Stability.

+ –

Large surfaces.

Natural look, organic shape. Many surfaces. Production difficult. Uneven use.

Interesting shape, like a head. Many edges. Unstable. Weak construction. Difficult to use.

Easy. Playful. Easy installation. User friendly.

Large surfaces. Distinct edge.Simple design. Extremely weak construction.

Large organic surfaces, favors free behaviour. Difficult mounting, unstable.

+ –

+ –

+ –

Simple, solid, functions vertically/horizontally. Small surfaces.

+ –

+ –

Solid. Large surfaces, good for chin, clear edge. Severe stability.

+ –

+ –

Large surface. Solid. Functions in all directions. No edge. Use unnecessary space.

+ –

Large scratch surfaces. Long edge, good for neck. Difficult to place. Not robust.

Large areas, many corners, free behaviour. Weak point int the middle. Difficult mounting.

Not specified course of action, scrathcing everywhere. No attraction, too flat.

Small, simple installation. Looks smooth with sharp edges. Difficult to use.

Round edges, good simple shape for chin and neck. Unnecessary material in the muddle.

Analysis of Cow Interaction I made an analysis of how I imagined a cow would make use and interact with different three dimensional shapes. It was important to consider the environment and the interiors of the facilities, although thinking about cow perception and cow ergonomics was the primary focus.

User Studies/Cow Ergonomics

Cow User Studies Using video recording, I made tests of how cows interact with various materials, textures, surfaces; rough and smooth, convex and concave. I did observations of how cows percieve vertical and horizontal placements. For me it was important to make comparisons to understand what was attractive among the cows.

Design Tuning

+ =


Final Concept The Care for Cows mat is made of rubber, in one piece, in order to reduce cost and keep a good environmental profile. The material is very durable, easy to clean and maintain free from bacteria. It flexes which prevents a critical breaking point, it keeps the product life long. In addition, it makes the brush self-cleansing; hair and dirt fall off by itself. When animal welfare always was a main topic in the project I chose to develop a design concept that is realistic to produce today. A brush where Accessibility was a keyword. Through greater understanding of locally produced food and to have animals that live a good life, a product that keeps a cow clean and happy, is now a competitive product. In addition, it is a symbol of animal welfare. The design was awarded red dot: product design 2011.

Easy to put up To put up one or more Care for Cows brush mats in a barn interior at different heights and locations, favors the cows and the farming.

650 mm

500 mm

When you see a cow using the Care for Cows massage brush mat, anyone can see that it is enjoyable for the cow. The design attracts the cows and the distinct texture makes them clearly understand how the product can be used. In addition to stimulation by massage, it also helps to train their muscles. It moreover benefit the cow traffic in the stable and increase their physical activity. The Care for Cows brush makes cows stay healthy and happy, which today makes it competitive and benefits the farmer also.

Large holes makes the design easily understood for the cow. The organic form language is friendly, soft and gives an association to nature.

SJ-TransferExperience Design Catching the train can be an enerving experience, especielly when you are already late, depending on the traffic and if you are trying to find the train in a station you have never been to before. Many feel helpless. If you are doing a transfer between two trains you will most likely be put in this situation. This one day project was about understanding the user needs and emotions in the experience of connected train travels. I created a solution and service that would give a feeling of being in control. Information and staying updated is the key.

research. Notes Stockholms Central Find the train Stressful environment Lack of information Crowded Extremely bad signs No clock Construction site Confusion Huge spaces Unclear directions Fast pace Compromises Unsafe

scenario. uppgift definiera problem

going to the station

at the station

focus transfer onboard the 1st train


onboard destination the 2nd train

scenario. Arrange luggae Find the right seat

Plenty of time - Sleep?


Be prepared

Nearest exit

Destination/ where?

Worries Traffic

How much time to transfer?

Need of preparing

On the train

Estimating time Transfer layout station?

Your Favourite RecipesDesigning an Online Community What if we could share our knowledge in cooking? What if we could inspire people to eat better food? What if I could find new food that will end up on the top list of my very favourite foods? This projected started out as an idea I had on rating food online in social charts. Depending on the rating that you have given, food with the taste that you enjoy will be recommended to you. In the social community you can also share food for different budgets, food for different occations and holidays, nutrition facts and interact with each other. Perhaps next time you make a nice dinner you will invite your new friends?

A Platform for Shared Recipes An online community about food and personal taste. - We give you personalized calculated rating based entirely on your taste. All grades one member puts on the recipe will affect the computed scores. The rated food define your own tastes. - News, find out the latest trends in food culture. - Nutrition facts, eat healthy. - Forum, discussions. Invite people for dinner or picnic in the local park. - Extra functions - find the food that’s right for tonight’s party, or perhaps a great recipe for the romantic evening or for the holiday celebrations.

Better CareInformation Design Better Collaboration, Better Life is a project focusing on creating a holistic system for the patient information in Sweden. In elderly care today there are many different facilitators, departments and authorities involved. They have no unified way of communication and sharing patient information. In this project I was in charge of analyzing, evaluation, production management and designing information that will be used by all departments involved and that will stay updated.

Develop Patient Information To develop a holistic information design that suits all different kinds of users involved, an extensive analysis was made, mapping out the different department’s needs.



Advanced health care

As the lead designer and being in charge of production I designed a new platform to share patient information. Here the different authorities will now be able to communicate on a daily basis. Challenges: - confidentiality - usability - media - physical disabilities - diversity - time frame - routines - budget - legal regulations



Emergency department District Nurses

Home care/ Elderly care

Stationery Design玉田先生 Brainstorming Seminar This is about going back to the root, design as art. Here it is all about an unreserved and philosophical approach to design, evoking ideas in Japanese way.

Tamada Brainstorming Welcoming random thoughts and starting off with a line of connecting words. Words become feelings, feelings become impressions, impressions become pictures and pictures become life style. Step by step a sentece is created. To find a deeper meaning in each step and communicate the true intimate experience in the phenomenon, four senteces become one – “Caressed by the aroma of intermission�.

“Caressed by the aroma of intermission” is the absolute moment of time for yourself. This is described by four abstract words and pictures. The absolute meaning of the sentence is about pause, using your time wisely. To slow down from a hectic world. Luxury for yourself. It is about the moment of your day when all focus is on you, your peacefulness, your happiness, when time stops. Though you know time will go on and something will follow you will have to go back to your everyday life – to the streets, to work, to do all those things that you are meant to do.

In the end it all comes to describing one simple yet complicated thing. The break. There is a symbol for this break. A shape like a dot that punctures the moment but instead continues in its own free life. A symbol for a moment to breath in, take your time, but you know something is going to follow. That is the break mark – comma. This symbol and this meaning of a break has inspired me in my designs.

Stationary Design inspired by the meaning of a break A pencilstand where a pencil is taking a break and the others are standing strong, working hard. The break transforms into beauty. Scissors that take a break from its function – allows freedom of perception. A white foldable wall that you bring where you go. Shaped from resting arms, it gives you a break in your own space. The tape dispenser is a symbol of a break. It is resting on the wall, ready to work whenever its needed.

Hitachi Cooking AssistantInteraction Design Social context. Functional problems in kitchens. Studies of behaviors. Eating, planning, buying, washing, cleaning, cooking etc. This collaborative project with Hitachi, focused on improving the Japanese kitchens by implementing the “cooking assistant� experience, through a new service or a product concept. Main focus was studies in user experience and by interaction design making cooking more efficient. How can we get rid of unnecessary actions and make cooking a simple and more enjoyable experience?

Japanese Cooking User Experience

Interaction Design



Top locker

01. 27.

02. 27.

05. 20.

Protocol - Soba meal in Japan 01. Arrange everything in box that I need from fridge 02. Bring down the box one floor (stairs) 03. Put box on table 04. Fill up pot with water, put on cooking plate, turn heat on. 05. Take down second box from locker and put on the table 06. Make sure utensils are clean 07. Wash cuttingboard and knife if needed 08. Wash vegetables 09. Cut vegetables such as cucumber and onion 10. Wash knife and cuttingboard again 11. Cut vegetables with different taste, for example the daikon 12. Put soba noodles in the boiling water, take time 13. Arrange the plates on the table 14. Boil water for coffee in another pot 15. When soba is done, pour them in colander and pour cold water on top 16. Pour mentsuyu in cup, mix with scallions, wasabi and drinking water from bottle 17. 1 person needs 5 plates or more, 2 persons the double, a lot of washing dishes 18. Crack the nori and put on soba, then dip them in mentsuyu and eat. 19. Pour coffee in coffee maker and add water, stir and wait for 4 minutes. 20. Add the filter and pour coffee in the cup. 21. When done with meal put the dishes from the table into the zink and wash 22. When plates are washed, put them in the rack. 23. Wash the coffeemaker thoroughly. 24. Arrange the dry goods in the locker basket and the fresh foods in the fridge basket 25. Clean table and zink 26. Bring the boxes back in place, put one of the boxes in the fridge one stair up.


Table and my box

Zink and water

Utensils and locker

12. 14. 19.

03. 05. 08. 09. 11. 13. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26.

04. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 12. 14. 15. 21. 22. 25.

06. 07. 09. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 22. 23.



Problem Opportunity Design solution Interaction Design

Environment/room (outside/inside)

Relation between time spent and actions Preparation, cooking, cleaning etc. Dish - zink - cutting - man - machine etc See what take most time/eort Where can you improve the most?


What is easy to clean? What is easy to use?

4% 4%

4% 6%

Most actions: Table and box - 32% Zink and using water - 26%


Utensils and small locker - 24%




Stove - 6% My room - 4%



Stairs - 4% Top locker - 4%

Water Interaction Water


knife cutting board flat space machine? saw blender

clean stable heavy? easy control easy access easy cleaning


zink tap flat stone splash protection settings hot/cold settings strong/soft

sensor pedal button leaning movement voice no hand use




heat electric stove oven fire flate area hanging

tools and utensils diversity stand drawer magnet shelf

flat space table zink stove shelf locker

sensor pedal button turn

easy to find easy access good position keep clean wash single wash many

easy to find resist dirt cold warm wet

heat danger

careless control

save space mobility

Rescue Diver 3D ScannerSemiotics In this 6 week project I was working in a collaboration with the rescue divers in Stockholm. The project aim was to come up with a conceptual design that communicate its use by form.

Save Lives Underwater In this project me and two colleagues, Pontus Hansson and Christian HĂśgstedt, worked on a product concept that could help in rescueing people under water. The design focus was on semiotics, semantics and interpretation of form. Doing studies repeatedly on the user, who in this project was a very nisched target group, was essential for knowledge about the user interaction and communication of form.

Equipment Professional tools for professional users that don’t want to be related to scuba diving. Macho, black, heavy stuff for big strong men.

Field Studies For research we joined The Kungsholmen Fire Department in Stockholm, for a diving training session. When the rescue divers operate they dive in pair with wires connected between them. The limited visibility in Swedish waters may only provide 40 cm sight. At dephs around 40 m it is very important not to muddie the water. Moving in a circular pattern and hoovering slowly above the lake bottom they search with their bare hands trying to find drowned people.

Embodied Studies

Hydrodynamic Tests

We did studies on how to use different shapes from other angles and directions. The relation between the user and the product is very important depending on use;

To model a shape in another angle than from the angle it is used can be very problematic, for us it was important to create a shape that was specialized in its use. By testing different shapes in water we could study water resistance and maneuverability.

how you hold it, the distance from the user, how you target the product.

Keywords Active Robust Direction Water Safe


Specifications Tilted display Various grip options Impact and water pressure resistant Protecting frame

Form Development Because this product was the first of its kind it was essential to create a form bank, to create a strong product identity. We created shapes based on words that we in the end summarized into five keywords. Analyzing and developing the form by studies in clay was a major phase in this project. Important form decisions were the tension along the body, to create a direction and a dynamic product, that represented determination in its exploration. Also the close relation to water flow we valued. We strove for creating a professional, safe and a strong, reliable artifact.

Idea Sketches

Final Concept The Diver 3D Scanner displays a large map, as a sharp image with high contrast light, of the lake or sea bottoms to make it easy for rescue divers to find and save people about to drown. Rubber coated lightweight materials. Strong and enduring construction. Easy to attach, easy to use underwater. Balance, maneuverability and ergonomics. Black and yellow color theme specialized for its use. In muddie waters, the black body acts as non-distractive and the yellow frame makes it possible to see the product from all angles. Professional, safe and reliable.


Boblbee PagophileAutodesk Alias Project The course in Autodesk Alias resulted in an advanced 3d model of a cellphone concept, branded Boblbee. Focus of the design was ergonomics and functional features for active people.

Alias Project


Easy camera snapshots, slide to take photos.

45.00 (450MHz Intenna) 38.64

2.00 7.30 (450Mhz Intenna) 3.10

46.00 (Main PCB)

3.50 (Speaker) 2.0 (Gap)

43.80 (Battery)



37.40 (Battery)


7.00 (GSM Intenna)



47.80 (LCD Module)




45.08 (Main PCB)

1.30 14.50(450Mhz Intenna)




The brand I chose to work with was Boblbee, who focuses on developing and manufacturing action sport backpacks. For me it was important to use an active target group, I wanted to design a sturdy cellphone for people in rapid motion.

Section A-A

1.38 (Gap) 38.64 (Key PCB)

The assignment was to find the core of a brand and then convert it to my design. The product given for the project was a cellphone and the dimensions were restricted to an existing PCB (Printed Circuit Board). The final result had to be presented as an advanced 3d model made in Autodesk Alias.

Ă˜4 .0 0 8.30 (Vibrator) (M ic) 40.00 (GSM Intenna)

Section B-B


5.70(Vibrator) 1.00 (Gap) 6.25 (GSM Intenna)


scroll & accept

One important feature of the phone is the possibility to attach it, using the straps or the buckle, for your active needs. Strap the phone around your arm for example.

Ergonomics One button (scroll&accept) control, possibility to use with gloves on.

menu & cancel

ChristianPersonal Electric Toothbrush This six week project was about designing an electric toothbrush for a single person target group. This was a way to study one person’s needs and interests. Therefore there would be no need to make any compromises when it comes to formgiving. My electric toothbrush concept was for Christian.

Representative Relaxed Timeless

Christian For six weeks I would be working to make an electric toothbrush. This project was special in that way that my given target group was just one person - Christian. Christian is a 30 year old student who likes cats and gourmet food. He is very conscious about his appearance and wants to be always presentable wherever he goes. A certain style is really important for him. A classical elegance, especially design from the 1940’s and 1950’s inspires him. One of his wishes was to hide the looks of a toothbrush, it should be more like a timeless exclusive accessory. From my studies on his toothbrushing technique I wanted to make a flexible feature to soften the pressure on his teeth.

Form studies and creating the final model Even many drawings could never offer the same feedback as a physical full scale model. I worked with two-dimensional sketches alongside making three-dimensional full scale models in clay and foam to get a feeling for proportions and a precise grip. Model making was really important in this project and the final model was a big focus.

Charging station, which can be placed on a flat surface or attached to the wall.

Within reach


The cap protects the brush. Place the cap on the bottom to extend the electric toothbrush while in use.

Flexible brush head

Push the hinges’ buttons to change the brush head.

CLD Flat Speaker TechnologyCorporate Identity CLD is a Japanese company that offers high tech flat speakers with revolutionary technology. In this project I was involved in designing the Corporate Identity, offering a new approach in brand, visual identity, product line up and marketing strategy.

Communication Strategy

Building an image and making people curious of the brand through smart advertisment in public areas and metro stations. Advertising in trendy magazines and sell in exclusive shops and interior design showrooms, e.g. MoMA Store at Omotesando, Tokyo.

Product Identity Thin Sensual High end minimalism Inspired by Japanese architecture






25 10




Visual Identity



Easy to produce

PackagingInclusive Design This project was about making a functional package for people with physical disabilities. Inclusive design embrace the idea that everyone are different. What is specialized design? What is a simple solution? How can i combine them and make specialized simple design? Designing for everyone...

Design for Everyone Designing for people who are often abandoned in society is really important. The goal of this three day design project was to create a ham package which was user friendly to people with physical disabilities.

Fredrik is blind and Per-Olof has a rheumatic condition. After detailed observations, closeup filming and interviews, I made an ergonomic analysis. The biggest problem with the existing packages are that they require a pinching motion to open. Per-Olof had no strength in his fingers and hands so he had to use his body. When you are blind, like Fredrik, it is important that the form of the package communicates how it is supposed to be opened. An important function for them was the ability to reseal the package and many of the packages were difficult to do so. I had to make a package which felt like there was ham or salami inside and had an obvious functionality.

Final concept - Informative label on thread. - Natural eco-friendly materials. - Intuitive. - Easy roll to open - no pinching motion needed. - Easy to reseal. - Qualitative appearance - reminds of wrapped gourmet ham from meat counters. - Feel the shape of ham through the paper.

Mockup being tested by a rheumatic person.

BasinModeling Technique A basin is something you use every day. At home, at work, you will find them everywhere. This is a basin for public spaces. I wanted to create a basin that would be intuitive and respectful to its users. Using a sensor would eliminate the need of a touching surface. It would also make water saving efficient. By studying how people use their hands to wash themselves I wanted to improve the usability and the accessability. The water flow of the concept is more ergonomic and no more need to worry about getting splashed. A basin for people in motion.

Basin The aim of the project was to work with complex surfaces. The restrictions were to design a final concept that can be mass produced in ceramics. With limits of the material I could only use radii and curved surfaces - no flat surfaces allowed. Other limitations were size and functional regulations.


The final model was to be made in 1:1 scale without paint, laquer or repaired surfaces. No mistakes allowed.

- How do I wash my hands? - How can I make it watersaving? - What is new? - What is possible to produce in ceramics?

Form exploration Clay, Rhinoceros, styrofoam

Public Soft inviting form Sensors Watersaving rapid handwash No splash Clean Easy to use

ErgonomicsHairdresser’s Working Environment Based on a user centered design process, this project aim has been to improve the working environment for hairdressers. In collaboration with Björn Axén, Ergonomidesign and Mahsa Fathi-Sjöberg, I have been working with the problems that can occur with the hairdresser’s chairs. Hairdressers today often suffers from pain in muscles and joints as a result of uncomfortable and strenuous work. The existing equipment is not optimal and can lead to injuries in the wrists, knees, shoulders, back, feet and neck. Because of a strong customer oriented mindset, hairdressers work in a very stressful fast pace environment. They make many compromises that leads to consequences for their health. Hairdressers’ chairs has in no way been adapted to this specific environment. Especially when it comes to ergonomics, customer relation and the fact that the floor is covered with sticky hair, there is a need of a functional design with aesthetics and values that are aiming the target group hairdressers.

Problem Identification The wheels does not work in the environment. The combination of hair, dust and styling products makes the wheels useless in a few weeks. The chairs can not be raised or lowered to the heights that suit hairdressers work. The hair stylists are working with a poor posture. The existing seats does not not provide support, mobility and comfort. The lever to raise the seat is not optimal.

User Tests

Access high - step up

Combination, cushion

Access low - low seat

Working with skirt

Ergonomic air cushion was a success

Minimize the use of hands for adjusting the seat

Design Concept 400 mm

700 mm

Mobility (easy to move). Adjustable height. Big snap-off wheels.


Allow varied body position (relieves legs, back and feet). Minimize the need to make adjustments with your hands. Minimize use of floor space (Prevent collision between working chair and customer chair).

80 mm

500 mm

The chair offers high comfort. Prevents wear on your back. Decreases muscle tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Improved posture, which also improves breathing and increases oxygen intake. Reduces stress. Every person is different and has different needs and requirements and therefore needs flexibility.

Easy to adjust the hardness of the seat for optimized comfort.

Air cushion that can be adjusted for flexibility and comfort.

Support for the thighs makes it easy to move around.

Foot rest and hydraulic controls, for height adjustment, in one.

Chair & TableCreative Modeling Technique Two furnitures, one week, no sketches, limited materials and tools. This project was about finding a new method to explore form and materials by designing in the moment of action.

Creative Modeling Technique We were given one week. We had to design two furnitures. No sketches allowed. Limited materials and tools. The materials and the tools we could use were limited. Machines we were not allowed to use how we wanted. The aim of the project was to create and design intuitively in the moment of action. This project I worked in collaboration with Kristoffer Olsson.

The legs of the table could be used to store magazines. The top surface of the legs could be used to place trays or a hot pan. The placement of the thin legs on the sides make the table top look like it is floating.

The form of the chair is a self-supporting design.

Materials and tools

One challenge was to come up with new, alternative ways of constructing and stabilizing the furnitures. Here, we used the blue rope to hold the table together.

Product DesignSketching Technique Product Design sketches. Various techniques and works. Ideation, conceptualization and form development. Ballpoint pen, markers and digital sketching on Wacom-tablet.

Ideation Sketches


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