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of Power (pg. 11

of Power (pg. 11

“Around 13,000 people attended a demonstration in the German city of Hamburg on Saturday to protest against animal testing. The demonstration was organized amid fears of animal abuse in a nearby facility.”. This shows the affection some people have with animals, and how they care for them without causing them any damage.

Subsequently, Exploitation of animals is not only making them work, but also doesn't taking care of them. George Orwell states in his novel Animal Farm “The men had milked the cows in the early morning and then had gone out rabbiting, without bothering to feed the animals.”. In this phrase we can observe that Mr. Jones, who was the owner of the farm and the owner of all the animals, hired some farmers to take care of the animals, however they forgot to feed the animals, so we can deduce that Orwell try here to explain the connection humans had with the animals also tried to explain that humans treat other species as they were only for making benefits for us and for experiments.


Also, Orwell in his novel Animal Farm decided to replace humans and represent them as humans because we can relate slavery in the past years, and exploitation of animals. “Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and at what they work” Holark Gyur (2009), and basically thats how humans treat other species; as trash. As Orwell writes in his novel Animal Farm “When Mr. Jones got back and immediately went to sleep on the drawing−room sofa with the News of the World over his face, so that when evening came, the animals were still unfed. At last they could stand it no longer. One of the cows broke in the door of the store−shed with her horn and all the animals began to help themselves from the bins.”. This basically shows how the animals that were represented as humans got tired of being ignored, and that they want freedom and stop being abused.

Additionally, Orwell in his novel tried to show us how humans force the animals to work by making them produce benefits for us. As already stated this is because citizens don't care about other species than them. According to what George Orwell said in his novel Animal Farm “"Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours? Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much food

as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty.”. What Orwell tried to show in this line was that animals are threatened as trash, and they don’t have freedom to do with their lives what they want. Also, is talking about how humans use animals for their benefits.

Finally, humans continue abusing the animals and this is going to end in a tragic final for us taking into account that we need animals to eat, drink, etc. however they do as if it was not going to pass, and continue ignoring it. As Alessandra Potenza states in his article “The world's biodiversity has decreased below 'safe' levels” “Their model revealed that, globally, biodiversity has fallen on average to 84.6 percent of what it was before people changed the landscape. If new species are accounted for, the average loss is at 88 percent.”. This shows that during the past years humans had been forgetting what is happening with animals and they keep using them and treating them as garbage.

In conclusion, this concern has to be taken more seriously if we wanna keep biodiversity on Earth such as is shown in the book Animal Farm, and humans also have to realize what they are doing with biodiversity on the planet because if humans continue as they are now then this problem will be more serious than now.


1. Orwell, G (1945). Animal Farm. England.

2. Humane Society (2020). Animal cruelty and neglect FAQ. What is animal cruelty?. Retrieved from: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/animal-cruelty-and-neglectfaq#:~:text=Animal%20cruelty%20encompasses%20a%20range,from%20neglect%20to %20malicious%20killing.&text=Intentional%20cruelty%20can%20run%20the,mutilating %20or%20killing%20an%20animal.

3. Douglas, E (2019). Hamburg: Thousands protest against animal testing. Retrieved from: https://www.dw.com/en/hamburg-thousands-protest-against-animal-testing/a51279722

4. Gyur, H (2009). What is Slavery?. Retrieved from: http://abolition.e2bn.org/slavery_40.html#:~:text=Slavery%20refers%20to%20a %20condition,and%20Aztecs%20all%20had%20slaves.

5. Potenza, A (2016). The world's biodiversity has decreased below 'safe' levels. Retrieved from: https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/14/12189728/biodiversity-decreasingbelow-safe-levels-species-extinction


The Societal Tendency Toward Class Stratification By: Samuel Trillos

Societies have tendencies, some they can be violent create their own governments or empires but most of the societies tend to use class stratification a method used by society which consists in separating people for their amount of resources or possessions for example the highest class has all the resources and the lowest class works for the highest class and has a little amount of resources, higher classes have most of the power because they control the resources which lower classes need this system makes the society work having a select group controlling resources so now that is explained how is this shown in the animal farm book?

Well in the book we can clearly see class stratification which manifests in 3 parts the first part is the high class which is represented by pigs in the animal farm. Pigs are the smartest they no how to read and write and are smart enough to run a business such as the farm and create rules to run it they where the highest rank in the animal farm., being like politics controlling the farm,they were so smart that in the epilogue years later they were almost like humans.

The animals with a mild level of intelligence which were the mid class were suspicious of the actions of pigs but, they didnt do anything because they knew that if they opposed pigs will punish them which was a wise option these semi intelligent animals showed signs of knowing how to read but, they were not that smart to run the farm or oppose to the pigs.

And the third class animals where the dumb ones, such as cows and horses wich where like subordinates to the wealthier animals their low intellect made them not question the orders So, that made them the perfect workers or subordinates for pigs.

So, how can this be compared to reality? Well in the real society people are divided by classes which represent the amount of resources they have or can purchase, which makes the people with more resources have the power and the people with less resources work for the high class people to get resources from them.

The animal farm is really like a new society in development because the habitants in this case the animals, felt abused or exploited by the farmer who was like their leader so, eventually the animals will get tired of the farmer and will try to make a revolution which works and pigs being the most intelligent animals take the lead of the farm and animals this can be compared to real society because in many places there are

revolutions tyranny and class separation in this case.

As a conclusion this article explores how the animals in animal farm represent real life society. The animals have social classes which divide depending on the level of intelligence being the pigs the most intelligent to the point that they were more similar to humans at the end of the book also they were animals how showed certain grade of intelligence who decided to obey the pigs and not to question their actions in order to avoid a possible punishment for the animals who opposed. Finally the animals with no intelligence were like subordinates for the highest class where the pigs due to their low level of intelligence the case of animal farm is similar to real life which has social classes in which the one with most of the resources controls the inferior classes.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Naive, The Problem Of Humanity” By: Richard Cure

“Complete honesty has nothing to do with 'purity' or naivety. The full truth is unattainable to naivety, and the completely honest artist is not pure in heart.” Clement Greenberg. Naiveness has been known to be a problem that affects people in nowadays society in many ways, either causing conflicts, lack of knowledge, alteration of events, etc. this problem is shown in the novel Animal Farm, written by George Orwell. Which narrates the story of a farm where the animals begin to rebel against their owners and try to form their own way of government. This book shows in another way a study of the set of experiences and way of talking of the Russian Revolution. Which makes a simile and personification on the rise of socialism told as a fiction animated story. And throughout the novel, it has been shown the lackness of knowledge of the animals that took control of the farm. The objective of this article is to explain how dangerous it is that Naive people take control of the tasks that can sustain a society.

First of all, the book Animal Farm is a book that can offer a very detailed and expressive analysis of the advancements of class oppression and the human propensity to always makeup and structure different types of social classes depending on the type of government. In the novel, it is clearly evidenced how classes that are at first bound together even with a shared adversary, as the creatures are against the people, may turn out that they might not have any purpose nor organization after their same enemy is wiped out, or they might make a new type of ruling without every organization. However, Orwell does not explain in any part of the book whether this negative situation

affects any intrinsic part of society or just a result dependent upon the honesty of a general public's intellectuals.

During the reading of the book, the audience may notice a very obvious conflict between 2 characters of the book, Snowball and Napoleon. The battle for superiority between Leon Trotsky and Stalin arises in the competition between both of these pigs but is shown as 2 pigs fighting for the power of the farm. Since these 2 historical characters had their political fights to make sure that their ideas were applied in the Russian government, In both the authentic and anecdotal cases, the optimistic however less incredible in a political way figure of Snowball(which is shown as Trotsky) is ousted from the progressive state by the malignant and brutal high intensity of Napoleon(which is shown as Stalin). In the end, this rivalry had as a result of the almost total failure of the new government of animal farms, since they both were blinded on the Naiveness of power.

Additionally, the communist ideas of the characters that are shown in the book reflect the thoughts of the author of the book George Orwell; and how he shows a communist society full of Naives will not go anywhere further but to ruin. The book makes its most remarkable incongruities at the times where Orwell portrays the debasement of Animalist beliefs by people with great influence. With this, he is showing that the animals think that humans are the ones guilty for their actions and how they abused them, but they don't see that the real problem is actually themselves.

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