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Our Look

Index Our logo Our Fonts Our Colors Our Elements Our Photography Our Website Our Stationary The End

Our logo is our most valuable asset. It’s our image and who we are. We must treat it nicely, not abuse it, and do just anything with it. Out of our logo comes almost each and every one of our elements. It has its limits and instructions; rules. Ones that we have to follow in order to take full advantage of this beautiful piece of art.

Our Logo

All Aboard Florida

As said before, we gotta follow some rules in order to be able to use this logo. Starting by letting it breathe. We don’t wanna put it in a box with no space or air. We need to give it some space. We don’t wan’t to stretch it either; we want to increase its size proportionally, ALWAYS!

Our Logo

Our regulations depend on the size of the logo and type it’s being used; but it will always be a letter X in Caps all around the logo. Of course, using the same font as the one used in our name.



X All Aboard Florida

Now, we not only have a full color logo (Which is beautiful, we established that already) but we also have different variations without all the color. These are the only variations available and the only ones that should be used for ANYTHING. We got our full color, our grayscale, our white and black, and our black and white. And they can all be used for every purpose WHILE following the rules.

Our Variations

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

Let’s show some exmples about what to do and what NOT to do. First example, on top. What is that? There’s no way someone thinks that’s Ok. It’s not. When we use our logo on top of a picture we want to use one of or elements which we like to call the TRIAN. That sharp and white shape underneath the logo, yeah, you know what I’m talking about.

Do’s and Don’ts

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

Now, if we’re going to use out beautiful logo on top of a white background, we can’t use a white TRIAN, right? Exactly. We have to use another color; but not just any color. For this case we have chosen a beautiful 20% Gray. You know, just go to your CMYK and type 0,0,0,20.

Do’s and Don’ts

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

Fonts, right? We can’t just use any font anywhere. It’s just not right. So, for our main text (just like this one you’re reading now) we use a very subtle and friendly Century Gothic. Even for things that are a little more important, like subtitles, we still use it; we just make it bolder (Just like this, exactly). But when we want something to be seen, understood, felt; we gotta use our Avenir Next, right? But not just regular Avenir Next, we gotta make it HEAVY! For headers and titles!

Our Print Fonts Remember! Follow the rules. It’s simple and easy!

Headers-Avenir Next Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Subtitles-Century Gothic Bold Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Main Text -Century Gothic Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

For our web fonts, we made it very simple. You just have to follow the same rules, except for a very simple one. We know everyone loves our beautiful color blue, but sometimes we’re going to have to use our beautiful 80% gray. Again, just go to your CMYK and type 0,0,0,80.

Our Web Fonts

Headers-Avenir Next Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Subtitles-Century Gothic Bold Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Main Text -Century Gothic Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Look at all those beautiful colors! Right? They are beautiful, just the way they are, so let’s not change anything about them. We use these same colors everywhere. They’re all over our logo, our fonts, our TRIANS; just everywhere and we should use them in the way they’re all meant to be used.

Our Colors

C.63 M.0Y.100 K.0 R.104 G.189 B.69 C.88 M.77 Y.0 K.0 R.58 G.83 B.164

C.0 M.80 Y.97 K.0 R.241 G.90 B.38

C.17 M.98 Y.93 K.7 R.193 G.39 B.44

C.0 M.99 Y.100 K.0 R.273 G.33 B.36 C.52 M.0 Y.13 K.0 R.111 G.204 B.220

C.6 M.0 Y.97 K.0 R.247 G.236 B.15

C.27 M.82 Y.0 K.0 R.185 G.81 B.158

Well, here they are! Our most important elements. What defines our style. You already know the TRIAN, which can be used in several ways, but ALWAYS coming out of the page and sharp side in the picture, right? Awesome. We can combine different TRIANS as shown here, but one has to be smaller and it has to use a beautiful 60% gray. On the bottom we have all the colors that represent our company together in one horizontal line. It should remain like that order ALWAYS.

Our Elements

And last but not least, our 20% gray footer where we always put our social media accounts!


You might be asking yourself “How do I use all those elements together?” Well BOOOM! That’s how! Isn’t it beautiful how it all looks together? We have out TRIAN on the top right corner with out logo breathing happily. Underneath we have our big and small TRIANS using our 60% gray and our beautiful light blue; and under that our footer working perfecly with our social media accounts and our colors.

Our Banners

That’s how it’s used! Just perfect!

All Aboard Florida


Is how it’s done


Banners and photography are not that different. They follow the same rules. See how the TRIAN can go pretty much anywhere? It’s designed for that. Anyone can use it. Our footer is very simple, resizable. We gotta be careful not to make it huge and get any colors out of the frame.

Our Photography

All Aboard Florida

EFFICIENCY The fastest and most comfortable way to success!


Makes you wanna ride with us, right? Imagine running your business from a cloud. That’s what we can offer here at All Aboard Florida, Florida’s future! See what we did there with the fonts? Just another exapmple!

Our Photography

All Aboard Florida

COMFORT Like running your business from a CLOUD!


But wait! There’s more! You can use all of our elements on a horizontal photograph too! Isn’t it amazing? We just have to make the footer a little longer and the TRIAN a litrle smaller depending on your taste. We’re also not covering any important part of the photograph, so, yeah! It’s working perfectly!

Our Photography

PLEASURE As relaxed as being in your HOME!


Our Website

Now this is our website. You can check our installations, stations, prices, pictures, videos, everything! You can also show your support and subscribe to the newsletter in case you want to know from us all the time!

Welcome to Florida’s future!


Ft. Lauderdale

All Aboard Florida

West Palm Beach


Our sationary is also very important. This is our letterhead. You can see that we are using a new element on the left side. Yeah, that’s just for us; sorry about that. We have our logo on the bottom left corner, again, letting it breathe and using the right proportions and space around it.

Our Stationary

All Aboard Florida

Whenever you meet an All Aboard Florida employee, he might give you one of these cards. Weird, right? It’s very common apparently. In this beautiful card you will find all of our information. Starting with out beautiful logo on the front; and on the back, hey! It’s out beautiful logo again! Besides that, you will find our social media account, our e-mail in case you have any questions, phone number, fax (Who even uses faxes anymore?) our address and the employee’s information.

Our Business cards

All Aboard Florida

All Aboard Florida

Whenever you give us your information and, of course, agree to this; we will send you these beautiful envelopes with information inside of them, crazy, right? You can also find our information here on the bottom right corner of the envelope (front side, of course).

Our Envelopes

These are the envelopes where you’ll put your boarding pass. You can see that most of our elements are used here. Correctly. Same with out fonts. We do not use bullet points, but instead we used mini TRIANS. Cute right? They go on top of the big TRIAN using that beautiful 60% gray we talked about earlier. Our footer works the same as always, yet we do not include the horziontal line with all of out colors. (We thought it was too much).

Our Boarding Pass

Destinations All Aboard Florida

Miami Ft. Lauderdale West Palm Beach Orlando


And this will be your actual boarding pass. Cool, right? See what we did with the words and the TRIAN? It looks like it’s cutting the words. We thought that was cool. Footer, check! TRIAN with logo, check! Social media, check! Right fonts, check! Right use of TRIANS, check!

Our Boarding Pass

All Aboard Florida


All Aboard Florida


The End

This is the end of our journey! We really hope this has given you an idea of who we are, and what we aim for with our brand communication! Hope to see you soon!

A final thought! Whenever in doubt, just come back and check this out again! We’re not going anywhere. We don’t really ask for much. Just respect for your guidelines, and well, love. Yeah, love and respect for our brand. We think we’re pretty flexible and our system allows people to play around and be creative! So, give it your best shot! Make us proud!

All Aboard Florida

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