Design Portfolio 2
A n d r e w E d wa r d s
Un i v e r s i t y
o f
N o t t i n g h a m
r e w
d w a
r d
bio 2nd year architecture student at the University of Nottingham, England. Seeking internship between 2nd and 3rd years of study. Availability: Present - October 2014
E d u c at i o n University of Nottingham | Architecture (Undergraduate) September 2012 - present
1st Class Degree (1st - 2nd year) Bilborough College | A Levels September 2010 - July 2012
Art English Language Business Studies
A* A* A*
Fernwood School | GCSEs September 2005 - July 2010
12 GCSE’s Grades A*-B
C o n tac t
Farida Makki (Unit Head Tutor)
S o f t wa r e
Photoshop cs6
InDesign cs6
Illustrator cs6
Rhinocerous 5
Sketchup v8
AutoCAD 2015
Revit 2015
3ds Max 2015
Tet r as c a pe
Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i 2 week project
Sector \\ Ecological Process \\ Abstract-Mechanical P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ Mu lt i v i s i o n
The brief for this project was to create a multivision: a snapshot of past, current and projected topographical and environmental needs. Tetrascape is a scheme for an ecological mechanism on the coast of Lincolnshire. The program identifies ecological, environmental and societal qualities, the conditions of which it aims to improve. The coast of Lincolnshire is a schizophrenic landscape. Desolate and barren for most of the year, the exceedingly flat topography is exposed to harsh meteorological conditions. Interspersions of warm weather reveal a beautiful and delicate brink territory, made callous from exposure. The scheme outlines a nature reserve: a ‘Marine Eden Project’. Mechanical water filtrations and tidal cycles are utilised to provide optimum living conditions for both local and tropical species of fish, which thrive in the controlled environments of the oversised tetrapods. These mechanisms facilitate the cyclical renewal of species within the tetrapods, which aim to become landmark structures in the otherwise desolate landscape. Over time, the structures become marine habitats as the sea levels rise, repurposing the water filtration systems to optimise waters to various marine species.The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / t e t r a s c a p e S o f t wa r e
T h e S a m p h i r e Fa r m Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i 8 week project
S e c t o r \ \ Ag ri c u lt u r a l P r o c e s s \ \ Na r r at i v e P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ M a s t e r p l a n n i n g
Lincolnshire’s agricultural industry is shrinking: pressure on farms to supply large corporations has shrunk diversity in the community. The Samphire Farm is an agricultural housing project that looks to new sources of produce to fuel the agricultural sector of the region. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s a m p h i r e / S o f t wa r e
T h e S a m p h i r e Fa r m Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i 8 week project
S e c t o r \ \ Ag ri c u lt u r a l P r o c e s s \ \ Na r r at i v e P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ M a s t e r p l a n n i n g
Defence is a concern of any object designed to exist within a coastal landscape. Predominantly unsheltered and sparsely populated, coastal environments provide a terrain into which the injection of residential architecture seems counter-intuitive. It is the aim of this brief to explore the relationship between the necessity for defence in contemporary coastal housing design, and the symbiotic dialogues with the natural conditions to which this design can respond. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s a m p h i r e / S o f t wa r e
T h e S a m p h i r e Fa r m Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i 8 week project
S e c t o r \ \ Ag ri c u lt u r a l P r o c e s s \ \ Na r r at i v e P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ M a s t e r p l a n n i n g
The scheme utilises the abundant Samphire supply along the east coast of England to diversify the regions produce. A Masterplan has been designed that maximises the efficiency, sustainability and potential for profit from the farming scheme, which produces culinary exports and a B100 grade biodiesel from the plant. The scheme has been engineered to produce more energy than it consumes through various envelope and service strategies. The abstract mechanical process of the Tetrascape project has been transposed into something tangible: something attainable. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s a m p h i r e / S o f t wa r e
Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i i 4 week project
Sector \\ Economic Process \\ Algorithmic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ I n f o g r a p h i c
Amethyst is a project that concerns ecomonic stimulation in Lincolnshire. Encouragement of online startups and creative technology based businesses is a priority for the region, and the scheme aims to facilitate these ambitions through its algorithmic architecture. Systematic data analysis, end user feedback questionnaires and demographic datasets have become integrated into the design process. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / a m e t h y s t / S o f t wa r e
Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i i 4 week project
Sector \\ Economic Process \\ Algorithmic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ I n f o g r a p h i c
Mapping the relationships between the usage of retail units in the town of Louth allowed the programming needs of the scheme to develop. The physical modelling of results facilitated a more coherent design process, as informed by the usage, aesthetics and form of surrounding structures. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / a m e t h y s t / S o f t wa r e
Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i i i 4 week project
Sector \\ Economic Process \\ Algorithmic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ I n f o g r a p h i c
Geographic data has been used as a tool for the generative design of structural columns within the building. The center for regional economic development represents seven wards in seven towns; the longditudal and latitudal data from which have been used to create a set of variables. The seven columns have been created by applying CatmullClarke and Doo Sabin subdivision algorithms to the classic doric columns present in historic typology studies. The geographic variables from each town have been used as folding, tapering and twisting ratios for each subdivision algorithm across the surface of the columns. This algorithmic process results in geometrically dense, detailed and intricately folded mathmatical structures, emulating the opulent interiors of historic precedents through contemporary processes. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / a m e t h y s t / S o f t wa r e
Submarina Campus Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i v 4 week project
S e c t o r \ \ E d u c at i o n Process \\ Holistic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ E x p e r i e n t i a l
This project outlines a proposal for a new educational typology within the Grimsby Royal Docks: a center for the teaching of submarine manufacture to young apprentices. The scheme addresses themes of gentrification, regeneration and education. Grimsby is a town in decline. The diminishing primary and secondary sectors have generated a fragmented landscape of disuse, into which the encroach of harsh environmental forces has moulded the territory. The site sits between commercial docks and an inlet to the North Sea. A disused lock is the only signal of the sites rich history as a graving dock for military boats and submarines The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s u b m a r i n a / S o f t wa r e
Submarina Campus Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i v 4 week project
S e c t o r \ \ E d u c at i o n Process \\ Holistic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ E x p e r i e n t i a l
A structure-led modelling process allowed for tectonic compositions to remain the focus of the narrative through the public museum wing of the scheme. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s u b m a r i n a / S o f t wa r e
Submarina Campus Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i v 4 week project
S e c t o r \ \ E d u c at i o n Process \\ Holistic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ E x p e r i e n t i a l
Access to the scheme is restricted by stringent dock access policy. A disused railway has been redesigned as a tourist shuttle between Grimsby Train Station and the scheme, both for visitors and students. A train platform has been designed as a component of the scheme to receive the shuttle train, from which passengers filter into the programming. Visitor routes pass through the public center, from which the museum wing can be reached via an underwater submarine graveyard exhibition. Apprentices have direct access to the workshop wing, which hosts a lecture hall, workshop and dry docks for submarine engineering. h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s u b m a r i n a / S o f t wa r e
Submarina Campus Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i v 4 week project
S e c t o r \ \ E d u c at i o n Process \\ Holistic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ E x p e r i e n t i a l
The project incorporates public and institutionalised learning strategies: A museum wing is open to visitors and overlooks the workshop only accessible to apprentices of the school. This museum wing explores narratives of submersion, and the resulting effects on tectonic components. The duality of water types on site is utilised to enforce this narrative, and allows submarines to pass through the scheme when needed (for maintenance or display purposes). Nearby Sea Forts complete the narrative loop, serving as submarine tour destinations for visitors to the museum. The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s u b m a r i n a / S o f t wa r e
Submarina Campus Ye a r i i | P r o j e c t i v 4 week project
S e c t o r \ \ E d u c at i o n Process \\ Holistic P r e s e n tat i o n \ \ E x p e r i e n t i a l
The harsh territory of the North Sea requires a catalogue of heavily durable materials and construction techniques. A basin for foundations will be dredged from the existing salt marsh, allowing for water retention systems and a solid base structure to be established. Corten, and its inherent effects upon neighbouring materials when exposed to saltwater, is the primary material relationship within the scheme. The experience of user submersion has also been designed into the campus as an element of its tectonic composition The selection of work shown here contains examples of various architectural drawings and analyses. The full project can be found at the following address: h t t p : / / a n d r e w - e d wa r d s . n e t / s u b m a r i n a / S o f t wa r e