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Colerain Why Colerain

Colerain Football

Where Chamipons are born

Where Success begins

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Why Colerain Colerain Football Where Success Begins Where Champions are born PRIDE AND SRENGTH!

Why Colerain Colerain High school is a school where athletes

The offseason preporation is a key factor in

can show their athletisisum to the world and

being successful in the long run beacuse getting

compete with some of the top schools in the

ready for the season is very important. Being a

nation. Thst is one of the reasons why we want

successful individual in the long run you got to

to win and we are born to win in this school

be commited to do anything for the team. One

beacuse being on this football team teaches you

of the biggest things you do in the offseason

to focus on winning and showing you that you

is to stay in shape which is lifting weights, and

have the heart to win and that you want to win.

running. Going to football camps is a big thing

In the Colerain football organization you you

also beacuse going to these camps teaches you

face oppenents that has been diciplined like

techniques in football and teaches you to be a

you have getting ready for the seasons and that

successful football player. The footballl camps

you face an oppenent that you dont know much

show you how to play the game of football on

about beacuse theythey could be from another

and off the feild whether it is your attitude or your

state or you could face them in a tournenment

education or football skills.

with little time to get preped for them. Colerain

is one of the top sports schools in the nation to

makes you a better person and makes you want

play football at and it gives you the chance to

to change your personality. Playing for Colerain

go to a top division one school to play college

football changes a person life forever beacuse

football their. Being able to play for one of the

it teaches you dicipline that most school dont

great football organizations in the United States


Colerain football is a organization that

is a real honnor beacuse the football organization changes people’s lifes and the organization teaches the athletes dicipline.

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Colerain Football

Colerain High School Football is an organization that teaches young adults how to be successful in the world. The organization is also a environment that the not only does the young individuals learn about the fundamentals of being a football player but is it also a great program that the kids learn to be great students in the classroom and grow up to have a successful life.

Colerain football is an organization that teaches young adults

discipline in life and teaches a person what to expect in the life and what he wants out of life. Being a part of the organization is a real honor to be a part of because you learn a lot from your coaches but you also learn a lot from your team mates because they are not only team mates they are your friends and that is what makes it great because they are there for you whenever you need them.

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Where Success Begins Colerain High School football gives each individual the success it deserves and the power to how he wants to spend it. Success is something that we want in life and we want to become better people in life being part of the Colerain football organization really puts your education first that is why it is really good because it cares about their players.

Colerain Cardinal Football tells a story it teaches you on how to be successful in life and how to

work hard to become a great person in life. Having the ability of being part of the organization myself I have learned a lot from being a student at the former school and also being a player for the Colerain Cardinals. While being a player of the football team you learn what it takes to be successful which is being a team player, and showing people that you care for others and not yourself.

Right when you become

part of the Colerain High School football organization you feel the success because of the atmosphere and playing for the organization you feel success. When you feel successful you get the strength to win football games and the strength to over come bad situations to be very productive.

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Where Champions are born

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Champions are born at Colerain High School beacuse they show up with pride and the ability to win. After every year when the season ends, a month later we are in the weight room lifting weights for next season to get better, and be more energentic for the next season to win state. In the offseason we never loose focus on the objective and that objective is to win a state championship every year nd to get better each year and be a successful person in the classroom and on and off the feild.

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Colerain Cardinal Football

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