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Hospitality 101

Maintain Safe, Hygienic and Secure Working Learner Name:

We hope your time with us will be enjoyable and productive.

Key Words Hazards A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm.

Risk A risk is the likely hood of the hazard being realised

Legislation Is Law be government.

Health Achieving health and remaining healthy is a active process maintaining strategies for staying healthy is of up most importance

Security Being protective against loss.

Health and Safety Health and Safety is important to everyone. It affects us all in our day to day activities, both at work and in our leisure time. Every working day there are on average two deaths and 690 reported non-fatal injuries to workers. Within the Catering Industry, Health and Safety issues need particular care because of all the possible hazards and risks that exist. Both you and your employer have responsibilities to carry out to ensure that Health and Safety is maintained.

What your responsibilities are under the Health and Safety at Work Act: In 1974 the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) came into force. This incorporated all previous legislation and added new parts covering day to day working. This act is an ‘enabling act’ which enables the Government to add and incorporate new regulations affecting Health and Safety easily within it. However, your responsibilities are identified in the main HASAWA 1974 which for the first time identified what you as an employee have to do.

Take reasonable care of your own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by your own acts or omissions. (Refer to your workplace HASAWA poster.)

This means that you must work in a sensible way at all times. You must wear protective clothing suitable to the job you are doing, if the employer provides protective clothing you must wear it.

Hazards and Risks

Where is your HASAWA poster located in work?

You must keep an eye out for possible hazards that you may create which could be a risk to others. For example, if you have just finished using a knife to work with it should not be left in a full sink, someone could easily cut themselves. If you take a hot pan off the stove and put it on a metal work surface without some form of protection, someone could burn themselves once the pan is moved. You should not move around the work area with a knife pointing outwards nor should you carry large items by yourself, find help or use a trolley. If new equipment is provided you should not use it until you are fully trained. Take reasonable care of your own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by your own acts or omissions. You must mop up, or arrange for immediate mopping up, any spillages that you may cause. Co-operate with your employer as far as is necessary to enable them to carry out their own duties under the act.

Hazards and risks A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm. Accidents can occur if the hazard is not adequately controlled. Your employer will carry out a risk assessment as part of their responsibilities to identify what the hazards are within the work area and what the risks are of an accident occurring. Risk is the chance, high or low, that someone will be harmed by the hazard. Hazards can be grouped:   

Hazardous Substances Hazardous Equipment Hazardous Work Methods Hazardous Work Area

Lots of things have the potential to cause harm but sometimes the risk of harm actually occurring is very low because of controls in place. Electricity is a very good example. Electricity can easily cause someone serious injury or even death, yet the risk of that happening is very low due to controls such as fuses, cut off switches and insulation. The risk comes from using machines that are plugged into the electrical supply and are not well maintained or used correctly.

Hazards and Risks Some hazards are easily dealt with and are part of your responsibility to take reasonable care of yourself and others. If spillages occur in your area, either caused by yourself or someone else, they should be cleaned up as soon as possible. You can easily do this, or arrange for someone else to do it. If this is in a public area then place a wet floor sign to warn customers. If a build up of boxes occur in your work area, move them to the waste area. If the bin is full and starting to overflow then empty it. Some hazards are beyond your control and must be brought to the attention of more senior members of staff. This will usually be your line manager who will know who to contact to have the hazard resolved appropriately. For example:

If the flooring is damaged and could become a trip hazard.

When the electrical cable on the stick blender or coffee machine has exposed wires showing.

Your employer will carry out a risk assessment of the hazards within your work area. This risk assessment is carried out at set intervals during the year as part of their responsibilities, but will also be carried out when new equipment is introduced, after a serious accident and when young people start work. You as an individual can also help yourself and your colleagues by being aware of hazards in the work area and where appropriate notify your colleagues. For example:

Colleagues who start work with their shoelaces undone, this could cause them to trip and you should notify them about it.

Colleagues who start work with inappropriate footwear which could expose them to damage if an accident occurred, should be warned of the danger.

Colleagues using electrical equipment with the cable knotted or kinked should be warned that this could cause short circuiting.

If cleaning materials are being used incorrectly notify your line manager as this could be potentially dangerous to the user.

Electrical sockets overloaded which could become a fire risk.

Hazards and Risks

What type of hazard would you report and to whom would you report it?

Can you list the types of hazards you have in the workplace?

Are there any jobs you are prohibited or restricted from doing in your workplace that have been agreed with your line manager?

Who has overall responsibility for Health and Safety in your workplace?

Manual Handling The Manual handling operation regulations (1992). The employer is required to carry out risk assessments of all activities undertaken which involve manual lifting. Safe lifting and handling techniques that you must follow Back pain and other aches arising from manual handling injuries are the most common types of occupational ill health. Working in the catering industry includes tasks that without proper control can cause back pain or upper limb injuries affecting the neck, arms, shoulders and hands.

! REMEMBER ! If you are required to lift items, or move items from one place to another, you should receive some training that shows you the safe techniques to use. Before lifting or moving any item, always assess that you can lift or move it by yourself. If in doubt find help. Two people are better than one. Always look for possible trip hazards before lifting or moving anything, make sure your route is clear and free from obstructions. Lifting any item off the floor: Position your feet either side of the item then bend your knees. Keep the back straight. Tuck chin in and grasp firmly then lift cleanly. Lifting and carrying pots: Keep the pan close to your body when lifting. Bend your knees rather than your back. Keep your arms tucked into the sides rather than sticking out and point your toes in the direction you are going in. Storing items away after delivery: Remove large items from packaging boxes before putting away. Store heavier items on low shelves, and store lighter items on higher shelves. Keep the storage area free from obstructions.

Emptying rubbish bins: Use smaller bags to reduce weight in them. Put bins on wheels for easier movement. Sweeping/mopping floors: Use long handled tools rather than short ones. Use tools that have soft rubber handles rather than hard handles, to reduce gripping pressure.

Warning Signs Yellow: Warning signs to alert people of various dangers such as slippery floors and hot water.

Blue: Mandatory signs are to inform everyone what they must do in order to progress safely through a certain area. Usually this would indicate the need to wear protective clothing.

Red: Prohibition signs designed to stop persons from performing certain tasks in a hazardous area, such as no smoking and no access.

Green: Escape route signs, designed to show fire and emergency exits to staff, visitors and customers.

COSHH The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1999. The COSHH Regulations state that:

Chemicals that are dangerous to people should be clearly identified.

Those chemicals must be stored, issued and used safely.

Training must be given in the use of these chemicals.

Suitable protective clothing must be provided when using the chemicals.

When using any type of chemical:

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Never mix one chemical with another.

Never move any chemical from its original container into an alternative one which is incorrectly labelled or has no label at all.

Never use food containers to store a cleaning chemical.

Always store chemicals in the correct place.

Hygiene Complete these important safety points which you must follow when using any type of chemical:


Always follow the M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carefully.


Never m _ _ one chemical with another.


Never m _ _ _ any chemical from its o _ _ _ _ _ _ container into an alternative which is I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ labelled or has no l _ _ _ _ at all.


Never use f _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to store a cleaning chemical.


Always s _ _ _ _ chemicals in the correct place.

Personal Health, Hygiene and appearance The catering industry is a people based industry, customers and staff alike. Without the customers there would be no industry and without the staff there would be no-one to cook and serve. When working closely with customers and colleagues it is important to maintain good personal hygiene for a number of reasons. Your employer should help encourage good hygiene practices through providing clean uniforms, providing washing and showering facilities and ensuring that their legal requirements are met. They should also provide hand washing and drying materials within the toilet area and at hand washing points.

Hygiene Why it is important to maintain good personal hygiene In an industry where people are employed who work closely together, or who become close to customers, in hot and stressful conditions, personal hygiene practices must be followed. This means: 

Showering / bathing or washing daily.

Wearing a clean uniform daily

Washing hands after using the toilet.

Keeping hair clean and short, or tied back.

Keeping nails clean and short.

When good personal hygiene practices are observed then positive working relationships will follow.

! REMEMBER ! Wash your hands with a liquid gel from a sealed dispenser. Soap should be discouraged as bar soap can accumulate germs.

Customers do not want to be served by staffs who are displaying signs of poor personal hygiene.

Hygiene Why it is important to work in a healthy, safe and hygienic way You must work in a healthy, safe and hygienic way in order to work within the requirements of the Law. Correct clothing, footwear and headgear (if required), should be worn for three main reasons: 

Firstly to protect yourself within the working environment, your employer may provide you with protective clothing, footwear and headwear to keep you safe whilst working.

Secondly to protect the food you are working with from possible contamination from outside sources.

Finally to comply with relevant legislation.

Wear jewellery, perfume and cosmetics in line with their organisation’s standards. Each establishment will have its own rules and guidelines about what their staff can, or cannot wear. These should be followed at all times. General guidelines are that food handlers should not wear perfume as there is a risk of contaminating the food being prepared, especially if the hands are touching the food as odours can easily be transferred. Food serving staff should not wear strong smelling perfume in order to avoid affecting the customer’s enjoyment of their meal.

What are your organisation’s standards for wearing jewellery, perfume and cosmetics?

How could your uniform become a hazard to you whilst in the workplace?

First Aid It is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work Act that employers provide first aid and have nominated first aiders if they employ more than 5 members of staff. The Health and Safety poster that must by Law be displayed, contains space for this information. During your induction session you should receive information relating to who the first aiders are, where they are located, and where the first aid box is. If you are unsure ask your line manager.

! REMEMBER ! The first aid box should always be easily available within the working area. First aid boxes are usually green with a white cross on the front.

Who is your first aider in work and where is your first aider in work?

Where is the first aid box?

Where is your accident book kept?

First Aid What to do if you injure yourself If you cut yourself at work it is important to take immediate action. If you come to work with cuts, grazes or other wounds you should have them dressed/treated appropriately. Cuts will often occur within the kitchen and can be minor ones to more serious ones. Blood should not come into contact with food items or equipment in order to avoid contamination. If this happens then you must thoroughly wash and clean the items affected. A minor cut should be washed, cleaned and covered with a blue sterile plaster/dressing. Finger coverings are also blue. These items are blue for easy identification so they can be seen if they fall off, and they are also detectable by metal scanners used in large mass produced processing plants. A deeper more serious cut may need the attention of a first aider. Wash the cut first then apply pressure to the cut with a clean cloth to stem the flow of blood, if possible raise the cut area above head height to slow the flow of blood. The first aider may apply a dressing or may arrange to accompany the person to the Accident and Emergency Department or similar location.

! REMEMBER ! The first aid box should always be easily available within the working area. First aid boxes are usually green with a white cross on the front.

Illness and Infections Report illness and infections promptly to the correct person. In an industry where people work closely together, and you are feeding customers, the threat of possible illness caused by food poisoning or similar is very serious and all staff should be aware of the procedures to follow should they become ill in any way at all. There are a number of reasons for reporting illness or infection promptly:  

Firstly, if you go into work ill you could pass the illness onto other staff members who may subsequently become ill themselves, this can lead to staff shortages, staff having to work extra and possibly becoming ill themselves.

Secondly, there is the risk of causing cross contamination of food. If you are suffering from sickness and diarrhoea there is a very strong possibility that you have food poisoning bacteria present in your body, on your skin and on your hands.

First Aid You must report to your immediate manager or supervisor if you are suffering illness or have an infection. They will take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of you infecting other staff or the food. This will usually involve you having to stay away until recovered and seeking medical advice depending upon the symptoms. If you develop an infection whilst at work that is caused from a previous injury i.e. a cut that was previously treated becomes infected, then speak to the first aider and follow their advice.

Who do you need to report illness and infections to in your workplace and why should this be done?

Reporting Accidents All accidents should be reported to your Supervisor. Each accident is recorded in an accident book which must be provided in every business. The key information that has to be recorded about an accident is: 

Date and time of the incident.

 

Full name and occupation of the person involved. Type of injury.

Location of the accident and what happened.

Names of any witnesses to the accident.

Name and job title of the person completing the report.

Time and date the report was made.

If you where reporting an accident what information would you write on the accident form?

Fire Fire Precautions and Security within the workplace are very important and will form part of your Health and Safety Induction or training. Your main understanding has to be what to do in the event of a fire or security threat, what action to take and how to respond to the alarm being raised whilst working. Details about the different types of fire and fire extinguishers are included in this section for reference but you are not expected to have to fight a fire. You do, however, need to know about the steps to take that can reduce the risk of fire, how to set off fire alarms and personal safety in the event of a fire. 40% of all fires within catering establishments start in the kitchen. The possible causes of fire in the workplace: In order for a fire to start it needs three things, fuel (combustible materials such as fat, wood, cloth, paper), heat (to act as the ignition source) and oxygen. As oxygen is naturally in the air it is only heat and fuel that are needed to start a fire.

The three components that fire needs: Within the kitchen and restaurant environment there are plenty of sources of fuel such as waste paper, boxes, fat, grease, alcohol, cleaning materials and linen. There are also plenty of heat ignition sources not only from the gas, electricity or fuel used in the kitchen, but from cigarettes/cigars carelessly discarded or not extinguished correctly, and bottles and broken glass which can work like magnifying glasses if the sun is directly on them. The following are some of the main causes of fire within catering establishments: 

Not clearing away empty boxes, paper or rubbish correctly.

Letting dirty laundry pile up without sorting it out.

Not cleaning out extraction systems regularly.

Not storing flammable materials/liquids correctly.

Faulty thermostats on cooking equipment, especially fryers.

Fire Minimising the Risk of Fire What you can do to minimise the risk of fire. Having seen the previous list of the causes of fire it is obvious that everyone can help to reduce, or minimise the risk within their area by working correctly and following simple rules such as: 

Disposing of rubbish correctly and not letting it build up.

Keeping the staff changing area clean and tidy. (Not an easy task!).

Storing flammable materials correctly.

Checking that the equipment they are using is working correctly.

Smoking in designated areas and using the extinguishing materials provided.

Using correct equipment when dealing with customer’s cigarettes and cigars if no smoking is permitted in any area.

Notifying your line manager if you suspect that equipment is in need of cleaning or servicing.

Emergency Procedures Every organisation will have emergency procedures that will be put in place in the event of fire or similar incidents. All staff should be aware of these procedures and the employer should carry out practice emergency evacuation procedures at least once a year to ensure staff know what to do. The employer must ensure that these practices are in place, as well as maintaining fire fighting equipment and training staff to use them as part of their risk assessment for fire. New fire regulations came into force in October 2006 which places new responsibilities on the employer in an attempt to reduce accidental deaths caused by fire.

Fire Every establishment will have a designated meeting point to go to in the event of an emergency and you should know where that is. Within your area there will be staffs that have specific responsibilities to undertake in the event of an emergency. As previously mentioned, these are more likely to be senior members of staff such as the head chef or restaurant manager. They may, however, allocate some tasks to other staff members such as sous chefs, chef de parties or station waiters and head bar persons for example. Their duties may include ensuring that all cooking equipment is turned off, that their staffs leave the building and escorting customers off the premises correctly. If the alarm goes off and you are instructed to leave the building then stop what you are doing. Check with your immediate supervisor that they want you to leave without doing anything else. Follow the directional emergency signs to the exit point. Even though the fire exit signs indicate a person running you should not run but walk quickly and calmly. Running can cause accidents and panic. Do not use a lift if one is in the building. Do not go to your locker to collect personal belongings. Go immediately to the designated meeting point and wait for a senior member of staff to come and take the roll call to check that everyone is out safely. Do not wander off otherwise you will not be accounted for and it could be assumed that you are still in the building.

Why you should never approach a fire unless it is safe to do so? Fire has the potential to be deadly dangerous, many people die as a result of fires but they die from smoke inhalation rather than the fire itself. If you have received training in the use of portable fire extinguishers you could attempt to fight the fire, however it is important to remember the following rules: 

Upon discovering a fire, sound the alarm first. Safety of you, other staff, visitors and customers is the most important thing.

Portable fire extinguishers are only a short term measure, they will only put out a small fire and will not last for long once operated.

Never let yourself be trapped by fire, always keep your exit route behind you.

You have no obligation to fight a fire, only do so if it is safe to do so.


State the fire evacuation procedure for your company and what manner would you leave the building:

State where your assembly point is:

Identify possible causes of Fire and how you can prevent them in the workplace:

What are the three key elements of fire?

Security and Other Emergencies

If you notice someone going into the staff areas that you have never seen before and who looks out of place, what action do you take?

List some of the security measures you have in your workplace:

Security and Other Emergencies The correct procedures for dealing with customer’s property When customers leave property behind it is important to know what action to take, especially if the circumstances advise caution. Many customers will leave small items behind as matter of forgetfulness. If you think that the customer is still in the building it is advisable to try to locate them without touching the item but advise other staff and your line manager of this. If the customer has left the building the item is classified as lost property. However, before identifying it as such, you should notify your line manager or supervisor that the customer has left something behind to confirm that it can be assumed to be accidental. If the item left behind is identified as being possibly suspicious, it should not be touched or moved. If the item left is identified as being obviously accidental, it should be handed into the line manager and recorded as lost property in the lost property book. If the item is expensive, obtain a signed record in case of possible loss later on. The lost property book will contain details about date, time, location and supporting statements. Threats could be any of the following: phone calls  bomb threats  suspicious packages via letter or fax.  Gas leaks

What would you class as a threat in your workplace?



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