a way of looking at the making things world and aesthetically making it pleasing. better. problem solving through creative means.
design is?
developing solutions.
logical and design a gut organized feeling,thinking a way of looking at the world and putting yourself is? in someone elses shoes.
communicate to the world around them, visually and with a heavy meaning.
make things simpler, better looking, and cut back on visual pollution.
what do designers delievering a message that is do? both visually and emtionally powerful, in the most direct way possible.
to creatively display information to society and to make the world a better place.
why design its a part of human nature anything? to improve things.
things always need improvement, there always is a new problem and a new solution.
I dont think there is a designer is an artist of a different medium. a designer works for a client and an artist works for them self.
is there difference between artists and I never used to think there was until designers? recently. artist do work in a personal expression form, and designers have to create for a broad general audience. designers cant do things because they feel like it; artists can.
differences range between people and not artists. A designer is an artist of different sorts. a fine artists can act before they think where as a designer has to think before they act.
being able to use your imagination. think of new thing new ways to use old things.
how do alternative thinking. you define creativity?
having ideas that can be displayed visually.