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10 mins We essentially follow content contained in the MBT Learning Guide. We do not cover exam preparation. This is offered via Webinar in week 11. Note for GBAT9100 Introduction to Management Students. Your course covers all this content and more‌ Resources: Learning Guide, Handouts ACTIVITY: Any unanswered questions from this morning – Brainstorm in group, nominate speaker
5 mins MBT’s learning model focuses around reading, self assessment, discussion and interaction, reflection, application and formal assessment Self assessment of your understanding of where you are at in the learning process is important. Do you already know this material? How does the material, new ideas, theories etc relate to what you already know? Reflection can include the use of blogs or journals used to note changes in learning and thinking over the duration of a course. Reflection also involves internalisation of theories… Interaction with the materials is important. Doing the set exercises, activities and self tests in the learning materials helps encoding of material into long term memory… Interaction with other students is important to seek others viewpoints but more importantly shared consensus and understanding. Think of this as an exercise in “cooperation”. How can you cooperate with other to leverage your interactions that take place face to face and online.
Interaction with teachers (facilitators) is important as they serve as your guide through the learning process and can help you set direction as well as answering questions The skills of critical thinking, divergent thinking and similar will also prove useful The important thing about this slide is to realise you must complete this circle of learning in order to learn properly. If you skimp in any one area you break the cycle which will lead to poorer marks.
3 mins Assignments: Generally written with 10% = 1000 words Most assignments are 20-35% 1st assignment smaller and aimed at ensuring you understand the basic concepts Also will find: Blogging: Keeping a reflective journal for learning or assessment Group work: Especially at end of program in 2 capstones but also in Project Management Participation: Online and face to face Quality and quantity Week 4 we provide participation feedback to provide guide on how you are going important you followup any suggestions made Some assignments quantitative with calculations
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2 min If you can get to the end of the weeks reading and activities and can put a tick next to each learning outcome you wont have an issue come assignment or exam time‌ All assessments relate to the learning outcomes.
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2 minutes If you consider that you really only need to: 1. Stay up with reading of the forums/attending class 2. Read/Listen to others points of view 3. Comment on 1 or 2 others posts/points of view per week 4. Comment on any feedback received in class or weekly forum from the facilitator You have an easy 10-15 marks! This can easily take you up a whole grade level‌
2 min Called ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’ (Revised version) (Reference:
http://ww2.odu.edu/educ/roverbau/Bloom/blooms_taxonomy.htm) You will find the MBT program asks you often to perform at the level of Creating a viewpoint and justifying this. All learning outcomes, assignments, assessments and activities are measured against this taxonomy for quality control. At the start of a course you will likely get activities and assessments that allow you gain knowledge and understanding of the topic. But later parts of the course will move towards the 3 higher order skills. Additional Reference: http://www.criticalthinking.org/pages/critical-thinking-ineveryday-life-9-strategies/512 Think of the outcome as “What can I create and apply following completion of each course” – Your assignments are largely aimed at the creation process. Creation of something e.g. a new method of working, a new project plan etc can only occur using all of these other 6 skill sets.
These are the skills an MBT student will need...
5 mins Where are you going to study? When are you going to study? Are you a morning person or a night owl?
5 mins What will you DO in the 10 hrs?You have: Content: units, readings, study guide exercises Discussion Assignments - extra work You will need to: Understand/ internalize main theory, issues – then reflect - think in train, at work, shower You wont need to ‘learn’ all the material – don’t be intimidated by the size of the course materials – or that you’re competing with kids straight out of HSC – not school study
2 mins Orientation week 12 weeks of teaching Study week Exam week
5 min Procrastination usually has underlying causes including perfectionism, anxiety, stress, fatigue, hostility with others. Luckily tends to decrease with age‌
5 min Priority Matrix
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5 min Ask: After discussing the article did your thinking or notes change?
5 mins Ask: What has influenced your recall i.e. your learning? Reflection is important. Moodle has a “free” blog tool available that allows you to reflect each week. Find it under: Navigation > My Profile > Blogs Discussion and reflection should take place online in the discussion forums. Additionally feel free to make use of tools such as Skype and the webinar system in Blackboard to communicate in pairs or small groups…
10mins Should start 1 hr 10 minutes after start.
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7 min Who’s notes looked like this? Does anyone know or use this strategy? More examples of notetaking skills in Appendix 3 of the Learning Guide… Links to other topics important What don’t I understand is an important question – basis for funding other sources or for asking questions in discussions Does author contradict others important if comparing two theories/viewpoints or wanting to look or answer in depth. iPad App: ThinkBook Alternatives: Post it notes, (paraphrase) summarise to a post it as find important points, keep at appropriate point of text. Write a min post it for first page summarising paper and why important. Use thoughts while writing assignments.
3 min Why are we taking notes every week??? Assignments/Exams – It’ll make your life easier… Make up one summary page per unit of material. Summarise your post-its Mind Mapping: Inspiration and Webspiration (also available as an App) PDF markup: iPad: Goodreader: Can save and export notes…
2 min A typical assignment: 3 parts Details: 20%, 2000 words +/- 5% Format Task: The big bit in the middle Assessment criteria: Indicate weightings
5 mins Usually obvious what the task is, sometimes harder to pick up what the topic is (plus you may have a choice) and you must take note of the limiting words so you stay on topic.
7 min Whole class Activity: What is the topic? What is the task and sub tasks? What limits are placed on your writing? If at all unclear ask in your online class (should be a separate seminar room for assignment discussions)
7 min Just looked at analysis Learn to use the library search tools – phone the library! Position may be given to you or you may need to choose Argument forming on next slide
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5 min Note how on page 47 of the learning guide a report has the classic Introduction, Body and Conclusion of an essay but also has additional sections such as Executive Summary and Recommendations Note the optional extras on page 48 such as literature review, methodology, findings and Discussion
5 min Note how on page 47 of the learning guide a report has the classic Introduction, Body and Conclusion of an essay but also has additional sections such as Executive Summary and Recommendations Note the optional extras on page 48 such as literature review, methodology, findings and Discussion
2 min Often the place where people fall down especially in assignments and discussions… There is also creative thinking and divergent thinking… Creative thinking is the creation or generation of ideas, processes, experiences or objects. Critical thinking is concerned with their evaluation. http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/researchskills/thinking.htm Divergent Thinking: “The goal of divergent thinking is to generate many different ideas about a topic in a short period of time.” http://faculty.washington.edu/ezent/imdt.htm See: Think Like a Genius Todd Siler 1999 Bantam CREATE - Connect (ideas) - Relate ( explain the ideas in a story format) - Explore ( test the idea in its major manifestations) - Analyze ( perform a rigid analysis) - Transform ( make the idea into a practical reality) - Experience ( cast the idea into the experiential domain)
2 min Commonly called “An argument structure� Obviously can be applied to any claim made even beyond study. A very common strategy used in business writing.
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2 min Argument usually makes up the body of your assignment Evidence is critical Evidence will come from the course readings and others that you find via research. What you will find in the readings are arguments both ways.
2 min Argument usually makes up the body of your assignment Evidence is critical Evidence will come from the course readings and others that you find via research. What you will find in the readings are arguments both ways.
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2 mins May be given back to you this year online‌ May include voice feedback from your facilitator.
3 min Note the Learning Centres new site that takes students through 3 areas: Knowing what plagiarism is, knowing how it happens and developing effective academic skills It mainly occurs not by cheating but by having underdeveloped academic skills‌ NOTE: All MBT assignments are passed through a Plagiarism checker called Turnitin. You should use this system (built into the online submission process) as a means to check your referencing‌ Handout
3 min Just some examples – you really do need to learn about plagiarism by completing the Elise tutorial from the library: http://www.library.unsw.edu.au/ or by obtaining resources from the Learning Centre
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Note: ASB EDU has a resources section in which you will find “Exam Prep” materials. Also note that the MBT runs exam prep webinars. For those working in groups they also have a document to help ease common issues experienced. Well worth a read…