Heights Progression v4.5 Subject to change at any time without warning. Logical and convincing appeals may provoke change. Updates are red … Why this long? … people are silly.
Introduction Disclaimer: So you want to jump off buildings and be perfectly fine huh? Well a good thing to keep in mind is that the people that do it on YouTube either have been training and working up to it, or are plain stupid. Every individual must understand what works for them, and if their body may need more time to adjust. This guide was made for YOU to safely progress, based on what I have observed, experienced, and come across on my journey. Take responsibility for your actions and, attempt at your own risk. Proper landing: Jump with knees up by your chest. Spot where you will land the whole time. Extend legs just before touching the ground. Land on the balls of your feet, NEVER letting heels touch. [a] Ensure your whole body is in alignment as you absorb the impact [b] e.g. feet shoulder-width apart, beneath knees which are beneath hips. [c] This means your body will act as a spring. (6) [a] Follow 90° rule. [b] i.e. No less then a 90° bend between hamstrings and calves. (7) Palms hit the ground roughly shoulder-width apart in front of feet. (8) Rebound out of landing. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Purpose/ Quotes: • Parkour Motto: être et durer = "to be and to last” • The Yamakasi & David Belle ‣ The Yamakasi were a group of refugees of the Vietnam War; David Belle, Sébastien Foucan, Yann Hnautra, Chau Belle, and Laurent Piemontesi to name a few. They started the parkour/ freerunning movement. ‣ At 37, David Belle had not suffered any major injuries, including knee or joint problems, as a result of his 22 years of parkour training. ‣ “David [Belle] said nothing big [later defined as 1 meter] at all for at least 2 years. Not even like 1 time or a couple times... nothing big.” - APK ‣ “The Yamakasi's policy of ‘no jumping’ in the first year of training is there for conditioning.” - APK • “The physical aim of parkour is to be as functionally fit, strong, and capable for as long as possible in life -to become the best version of yourself that you can- not to explode out of the blocks, have a few years of energetic practice, and then stop because of injury or over straining of the body. Parkour is an art of living, a way of approaching not only your environment, but also your life." --Dan Edwards
• The Freedom Aspect. ‣ Parkour/ freerunning essentially is freedom through the refinement of movement. Although we are each free to move and follow our own path, some journeys go the wrong way. ‣ For brief statement confirming a wrong way to practice parkour, watch Kirby’s interview with Sebastien Foucan. ‣ “Someone may say, ‘I'm allowed to do anything,’ but not everything is helpful. I'm allowed to do anything, but not everything encourages growth” --1 Corinthians 10:23 (GW) ‣ “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love ... So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh … But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” --Galatians 5:13,16, 22-23 (NIV)
Disclaimer from Dan Edwards: Parkour is not about dropping from great heights. At times that may be necessary to complete certain movement, but being able to do so does not make you a good, or better, practitioner. Dropping from any height onto a hard surface sends a considerable shock through your body. It is vital to remember, therefore, that you must always land well. … Dropping from anywhere above your own head puts enormous stress on your joints and connective tissues, and you can cause serious, long-term damage if done without the correct preparations over months -even years- of dedicated training. You may find when you begin training that you can drop from quite heigh without feeling pain or discomfort. Don’t be fooled. If your body is not prepared, your muscles and connective tissues not resilient enough, and your technique inadequate, you will do irreparable harm to your joints and skeleton. However, if you train correctly and safely, taking your time to condition your body, you will find that you are, in fact, able to manage drops from height without doing any damage to your body. --Edwards, Dan. The Parkour and Freerunning Handbook. Parkour Generations. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, NY: 2009. Print. Page 36,62.
Progressions Level 0 – Paper to Brain • It is suggested to start the height training from waist level (lvl 1). • It is suggested for the practitioner to train regularly, to the point where the assessment is natural (thoughtless) and not much of a challenge, to stay the safest and thus “last” longer. • To advance, finish lvl 1 before moving to lvl 2, etc. • Actively exercise three (3) weeks, at least, of the newly achieved height before taking the next level assessment. ‣ Purpose: To adjust the mind and body to the new technique required for the appropriate height level. • CPK members advance through an actively witnessing leader. • Watch/ read included links ‣ Purpose: To be educated on the importance of height safety, and be able to teach/explain to others. • High impact protection • Rolling on both sides is beneficial. For more info read “Ambidextrous Behavior” article. ** After passing the assessment, post [Your name, Grade & Level achieved, Leader Witness, Date completed] on the discussion board i.e. Free “Traceur” Runner A-lvl2 Free “Leader” Runner 1/11/11 … Purpose: To track progress Level 1 – Waist to Chest • 3 sets of 3 pistols (1-legged squats) on each leg ‣ Do not let knee pass in front of toes; it is harmful, thus counterproductive, to your body (I do them with something, like a chair or tree, against my toe to help technique) ‣ Touch butt to calf (at least as close as you, or your flexibility, will allow) ‣ Try not to grab/reach for balance • Core conditioning (or leader discretion equivalence) - 15 hollow-ups - 15 arch-ups • Drop Jumps (from waist-height) - 30 soft* landings (Beginning Landing) - 10 clean rolls on both sides (Ryan Doyle’s roll tut) ‣ Why are rolls important? Fight Science will explain. This will total 50 drop jumps. • In your own words, describe the proper landing & roll technique that works for you. Purpose: To recognize your understanding. Catalogue ability to teach/explain to others. • Read this Dan Edwards article and evaluate where you want to go in your journey.
Level 2 – Chest to Head • 3 sets of 5 pistols on each leg (Try not to grab/reach for balance) • Core conditioning (or leader discretion equivalence) - 25 hollow-ups - 25 arch-ups • Drop Jumps (from chest-height) - 10 soft landings (Advanced Tut) ‣ A good landing thread on APK - 10 fluid* rolls on both sides - 10 fluid* concrete* rolls on both sides (Now let's clean up the details) - This will total 50 drop jumps. Level 3 – Head to Above Head • 3 sets of 7 pistols on each leg (Try not to grab/reach for balance) • Core conditioning (or leader discretion equivalence) - 35 hollow-ups - 35 arch-ups • Drop Jumps (from head-height) - 20 fluid concrete rolls on both sides (For you advanced kids on a roll ;) - This will total 40 drop jumps. Level 4 – Above Head to Twice Height :::Note::: The ability to jump from greater heights does not make you a better traceur. Danger increases by the inch when jumping from above head. Practice at your own risk. • Congratulations! You have made it through this phase of the learning process. Hopefully you learned a thing or two =p • Perform height jumps at your own discretion • Keep Jamming! Stay motivated!
Level 5 – Twice Head (Training) :::Note::: It is assumed that the knowledge, integrity, discipline, and understanding that has been worked on up till this point is sufficient enough training for you to develop a true parkour mindset. This mindset is hoped to equip you with the tools required to make responsible and professional decisions. • If you feel the need to jump from something that is twice your height, you should follow these guidelines: • Wait 3 days between actions of high impact to let the body recover. • To keep lvl, maintain a 3 day-a-week minimum workout routine where the following is included at least once a week: ‣ Legs!! (Pistol hops/ Box jumps) ‣ Running (Circuit training - sprint for a period, walk for a period, continue..) ‣ Abs [every workout day] (EX: Atomic sit-ups, Ice-cream makers, etc.) ‣ Lower back (EX: Weighted arch-ups, arch-rocks) ‣ Free weight usage Purpose: increases bone density and has a greater ligament focus then do machines. ‣ Your own preferred workout techniques [every workout day] • Beast Skills has a great collection... • ...as does APK… • ...or maybe CrossFit is your thing • Purpose: 3-4 days per week of working out receives the maximum health benefits • If 12 or more days pass with this requirement unmet, the practitioner is demoted to lvl 4 until 2 weeks after the regimen has been reinstated. ‣ Purpose: muscle strength is lost after 10-14 days of inactivity on average. The rate of de-conditioning is also dependent on the prior state of activity. --Dr. Fritz Hubert • Every few months a rest period from all exercise is recommended to give the body time to rebuild and develop (time frame may depend on the person).
Epilogue How can I protect myself from high impacts? Don’t be stupid =] Not just read/watch links in progressions levels, but learn and apply them to your training. Practice proper landing techniques. Strengthen legs, core, ankles, hips, tendons, and ligaments. Pistols (1-legged squats) Toe & calf raises Knee Strengthening from a cute gymnastics site Low Impact Training Read (and of course apply) this unbiased (not written for parkour) article about other ways to train for impact. • Increase bone density; e.g. run with weights, work out with free weights. - Dr. Hubert, "Essentials of Physical Activity" • Harden shins • • • • • • • • •
Key: *Soft = Not loud; quiet. Has slight rebound out of it. *Fluid = Can take a few steps out of it smoothly and comfortably. *Concrete = An unforgiving surface of landing … Purpose: This proves proper technique is being used when no pain is felt. The Surface lax Discrepancy Guide: As always, use with discretion. If you are not from a snowy environment, it may not be the smartest for you to use snow as a cushion. Take that into consideration for your own training and avoid snow if necessary. (Side Note: Keep in mind that after your foundational training, element training is important for practical reasons.) ‣ Same-level, i.e. do NOT raise height level anymore then the level you worked for: Slippery/dangerous surfaces [mud, slush, ice] ‣ Level-up, i.e. If normally at waist, then can jump from chest: Spring floor, some mats [panel], sand, and low amounts of snow [<1 foot]. ‣ Level-out, i.e. Basically height guide abandonment: Foam pits, Port-o-pit/ Resi type mats, large amounts of snow [>1 foot], and deep water [At a certain point water can hurt without proper diving knowledge]. ‣ Mixed allowable surfaces do NOT raise height level any more then previously stated.
I’ve been practicing parkour for a while and just saw this article: Take note of which progression level you may fall into. If you are new to heights, even if you are athletic, start at the beginning. If you have comfortably jumped from say chest height before, look at the lvl 2 bullets. If you feel as if the bullet points accurately describe your abilities, then work lvl 2 into your training. When lvl 2 is easily comfortable, start up on lvl 3, etc. New CPK member adaption: If you are new to CPK, as a curtesy, please keep drop jumps to a minimum until your assessment has properly been completed. The assessment is done with a leader’s discretion of a full or partial level test. If you have an individual CPK membership (as opposed to a CPK team), use a training buddy for a balanced opinion of your test. If CPK members divert from the guide: The leader must be informed of the circumstances, either before or after the diversion, and then decide what should be done. If the jump was significant and there was clearly another way down then jumping, Death Conditioning is in order. Use your creativity to develop movements other then the easy out of dropping. If there are any questions, comments or concerns, the issue/statement may be resolved by either a leader of higher position, or the group as a whole. Purpose (of height guide): For safety, discipline, and understanding. Strengthening the body means it can take more of an impact, more often. This does not mean to abuse the privilege our bodies give us to jump from heights. It also promotes creativity due to the prompting of a new obstacle. “Continue to obey your leaders and to be submissive to them, for they watch over your souls as those who will have to give a word of explanation. By doing this, you will be letting them carry out their duties joyfully, and not with grief, for that would be harmful for you.” --Hebrews 13:17 (ISV)