Andrew Dasz Biography

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Gustavo Andres Rilo Lacquaniti was born on May 29th, 1977 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Going by the name Andrew Dasz, he began training in Tae Kwon Do (ITF) at the age of 10 after being inspired by watching Chuck Norris on TV. His studies continued on in 1993, where he practiced Ving Tsun Kung Fu and Hung Gar. In the same year, Andrew began working as a model for martial-arts related mediums. This created an interest in working with cameras as well as other types of media. In 1997, Andrew moved to São Paulo, Brasil, and continued training Ving Tsun Kung Fu under Master Leo Imamura, at Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence. Dasz moved to Madrid, Spain, in 2005 to work with his twin brother at a fight choreographer's group. He also began taking acting and modeling courses the following year to expand on his abilities both on and off the screen. Using the skills that he had acquired over the years, Andrew was able to become a fight choreographer, traveling around the world and doing what he loved. Since then, Dasz has trained several actors while appearing in several films himself. He currently lives in Hong Kong where he is a personal trainer as well as martial arts instructor, where he teaches various martial arts to eager students each day of the week. Andrew has trained in Tae Kwon Do, Ving Tsun Kung Fu, Hung Kuen, Lion Dance, Aikido, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai and Boxing. He also studied the Frank Dux System of stretching and can speak Spanish, Portugese, English and basic Chinese. He hopes to continue working in the film industry to hone his skills and create more of his own project, including a sequel to his film Stunt Games.

Gustavo Andres Rilo Lacquaniti (Andrew Dasz)出生於 1977 年 5 月 29 日,阿根廷-布宜諾斯艾利斯。 兒時被電視上的查克·羅禮士(Chuck Norris)所啟發,自 10 歲開始訓練跆拳道(ITF)。 至 1993 年 更開始練習詠春功夫和洪家拳。同年開始展開鏡頭前的生涯。以各種武術及功夫配合演技將模 特兒及動作演員的各種角色演活。 1997 年,Andrew 移居巴西-聖保羅,跟隨詠春功夫大師梅一生,承傳宗師梅逸的詠春武術。 2005 年,Andrew 移居西班牙-馬德里,與他的雙胞胎弟弟組成武術動作組合。次年亦開始了演技和模特兒 的專業訓練,使他能將武術動作於鏡頭前展示的能力大為提升。多年來,他的武術動作及演技已獲得不少 人的認同,令他能遊歷世界各地都忠於他所愛的工作。 從他出現的電影當中,他亦擔當起教練/指導的工作,以指導電影動作演員。 他現居於香港,除日常拍攝電影及廣告等工作外,他亦擔當起私人和武術教練,教導各種武術予求知若渴 的學生。 熟練功夫詠春,洪拳,舞獅,合氣道,拳擊,泰拳,跆拳道及 Frank Dux 的伸展系統等的 Andrew 能操流 利的西班牙文,葡萄牙文,英文和基本的中文。他希望繼續在電影界工作來磨練自己的技能和創造更多自 己的項目,其中包括他的電影- Stunt Games 的續集。

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