Ariana Pierce Magazine

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the Next BIG thing

Ari the Heiress Ariana Pierce, young millionaire, CEO and enterprise extraodinaire opens

up and lets us inside the fabulously fashionable world of Ari the Heiress. Take a look as we learn what’s new, hot and what’s to come!

the Entrepreneur Exposed to enterprise since the age of three, Miss Pierce is no stranger to success. At the age of 14 she had already written two best selling books and was learning the ropes on the speaking circuit with celebrity life coach and mom Dr. Stacia Pierce. Now a young millionaire, she’s still passionate about her work “I love enterprise because I can create. I can incorporate everything I love-art, fashion, photography; into one of my three companies. I don’t have to choose.” Ariana & AMBITIOUS BLUE Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Producing her passsions has proven quite profitable for Miss Pierce. Literally starting on a dream and a dare, Ariana and her mother launched Superstar Nail Lacquer, a couture nail color collection that has become an overnight success. Toluene and formaldehyde free, Superstar is loved for its “green” qualities, glamorous hues and great price point. Superstar Nail Lacquer has become the number one “beauty crave” among Hollywood A-listers as well as the DIY favorite for ladies working their mani/pedis at home. Ariana is thrilled at their unique appeal, “We created the company so our customers could stay in the know and enjoy rich girl beauty on a real girl’s budget.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about the MAKING IT KIT

ARIANA’s an 5-point Pl Big: t I g in k a to M

Being CEO of Superstar Nail Lacquer has brought her great notoriety, but what most don’t know is that the Ariana Pierce Brand is big business. ARI the Heiress, as lovingly known by her thousands of followers, clients and fans, is a multi-branded, “mega-pire” which includes:

r dream: u o y h c 1. Resear grow it! n a c u o y o s Know it witty d in f d an ave dream: 2. Work, s r u o y in t ves ways to in ream alive d e th s p e e k Capitol wn dream o r u o y e 3. Creat for visual d r a o b y r to s ate a scene: Cre inspiration skills: w e n arn 4. Le school w e n e th f o rs Be the leade

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4A line of Success products for young people; including books, CD’s, DVD’s, Audio Kits, and more. 4Being creative director for sister companies Styleshoppe and Phone Candi 4Spokesmodel for Superstar Nail Lacquer 4Itinerate speaking to groups of thousands of peers for universities, high schools and other youth organizations. Her secret to staying productive and making millions before her mid 20’s? Besides the “MAKING IT BIG” principles she teaches nationwide, her techie tools lend a hand: The iPhone 4g and iPad which are both covered with super haute cases from Styleshoppe. The flip camera keeps her interview ready, and of course her Mac computer for editing projects. Roxy bags keep her business travel stylish. “They should have me as their spokesmodel.” She laughs. “I’m sure Roxy has sold at least 500 of those bags in the last few months because of me!”

the Brilliant Blogger Ariana & Walk the Red Carpet Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Ariana is also the face of one of young society’s most successful blogs, The Billionheir Club, which has become this generation’s reference to what’s new, hot and what’s to come. “The funny thing is it started as research.” Says Ari flatly. “I’ve always been intrigued with successful people, fashion and trends, so I stay up on everything. I’m blessed that my life is filled with incredible people, places and things so I wanted to share.” That research has blossomed into a blog that chronicles her in the company of some of today’s biggest stars such as: Sean “Diddy” Combs, The Simmons girls, Angela and Vanessa and Tyler Williams, star of Chris Rock’s television hit “Everybody Hates Chris.” From the first click, its popularity has spread. The Billionheir Club and now host thousands of followers, unique visits, and page views. Her “Fashion Diaries of an Heiress”, depicting her fashion prowess, Ariana repeatedly proves the power of her pose, as the likes of BCBG, Roxy and of course her own Superstar Nail Lacquer and Styleshoppe companies rake in more sales with every post. Ariana’s formula for blog success? “Find your voice and make it your heart work then it won’t be hard work.” Good thing, as her Billionheir Club Blog and are on course to reach the million mark early 2011. Young people can’t seem to get enough. “My posts are powered by the people. I’m always trying to encourage them to push harder, do their dreams! If I just put a smile on their face, that’s perfect.”

the Starlet

Ariana & Silver Screen Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Ariana with the legendary Sheryl Lee Ralph, with Deitrick Haddon on the set of film , Blessed & Cursed

Making an outstanding debut along side the likes of actress Drew Sidora and the legendary Sheryl Lee Ralph, Ari the starlet is on the rise. With several film and television projects underway, you are sure to see and love more of Ari on the silver screen. Ariana loves this portion of her life work so much that she’s even named one of her Superstar Nail Lacquer hues in honor of her acting pursuits. When asked how she balances Hollywood homework and heading up her corporation she smiles sweetly, “I just remember that when I’m on camera it’s make believe, when I’m off camera, it’s time to make it happen.”

the Trend-Setter

Ari the trendsetter. Mall goers, young style mavens, Fashion lovers, and serious shoppers everywhere look to her for daily style inspiration. With just one twit of a pic, her followers are flocking online or to the stores to pick up Ari’s favorite piece of the day. That’s why retailer and merchandisers love her so-- Cause whatever Ari the Heiress says, is as good as sold.

Ariana & My Stylist Loves Pink Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Tr end-Setter Notes from the He ir ess: 1. Ne ve r ge t caught w/o a Came ra 2. St ay So cia l 3. Trave l & ex pa nd yo ur ex pe rie nc es .

Ari’s trendsetting tactics are as follows: NEVER GET CAUGHT without a camera. “You can’t stay on top of the trends if you aren’t prepared to capture the moment.” I learned this from my Mom. “So much of my creativity is sparked by looking at life through photos.” Stay Social and Media Minded. Twitter, Facebook, are fabulous ways to hear what’s happening first. Travel. It gives you an eye for the extraodinary. Also, be aware of your surroundings. So many times “THE NEXT BIG THING” starts happening right under our noses.

the Difference Maker

Ariana & Model Behavoir

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Ariana, Lil’ Mama and Alexx Dionne (left) and other young hollywood artists raised their voices for relief efforts in Haiti.

HELP FOR HAITI Touched by the tragic events in Haiti, the Heiress jumped right in to help make a difference lending funds and her voice. “I came back to LA to work on Young Hollywood’s version of “We Are The World.” I was honored and excited to have the chance to work on this project. It was a way I could give back to those in Haiti.”

Starting with simple Success tips, Ariana launched a movement to “Make it BIG” “Growing up I saw my mom help so many people. I remember sitting on my bed when I was about 12 thinking, “what can I do?” That bit of pondering from a small, 12 year old lead a lifelong mission to bring others her age along with her on the road to Success. Nearly ten years, 4 books, hundreds of seminars, best selling self-help kits and thousands of changed lives later, Ariana is still asking that question. “I was taught that we are blessed to be a blessing, so I love looking for ways to give back.” Giving back is always on the Heiress’ ‘to-do’ list, and that detail she always gets done. Just like her multifaceted approach to business, Ariana is making a difference in mutiple ways. She travels all over the country doing seminars for universities, young business groups and various student organizations speaking on self-esteem, how to master your studies, How to make it big, mogul in the making and more, to empower youth from all walks of life to stop waiting, dream and do it now.

Ari signs autographs during one of her conferences. Celeb friends Tyler Williams and Camara Mathis lend a hand.

Annually, over 500 students pack out success sessions to hear from Ariana on attitude, achievement and appearance, goal-setting, teamwork, work ethic and gaining star-status right where you are. Her audience loves her sweet, witty demeanor and really connects with her talks from the heart. “Some of these kids have never had anybody tell them that they can do it. A lot of the ‘at risk’ youth that we talk to are just focused on surviving, they haven’t been enouraged to dream for better.” Schools throughout the midwest have reported improvements in students attitudes and scholastic performance as a result of participating in Ari’s young adult Success Conference.

ARI AN A’S Do’s & Dont’s for m ak ing a Diffe renc e

DO: Ask what you ca n do


DO: Find a cause tha t is close to your heart or start your own. You can really make a difference by passionatel y helping others win battles tha t you’ve already overcome.

WaterWorks Foundation: After winning her own health and weight battles as a youth, Ariana discovered the benefits of water. She learned H2O is essential for good health, energy and increases your creative abilities and mental aptitude. Now healthy and lean, this insight led her to create the WaterWorks foundation to educate and empower young people on the benefits of the proper water consumption and nutrition. Waterworks also seeks to inform young DO N’T feel intimdated , both people on the power of work ethic and what it takes to succeed. Thorough efforts small and great ca n workshops, events and materials youth are taught and encouraged to take ac- change a life. tion on the principles that lead to success in all areas of life.

the Celebrity Host

Ariana and Purple Party Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Known for her social graces and love of celebrating others, Ariana is often called on to host celebrity events and parties. Whether she is helping with the Oscars, BET awards, Fashion Week, or joining Grammy-winning singer Monica to host a sweet 16 for friend Marvin Sapp Jr., when it comes to a great soiree, the heiress knows how to hold an audience. “I love parties! Celebrating others is the best. I especially like hosting charity events, and concerts. Not only is it fun it’s so rewarding!” When asked how to host a soiree like a superstar, the highly demanded hostess shared a few secrets. “Look like a million-bucks so you are confident, then forget about you and remember why you’re there. If the guest of honor truly feels celebrated, then you’ve done your job!

the Collegiate Ariana and GUCCI GREEN

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As she headed to campus, Ariana was determined to hit the ground running… and that’s what she did. Stellar student, Social prodigy, style icon and still a successful CEO, Ms. Pierce put her own spin on student life. “School is my main focus right now even though I have to balance everything else. I want my degree!” “Fashion Diaries of an Heiress,” her pictoral journal from her Billionheir Club Blog, has made Ariana a trending topic and has become the go-to guide for the thousands of campus fashionistas who follow her. Often her fashion diaries create fashion frenzy whenever it posts. “Once I heard that minutes after I posted a pair of my favorites boots I always wear, “A whole troop of girls flocked to the store after class, so they could have the look for the weekend. It’s crazy sometimes!” In between studies, Ariana also reports on other high achievers pursuing degrees. “So many of my peers have so much to offer, I just want to let others know. “ Holding everything down with academic honors, the Heiress always remains focused on why she’s there— To make the grade!

Ariana hosts rvi Ma ns Sapp Jr’s 16 Birthday Party with R&B Grammy winner Monica and Shannon Brown of the LA Lakers

Ariana’s 4 keys to making the grade: 1. Bring Your “A” Game- Set your goals. Solid goals will help you work hard and stay focused. Write them down, then read and do something towards them daily. Work on assignements early to stay ahead of the game. 2. Ask- Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Get clarity on all assignments and papers. Stay in communication with your professors. Don’t struggle with your studies when you don’t have to. 3. Avoid Slack Attacks- Don’t let simple pleasures like TV get the best of you. Get big things done instead. Study, see the Arts, Start a new venture. Get rid of the remote and get going. 4. Attach to the A-list- Who you hang around is who you’ll become. Keep company with goal minded, moral friends that want to make the grades and make it big!

the Media Darling

Ariana & Orangu An A-Lister?

Click here to get SUPERSTAR NOW

Ariana greeting the press on the red carpet at a Hollywood event. Superstar is loved by media for being big on glamour at a great price point.

Always in the right place at the right time, Ariana has fast become a media darling. In addition to the love major magazines have for her products, Superstar Nail Lacquer, Phone Candi and Styleshoppe Jewelry, Ari the Heiress has become a media darling. The cameras love catching Ari on the red carpet, whether she is hosting or attending the next A-List event. When asked how she deals with such a strong, constant media presence in her life, she says “It’s the law of attraction,” then smiles. “As my mom would say, ‘I love my life and it loves me back.’ I absolutely love what I do whether I’m on the red carpet, in the boardroom, choosing colors for my line, hosting a celebrity event or at home studying. I love it all. I believe people are attracted to that.” Why so much love from the major glossies? “I made my companies unique. They are fashion savvy with a celebrity air. Magazines want to keep people in the know, and we help women look good and feel like a star. With our brands, any woman can always look amazing!”

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