Viral marketing: an introduction

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Subservient Chicken (April 2004) “we sent out a couple of emails to test the site within the agency and with friends and it went bananas.�

15 to 20 people

1 million hits in 24 hours

Chicken Fight TV advertisement, webcast, PayPer-View cage fight event.

A typology of interaction type of interaction


pattern of info flow

social relationships

broadcast media



print media






subscription media



internet, cell phone


participatory, representative, and consultation

Bottom-up user-created video involving two products, originally posted on June 3, 2006 and was viewed more than 10 million times.

Becomes top-down Coke is slow to catch on, finally initiating this contest in December 2006.

“In order to avoid being a cause of irritation and interruption, many of these advertisers creatively embed their images in media flows and experiences that consumers will actively seek out.�

Cloverfield director Matt Reeves “It’s almost like tentacles that grow out of the film and lead to the ideas in the film. And there’s this weird way where you can go see the movie and it’s one experience... But there’s also this other place where you can get engaged where there’s this other sort of aspect for all those people who are into that....”

Convergence allows premium content business models to unite across all electronic media. Devices are products themselves, but are also the means to preview, purchase, and consume more products and services.

How are Google’s targeted advertisements based on user’s search preferences different than advertisements in the Yellow pages?

How are Google’s targeted advertisements based on user’s search preferences different than advertisements in the Yellow pages?

Increasingly, Google is converging products (Chrome, Gmail) and services (AdWords, AdSense).

Integrated marketing communication is a way to reach customers that are indifferent or resistant to traditional forms of advertising. Tactics: •seamless integration of internal and external communication strategies •consistent representation in public relations, direct selling, and promotions. Combine with an internet culture of user-created content and social networking, and you have the foundation of a contemporary viral marketing campaign.


News Corp’s acquisition of MySpace may ultimately be about more than collecting ad revenues or expanding News Corp’s growing online music business. MySpace is a map of social connections between consumers and details about their personal preferences that can be utilized in future viral or targeted marketing.

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