Census Results for Kilkenny - profile 11 employment, occupations and industry

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Press Statement Census 2016 Results: Profile 11 – Employment, Occupations and Industry Human health and social work sector the biggest employer in County Kilkenny The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today (Thursday 14th December) publishes the final Census 2016 (thematic) report, Profile 11 – Employment, Occupations and Industry. Profile 11 shows that the number of people at work in Ireland in April 2016 increased to just over 2 million (+11.0%). The numbers of people looking after the home/family continued to decline, falling by 10.1% to 305,556 while the numbers of retired persons increased to 545,407, up 88,013 (19.2%) on 2011. Deirdre Cullen, Senior Statistician, commented: ”This report analyses the world of work in Ireland in 2016, with a particular focus on changes in the numbers at work by occupations and industrial sectors. It also looks at the profile of the non-Irish national population in the workforce. Profile 11 completes the suite of Census 2016 results which has included two summary reports, eleven detailed reports and Small Area Population Statistics. Together, these results provide a comprehensive picture of Ireland in April 2016. All of this data is now available on the CSO website.”

Kilkenny highlights from Profile 11 – Employment, Occupations and Industry Industrial Sectors In April 2016, the largest (broad) industrial sector in the county was human health and social work activities, accounting for 5,533 workers (13.4%). The wholesale and retail trade sector was the next largest, with 5,423 workers (13.1%). The top five was completed by manufacturing (10.5%), education (9.1%) and agriculture, forestry and fishing (8.4%). The 3,488 persons working in the Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector was 89 more than in 2011. A further 2,496 persons (6.0%) were employed in construction, compared with 2,117 five years previously. Unemployment Total unemployment in the county was 6,044 giving an unemployment rate of 12.7%, compared with 19.4% in April 2011. Nationally, the unemployment rate recorded by Census 2016 was 12.9%. Of the unemployed in the county, 578 (9.6%) were first-time job seekers. Nationalities Among Kilkenny’s unemployed, 85.9% were Irish nationals, compared with 85.0% in 2011, while 14.1% were non-Irish nationals, down from 15.0% five years previously.

A summary of some of the headline employment results from Census 2016 for County Kilkenny, together with comparisons for Leinster and the State as a whole are attached for information. {Note: the top five industry sectors in the province/State may not be the same as the top five in the county, but the relevant figures at provincial and State level are included for comparative purposes.} Kilkenny



Total Labour Force 2011




Total Labour Force 2016




1,009,942 1,138,817

1,807,360 2,006,641

122,438 (10.8%) 151,773 (13.3%) 87,467 (7.7%) 96,048 (8.4%) 29,507 (2.6%)

223,725 (11.1%) 266,673 (13.1%) 201,315 (10.0%) 176,855 (8.8%) 89,116 (4.4%)

At Work 2011 At Work 2016

37,273 41,363 Top 5 (broad) Industry Sectors 2016 Human health and social work activities 5,533 (13.4%) Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and 5,423 motorcycles (13.1%) Manufacturing 4,348 (10.5%) Education 3,767 (9.1%) Agriculture, forestry and fishing 3,488 (8.4%) Unemployed Total Nos. 2016 6,044






Seeking first job








Having lost/given up job








Irish nationals








Non-Irish nationals








Unemployment rate









Note to Editors:  Profile 11 – Employment, Occupations and Industry is the thirteenth and final report from Census 2016 (11 profile reports and two summary reports). All of the reports are available at www.cso.ie/en/census/. The reports include a range of interactive web tables, which allow users to build their own tables by selecting the data they are interested in and downloading them in an easy to use format for their own analysis.  In co-operation with the All Ireland Research Observatory (AIRO) at NUI Maynooth, summary census data is available in thematic maps for Electoral Districts and all Small Areas on the AIRO website. This can be accessed via the link on the CSO website.  The CSO and Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) have also launched a new Open Data website which makes the Census 2016 Small Area Population Statistics (SAPS) available as geographical Open Data for the first time. Census 2016 results across 15 themes, including sex, age and marital status; families; the Irish language, and, education can be visualised in map form across 31 Administrative Counties, 95 Municipal Districts, 3,409 Electoral Divisions and 18,641 Small Areas. The new website is part of OSi’s GeoHive platform (http://www.geohive.ie) and is available at http://census2016.geohive.ie/

 The results of the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) provide the basis for the official series of quarterly labour force estimates. The labour force and its constituent figures shown in this report are directly based on the census. Users should be aware that information derived from identical questions in the census and QNHS for the same year may show appreciable differences. The main categories affected are the constituents of the question on principal economic status and the employment estimates classified by industry and occupation. For further information, see Appendix 2 of the report.  The labour force comprises persons aged 15 and over who are employed, looking for a first job, or unemployed. The percentage of people aged 15 and over who participate in the labour force - as opposed to having another status such as student, retired or homemaker - is known as the labour force participation rate. It is measured as the number in the labour force (at work or unemployed) expressed as a percentage of the total population aged 15 and over.  The term industry used for Census of Population purposes is not confined to manufacturing industry. It is synonymous with the term “sector of economic activity”. The basis of the industrial classification is, in the case of employees, the business or profession of their employer and in the case of self-employed persons, the nature of their own business or profession. In Census 2016, industry is coded using NACE – the General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Communities. For further information, see Appendix 2 of the report.  The entire population was classified to one of ten specific socio-economic groups (introduced in 1996). In addition, a residual group entitled. “All others gainfully occupied and unknown” was used where sufficient details were not provided. The classification aims to bring together persons with similar social and economic statuses on the basis of the level of skill or educational attainment required. In defining socio-economic group no attempt is made to rank groups in order of socio-economic importance. For further information, see Appendix 2 of the report.  The entire population is also classified into one of seven social class groups (introduced in 1996) which are defined on the basis of occupation. The occupations included in each of these groups have been selected in such a way as to bring together, as far as possible, people with similar levels of occupational skill. In determining social class no account is taken of the differences between individuals on the basis of other characteristics such as education. Accordingly social class ranks occupations by the level of skill required on a social class scale ranging from 1 (highest) to 7 (lowest). For further information, see Appendix 2 of the report.  The census figures relate to the de facto population, i.e. the population recorded for each area represents the total of all persons present within its boundaries on the night of Sunday, 24 April 2016, together with all persons who arrived in that area on the morning of Monday, 25 April 2016, not having been enumerated elsewhere. Persons on board ships in port are included with the population of adjacent areas. The figures, therefore, include visitors present on Census Night as well as those in residence, while usual residents temporarily absent from the area are excluded.  The de facto measure of the population in April 2016 was 4,761,865 while the usually resident total was 4,689,921 - a difference of 71,944 or 1.5%. The usually resident measure is used when analysing topics such as commuting patterns, nationality and households and families.

For further information contact: Brendan Murphy (+353) 1 895 1305 or Census Enquiries (+353) 1 895 1460 or email census@cso.ie Central Statistics Office

14 December 2017 – ENDS –

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