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Plans Book Team 372
3 Executive Summary & Challenge
16 Gas Station
4 Brand
17 In-Store Activation
5 Competition & Opportunity
18 Social Media
6 Research Video & Objectives
19 Snapple.com & Flav Facts
7 Methodology
20 Block Party Roll-Out
8 Research
21 Block Party Video
9 Research
10 Target Segments
23 Media
11 Insights & Strategy
24 Media Flowchart
12 Big Idea
25 Measurment & Evaluation
13 Digital Radio
26 Roster
14 Out-of-Home
27 Conclusion & Citations
Block Party
15 Spectacular
Executive Summary At the center of Snapple’s quirky success is the brand’s consumers. This diverse group of movers, shakers, and do-gooders are willing to share their Snapple loyalty for one reason: they love the way it tastes. This widespread group has the potential to become a closeknit community with the power of flavor. A band of Snapple loyalists can bring Snapple’s name to the tips of Light Users’ tongues, and reshape the brand from a nostalgic delight to a forever favorite.
Create an integrated 2017 holistic marketing campaign to grow Snapple Trademark (TM) volume in the United States.
Heavy User Strategy Grow Brand Relevance through engagement tactics with Heavy Snapple Users. Grow Heavy User Buying Rate from 9x to 10x per year. Light User Strategy Drive Trial by converting high Awareness (90%) to Top of Mind Awareness (15%). Grow Light User buying rate from 1x to 3x per year.
What’s New?
Brand History In 1972, Snapple emerged as an “all-natural beverage New Yorkers will love.” Over the decades Snapple grew to establish itself as an innovative and playful national brand, providing premium tea and juice options. In 2008, Snapple paired with Dr Pepper to create Dr Pepper Snapple Group; the brand has continued its legacy headquartered in Plano, Texas.
• Snapple has 29 distinct teas and juices with additional seasonal flavors • Heavy Users are loyal and willing to advocate for the brand • The brand has a long, positive history and an identifiable quirky style
• Snapple can develop content on social media to encourage engagement from followers • In the Ready-to-Drink Tea and Juice Market Snapple’s flavors are unique • Snapple may be perceived as a healthier alternative to soda
• Many users have a difficult time finding their favorite flavor on store shelves • On social media, Snapple doesn’t interact with its consumers on a regular basis or in a personal manner • In the Ready-to-Drink Tea and Juice Market, other brands offer healthier options while Snapple is often left with an unhealthy perception
• The Ready-to-Drink Tea and Juice Market is very saturated, so distinguishing a brand within the category can be difficult • Competitors are incorporating “premium” features like glass bottles and all natural flavors • Consumers want to live a holistic lifestyle and are switching to healthier alternatives
• Snapple unveiled new designs in their logo and packaging for National Iced Tea Day on June 10, 2015 • The new logo features an illustrated sun along with new letterform while maintaining the signature ‘S’ • A new earth icon solidifies the “Made from the Best Stuff on Earth” tagline • New flavor captions add personality to each individual flavor
• Campaign spots began airing in April 2015 with New Yorkers urging the rest of the country to #LoveSnapple. • In May, endorsements from Nick Cannon and Jimmy Fallon added to the excitement • By the end of June, 20% of adults were aware of the campaign • In July and August, 25% of adults would consider Snapple when purchasing a beverage
Going Green
• Dr Pepper Snapple Group announced its goal to achieve a U.S. beverage container recycling rate of 60% by 2030 • A $5 million investment in the Closed Loop Fund will support postconsumer recycling • A $1 million commitment to Keep America Beautiful will continue efforts to place recycling bins in public parks
COMPETITION & OPPORTUNITY COMPETITION AriZona • Untraditional media mix with only digital and social media • Consistent 99¢ pricing • New partnership with Lavit, LLC will expand their single-serve product line
Gold Peak • Owned by Coca-Cola, they have one of the best conversion rates in the tea category • Content is about creativity with food and crafts • Passionate social media followers; they recreate Gold Peak content with their own twist
Lipton • The Pepsi Lipton Tea Partnership is strategic and international • In 2015, Lipton launched lightly carbonated tea in lemonade, raspberry and peach flavors to position as a substitute for soda •Lipton often writes customized responses to consumer comments on social media creating strong, positive engagement
Brisk • Brisk is managed by the Pepsi Lipton Partnership, a company that focuses on self-expression in their marketing • Tumblr is used as their website platform; it is extremely interactive for consumers • The brand isn’t afraid to use newer forms of social media like Snapchat
OPPORTUNITY Displaying social media relevancy and flavor options revealed a unique opportunity for Snapple. We measured social relevancy by averaging post interaction and comparing it to overall followers. Snapple has a large online following but little interaction, yet Heavy Users will often post independently about the brand. That means there is a great opportunity to bump up relevancy through social media. Fans are talking, they just need a microphone.
18% Lipton
15% Brisk
8% Gold Peak
7% Pure Leaf
Tea & Juice Share 2015 in Volume Performance (Cases)
Honest Tea
Research Objectives 1. Understand the personality traits and lifestyle of both Heavy and Light Snapple Users. 2. Gauge awareness and perception of the Snapple brand according to Heavy and Light Snapple Users. 3. Investigate the decision-making process at point-of-purchase. 4. Find a common link between Heavy and Light Snapple Users. 6
Focus Groups
A total of 27 participants discussed their Ready-to-Drink Tea and Juice usage.
Street Interviews
We asked our Midwestern Neighbors about their experience with Snapple and its competitors.
One-On-One Interviews with Heavy Users
In-depth interviews allowed us to understand the role Snapple plays in the life of a Heavy User.
Taste Tests
Attendees of a community event were given a bottle of Snapple and surveyed about their reactions.
Months of Social Media Listening
Social media listening gave us the opportunity to find and understand consumer attitudes.
Survery Respondents
A 22-question survey analyzed brand relevance, purchasing patterns, and consumer lifestyles around the country.
Snapple Users are Outspoken about the Brand
“Snapple’s are the best drinks I have ever tasted. For three consecutive years I have bought a Snapple at least once a week and I never get bored of it.” -Joel Diaz, Facebook
Flavor Matters “I would always drink [Rasberry Iced Tea], that’s pretty much the only one I drink. I don’t really care for raspberry in other drinks, but for some reason the Snapple was really, really good.” -Focus Group Participant “In case anyone was wondering what Snapple Half & Half tastes like, it’s amazing. Some brands screw up the half & half. Snapple does not.” -@lindsey4real, Twitter “If I ever get in a freak accident and they have to replace all my blood with Snapple, please make sure it’s Snapple Apple, thanks.” -@kittiewonder, Twitter “Trying this Mango Madness Snapple for the first time & I’m lovin it! I feel like I’m cheating on apple!” -@TylerificMate, Twitter
“Snapple we re-used your bottles for our wedding favors!!! Ironically my new last name begins with an S so it worked well. They were amazing and also a very big hit. My husband LOVES your iced tea.” -Christy Marie Santee, Facebook
Brand Loyalty 1.80%
Convenience of Portability 2.36%
Time of Day 0.90% Trendiness
“My life is over when I drink my last Snapple!” -Dirk McAdam, Facebook
Fans Need Help Finding Their Flavors
“If I really want [Snapple], I have to hunt for it. You have to guess where they’re thrown in.” -Focus Group Participant “Hi I live in Raleigh, NC and have not been able to find the raspberry tea Snapple! Please help?!” -Traneka Jarmon, Facebook I do not choose Snapple 15.94%
Online Survey
“Why is it difficult to find any flavors other than peach and lemon at grocery stores? The apple looking one looks tasty. I must be looking at the wrong stores.” -James Davis, Facebook
RESEARCH Snapple Fits Into a Variety of Lifestyles There’s an Opportunity to Increase Brand Relevance and Awareness “I totally forgot Snapple kind of existed for a while and after [my friend bought one] all I could think about was drinking Snapple.” -One-on-one interview “Got my giant bottle of diet Snapple and my tv ready for #Ghostadventures #Starofindia #aarongoodwin” -@spnfreak0203
“My daughter has begun making art on empty Snapple bottles.” -@JerielLowe
“Life is full of adventure #Snapple” -@lanna_farmer
How familiar are you with the Snapple brand?
3.60 weighted avg.
Not at all often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often
“My favorite beverage, while watching my fish. #snapple #snappleapple #madefromthebeststuffonearth” -@AngieDelgado
Online Survey
How often have you heard other people talking about Snapple in the last 6 months?
“Peach Snapple is just really great.” -@heyits_nuha
weighted avg.
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Extremely familiar
Online Survey
Multicultural Mom (Midwest)
Primary Target • Age 32 • Mixed race woman • Chicago, IL • Always looking for the little things that brighten up her family’s day • Purchases Snapple in 6 packs for her family • “I think due to the advertisements that I’ve seen my whole life.,there has always been images of fruit, and healthy-looking people enjoying the drink. I’ve never tasted a ‘bad’ Snapple, so they must be doing something right!” -Online Survey Participant
Home Head Honcho (West) Secondary Target • Age 36 • Asian-American woman • San Francisco, CA • Multigenerational household • Purchases Snapple in bulk • “...fiercely brand loyal and are highly likely to shop on deal or use coupons when stocking up.” -Nielsen Asian-American Report • “My mom told me to get the Snapple in her car and I was expecting a small thing of Snapple. Oh no, it was a case of it. You go ‘ Shelley.” -Michael Fraser, Facebook
On-The-Go Getters (Northeast)
Career Connoisseur (South)
Primary Target • Age 26 • Caucasian woman • New York, NY • Lives an “athleisure” lifestyle (wears athletic clothing for more than just working out) • Purchases Snapple in single glass bottles for their ease of portability • “I think Snapple is a go-to for a refreshing drink and always encourages me to eat something healthy like a sandwich or salad while drinking Snapple.” -Online Survey Participant
Secondary Target • Age 25 • Hispanic man • Houston, TX • Life goals are based on career achievements • Purchases single glass bottles for their convenience and consistency taste • “When I think of Snapple I think of an on-the-go drink. Like a light, refreshing, snack staple.” -Focus Group Participant
INSIGHTS & STRATEGY Insight 3: Snapple loyalists are enthusiastic and outspoken about the brand on social media; there’s an opportunity to create an active community. The Consumer Catch: Why should I interact with Snapple? Solution: Entice consumers to interact with Snapple on branded social media platforms instead of posting independently. Create a social media strategy that encourages conversation and focuses on user-generated content.
Insight 2: Users often feel strongly about one or two Snapple flavors; they accept no substitutes. The Consumer Catch: Why should I try something new when I already know what I like? Solution: Prove great taste is guaranteed with all Snapple flavors and incentivize trying new flavors.
Insight 1: Nutrition and quality ingredients are becoming increasingly important to the consumer, but flavor remains the deciding factor. The Consumer Catch: Why should I drink Snapple when there are healthier options? Solution: Remind users that Snapple’s unique flavors aren’t replicated by any other Ready-to-Drink option.
Insight 4: Snapple users often have a hard time finding their flavor or the brand in general, which hinders awareness and relevance. The Consumer Catch: Where is my Snapple? Solution: Provide outlets that lead consumers to distributors with their flavors.
Insight 5: There’s little consistency in how consumers drink Snapple; the drink is adaptable to many different lifestyles. The Consumer Catch: How does Snapple fit into my life? Solution: Demonstrate a variety of activities and lifestyles Snapple fits into.
Campaign Objectives:
Positioning Statement:
Big Idea:
• Increase usage and drive trial by showcasing Snapple’s unique flavors.
• Reinforce brand loyalty by creating a Snapple community that is all-inclusive.
Snapple is a premium drink that doesn’t just stand out from the crowd, it creates one. This group is as diverse as the flavors they drink. It’s time we came together, #AllInFlavor.
• Boost social media interaction with engaging content that creates conversation.
Snapple is the premium choice for Multicultural Moms, On-The-Go Getters, Career Connoisseurs and Home Head Honchos because it provides a craveable, consistent flavor that consumers can rely on. The brand creates a community around its unique consumers, their flavor preferences and uses for the drink.
• Strengthen brand equity by highlighting Snapple’s fun and quirky image.
Tone: Custom illustrations, community driven copy, and enticing visuals of the iconic Snapple bottle and flavors are at the forefront of our 360 campaign.
DIGITAL RADIO Digital Radio Format. Dr. Pepper Snapple “Guinea Pig People” Commercial Length: 15” Version/Date (optional) SFX: Popping sound of a Snapple lid. Billy: “In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only one guinea pig because they are so prone to loneliness.” Real Fact #986. And are we not all guinea pigs? Do we all not have a craving to come together? MAN 2: Billy, whaaa…what are you talking about? Are you telling me you’re a guinea pig? I just asked if you wanted a Snapple.. Maybe check out #AllInFlavor. There might be more guinea pig people out there.
The radio spots draw consumers into eccentric scenarios that serve as an introduction to the #AllInFlavor community. The copy hits upon the quirkiness of the brand and consumers’ love for Snapple facts. Tactical mediums such as Pandora and Spotify will reach multicultural audiences.
ANNCR: Tell Snapple how you’re in flavor using hashtag #AllInFlavor.
The vibrant colors and relatable copy used throughout the advertisements fit with Snapple’s lively personality and convey the importance of flavor. To catch the consumer’s eye, billboards, bus shelter, and transit ads will be placed in the top 15 markets. In order to capture the Midwest market, a majority of these advertisements will placed in this region to increase Top of Mind Awareness.
The Snapple Spectacular will be featured in Times Square and allow users to partake in an interactive mobile game. Not only will the Spectacular generate buzz in our Heartland, but it will also get the attention of the rest of the country. • Interactive billboards let viewers connect with their phones via Bluetooth. Connected devices will receive a link to take part in the game.
slide 1
• Once connected, the participant will begin playing in the Snapple Spectacular Ad-Lib, and will have 15 seconds to choose terms from a word bank on their phone in order to complete the given sentence. • The finished sentence will appear on the billboard and the player’s phone will be disconnected. The participant will be given an option to share their Spectacular Story via social media and/or use the Flavorite Locator to find a Snapple they love.
slide 2
slide 3
Gas station television advertisements will be placed nationwide in all 1,250 Wal-Mart gas station locations. Our playful video content will encourage consumers to “Buy One, Try One� and at the click of the pump, a receipt with a Snapple coupon will be dispensed. Users can redeem their coupon at any Wal-Mart gas station throughout the United States.
Our in-store activations will draw consumers to the Snapple section of the store by advertising our “Buy One, Try One� promotion. We will utilize point-of-sale displays and promotional coupons. This will give our Heavy and Light Users the opportunity to purchase their favorite flavor and try something new. In an effort to grow Snapple volume in the Midwest, we will also leverage the current relationship with the expanding Potbelly franchise by placing Snapple-branded fridges in all 413 locations.
SOCIAL MEDIA The #AllInFlavor hashtag will encourage Snapple fans to submit content of themselves interacting with their fav flav to be featured on Snapple’s various social media accounts, displaying the many personalities found across our audience. Responses Snapple social media platforms are home to a fair amount of followers, but current content doesn’t encourage conversation and responses don’t solve the problems consumers face. Followers will receive a personalized response directly from personified flavors, creating a personal experience and opening a line of communication between the individual and the brand. This will build a stronger sense of community around each of these platforms and grow loyalty among our consumers.
Customized Responses
YouTube Masthead Snapchat Filter
Instagram Profile
SNAPPLE.COM & FLAV FACTS Aggregator When Snapple lovers share how they are #AllInFlavor in response to our social media campaign, their tweets will be collected onto our Flav Fact Generator. The Snapple community will then be given the opportunity to vote for their favorite Flav Facts, to be featured on the caps. Snapple.com Our #AllInFlavor campaign will seamlessly tie into the existing website. Through extensive social media listening, it became apparent that Snapple lovers are unable to find their favorite flavors. In an effort to solve this problem, the Flavorite Locator will be integrated into the current website.
Snapple is a grassroots brand; we want to restore that hometown feel. To evoke a sense of community, we will ask Snapple users, “What makes your block the best?” Participants will use social media to tell Snapple why for a chance to win a block party that pops! Snapple’s sales increase when the sun is shining and the smiles are out, so July 15, 2017 through August 5, 2017, Snapple will choose 29 block party winners to celebrate all 29 premium flavors. Flavor Immersion: Virtual Reality/360 Video Snapple users can immerse themselves in the #AllInFlavor block parties, even if they can’t physically attend. Through Virtual Reality and 360 Video, the entire Snapple community will be able to view the parties on Facebook and Snapple.com.
Block Party attendees will share their favorite Snapple flavors by taking part in Flavor Art. Participants will throw paint-filled balloons representing their fav flav at the canvas. Once the canvas is filled, the stencil will be removed revealing “#AllInFlavor,� and the finished product will be donated to the local community center, where Snapple will also sponsor a community arts program. Giving back is key because Snapple represents people coming together in a community that is #AllInFlavor.
Flavor Toss
Photo Booth
Snow Cone Machine
Flavor Art
2% Production
12% In-Store Activations
Media Objectives • Reach 85% and generate 5+ frequency among adults 18-49, with an emphasis on both growing multicultural markets & 30-year-old female consumers • Strategically use the $50MM budget for the full 2017 calendar year • Effectively utilize seasonal advertisements to organically appeal throughout the duration of the campaign
Media Allocation 8% Social
0% Website 4% Experiential
9% Gas Station / TV Receipts
32% TV
• Create a deeper Snapple community that encompasses our big idea, #AllInFlavor 0% Influencers
Media Strategies • To reach each audience, we will utilize mediums that speak directly to these segments. Strategic product placement in The Real combined with multicultural social media influencers, such as Rudy Mancuso and Chescaleigh, will extend our reach to our diverse segments. Millennial moms will be reached through the mommy blog, We Got Kidz, as well as in-store promotions and displays in Wal-Mart, the largest distributor of Snapple. • Snapple is consumed mostly in the summer months, so a significant amount of the budget will be allocated in the second and third quarters. A large portion of the budget will be additionally allocated to capitalize on growing trends – such as digital, experiential, and gas station television. • We will target Heavy & Light users in an effort to increase consumption, advocate for the brand, and reaffirm their brand purchase. Additionally, our social strategy will bridge and grow the relationship between Heavy and Light users. • We will reach our consumers through paid, earned and owned media. Paid media will include social media “Flav Facts” advertisements and block party promotions. Additionally, social media user-generated content will comprise the earned media. Lastly, owned media will incorporate the “Flavorite Locator” and additional elements will be added to Snapple.com
18% Digital 13% OOH
SimplyMap 2014 Snapple Usage
Media Tactics • The integrated 2017 holistic marketing campaign will include TV, digital, OOH, social, influencers, gas station TV, experiential, Snapple.com, and retail in-store activation tactics, for a total of 3,973,325,279 impressions. • 29 experiential block parties will showcase, strengthen, and reinforce the already existing Snapple community. • A total of 915 GRPs will be allocated throughout the quarters; flighting will occur during quarters one and four, and quarters two and three will feature continuous advertisements. This will strategically place television ads to address Snapple’s seasonality.
MEDIA FLOWCHART Snapple Media Plan 2017 Jan
QUARTERLY BUDGET Q1 $10,060,875.00 Q2 $11,669,833.34 Q3 $23,124,491.66 Q4 $3,820,125.00 Production $1,300,000.00
TOTAL: $49,975,325.00
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Facebook Instagram Twitter Snapchat
A 18-49
A 18-35
A 18-35
A 18-24
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
H 18-49
H 18-49
AA 18-49
A 18-35
Maya in the Moment H 18-35 We Got Kidz AA 18-35 Chescaleigh MM 18-35 Rudy Manusco H 18-35 Rhett & Link H 18-35
Television Cable Network
OOH Transit Train Door Wrap Bus Shelter Billboard Spectacular
Digital Spotify Hulu Hulu Latino Pandora Sidebox Ad Youtube
Influencers $10,000.00
Gas Station TV Receipt Coupons
H 18-49
H 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
A 18-49
Experiental Block Parties Flyers Community Philanthropy
Website Product Locator
In-Store Activation POS Display Potbelly Coupons
Production Cost Virtual / 360
$750,000.00 $550,000.00
$49,975,325.00 3,973,325,279
MEASURMENT & EVALUATION Pre-Testing: Is #AllInFlavor understandable? iResearch Online Communication Testing Results:
Testing: Is #AllInFlavor effective? Improving Social Media Engagement KPI’s: Increased likes, shares, comments, clicks and organic reach • Meltwater Social Listening • Facebook & Twitter Analytics Evaluating Media Placement (Impressions & Ratings) • Nielsen Measurement Tools
Post-Testing: Was #AllInFlavor memorable & profitable? Ensuring Top of Mind Awareness for Light Users and Brand Relevance for Heavy Users • Aided Recall Tests • Attitude Test • Qualitative Survey Measuring Volume Sold (by Cases) in the United States • Sales tests •Track Coupon Redemption
“[The commercial] is so cute! We get a sense that Snapple is for everyone and all can enjoy it! I also like how the beginning connects to the end when the mother was talking about getting her son ready for school and at the end a different son thanked the mom for the Snapple. I thought that was clever!” - Amber E.
“All in flavor means your “go to” drink is Snapple, that’s the “tribe” you belong to.” - Joe L.
“It made me want to drink Snapple!” - Anna M.
Gabrielle G Account Planner
Molly F. Account Planner
Andrew Z. Media Planner
Joshua F. Media Planner
Marissa W. Media Planner
Alexis B. Art Director
Annie G. Art Director
Alesha P. Account Manager
Mackenzie D. Art Director
Sidney F. Account Planner
Nikole U. Public Relations
Danielle M. Art Director
Klaudia S. Art Director
Matt J. Art Director
Siana M. Art Director
Emily M. Public Relations
Agnes S. Art Director
Anthony C. Copywriter
Communication and Media Innovation, Audio Arts and Acoustics, Fine and Performing Arts, Cinema Art and Science programs and students, AAF District 6 and Snapple for the fun-filled adventure!
James B. Copywriter
Steven S. Copywriter
CONCLUSION & CITATIONS Great flavor should be recognized, and Snapple users have plenty. Bringing together this diverse group of vibrant, passionate people is the key to increasing Snapple’s volume sold in the the United States. Our campaign reminds users of Snapple’s unique flavors and gives them platforms to rave about the brand. Connecting isolated voices guarantees they will be heard, it’s time Snapple users came together #AllInFlavor.
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