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THE COMPLETE KETOGENIC DIET COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNERS Learn The Essentials To Living The Keto Lifestyle – Lose Weight, Regain Energy, and Heal Your Body ANDREW LE Copyright Š 2017 by Andrew Le All Right Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without written permission in writing from the publisher. Exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Legal & Disclaimer: The information contained in this book and its contents is not designed to replace or take the place of any form of medical or professional advice; and is not meant to replace the need for independent medical, financial, legal or other professional advice or services, as may be required. The content and information in this book have been provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. The content and information contained in this book have been compiled from sources deemed reliable, and it is accurate to the best of the Author's knowledge, information, and belief. However, the Author cannot guarantee its accuracy and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors and omissions. Further, changes are periodically made to this book as and when needed. Where appropriate and necessary, you must consult a professional (including but not limited to your doctor, attorney, financial advisor or such other professional advisor) before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information in this book. Upon using the contents and information contained in this book, you agree to hold harmless the Author from and against any damages, costs, and expenses, including any legal fees potentially resulting from the application of any of the information provided by this book. This disclaimer applies to any loss, damages or injury caused by the use and application,

whether directly or indirectly, of any advice or information presented, whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, personal injury, criminal intent, or under any other cause of action. You agree to accept all risks of using the information presented in this book. You agree that by continuing to read this book, where appropriate and necessary, you shall consult a professional (including but not limited to your doctor, attorney, or financial advisor or such other advisor as needed) before using any of the suggested remedies, techniques, or information in this book.

Table of Content INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 8 CHAPTER 1: What Is The Ketogenic Diet And Why It Works.........................................................9 History of Ketogenic................................................................................................................................ 11 Types of Ketogenic Diets........................................................................................................................ 12 CHAPTER 2: What Happens To Your Body While On A Ketogenic Diet?.................................13 What Happen To Your Body................................................................................................................. 13 Common Side Effects............................................................................................................................... 13 Tips and Tricks.......................................................................................................................................... 14 Basic Mistakes............................................................................................................................................ 14 Basic Exercises........................................................................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER 3: Ketogenic Diet: The Essentials...................................................................................... 16 Fats and oil.................................................................................................................................................. 16 Protein........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Vegetables.................................................................................................................................................... 17 Seeds/Nuts.................................................................................................................................................. 18 Beverages..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Sweeteners.................................................................................................................................................. 18 CHAPTER 4: Grocery List & Brief Overview Of Ketogenic Food.................................................19 Ketogenic Protein Source...................................................................................................................... 19 Ketogenic Vegetable Source.................................................................................................................. 19 Ketogenic Diary Source.......................................................................................................................... 20 Ketogenic Seeds and Nuts Source...................................................................................................... 20 Ketogenic Sweeteners............................................................................................................................. 21 Low Carb Vegetables............................................................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER 5: Going Keto: What’s Good About It For You...............................................................24 How to find that you’re in Ketosis...................................................................................................... 24 Macros........................................................................................................................................................... 24 Ketosis Testing Types.............................................................................................................................. 25 CHAPTER 6: Let’s Get Started Step By Step........................................................................................ 26 CHAPTER 7: 30 Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan.................................................................................. 27 Week 1 Meal Plan...................................................................................................................................... 27

Week 2 Meal Plan...................................................................................................................................... 28 Week 3 Meal Plan...................................................................................................................................... 29 Week 4 Meal Plan...................................................................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 8: Ketogenic Diet Recipes...................................................................................................... 32 Breakfast Recipes.......................................................................................................................................... 32 Recipe 1: Almond Bacon Bagels.......................................................................................................... 32 Recipe 2: Feta Bean Wraps.................................................................................................................... 33 Recipe 3: Mini Chicken Pots................................................................................................................. 34 Recipe 4: Marinated Soy Eggs.............................................................................................................. 35 Recipe 5: Broccoli Casserole................................................................................................................. 36 Recipe 6: Yummy Almond Pancakes................................................................................................. 37 Recipe 7: Creamy Fat Eggs.................................................................................................................... 38 Recipe 8: Coconut Pancakes................................................................................................................. 39 Recipe 9: Avocado Rind Omelet.......................................................................................................... 40 Recipe 10: Bacon Cheese Omelet....................................................................................................... 41 Recipe 11: Flax Maple Waffles............................................................................................................. 42 Recipe 12: Butter Sausage Casserole................................................................................................ 43 Recipe 13: Lemon Bread........................................................................................................................ 44 Recipe 14: Dark Chocolate Waffles.................................................................................................... 45 Recipe 15: Yogurt Fig Pancake............................................................................................................. 46 Lunch Recipes................................................................................................................................................. 47 Recipe 16: Pork Bacon Mint................................................................................................................. 47 Recipe 17: Pumpkin Bacon Fry........................................................................................................... 48 Recipe 18: Acai Spinach Omelet.......................................................................................................... 49 Recipe 19: Crumbled Kale Eggs.......................................................................................................... 50 Recipe 20: Coconut Lamb Stew........................................................................................................... 51 Recipe 21: Spicy Pork Stew................................................................................................................... 52 Recipe 22: Chicken Pumpkin Zoodles.............................................................................................. 53 Recipe 23: Salmon Wraps...................................................................................................................... 54 Recipe 24: Pepperoni Flower Rice..................................................................................................... 55 Recipe 25: Mushroom Meal Plate....................................................................................................... 56 Recipe 26: Beef Quiche........................................................................................................................... 57 Recipe 27: Vinaigrette Rind Fry.......................................................................................................... 59

Recipe 28: Golden Cabbage Cheese................................................................................................... 60 Recipe 29: Layered Bacon Cheese...................................................................................................... 61 Recipe 30: Turkey Coconut Balls........................................................................................................ 62 Soup Recipes................................................................................................................................................... 63 Recipe 31: Greene Beef Soup............................................................................................................... 63 Recipe 32: Bacon Pumpkin Soup........................................................................................................ 64 Recipe 33: Dandelion Soup................................................................................................................... 65 Recipe 34: Creamy Vegetable Soup................................................................................................... 66 Recipe 35: Beef Sausage Soup............................................................................................................. 67 Recipe 36: Bone Soup.............................................................................................................................. 68 Recipe 37: Broccoli Cheddar Soup..................................................................................................... 69 Recipe 38: Tuna Flower Soup.............................................................................................................. 70 Recipe 39: Beef Ghee Soup.................................................................................................................... 71 Recipe 40: Chicken Tomato Soup....................................................................................................... 72 Recipe 41: Onion Lamb Soup............................................................................................................... 73 Recipe 42: Chicken Pepper Soup........................................................................................................ 74 Dinner Recipes................................................................................................................................................ 75 Recipe 43: Walnut Tuna......................................................................................................................... 75 Recipe 44: Asparagus Beef Cubes...................................................................................................... 76 Recipe 45: Tomato Cheese Sandwich................................................................................................ 77 Recipe 46: Asparagus Frittata.............................................................................................................. 78 Recipe 47: Mushroom Bowl.................................................................................................................. 79 Recipe 48: Brussels Avocado Bowl.................................................................................................... 80 Recipe 49: Hackfleisch Casserole....................................................................................................... 81 Recipe 50: Vegetable Stew.................................................................................................................... 82 Recipe 51: Double Layerd Turken...................................................................................................... 83 Recipe 52: Maple Salmon...................................................................................................................... 84 Recipe 53: Cheese Broccoli Sausage................................................................................................. 85 Recipe 54: Creamy Cranberries.......................................................................................................... 86 Recipe 55: Mascarpone Prawns.......................................................................................................... 87 Recipe 56: Leafy Herb Fry..................................................................................................................... 88 Recipe 57: Herbed Bass.......................................................................................................................... 89 Snack Recipes.................................................................................................................................................. 90

Recipe 58: Broccoli Biscuits................................................................................................................. 90 Recipe 59: Cream Bombs....................................................................................................................... 91 Recipe 60: Crunchy Biscuits................................................................................................................. 92 Recipe 61: Coco Bars............................................................................................................................... 93 Recipe 62: Cashew Bar........................................................................................................................... 94 Recipe 63: Mug Cake................................................................................................................................ 95 Recipe 64: Pepperoni Pizza.................................................................................................................. 96 Recipe 65: Grilled Kale........................................................................................................................... 97 Recipe 66: Cheese Stuffed Fennel....................................................................................................... 98 Recipe 67: Prawns Pizza........................................................................................................................ 99 Recipe 68: Summer Squash Sandwich........................................................................................... 100 Recipe 69: Cheese Grilled Spinach.................................................................................................. 101 Salad Recipes........................................................................................................................................... 102 Recipe 70: Green Herb Salad............................................................................................................. 102 Recipe 71: Cheesy Black Bean Salad.............................................................................................. 103 Recipe 72: Bacon Mixed Salad.......................................................................................................... 104 Recipe 73: Ham Soy Salad................................................................................................................... 105 Recipe 74: Veggi Tomato Salad......................................................................................................... 106 Recipe 75: Macadamia Salad............................................................................................................. 107 Recipe 76: Greek Avocado Salad...................................................................................................... 108 Recipe 77: Crab Salad........................................................................................................................... 109 Recipe 78: Bacon Duck Salad............................................................................................................ 110 Recipe 79: Berry Fruit Salad.............................................................................................................. 111 Dessert Recipes....................................................................................................................................... 112 Recipe 80: Chocolate Maple Brownies.......................................................................................... 112 Recipe 81: Strawberry Cheese Cakes............................................................................................. 113 Recipe 82: Coco Pumpkin Pie............................................................................................................ 114 Recipe 83: Frozen Banana Cakes..................................................................................................... 115 Recipe 84: Chia Cakes........................................................................................................................... 116 Recipe 85: Fruit Nut Ice Cream......................................................................................................... 117 Recipe 86: Cranberry Frost Cups..................................................................................................... 118 Recipe 87: Cranberry Ice Cream...................................................................................................... 119 Smoothie Recipes........................................................................................................................................ 120

Recipe 88: Cucumber Spinach Smoothie...................................................................................... 120 Recipe 89: Caramel Butter Smoothie............................................................................................. 121 Recipe 90: Tropical Smoothie........................................................................................................... 122 Recipe 91: Avocado Smoothie........................................................................................................... 123 Recipe 92: Rhubarb Smoothie.......................................................................................................... 124 Recipe 93: Keto Berry Smoothie...................................................................................................... 125 Recipe 94: Blackcurrant Smoothie.................................................................................................. 126 Recipe 95: Coco Mocha Smoothie.................................................................................................... 127 Recipe 96: Berry Seeds Smoothie.................................................................................................... 128 Recipe 97: Black Cream Smoothie................................................................................................... 129 Recipe 98: Heavy Keto Smoothie..................................................................................................... 130 Recipe 99: Mexican Smoothie........................................................................................................... 131 Recipe 100: Blackberry Chocolate Smoothie.............................................................................. 132 Bonus Recipe: Keto Seasoned Coffee............................................................................................. 133 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................ 134 ABOUT THE AUTHOR................................................................................................................................ 134 HOW I FEEL................................................................................................................................................... 134

INTRODUCTION Previously like Hollywood celebrities I followed alkaline, juice and smoothie diet’s for reducing weight, balances the pH level, anti-aging and to avoid some health problems like arthritis and cancer, but how much ever I do exercises and follow the diet I faced some problems and felt involved in reducing stubborn belly fat, then after detail research and seeing results I followed new diet called KETOGENIC DIET, you might hear about it but didn’t try it, Actually it is a modified Atkins diet. At first, congratulations for choosing Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Weight Loss with less carbs, these recipes helps you to lose weight, gain health, energy, and vitality faster. Coming to facts, there are many different types of benefits of the ketogenic diet, but due to lack of awareness, people are missing safe way to lose weight and eliminating fat from the body to maintain healthy long life. There are some ways to make delicious and nutritious keto recipes than just adding bunches of ingredients willy-nilly. So, to avoid this, in the following chapters will explain each and every step of preparation method including health benefits and nutritional information. Additionally, you will learn different types of helpful tricks and tips to ensure your diet habit develops as quickly and smoothly as possible, including how to fully commit to the diet. After that you will find top 25 ketogenic recipes for rapid weight loss in 30 days with less than ten carbs including smoothie’s recipes regardless if you are interested in preparing them to lose weight and boost health with increasing energy and vitality. This recipe ensures that you will lose weight in less time period without losing your health. The key to start a new habit successfully is doing everything that you can do within your power with active mind and dedication to reduce your weight by following a ketogenic diet, Successful pattern formations are a reminder, routine and reward yourself with additional keto protein bars when you achieved your weekly goal and reminded yourself about incredible benefits.

CHAPTER 1: What Is The Ketogenic Diet And Why It Works The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet that has similar qualities like Atkins and low-carb diets. Frequently, required energy for the body collected from glucose or sugar, but when you reduce carbohydrate intake, the body starts burning stored fat for energy. These makes your body go metabolic state mode called as Ketosis, due to this, hormone insulin will be decreased, automatically release of fatty acids will be more and when fatty acids are transferred to the liver for digestion than it will be oxidized and changed to ketones and supplies energy to the brain. Typically, brain cells required glucose as a fuel, but when the body goes to the starvation mode brain gets 25% to 60% of energy from ketones due to low carbohydrate intake and turns protein to glucose for remaining power, the process of changing protein too little glucose in the brain is called gluconeogenesis. When you start burning fat cells, automatically body starts losing weight immediately, and you will feel and look better from the inside out. Some of the health benefits you will achieve while eating include: 

Weight lose: The ketogenic diet helps to reduce weight faster than other food’s because it lowers the insulin level and starts burning stored fat  Blood sugar improvement: Blood sugar levels will be improved because it reduces glucose and glycated hemoglobin in the body  Blood sugar growth: Researchers identified that diet will lead to lower the blood pressure in overweight or obese individuals and helps to reduce strokes and heart diseases  Cholesterol problems: Helps to reduce the bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, which is necessary for the body  It improves symptoms of epilepsy and other chronic health problems  This diet is used to treat and reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms ad even kills the cancer cells  Recently, doctors started recommending a ketogenic diet for neurologic disorders including autism and brain tumors  Due to more fat and protein intake, it naturally suppresses the sugar and hunger cravings for a long time  Acne: Recent human studies have shown a drastic drop in acne lesions and skin inflammation over 10-12 weeks  Energy: This makes and also gives your body more reliable energy which keeps your body more energizes during a day

Overall, the ketogenic diet is to force your body into this metabolic state. We don’t achieve this through starvation of calories, but we achieve through starvation of carbohydrates. Our bodies system is incredibly adaptive to whatever you put into it. So, if you overload it with fats items and avoid carbs, it will begin to burn ketones as the primary energy source.

To start a ketogenic diet, you can have a plan and prepare ahead; it means what you eat depends on how early you want to get into a ketogenic state. How much you restrict your carbohydrates (less than 20g per day) intake that much fast you will enter into ketosis mode. The better result will be achieved by lowering your glucose levels.

   

Your intake of nutrient should be something around 70% fats, 25% protein, and 5% carbohydrate To keep carbs limited, try avoiding vegetables, nuts, and dairy product because mostly you will get carbohydrates from them only Don’t eat refined carbohydrates such as wheat (bread, pasta, and cereals), starch (potatoes, beans, legumes) or fruit Some of the best choices are dark green and leafy items. Mostly your meals should be another side of fat with protein and vegetables. For example, chicken breast fried in olive oil, with broccoli and cheese. Steak topped with a knob of butter, and a side of spinach fried in olive oil. If you’re still feeling hungry throughout the day, you can seeds, cheeses, snack on nuts or peanut butter to control your appetite

Four basic steps to start successfully:    

Calculate your caloric needed per day, and subtract or add calories based on your goals Set protein levels matching to your goals, 0.8 to 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass Set carbohydrate levels, around 20-30g per day (try to lower to 20g for the first few weeks, unless exercising) Set fat intake levels based on how many calories you have left per day

History of Ketogenic This type of fasting treatment followed for curing many diseases by ancient Indian and Greek physicians and later in 1911, France conducted and used this fasting method as a scientific study to cure epilepsy, the diet showed some results in patient’s mental ability improvement. Dr. Russel Wilder from Maya Clinic named this fasting diet as a “Ketogenic diet” and officially started as a treatment for epilepsy. In the early 1920s, Drs. Cobb and Lennox at Harvard Medical School began to observe the effects of starvation, and that they were the primary to note that seizure development typically took place after 2–3 days. Lennox documented that the control of seizures occurred due to body metabolism changes by avoiding meals or less intake of carbohydrate, this forces the body to burn acid-forming fats.

In 1921, Dr.Geyelin was the first person in the American Medical Association convention did experiment with fasting as a treatment for epilepsy, and he was the first to document the cognitive improvement that could occur with fasting. In 1921, Dr.Wilder at the Mayo Clinic explained the advantages of fasting ought to acquire if ketonemia produced and he recommended that a ketogenic weight loss plan (KD) attempted on epilepsy patients. He recommended that the eating regimen need to be as powerful as fasting and maintained for an longer time. In 1925, Mayo Clinic said that calculation of Ketogenic Diet for kids have to base on 1 gram of protein in keeping with kilogram of body weight, 10–15 grams of carbohydrates per day, and the the rest of the calories in fat. In among 1941 and 1980, Ketogenic Diet has achieved prominence inside the textbook on epilepsy in youngsters’s.

Types of Ketogenic Diets If your ultimate goal is not to build muscle, then you can skip this section. Usually, every muscle builder gets doubt, is carbs are necessary to build muscle. The answer is NO; they’re not necessary for the process muscle building. Your glycogen stores can still be reloading while on a ketogenic diet. A ketogenic diet is one of the excellent ways to build muscle, but protein intake plays a crucial role here. Especially to gain mass, advised that you should be taking in about 1.0 to 1.2g protein per lean pound of body weight. You can achieve your goals through different types of a Ketogenic Diet. These are:

Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD) : This is the classic ketogenic diet that everyone knows and follows. Just we can describe as, a diet with high in fat, low in carbs and moderate in protein intake process is known as Standard Ketogenic Diet. 

20-50 grams of net carbs per day

Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD): This is a modification of Standard Ketogenic Diet, but intake of fast-digesting carbs before workout (30-60 minutes) with a high glycemic index to avoid stomach upset, for best result go for glucose-based food items and try to avoid food items which contain high in fructose. Fructose would refill liver glycogen instead of muscle glycogen, which is necessary to prevent on a ketogenic diet. A Targeted Ketogenic Diet gives the platform for maintaining exercise performance and allows for glycogen re-synthesis without breaking ketosis for extended periods of time. Remember, your post workout meals should be low in fat and high in protein. If you consume fat after exercise, it may reduce muscle recovery and nutrient absorption. So, try to avoid eating high-fat foods after exercise.   

25-50 grams or less of net carbs 30-60 minutes before exercises Best for high activity and athletes

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD): Generally, Cyclical Ketogenic Diet aimed at people who are doing more advanced exercise. For example, bodybuilders and athletes. Cyclical Ketogenic Diet is to drain muscle glycogen between the carb loads completely  

Eating low-carb keto for few days (50 carbs per day) Eating high carbs for few days: this is known as the carb-loading state with 450 to 600 grams of carbs intake per day, this lasts for 24 to 48 hours

CHAPTER 2: What Happens To Your Body While On A Ketogenic Diet? What Happen To Your Body When you take more carbohydrates, the body breaks the carbohydrates into glucose to create ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), ATP carries energy to the place where the energy is needed, and again these ATP is divided into ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and phosphate, which releases energy depending on reactions. When there is an excess of glucose, it will be converted to glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles, and extra glycogen will be stored as fat but in the ketogenic diet, body (liver) starts breaking fat by creating fatty acids, and fatty acids broken into a further process called as ketogenesis. When the body is in the high-fat burning state, is called as ketosis. To improve and increase this ketone’s, our insulin degree in bloodstream ought to be small. Using present day’s era, we can measure ketone ranges within the body with serum ketone take a look at. For most weight reduction, we should have a serum ketones variety among 0.5-3mM.

Common Side Effects When people starts a ketogenic diet, they will undergo some common effects due to dehydration and insufficient micronutrients in the body.

Keto flu: Keto flu is one of the common problem faced by keto starters but no need to worry, it will go away within few days, but it's not guaranty that every person will undergo it. When you are in keto flu transition, you might feel some mild discomfort including a headache, cramps, nausea, fatigue, etc.

Constipation: Due to dehydration, constipation is common for starters.To avoid this   

Increase your water intake per day from glasses to gallon Quality fiber intake from non-starchy vegetables Consumption of psyllium husk powder

Cramps: Cramps (specifically leg cramps) are a quite common thing in starters due to lack of minerals and specifically due to deficiency of magnesium. It commonly arises in the morning or at night, but don't worry it's a minor issue.  

Try to drink more fluids with little extra salt Intake of magnesium supplement

Heart tremor: Heart tremor is common when you are undergoing a keto transition; you might realize that your heart is beating harder and also faster. Don’t worry; you can avoid this by  

Intake of potassium supplement once per day For immediate relief, drink water with little salt

Physical performance shorten: You might feel that your performance on the bed will decrease, this situation will be until your body adjust to using fat. Once after body adjust, your performance will be improved better than normal.

Tips and Tricks Why ketogenic: Before you start each day, remember and remind yourself about incredible benefits you achieve while following a ketogenic diet and tell yourself that you can do this for weight loss and gain health and vitality.

Basic step: Begin each day with a few glasses of water and followed by a cup of detox tea with natural sweetener which will provide cleansing support for your kidneys and liver for better and efficient results.

Supervise: Don't forget to take measurements and photos before you start your diet, this is the best way to monitor your progress and remember this is not just for weight loss, this is for achieving better health throughout your life.

Reward: When you reached your weekly goal, reward yourself with an extra smoothie and remind yourself about incredible benefits you gained and going to achieve.

Pre-prepare your ingredients: Depending on your next day timetable you can prepare required ingredients in advance to avoid last movement confusions and also you can make a right recipe based on your interest.

Measuring Kit: It is important to have measurement kit to check your daily ketone levels, this helps you find and track your progress that you are on the right path or need modifications in your diet.

Basic Mistakes More protein intake: In a ketogenic diet, we should understand consuming more protein will lead to gluconeogenesis, which converts the amino acids to glucose and leads to increase glucose levels in the body. Just remember, you should increase your fat intake.

More nuts intake: Nuts are stuffed with lots of fat but remember they have stuffed with lots of calories also. So, try to consume nuts in minimum quantity or replace with high-fat fruits like Avocado, Coconut, live, Akee and Durian.

Less fat intake: Remember that intake of fat should be more than both protein and carbs. People's intake of fat is almost equal to protein, but it is wrong, the ratio of intake should be 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs.

Same type of meal: When you are making the same kind of meal every time, you will be bored and lose interest in reducing. So, to keep your spirit high, make and discover your recipes with fewer carbs.

Basic Exercises For any diet, necessary training is the key to start a new habit, for example, 10-15 minutes of body movements per day will help a lot. Let's see some of the necessary changes that contribute to losing weight faster when you are on a diet.

Park and walk: I think you already heard about this technique, but I am 100% sure that this works. Instead of parking in front of your office or workplace, park little far for next parking lot, which makes you walk and helps you to proper blood flow in your body.

Mostly prefer stair case: Instead of using the elevator in an office or any other place, use staircase which squeezes your muscles of the body and keeps you away from joints, ligaments, and bone pains. Doing like this will burn more calories.

Take advantage of shopping: If you don't have a big shopping list, then this is the right time to use your body. Keep the bags over your shoulders and walk for selecting items and carrying the heavy grocery items with your hands is a great workout and the same time you will be finishing your shopping for whole weeks also.

Stretch yourself: Sitting in front of your desk or computer is extremely hard for the body, but there are lots ways that you can work while sitting. One the best way is toned your legs at regular intervals and whenever you go to the toilet or coffee, stretch your whole body and go. Upgrade to the stability ball instead of sitting in a regular chair.

Prepare yourself: Do you know that cooking food by yourself for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is also an exercise which helps your body and tries to use more calories and avoid future health problems?

CHAPTER 3: Ketogenic Diet: The Essentials Remember yourself that ketogenic is high in fat, moderate in protein, and very low in carbohydrates. Your nutrient intake should be something around 75% fats, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Mostly in between 20-30g of net carbs is recommended for everyday dieting but for better result try to the lower your carbohydrate intake and glucose levels. If you’re following the ketogenic diet for weight loss, it’s a good idea to keep track of both your total carbs and net carbs daily intake. Protein have to constantly consume as needed with fats by calculating calories consumption per day. You might be wondering, “What’s a net carb?” It’s easy! The net carbs are your total dietary carbohydrates, minus the entire fiber. I without a doubt propose you to hold total carbs beneath 35g and net carbs under 25g. If you’re feeling famished in the course of the day, you can have snacks like nuts, seeds, cheeses, or peanut butter to control your appetite (this could have an effect on your healthy diet weight reduction plan). Following a ketogenic food regimen isn’t the easiest issue to handle, particularly when you don’t know what you have to eat. Let us see a few critical ketogenic weight loss program food listing to get an idea to make delicious meals recipes with out becoming bored.

Fats and oil When you are on the ketogenic diet, fats will play a significant role in your daily calorie intake. Fats are essential to our bodies, so make sure that you consume right type of fats to avoid wrong leading. The Important Fats that plays a key role in a Ketogenic Diet are:

Saturated fats: These fats are very necessary to keep your immune system healthy, scientific research says that they don't have any association with risk of heart disease and improve HDL/LDL cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated fats: These are usually available in the form of vegetable oils and processed polyunsaturated fats are bad for the body, which will worsen HDL/LDL cholesterol levels and natural polyunsaturated fats are good for the body to improve HDL/LDL cholesterol levels.

Monounsaturated fats: These fats are well known and used for a healthy lifestyle. These improve the insulin resistance and better HDL/LDL cholesterol levels. Olive and sunflower oil are significant examples of healthy monounsaturated fats. Some of the ketogenic diet foods that are a great source of fats and oils are (mostly prefer organic and grass-fed sources):  Avocado  Beef tallow  Butter  Chicken Fat  Ghee  Non-hydrogenated Lard  Macadamia Nuts  Mayonnaise (check out for added carbs)  Olive Oil  Coconut Oil  Coconut Butter  Red Palm Oil  Peanut Butter

Protein Your best source when it comes to protein is choosing anything grass fed or organic and using eggs. This will helps to minimize your bacteria and steroid hormone intake.

Fish: Mostly try to eat anything that is caught wild like salmon, mackerel, catfish, tuna, mahi-mahi, flounder, cod, halibut, snapper, and trout

Shellfish: Crab, mussels, oysters, lobster, clams, squid and scallops Whole eggs: If possible, try to get free-range/organic eggs from the local market. You can prepare them in different ways and styles like boiled, poached, fried, scrambled and deviled

Poultry: Chicken, Duck, Quail, Pheasant. If possible, best option could be free range or organic

Meat: Beef, Veal, Goat, Lamb, and different wild game. Grass fed is favored as it has a better fatty acid rely

Pork: Pork chops, beef loin, and ham (check for added sugars) Bacon/Sausage: Before purchasing take a look at precisely the labels for something cured in sugar, or if it has more fillers

Peanut butter: Get pure and natural peanut butter, however be cautious as they have excessive counts of carbohydrates and Omega-6s. If you need, you may switch to macadamia nut butter

Vegetables While on a ketogenic diet, try to get vegetables that grow above the ground and fresh leafy greens (best option is organic) but if you can’t get them don’t worry. Research studies show that organic and non-organic vegetables still have the same nutritional values and qualities. Always try to avoid starchy vegetables like:        

Potatoes Peas Corn Yucca Parsnips Beans Yams Legumes

Seeds/Nuts Roasted seeds and nuts and seeds are best to remove any anti-nutrients. If possible, mostly avoid peanuts; actually, they will come under legumes, not recommended in the ketogenic diet food list.    

Almonds, walnuts, and macadamias are the best regarding your carbs count, and you can eat in small amounts to decrease carbs intake Pistachios and cashews are higher in carbs, so make that you count them carefully while eating Nuts are high in Omega-6 Fatty Acids, so avoid over intake Seed and nut flours are the great substitute for regular flour, such as almond flour and milled flax seed

Beverages The ketogenic diet has a natural diuretic effect, so dehydration is common in the starting stage of diet for most of the people. If you’re prone to urinary tract infections or bladder pain, you have to be specially prepared for it. Usually, we are supposed to drink eight glasses of water per day? It plays a significant role in our body, and it’s crucial and highly recommended to keep hydrated. Drink liquids day and night, drink it like regular work.   

Drink plenty of water Coffee Tea (recommended Herbal)

Sweeteners Staying away from sweet items is the best bet. It will help control your cravings to a minimal level, which mainly contributes to achieving success on the ketogenic diet. If you like to have a sweet best choice is an artificial sweetener. Try to go for liquid sweeteners, such as     

Liquid stevia Erythritol Liquid Sucralose Xylitol Monk Fruit

CHAPTER 4: Grocery List & Brief Overview Of Ketogenic Food Ketogenic Protein Source Protein Source


Fats (g)

Carbs (g)

Protein (g)

Bacon, 1 slice (~ 8g), baked Beef, Sirloin Steak, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 5% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 15% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 30% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Bottom Round, 1 ounce, roasted Chicken, white meat, 1 ounce Chicken, dark meat, 1 ounce Egg, 1 large, 50 g Fish, Raw, Cod, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Flounder, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Sole, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Salmon, 1 ounce Ham, smoked, 1 ounce Hot dog, beef, 1 ounce Lamb, ground, 1 ounce, broiled Lamb chop, boneless, 1 ounce, broiled Pork chop, bone-in, 1 ounce, broiled Pork ribs, ribs, 1 ounce, roasted Scallops, 1 ounce, steamed Shrimp, 1 ounce, cooked Tuna, 1 ounce, cooked Turkey Breast, 1 ounce, roasted Veal, roasted, 1 ounce

Ketogenic Vegetable Source

44 69 44

3.5 4 1.7

0 0 0

2.9 7.7 6.7









56 49 58 72 20 20 20 40 50 92 80 67

2.7 1.3 2.8 4.8 0.1 0.6 0.6 1.8 2.6 8.5 5.6 3.9

0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0

7.6 8.8 7.8 6.3 4.3 3.5 3.5 5.6 6.4 3.1 7 7.3

65 102 31 28 52 39 42

4.1 8.3 0.2 0.1 1.8 0.6 1

0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0

6.7 6.2 5.8 6.8 8.5 8.4 8

Protein Source


Fats (g)

Carbs (g) Protein (g)

Bacon, 1 slice (~ 8g), baked Beef, Sirloin Steak, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 5% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 15% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Ground, 30% fat, 1 ounce, broiled Beef, Bottom Round, 1 ounce, roasted Chicken, white meat, 1 ounce Chicken, dark meat, 1 ounce Egg, 1 large, 50 g Fish, Raw, Cod, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Flounder, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Sole, 1 ounce Fish, Raw, Salmon, 1 ounce Ham, smoked, 1 ounce Hot dog, beef, 1 ounce Lamb, ground, 1 ounce, broiled Lamb chop, boneless, 1 ounce, broiled Pork chop, bone-in, 1 ounce, broiled Pork ribs, ribs, 1 ounce, roasted Scallops, 1 ounce, steamed Shrimp, 1 ounce, cooked Tuna, 1 ounce, cooked Turkey Breast, 1 ounce, roasted Veal, roasted, 1 ounce

Ketogenic Diary Source

44 69 44 70

3.5 4 1.7 4.3

0 0 0 0

2.9 7.7 6.7 7.2





56 49 58 72 20 20 20 40 50 92 80 67 65 102 31 28 52 39 42

2.7 1.3 2.8 4.8 0.1 0.6 0.6 1.8 2.6 8.5 5.6 3.9 4.1 8.3 0.2 0.1 1.8 0.6 1

0 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0

7.6 8.8 7.8 6.3 4.3 3.5 3.5 5.6 6.4 3.1 7 7.3 6.7 6.2 5.8 6.8 8.5 8.4 8

Diary Source Buttermilk, whole, 1 ounce Cheese, Blue, 1 ounce Cheese, Brie, 1 ounce Cheese, Cheddar, 1 ounce Cheese, Colby, 1 ounce Cheese, Cottage, 2%, 1 ounce Cheese, Cream, block, 1 ounce Cheese, Feta, 1 ounce Cheese, Monterey Jack, 1 ounce Cheese, Mozzarella, whole milk, 1 oz Cheese, Parmesan, hard, 1 ounce Cheese, Swiss, 1 ounce Cheese, Mascarpone, 1 ounce Cream, half-n-half, 1 ounce Cream, heavy, 1 ounce Cream, Sour, full fat, 1 ounce Milk, whole, 1 ounce Milk, 2%, 1 ounce Milk, skim, 1 ounce

Calories 18 100 95 114 110 24 97 75 106 85 111 108 130 39 103 55 19 15 10

Fats (g) 0.9 8.2 7.9 9.4 9 0.7 9.7 6 8.6 6.3 7.3 7.9 13 3.5 11 5.6 1 0.6 0

Carbs (g) 1.4 0.7 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.1 1.2 0.2 0.6 0.9 1.5 1 1.3 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.5

Protein (g) 0.9 6.1 5.9 7.1 6.7 3.3 1.7 4 7 6.3 10.1 7.6 1 0.9 0.6 0.6 1 1 1

Calories 170 186 160 55 131 65

Fats (g) 15 19 13 0 10 6

Carbs (g) 3 1 7 13 0 2

Protein (g) 6 4 5 0 7 1

131 176 203 157 190 189 158 159 160 150 185

10 17 21 13 20 20 13 14 14 11 18

0 2 2 3 1 3 5 1 4 4 2

7 4 2 7 3 4 6 8 5 3 4

Ketogenic Seeds and Nuts Source Nuts/Seed Source Almonds, raw, 1 ounce Brazil Nuts, raw, 1 ounce Cashews, raw, 1 ounce Chestnuts, raw, 1 ounce Chia Seeds, raw, 1 ounce Coconut, dried, unsweetened, 1 ounce Flax Seeds, raw, 1 ounce Hazelnuts, raw, 1 ounce Macadamia Nuts, raw, 1 ounce Peanuts, raw, 1 ounce Pecans, raw, 1 ounce Pine Nuts, raw, 1 ounce Pistachios, raw, 1 ounce Pumpkin Seeds, raw, 1 ounce Sesame Seeds, raw, 1 ounce Sunflower Seeds, raw, 1 ounce Walnuts, raw, 1 ounce

Ketogenic Sweeteners Sweetener

Net Carbs (Per 100g)

Calories (Per 100g)

Sucralose Stevia Erythritol Xylitol Aspartame

0 5 5 60 85

0 20 20 240 352

Low Carb Vegetables Vegetable Mustard Greens Parsley (Chopped) Spinach (Raw) Bok Choi Endive Lettuce (Iceberg) Lettuce (Romaine) Sprouts Alfalfa Lettuce (Boston Bibb) Turnip Greens (Boiled) Radicchio Broccoli florets Cauliflower (Steamed) Garlic (Fresh) Radishes Zucchini, cooked Cucumber (Raw) Nopalo (Grilled) Pepper (Jalepeno) Cabbage (Green Raw) Mushroom (Shitake Cooked) Squash (Summer) Cabbage (Red Raw) Cauliflower (Raw) Mushroom (Button) Squash (Zucchini Steamed) Asparagus (Steamed) Cabbage (Green Steamed) Fennel fresh Cabbage (Savoy Steamed) Artichoke (Hearts) Broccoli Rabe Collard Greens Bean Sprouts Eggplant (Broiled) Kale steamed Sauerkraut

Amount 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1 Clove 10 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 4 Spears 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 4 Pieces 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup

Net Carbs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.9 2 2 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1

Spinach (Steamed) Tomato (Plum) Turnips (Boiled) Scallions Jicama (Raw) Tomato (Tomatillo) Green Beans steamed Yellow Wax Beans Celery (Raw) Peas (Snow) Pepper (Green Bell) Pepper (Red Bell) Okra (Steamed) Mushroom (Portobello) Pumpkin (Canned) Pumpkin (Boiled) Brussels Sprouts (Steamed) Okra (Fried) Onion (Chopped) Carrot (Steamed) Rutabaga Tomato (Cherry) Carrot (Raw) Peas (Regular) Broccoli Artichoke (Whole) Water chestnuts Squash (Spaghetti) Squash (Butternut Baked) Squash (Acorn Baked) Fava Beans Parsnips (Steamed) Corn (Kernels) Shallots Corn (Whole Cob) Yucca (Steamed) Yuca fresh

1/2 Cup 1 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1 Stem 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 4oz. 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1 Large 1/2 Cup 10 1 Large 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1 Whole 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup Whole Cob 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup

2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.9 2.9 3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.5 5.6 5.9 6 6.5 6.5 6.7 6.9 7 7.8 7.9 10.4 12.1 12.1 12.6 12.9 17.2 26 37.2

CHAPTER 5: Going Keto: What’s Good About It For You How to find that you’re in Ketosis There are some shortcuts and tricks to achieving optimal ketosis. Optimal Ketosis can perfectly finish through dietary nutrition alone. Instant of using some inaccurate tools, you can find with simple physical “symptoms” that usually let you know if you’re on the right track or not Increased Urination: Keto is a natural diuretic, so if you are going to the toilet more frequently than normal then it is one of the symptoms that you are in right track. These are mainly due to elimination of a ketone body from body through urination, lead to more toilet visits for beginners Dry Mouth: The normal urination leads to dry mouth and increases thirst. Make sure that you’re drinking plenty of required water (gallon) and supplement your electrolytes (salt, potassium, magnesium) Bad Breath: Acetone is a ketone body that partially eliminated through your breath. It can smell sharp like over ripe fruit (similar to nail polish remover). It’s only temporary for beginners and goes away long term Energy Increase and Reduced Hunger: Normally, after passing “keto flu,” you’ll experience and feel decrease in hunger level, and this state is known as energized mental state

Macros Macros mean "macronutrients." The 3 primary macronutrients are your every day consumption are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. All those three vitamins display’s one-of-a-kind results on ketosis from their digestion and feature incidental outcomes on blood glucose and hormones. Protein and carbs will affect the body from changing into ketosis, however one of the maximum vital factor to recognize is how those vitamins are efficiently applied for energy. These are via our metabolic pathways after we've acquired nutrients. Metabolic pathways: At first, you might be asking your self what this metabolic pathway is. The way your body deals with breakdown the fats, proteins, and

carbohydrates and makes use of the ones depending on your present state of the body. There are 3 specific states that your body undergoes:   

Fed: Immediately after meal Fasting: Food intake postpone in between 2-8 hours Starved: Food consumption delay for greater than 48 hours

Ketosis Testing Types There are lots of home kits that help to find and measure out ketones levels in the body. Some of them are:

Breathalyzer: These are one of the cheapest ways to find ketone concentrations in the body. Normally, when you are on the ketogenic diet, your breath will have a distinct smell, this is mainly because of acetones.

Ketone strips: Urine ketone strips are one of the other cheap and easy ways to find an excess of ketone bodies will be excreted from the body in urine, but this is not so effective.

Ketone meter: The blood ketone meter is one of the best and effective methods to find ketone levels in the body, it is little expensive, but you can monitor your ketone levels on a daily basis for the complete weight loss in less period.

Self-realization: You can hear or listen from your body, for example: by your distinguishable breath, change in urine color and fruity sweat smell. If you find these changes in you, then you’re in ketosis

CHAPTER 6: Let’s Get Started Step By Step Part 1: Beginning a Ketogenic Diet Step 1. Talk to your doctor and get suggestion from him Step 2. Recognize and identify possible risks of a ketogenic diet Step 3. Start with a normal low-carb diet to ease yourself into nutritional ketosis Step 4. Calculate daily your macronutrients intake

Part 2: Adjust and Modify your Ketogenic Diet Step 5. Eat daily only 20 or 30 grams of carbs Step 6. Eat minimum 2–8 ounces of protein several times a day Step 7. Eat more fats with all your meals Step 8. Don’t think and stress too much about calories intake Step 9. Try to stay more hydrated

Part 3: Losing Weight on Your Diet Step 10. Check whether you are in ketosis or not by using a keto meter and other keto testing analyzers Step 11. Check and look for ketosis symptoms (keto flu) Step 12. Identify that your health has improved or not (after a few weeks)

CHAPTER 7: 30 Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan Week 1 Meal Plan Our primary purpose is very simple in the first week. At the first week, you don’t want to do difficult transition because it's far very tough simply to remove your food cravings. We are going to remember leftovers things, because why to cook same food again and again? Breakfast is some thing I normally cook with leftover items, where I don’t have to fear for morning and no need to think and feel stress about it. The first symptoms that you are entering into ketosis are known as the “keto flu” wherein headaches, fatigue, brain fogginess, and the like can disturb your body. Make sure and don't forget to drinking plenty of water with salt (I suggest a gallon per day). The ketogenic weight loss plan is a herbal diuretic, and you’ll be peeing more than regular. Take under consideration that you’re peeing out electrolytes, and you may bet that you’ll be having an sizable headache no time. Make positive that your salt consumption and water intake excessive enough than regular, to allow your body to rehydrate and re-supply your electrolytes.

Breakfast For breakfast, you need to do some thing that may be brief, easy, tasty, and leftovers. I endorse beginning day 1 need to be on the weekend. This way, you can make something so as to final you for the whole week. The first week is all approximately simplicity.

Lunch Lunch is going to be easy. Normally, it’ll be salad and meat, unfold in high-fat dressings. If you are not feeling like making, you may use leftover meat from preceding nights or use clean handy canned hen/fish. If you do use canned meats, make sure which you read apparently the label for hidden carbs. Additionally, you could also add spices and seasonings in your salad for your liking. Just be cautious approximately garlic and onion powder, but different spices will have negligible carbs.

Dinner Dinner is going to be a aggregate of leafy greens (by and large broccoli and spinach) with some meat. Remember, we're going to excessive fats and slight protein intake. Note: No dessert for the first 2 weeks and do not forget to drink plenty of water with little salt. DAY





Day 1

Almond Bacon

Bacon Mixed

Mixed Nuts

Brussels Avocado

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Bagels Coconut Pancakes Marinated Soy Eggs Yogurt Fig Pancake Feta Bean Wraps Broccoli Casserole Mini Chicken Pots

Salad Bacon Duck Salad Greek Avocado Salad Cheesy Black Bean Salad Pepperoni Flower Rice Mushroom Meal Plate Chicken Pumpkin Zoodles

Bowl -

Leafy Herb Fry

Mixed Nuts

Herbed Bass

Cashew Bar

Asparagus Beef Cubes


Walnut Tuna

Broccoli Biscuits -

Hackfleisch Casserole Mascarpone Prawns

Week 2 Meal Plan Wow, already week 1 is over. I hope you’re still doing well on a diet and have found an easy way to keep track. Again this week, we’re going to keep simple breakfast. We’re going to introduce keto coffee. It’s a combination of coconut oil, butter, and heavy cream in your coffee. When you mix the oil, butter, and cream together, it just adds an effete richness to your coffee that I am quite confident that you’ll like it.

Breakfast For breakfast, we are going to change a little bit and going to introduce Keaton coffee. I know some people won’t like it. If you don't like coffee, then try the tea. Why keto coffee? Fat loss: Clean and straightforward, the consumption of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) has been shown to lead to greater losses in fat tissue (adipose tissue), in both animals and humans. Fat intake leads to an enormous amounts of energy, efficient usage of energy, and more efficient way to weight loss faster than a regular diet (it’s the main ingredient of this diet). Energy extension: Research studies have shown that the rapid rate of oxidation in Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs) leads to an increase in energy. Mainly, MCFAs are converted into ketones, are absorbed differently in the body compared to regular oils, and produces more energy. Feel free to add sweetener and spices (cinnamon, stevia, vanilla extract) to this if you’re not the biggest fan of the sweet taste.

Lunch We’re going to keep simple and assimilate more meat (you can use left out). Green vegetables fry or soups and high-fat dressings are essential items. Keep track of fat and protein intake because taking right amount is critical.

Dinner Dinner is pretty simple. Meats, vegetables, high-fat dressings are necessary for keto. Don’t over think much about weight loss in the first 2 weeks; straightforward and steady helps to reach success. DAY Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14





Keto Seasoned Coffee Coconut Pancakes Keto Seasoned Coffee

Greene Beef Soup

Cream Bombs

Vegetable Stew

Leafy Herb Fry


Asparagus Beef Cubes

Cashew Bar

Maple Salmon


Mascarpone Prawns


Herbed Bass

Cheese Grilled Spinach

Coconut Lamb Stew

Crunchy Biscuits

Salmon Wraps

Lemon Bread Keto Seasoned Coffee Flax Maple Waffles Yummy Almond Pancakes

Broccoli Cheddar Soup Pumpkin Bacon Fry Chicken Pepper Soup Vinaigrette Rind Fry Bacon Pumpkin Soup

Week 3 Meal Plan This week we’re going too fast and going to intake fats in the morning itself and fast until dinner time. I suggest maintaining minimum 12 hours gap between morning breakfast and dinner gives better and quicker results. For example: Have breakfast at 7 am and then dinner at 7 pm. By doing like this, the body goes to fasting state, due to this state body will break down extra fat and stored for the energy. There are some advantages of intermittent fasting. Some of them are blood lipid levels, longevity, and needed mental lucidity. If you feel it's different to do a fast, then no problem. Go back to week 1 and gather experience.

Breakfast We’re going to more fats in breakfast like last week. This time we are going to double the amount of keto coffee (or tea) by increasing the amount of coconut oil, butter, and heavy cream (definitely try to keep us full until dinner time). Don't forget to drink water sure that you’re staying hydrated.

Lunch Here comes FASTING, don’t fear the morning fats will preserve you experience energized. Make sure you drink lots of water in step with day and 1 smothie, which will make you to come out of food carving.

Dinner Dinner goes to be simple with soup or stews. Meats, vegetables, and fat are nearly usually going to be the dinner quota. Don’t worry, this week we're going to devour dessert items. DAY




Day 15

Keto Seasoned Coffee with Extra Cream

Cucumber Spinach Smoothie


Day 16

Keto Seasoned Coffee

Veggi Tomato Salad


Day 17

Keto Seasoned Coffee with Extra Cream

Broccoli Cheddar Soup


Day 18

Berry Seeds Smoothie


Day 19

Keto Seasoned Coffee with Extra Cream

Blackberry Chocolate Smoothie


Day 20

Flax Maple Waffles

Bacon Mixed Salad


Day 21

Broccoli Casserole

Bacon Duck Salad

Mixed Nuts

DINNER & DESSERT Bone Soup + Strawberry Cheese Cakes Herbed Bass + Fruit Nut Ice Cream Vegetable Stew Beef Ghee Soup + Cranberry Ice Cream Bone Soup + Frozen Banana Cakes Onion Lamb Soup + Coco Pumpkin Pie Mushroom Bowl

Week 4 Meal Plan This week we’re going follow strict intermittent fasting. So, we are going to avoid breakfast and lunch. Remember, this week your best friend will be Water! If you can't stay without any food, then drink coffee, tea, flavored water because liquids make you forget stomach growling. Don’t worry your body will automatically adjust with time. It’s

impossible to do fasting follow week 2 again. Remember, there are wonderful health benefits and improves your self-control to do great things.

Breakfast This week we’re fasting! Black coffee and tea are going to be your nice pal, in case you are not preferred of black coffee then cross for green tea, it has a whole lot of fitness benefits. Some of the advantages of green tea are: Polyphenols: These act as antioxidants in your body. One of the maximum effective antioxidant in green tea is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has proven to be effective towards fatigue. Active brain function: Not only green tea consists of caffeine, however it also has Ltheanine, which is an amino acid. L-theanine will increase your GABA interest, which improves anxiety, dopamine, and alpha waves. Increased metabolic rate: Research consequences suggests that green tea can improve your metabolic rate. In mixture with the caffeine, this allows to develop 15% fat oxidization.

Lunch Lunch should be plenty of water and smoothies. When you are skipping your breakfast and lunch, you should keep yourself very hydrated. Don't forget to drink minimum 4 liters of water per day and 2 to 3 smoothies.

Dinner Dinner is going to be a festival for you; it contains lots of food with dessert to cover the bases! In this week dinner time will be your favorite time. I suggest at first break your fast with a small snack, then after 30-45 minutes eat. Usually, you need 2 meals to get to macros. DAY




Day 22

Broccoli Casserole

Ham Soy Salad


Day 23

Keto Seasoned Coffee

Greek Avocado Salad


Day 24

Avocado Smoothie

Avocado Smoothie

Mixed Nuts

DINNER & DESSERT Chicken Tomato Soup + Frozen Banana Cakes Chicken Pepper Soup + Chia Cakes Creamy Vegetable Soup

Day 25

Keto Seasoned Coffee

2 Tropical Smoothie


Day 26

Coco Mocha Smoothie


Grilled Kale

Day 27

Keto Seasoned Coffee

Berry Fruit Salad


Day 28

Keto Seasoned Coffee

Vinaigrette Rind Fry


Leafy Herb Fry + Blackcurrant Smoothie Brussels Avocado Bowl Bacon Pumpkin Soup + Cranberry Frost Cups Fruit Nut Ice Cream

CHAPTER 8: Ketogenic Diet Recipes Breakfast Recipes Recipe 1: Almond Bacon Bagels Ingredients Bagels  Almond flour 2 oz.  Large egg 1  Grated mozzarella 4 oz.  Cream cheese 2 tbsp. Toppings  Ghee 1 tbsp.  Toasted sesame seeds to taste Fillings     

Pesto 2 tbsp. Cream cheese 2 tbsp. Arugula leaves 1 cup Red pepper 3 tsp. Bacon slices 6 (grilled)

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 390F. 2. In a small bowl, mix almond flour, egg and make dough balls then keep aside for 10 minutes. 3. Meantime, melt cream cheese, mozzarella and pour on dough and mix well. Now, slowly split the dough into 3 pieces and try to roll into round shaped logs (like donuts). 4. Now, brush the ghee over it and sprinkle toasted sesame seeds over it and bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until it turns to golden color. 5. When bagels are finished, place cream cheese, pesto then adds bacon, arugula leaves, pepper on top of bagels and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information    

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 3 Calories: 616.3 (per serving) Fat: 54.7g

 

Protein: 30.3g Carbs: 6.1g

Recipe 2: Feta Bean Wraps Ingredients         

Large eggs 2 Large egg whites 3 Ghee 1 tsp. Black beans 1 oz. (cooked) Salt ½ tsp. Crumbled feta ½ cup Mascarpone cheese 1 oz. Basil 2 tbsp. Sundried tomato 1

Preparation Method 1. At first, mix eggs, egg whites, salt, ghee in a mixing bowl until it comes to desired consistency. 2. Place pan over medium heat and make square shaped omelets. 3. Meantime, smash black beans and spread over omelet then spread grated cheese, basil, chopped sundried tomato and roll the omelet to enjoy delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 361 (per serving) Fat: 35.1g Protein: 16.1g Carbs: 7g

Recipe 3: Mini Chicken Pots Ingredients Crust:  Almond flour 4 oz.  Coconut flour 2 oz.  Baking powder 2 tsp.  Himalaya salt ¼ tsp.  Dried thyme ¼ tsp.  Large eggs 1  Mozzarella cheese 12 oz.  Ghee 5 oz. Filling:           

Chicken breast 1 lb. Ghee 2 tbsp. Onions 1 oz. Celery stalks 2 Carrot 1 oz. Thyme leaves ¼ tsp. Vinegar 1 tbsp. Heavy cream 4 oz. Green peas 1 oz. Paprika 2 tsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F then grease your muffin or cupcakes with ghee. 2. Now, we can make filling by placing pan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot add diced chicken and cook until it roasted 3. Add remaining all ingredients and cook for 10-12 minutes then keep aside. 4. Now you can start making crust, by mixing all crust ingredients one by one in log shape. It should be soft then divide it into 12 equal parts. 5. Roll each piece and place two rolls on each other than press over muffin tins. 6. Now, fill the muffins cups with cooled filling and top with one more roll. 7. Finally place in preheated oven and cook for 25 minutes or until you find golden brown on top of muffins. 8. Let it cool for 5 minutes and enjoy the taste with your family.

Nutritional Information     

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 454 (per serving) Fat: 38.2g Protein: 19.1g

Carbs: 6.6g

Recipe 4: Marinated Soy Eggs Ingredients          

Large eggs 6 (boiled) Soy sauce ½ cup Water 1 cup Vinegar ¼ cup Garlic powder 1 tsp. Cream cheese 4 oz. Dill 1 tbsp. Chili powder 1 tsp. Ghee 2 tbsp. Salt and black pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, mix water, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic powder in a small bowl and keep aside. 2. Soak the eggs in sauce and refrigerate for 2 hours then cut into half and egg yolks separately. 3. Now mix egg yolk, cream, dill, ghee, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl then stuff into egg white. 4. Finally, sprinkle chili powder over it and enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 221 (per serving) Fat: 21.2g Protein: 12g Carbs: 3.1g

Recipe 5: Broccoli Casserole Ingredients Puree        Layer

Broccoli 1 Heavy cream 2 tbsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Shredded cheddar cheese 1 oz. Raw jalapenos 1 tbsp. Garlic powder 1 tsp. Salt and pepper to taste

 Cream cheese 6 oz.  Shredded cheddar cheese 2 oz.  Salsa 1 oz. Topping  

Shredded Colby-jack cheese 2.5 oz. Raw jalapenos 3 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. Make puree, blend the broccoli, cheese, jalapenos, garlic, and salt, pepper using a blender and put in a bowl. Add cream, ghee, and place in microwave oven for 10 minutes on high and keep aside. 2. Now, make layer by placing cream cheese, shredded cheese, salsa in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds until cheese soften. 3. In a large bowl make casserole by spread cauliflower puree spread the warm layer mixture on top of the puree, top with a layer of shredded Colby jack cheese and sliced jalapenos. 4. Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes at 375F, Serve hot to enjoy delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories: 334.5 (per serving) Fat: 29.6g Protein: 13.1g Carbs: 4g

Recipe 6: Yummy Almond Pancakes Ingredients           

Almond flour ½ cup Flax seed meal ½ cup Eggs 4 Maple syrup 2 tbsp. Almond oil 4 tsp. Coconut milk ½ cup Erythritol 4 tsp. Ghee 2 tbsp. Coconut flour 1 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Cinnamon ½ tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, mix almond flour, flax seeds, erythritol, salt and baking powder in bowl. 2. Mix all dry ingredients together well so everything is distributed evenly and add eggs to mixture and mix well. 3. Mix to a liquid consistency is achieved and add now almond oil, maple syrup and milk together and mix until more liquid consistency. 4. Add coconut flour, spices to mixture and mix well. 5. In a skillet, heat ghee and add ¼ cup of pancake mix at a time (try to cook 2 at a time). 6. Cook until brown color appears and remove from pan. Before serving, add little maple syrup and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 221.5 (per serving) Fat: 22.1g Protein: 7.1g Carbs: 2g

Recipe 7: Creamy Fat Eggs Ingredients      

Bacon fat 1 tbsp. Large Eggs 2 Ghee 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 tbsp. Fresh dill 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Before heating pan, shred the cheese and chop the dill. 2. Now, heat the pan with bacon fat in medium low heat, add eggs, cilantro, salt and pepper. 3. Once edges are starting to turn a light brown color, add ghee on top and start smashing until it becomes small pieces. 4. Switch off pan and add cheese on center and start mixing from four sides. 5. Cook until it turns slightly golden color and if desired, enjoy with cooked bacon slices.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 212 (per serving) Fat: 32.3g Protein: 16.5g Carbs: 3g

Recipe 8: Coconut Pancakes Ingredients         

Coconut meal 1 cup Large eggs 2 Maple syrup 1 tbsp. Pumpkin puree 2 fl oz Cream ¼ cup Ghee 2 tbsp. Pumpkin pie spice 1 tsp. Baking soda ½ tsp. Salt to taste

Preparation Method 1. Mix eggs, pumpkin puree, maple, cream and ghee together without lumps. 2. Mix coconut meal, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda and salt together in separate bowl. 3. Slowly start adding wet mixture (step1) to get smooth consistency by adding butter. 4. Heat the pan and grease the pan with butter, then add the pancake batter into the pan and cook until bubbles appears on the top. 5. Flip it and cook other side until browned and serve when it is warm for a nice taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 190.5 (per serving) Fat: 15.8g Protein: 5.9g Carbs: 2.1g

Recipe 9: Avocado Rind Omelet Ingredients          

Bacon 4 slices Large eggs 5 Rinds 2 oz Tomato 1 Avocado 1 Butter 1 tbsp. Green pepper 2 Spring onions 1 oz. Watercress 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Dice all vegetables which are listed above. 2. On the other side, fry meat in a pan with butter and in another pan fry rinds. 3. Once rinds are crispy, add vegetables to the pan and mix together until it mixed well and seasoned as needed. 4. Once spring onions are translucent, add chopped watercress to the pan and mix everything together and add bacon and allow it to cook for 2 minutes. 5. Add eggs and mix everything together and let it cook like an omelet. 6. Before serving, just add avocado cubes and mix. Enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 3 Calories: 529.8 (per serving) Fat: 44.1g Protein: 23g Carbs: 5.2g

Recipe 10: Bacon Cheese Omelet Ingredients        

Bacon 2 slices (cooked) Bacon fat 1 tbsp. Pepper 2 tbsp. Large eggs 2 Ghee 1 tbsp Mascarpone cheese 2 tbsp. Mint 2 stems Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Before heating pan, shred the cheese and cooked bacon and chop the mint 2. Now heat the pan with bacon fat in medium low heat, add eggs, mint, salt and chopped pepper. 3. Once edges are starting to turn a light brown color, add bacon to the center of the pan and cook for 30 seconds by adding ghee on top. 4. Switch off pan and add cheese on center and start folding from four sides of omelet slowly. 5. Now, turn the omelet and cook until it turns slightly golden color. Enjoy the delicious bacon omelet.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 579 (per serving) Fat: 45.1g Protein: 22.6g Carbs: 5.2g

Recipe 11: Flax Maple Waffles Ingredients Waffles:        

Almond flour ½ cup Flax seeds 1 ½ tbsp. Coconut milk 1/3 cup Pineapples extract ½ tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Large eggs 2 Ghee 1 tbsp. Liquid stevia 10 drops

Filling:     

Maple syrup 1/3 cup Orange zest 2 tbsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Swerve 1 tbsp. Cream 1/3 cup

Preparation Method 1. At first, mix all ingredients for the waffles in a container and mix until it looks smooth. 2. Add your batter to waffle maker or small pan and after cooking to allow them to cool. Lay cheese on top of your waffles while still warm. 3. In a pan, heat ghee and swerve on medium heat until it looks brown, now add your maple, orange zest. 4. Continue to stir the mixture until it bubbles and becomes like jam. On the other side, heat the waffle until brie start melting. 5. Now, add filling and cheese together and put on pan and grill for 1-2 per side and enjoy the taste with a little maple in the top.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 12 Calories: 515 (2 pieces per serving) Fat: 40.8g Protein: 20.1g Carbs: 7.1g

Recipe 12: Butter Sausage Casserole Ingredients           

Sausage 1 lb. (beef) Zucchini 0.5 lb. Cabbage 0.5 lb. Spring onions 1.5 oz. Large eggs 3 Ghee 1 tbsp. Butter 1 tbsp. Mayonnaise ½ cup Mustard seeds 1 ½ tsp. Mascarpone cheese 6 oz Red pepper flakes to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 375F and grease a casserole dish with ghee and keep aside. 2. In large skillet, cook sausage in a medium heat for 10 minutes. Add cabbage, zucchini and spring onions, cook until vegetables are tender and sausage is fully cooked. 3. In separate bowl, mix eggs, mayonnaise, mustard and pepper until smooth. Add grated cheese to egg mixture and stir. Add this mixture to casserole dish and top it with little extra cheese. 4. Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven or until bubbling around the edges. After 30 minutes, remove from oven, add ghee and serve immediately.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories: 504.6 (per serving) Fat: 43.6g Protein: 19.1g Carbs: 5.3 g

Recipe 13: Lemon Bread Ingredients Bread  Stevia 2 tbsp.  Ghee 2 tbsp.  Egg 1  Egg yolk 2  Lemon juice 2 tsp.  Vanilla extracts 1 tsp.  Almond flour 0.5 oz.  Baking powder ½ tsp.  Flax flour 2 tsp.  Pinch of salt Blackberry Glaze   

Butter 2 tbsp. Blackberries 1 oz. Erythritol 3 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 350F. In a mixing bowl, add all bread ingredients together and mix well until it forms nice batter. 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put batter (if desired, you can create your own bread shape). 3. Place in a preheated oven and bake for 10 minutes and let it cool for 5 minutes. 4. Meanwhile, prepare glaze by adding all ingredients in a small bowl and mix using hand mixer. 5. Put this glaze in the fridge for minimum 30 minutes, using spoon, gently glaze your bread and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 177 (per serving) Fat: 16.9g Protein: 7.7g Carbs: 2.2g

Recipe 14: Dark Chocolate Waffles Ingredients            

Coconut flour 1 oz. Dark chocolate 1 oz. Protein powder 2 tbsp. Baking soda ½ tsp. Cream of tartar 1 tsp. Stevia 15 drops Large eggs 4 Almond milk 8 fl oz. Ghee 2 oz. Chocolate chips 2 oz. Macadamia nuts 2 oz. (crushed) Pinch salt

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your waffle maker and grease with little ghee. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients with ghee until well combined. 2. Crack eggs into a separate small bowl and add all the wet ingredients and whisk well until it combined well. 3. Now, add the dry ingredients into wet ingredients bowl and mix until well combined. Add the chocolate chips and crushed macadamia nuts. 4. Pour the batter into preheated waffle maker, close and cook for a 2 minute each side and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time:15 minutes Total servings: 5 (2 per serving) Calories: 337.1 (per serving) Fat: 28g Protein: 16.2g Carbs: 5.7g

Recipe 15: Yogurt Fig Pancake Ingredients Pancakes  Large eggs 2  Coconut flour 1 tbsp.  Coconut flakes 1 tbsp.  Almond flour 1 tbsp.  Baking soda ¼ tsp.  Coconut milk 3 tbsp.  Cinnamon powder ½ tsp.  Ghee 1 tbsp.  Stevia 10 drops Topping   

Yogurt 4.5 oz. Cinnamon ½ tsp. Fresh figs 4

Preparation Method 1. At first, whisk the egg in a bowl using fork and mix coconut flour, coconut flakes, almond flour, cinnamon, baking soda, stevia and coconut milk. 2. In another bowl, mix the yogurt with cinnamon and keep aside. Now, prepare your pan by applying ghee and add 2 tablespoon of the batter on the pan. Cook for 10 minutes each side. 3. When you finished all pancakes, place on a serving plate by creating two layers of pancakes and yogurt. Top each of them with freshly chopped baby figs, sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 588 (per serving) Fat: 45.5g Protein: 29.5g Carbs: 12.1g

Lunch Recipes Recipe 16: Pork Bacon Mint Ingredients          

Bacon 4 slices Eggs 5 Pork 2 oz. Tomato sauce 1 Avocado 1 Jalapeno pepper 2 Onion 1 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Mint paste 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, dice all vegetables. On the other side, fry pork in ghee, once pork is crispy, add vegetables to the skillet and mix until blended well and seasoned as needed. 2. Add onions, mint paste in the pan and mix everything together and add bacon and let it boil for 2 minutes. 3. Add eggs and mix everything together and let it boil like an omelette. Before serving, just add avocado cubes and mix. Enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 3 Calories: 511 (per serving) Fat: 45.1g Protein: 24.2g Carbs: 5.5g

Recipe 17: Pumpkin Bacon Fry Ingredients       

Pumpkin 7 oz. Bacon 2 oz. Onions 1 oz. Garlic clove 2 Ghee 1 tbsp. Fresh parsley 1 tbsp. Salt ¼ tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, chop onions, garlic, bacon and add it to large skillet over a medium heat and cook until it turns light brown color. 2. On the other hand, dice the pumpkin into medium cube size pieces and add to skillet, cook for 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir frequently and finally add chopped parsley.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 421 (per serving) Fat: 35.2g Protein: 17.5g Carbs: 6.4g

Recipe 18: Acai Spinach Omelet Ingredients            

Eggs 12 Ghee 2 oz. Spinach 1 cup Pepperoni 1 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Mozzarella cheese 2 oz. Garlic 2 tsp. Parmesan cheese 2 oz. Nutmeg 1 tsp. All spice 1 tsp. Acai berry powder 1 tsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Frozen spinach in the microwave oven for 3 minutes and drain the water and set aside. 2. Preheat oven to 375F. In a large bowl, add eggs, ghee, acai powder, spices and beat well until everything is well combined. 3. Add ricotta, parmesan, mascarpone, spinach and mix well by adding little water, then sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the top and add pepperoni over it. 4. Bake for 30 minutes or until completely cooked properly. Slice and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 60 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 343.5 (per serving) Fat: 27.8g Protein: 16.1g Carbs: 3.1g

Recipe 19: Crumbled Kale Eggs Ingredients          

Ghee 2 tsp. Diced shallots 1 oz. Kale 3 cups Large eggs 4 Butter 4 tsp. Salt and ground pepper to taste Blue cheese 1 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Garlic cloves 3 Grated coconut 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. Preheat oven to 400F. Easily rinse ramekins with butter. Heat a large pan over medium heat, add ghee, shallots and cook 2 minutes. 2. Add kale, salt and pepper and boil until the spinach fades for about 3 minutes. Mix in blue cheese, mascarpone and remove from the heat. 3. Divide the faded kale under the oven-proof food and make a fountain in the middle of each. Beat egg into each dish and season with grated coconut, cloves, salt and pepper. 4. Place on the baking sheets and bake until the white is set and the yolks are tight around the edges, but still soft in the middle, about 15 minutes and serve immediately.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 237 (per serving) Fat: 20.7g Protein: 11.5g Carbs: 6.5g

Recipe 20: Coconut Lamb Stew Ingredients               

Onions 2 oz. Garlic powder 1 tsp. Ginger powder 1 tsp. Ghee 2 tsp. Lamb meat 1 lb. Coconut milk 200g Coriander 1 tbsp. Cumin powder 1 tsp. Green chili 1 tsp. Turmeric 1 tsp. Frozen peas 150g Brazil nuts 2 oz. Tomato sauce 1 oz. Water 60ml Salt and fresh pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Heat in a large skillet pan; add ghee and onions on medium heat. Cook about 10 minutes. Add garlic and ginger, cook for another 2 minutes. 2. Add lamb to the pan and brown. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, green chili, turmeric and mix well. 3. Add coconut milk, brazil nuts, tomato sauce and water. Reduce heat to simmer about 20 minutes. Add frozen peas and simmer for an additional 15 minutes or until desired taste comes.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 380.3 (per serving) Fat: 30.6g Protein: 17.1g Carbs: 8.1g

Recipe 21: Spicy Pork Stew Ingredients           

Pork 1 lb. Ghee 1 oz. Onion powder 1 tbsp. Garlic powder 2 tsp. Ginger powder 1 tsp. Tomato paste 1.5 oz. All spice 1 tsp. Salt to taste Diced tomatoes 2 oz. Coconut milk 4 oz. Chopped cilantro 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. Cut the pork into small cube size pieces and season with salt, pepper and ground pepper, ginger, garlic and mix well. 2. Add tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well. Finally, add coconut milk and mix. 3. Cook for 40 minutes on medium heat and mix thoroughly. Serve over cauliflower rice or normal rice for nice taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 5 Calories: 511 (per serving) Fat: 42.1g Protein: 26.1g Carbs:5.3g

Recipe 22: Chicken Pumpkin Zoodles Ingredients                

Chicken breast 3.5 oz. Butter 1 tbsp. Ghee 1tbsp. Curry powder ½ tsp. Spring onion 1 stalk Garlic 1 clove Large egg 1 Sprouts 1 oz. Pumpkin 3.5 oz. Soy sauce 1 tsp. Fish sauce ½ tsp. Pepper ¼ tsp. Lime juice 1 tsp. Green chilies 1 Cilantro 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, season the chicken with curry powder, salt and pepper and keep aside. 2. Prepare the sauce by combining soy sauce, fish sauce. 3. Finely chop spring onion, garlic and make zoodles out of pumpkin (use spiralizer) 4. Fry the seasoned chicken with butter until brown. 5. In a pan, melt ghee and chopped spring onion until fragrant and add garlic, egg into the pan. 6. Add sprouts and zoodles and mix everything well together. Add sauce and stir and reduce until there is little liquid left. 7. Add fried chicken pieces and stir and garnish with a few chopped green chilies, cilantro and squeeze some lemon juice on top. Serve and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 599 (per serving) Fat: 46.2g Protein: 22.2g Carbs: 6.2g

Recipe 23: Salmon Wraps Ingredients        

Large eggs 3 Avocado 3.5 oz. Smoked salmon 2 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 tbsp. Fresh dill 2 tbsp. Spring onion 2 tbsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, whisk egg, salt and pepper in a small bowl, add mascarpone cheese with chopped dill and keep aside. 2. Place pan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot, add egg mixture into pan and cook for 1 minute each side. 3. Meanwhile, slice the smoked salmon, avocado and keep aside. Now, place the omelet on a plate and add sliced salmon, avocado and fold into a wrap.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 391.7 (per serving) Fat: 37.8g Protein: 18.8g Carbs: 4.1g

Recipe 24: Pepperoni Flower Rice Ingredients        

Cauliflower rice 1 lb. Pepperoni 8.5 oz. Jalapeno peppers 3 oz. Dry red chili 1 Fresh turnip greens 2 tbsp. Fresh rosemary 1 tbsp. Ghee 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, grate cauliflower and make rice from it. Keep aside. 2. On other side, slice pepperoni, jalapeno peppers, dry red chili and keep aside. 3. Now, place a large skillet over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot, add peppers, chili, turnip greens and pepperoni. Cook until slightly browned. 4. Add the cauliflower rice and cook for 10 minutes, season with salt, pepper. Add finely chopped rosemary and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 389 (per serving) Fat: 33.4g Protein: 17.8g Carbs: 6.4g

Recipe 25: Mushroom Meal Plate Ingredients        

Egg 1 Bacon slices 2 Mushrooms 6 oz. Sweet potato 2 oz. Red pepper 1 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste Fresh sage 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. In a small pan, roast the mushrooms with ghee and season with salt, pepper. Keep aside. 2. Now, roast the bacon, sweet potato cubes, red pepper and keep aside. In the same pan, make an omelet with egg and garnish with freshly chopped herbs. 3. Finally, place all items on serving plate and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 410 (per serving) Fat: 36.3g Protein: 15.6g Carbs: 6g

Recipe 26: Beef Quiche Ingredients Crust      Filling          

Ground beef 5 oz. Coconut flour 5 oz. Flax meal 3 tbsp. Large eggs 3 Salt ½ tsp. Large eggs 6 Ghee 1 tbsp. Heavy whipping cream 4 fl oz. Spring onions 1 oz. Cheddar cheese 7 oz. Mascarpone cheese 4 oz. Cream cheese 8 oz. Asparagus spears 8 oz. Salt and pepper to taste Fennel for garnish

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 400F. Put ground beef into a food processor or blender and make powder. 2. Add powdered rind in a mixing bowl together with the coconut flour and flax meal, Himalaya salt and mix until well combined. 3. Now, crack the eggs and mix the dough using hand or hand mixer, place this dough in a rectangular baking tray with removable bottom (30 x 20 cm / 12 x 8 inch). 4. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes and keep aside until it cools down. Reduce the oven to 350F. 5. Now, add shredded cheese's (cheddar and mascarpone) over cooled crust and keep aside. Meantime, take a large bowl and crack the eggs, add the cream, season with salt and pepper and whisk until it combines well 6. On the other hand, place a pan over medium heat with ghee. When ghee is hot, add sliced spring onions and cook for 3 minutes or until fragrant. Add this to the egg mixture and combine well. Add cream cheese to egg mixture and pour over shredded cheese. 7. Now, top egg mixture with asparagus and place in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until lightly browned and crispy on top. 8. Garnish with freshly chopped fennel and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information  

Preparation Time: 60 minutes Total servings: 8

   

Calories: 600 (per serving) Fat: 49.5g Protein: 28.1g Carbs: 6.6g

Recipe 27: Vinaigrette Rind Fry Ingredients Rind Chops  Rind chops 4  Ghee 1 oz.  Salt and pepper to taste  Paprika 1 tsp.  Small better melon 1  Rosemary 1 tsp. Vinaigrette    

Vinegar 2 tbsp. Lemon juice 1 tbsp. Maple syrup 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, season rind chops with salt, pepper, ghee and keep aside. 2. Place large iron skillet over high heat and add seasoned rind chops and cook 10 minutes both side. 3. Decrease the heat to medium and add better melon slices, rosemary over the rind chops and place in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350F. 4. Meanwhile, prepare vinaigrette by mixing all the ingredients together. When rind chops are ready, pour vinaigrette over top and serve hot.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 485 (per serving) Fat: 40.2g Protein: 21.4g Carbs: 4.7g

Recipe 28: Golden Cabbage Cheese Ingredients          Filling

Ghee 1 tbsp. Egg 1 Cream cheese 1 tbsp. Mozzarella 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 1tbsp. Almond flour 2 tbsp. Chia meal 1 tbsp. Baking soda ½ tsp. Salt to taste

 Cabbage 2 oz.  Bacon slices 2  Roasted garlic cloves 3 Toppings    

Mayonnaise 2 tbsp. Vinegar 1 tsp. BBQ sauce 1 tbsp. Sage 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. In a small bowl mix mayonnaise, rice vinegar and keep aside. In a mixing bowl, add ghee, cream cheese, mascarpone, mozzarella and mix until softened. 2. Now, add almond flour, chia meal, baking soda, salt to the mixing bowl and mix well. Now, add egg into the batter, add cabbage and stir until fully incorporated. 3. Place large skillet over medium heat and add sliced bacon until it becomes crispy. 4. Spread incorporated batter into bacon skillet and cook for 5 minutes or until batter turns to golden color on the bottom. 5. Flip and cook again 5 minutes and transfer to a plate. Spread BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, vinegar and roasted garlic. 6. Finally, sprinkle sage and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 498 (per serving) Fat: 46.9g Protein: 12.1g Carbs: 5.3g

Recipe 29: Layered Bacon Cheese Ingredients         

Bacon 4 oz. Mozzarella cheese 5 oz. Cheddar cheese 3.5 oz. Mascarpone cheese 3 oz. Coconut flour 4 tbsp. Almond Flour 3 tbsp. Egg yolk 1 Herb seasoning 1 tsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 400F and in a microwave or toaster oven, melt your mozzarella cheese. About 1 minute in the microwave, and 10 second intervals afterward, or about 10 minutes in an oven, stirring occasionally. 2. In a mixing bowl, mix almond flour, herb seasonings, salt, pepper, mozzarella (melted), mascarpone, egg yolk and make moist dough, transfer it to a flat surface with some parchment paper. 3. Using rolling pin flatten dough and using knife cut diagonal lines beginning from the edges of the dough to the center, leave a row of dough untouched about 4 inches wide. 4. Alternate lay bacon slices and cheddar on that uncut stretch of dough then cover your filling by lift one section of dough at a time and lay it over the top. 5. Finally, bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes until you see it has turned a golden brown color and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 336 (per serving) Fat: 37.1g Protein: 24g Carbs: 5.2g

Recipe 30: Turkey Coconut Balls Ingredients Meatballs  Ghee 1 tbsp.  Ground turkey 0.5 lb.  Onions 1 oz.  Garlic cloves 2  Coconut flour 1.2 oz.  Coconut milk 1 tbsp.  Salt to taste Coconut Broth  Coconut milk 2 oz.  Broth 2 oz. Spices       

Coriander seeds 1 tsp. Turmeric ½ tsp. Cinnamon ½ tsp. Red pepper ½ tsp. Ginger powder ½ tsp. Garlic powder ½ tsp. Chili paste 1 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. In a large pan, add ghee. When ghee is hot, add garlic, onions and cook until fragrant and translucent. 2. Meantime, combine coconut flour, coconut milk, ground turkey, salt and create a paste. 3. Add onions, garlic to this paste and create small balls using hand. Place the pan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot add meatballs all over the pan (ca. 15 minutes). 4. When meat are browned on both sides, add coconut milk, broth, and all spices, mix well and cook for 20 more minutes. 5. Finally, serve with some coconut broth with meatballs in a bowl and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 561 (per serving) Fat: 46.5g Protein: 23.2g Carbs: 4.4g

Soup Recipes Recipe 31: Greene Beef Soup Ingredients  Beef 1 lb.  Sausage 7 oz.  Tomatoes 14 oz.  Herb paste 2 tbsp.  Red pepper 4 oz.  Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp.  Ghee 4 tbsp.  Water 1 liter  Salt and pepper to taste Garnish  

Fresh cilantro 1 tbsp. Thyme 2 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, dice the red pepper, sausage, tomatoes and keep aside. Place large Dutch pan over medium heat with ghee. 2. Once ghee hot, add ginger garlic paste and cook for 2 minutes or until lightly browned, then add the sliced red pepper and cook for 5 minutes, don't forget to stir to prevent burning. 3. Add the sausage, beef into the pot and cook until it turns to brown color. Add the chopped tomatoes, water and season with salt and pepper. 4. Cook the soup until bubbles appears and before serving, adds chopped cilantro and thyme.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 361 (per serving) Fat: 29.8g Protein: 18.2g Carbs: 6.1g

Recipe 32: Bacon Pumpkin Soup Ingredients              

Vegetable broth 1 ½ cups Bacon 4 slices Pumpkin puree 1 cup Ghee 1 oz. Butter 1 oz. Garlic 1 tsp. Ginger 1 tsp. Salt ½ tsp. Pepper ½ tsp. Red chili flakes 2 Fresh ginger ½ tsp. Mint ¼ tsp. Bay leaf 1 Mascarpone cheese 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. Keep saucepan over medium heat, add ghee. When ghee is hot, add garlic and fresh ginger. 2. Let this sauteé for about 3 minutes or until onions start to go translucent then add spices (salt, pepper, coriander, bay leaf, red chili flakes) to the pan and let cook for 2 minutes. Add pumpkin puree to pan and stir into the onions and spices well 3. Once the pumpkin is mixed well, add vegetable broth to the pan. Stir until everything is combined. 4. Bring to a boil to simmer for 20 minutes. Once simmered, use an immersion blender to blend together all of the ingredients. You want a smooth puree here so make sure you take your time. Cook for an additional 20 minutes. 5. In the meantime, cook 4 slices of bacon over medium heat. Once the soup is ready, pour mascarpone cheese and the grease from the cooked bacon and mix well. 6. Crumble the bacon over the top of the soup and enjoy the taste of the soup.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Serving per Recipe: 3 Calories:491 (per serving) Fat: 45.5g Protein: 11g Carbs: 5.2g

Recipe 33: Dandelion Soup Ingredients        

Ghee 1 tbsp. Onion 1 oz. Dandelion greens 10 oz. Large eggs 8 Goat cheese 8 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Sea salt 1 tsp. Black pepper ½ tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F and place your pan over medium heat. When ghee is hot, add onions and cook until it becomes soft. 2. Add dandelion greens and cook for 2 minutes and keep aside. In a bowl, mix egg, goat cheese, mascarpone, salt, pepper and add to dandelion mixture. 3. Using blender, blend the mixture and pour into pan, place in preheated oven for 30 minutes and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 588.25 (per serving) Fat: 48.9g Protein: 30.1g Carbs: 6.1g

Recipe 34: Creamy Vegetable Soup Ingredients         

Vegetable broth 1 ½ cup Mixed vegetable 1 oz. Bouillon 2 Mascarpone cream 2 tbsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Large eggs 2 (boiled) Rosemary 2 tbsp. Chili paste ½ tsp. Garlic paste ½ tsp.

Preparation Method 1. Place a pan over medium heat and add vegetable broth, vegetables, bouillon cube, and ghee. 2. Bring the broth to a boil and stir everything together then, add the chili paste, garlic paste and stir again. Turn the stove off. 3. Halve the boiled eggs then add to steaming broth, mascarpone cheese then stir together well and let sit for a moment and add chopped rosemary leaves. Serve up some awesome tasting soup in 5 minutes.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:301 (per serving) Fat: 27.9g Protein: 12.6g Carbs: 4.7g

Recipe 35: Beef Sausage Soup Ingredients            

Ground beef 1 lb. Sausage 7 oz. Fresh tomatoes 7 oz. Tomato Puree 2 oz. Red pepper 4 oz. Onions 2 oz. Dry garlic 3 cloves Dry ginger ½ tsp. Ghee 4 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste Water 1 liter Garnish with sweet marjoram

Preparation Method 1. At first, dice the onion, red pepper, sausage, tomatoes and keep aside. 2. Place large Dutch pan over medium heat with ghee. Once ghee hot, add the diced onion, garlic, ginger and cook 2 minutes or until lightly browned, then add the sliced red pepper and cook for 5 minutes, don't forget to stir to prevent burning. 3. Add the sausage, ground beef into the pot and cook until it turns to brown color. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree. 4. Now, add water and season with salt and pepper. Cook the soup until bubbles appears and before serving, add chopped sweet marjoram for extra flavor.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 5 Calories: 351 (per serving) Fat: 35.1g Protein: 17.3g Carbs: 6.5g

Recipe 36: Bone Soup Ingredients            

Chicken bone 1 lb. Onion Powder 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 tsp. Ginger powder 1 tsp. Chili powder ½ tsp. Ghee 2 oz. Squash 1 oz. Soy sauce 2 oz. Chicken broth 3 cups Cream cheese 2 oz. Cumin powder 1 tsp. Salt and Pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Cut or slice the chicken bones into chunks and drop them in the pot and add all the rest of the ingredients to the cooking pot except cream, cheese. 2. Set cooking pot on heat for 60 minutes and cooks completely. Once everything is cooked, remove the chicken from the cooking pot and shred using a fork. 3. Add cream and cheese to the cooking pot. Using an immersion blender, emulsify all of the liquids together. This will help the soup from separating while you are eating. 4. Place the chicken back into the cooking pot and add cooked squash, stir together. Taste and season with extra salt, pepper, cumin and soy sauce. Serve and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 190 minutes Serving per Recipe: 5 Calories:531.2 (per serving) Fat: 45.3g Protein: 20.4g Carbs: 5.2g

Recipe 37: Broccoli Cheddar Soup Ingredients            

Ghee 1 tbsp. Garlic cloves 2 Heavy cream 4 oz. Vegetable broth 1 cup Water 1 cup Broccoli 4 oz. Cheddar cheese 4 oz. Macadamia nut powder 2 tbsp. Coconut milk 2 tbsp. Blue cheese 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste Paprika 1 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. Place a large soup pot over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot add chopped garlic and cook until translucent. 2. Now, add cream, broth, water and boil for 15 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika. 3. Meanwhile, cut broccoli into small florets and add to soup, reduce the heat to low and cook for 20 minutes. 4. Once the broccoli is cooked, add shredded cheese’s, coconut milk and turn off the heat and serve in serving bowl and sprinkle macadamia nut powder then mix well.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 361 (per serving) Fat: g Protein: g Carbs: g

Recipe 38: Tuna Flower Soup Ingredients        

Ghee 2 tbsp. Bacon 8 oz. Tuna 3 oz. Cauliflower 2 oz. Spring onions 2 oz. Whipping cream 2 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, place a large saucepan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot, add bacon, tuna and cook for 10 minutes or until crisped up and keep aside. 2. Meanwhile, slice the cauliflower, spring onions and cook for another 10 minutes or until it looks tender. 3. Finally, season with salt, pepper, cream, mascarpone and freshly chopped herbs. If desire, before serving add little ghee and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 333 (per serving) Fat: 28.7g Protein:13g Carbs: 5.7g

Recipe 39: Beef Ghee Soup Ingredients            

Beef sausage 2 lb. Water 3 cups Ghee 2 tsp. Rapini 2 oz. Onion Powder 1 tsp. Chili powder 1 tsp. Cumin seeds 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 tsp. Salt ½ tsp. Tomatoes 2 oz. Thyme powder 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz.

Preparation Method 1. Heat ghee in a large pot over medium heat. Once hot, add sausage to the pan, allow it to cook slightly. 2. As the sausage cooks, season with salt and pepper. Add the tomatoes and stir. Then, add the rapini on top of everything and place the lid on the pot. 3. Cook until rapini is wilted, about 5 minutes. In the meantime, measure out all spices and grab your beef stock to have handy. 4. Once the rapini is wilted, mix it together with the sausage then add the spices and mix again. Lastly, add the broth and mix once again. 5. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 30 minutes. Reduce the heat to simmer and cook 15 more minutes. Before serving, add mascarpone, thyme and enjoy the flavor.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 55 minutes Serving per Recipe: 6 Calories:477 (per serving) Fat: 40.6g Protein: 21.2g Carbs: 5g

Recipe 40: Chicken Tomato Soup Ingredients            

Chicken leg 2 lb. Water 240 ml Tomatoes 1 oz. Cream 1 oz. Ghee 1 oz. Garlic paste 1 tsp. Ginger paste 1 tsp. Chili powder 1 tsp. Mascarpone 1 oz. Sesame seeds 1 tsp. (roasted) Salt and pepper to taste Dill 1 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 375F, add ghee to the chicken, salt, pepper and place the marinated chicken in the oven for 25 minutes. 2. Cut mascarpone into small cubes pieces and set aside and heat the pan over medium heat and add ghee. When the ghee starts to brown, add ginger, garlic and mix for 2 minutes. 3. Add tomato, sesame seeds, chili powder and salt. Mix well all together. Add water and let it simmer for 10 minutes and add cream, slowly stir in the medium heat. 4. Add chicken legs pieces gently into the sauce and let it boil for 5 minutes. Garnish with dill and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 490 (per serving) Fat: 44.9g Protein: 16.6g Carbs: 4.7g

Recipe 41: Onion Lamb Soup Ingredients            

Lamb 4 oz. Onions 3 oz. Garlic cloves 4 Ginger 1 tsp. Tomatoes 14 oz. Coriander powder 2 tsp. BBQ Sauce 6 oz. Mascarpone cheese 5 oz. Ghee 2 oz. Chicken stock 2 cups Salt and pepper to taste Water 2 cups

Preparation Method 1. At first, boil the lamb for 60 minutes in water, after cooking lamb and keep aside. 2. Place large pan over medium heat with ghee. When ghee is hot, add sliced onions, garlic, ginger and cook until lightly browned and fragrant. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil over a high heat for 15 minutes 3. Meanwhile, cut and add tomatoes then cook another 15 minutes. Now, add BBQ sauce and lamb and turn off the heat. Season with coriander powder, salt and pepper. 4. Grate the mascarpone cheese and chopped herbs over soup and serve warm to enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 90 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 520 (per serving) Fat: 39.5g Protein: 21.9g Carbs: 6.8g

Recipe 42: Chicken Pepper Soup Ingredients           

Ghee 2 tbsp. Chicken breast 1lb. Red pepper 3 oz. Chicken broth 1 cup Water 1 cup Cream 4 fl oz. Mascarpone cheese 4 oz. Brazil nuts powder 1 oz. Lemon juice 3 tbsp. Large eggs 3 Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, place a large pan over medium heat with ghee. When ghee is hot, add chicken and cook until it turns light brown color. 2. Add your chicken broth, pepper, water, cream, lemon juice and cook for 10 minutes to allow the pepper to become tender. 3. Meanwhile, beat 3 eggs together in a small bowl and slowly add to the soup and decrease the heat to low and cook for 10 minutes. 4. Now, add shredded mascarpone cheese and nut powder and stir for a few minutes. Turn off heat and serve immediately with some freshly chopped herbs.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 326 (per serving) Fat: 28.5g Protein: 15.5g Carbs: 5.1g

Dinner Recipes Recipe 43: Walnut Tuna Ingredients       

Walnuts 1 oz. Maple syrup 1 tbsp. Tuna fillets 1 lb. Ghee 2 tbsp. All-spice 1 tsp. Rosemary 2 tsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F. Add walnuts, maple syrup, all-spices and, rosemary in the blender and make a paste. 2. Heat the pan and add ghee and fry tuna fillets for about 5 minutes. Add the walnut paste to the top of the tuna fillets. 3. Once fried, transfer them to an oven and bake for about 5 minutes. Serve with a little fresh baby spinach and a little paprika. Enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 377 (per serving) Fat: 43.2g Protein: 19.3g Carbs: 4.7g

Recipe 44: Asparagus Beef Cubes Ingredients       

Asparagus 0.5 lb. (trimmed) Ghee 2 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Blue cheese 1 oz. Coconut cream 2 oz. Beef cubes 1 oz. Salt and black pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, in large e skillet, add ghee. When ghee is hot, add chopped beef and cook for 20 minutes. 2. In baking tray, dice the asparagus with the remaining ghee and salt and pepper. 3. Brush the asparagus in a single layer and add cooked beef. Layer cheese and coconut cream as topping and shake the baking tray occasionally, until it is tender and slightly charred, 15 minutes.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 186.25 (per serving) Fat: 18.2g Protein: 6.6g Carbs: 4g

Recipe 45: Tomato Cheese Sandwich Ingredients          

Ripe tomatoes 2 lb. Onions slices 1 oz. Ghee 2 tbsp. Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp. Salt and black pepper to taste Mozzarella 7 oz. Mascarpone cheese 3 oz. Baby shrimp 1 oz. (cooked) Peanut butter 1 tbsp. Fresh basil leaves 2 branches

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven at 450F. Slice the bottom of each tomato so that the tomatoes sit upright. Halve in each case. 2. Cut the tomato halves, cut on a foil-filled, flat frying pan or a baked sheet. Apply ghee to tomatoes. Season with salt, pepper and sprinkle chopped garlic ginger paste over the tomatoes then fill onions in it. 3. Fry until softened and heated by, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the mozzarella, mascarpone, and baby shrimp into slices. Using a spatula, sandwich each slice between 2 hot tomato halves and apply peanut butter (heat melts the cheese slightly). 4. Nourish the tomatoes with juices collected in the frying pan and served with the basil.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 6 pieces Calories: 255.8(per serving) Fat: 20.5g Protein: 10g Carbs: 5g

Recipe 46: Asparagus Frittata Ingredients           

Large eggs 10 Asparagus 20 pieces Spring onions 0.4 oz. Red bell pepper 5 oz. Cream 2 fl oz. Mascarpone cheese 5oz. Bacon 3 oz. Fresh parsley 2 tbsp. Fresh mint 2 tbsp. Ghee 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 400F. Before we start cooking, slice asparagus by cutting the ends, bell pepper into small stripes, spring onion and keep aside. 2. Place pan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot add all diced ingredients into pan, salt and cook for 5 minutes and keep aside in baking dish 3. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, cream, salt, black pepper and keep aside. Crumble the mascarpone cheese all over the vegetables and pour the egg mixture over it and place in preheated oven for 20 minutes just until the top becomes firm. 4. After that lay the bacon all over it and place back in the oven for another 15 minutes. Before serving, add chopped parsley and mint then enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 60 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 513 (per serving) Fat: 39.2g Protein: 25g Carbs: 6.1g

Recipe 47: Mushroom Bowl Ingredients          

Macadamia nuts ½ cup Parsley 2 cups Garlic paste 2 tsp. Lemon juice 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste Mascarpone cheese 3 oz. Wild mushrooms 1 lb. Cauliflower 2 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Kale 1 bunch

Preparation Method 1. At first, soak macadamia nuts overnight in water then drain water and add macadamia nuts, parsley, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to food processor then process until smooth. 2. Now, cook cauliflower in small pan over medium heat for 10 minutes and keep aside then place large skillet over medium heat with ghee and add mushrooms, season with salt and pepper then cook for 10 minutes, don't forget to stir occasionally until all the water has evaporated and they begin to brown and keep aside. 3. Add kale to same pan and cook for 2 minutes or until kale is wilted and a bright green color. 4. Finally, add cauliflower, a quarter of the wild mushrooms, mascarpone, kale and top with a tablespoon of the pesto in bowl and enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 376 (per serving) Fat: 33.9g Protein: 15.1g Carbs:7g

Recipe 48: Brussels Avocado Bowl Ingredients       

Arugula 1 cup Brussels Sprouts 1 cup (sauteé ed ) Avocado ½ piece (sliced) Ghee 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Tahini sauce 1 tbsp. Salt and Pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, sauteé sprouts for approximately 15 minutes or until lightly browned and tender then slice half avocado. 2. Finally, in a large bowl place arugula, sprouts avocado, mascarpone cheese, tahini sauce as a layer and enjoy the yummy taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 301 (per serving) Fat: 20.1g Protein: 10.4g Carbs: 4.9g

Recipe 49: Hackfleisch Casserole Ingredients          

Hackfleisch (lamb) 1 lb. Onions 3 oz. Garlic ginger paste 1 tbsp. Mustard powder1 tbsp. Cheddar cheese 6 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Large eggs 6 Heavy whipping cream 4 fl oz. Ghee 3 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F. Place large pan over medium heat and add ghee. When ghee is hot, add ground lamb and break all large pieces. 2. Cook until the meat is browned from all sides, about 15 minutes and add to the large mixing bowl and keep aside. 3. Now, slice onions, garlic ginger paste and cook in the same pan which is used to cook lamb until fragrant and lightly browned, about 10 minutes. 4. Add shredded cheddar cheese, mascarpone and mix until well combined (save little cheese for topping purpose). 5. Crack the eggs in a small bowl and mix with the cream, salt, pepper and pour in mixing bowl. Top with the remaining cheddar cheese and place in preheated oven for 25 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Just before serving, add hot sauce on top and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 50 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 577 (per serving) Fat: 48.8g Protein: 29g Carbs: 6.6g

Recipe 50: Vegetable Stew Ingredients  Vegetable mix 1 lb.  Ghee 2 tbsp.  Garlic powder 1 tsp.  Ginger powder 1 tsp.  Tomato puree 1.5 oz.  All spice 1 ½ tbsp.  Paprika 1 ½ tsp.  Salt to taste  Diced tomatoes 7 oz.  Coconut cream ½ cup  Coconut milk 1 cup  Cashew paste 1 tbsp.  Parsley 1 ½ tbsp. Topping:  Grated mascarpone cheese

Preparation Method 1. At first, mix chopped vegetables into bite sized pieces and season with salt, pepper and garlic, ginger and mix well. 2. Add canned diced tomatoes and tomato paste, mix well again then add coconut milk, cashew paste and mix well. 3. Cook for 35 minutes on medium heat, after 25 minutes, adds coconut cream and mix thoroughly. Before serving, add ghee, grated mascarpone and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Serving per Recipe: 5 Calories: 556.6 (per serving) Fat: 43.6g Protein: 22g Carbs: 6.2g

Recipe 51: Double Layerd Turken Ingredients           

Almond Meal 1 ¼ cup Large eggs 2 Turkey sausages 2 Chicken sausages 2 Vegetable oil 150ml (for frying) Heavy cream 1 oz. Baking soda 1 tsp. Allspice 1 tsp. Salt ½ tsp. Chili powder 1 tsp. BBQ sauce 2 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. In a mixing bowl, add almond flour, allspice and mix all the dry ingredients well so they are completely distributed. 2. Add your eggs, baking soda and heavy cream to the batter and mix everything well until a nice thick batter is formed. 3. In a saucepan, heat vegetable oil to 400F. Cut each sausage into 2 pieces and mix half turkey and half chicken sausage into single sausage; dip mixed .sausages in the batter before you fry them. Make sure they’re fully coated 4. Drop your sausage into the oil 1 at a time. Let it cook for 5 minutes on one side, then flip it and cook for about 2 minutes on the other side. 5. Remove your sausages from the pan and let it dry on some paper towels. Dish out with some hot sauces with hot BBQ sauce and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information     

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Serving per Recipe: 4 Calories:366.2 (per serving) Fat: 35.1g Protein: 17.1g

Recipe 52: Maple Salmon Ingredients        

Salmon fillets 1 lb. Mint paste 3 tbsp. Macadamia nuts 1 oz. Maple syrup 1 tbsp. Mustard ½ tsp. Thyme ¼ tsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Add macadamia nuts, mint, maple syrup, your spices and mustard in food processor and make a paste. 2. Heat the pan and add ghee and fry dry salmon fillets for about 3 minutes. Add the paste to the top side of salmon fillets. 3. Once they seared, transfer them to an oven and bake for about 10 minutes. Serve with some fresh baby kale and smoked paprika to enjoy extra taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Serving per Recipe: 2 Calories: 397 (per serving) Fat: 43.2g Protein: 19g Carbohydrates: 5.1g

Recipe 53: Cheese Broccoli Sausage Ingredients           

Sausage 1.5 oz. Broccoli 2 oz. Parmesan cheese 0.5 oz. Mascarpone cheese 1 oz. Mozzarella 0.5 oz. Oregano 1 tsp. Basil 1 tsp. Salt ½ tsp. Mint paste 1 tsp. Red pepper ½ tsp. Ghee 2 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. 2. 3. 4.

At first, preheat the oven to 350F. Place the skillet over medium heat and ghee. When ghee is hot, add sausage, cook for 15 minutes and keep aside. Meanwhile, slice broccoli and cook in skillet until it turns to golden brown color Now, cut sausages into round slices and put back in skillet, add parmesan cheese, mascarpone cheese and stir once. 5. Your skillet into preheated oven for 15 minutes before you remove sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese and herbs. Let it cool for 10 minutes and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 610 (per serving) Fat: 47.2g Protein: 28.8g Carbs: 5.1g

Recipe 54: Creamy Cranberries Ingredients      Filling    

Mascarpone 2 oz. Large eggs 2 Cinnamon ¼ tsp. Salt ¼ tsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Cream cheese 4 oz. Vanilla extracts ½ tsp. Erythritol 2 tbsp. Cranberries 2 oz.

Preparation Method 1. In a small bowl, add mascarpone cheese, eggs and mix using hand mixer until it becomes completely smooth. 2. Add cinnamon, salt and combine well. Place a nonstick pan over a medium heat and cook like omelet. 3. Meanwhile, prepare to fill by combining all filling ingredients in a bowl and mix using hand mixer until it becomes creamy paste. 4. When the omelet is cooked, spread filling over omelet and top with cranberries and fold it and enjoy with little cream over it.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 35 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 377 (per serving) Fat: 0.9g Protein: 14g Carbs: 6.1g

Recipe 55: Mascarpone Prawns Ingredients         

Tiger prawns 1 lb. Mascarpone cheese 2oz. Ghee 2 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. Rosemary ½ tsp. Tarragon ½ tsp. Basil ½ tsp. Thyme ½ tsp. Sea salt to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your grill. Whisk ghee, balsamic vinegar, and herbs together. 2. Now, mix prawns in herb mixture, it should cover both sides. Lay the prawns on your preheated grill and cook for about 5 minutes on both sides. 3. Finally, add mascarpone cheese on top and grill for 1 minute or until cheese starts to melt then sprinkle sea salt and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 156 (per serving) Fat: 11.5g Protein: 5.1g Carbs: 2.1g

Recipe 56: Leafy Herb Fry Ingredients           

Spinach 1 oz. Dandelion greens 1 oz. Turnip greens 1 oz. Collards 1 oz. Ghee 2 oz. Balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp. Ginger paste 2 tsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Grated cheddar cheese 2 oz. Macadamia nuts 1 oz. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F. Place your all greens in baking tray. 2. In a small bowl, whisk ghee, balsamic vinegar, ginger paste and apply over greesns. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 3. Add crushed nuts then over it add cheese and place in preheated oven for 30 minutes then enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 378 (per serving) Fat: 36.8g Protein: 18.8g Carbs: 5.9g

Recipe 57: Herbed Bass Ingredients         

Fresh whole sea bass 1 Fresh parsley 3 tbsp. Fresh mint 3 tbsp. Ghee 2 tbsp. Cauliflower 1 cup Mascarpone cheese 2oz. (crumbled) Macadamia nuts 3 tbsp. Lemons juice 2 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 400F then chop the parsley and mint. 2. Now, Place sea bass over baking parchment then rub with ghee then season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle lemon juice and little herbs and bake for 15 minutes or until the thickest part of the fish are cooked. 3. Meanwhile, crumble mascarpone cheese, macadamia nuts. In a bowl mix grated cauliflower, herbs, nuts, macadamia, lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of ghee then season with salt and pepper to taste. 4. Remove the sea bass from your oven then serve with the cauliflower cheese mix salad.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 410 (per serving) Fat: 39.8g Protein: 23.1g Carbs: 4g

Snack Recipes Recipe 58: Broccoli Biscuits Ingredients          

Almond flour 1 ½ cup Broccoli florets 1.5 lb. Cheddar cheese 5 oz. Mascarpone cheese 4 oz. Ghee 2 oz. Large eggs 2 Salt to taste Ginger powder 1 tsp. Baking soda ½ tsp. Apple cider ½ tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 375F, blend broccoli flowers until it is finely chopped. 2. In a large bowl, mix almond flour, salt, peppers, ginger powder, baking soda. Mix it well, add eggs and ghee. Mix until a dough forms. 3. Add your broccoli to the mixture. Combine everything with your hands. Grate cheddar and mascarpone to the dough. Mix everything with the hands until the cheese is evenly distributed. 4. Place your non-stick silpat on a cookie sheet, so that they do not stick as they boil. Form pies from the dough. Bake like biscuits for 15 minutes or until they begin to flatten. 5. Turn it and continue baking for about 5 minutes then, turn your oven to roast and brew the biscuits for 3 minutes. Let it cool for 2 minutes before you enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 12 Calories: 206.3 (per serving) Fat: 18.6g Protein: 7.2g Carbs: 2.5g

Recipe 59: Cream Bombs Ingredients      

Ghee 4 oz. Heavy whipped cream 4 oz. Fresh cheese 4 oz. Berry extracts 1 tsp. Stevia 10 drops Protein powder 1 oz.

Preparation Method   

At first, mix ghee, heavy cream and fresh cheese. Using a mixer, mix all the ingredients together or place in microwave oven for 30 seconds to 1 minute to soften them. Add berry extract and liquid stevia to the mixture and mix with a spoon. Distribute the mixture into a silicone tray and freeze for 3 hours.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 182 minutes Total servings: 10 Calories: 186 (per serving) Fat: 19.9g Protein: 2.9g Carbs: 0.8g

Recipe 60: Crunchy Biscuits Ingredients       

Almond flour 1 ½ cup Butter 2 oz. Salt to taste Baking soda ½ tsp. Cayenne pepper ¼ tsp. Garlic powder 1 tsp. Basil 2 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat oven to 325F. Place a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a medium bowl, mix almond flour, pepper, salt and baking powder. 3. Add basil, cayenne and garlic and stir until uniformly combined. Next, add to the pesto and snowbake until the dough forms into coarse crumbs. 4. Put the ghee into the cracker mixture with a fork until the dough forms a ball. 5. Transfer the dough to the prepared cookie sheet and spread the dough thinly until it is about 1 mm thick. Make sure the thickness is the same, so that the biscuits evenly bake. 6. Place the pan in the pre-heated oven and bake for 15 minutes to light golden brown color. After baking, remove from the oven and cut into biscuits of the desired size.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories:221 (per serving) Fat: 21.3 Protein: 5.1g Carbs: 2.9g

Recipe 61: Coco Bars Ingredients       

Coconut butter 1 cup Pumpkin purees 1 cup Ground cinnamon 1 tbsp. Peanuts 1 oz. Cashew butter 3 oz. Protein powder 2 oz. Ghee 2 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. Hold aside 8x8 inch square baking tray with aluminum foil. In the large bowl, add melted coconut butter, cashew butter, pumpkin spices, spices, protein powder and mix well. 2. Add ghee and combine well without lumps. Pour the mixture into the already prepared pan and spread evenly then sprinkle chopped peanuts. 3. Cover with wax paper and evenly put into the pan. Remove wax paper and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 3 hours. 4. Use a sharp knife to cut into 25 equal squares and enjoy the delicious taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 25 Calories: 170 (per serving) Fat: 15.5g Protein: 7.9g Carbs: 2.4g

Recipe 62: Cashew Bar Ingredients         

Almond flour ½ cup Ghee 2 oz. Maple syrup 1 oz. Cinnamon 1 tsp. Pinch of salt Cashew nuts 2 oz. Cashew butter 1 oz. Protein powder 2 oz. Shredded coconut 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, combine almond flour and melted ghee in a large bowl. Add cinnamon, salt and maple syrup, cashew butter, protein powder and mix well. 2. Add chopped cashews and mix everything evenly. Pour parchment paper into a casserole dish and spread the dough in a flat layer. Sprinkle crushed coconut and cinnamon up for beautiful crispy flavor. 3. Place them in a refrigerator and cool for 3 hours (night will give the best result). Cut into bars and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time:15 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 211.5 (per serving) Fat: 21.2g Protein: 9.5g Carbs: 4.5g

Recipe 63: Mug Cake Ingredients         

Cranberries 0.7 oz. Almond flour 2 tbsp. Chia flour 1 tbsp. Baking soda ⅛ tsp. Swerve 1 tbsp. Large egg 1 Vanillas extract ½ tsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Whipped cream 2 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, place all the dry ingredients in a mug and combine well. Top with cranberries. 2. Place mug in microwave on high for 90 seconds. Before serving add whipping cream and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 3 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 340 (per serving) Fat: 24.6g Protein: 11.5g Carbs: 4.6g

Recipe 64: Pepperoni Pizza Ingredients         

Shredded mozzarella 2.5 oz. Shredded mascarpone 1 oz. Marinara sauce 4 oz. Pepperoni 4 slices Basil ½ tsp. Onions slices 2 tbsp. Parsley 1 tbsp. Oregano ½ tsp. Ghee 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, put frying pan over medium heat and add mozzarella cheese, mascarpone cheese (keep little both cheese for topping) and cook for 5 minutes or until cheese is caramelized. 2. Don't forget to use a spatula to avoid sticking it to the pan. Now, pour marinara sauce over top and spread it all over cheese. 3. Sprinkle the remaining cheese's over top of that and add slices of pepperoni and onions. 4. Season with herbs (basil, oregano) and wait until the top layer of cheese has melted, let it cool for 2 minutes and before serving add ghee then enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 12 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 530 (per serving) Fat: 42.1g Protein: 4.4g Carbs: 7.9g

Recipe 65: Grilled Kale Ingredients         

Kale leaves 30 Ghee 1 tbsp. Vinegar 1 tbsp. Fresh dill 1 tsp. Fresh lemon grass 1 tsp. Garlic cloves 3 Macadamia nuts 1 oz. Pumpkin seeds 1 oz. Parmesan cheese 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 400F. I like 10 kale leaves per person, depending on their size. Cut both ends and peel back the first or second layer of leaves and discard. Leave the kale in a pan with boiling salt water for 2 minutes. 2. Drain well and place in a bowl of ghee, vinegar, chopped lemon grass, dill and garlic. Spread the kale in a layer in a baking tray, sprinkle nuts, pumpkin seeds and cheese. Bake for 10 minutes until it is caramelized.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 3 Calories: 151 (10 kale leaves per serving) Fat: 15.7g Protein: 6.6g Carbs: 3.4g

Recipe 66: Cheese Stuffed Fennel Ingredients       

Fennel 8 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Mozzarella cheese 1 oz. Coconut cream 2 oz. Ground beef 2 oz. Salt and black pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. At first, in large e skillet, add half ghee. When ghee is hot, add ground beef and cook for 15 minutes 2. Meantime, remove middle flesh of fennel and lace in baking tray with the remaining ghee and salt and pepper. 3. Add cooked meat. Layer cheese and coconut cream as topping and shake the fennel occasionally, cook until it is tender and slightly charred in oven for minimum 20 minutes.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 40 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 181.2 (per serving) Fat: 21.8g Protein: 10.1g Carbs: 6g

Recipe 67: Prawns Pizza Ingredients          

Tiger prawns 2 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Garlic powder 1 tsp. Heavy whipping cream 4 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Spring onions 2 tbsp. Fresh kale 4 oz. Shredded mozzarella 2 oz. Sea salt and pepper to taste Fathead pizza dough 1

Preparation Method 1. At first, wash and cut the tiger prawns piece into small pieces. Place a pan over medium heat with ghee, when ghee is hot, add tiger prawns pieces and cook for 10 minutes, keep aside. 2. Add garlic powder, cream to pan, when sauce starts to thicken, add kale and cook just until wilted. 3. Spread sauce and kale mixture onto to pizza crust; add shredded cheese, mascarpone, and tiger prawns. 4. Finally, put in the oven and bake for 5 minutes at 350F or until cheese is melted completely to enjoy delicious pizza.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 8 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 423.5 (per serving) Fat: 39.1g Protein: 21.2g Carbs: 6.2g

Recipe 68: Summer Squash Sandwich Ingredients         

Summer squash 35 oz. Mozzarella 8 oz. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Ghee 1 tbsp. Chili powder 1 tbsp. Salt and black pepper to taste Tiger prawns 1 oz. (cooked) Fennel powder 1 tbsp. Cream ½ cup

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat oven at 450F. Slice a thin slice each summer squash into 3 pieces and place in a flat frying pan or a baked sheet. 2. Apply ghee to summer squash. Season with salt, pepper and sprinkle chili powder over the sliced squash. Fry until softened and heated by, about 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, cut the mozzarella, mascarpone, tiger prawns into six ½-inch thick slices. Using a spatula, sandwich each slice between 2 hot squash halves and apply cream. Before serving, garnish with fennel powder and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 20 minutes Total servings: 6 pieces Calories: 244 (per serving) Fat: 20g Protein: 9.1g Carbs: 4.6g

Recipe 69: Cheese Grilled Spinach Ingredients         

Spinach leaves 30 Ghee 1 tbsp. Vinegar 1 tbsp. Fresh dill 1 tsp. Chives 2 tsp. Garlic cloves 3 Macadamia nuts 1 oz. Pumpkin seeds 1 oz. Mascarpone cheese1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat the oven to 400F. I like 15 spinach leaves per person, depending on their size. Cut both ends and peel back the first or second layer of leaves and discard. Leave the spinach in a pan with boiling salt water for 2 minutes. 2. Drain well and place in a bowl of ghee, vinegar, chopped chives, dill and garlic. Spread the spinach in a layer in a baking tray, sprinkle nuts, pumpkin seeds and cheese. Bake for 10 minutes until it is caramelized.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 160 (15 spinach leaves per serving) Fat: 17.7g Protein: 6.2g Carbs: 4g

Salad Recipes Recipe 70: Green Herb Salad Ingredients         

Mixed greens 1 oz. (spinach, kale, collards) Fresh herbs 1 oz. (Mint, Thyme) Roasted pine nuts 1 oz. Vinaigrette 1 ½ tbsp. Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 1 tbsp. Bacon slices 2 Ghee 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Cook bacon until crisp. Measure your greens, herbs and set in a container that can be shaken. 2. Crumble bacon, then add the rest of the ingredients to the greens and shake the container with a lid. 3. Add your seasonings and ghee for better taste and shake once again for proper dressing. Serve and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 321 (per serving) Fat: 26.3g Protein: 9.9g Carbs: 4.9g

Recipe 71: Cheesy Black Bean Salad Ingredients       

Black beans 2 oz. (cooked) Pine nuts 1 oz. (roasted) Vinaigrette 4 tsp. Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 1 oz. Bacon 2 slices Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Cook bacon until crisp. Measure your beans and set in a container that can be shaken. 2. Crumble bacon, then add the rest of the ingredients to the beans and shake the container with a lid. 3. Add your seasonings for better taste and shake once again for proper dressing. 4. Before serving, add mozzarella balls and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 544 (per serving) Fat: 41.5g Protein: 17.9g Carbs: 5.9g

Recipe 72: Bacon Mixed Salad Ingredients       

Mixed greens 2 oz. (Spinach, Kale, Broccoli rabe, Collards, Dandelion greens) Roasted Brazil nuts 1 oz. Vinaigrette 4 tsp. Grated cheese 1 tbsp. Mozzarella cheese 1 oz. Bacon 2 slices Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Cook bacon until crisp. Measure your greens and set in a container that can be shaken. 2. Crumble bacon, then add the rest of the ingredients to the greens and shake the container with a lid. 3. Add your seasonings for better taste and shake once again for proper dressing. 4. Before serving, add mozzarella balls and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 553 (per serving) Fat: 41.4g Protein: 19.6g Carbs: 7.1g

Recipe 73: Ham Soy Salad Ingredients         

Ham 1 lb. Soy sauce 1 tbsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Water 1 tbsp. Garlic paste 1 tsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 oz. Vinegar 2 tsp. Lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chopped cilantro 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, cut the ham and set aside and work on the marinating. Combine all ingredients such as soy sauce, ghee, water, garlic paste and vinegar. 2. Mix the ham and marinade mixture in a bowl and keep aside for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350F, place ham on a baking tray covered with parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes. 3. Once ham is ready, sprinkle cilantro, lemon juice and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 65 minutes Total servings: 3 Calories: 444.3 (per serving) Fat: 35.8g Protein: 19g Carbs: 5.7g

Recipe 74: Veggi Tomato Salad Ingredients          

Fresh tomato 1 Vegetable mix 2 oz. (Cucumber, Carrot, Bell pepper, Beetroot, ) Fresh mozzarella cheese 6 oz. Turnip greens 1 tbsp. Fresh basil 1 ½ tbsp. Ghee 3 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 2 tbsp. Vinegar 1 tbsp. Fresh black pepper to taste Himalaya salt to taste

Preparation Method 1. In a food processor, put chopped fresh basil, turnip leaves with ghee to make the paste. 2. Slice tomato into 1/4″ slices. You should be able to get at least 6 slices from the tomato and vegetables. 3. Cut Mozzarella, mascarpone into slices. Assemble salad by layering tomato, mozzarella, and paste. 4. Season with salt, pepper, and remaining ghee and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 12 minutes Serving per Recipe: 2 Calories:463 (per serving) Fat: 45.5g Protein: 17.7g Carbs: 6.5g

Recipe 75: Macadamia Salad Ingredients       

Mixed green 2 oz. Roasted macadamia nuts 1 oz. Vinaigrette 4 tsp. Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp. Bacon 2 slices Parsley 1 tbsp. Salt and pepper (as required)

Preparation Method 1. Cook bacon until crispy. Measure your greens and put in a container that can be shaken. 2. Crumble bacon, then add the rest of the ingredients to the greens and shake the container with a lid. 3. Add your spices for better taste, chopped parsley and slate once again for proper dressing. Serve and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Total servings: 1 Calories: 475 (per serving) Fat: 39.5g Protein: 17.3g Carbs: 4.5g

Recipe 76: Greek Avocado Salad Ingredients         

Large hard boiled eggs 4 Avocado 150g Mayonnaise 1 tbsp. Greek yogurt 1 tbsp. Salt ½ tsp. Ghee 1 tbsp. Nuts 1 oz. Mascarpone cheese 1 oz. Ground pepper to taste

Preparation Method 1. Combine avocado, mayonnaise, yogurt, salt and pepper. Combine with smashed egg and adjust salt and pepper as needed. 2. Sprinkle smashed nuts, ghee, mascarpone cheese and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories: 256.4 (per serving) Fat: 21.5g Protein: 9.4g Carbs: 4.4g

Recipe 77: Crab Salad Ingredients          

Carrot 1 cup Crab meat 4 oz. Red onion 1 oz. Lemon juice 1 tbsp. Grape tomatoes 4 Mascarpone 1 oz. Ghee 1 oz. Salt and pepper to taste Butter salad leaves 2 Macadamia nuts 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. In a medium bowl, add onion, lemon juice, tomato, ghee, salt and fresh pepper. Add crab meat and sway lightly. 2. Cut the carrot and season with the remaining ingredients, mix carrot, crab and sprinkle smashed macadamia nuts. Serve immediately with butter leaves to enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 204 (per serving) Fat: 27.1g Protein: 14.5g Carbs:7g

Recipe 78: Bacon Duck Salad Ingredients       

Duck breasts 14 oz. Bacon slices 4 oz. Romaine lettuce 1.76 lb. Salad Dressing 8 tbsp. Mascarpone cheese 4 oz. Salt and pepper to taste Anchovies 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 375F and bake bacons until it becomes crispy approximately 15 minutes and keep aside. 2. Now, make duck breast fry, by placing in oven to 430F, don't forget to season with salt and pepper. Cook for 15 minutes or until golden color and keep aside. 3. Meanwhile, prepare dressing and other ingredients. Use a peeler to make the mascarpone flakes and place the lettuce in a serving bowl and toss with the dressing. 4. Now, slice the duck breasts into thin strips and place on top of the lettuce. Add the mascarpone flakes and crisped up and crumbled bacon, anchovies and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 4 Calories: 697 (per serving) Fat: 55.1g Protein: 29.5g Carbs: 7g

Recipe 79: Berry Fruit Salad Ingredients       

Cranberries 5 oz. Goat cheese 5 oz. Rinds 1 oz. Pecans 2 oz. Fresh red lettuce 4 oz. Ghee 2 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, powder the rinds using a blender and keep aside. 2. Now, cut each goat cheese in circular shape. Apply ghee and cover in powdered pork rinds. Place in freezer for 60 minutes to prevent the cheese from melting when grilled. 3. Meanwhile, preheated your grill to 450F and cook cheese for just about 5 minutes. 4. On other hand, wash cranberries, spray vinegar and place in oven at 450F for 10 minutes. 5. Place washed lettuce in a serving bowl and add roasted pecans, drizzle the salad with ghee. 6. Add the cranberries, grilled cheese to salad and enjoy your meal.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 75 minutes Total servings: 2 Calories: 609 (per serving) Fat: 51.5g Protein: 24.8g Carbs: 7.8g

Dessert Recipes Recipe 80: Chocolate Maple Brownies Ingredients         

Almond flour 1 cup Cocoa powder 2 oz. Erythritol 4 tsp. Ghee 2 oz. Maple syrup 1 oz. Large eggs 2 Baking soda 1 tsp. Salt ¼ tsp. Macadamia nut powder 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F. In small bowl, add erythritol, ghee, maple syrup, eggs and mix well. 2. In separate bowl, combine all almond flour, coco powder, macadamia nut powder, baking soda and salt. 3. Mix bowl1 and bowl2 mixture using hand mixer then place batter into a 10x8 baking pan and bake for 20 minutes. 4. Let brownies cool and slice it into 8 equal parts and enjoy eating while drinking coffee or tea.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 288 (per serving) Fat: 24.1g Protein: 8.8g Carbs: 4.2g

Recipe 81: Strawberry Cheese Cakes Ingredients Cake:  Large eggs 6  Cream cheese 3 oz.  Cream of tartar 2 tsp.  Erythritol 2 oz.  Strawberries 6 pieces Frosting:  Cream cheese 1 lb.  Ghee 1 oz.  Erythritol mix 1 oz.  Strawberries extract 1 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 300 F. Spray 2 muffin tins with ghee then in a medium bowl, beat cream cheese, strawberry extract, sweetener and egg yolks until smooth. 2. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites and cream of tartar with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Next, carefully fold the whipped egg whites into the yolk mixture. 3. Scoop about two tablespoons of the mixture into each muffin tin and gently press single strawberry into it then place in preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. 4. Once done, remove the cake from the muffin tins and place on a cooling rack. While the cakes are cooling, combine all frosting ingredients together in a medium bowl. 5. Beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Transfer frosting to pastry bag with wide tip. Set aside 3 layers for each cake and then pipe frosting in between each layer of cake.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories: 347 (per serving) Fat: 30g Protein: 10.3g Carbs: 3.6g

Recipe 82: Coco Pumpkin Pie Ingredients         

Dark chocolate 3.5 oz. Ghee 2 tbsp. Coconut butter 4.5 oz. Pumpkin pie spice 2 tsp. Erythritol 2 tbsp. Pumpkin purees 3.5 oz. Protein powder 1 oz. Mint leaves 10 (frozen) Stevia 10 drops

Preparation Method 1. At first, melt dark chocolate and ghee by placing in microwave oven for 60 seconds and keep aside. 2. Fill 18 mini muffin cups with 2 teaspoons of chocolate and keep in fridge for at least 10 minutes. 3. In a small bowl, add protein powder, coconut butter, ghee, erythritol and pumpkin spice mix and place in microwave oven for 60 seconds. 4. Now, add the pumpkin puree and mix well until it combined. Remove the muffin cups from the fridge and add a 1 teaspoon of the pumpkin and coconut mixture into each cup. 5. Then add frozen mint leaves and place back in the fridge for 30 minutes and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 60 minutes Total servings: 18 Calories: 131 (per serving) Fat: 11.3g Protein: 3.3g Carbs: 1.6g

Recipe 83: Frozen Banana Cakes Ingredients         

Dark chocolate 3.5 oz. Ghee 2 tbsp. Almond butter 4.5 oz. All spice 2 tsp. Erythritol 2 tbsp. Banana purees 3.5 oz. Protein powder 1 oz. Basil leaves 10 (frozen) Stevia 10 drops

Preparation Method 1. At first, melt dark chocolate and ghee by placing in microwave oven for 60 seconds and keep aside. 2. Fill 18 mini muffin cups with 2 teaspoons of chocolate and keep in fridge for at least 10 minutes. 3. In a small bowl, add protein powder, almond butter, ghee, erythritol and pumpkin spice mix and place in microwave oven for 60 seconds. 4. Now, add the banana puree and mix well until it combined. Remove the muffin cups from the fridge and add a 1 teaspoon of the banana and almond mixture into each cup. 5. Then add frozen basil leaves and place back in the fridge for 30 minutes and enjoy the taste.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 60 minutes Total servings: 18 Calories: 131 (per serving) Fat: 12.1g Protein: 5g Carbs: 1.8g

Recipe 84: Chia Cakes Ingredients         

Chia meal 1 cup White chocolate 2 oz. Erythritol 4 tsp. Ghee 2 oz. Maple syrup 1 oz. Large eggs 2 Baking soda 1 tsp. Salt ¼ tsp. Macadamia nut powder 1 oz.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 350F. In small bowl, add erythritol, ghee, maple syrup, eggs and mix well. 2. In separate bowl, combine all chia meal, white chocolate, macadamia nut powder, baking soda and salt. 3. Mix bowl1 and bowl2 mixture using hand mixer then place batter into a 10x8 baking pan and bake for 20 minutes. 4. Let brownies cakes cool and slice it into 8 equal parts and enjoy eating while drinking coffee or tea.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Total servings: 8 Calories: 278 (per serving) Fat: 22.2g Protein: 8.7g Carbs: 4.7g

Recipe 85: Fruit Nut Ice Cream Ingredients         

Heavy cream 8 oz. Erythritol 2 oz. Cranberries 2 oz. Pineapple 1 oz. Avocado 1 oz. Protein powder 2 oz. Large egg yolks 3 Nuts 12 tbsp. Vanillas extract 1 tsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, place a pan over simmer and add heavy cream, erythritol, don't boil it just wait until erythritol is dissolved gently. 2. Meanwhile, add egg yolks in mixing bowl and beat using hand mixer until they’ve doubled in size. 3. Now, add hot cream mixture gently into the egg mixture and mix. Add vanilla extract, protein powder and mix well. 4. Place your bowl in the freezer for 2 hours minimum, don’t forget stir occasionally. 5. Meanwhile, put cranberries, avocado, pineapple in a mixer (it should be little chunky). When the ice cream looks bit thicker, it’s right time to add the chunky fruit paste and mix gently, but don’t over mix. 6. Sprinkle nuts and let this ice cream chill for another 4 hours or overnight before you taste it.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 6.5 hours Total servings: 5 Calories: 221 (per serving) Fat: 18.9g Protein: 8.9g Carbs: 2.8g

Recipe 86: Cranberry Frost Cups Ingredients Cake:  Large eggs 6  Cream cheese 3 oz.  Cream of tartar 2 tsp.  Erythritol 2 oz.  Cranberries 6 pieces Frosting:  Cream cheese 1 lb.  Ghee 1 oz.  Erythritol mix 1 oz.  Cranberries extract 1 tsp.  Lemon juice 1 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, preheat your oven to 300 F. Spray 2 muffin tins with ghee then in a medium bowl, beat cream cheese, cranberries extract, sweetener and egg yolks until smooth. 2. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites and cream of tartar with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Next, carefully fold the whipped egg whites into the yolk mixture. 3. Scoop about two tablespoons of the mixture into each muffin tin and gently press single cranberries into it then place in preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. 4. Once done, remove the cake from the muffin tins and place on a cooling rack. While the cakes are cooling, combine all frosting ingredients together in a medium bowl. 5. Beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Transfer frosting to pastry bag with wide tip. Set aside 3 layers for each cake and then pipe frosting in between each layer of cake.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 45 minutes Total servings: 6 Calories: 347 (per serving) Fat: 32.5g Protein: 10.5g Carbs: 4.1g

Recipe 87: Cranberry Ice Cream Ingredients       

Heavy cream 8 oz. Erythritol 2 oz. Cranberries 6 oz. Banana protein powder 2 oz. Large egg yolks 3 Pineapples extract 1/2 tsp. Nuts 12 tbsp.

Preparation Method 1. At first, place a pan over simmer and add heavy cream, erythritol, don't boil it just wait until erythritol is dissolved gently. 2. Meanwhile, add egg yolks in mixing bowl and beat using hand mixer until they’ve doubled in size. 3. Now, add hot cream mixture gently into the egg mixture and mix. Add pineapples extract, banana protein powder and mix well. 4. Place your bowl in the freezer for 2 hours minimum, don’t forget stir occasionally. 5. Meanwhile, put cranberries in a mixer (it should be little chunky). When the ice cream looks bit thicker, it’s right time to add the chunky cranberries and mix gently, but don’t over mix. 6. Sprinkle nuts and let this ice cream chill for another 4 hours or overnight before you taste it.

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 6.5 hours Total servings: 5 Calories: 221 (per serving) Fat: 17.2g Protein: 8.9g Carbs: 2.5g

Smoothie Recipes Recipe 88: Cucumber Spinach Smoothie Ingredients       

Spinach 220g Cucumber 70g Ice cubes 7 Coconut Milk 245g Liquid Stevia 12 drops Xanthan Gum 1g Coconut oil 20g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:335 (per serving) Protein: 3g Fat: 33g Carbohydrates: 7g

Recipe 89: Caramel Butter Smoothie Ingredients      

Ice Cubes 7 Coconut Milk 245g Peanut Butter 28g Caramel 28g Xanthan Gum 2g Coconut oil 14g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:336 (per serving) Protein: 7g Fat: 35g Carbohydrates: 6g

Recipe 90: Tropical Smoothie Ingredients         

Ice cubes 7 Coconut Milk 185g Sour Cream 60g Golden Flaxseed Meal 28g Coconut oil 14g Liquid Stevia 20 drops Mango Extract 3g Blueberry Extract 3g Banana Extract 3g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:352 (per serving) Protein: 5g Fat: 31g Carbohydrates: 3g

Recipe 91: Avocado Smoothie Ingredients     

Ripe avocado 1 Frozen raspberries 90g Water 360ml Lemon juice 30ml Stevia 20 drops

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time:2 minutes Serving per Recipe: 2 Calories: 227 (per serving) Protein:2.5 g Fat: 20g Carbohydrates: 4g

Recipe 92: Rhubarb Smoothie Ingredients         

Rhubarb stalks 50g Strawberries 40g Almond butter 28g Egg 1 Almond milk 120ml Cream 30g Ginger root powder 2g Vanilla extract 2g Stevia 6 drops

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 392 (per serving) Protein: 14.2g Fat: 31.8g Carbohydrates: 8.6g

Recipe 93: Keto Berry Smoothie Ingredients     

Heavy whipping cream 80g Almond milk 120ml Frozen mixed berries 75g Extra virgin coconut oil 14g Ice 50ml

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:400 (per serving) Protein: 4g Fat: 41g Carbohydrates: 7g

Recipe 94: Blackcurrant Smoothie Ingredients      

Blackcurrants 60g Strawberries 36g Coconut milk 60ml Water 120ml Ground chia seeds 16g Vanilla extract 3g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 228 (per serving) Protein: 5.1g Fat: 17.3g Carbohydrates: 8.7g

Recipe 95: Coco Mocha Smoothie Ingredients     

Coconut milk 490g Instant coffee 2 teaspoons Cocoa powder 3g Coconut extract 1 drop Packet stevia 100g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories:120 (per serving) Protein: 2g Fat: 10g Carbohydrates: 2g

Recipe 96: Berry Seeds Smoothie Ingredients       

Flax seed meal 34g Chia seeds 14g Coconut milk 450ml Liquid stevia 10 drops Blueberries 85g Banana extract 6g Ice cubes 7

Preparation Method 1. Blend the coconut milk with 7 ice cubes, banana extract, stevia 2. Add blueberries, flax meal, chia seed and blend until ingredients are fully incorporated 3. Measure out into serving and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 10 minutes Serving per Recipe: 2 Calories: 264 (per serving) Protein: 4g Fat: 25g Carbohydrates: 3g

Recipe 97: Black Cream Smoothie Ingredients      

Blackberries 75g Cream cheese 60g Coconut milk 60ml Water 120ml Extra virgin coconut oil 14g Vanilla extract 2g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 515 (per serving) Protein: 6.4g Fat: 53g Carbohydrates: 6.7g

Recipe 98: Heavy Keto Smoothie Ingredients     

Heavy whipping cream 60ml Almond milk 180ml Strawberries 72g Extra virgin coconut oil 14g Pineapple extract 2g

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 275 (per serving) Protein: 2.5g Fat:27.4 g Carbohydrates: 6.4g

Recipe 99: Mexican Smoothie Ingredients         

Coconut cream (80ml) Extra virgin coconut oil 28g Ground chia seeds 10g Cocoa powder 10g Vanilla extract 2g Cinnamon powder 2g Cayenne powder 2g Water 200ml Ice cubes 5

Preparation Method 1. In blender, place all ingredients and blend on medium speed or until smooth 2. Pour into serving glass and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 503 (per serving) Protein: 6g Fat: 43.1g Carbohydrates: 6.2g

Recipe 100: Blackberry Chocolate Smoothie Ingredients     

Coconut milk 240ml Blackberries 650g Cocoa powder 24g Ice cubes 7 Stevia 12 drops

Preparation Method 1. Add all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth 2. Pour into glass and enjoy the taste with straw

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 338 Protein: 1g Fat: 34g Carbohydrates: 4g

Bonus Recipe: Keto Seasoned Coffee Ingredients     

Coffee 240ml Unsalted butter 1 tbsp. Coconut oil 1 tbsp. Heavy cream 1 tbsp. Seasonings to taste

Preparation Method     

At first, make 1 cup of coffee and put in serving glass Now, add butter, after it ooze then coconut oil, heavy cream and mix well It gives creaminess and extra flavor to the coffee If desired, add your favorite seasonings like cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice with a splash of liquid stevia Mix it all together very well using a hand blender and enjoy the taste

Nutritional Information      

Preparation Time: 5 minutes Serving per Recipe: 1 Calories: 273 Protein: 0g Fat: 30g Carbohydrates: 1g

CONCLUSION The information provided in this book will help you in the right way toward your successful dream to reduce weight and maintain good health throughout your life. Before you start each day, remember and remind yourself about incredible benefits you achieve while doing this diet and tell yourself that you can do this for improving your health and vitality. Don't forget to take measurements and photos before you start your diet; this is the best way to monitor your progress and remember this is not just for weight loss, this is for achieving better health throughout your life. Once again thank you for downloading our book, and we hope you will achieve your dream weight and health.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hello! I'm Andrew Le, passionate follower of Ketogenic diet. I live in the USA. I have been espousing ketogenic diet since 20 years old. Ketogenic is not a diet; it is a lifestyle. I hate being overweight and having a sufficiently fat body; we should be slimmer and active. While following this way of life, you are going to improve your health and beauty with dramatic weight loss. I sincerely recommend you to follow a ketogenic diet and explore benefits yourself.

HOW I FEEL I feel great to be a ketogenic diet follower, and one great thing is I choose and make my keto recipes without any deficiency of fat and protein. Due to busy work tensions, a lot of people won't be able to create or make own recipes, so I want to help and share my recipes with the individuals who are seeking for right and healthy keto recipes.

One Last Thing... If you enjoyed this book or found it useful I’d be very grateful if you’d post a short review on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference and I read all the reviews personally so I can get your feedback and make this book even better. If you’d like to leave a review then all you need to do is click the review link on this book’s page on Amazon here: Thanks again for your support!

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