COA parent handbook 2016 2017

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement




Program Goals


Child Care Registration


Priority Placement Policy




Fees and Charge


Program Payment Schedule Policy


Other Fees and Charges


Program Orientation


Age Group Ratios of Adults to Children


Positive Guidance





Resource and Referral


Special Needs


Safety Policies and Procedures


Security Procedures


Child and Youth Management System (CYMS)


Child Abuse Protection and Reporting


Health Policies


Medication Procedures


Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco


Nutrition and Food Service




Late Pick up Procedures

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Parent Involvement



MISSION STATEMENT (COA ASP-PS 1.01) Youth Programs provides a safe enriching, supervised environment for children and youth during out of school time. Individual interests, experiences, abilities and needs guide the programming. Children have the right to be heard, listened to and influence decisions. We promote experiences and opportunities that enhance rather than duplicate the school day. Our programs maintain an atmosphere that encourages flexibility and allows for freedom of choice within appropriate guidelines. We strive to reinforce family values and emphasize the uniqueness of each child by promoting positive attitudes and validating self-worth. We accomplish this mission through a devoted team of trained professionals and parents whose goal is the growth and development of our children within a happy, safe and caring atmosphere. PHILOSOPHY (COA ASP-PS 1.02) Air Force School Age Care (SAC), provides safe, enriching, supervised environments for children and youth during out of school time. We strive to reinforce family values and emphasize the uniqueness of each child by promoting positive attitudes and validating their self-worth. Additionally, we promote opportunities that enhance rather than duplicate the school day and our programs maintain an atmosphere that encourages flexibility and allows for freedom of choice within appropriate guidelines. Individual interests, experiences, abilities and needs guide the programming. PROGRAM GOALS (COA ASP-PS 1.01, 1.02) • Personal Development-supporting positive self-concepts, fostering independence and life skills, encouraging responsibility. • Social Development-establishing friendships, learning social skills, gaining social support, developing a sense of community and teamwork. • Physical Development-building physical and recreational skills, appreciating the ability to rest and relax. • Cognitive Development-advancing success in school, exploring new ideas and facts.


CHILD CARE REGISTRATON (COA ASP-PS 2.01, 2.02) Child Care Registration process is transitioning into an automated online service. Step one to obtaining child care and or get placed on the waiting list, is completing and submitting a DD Form 2606 and Priority Placement Verification Form. Formscan be dropped off, faxed, or emailed to 11 FSFY (Youth) or FSFC (Child Development) org boxes. You will be contacted within a few days to make an appointment to finalize your paperwork and determine your fee category. If however, you are placed on the waiting list you must contact Child Care Registration every two months to keep information current. Placement on the waiting list is based on an established priority system and you will be contacted when a vacancy becomes available. PRIORITY PLACEMENT POLICY Priority for child care is based on guidance found in Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6060.3 School Age Care. Eligible patrons include active duty military, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians, reservists on active duty, DoD contractors and civilians with children attending Imagine Andrews Public Charter School. The installation commander has established the following priority system. Priority 1 applies to active duty military and DOD civilian employees assigned to Joint Bas Andrews: a. 1A: Single/dual active duty assigned to Joint Base Andrews b. 1B: Single/dual DOD civilian employees assigned to Joint Base Andrews c. 1C: All other active duty and DOD civilian employees living on, but not assigned to Joint Base Andrews. Priority 2 applies to all other active duty military and DOD civilian employees living on, but not assigned to, Joint Base Andrews: a. 2A: Single/dual active duty military living on, but not assigned to, Joint Base Andrews b. 2B: Single/dual DOD civilian employees living on, but not assigned to Joint Base Andrews c. 2C: All other active duty and DOD civilian employees married to a working or full time student spouse living on, but not assigned to, Joint Base Andrews. Priority 3 applies to all active duty military and DOD civilian employees not living on and/or assigned to Joint Base Andrews: a. 3A: Single/dual active duty military 4

b. 3B: Single/dual DOD civilian employees c. 3C: All other active duty and DOD civilian employees married to a working or full time student spouse Priority 4 applies to all active duty and DOD civilian employees assigned to Joint Base Andrews married to a spouse who is not working and is not a full time student: a. 4A: Active duty military married to a spouse who is not working and not a full time student b. 4B: DOD civilian employees married to a spouse who is not working and not a full time student Priority 5 applies to all DOD Contractors working on Joint Base Andrews: a. 5A: Single/dual DOD Contractors working on Joint Base Andrews b. 5B: DOD Contractors working on Joint Base Andrews and married to a working spouse or full time student c. 5C: DOD Contractors working on Joint Base Andrews and married to a spouse who is not working and is not a full time student. Parents in Priority 4 and Priority 5C have a period of 60 days to provide proof of employment for the non-working spouse or proof of enrollment as a full time student. In the event there is a child on the waiting list from a higher priority, children in Priority 4 and 5C will be given a 2-week notice to vacate the space. Assigned to Joint Base Andrews is defined as the sponsor working or living on base or working at a detachment serviced by a military personnel office on the installation. Working spouse is defined as having a job outside the home or a home based business working a minimum of 20-hours-per-week. Full time student status is defined as 12 credit hours per semester. Proof of registration and class schedule is due at the beginning of each semester/quarter. A contractor is defined as an individual working for the primary company hired to fulfill a contract on Joint Base Andrews. This does not include subcontractors hired to fulfill a contract for the primary contractor.

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ENROLLMENT (COA ASP-PS 2.01, 2.03) Parents with children on the waiting list are contacted once a space becomes available. Once the initial offer is made parents have 24 hours to either accept or decline. Declining removes you from the waiting list until a new DD Form 2606 and Priority Placement Verification Formare submitted. Please note that outdated contact information could result in losing an offer. Upon accepting care you will be scheduled for an appointment to complete the following forms: AF Form 1181 (Air Force Child Development Program Patron Registration) Parent Emergency Contact Information Guidance Policy Transportation Permission United States Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Benefits Sheet • DD Form 2652 (Total Family Income Fees Tabulation Sheet) • Credit Card Auto Pay authorization • Child Development and School Age Programs Agreement • • • • •

The following additional information is also required: • Current pay statements for all employed adults in the household o All military members must supply most recent first of the month leave & earning statement; for civilians your most recent pay statement. Newly employed parents submit verification of employment. Document must indicate anticipated annual gross income or hourly wage with estimated hours per week worked. If the information is not provided, fees are set in the highest fee category and will not adjust or be recalculated for 12 months. Fee calculations are required annually. • Proof of student status, if applicable • Current Health Assessment • Names and phone numbers of two local emergency contacts with base access and one hour or less travel time from Joint Base Andrews. During the year as information changes, please provide updates when you are making a payment for care or as soon as the change occurs with a front desk staff member. 6

IMPORTANT NOTE: Enrollment is not final until all paperwork is completed. Failure to complete enrollment by start date will result in loss of care.

FEES AND CHARGES There are nine income categories and DoD has provided a fee range within each to allow installations flexibility when establishing fees based on local cost of living rates. Joint Base Andrews is located in a high cost of living area and therefore fees are established accordingly. Failure to submit required documents automatically places you in the highest fee category. Fees and charges for SAC are based on annual guidance from DoD and applyto all branches of the military, civilians and contractors. They are determined at the time of enrollment and are reviewed annually. During the registration process proof of income is required to calculate Total Family Income (TFI). It’s verified by reviewing the most recent leave and earning statement (LES). For military members fees are calculated using your end of month LES calculating base pay, Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) from the BAH II chart and other select special duty pays determines your TFI. Dual military families will only be assessed using the BAH II Chart of the highest ranking parent. TFI includes all earned income such as wages, salaries, tips, long-term disability benefits, retirement and other pensions and voluntary salary deferrals before deductions for taxes, social security, etc. Quarters and subsistence allowances received by military members and anything else of value, even if not taxable, that was received for providing services is also calculated in TFI. Quarters allowances mean the basic allowance for housing received by military personnel (with respect to grade and status). The amount of BAH used is determined by the BAH II Chart. Military families must include basic housing allowance because it is considered part of the military family income whenever an individual is applying for any type of federally subsidized program, such as the earned income tax credit and college scholarships. Child support income will not be used to compute the family income. Emergencies dealing with payments must be submitted in writing to the program director and will be handled on an individual basis. If a long term financial hardship arises a fee reduction may be requested and submitted through Airman and Family Services. All fee reduction requests are approved by the Mission Support Group 7

Commander. Detailed information is available at the child care registration office or the youth program. Families requesting social service vouchers are responsible for payments until county approval has been received. Contact may also be made with the Air Force Aid Society, the Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) or other military family support program affiliated with a particular branch of service. A written termination notice must be provided to the SACcoordinator two weeks in advance, if your child no longer requires our services. Assessment of fees will continue and required to be paid until a two week written notice is received.

PROGRAM PAYMENT SCHEDULE POLICY (COA ASP-PS 2.04) The program accepts Cash, Checks, Visa and MasterCard only for payments all due in full is by Friday for the upcoming week of care. If payment is not made by that date a late payment fee will be assessed for each child enrolled in the program. When the Friday falls on a holiday, payments are due on Thursday; if paid after the holiday expect a late fee to be assessed. If a house hold account has a balance due on or after the Tuesday the credit/debit card on file will be charged for the full amount owed plus applicable late fees. If card transaction is denied, child care services will be suspended until payment is received. Fees and charges will continue to be assessed while care is suspended. When the 25th day of the month passes the process to garnish wages will begin. Households consistently having trouble paying fees on time are subject to termination from the program.

OTHER FEES AND CHARGES (COA ASP-PS 2.04) SAC closes at 1800 hours Monday-Friday. Parents who pick up and sign out their children after we close will be assessed late pick up fees. Fees will be charged the next business day. Should parents be repeatedly late to pick up, care may be suspended or terminated. Additional fees for attendance on no school days regardless of hours used. Adjusted fees are based on income category and program enrollment. This does not apply to morning school delays.


PROGRAM ORIENTATION (COA ASP-PS 2.01, 2.03, 2.04) Program orientation is offered every Thursdayprior to the first day of care and must be scheduled in advance. Orientation includes information on program philosophy and curriculum goals and objectives, guidance and discipline, ongoing communication procedures, support of special needs children, health and safety precautions and requirements, techniques used by the program to negotiate difficulties and differences that arise in interactions between families and program staff, payments, meals, and snacks and confidentiality of child and family information.

AGE GROUPS AND RATIOS OF ADULTS TO CHILDREN (COA ASP-PS 12.02) Developmentally appropriate program staff to child ratios facilitates adult-child interactions and constructive activity among children. Program staff to child ratios within group sizes are maintained during all hours of operation, including indoor time, and while transporting for field trips. For high risk, high adventure activities like but not limited to swimming, ice/roller skating and rock climbing the ratios are lowered to improve supervision and safety: School Age Children High Risk Activities

5 years to 12 years 5 years to 12 years

1 Adult: 12 Children 1 Adult: 8 Children

POSITIVE GUIDANCE (COA ASP-PS 4.01, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06) SAC uses redirection as a positive guidance technique. Staff never use physical punishment such as shaking or hitting and do not engage in psychological abuse or coercion. Positive guidance is utilized with children to redirect inappropriate behavior. One aspect of the curriculum is to introduce and encourage socially appropriate behavior.


The goal is to replace an inappropriate behavior with a desired behavior, focusing on what the child should do rather than what the child should not do. Children who continue to exhibit disruptive behaviors will be closely monitored. Staff and parents will work together in formulating a plan to help the child become successful in the program. At registration parents will be asked to read the Positive Child Guidance Policy. The policy is designed for children to develop self-control, a positive self-image and respect for others. Incident reports will inform parents of serious rule infractions. Staff will note any follow-up corrective measures planned. At time, Behavior Contracts, Daily Progress Reports and Daily Comment Forms may be used to enable staff, parents and children to work together to resolve problems. It is the responsibility of each parent to assist staff if difficulties arise by helping children manage their behavior. Any child who continually disrupts activities or beings the following into the program, such as weapons, drugs, or tobacco products, may be suspended and/or terminated from the program. Parents are asked to discuss the proper behavior with their children before enrolling in the School Age Program.

Misbehavior of one or two children will not be allowed to disrupt the program for others. Therefore, the following discipline procedures will be adhered to: -

Verbal Warning - Written Warning sent home Parent Conference - Loss of Activity or Trip Privileges Suspension (to be served the day after the offense is committed) Expulsion (if the infraction of the rules warrants it, this action will be implemented immediately)


Suspension & Termination of Enrollment: In certain circumstances it may be necessary to suspend or terminate child care due to behavior issues. In most cases, a suspension or termination will occur after several steps have occurred to develop more acceptable behavior from a child and the parents will have been involved in or had knowledge of each of these steps. However, there are potential situations in which a child may be suspended for a portion of day or longer based on the severity of the child’s behavior. This includes but not limited to, situations in which the child poses a significant safety or health risk to themselves, other children, or staff or the child is a flight risk. In the event that a child has to suspended for any duration, the parents will be notified and will be required to pick the child up immediately, but no later than 1 hour after receiving the notification. Parents will be informed of the reason for the suspension and the length of the suspension. Long term suspensions (more than 24 hours) will be coordinated through the Flight Chief. In extreme circumstances child care may need to be terminated. In the event of a termination, the process will be coordinated through the Flight Chief, the FSS Commander and the MSG Commander as necessary. Children will not be disciplined utilizing corporal punishment in any facility or program. Violation of this policy by parents or other adults may be considered child maltreatment. School Age Program staffs are mandated reporters of suspected child maltreatment and therefore, will report all cases of suspected child abuse to the Family Advocacy Office.

RESOURCE AND REFERRAL (COA ASP-PS 11.02) The program maintains a current list of child and family support services available in the community (e.g., health, mental health, oral health, nutrition, child welfare, parenting programs, early intervention-special education screening and assessment services, and basic needs such as housing and child care subsidies). Resources are available in the child care registration office and parent information bulletin boards in the center.


SPECIAL NEEDS (COA ASP-PS 4.05, 8.02) Our program makes every effort to serve children with special needs. A special needs information sheet, completed by medical personnel, is necessary to begin the review process for developmentally appropriate program placement. For timely identification of your child’s unique needs, request an information sheet during the application process. If a special need is identified after enrollment, submit your information sheet to ensure your child’s needs are addressed. The Special Needs Review Team (SNRT)reviews parental, medical and/or educational documentation (i.e. Individual Education Plan or Individual Family Support Plan, etc.,) to determine the best possible environment for your child. The team consists of Medical Advisors, Program Directors, Training and Curriculum Specialist, and other subject matter experts as required. Parents are encouraged to attend. Special Needs is a term used to describe children who are or in need of the following but not limited to: Developmental delays or disability Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Behavioral/emotional disorders Diabetes Asthma Uses mobility aids (wheelchair, braces etc.) Deaf or hard of hearing Low vision/legally blind Food Allergies Illness or physical condition that limits participation or requires continuous monitoring In some cases our program may not be equipped to meet your child’s unique needs. Program personnel will provide information about available services from other organizations.


SAFETY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (COA ASP-PS 9.01, 9.02, 9.03, 9.04, 9.08, 9.11) We have established policies and procedures to ensure the safety of your children at all times.Your child’s safety and wellbeing is of utmost importance to us therefore, Programs conduct daily and monthly safety, fire, and health inspections. The Joint Base Andrews fire prevention office conducts and monitors monthly fire drills. An independent annual comprehensive review of safety, fire and health requirements is conducted by subject matter experts. Joint Base Andrews conducts regular exercises regarding emergency situations, such as shelter in place and hazardous weather conditions. SACparticipates in these exercises. All staff is trained in first aid, rescue breathing, child and adult CPR. In the event a child is injured, appropriate First-Aid will be administered and parents will be contacted immediately. Parents will also be notified of minor incidents not requiring medical attention. Outdoor play is a vital part of the curriculum. Children will be taken outside daily and parents should ensure appropriate outdoor clothing is available. During extreme weather conditions (when weather, air quality, or environmental safety conditions pose a health risk) alternate gross motor activities will be available indoors.

SECURITY PROCEDURES (ASP-PS 2.03) Facility and program access is strictly monitored and controlled as a child abuse prevention measure. Access is limited to parents, children and staff. Others needing access (i.e., engineers) are required to sign in. Visitors (i.e. grandparents) are welcome, but must also be signed in. Adults, other than parents, picking up children are required to provide photo identification, which will be compared with names listed on the child’s AF 1181.


Emergency Preparedness: Children in the program will experience emergency drills, to include monthly fire evacuations, Shelter In Place Drills, and Emergency Prepared Drills. These drills are conducted to acquaint children and staff with the proper evacuation procedures and other scenarios. Parents are asked to reinforce the importance of such practices with their children. CYP staff and managers are trained in the proper procedures for each of these types of drills and will instruct children on the proper procedures to follow. The emergency preparedness plans are available at the front desk for parent review. During fire evacuations each child is assigned to a specific child/youth program assistant. The children are immediately evacuated from the building and escorted 75 feet way from the Youth Center. Face to name recognition is conducted by the CYPA staff. In case of an Active Shooter, front desk will inform the Youth Center personnel about emergency. AF Form 1930s will be gathered. Children will be moved into a designated shelter in place. Children will be kept calm until rescue efforts begin. If it is safe to escape the building staff will take children they are accountable for and proceed to the closest most secure hiding place. If Security Forces is on scene, staff will remain calm and follow their directions. Active shooter situations are never the same and unpredictable.

CHILD ABUSE PROTECTION AND REPORTING (COA ASP-HR 2, 3.05) To minimize the risk of child abuse in military child care programs, Department of Defense (DoD) has implemented strong management practices that include: Extensive staff and volunteer background checks and screening procedures View panels in all doors and large interior windows Video monitoring equipment Classroom accountability procedures Positive guidance and child abuse prevention, identification and reporting procedures training • Unannounced inspections • An “Open Door Policy”

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All incidents which may be reflective of child abuse or neglect are evaluated by the management team. The base Family Advocacy Office is contacted as needed. If you suspect child abuse, child neglect, or a safety violation, report it to: Family Advocacy Office (FAO): 240-857-9680 Base Safety Office: 301-981-5585 Department of Defense Child Abuse and SAFETY HOTLINE: 1-877-790-1197 HEALTH POLICIES (COA ASP-PS 2.03, 8.04, 8.06) If an illness prevents your child from participating comfortably in activities or creates a greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children, the child is made comfortable in a location where she or he is supervised by a familiar caregiver. If the child is suspected of having a contagious disease, she or he will be required to be picked up by a family member or someone designated on their AF 1181. The child will be removed from the other children to protect them from exposure. • The program immediately notifies the parent, legal guardian, or other person authorized by the parent when a child has any sign or symptom that requires exclusion from the program. In the event of a serious illness or a suspected contagious disease, a physician’s statement is required for return. • A child is excluded promptly if a vaccine-preventable disease to which children are susceptible occurs in the program. • Parents must pick up their child within one (1) hour of notification. If the parent is unable to pick-up the child alternate arrangements must be made. Emergency contacts may be called. The sponsor’s commander/supervisor may be notified for delays in picking up ill children. Child may return to program with medical approval or symptom free for 24 hours. Symptoms & Illnesses: • Fever, 101 degrees or higher • Diarrhea, defined by more watery stools 15

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Vomiting illness (two or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours) Persistent abdominal pain (continues more than 2 hours) Mouth sores with drooling Rash with fever or behavior change Purulent conjunctivitis(defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge) Blood in stools not explained by dietary change, medication, or hard stools Pediculus humanus capitis (head lice) Scabies Tuberculosis Impetigo Strep Throat Rubella Varicella-Zoster (chicken pox)\ Mumps Pertussis Measles Hepatitis A virus

Symptoms/signs of possible severe illness such as: Lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable irritability or persistent crying, difficult breathing, wheezing, or other unusual signs for the child.


Smoking, consuming alcohol, using tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) and/or using illegal/illicit drugs (including marijuana) are strictly prohibited in the sight or presence of children/youth participating in any CYP program or sponsored activity. This includes outdoor CYP activity areas and FCC homes.


No one who is under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will attend, supervise or participate in any CYP whether located in CYP facilities, FCC homes or any other locations used for CYP activities. MEDICATION PROCEDURES (ASP-PS 9.06, 9.07) The program maintains strict safeguards when administering medications. • Medications will only be administered when the prescription frequency is at least three times a day. • Medications will be administered only by trained staff. • Staff administers both prescription and over-the-counter medications to a child only if the child’s record documents that the parent or legal guardian has given the program appropriate written permission. • The child’s record includes instructions from a licensed health care provider who has prescribed or recommended medication for that child. • Staff follows the Five Rights of Medication Administration: (1) Right Child, (2) Right Drug, (3) Right Dose, (4) Right Route, (5) Right Time Daily Medications: • AF Form 1055 must be signed each day medication is to be administered. As NEEDED Medications (Inhalers, Epi-Pen): • In cases of emergency, approval will be requested via phone or fax, with signature on AF 1055 at time of pick up • AF Form 1055 must be on file and updated every 6 months Over the Counter Medications: (Aspirin, aspirin like products, antihistamines, decongestants, cough syrups, insect repellent) • Administered ONLY with a doctor’s permission, stating physician’s name, child’s name, name of medication, medication expiration date and dosage. (A request form is available). Form must be updated every 6 months. 17

• AF Form 1055 must be signed each day medication is to be administered. EXCEPTIONS: Annual written permission will be used for sunscreen, lip balm and over the counter hand lotions as well. (e.g., EUCERIN)

NUTRITION AND FOOD SERVICE (ASP-PS 8.01, 8.02) SAC provides breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack for the before and after school program. Foods low in sugar, salt and saturated fat and high in vitamins and minerals are the primary components of what we serve and all food meets U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines. We take steps to ensure food safety in our provision of meals and snacks and only allow food served in the facility that’s been purchased and prepared by program staff. Parents are asked not to bring food into the center, or if they want their child to eat something they purchased or prepared they must sign the child out of before and after care so the food can be consumed at another location, (i.e. car or picnic area). Meals are served in the classroom family style. Children are encouraged to help set the table, serve themselves and clean up as part of learning essential self-help skills. Teaching staff encourage children to experience new foods and to practice good table manners. All menus have been approved by a licensed dietitian and posted where families can view them; copies are also available if necessary. Meals are served at regular intervals throughout the day at least two hours apart but not more than three. Your child’s health care provider should provide an individualized care plan for special health care needs, food allergies or special diets. Parental permission is required to post the name of a child with food allergies within the food preparation area and the center. When permission is granted that information is posted in the food preparation area and in the areas of the facility the child uses so it is a visual reminder to all staff.


TRANSPORTATION (COA ASP-PS 9.08) Children transported to school by bus must have signed permission on file. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school and transportation office of child care location. Information regarding pick up and drop off times and bus numbers must be provided to program staff. Transportation of children for field trips will be by commercial school bus or via youth program vans. LATE PICK UP PROCEDURES (COA ASP-PS 2.01 2.04) Parents who are unavoidably detained should make alternate pick up arrangements and notify the program prior to closing. A fee of $3.00 per minute will be charged for all parents picking up between 1-5 minutes after the program closing. A fee of $40 will be charged for all parents picking up between 6-15 minutes after program closing. A fee of $50 will be charged for all parents picking up between 16-30 minutes after the program closing. A fee of $60 will be charged for all parents picking up between 31-40 minutes late. A fee of $100 will be charged for all parents picking up between 41-60 minutes after program closing. Fees will be charged the next business day. Should parents be repeatedly late to pick up, care may be suspended or terminated. PARENT INVOLVEMENT (COA ASP-PS 10.01, 10.02) There is a Parent Advisory Board established to further the connection between home, your child, the center, and the classroom. Parents are encouraged and supported in all programs and may visit the facility at any time. Monthly center wide activities such as our fall family feast, summer barbeques, etc., are scheduled to encourage you totake time and participate with us and your children. To get involved, you can read stories to the class; share a special talent or activity, a family tradition or just volunteer at the center. Connect with the SAProgram coordinator for all the details.


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