Avp 2015 portrait session guide

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Portrait Session Guide

Thank you! You've entr usted me with captur ing your pr ecious moments and it has been an honor to have had the oppor tunity to do so. Thank you f or shar ing a par t of your exper ience with me! This guide will walk you thr ough the next step of the pr ocess of selecting your f inal images and additional options available to tailor the f inal outcome to your desir e and ensur e the stor y of your exper ience lives on f or ever .

Thank you again f or choosing Andr ew Vega Photogr aphy.

Pr oof ing This step involves r eviewing your images and selecting your f avor ites. You can shar e the pr ovided link with other s you would like to have involved in the decision making pr ocess, r eview, and manage selections, as well as pr icing if you decide you would like to take advantage of additional options available. While this is a r emote pr ocess you can do anywher e, please f eel f r ee to contact me at any point if questions ar ise. I highly r ecommend you complete this pr ocess using the lar gest, highest quality scr een available to you as mobile devices limit your ability to r eview all the details in your images.

I've cr eated a pr ivate event page just f or you, accessible only with the pr ovided link. Fr om your event page simply click on the galler y to view your images. Her e you can scr oll down or click an image to enter a slide show view. The slide show pr ovides a lar ger pr eview with dir ectional mar ker s on each side allowing you to go back and f or th between images. While viewing your galler y you'll easily be able to select "f avor ites" Once you've made your f inal selections just let me know and I will pr epar e your images f or the next step; deliver y! When selecting f avor ites, the image is r emoved f r om the main galler y to avoid duplicate selections and placed into your "f avor ites" f older . You can easily navigate back and f or th between the galler y and your f avor ites f older and view each collection separ ately.

Clicking the hear t will place an image into a "f avor ites" f older . You can r eview your f avor ites by either clicking "See All" while in the galler y, or by r etur ning to the main event page and clicking "View My Favor ites".

Additional Options If you ar e content with the included number of images in your package, gr eat! Let me know and I'll get star ted pr epar ing your f inal images. Many of my clients loved their images so much, they just can't do without mor e, and if that's the case, awesome! I have many f lexible options available f or you to take advantage of this once in a lif etime exper ience that you can have to cher ish f or ever ! Choose between single digital images, digital bundles, packages, pr ints, or anything your hear t desir es. The options ar e vast and endless, so if you don't see exactly what you want let me know and we'll make it happen.

Digital Options Single additional digital image:


10 additional digital images:


20 additional digital images:


All images in your galler y:


High end r etouching While all images ar e thor oughly editing to get the best out of you and our amazing location, ther e ar e times wher e we wished we star ted our wor kout r outine bef or e our shoot. Maybe our teeth wer en't as white as we thought, or f or whatever r eason, we just want a little extr a touch up. I think your gr eat as you ar e, but can under stand how you f eel. I'm an exper t r etoucher and have you cover ed. Rates star t at $75/hr , time estimated by complexity. Contact me f or an estimate!

Pr ints Ther e ar e many options to choose f r om including canvas, metal, wood (yes, that?s a thing), and ever ything in between, f r amed, or r eady to hang, the options ar e endless and way too vast to list them all. This pr ice list is composed of my most popular items, so don?t hesitate to contact me f or guidance and pr icing if you don't see what your looking f or her e. Pr ices listed do not include shipping and tax which is based on size, weight, and location. * $20 minimum on all or der s. All pr int or der s 16x24 or lar ger include f r ee high end r etouching (Avg. $150 value)!

While I do include pr int r ights with all non-commer cial photo sessions, myA decision do so is prints.. based on what I f eel pr ovides the f lexibility wordtoabout and choice you deser ve. That being said, it?s also impor tant to me that your pr ecious memor ies, emotions, and exper iences captur ed ar e pr inted in the highest quality standar ds they deser ve. An image has the ability to alter a r oom; cr eate a constant connection to a time wher e little ones wer e little, ever yday str esses soothed by the sof t, sugar y sand of our Hawaiian beaches between your toes, and deadlines meant waking up ear ly enough to get as much br eathtaking scener y in as the day allowed. Saving a f ew dollar s only to end up with of f color , dr ab images on gener ic poster paper just makes me want to cr y. Even if you decide to pr int elsewher e please contact me so I can give you the best r ecommendation or adjust the images ICC pr of ile to the medium (paper type)you choose. I?d much r ather of f er completely

Paper Pr ints Using only the best, Fuji Cr ystal Ar chival paper is available in Super Luster , Pear l, and Deep Matte f inishes. For vivid, satur ated imager y, I also of f er Kodak Endur a Metallic paper ; images tr uly come to lif e with depth and intensity no computer scr een can mimic. Single pr ints ar e available in most sizes, and can be or der ed on with or without matting, or completely matted and f r amed. These ar e galler y and competition quality mediums, so gr eat f or all images, especially close up por tr aits and making color s pop.

Final pr ice depends on f inish chosen; Luster , Pear l, Metallic, Deep Matte, etc, and does not include matte or f r ame. (These ar e the most common f r ame sizes available.)



8?x10? $16.95-$18.95 11?x14? $30.95-$34.95 16?x24? $125.95-$148.95 24?x36? $267.95-$317.95

Canvas galler y wr aps

Canvas pr ints ar e af f or dable, r eady to hang, eliminating the cost and need to explor e the vast wor ld of f r aming. Canvas is a por ous medium, so I f ind it?s best used f or sof t, less satur ated images or sun dr enched images, as well as envir onment por tr aits like shown above. I love canvas, but it may not be the best choice f or ever y image. It?s ver y por ous and textur ed so ther e?s natur al detail loss due to its textur e, so I r ecommend other options f or br ight satur ated close ups as well as tight shots with little bor der space as edges ar e wr apped ar ound a wooden f r ame f or a clean look, r eady to hang.

Final pr ice depends on mounting style and f inish. Options include: -ThinWr aps: Canvas pr int wr apped ar ound a stur dy Masonite boar d. -Str etched Canvas: Canvas is str etched ar ound a wooden f r ame leaving the f ull image visible on the f r ont with white edges. -Tr aditional Galler y Wr apped: Image visible on edges as shown in image above. I typically r ecommend shor t edges to get as much visible image space as possible. 8?x10?




16?x24? $178.95-$232.95 24?x36? $272.95-$376.95

Metal Pr ints

Metal pr ints ar e a gr eat choice f or getting color s to ?pop?. Ther e ar e sever al f inishes available, and based on the image you choose I will guide you thr ough options to ensur e the best outcome. With an almost magical luminescence and vibr ant f eel, these come complete with a dur able, scr atch r esistant f inish that you can simply spr ay a household cleaner to wipe clean and can easily be made into multi-image displays.While best to avoid in intense dir ect sunlight locations, these ar e a per sonal f avor ite f or images that show of f the amazing color s in our Hawaiian skies!





11?x14? $89.95-$95.95 16?x24? $220.95-$235.95 24?x36? $485.95-$495.95 Optional metal posts aver age $35 depending on size. *

Metal posts ar e also available f or an added moder n touch. While you can cer tainly f r ame these, they ar e typically f loat mounted. An inexpensive choice that gives the appear ance of f loating of f the wall.

Maple Wood Pr ints

Maple wood pr ints ar e UV pr inted dir ectly on to ½? thick sustainably sour ced maple, and have a war m, natur al, nostalgic look and f eel. Slight gr ain appear s thr ough the lighter ar eas of an image, and gives a sof t, muted over all tone. Love it! Available with no bor der or a matching natur al wood bor der , all r eady to hang. A white ink f inish injects an under lay to keep the image cr isp, minimizing gr ain f or that per f ect balance between a vibr ant and natur al look. Smaller pr ints can be combined f or an amazing multi-image wall display! Give me an idea of the space you'r e wor king with and we?ll get cr eative! 4?x6?, 5?x5?, 5?x7?, & 6?x6? $49.95 8?x8?, 8?x10?, 8?x12?, & 10?x10?


10?x20?, 11?x14?, & 12?x12?


10?x30?, 12?x?24, 16?x16?, & 16?x20?


12?x36?, 16?x24?, 20?x20?, & 20?x24?


Now that I've cover ed the selection pr ocess and most r equested additional options, I look f or war d to hear ing f r om you and r eviewing your selections! Please contact me with any questions and once you've made your f inal choices. In the next step I will cr eate your digital downloads, deliver them electr onically as well as advise of you of estimated deliver y time f r ame f or pr ints within 24-48 hr s unless r evisions ar e r equested. Thank you again f or choosing me to captur e this exper ience!

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