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Church switch-

es to two services 

Church population grows with baptisms

Men’s Ministry focused on unity and fellowship


Meet Your Pastor


Music Ministry


Special Needs Awareness


Big Dipper Opening 3 Ceremony

Men’s Fellowship




Youth on the Rise


Youth’s Day


Be the Sermon


Operation Huldah


Fun and Games


The Anchor V O L U M E

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Double Blessing On the first Sabbath of January, 2016, the Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church officially implemented a Sabbath program comprising of two divine services. This was in response to the growing population of the church. Prior to the change, members often complained about the heat inside the church, some members sat on the porch, some stood on the outside while others loitered in the Children’s Department. Parking was also a challenge.

Benefits The change appears to be a successful one so far. According to Pastor Williams, “new people are coming, not just Adventists from other churches but community people are coming…” The change helps to facilitate a fundamental aspect of the church’s mission, evangelism. Many indi-

“It has placed a strain on the human resources of the church and challenges the leadership to be more organized and to know the brethren more so as to include them in leading out in the services.”

viduals attend the early service then use the opportunity to visit shut-ins or other churches in the district. Furthermore, bible class attendance has improved because persons are now able to come back to church earlier. Response to the Change “I attend the first service. Sabbath is a day of sacred rest; after most times six days of traversing Old Harbour to Kingston morning and evening, you become very tired. So after the first service, I have more sleeping time.”

New Souls for the Kingdom “I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth...” (Luke 15:7). On Sabbath January 31, eight individuals demonstrated their love for God by getting baptized. This was following a baptismal service tor two individuals the preceding Wednesday January 27, making it a total of ten new souls for the kingdom.

The Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist church extends a special welcome to our new members: Curton Jennings, Karen Jennings, Serena Wright, Samantha Dorah, Khayla Harrisingh, Shanice Haynes, Kadeem Wright, Paulette Chambers, Collette Tulloch and Gary Tulloch., You made the right decision by giving your lives to God. The baptismal service was brief and all left with a sense of recommitment to God.

The way Forward Going forward, there are ideas to implement various programs for persons who attend the early service such as: to have worship with shut-ins, distribute tracks to persons and so on. The leaders and members alike are committed to keeping the church together and will employ strategies to ensure that we remain as a family: likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind,…endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace [Philippians 2:2 & Ephesians 4:3].



Meet Your Pastor Pastor Robert Williams grew up on the island of Jamaica. He migrated to the United Kingdom. He studied at Newbold College, a seventh-day Adventist institution and after successfully completing his studies worked in England as a pastor

person” “approachable” “down to earth” are some of the ways that he has been described by members of the congregation he leads.

Look out for next quarter’s newsletter which will have

He is married to the gorgeous Mrs. Herma Williams and their union has produced three girls, Lovina, Roberta and Chrystal and one boy, William.

‘Pastor’s Corner’ a section looking at pastor’s view of what is happening.

He returned to Jamaica in 2014 to pastor the Old Harbour district of churches. “A people

Exploring Music Ministry One church, four choirs, countless music groups and many musicians. The Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church is clearly blessed with musical talent. Whether it be songs from the choirs, groups, soloist or the instrumentals of the band, each week the congregation is blessed with melodious and heartwarming renditions.

most well-known choirs in the Old Harbour District. They are often invited to sing at various conference and federation events.

The Tabernacle Choir is one of the faithful choir of the church. This choir is committed to the cause of Christ and always make themselves available to minister.

The coordinator for music ministry, Bro. Adrian Hinds in an interview expressed how challenging it is to manage the music ministry of the church especially given the change to two divine services. All are invited to become a part of the music ministry of the church.

The Sanctuary Choir was formed a few years ago. The choir continues to grow with more individuals expressing interest in being a part of this ministry. The Youth Choir is one of the THE


The Children’s Choir represents the future music ministers of the church. The choir always sings with passion and is full of talented young people willing to work for the Lord.

If you are interested in becom-

ing a part of this important aspect of worship, please contact Bro. Hinds. Let us all work together to give glory to God. “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1Peter4:10


Special Needs Awareness


Do you have a disability? Do you know someone with a disability? Many times a child is seen as rude or disobedient; could this child have a disability? Would you believe it if I told you that there are over 10 persons worshipping at the Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church with disabilities? These are all important questions. Based on a preliminary survey of the Old Harbour S.D.A congregation conducted during the AY programme on the 12th of March , approximately seventeen persons

“...a disability can affect anyone whether young or old…”

indicated that they had some type of disability. As such it is critical for us to be aware of the various disabilities and their implications. Persons with disability have the right to worship without feeling as though their rights are being infringed on. Not only is that a legal binding fact, it should also be our goal to make these individuals feel as though they are accepted. Additionally, on November 29, 2015, an article was published in The Gleaner entitled “Adventists Declare Full Support for Special Needs Ministry.” It is therefore a part of

Opening Ceremony-Big Dipper “…excited to

embark on a new year in the army of the Lord…”


January 3, 2016 marked the commencement of the Big Dipper Pathfinder and Adventurer Club for the New Year. The members of the club as well as the directorate were neatly attired in their uniforms. Preliminaries The ceremony began with the raising of the Jamaica flag by the pathfinders followed by the singing of the national anthem. Both parents, pathfinders, adventurers and leaders were in high spirits, excited to embark on a new year in the army of the Lord. After the preliminaries, the director of the club Sis Abegail Bennett welcomed all and stated the history and purpose of the club. She also emphasized the level of discipline and commitment expected from the members.


Charge Pastor Robert Williams gave a motivating charge in which he encouraged the pathfinders and adventurers to work for Christ and to help others in any way they can. He challenged them to examine themselves and to set goals for the coming year. These goals he claimed, should not only be for their own benefit but also geared towards evangelizing, helping a friend or assisting someone in need. He promised to support the club and its activities for the year. Pastor then prayed a consecratory prayer asking God for protection, guidance and leading for the club and all its endeavours. Closing The parents were then allowed to ask any questions followed by registration of old and new members. To close the program, refreshments were provided.

our mandate to develop this aspect of our church’s ministry. Sis Nichola Mullings-Brown is heading the mission to help persons become aware of the most common disabilities and the appropriate ways to deal with persons living with these challenges. It is important for us all to be a part of this initiative and become informed. A disability can affect any one at any time whether young or old. For information on how you can be a part of this please contact Sis Nichola Mullings-Brown





Men’s Fellowship On Sunday January 31, 2016 commencing at 6:30am, the Men’s Ministry Department hosted their Prayer and Consecration Service. This was the first event for this department for 2016 and was wellsupported by the youth and senior men of the church. They fellowshipped with one another and enjoyed it to the point where no one wanted to leave at the end. Pastor Barnaby and Elder Davy were the speakers for the event. Pastor Barnaby challenged the men to not only be good husbands and fathers but to also be the priests of their homes. Elder Davy emphasized the importance and power of prayer. After the presentations, they had a rap session to discuss the role of men in the church and society. “As men we believe that we need to be totally committed to the Lord’s work, serve our church, the family



and the community” says Elder Basil Powell, Men’s Ministry Leader. The discussion left the men with a renewed sense of purpose and the determina- “As men we tion to help the church to grow, to share the gospel believe that with the youth and to have we need to be a more significant impact on the lives of women and totally children. Some other goals coming out of the rap ses- committed to sion were: building confidence of the men in the the Lord’s church, implementing outwork” reach and ‘inreach’ programs as well as mentorship programs. After the discussion, the men of the church had breakfast together. The Men’s Ministry Department is already back at the drawing board and developing plans to promote unity and fellowship among the men through various programs such as:      

Quarterly Birthday Celebration Men’s Health Fair Seminars Men’s Day Retreat Church Revival Series

Hallelujah The Talented and energetic Brother Carey Sayles conducted the Adventist Youth (AY) programme on Sabbath February 7, 2016 under the theme Testimony and Praise. He shared his testimony which was punctuated by songs from his new album entitled “ If I Be Lifted Up”. Testimony He told of his days in school where he had to ‘hustle’ to make ends meet. He had to work as a janitor to supplement funds from a scholarship to pay his tuition. He boasted of God’s leading in his life. He was never given more than he could bear and God always came through right on time. What started as a small hustle of chips soon grew into what can only be

described as a small supermarket as he sold not only chips but bun, cheese, drinks, phone cards and much more. With God’s leading in his life, a young man who failed 5 CXC subjects at the high school level successfully completed his studies at the Northern Caribbean University (NCU). Praise Many in the congregation joined in the singing of praises to God. “Hallelujah my God, Hallelujah my King, Hallelujah my Lord, Hallelu, Hallelu” resonated throughout the church as all sought to give God the highest praise. All in all it was an evening well-spent in giving God all the glory He deserves.








Youth on the Rise members of the AY council. There are also other activities planned for the youths to draw on their talents in the mission of spreading the gospel.

Shanice Evans— Vice President Adventurer

Tritch-Ann Whyte—Executive Secretary


Additionally, the church is equipped with quality youth leaders and this is demonstrated in their involvement not only at the local church level but also in conference and federation activities. In fact, the Old Harbour Youth Zone Federation consists of five young people from Old Harbour SDA.


Jevon Reid — Youth Federation President

In accordance with this theme, since January, bible studies have been conducted with

Ragel Barrett—Vice President of

This church is not only blessed with talent, it is also blessed with active and committed young people. For the year 2016, the Youths of the Old Harbour SDA church have decided to focus on the theme Youths On fire Utilizing our

Talents through the

Orraine Tobias—Assistant Public Relations Officer These individuals have been integral in the planning of events such as: Operation Save a Youth (OSAY), summer camp, pathfinder rallies and so on. They are working for the Lord by trying to enhance the quality of youth ministries within the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Keep them in your prayers.


THOUGHT: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiaih 26:3)

Youths Day Youth’s Day was held on Sabbath February 20, 2016 under the theme, The End Game: Reach, Teach, Preach. Both sermons were centered around the second com-

ing of Christ. A Godly character was emphasized as our focus to prepare for His coming. The sermons also highlighted the need for youths to actively participate in the work of evangelism through reaching out to our peers by teaching and preaching the gospel of salvation. The AY program consisted of a skit demonstrating different persons

and their reaction to end time events. The program was not only entertaining but caused persons to reflect on their lives and their state of preparedness in these last days.


“…the testimonies had us in tears, yet they brought us


Be The Sermon

The Seventh Day Adventist Church first launched “Global Youth Day” on March 13, 2013. “The vision of GYD is to recapture the reality of Adventist youth as a global movement mobilized for service, contributing to the proclamation of the everlasting gospel and ushering in the second coming of Jesus Christ.” (General Conference Youth Ministries Department, 2016). This year the Old Harbour Zone participated in this initiative. The theme was “Be The Sermon.” Individuals from various congregations embarked on projects such as shut-in visitation, visiting children homes, prayer walks and track distribution. The youth of Old Harbour SDA were involved in a street feeding programme where they walked through the streets

of Old Harbour Town giving meals to those in need. It was well-supported as approximately sixty (60) youth turned out to be a part. Those who participated expressed how satisfied and accomplished they felt after doing this. Some responses are quoted below.

“…it allowed me to be appreciative of what God has done for me…” Responses “It was a hassling but most rewarding one. From not having a dollar to buy the first pound of seasoning to seeing God furnishing His work to completion so we could deliver smiles to the less fortunate…” “It was an enriching and heartwarming experience. It allowed me to be appreciative of what God has done for me and to develop a kinder heart towards others...”


Operation Huldah Operation Huldah is an initiative of the Women’s Ministries Department of Central Jamaica Conference. It is an evangelistic series that is led by women to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of both men and women, under the theme, I Give Myself Away, Use Me Lord. Prior to the start of Operation Huldah, the church went down in prayer and fasting. On the Sabbath afternoon of March 12, 2016, the church members went out into the communities to give out fliers and invite persons to Operation Huldah



Operation Huldah was held at the Old Harbour Seventh Day Adventist Church on March 19-24, 2016 at 7:30

p.m. each night. The evangelist was Sis. Sharon CampbellDanvers and her co-evangelist was Sis. Kerryon Williamson. The Lord used both speakers mightily to present the word of God each night under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Our hearts did indeed burn within us. The topics presented included Stand Still, The Blood, One Touch, the Seventh Man and the final topic was Going Home. The Wednesday night of the series was a power packed, inspirational testimony and prayer night. Life changing testimonies were shared by the evangelist and her co-evangelist

as well as a young lady by the name of Shana. The testimonies had us in tears, yet they brought us hope and joy. The curtains came down on Operation Huldah on Thursday night as the evangelist told us about heaven with its streets of gold and gates of pearl and the importance of being ready to go to heaven. Operation Huldah was indeed a transforming, spirit filled experience that caused us to recommit our lives to the Lord. To God be the glory.




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1. Worship in giving (male) 3. Church’s dress code 4. First Elder (surname) 7. Upcoming singing group 10. Formerly known as Rainbow Brothers 11. Faithful Choir 13. ….concerning ________; Ruth 4:7, 15. Pathfinder and Adventurer Club 17. Global Division 19. ___ He Comes 20. ____________ My Sanctuary 21. Before Proverbs 22. John 3:16 23. Song to end divine service (3 wrds) 25. A word from God

2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 14. 16. 18. 24.

Church’s Address The church ____(2 wrds) All the time (3 wrds) #373 Youth President of Old Harbour Federation Save a youth Bible Worker Mr. Generosity (surname) Sweet hour of prayer ____________ Grace Left a crimson stain

Fun and Games




The Old Harbour Church is one of the over 63 thousand churches in the family of believers - a very large family consisting of over 16 million believers. We take seriously our responsibility to share the everlasting message with our family, our friends and the community. We encourage all who pass though our community to visit us at anytime.


The Pastor, Elders and our over 1000 members will be happy to welcome you with open arms. If you are looking for a place to worship, a place of quiet rest, a place where love abounds then, this is the place. Walk right in, take your seat and Praise the Lord with us.


Church Websites Main site: Internet Radio: Video Streaming: Coming Soon: OHSDA mobile app

“The Church that cares.”

We are also on Facebook :

St. Catherine

Jamaica W.I. Phone: 1(876) 983-9089


Communication Committee Members & Roles Area of Responsibility

Elder Andrew Walker

Bro. Kamoy Roberts Bro. Kemar Gongasingh

Communication Secretary Chairman – Communication Committee Media Manager Asst. Communication Secretary 1st Deputy Chairman Asst. Communication Secretary 2nd Deputy Chairman Social Media/Website Manager Asst. Communication Secretary Music Coordinator Asst. Communication Secretary Asst. Easy Worship Coordinator P.A. System Engineer Equipment Manager Photographer Easy Worship Coordinator

Bro. Andre Thompson

Information Technology Manager

Sis. Desmarie Brooks


Sis. Mona-Lee Bailey

Committee Secretary

Bro. Owen Whitely Sis. Dian Griffiths

Church Program Coordinator Fundraising Coordinator Personal Ministry Representative

Bro. Ragel Barrett Bro. Andre Forbes

A.Y. Representative Asst. Music Coordinator

Bro. Jason Wright

Asst. Photographer

Sis. Letrecia Reid

Committee Member

Sis. Georgette Harrisingh

Committee Member

Bro. Jevon Reid

Committee Member

Bro. Adrian Hinds Bro. Troy Oliver

UPCOMING EVENTS APRIL  Launch of Singles JUNE Club  Men’s Day of  Church Harvest Prayer MAY  Religious Liberty  Communion Rally  Youth Camp

Produced by the OHSDA Communication Department Prepared and Designed by: Desmarie Brooks

Dr. Orane Richards Bro. Keith Dobson Bro. Fredrick Williams

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