How is back pain treated with massage therapy by Andrew Wolfe, LMP?
It is said at some point in time in our lives most people experience back pain. There are many causes of back pain. Over exertion, poor body mechanics, trauma, disease, compensation and accumulation take a toll as some of the reasons why we experience back pain. We are shorter at the end of the day because of the effects of gravity and ware and tear. Compression in the body results in the restriction in the muscular system which pulls us into flexion so we loose height allowing for more of a forward bend in our spine. Compensation allows the body to distort to protect itself. This is the body’s natural intelligence. Pain is one indicator that the body signals us to require change. Massage therapy help to disrupt the pain signals, lengthen and restructure the muscle tissue by eliminating compression, accumulation and compensation. March 22, 2011, copy writte by Andrew Wolfe, LMP Contact Andrew Wolfe, LMP, Mms.