Make entrepreneurship and innovation a National Idea. Extend reform boundaries though wider vision.
A new mindset to disrupt old soviet behavioral heritage. Historically, Ukraine had been under someones rule for over 300 years, 80 of them as a soviet state with communist ideology and social behavioral models. Over time people were thought that the government will take care of them if they go to work and do their jobs. University programs are designed to train industrial or social workers. There was almost no place left for creativity and flexibility.
Time is right for the government to actually start the reforms. Reform stimulators: ● deep and structural economic crisis; ● national currency devaluation by 300%; ● corruption in every governmental institution; ● ineffective social policy, pension fund deficit of about 5 bln. USD; ● WAR in the eastern part of the country; ● a boom of volunteer movements to support the army
How to involve and keep the ministries and society engaged. ● Frame an “Innovative Nation” vision and promote this vision through the president and opinion leaders; ● Invite established businesses and young entrepreneurs to the process of promoting the vision; ● Invite western educated citizens to lead the reforms in the ministries.
What will be the impact ● a change of mindset from “the government owes me” to “how can I solve a problem and make money from it?”; ● quality of manufactured products and services delivered will have to be of good quality to be competitive; ● independance, inspiration, self-realisation and other intrinsic motivators will become part of the culture; ● government economy will boom if reforms executed right.
What will be the impact ● government will have to become an entrepreneurship accelerator and service center; ● the additional tax incomes will help develop infrastructure and the social services that were not overtaken by businesses; ● market laws will help evaluate the most suitable business for each region; ● and many more positive impacts.
Thanks for the attention
Andrii Bondar Kiev 2015