Little Red Riding Hood Illustrations and edits by Andria Jepson
Story taken from Children's Hour Edited by Watty Piper Illustrations and edits by Andria Jepson
ed lived in a cottage at the edge of the village.
ne morning, Red's mother asked her to take a basket of treats to her grandmother, who was ill.
n her way, Red decided to stop and pick some beatiful wildflowers for her grandmother.
ed began to wander from her path when she heard a gruff voice say, "Good morning little girl." Red did not know the beast was wicked, so she was not affraid.
hat do you have in that basket?" Asked the wolf. "Eggs, butter and cake, Mr. wolf." Replied Red.
here are you going with them?" Asked the wolf. "I am going to my grandmother, who is ill, Mr. Wolf." Replied Red.
here does your grandmother live, little girl?" asked the wolf. "Along the path, past the wild rose bushes, through the gate at the end of the wood, Mr. Wolf." Replied Red.
hen the wolf told Red of the most beautiful wild flowers further down the path, and went on his way. She continued her search for flowers.
oon, the wolf reached the porch covered with flowers and knocked at the door of the cottage.
ho is there?" Called the grandmother. "It is your granddaughter." said the wicked wolf. "Press the latch, open the door, and walk in," said grandmother.
he wolf entered the cottage and jumped at grandmother! She ran into the closet and locked the door. The wolf put on grandmother's cap and crept under the bed sheets.
oon, Red knocked on the cottage door, and walked in. Upon seeing her grandmother, she said, "What big ears you have, Grandmother."
ll the better to hear you with, my dear." "What big eyes you have, Grandmother." "All the better to see you with, my dear."
ut, Grandmother, what a big mouth you have." "The better to EAT you with, my dear!" The wolf sprang at Little Red Riding Hood!
ust at that moment, a woodsman was passing the cottage and heard her scream. He rushed in and with his axe chopped off Mr. Wolf's head.
veryone was happy that Red had escaped the wolf, and they all lived happily ever after.