Aaron Andriarto Interior Portfolio

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aaron andriarto

interior design portfolio - selected works


+628170959995 | andriartoaaron@gmail.com | @andriartoaaron

Place of Birth : Jakarta, 30 July 1997 PROFILE I am an Interior Designer with a solution-oriented and passion for innovative design, a forward thinking, determine thinking person, and can work well in a group. I strive to produce high quality and visionary works.


2012 - 2015 SMAK 5 BPK PENABUR, High School 2015-2020 Pelita Harapan University, Interior Design Major


AutoCAD SketchUp Vray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Microsoft Word

WORKING EXPERIENCE 2019 Internship at Tamatama Design Associates, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara as Interior Designer

ORGANISATION EXPERIENCE Funding Division at SPARK5 2014 SPARK5 adalah acara Bakti Sosial yang diselenggarakan oleh siswa-siswi kelas XIIA1 dan XIIS1 sekolah SMAK 5 PENABUR. Partisipants Light at UPH 2015 Mentor Light at UPH 2016 Light adalah sebuah acara training kepemimpinan di Universitas Pelita Harapan Event Division at Antiokhia Gading 2015 - 2016 Antiokhia adalah acara gereja yang diselenggarakan oleh Orang Muda Katholik yang mengundang remaja berusia kisaran 15-19 tahun untuk aktif di gereja Internal Division at HMDI Universitas Pelita Harapan 2016-2017 HMDI merupakan Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Desain Interior di Universitas pelita Harapan

Event Division at Makrab Interior Design 2016` Makrab merupakan acara yang diselengarakan oleh HMDI yang bertujuan untuk mengakrabkan mahasiswa Desain Interior di UPH Head of committee iDesignment (Open Discussion) 2017 iDesignment merupakan acara yang mengundang Alvin Tjitrowirjo sebagai pembicara untuk berdiskusi tentang ‘The Cycle of Interior Designer and Environment’ Supporting Crew of Satu Ruang: “Melalui Desain Membangun Kesadaran” 2016/2017 Satu Ruang merupakan acara kompetisi desain yang diselengarakan oleh HMDI UPH yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap disabilitas.



st. james church gedung karya pastoral


office design TSDS Home Office


retail design batik khatulistiwa


shophouse design Autoglaze


dwelling design Bathing Expirience


project with colleague Batoo CoWork


project with colleague C & C Capsule Hotel Lorem ipsum


project with colleague palbatu batik house


st. james church pastoral work building

Pastoral work building has and important role in a church. st james church has a four story pastoral work building, which is one of the bussiest part of the church throughout the week. One of the main focus of this project is the multifunction room, as it was used for a various of activities. The idea was to design a multifunction room that can adapt to every activity in the room and to maximize the spaces. Building layout is also being considered in the design, which bring a minor change in the first floor layout to make a better circulation for the spaces.

multifunction room stage/altar area.

multifunction room for worship activity.

multifunction room at night.

wood plank polished concrete parquet homogeneous tile ventilation block

the material used in the multifunction room is selected based on the activity of the space, the acoustic quality of the spaces also became a consideration for selecting the material. which make using a wood plank in the ceiling and wall to improve the acoustic quality of the space.

multifunction room for sport activity.

multifunction room for community activity.

3rd floor lobby.

4th floor lobby.

waiting area and cafeteria.

the use of ventilation block in the waiting area is to bring more natural lighting and ventilation to the space.

2nd floor lobby.

secretariat area.

secretariat area is design as a semi-open space to reduce the space between visitors and church administrators


office design.

TSDS Home Office An architecture interior consulting office project that has a lot of activity needs. limited spaces of the office can inhibit productivity of the worker. TSDS is well-known for their asian-look design The idea was to bring their own design identity to their office. which bring the japanese asian-look design by using concrete and wood material for the majority of the project. Flexibility of the spaces is also one of the consideration of the office design, to maximize the spaces while still meeting the needs of the workers.

front office.

ruang kerja.

1st floor layout



2nd floor layout

meeting room..

multi-purpose room.


retail design.

batik khatulistiwa batik shop design which located in the middle of a mall with the concept of 'new age of batik' with the aim of reintroducing batik to the younger generation with a more elegant concept. the concept of asymmetric geometric shapes used in this shop is applied to the store's layout to give an impression of a younger soul. using a monocromatic theme material to bring the elegance of the space.

white display area.

black display area.


shophouse design.


Autoglaze is a bussiness service for car, that want to turn a shophouse into a car salon with an office at the upper level. The idea is to design the shop with their brand colour to emphasize their brand. the first floor of the shop house is for the car salon to wash and polished cars. The second floor is designed as a waiting room and a retail spot for their product, and the third floor is a space for an office.

facade 1.

facade 2.

car wash area.

car polish area.

waiting area.

cashier area.

office area,

pantry area.

office area.

car wash area.


bathing experience. a design of a 3x5 meter pavilion, where the client want to re-create a bathing experience from "baatara george waterfall" in the designated area. designed using natural material to bring the natural feel of the nature.

bathing and shower area.

entrence and closet area.


Batoo Co-working project with colleague

Batoo Co-working space is a bussiness services provision model that involves individuals working independently or collaboratively in shared office space. The idea was to put the typical office design out of its border, bringing new shapes in composition of our daily journey. Also we wanted to give the user a new office experience where they would feel different and motivated by the unique coworking space.

entrance area.

coworking layout.



co-working area.

co-working area.

co-working area.

meeting room.


capsule hotel design. project with colleague.

c&c a capsule hotel located in the middle of Semarang city, with the concept of geometric shapes. Built to meet the needs of tourist at affordable prices. the capsule hotel also provides a culinary destination on the ground floor.

food court.

capsule hotel.


palbatu batik house. project with colleague.

Palbatu batik house is a batik education center in the middle of the city of Jakarta. palbatu batik house has a teaching program for deaf friends, bringing this into the design consideration for people with disabilities. the lack of space in this project, makes designers look for ways to be able to build upward space as a solution. this make using iron H beam for the main structure more efficience. in this project we participate within the community, to be more connected with the project and get the experince the user get. ventilation and lighting design in this project become crucial to maximize productivity of the batik house.

parking area.

canting area.

ground floor layout.

jiplak area. storage.

second floor layout.

batik store.

sewing station.

third floor layout.

pantry. meeting area.

terima kasih. thank you. Xièxiè.

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