Enter your future booklet

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Youth unemployment

Vision Our vision is to live in a society free from unemployment with globally aligned and active youth leaders driving the growth of the country.


Lack of

Social problem definition

WHY of the project

Informal education Youth activism

Mission Provide international volunteers in primary and high schools in order to support young people from 7 to 19 years old through creative and informal educational workshops.

Project description The inaccessibility of non-formal education and at the same time underawareness of the need for it is a problem that often occurs among students of primary and secondary schools in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. According to the National strategy for young people, through formal and informal education society should work on the development of young people to take an active role in education, family life, employment, health and overall social life. According to the test results Institute for Psychological Research Philosophy Faculty in Belgrade, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, it is shown that 70% of young people see themselves as capable and interested in solving problems, while only 32% of young people have taken at least once a part in the action which solved any local problem. Through our project "Enter Your Future" we want to create platform for developing youth through non-formal education in Serbia. We want to strengthen capacities and abilities of youth for active participation in their society through learning which promotes knowledge. Also we want the youth to acquire skills for their own practical use. Linking formal and non-formal education improves skills necessary for young people for their personal development, advances in communication in their mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, as well as the skills needed for their meaningful participation in society and the decisions that directly affect the quality of life of young people and the development of society as a whole.

Through "Enter Your Future" project we created systematic education program adapted to the students in elementary school (from 1st to 8th grade) and to high school students, in duration of five weeks. In this period students will have a chance to gain certain knowledge and skills through interactive workshops held by international volunteers. In project plan for elementary schools are language workshops aimed at exploring the culture where foreign student volunteer is coming from and to create the desire to learn a new foreign language. For high school students intended workshops are computer literacy with a focus on the practical application of acquired skills. Workshops intended for high school students are customized for each year separately and are held twice a year - at the end of the first and second semester.

We are striving for continuity in the realization of our project, tracking and encouragement of development of our students. Our organization develops leadership potential so we want to show importance of formal and non-formal education to young people, also all opportunities that are available to them. Our main goal is reducing unemployment among young people through creating a platform for non-formal education and youth activism. When we are speaking about students our goal is strengthening confidence in relation to others, development of communication skills and teamwork, strengthening of their value system in which are highly valued self-responsibility, sincere and proper communication, putting themselves and others to action. One of the greatest values of our project is that students will work in an international environment during these five weeks.

Language literacy

Soft skills literacy

Project agendas

Technical literacy

We are living in a world where knowing 2 languages is expected. We are living in a world where almost everything is with global perspective. Going in school of languages can take too much time, and more important too much money. We are not competition for them because we don’t want to be like a formal school. We want to use our informal approach and to engage kids through creative workshops, native speakers from lot of countries, and young people who will be their teachers. This project is realizing in primary and high school, according to school needs. DOWNLOAD AGENDA: LINK

We are living in a world where internet, technology is almost everywhere, even in devices where we are not expecting. We have more and more social networks, more and more channels for communication but inversely proportional we have less number of kids who are using those opportunities on right way and usually they are lost somewhere on internet. Internet is very useful but it is not safe. We want to use our informal approach and to show kids how they can use internet, different tools in their daily activities. We want to have creative approach and through workshops we want to teach them a lot of different tools. This project is realizing in high schools. DOWNLOAD AGENDA: LINK

Faculty for a lot of high schools kids is really big change, because they are coming from school, where they had fixed everyday work, to place called faculty where they should use all abilities they had in order to pass exams, and in lot of cases work in same time. Somehow, first place where they are facing with a lot of challenging situations is faculty. Most of those abilities are soft skills and growth mindset. Because we really think that they don’t need to wait for a faculty in order to face those challenges, we want to work with them and help them to overcome all fears they had before they go to the faculty. We want to have creative approach and work with them on skills that they can use in daily activities. We are organizing this project in high schools. DOWNLOAD AGENDA: LINK

Project Inner&Outer journey

OUTER JOURNEY At the beginning of internship, intern will have a meeting with buddy and responsible person from school where they will set clear responsibilities and goals which intern will have. Expectation for fulfilling this will be also set on this meeting. During internship, intern will have full responsibility for job he/she is doing. Working as a professor is hard. Doing their job and being interesting is challenging for everyone who ever tried to have workshops with kids. Intern will be involved in LC, so speaking in front of crowd, having meetings with members from LC, school and other stakeholders during internship will make challenging role for each intern on this project. During internship, intern will interact with a lot of different stakeholders. From apartment, host house where he/she will live with other interns or families, intern will interact with school, members from LC, and companies on educations that intern will have, and most important intern will interact with delegates.

During this whole experience, intern will have support from a mentor, and organization he/she works in, but also from the AIESEC side.


Project JDs Workshops Intern will prepare and provide workshops to primary or high School students, focused on the practical appliance of the content delivered. Intern will use agenda that is provided for him, but full responsibility for creating workshops is on intern. Intern will have support from someone from AIESEC during whole process. IMPORTANT: Session outlines for first two weeks of internships need to be finished at least week before intern will come to internship. EP Intern will prepare presentation about his/hers own culture, way of living, about their main characteristics and symbols, famous sights and people. Intern will present him/herself in front of different audience like delegates in school and students in AIESEC, so content should be adaptable. EP and AIESEC Intern is required to participate at the following activities related with hosted LC – LCM, team meeting with project team once in 2 weeks, IPS, 3 EP LEAD meetings with person responsible for him/her. Report and evaluation of the project Intern is required to fill in weekly plan for all the activities that she/he will have with AIESEC or TN taker. Intern will make project report in the last week of his/her internship.

Project EP profile

Skills 

Presentation skills Team management Organizational management Project management Basic or advance PC skills


Education Sociology Psychology Informatics

General info Main thing for going on internship like this is that intern would like to teach. Having background and skills from above is something that can help in daily activities and make project even better than it is planned, but each student in the world can be perfect intern, just if he/she want to be challenged in preparing good and creative workshops and then transfer to kids.

Project standards

Project timeline







Raising Matching

Preparation of EPs

Realization of the project

Duration: 6-8 weeks  Working hours (weekly): 25-30  Accommodation: provided  Food: not provided  Salary: not provided  Additional learning spaces: possible from AIESEC side, or AIESEC company partners 


Project statistics




Project was made at the end of October 2013. First realization peak was January when we had successful 40+ realizations. In that point we had just few agendas which we proposed to our schools, and we didn’t had established partnerships in order to ensure that realizations are going to be very good. Day by day project grew massively, and maybe plans can show you how much:

We have a lot of schools that are already our partners, or they were at first realization peak. Now we have 9 entities as country partners, and they are going to be involved in this amazing project which will really have impact on our society in Serbia. We are really enthusiastic with this project, and we truly believe that through workshops on Enter your future project we can push informal education and activism of youth on higher level.

Project contacts

Andrija Miljković


+381 66 201 349



Marija Đorđeski

MC manager

+381 60 828 10 04



Marija Ristić

LC VP Belgrade EF

+381 60 400 01 55



Maja Stojić

+381 63 394 331



+381 65 582 58 87



+38165 451 65 33



Olivera Petković

LC VP Belgrade FON LC VP Belgrade Singidunum LC VP Belgrade Metropolitan LC VP Niš

+381 65 522 51 61



Ana Mitrović

LC VP Novi Sad

+381 64 246 58 04



Tijana Dirak

LC VP Kragujevac

+38164 094 15 30



Jovana Papić

SU VP Valjevo

+38163 704 71 89



Jovana Davidović Bojana Radulović

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