Creativity, the arts & music in 4d human life apr 24, 2012 by tolec

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The Arts & Music as Produced & Performed by 4th Dimensional Humans

 White Buffalo Calf Woman – by Joanne Bird

Introduction. People who are naturally artistically &/or creatively inclined tap into universal consciousness, and they use color, light, energy, sound, various frequencies to create whatever imagery speaks to them at any given moment. They use their minds & energy – to create, to output, whatever they desire - using the movement of their hands (no paint, no paintbrushes needed). They can create specific scenes, geometric symbols, abstracts anything is possible. How intricate each piece can be is dependent on the training of each person from when they were very young. As with on Earth, it all depends on the level of training & discipline each artist has. Also, each art form, each image can be ‘packaged’, compressed, and placed into a transport container . and sent across vast reaches of space.

A very well known, very accomplished universal fine-artist. There is a universal artist, who travels to many worlds, whose performance name is: “Amour �. He uses this name because his birth name from his home planet is so very, very long. And, as an observer of French culture, he loves the way French people so beautifully express themselves. As such, he feels the same way about people all across the universe. He loves to create for them. He travels to various different biospheres and makes creations for people. People will telepath an image, a variety of images, to this artist. These images will be imprinted in his mind. He will stand in the middle of a room, choose one of the many images that have been shared with him and he begins to create. He will disperse out colorful energy ‘sparkles’ from himself, ‘painting’ with his hands, with a wide variety of colors, all of which all have different tones each color has a different frequency tone & vibration. Each new ‘painting’ he creates (these are fully formed, 4 dimensional, holographic images) in free space only takes about an hour to an hour and a half to produce as compared to many hours or days that Earth people would take. And these can stay fully formed floating in free space as long as he, or the people, want to enjoy it/them. Then, he or they will dissipate them.

Sculptors. There are also “sculptors� as we would know them. But typically these people are people who HAVE incarnated and lived as 3rd dimensional human beings. These sculptors, he/she would collect energy, as much as he/she needs, and then release it into free space in front of him/her. Then he/she uses his/her mind to create the shape or form into whatever form he/she is desiring to make. Once the form, like a vase, bowl, urn or any piece of “pottery� is finished in order for it to take a permanent PHYSICAL 3D form he/she would need to slow down the vibratory molecules of this finished piece from 4D vibratory energy to a 3D vibration. This takes an enormous amount of mental training & discipline. But, it can be done.

Musicians. People who are musically inclined – some play instruments, some don’t. With Instruments People who play musical instruments play ones such as: a flute, an instrument similar to a ‘French horn’ made of a white ‘wood’, objects like gourds that are both blown as well as for percussion, a drum, and a variety of stringed harp & lyre instruments, a cymbal that itself produces a variety of different sounds based on where they hit or brush it. Whenever music is played people watching can see the color tones of the music being played. The longer the notes, the deeper the colors. The shorter the notes, the lighter & more translucent the colors are. As an example, for performances/for concerts on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere there is an amphitheater with a circular stage set in the middle of the room and the audience sits all around the musicians to listen to the various pieces of music being played. This amphitheater has a ‘glass’ dome ceiling that opens up to the stars. Without Instruments For the people who don’t use instruments to create music, they use their minds to produce a great variety sounds different vibratory tones. Four, five or more people can do this together to create a variety of music. And an audience, as an example, would be able to telepathically hear all of this music created by the musicians in their minds. Singers, do sing but don’t use their vocal cords, their voices, to project sound. The sound of their voices is all projected mentally & heard telepathically.

A Singer. From the Andromeda Constellation, Mirach star system, planet Terial, is a very gentle, very melodic saprano singer, by the name of: Wanine Naeta (Wah-neen Nay-ta). She is a very ‘beautiful soul’, a very beautiful, very gentle kind person with very kind loving energy. She is also a very good friend of Tania, the Vice Chairwoman of the Andromeda Council. Wanine’s singing is loved by many people.

A ‘Band’ or a ‘Musical Group’. There is a ‘band’ from the Andromeda Galaxy, star system Zenetae, planet Tishtae, that travels to the various biospheres to play and entertain the people. The band’s name is: Pushkani ta Kapush (Push-kanee tah Ka-push). There are between 4-8 people that play in this band, depending on the venue. And they play a wide variety of music for a wide variety of people, for ‘mainstream’ adults, who are stationed on the various biospheres because all of these people come from such a wide range of planets. They are very popular, widely liked.

Flutist. In the Andromeda Galaxy, from the Beta Paati star system, the planet: Markita there is a man who is famous musician, a flutist by the name of: Timoor Waki. (Tea-more Wah-kee} He is very well known for his flute playing. His style of playing is very much like that of someone you would hear playing the Native American flute here on Earth.

Dancers. People, mostly women, also dance as an expressive free form artistic art form. They produce & release energy particles in a variety of colors from their finger tips as they dance.

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