Component 1 David Andronache

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Mojave Desert in California (Mountain Springs RD) United States of America. I have chosen this area because it is remote from the cities but at a safe distance far enough to reach in contact in-case in need of emergency. The desert will be perfect for the customers which love the sun for it gets really hot throughout the Day and for a cool down through ought the day as the sun goes down it can get to some really low temperatures. The reason to why I am making the holiday house in a desert is because in this project I am trying to untie families or couples that will be renting the house for a holiday , the desert is useful because it keeps the people at distance from distractions. Making life more lovable and enjoyable having families get to understand and know about each other in ways they have never imagined, first step to being a better human would-be to know how to understand others and how they feel by doing this project “my family” house will bring together other people and have them connect mentally and emotionally Having families in a more remote place will bring peace and it will have each individual also learn about themselves for one has to understand himself to be able to understand others I chose Mojave Desert in California, United States of America. This a suitable location because it experiences very cold temperatures during the night and high temperatures during the day. This is great because it will give the families or couples a variations of choices and activates during the night and the day. Furthermore, connection to the highway which go directly to a city if the family decides to go or a emergency happens.

Brief & Specification

Specification-list • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Insulation Solar panels Exterior colours Covered outdoor place Thermal windows Exterior Materials Light Outside activates Pool Greenery Lobby Bedroom Bathroom


Design brief

The style of architecture that will be focused on this particular project will be Mid-century desert modernism in addition to other features of architecture that will be shown such As sustainable and Desert minimalism homes. Based on logical thinking, a simple design will best feature it’s surroundings . When the simple design is achieved it will define the simple idea of how you don’t need an parametric nor high volume design to be interesting and bring stuff or people together. Though it will be a challenge to make a design contemporary enough to not stand out too much but not

To first understand how I will design this home I have come a cross the question of , What is a desert modern home? What makes a Deseret home so different to others and what does it bring to the person living inside it

Reading throughout google and looking at some pages I have come to the simple idea that exteriors of Desert Modern homes first and foremost reflect the beauty of the surrounding landscape— this is done through large windows that let the outside in, low, sleek lines that make buildings blend in with the scenery and open interiors that keep that airy desert feeling.

That means that I have to design my home in a way which will represent its site and it’s surroundings and to do that I will have to gain ideas from the site iself

Neutra believed that “architecture should be a means of bringing man back into harmony with nature and with himself”.

The house lives directly with vegetation, creating a subtropical microclimate that we can understand from the pool that hugs the house, which in turn welcomed. Through it creates a mirror effect which reflects the house and it seems embedded in the hillside. The structural axis seems in turn to the pond, Neutra moves the corner supports to the side and spreads the burden to wage some corners to feel you near abroad.

So much complaining about the chances Wright took at the time. The conceptual and technical were such huge reaches. Buildings require maintenance, regardless. Within the continuum, he was able to advance and explore important issues, and because of that, it became a place worth saving.

In Fallingwater, Wright anchored a series of reinforced concrete “trays” to the natural rock. Cantilevered terraces of local sandstone blend harmoniously with the rock formations, appearing to float above the stream below. The first floor entry, living room and dining room merge to create one continuous space, while a hatch door in the living room opens to a suspended stairway that descends to the stream below. Glass walls further open the rooms to the surrounding landscape. In 1938, Wright designed additional guest quarters set into the hillside directly above the main house and linked by a covered walkway.

Moore House


Adding green on the base of the building and also having it under the building

Starting off with making a model inspired by Wright

I added a overlay of simple structure to represent his simple idea of shapes

I have now added extra extension to the building making it have a more solid form

Doing this model for the pure exploration of simplest and contemporary architecture

Client change • My client has now decided he would want to go for a more modern look and change it up to a brutalist architecture . He has gotten a joy and a passion for fighter nets and has told me to look at the f-35b lightening . • I have now taken the freedom to inspire myself from it and start making a model and pursue to take out parts from the plane .


• The current part which has interested me is the air filter or the air intake because of it real sharp and has this almost like hole in the plane.

The sharp corners inspire me to make a triangular building implying the corners and cuts

Instead of my next layer to be on the opposite side of the structure I decided to put it at the same place but a smaller layer over the first layer to give a descending form

Taking the smaller side of the triangular shaped building to now then add a smaller over layer to it to give it a effect similar to the air filter of the engine

Adding small wires over the other side of the building as a pavilion to create depth and an outside structure to the building

To finish this off I have decided to have green outside texture and pursue a more green look to the building

Lucio Fontana

Lucio Fontana was an Argentine-Italian painter, sculptor and theorist. he has been an inspiration in my modelling work for architecture hence for his interesting style of using the canvas

famous for his slashed and punctured canvases. Throughout all his work—which included paintings, ceramic sculptures, and light-based installations

Doing sketches over the drawings to then make an idea to pursue a model or create a vague idea of what I would want to do next. Decided to get a canvas and pursue Fontan's work and give it a try

Decided to go overboard with the cuts and see where it would take me since I took a like into Fontana’s work.

Taking thin cardboard , cutting and exploring the flexibility.

I have done three models on piece of cardboard because I wanted to still maintain the inspiration from Fontana for, he does three slices In his work or more , The three models represent each slice

In this model I have decided to use a black card to create different type of tone and to show a differentiation between the gray thick cardboard .

While being inspired by Lucio Fontana I have decided to experiment

Showing the difference between contrast but also the combination of materials which I have decided to use as a development idea towards a desert home

Taking a wire and using the cuts to wrap themselves around to create a spiral effect

Feeling more confident in the models and in the inspiration of Fontana I have

Decided to combine ; pencil , wire , tape, black cardboard. Done it to explore now my own liking and representation of Lucio Fontana's idea .

Taking a picture of the oil pastels then putting it to print , changing the colour selection the black and white almost giving the edges a mountain look alike which I really like because it gives a clean look.

After maxing all my models ideas with this concept but also in colour I will wish to then have it gain texture to bring out the 3D in the model while then pursing to add a new type of folds to the model it self to try experiment more with the paper almost as it would be origami.

Lucio Fontana

I have taken the model and have decided to have it made 3D to then be able to deicide on how I will want to design the building

Adding a wide open entrance would be suitable for the building hence is in the desert and it would suit and meet a modern standard

Changing the building individually to also change it to a real size and structure to make sure the outside and the inside will meet realistic measurements

Taking the models and then pursue to take Lucio Fontana's work into a sketch up model and make a real live model were I have first done a idea of how I might want it to look and then I have decided to pursue into changing it into a real life size model with heights and sizes are to realistic height to match the standards

Decided to follow a new path for the building hence the previous model wasn’t meeting my standards

The work from Lucio Fontana work is being a big inspiration in my building design , taking his work and making into a actual living model

Doing a drawing of the glass and pursuing to pick parts which I like and take them to another level.

Highlighting the glass and I am thinking to add It to my building in sketch up and make some models based of the interesting structure.

Taking another example of the building but in another pose, I have taken a different interest in the building.

Taking the roof of the building because it brings me a good idea of using it as a either a pavilion or as sort of texture or structure on the side of the building.

I used the roof as a extension for my current roof with an idea that now you have access to the top of the building and gaining more usage of the building it self since it isn’t as large as normal as other holiday homes

Going back to my brief I have to realise a couple of things that I have tasked myself to, were I would want enough space for everything I am wishing to add to this house , to achieve that I will need to make full usage of the outside space . To make full usage of the space I will have to either make one single building and cut the other three out of the picture and have the building it self with the inside being filled of the necessities and the outside would be were I’d place the extras.

Taking the model from sketch (middle building) after transforming into a real size building I have decided to take the ideas from the previous drawings and analysis and pursued to merge it with my building and give it more personality I have done that by adding it either as a side almost as a extension of the building on the outside, to the idea of having it as a roof extension , door extension and pavilion all while still maintaining the same idea but have been developed more differently.

Current outcome

I want I wanttotomake makeboth bothsides sidesofofthe thehouse househave havethis thissort sort, of , ofwave

Creating an interior parking spot for the car as well

I will take out these the columns and instead I will make rectangular like rooms which will l come out in wave shape like.

The house being in the desert I am going to add panels on the roof so the house will be self retaining and it would cost less to support Resolving the issue with the columns now , I am thinking the texture to them. adding texture would give the house a more resolved natural look and consistent.

Now needing to make sure the entrance is obvious enough and that it will not affect the entrance for the inside garage or it’s drive way that leads towards inside the house

The model now all it needs is exterior extras : trees, fence , chill area etc

After changing a lot of the ideas in this model, it has made me realise now hence the building is so texturized it’s surroundings must be of a low texture or jus blend in with the building so it doesn’t sort of out perform certain area of the house but instead complete the blind or basic parts of the exterior

After changing it, I take a bigger Liking Into it, making the structure more flawless

First interior I will start on is the garage , my plan is to have it an open inside but exterior private

The interior of the building has also given me ideas to make the interior open space so it gives a more comfort look and relaxed

Being inspired of the example from here but instead I’d want the car to be elevated a bit because it would be bring an importance to the car and sort of gives a luxury effect .

The End

Final model

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