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NO. 1 | JUNE 2015



group companies:

GLOBAL SUCCESS In May we presented our 2014 Annual Report, which can be downloaded from our website. In summary, we can say that 2014 was a year of excellent financial results, with a major, successful acquisition in the last quarter – something to be proud of!


The acquisition of Nedstaal has

definitely benefits the continuity

for those back home. They deserve

resulted in changes in the regional

and risk profile of Andus Group.

a big thank you as well.

FIB Industries

turnover distribution of Andus

However, it also results in many

Gouda Refractories

Group. In the Netherlands, the

of our employees having to spend

This special summer edition of

turnover further decreased to 27%

a lot of time abroad, sometimes

Andustry news focuses on our

Nedstaal Special Steel

of the total turnover. Europe now

even weeks or months on end. Of

fantastic international projects,

Van Voorden Castings

accounts for a little over half of the

course, this is ‘part of the job’, but

which illustrate how our solid

turnover (56%), while the remai-

still, we know that travelling and

Dutch manufacturing industry has

ning part (17%) is generated in the

staying abroad is not always as easy

managed to secure successes far

rest of the world. Our products and

and fun as it sounds. Therefore,

across our national borders.

services are sold in six continents

we take this opportunity to thank

and our ship propellers travel all

all of our travelling Andus ambas-

over the seas worldwide. It is there-

sadors for spreading our message

fore safe to say we are a world-class

and building our success abroad.

player in our field.

At the same time we want to make

Tom van Rijn

sure to remember the families as


Services & Maintenance Gouda Vuurvast Belgium Gouda Vuurvast Services Gouda Feuerfest Deutschland ISS Projects Slovakia Lengkeek Staalbouw


This new turnover distribution

well, because it is not always easy

NEW corporate identity In early 2009 the RijnDijk Group

and the Andus Group will now be

changed its name to Andus Group

displayed even more prominently in

and we introduced our current logo.

all communication materials. The

These changes came as a result of

result? A more contemporary and

the acquisition of Gouda Vuurvast

powerful look and feel. There is no

in late 2008. Fast-forward six years

better way to showcase our group’s

HSM Steel Structures

and the acquisition of Nedstaal

solid reputation. This edition of

RijnDijk Construction

provides us with a good opportunity

Andustry news, which also has had

to alter our corporate style a little bit.

a makeover, gives you a taste of our

The dark grey and orange shades

new corporate identity.

Armada Janse Armada Mobility Armada Rail HSM Offshore

Have a wonderful summer!

that characterise both Nedstaal

CUSTOM STEELWORK Just like the Andus Group, about 75% of Nedstaal’s orders are placed by customers from Germany, Italy and France. In these countries, the high-quality steel we provide is processed into products for the automotive sector, mechanical engineering, energy, offshore, mining and rail infrastructure. A few examples? Ball bearings, guide rods, motors, crankshafts, flanges, brake discs, train undercarriages etc. These are all key parts which must meet ‘zerodefect’ standards. Daimler, MAN, Caterpillar and SKF are only a few of the many manufacturers that use Nedstaal steel parts.

Nedstaal's strength is its know-

at a later stage. This mangalloy is

absolute reliability is a must. STB

because the mechanical properties

how and ability to come up with

used in the construction of prisons,

was confronted with new quality

of steel tend to change upon further

technological developments. An

among others.

standards for crane hooks which

processing, Nedstaal and the client

example is the special mangalloy

included even stricter mechanical

managed to jointly develop the

ordered by a French client. This

Stealing the show

properties. In order to meet these

perfect steel for the job. The result

steel needed to be so hard that it

Another example is the deve-

requirements, STB joined forces

even goes beyond the requirements

could not be sawn, which posed

lopment of a new steel alloy for

with the Nedstaal experts about

– or ‘Besser als die Norm’ as STB

an additional challenge for our

STB Stahlhammer Bommern, a

a year and a half ago with a view

puts it on its website.

production department. The steel

forge in Germany. This company

to developing a new type of steel.

blooms delivered needed to be extra

produces crane hooks to carry the

Following a design and testing

short, because they could not be cut

heaviest of weights. Needless to say,

phase, which was rather complex

NO SEA IS TOO DEEP FOR HSM When crossing the HSM Offshore sites and production halls, you cannot but be impressed with all those sky-high, shiny constructions that will eventually make their way to secluded parts of the North Sea, the Irish Sea or other remote marine locations across the globe. Once on site, they can withstand the power and brine of the roughest of seas for years. These incredible achievements in international waters simply had to be included in this international edition of Andustry news.

In late March 2016 a transformer

makes it sound like a simple

cables have been connected and it

It must be equipped with a so-called

platform will leave the HSM quay

project, when in reality, it is

has been ascertained that they are

‘backpack’, and quite an impressive

in a 400-ft barge and set sail for

anything but simple. After all,

all a perfect match, they will be

one too, weighing an astonishing

Esbjerg in Denmark on behalf of

the ‘purchasing phase’ and detail

disconnected and coiled tempora-

1,600 tonnes and measuring 29

the client, There

engineering were no mean feat,

rily. After the platform has been

m by 16 m by 26 m (length/width/

it will be installed in the large

as it included tanks, fire-extin-

set up at sea, HSM will complete

height). HSM will ensure that these

‘Horns Rev 3’ offshore wind farm.

guishing installations, generators,

the installation and test it for final

two modules can be seamlessly

This 4-deck transformer platform

a crane, containers, a kitchen, a


installed onto the existing platform.

weighs approximately 1,800 tonnes

lifeboat, you name it. Energinet

and measures 40 m by 26 m by

decided the transformers will be

Uitbreiding Extension ofClyde-platform the Clyde platform

project. Therefore, our team is hard

34 m (length/width/height). It will

installed at sea rather than at HSM

Another assignment is the produc-

at work to guarantee all deadlines

include an aluminium helideck

in Schiedam. This will reduce

tion of two process modules for

are met. About 200 people are

supplied by Bayards. Needless to

the weight to be transported. In

Aker/Talisman. The Flyndre/

currently working on this project at

say, it is always a pleasure to join

order to ensure that the instal-

Cawdor field – 290 km southeast of

the HSM site – both HSM staff and

forces with other Dutch companies!

lation at sea is completed swiftly

Aberdeen – is exploited by Maersk

subcontractors – day and night, in

Timing is key in this particular

and seamlessly, a mock-up will

Oil. As the gas extraction activities

a three-shift system, seven days a

Installation at sea

be made available and installed

have been extended, the existing

week. The deadline for sail-away is

This brief factual description

at HSM temporarily. Once all the

Clyde platform needs extension too.

19 July.


but water. Their only companions?

word? Safety! Nothing is left to

need to escape the ‘crashed heli-

employees will travel to the

Their colleagues, that’s it. It’s fair

chance. For example, our employees

copter’ from the icy waters of the site to install the

to say offshore work is not for

receive simulation training courses

Meuse river. They are also taught

new platform at sea. They will be

everyone. It is an intense experience

in case a transport helicopter needs

how to extinguish fires and escape

working 12-hour days, seven days

that requires meticulous training

to make an emergency landing at

from smoke-filled rooms. They are

a week, surrounded by nothing

and medical testing. The magic

sea. As part of this exercise they

our aces!

A TOP-NOTCH PROJECT IN DUBLIN RijnDijk Construction focuses on multidisciplinary construction projects across Europe. At the moment they are active in Germany, Sweden, Scotland and Belgium. As such, RijnDijk is virtually working in its back garden, constructing a series of impressive buildings for a wide range of renowned clients who see the company as their preferred supplier. Moreover, soon the first batch of steel will be shipped to Ireland for the construction of a hyper modern waste incinerator on behalf of Covanta. Hitachi Zosen INOVA is responsible for the technology at the complex.

The futuristic complex will be

(5,000 tonnes), as well as ‘secon-

to hoist pumps and other process

best supplied by a local company.

completed in the year ahead,

dary steel’, e.g. for staircases,

equipment into the building – a

This Irish partner will also

along the Dublin coast. RijnDijk

ladders and railings, and is also

whopping 400 items in total! The

dispatch 60% of all installation

Construction is producing and

taking care of the installation.

complex will be built layer by layer,

teams, which will work under the

supplying all the technical steel

Moreover, RijnDijk has been asked

after which it will be completed.

watchful eye of RijnDijk. This

This is a unique project with chal-

partnership will result in a sound

lenging logistics in a beautiful, but

relationship with the government

rather windy location.

and trade unions, and will allow RijnDijk to tap into the local

A sound partnership

knowledge and networks of the

RijnDijk Construction may have

Irish company with its suppliers,

won the tender for this assign-

including crane rental compa-

ment, but it has joined forces with

nies. This type of partnership in

an Irish steel company, which

the framework of international

will produce the steelwork that,

projects always boosts efficiency

from a transport point of view, is


DUTCH PRIDE IN THE SINAI DESERT Van Voorden Castings designs, produces and supplies high-quality ship propellers and industrial casting, earning the company a sound reputation in the international maritime sector and dredging industry. Recently, the company has once again secured a set of impressive orders.

In the last edition of Andustry news

Yet they too rely on the inge-

we revealed that six propellers were

nious products developed by Van

ordered for a floating oil rig off the

Voorden. In fact, the company

Brazilian coast. These propellers

developed a special built-up system

have a 4.60-m diameter and will

for the Finnish company Steerprop

be delivered starting in July. But

which allows for the high-quality

there’s more! How about two NiAl-

loose RVS propeller blades to

bronze propellers for an enormous

be installed under water. Four

Italian cruise liner? Each propeller

propeller systems will be delivered,

weighs about 12.5 tonnes and has

which will be installed onto two

a diameter of 4.80 metres! That's


right, two propellers, but then we're only mentioning the propellers

Right across the desert

on the underside of the ship. Van

In October 2014 a consortium

Voorden will also be supplying two

of Dutch and Belgian dredging

additional reserve propellers, allo-

companies was awarded a contract

wing the ship to quickly resume its

to complete the second Suez Canal

journey in case of damage to the

project within a very limited time-

original propellers.

frame. A total of 180 million cubic metres of sand will be removed to

From the Mediterranean to the Arctic Ocean

create a waterway with a depth of 24 metres. Dutch pride all around,

Voorden Castings supplying parts

made of highly wear-resistant

Cruise liner equals Mediterranean

because the dredging companies

for the entire sand-removal system


sunshine, which seems a world

Boskalis and Van Oord will be

on several dredgers, namely pump

away from Russian ice-breakers.

leading the project, with Van

casings, impellers and piping

Serving the industry

FIB INDUSTRIES AND ITs iNTERNATIONAL GROWTH FIB Industries has always had a strong international presence. However, for years the turnover generated in the Netherlands equalled that generated in Europe and the rest of the world – with each accounting for one third of the total, whereas in recent years there has clearly been a shift to a greater turnover from international activities. Many other suppliers prefer not to get involved in large, heavy, technically complex projects with seemingly excessively high demands in terms of material knowledge and welding techniques, but it is precisely those projects that FIB feels most comfortable and excited about. And it seems ‘the world’ has noticed too!

The FIB Process equipment depart-

industry, is very successful in Asia,

project in the Middle East. And isn’t

of complete cellar beer distribution

ment, which produces burners and

the Middle East and the USA.

it great that Gouda Refractories

systems – from the brewery to the

reactor internals for the oil and

Recently, several major orders were

was chosen to supply the refractory

tap. Initially, this was a typically

gas market, and for the chemical

placed for burners, including a

material? And how about the distil-

Dutch system, used by Heineken,

lation column that was supplied,

Grolsch and Bavaria. However, this

measuring 29 metres in length,

beer distribution method has mean-

weighing 72 tonnes and boasting

while received a lot of international

a diameter of 8.5 m? Seeing such a

attention, mainly thanks to the FIB

colossal construction leaving the site

pilot project set up in South Africa

by ship inevitable leads to everyone

for SABMiller, the second largest

being awestruck by the accomplish-

brewery in the world. There are

ment, and rightly so!

currently ongoing projects in Africa, South America and Australia.

Conquering the beer market

Moreover, the first large beer system

FIB Industries specialises not only

ordered in North America was deli-

in process equipment but also in the

vered this May. Quality, ingenuity

development, production and supply

and efficiency know no boundaries!

GOUDA REFRACTORIES IN AFRICA At Gouda Refractories, international projects are nothing new. The company supplies its refractory materials and expertise across the globe, from Tasmania to Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, virtually the entire Middle East, Russia, South America, the USA and Canada, and even beyond, including impressive orders for clients in South Africa and Mozambique.

The Australian company BHP

2016. The 30 types of brick in ques-

Billiton signed long-term main-

tion were developed specifically for

tenance contracts with Gouda

these smelting sites, with each type

Refractories for its aluminium smel-

boasting one-of-a-kind measure-

ting sites in South Africa (Hillside)

ments. Moreover, the company will

and Mozambique (Mozal). Major

dispatch two supervisors to Africa

maintenance works have been

for three months. They will monitor

scheduled for both plants in the

the technical installation day and

near future. Therefore, Gouda will

night. These Gouda staff members

be shipping about 500 containers

are not afraid to take on this chal-

carrying approximately 1,400,000

lenge. Providing technical support

refractory bricks (12,000 tonnes)

in Basra, Iraq, for a whole year? At

and 850 tonnes of refractory concrete

Gouda, that’s nothing out of the

between November 2015 and April


ANDUS GROUP SERVING THE INDUSTRY Andustry news is an Andus group publication

Andustr y news appears several times a y e a r. T h e p u b l i c a t i o n a i m s a t ke e p i n g employees, clients and suppliers informed of developments within Andus Group.

Editorial committee

K r i s R o o i j a k ke r s Jennifer van Rijn Niels Wibier

Lay-out and Production

HOW communicatie | creatie

Editorial adress

Voor straat 56 4132 A S V ianen

A ndus Group BV V ianen / Tel. +31 (0)30 - 211 58 0 0

FIB Industries BV Leeuwarden / Tel. +31 (0)58 - 294 59 45

G ouda Refrac tories BV G ouda / G eldermalsen TEL . +31 (0)182 - 59 14 0 0

Nedst aal BV Alblasserdam / Tel. +31 (0)78 - 692 37 00

Van Voorden C astings bv Z altbommel / Tel. +31 (0) 418 - 57 12 0 0

G ouda Vuur vast Belgium N V W ijnegem / Tel. +32(0)3 - 326 57 0 0

G ouda Vuur vast Ser vises BV G ouda / Tel. +31 (0)182 - 59 14 0 0

G ouda Feuer fest Deut schland GmbH Bochum / Tel. + 49 (0)2154 - 8 8 8 70 0

ISS Projec t s sro Košice / Tel. + 42 155 729 92 27

Lengkeek St aalbouw BV Hoogvliet RT / Tel. +31 (0)10 - 416 16 4 4

A rmada Janse BV Budel / Tel. +31 (0) 4 0 - 256 19 11

A rmada Mobilit y BV Nieuwegein / Tel. +31 (0)30 - 24 6 95 0 0

A rmada Rail BV Nieuwegein / Tel. +31 (0)30 - 24 6 95 92

HSM O f f shore BV Schiedam / Tel. +31 (0)10 - 427 92 0 0

HSM Steel Struc tures BV Schiedam / Tel. +31 (0)10 - 427 92 0 0

RijnDijk Construc tion BV Eindhoven / Budel / Schagen Tel. +31 (0) 4 0 - 24 6 72 28

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