Andustry News September 2012

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VAN VOORDEN CROWNED The celebration of the 100th anni-

predicate. A special title, which is

of the Van Voorden Group handed

To be eligible for this predicate a

versary of Van Voorden had a festive

only reserved for a select group of

over the first copy of the book on

company in the Netherlands must

and royal element. On September

Dutch companies. Van Voorden will

Van Voorden's rich history to its

occupy a leading position, preferably

13th the mayor of Zaltbommel,

proudly include the 'Royal' addition

new owner, Tom van Rijn. The

of international dimension.

Albert van den Bosch, announced

as a crown in its logo.

following days Zaltbommel was still

Management must be beyond

in a festive mood. On September

reproach. The company, the board

in front of 500 guests that Her Majesty the Queen has authorised

After the 'royal ceremony' parting

14th there was a big party for all of

members and the supervisory

Van Voorden to use the Royal

managing director Jac Meeuwissen

the personnel and on September

board must attest to unimpeachable

15th approx. 1,000 people visited

conduct and the company must have

the open house.

existed for at least a hundred years.

THE PRIDE OF ZALTBOMMEL The mayor of Zaltbommel is unprecedentedly clear in his wording: he is remarkably proud of the presence of Van Voorden within his municipality's boundaries. But the mayor takes it up a notch. The 'civil service' is also proud of the company. "There are absolutely no newspaper articles about companies pinned on the wall in the municipal office. Except one: an article about Van Voorden from the Brabants Dagblad." What makes this bond so strong? Albert van den Bosch: "Hardly

for a walk on their former factory

is left behind due to the move of

a day goes by without thinking

area that is now abandoned and

Van Voorden to the De Wildeman

about Van Voorden. I take my dog

I gratefully enjoy the space that

business park. Oh well, you can >>

van voorden maritime •

van voorden c astings •

R I J N D I J K Constru c tion •


L E N G K E E K S TA A L B O U W •

iss p ro j e c ts •

H S M S tee l S tru c tures •


G O U D A V U U R VA S T S E R V I C E S •

G O U D A V U U R VA S T B E L G I U M •


G O U D A F E U E R F E S T ( D euts c h l and ) •



volume 2 | no. 2 | September 2012

>> consider it as a personal thing

or even abroad. But the company

interact and cooperate. The account

the educational responsibility

and a relativization of something

decided to maintain the ties with

management of our Realisation

which Van Voorden never evaded.

that was once a big problem. When

Zaltbommel and, after years of

and Management department has

Extremely well connected with

I was newly appointed as mayor

struggle, Van Voorden and the

the motto: 'never say no'. What is

regional training establishments,

I got the 'Van Voorden' file on

authorities reached an agreement.

impossible is off limits of course,

apprenticeships, tours and what

my desk. A beautiful company

The company was relocated to the

but we are actively looking for the

have you. Yes, I am truly proud

that had touched upon the limits

De Wildeman business park which

best suitable solution. Because

of the fact that Van Voorden is

of its site at the time. Pressure

was developed mainly due to its

business in our municipality is

based here. Especially because

was being exerted by the local

chosen location. And I dare say

essential and starts with a solution-

they make such a great product.

residents and the relationship with

that, thanks to Van Voorden, this

oriented approach."

Pure Dutch craftsmanship. In

the municipality was under great

industrial zone is now a big success.

pressure. The company had to

We even have won prizes with it!

A great product

lost so much 'heavy' manufactu-

be relocated and the director, Jac

Not only the safest industrial estate,

"That's why Zaltbommel has to

ring. What a waste! This is why I

Meeuwissen, put up a tremendous

but also the most social one, thanks

be very grateful to Van Voorden.

think it is great that Van Voorden

fight. Always like a gentleman

in part to pioneer Jac Meeuwissen

The company, with its global

can now call itself the Royal Van


and his boundless energy. He has

allure, has placed Zaltbommel

Voorden. A tremendous and deserved acknowledgement."

the Netherlands, we have already

brought the park management to

on the international map. And

Do it together

the level it’s at today. This is where

you must also not forget that Van

"At that time Van Voorden could

municipality and Van Voorden see

Voorden has provided generations

have easily decided to move the

eye to eye these days: we realise

of citizens of Zaltbommel with

business to another Dutch city

that we must do it together, need to

employment. Not to mention

Tunnel Kiln Construction is good to go! We are perhaps disrespectfully jumping to conclusion when we say: Gouda Refractories produces refractory bricks. These bricks are baked in a tunnel kiln: a long kiln in which cars with bricks stacked on them are passing through the firing process. At this moment, Gouda has two kilns. The third one is on its way with the purpose to serve our customers even better. It is hard to imagine what the impact is of the construction of such production facility. An impression of the preparations …

The highest demands

and a half the construction permit,

Next, the permit process started.

environmental permit and Water

On the one hand the construction

Board approval have been received.

permit and on the other hand the

In the meantime the earthworks have

environmental permit. A really

been completed. The first pile will be

complicated and exhausting process

driven in the ground in week 41.

because one cannot simply build a tunnel kiln in a bare field. It rather

Getting started

requires a large production hall.

When the new production hall is

And then you do not just deal with

completed, it will take approximately

the Planning Authority and other

another six to eight months before

relevant authorities such as the

the new tunnel kiln can be taken

Fire Brigade. And rightfully so! Yet

into operation. In the meantime,

it turned out that this was a more

we cannot sit and wait because the

complicated process. It is also a

whole infrastructure on site will

rather unique situation: the produc-

also have to be adapted: sixty per

tion process at Gouda takes place

cent more production capacity also

The first step towards production

at least if it could be proven that

under temperatures that are higher

means a greater supply of raw mate-

expansion was taken about two

there would be no disruption of

than can be reached with an open

rials, improved internal logistics,

years ago. The adjacent industrial

the existing flora and fauna and as

fire. Also, the environmental permit

a larger storage capacity of ‘fini-

land area was procured from the

long as plans for ecological compen-

has been a time consuming process.

shed products’, increased loading

‘neighbor’: a nice, mostly empty

sation would be implemented.

The new kiln increases Gouda’s

facilities, more truck movements

piece of land with two ditches.

Investigations took place and plans

production capacity by 60%! So

and so on. In short: the construc-

And that’s where the story begins.

were developed for the rehabilitation

the environmental parameters

tion and commissioning of a new

Building a tunnel kiln on top of

of the site in which a part was given

corresponding with such increased

tunnel kiln at Gouda Refractories

a ditch is obviously not an option.

back to nature to compensate for the

production capacity were verified

means a complete restructuring of

Authorization had to be requested

ditches to be filled.

against the strictest Dutch and

the production process and site. A

from the Water Board to fill the

European guide lines and legislation.

process of about three years …

ditches. That was no problem,

With success: after more than a year

We are ready to build!

FIB FULL SPEED AHEAD Over the last 65 years FIB Industries has grown into an important player in the market of process and pressure containing equipment. All over the world FIB delivers and installs customised products made of stainless steel and alloyed materials as vital part of technological high-quality installations. And although FIB already has become a true world player it is still a question of pushing the limit. The equipment becomes more complex, bigger and heavier. Actually FIB's process equip-

into the production. There you

about. A colossus of 60 meters

Working flat out

ment will only give a good

will see what the production of

in length is emerging, more than

In the area of beer systems

feeling when you are walking

for instance a 'paper drum' is all

half a football pitch long. The

many successes have also been

diameter is 5 meters, say about

achieved. Not only was Bavaria

two living rooms interconnected

brought in as a new customer,

and the weight exceeds 300 tons:

but also beer delivery vehicles

roughly 250 cars! But size alone

and tankers were delivered to

does not matter. When you are

the Czech Republic, Slovakia,

looking into this ‘tunnel’ you will

Switzerland, Portugal and Chili.

see a real feat of sophisticated

In addition, FIB has recently

welding. Over 11,000 kilos of

received a contract to deliver

welding filler material is used to

cellar beer installations to

fabricate this construction, where

Mexico. No reason for surprise

extreme welding demands are

therefore that FIB is bustling. A

imposed and the latest welding

lot is being asked from the staff,

techniques must be applied.

but there is also plenty of reason

However, this is not the only gem

to be proud.

that is lying in the production. Additionally, we are working f lat out for a so-called scrubber for Belco Technologies Corporation. Length: 68 meters, diameter 6.1 meters and a total weight of 220 tons. Final destination: Houston USA. It characterises the strength of FIB; only a few suppliers in the world can manufacture such a product.

NEW NORTH SEA CONTRACT FOR HSM Andustry news is actually always fuelled by contributions of co-workers. They proudly tell about their job and their projects. And yet a sober look at things prevails. This time it's no different. Chris Vandooren of HSM provides the input for this article about a new order of Gaz de France. Another marvellous order, but Chris is all common sense. “Yes, of course I am proud that we

and the jacket weighs 1,000

quarter’, we receive only sixty

are making such a phenomenal

tons. Within the year they will

days prior to mechanical comple-

high-quality product here. But

be shipped from our quay to the

tion. We therefore need to leave

well … It is simply our job and we

Dutch part of the North Sea.

the structure open so we can lift

are good at that. We do not dwell

Well, if you look at it that way…

these modules in. Afterwards the

on it every day. We just make very

Rather impressive, isn't it? From

modules need to be hooked-up in

nice platforms.”

absolutely nothing to three huge

merely two months. “Yes, this is

monsters, ready for use and

definitely a challenge if you look

Sound planning

fitted with the most sophisticated

at it and it requires all our creati-

“Recently, Gaz de France has

equipment. Again, this will be

vity and experience”, he concludes

given us another order to deliver

the biggest challenge. We must

with a smile on his face. Maybe

two topsides and one jacket. Very

continue building at high pace.

not so sober after all.

similar to previous orders. The

Some crucial parts, such as the

topsides weigh 1,240 tons each

‘power module and the living

GREAT PARTY Once every five years Andus

Scheepvaartmuseum' by canal

Group organises a smashing

boat. There the Amsterdam party

party for all employees. Everyone

really got started with a little

(employees and their partners)

help from the Shanty Choir, the

of all subsidiaries are collected

good live band and various artists

by coach and brought to the

including Danny de Munk. It was

party venue. This year was yet

another night to remember!

another party year: on June 30th the coaches left for Amsterdam and everyone was brought to 'Het

ANDUS GROUP MAIN SPONSOR NATIONAL STEEL CONSTRUCTION DAY 2012 The National Steel Construction Day ('Nationale Staalbouwdag') takes place on 4 October 2012 on the former military airfield Valkenburg near Katwijk aan Zee. This year the theme is 'Steel will make it happen!'. Andus Group is main sponsor of this day. Naturally, the Steel Construction

On the move

participants in fast race cars will

track. This footage is transmitted

Day offers yet again an interesting

Apart from various formal

race each other: ladies and gent-

using large TV screens while

conference program. During the

meeting occasions, the key players

lemen from the (steel) construction

the lap times are recorded at the

conference, professionals from the

in the construction market can

industry, industrial building sector,

Andus Group stand. The partici-

Dutch construction society will

also challenge each other in a

industry, residential development,

pant with the fastest lap time may

present the latest important deve-

more relaxed way. A unique race

infrastructure, government, real

look forward to a unique ‘steel

lopments in the field of designing

event is organised with which

estate, banking community, etc.

price’ on behalf of Andus Group.

and building with steel.

Andus Group has associated its

The art and flying display is

name. On the landing and taxi-

recorded using onboard cameras

ways of the former airfield fifty

combined with cameras off the

SISTERS COHABIT Andus Group knows several

Andus Group director Wiebe van

subsidiaries, each with its own

den Elshout loves it: “Here at

specialism. Wherever possible

headquarters, we were pleasantly

each other's expertise is being

surprised by this way of collabo-

used. But 'sisters' also find them-

ration. Two subsidiaries that sit

selves in other ways. On the site

together to brainstorm and come

of Shell Pernis, two subsidiaries

to such a clever solution: awfully

(Lengkeek Staalbouw and Gouda

efficient of course to use each

Vuurvast Services) share 'business

other's facilities. A fine initiative!”

premises' together at the same location.

Andustry news IS a n A NDUS G R O U P p u b l i c a t io n Andustry news appears several times a y e a r. T h e p u b l i c a t i o n a i m s a t k e e p i n g employees, clients and suppliers informed of developments within Andus Group.

ED I T O R I A L C O M M I TTEE K r i s Rooi j akk e r s Li n d a Dam s Ni e l s Wi b i e r

L A Y - O UT a n d P r o d u c t io n BURE A U H O W

ED I T O R I A L A DDRESS b e u k e n l aa n 117 5 61 6 V C E I ND H O V EN

ANDUS GROUP BV EINDHOVEN / TEL . 040 - 211 58 0 0


GOUDA FEUERFEST (Deut schl and) GmbH WILLICH / TEL . + 49(0)2154 88 87 0 0

GOUDA REFR ACTORIES BV GOUDA / Geldermal sen TEL . 0182 - 59 14 0 0



HSM OFFSHORE BV SCHIEDAM / TEL . 010 - 427 92 0 0


iss projec t s sro KoŠice / TEL . + 42 155 729 92 27


P& K R AIL BV Nieuwegein / TEL . 030 - 246 95 92

RIJNDIJK CONSTRUCTION BV EINDHOVEN / Budel / Schagen TEL . 040 - 246 72 28

van voorden c a stings bv z altbommel / TEL . 0418 - 57 12 0 0

van voorden MARITIME bv z altbommel / Delf zijl TEL . 0418 - 57 12 0 0

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