PROUD OF GOUDA This preface is being written as the
petrochemicals, aluminium indu-
we celebrate five years of Gouda
Golden Carriage rides through The
stry, waste incineration and energy
Refractories belonging to Andus
Hague. It's 'Prinsjesdag' or 'Prince's
Group. I am incredibly proud of
Day'. The Netherlands is tightening
what the Gouda companies have
its belt. And we're hearing a lot of
Following the necessary restruc-
achieved in recent years. They are
gloom and doom from the govern-
turing processes, the company
now healthy companies with consi-
ment. However, the mood in Andus
began to get a new impulse. This
derable clout. They are leaders in
Group is different.
was emphasised by the award of
their market segment and ready for
a substantial order, guaranteeing
the future. And they fit seamlessly
Exactly five years ago, we were
over a year's worth of production.
into a healthy group because I am
busy completing the acquisition of
At the same time—in early 2011—
also proud to announce that Dun &
Gouda Vuurvast. At that time, the
an opportunity arose to acquire
Bradstreet awarded Andus Group
company's future wasn't looking so
2.3 hectares of land on the adja-
the D&B Rating 1—the highest
bright. The order book was a little
cent premises. It was an excellent
credit rating—once again this
thin and confidence in the compa-
opportunity to invest in expanding
August. In short, we are feeling
ny's future was gradually dwind-
production capacity by building a
very positive.
ling. However, we believed in this
new tunnel kiln. This involved a
company's strength and potential.
multi million-euro investment in
Gouda had been an expert in the
a period that the credit crunch had
Tom van Rijn
field of refractory bricks and casta-
turned into an all-encompassing
bles for over 100 years, providing
economic crisis. With a strong faith
unique products for similar custo-
in our own abilities, the decision to
mers to those of the Andus Group;
proceed was made. In this special
global leaders in the chemicals and
edition of the Andustry news,
TRIED AND TESTED CONCEPT, LATEST TECHNOLOGY From October 2013, 'tunnel kiln 3' will be put into service at Gouda Refractories. This involves more than just 'quickly lighting a kiln'. It actually takes several months for this new kiln to be dried out, heated up and ready for production. The expansion of production
whopping 125 metres and about
supply systems for oxygen, gas
capacity with a new kiln involved
1.5 metres wide and two meters
and controls as well as drainage
accommodate the new tunnel kiln.
the construction of a new factory.
high inside. An 'outer shell' has
channels for flue gases. A comple-
The challenge
The total length of the kiln is a
been built and there are immense
tely new factory has been built to
Because tunnel kiln 3 needed to
va n v o o r d e n m a r i t i m e •
va n v o o r d e n c a s t i n g s •
RI J NDI J K C o n s t r u c t i o n •
iss projects •
H SM S t e e l S t r u c t u r e s •
A r m a d a Ra i l •
Armada Mobilit y •
Armada Janse •
volume 3 | no. 2 | September 2013
be integrated into the existing
24/7 for eight years since the last
latest technologies? And there
A new refractory wall structure
production processes and produce
production stoppage. Speaking of
was another factor to consider:
was created and—most impor-
identical bricks to those produced
operational reliability and conti-
Tunnel kiln 2 can reach tempera-
tantly—an ingenious, vaulted
by tunnel kilns 1 and 2, tunnel
nuity—this was also the biggest
tures of up to 1600°C. However,
roof construction was designed.
kiln 2 was used as the basis for
challenge for the kiln constructor,
the chemical and petrochemical
Whereas contemporary kilns use
its construction: tried and tested
Lingl, and the engineers at Gouda.
market has developed such that
a flat kiln roof hanging from steel
technology in a new guise. After
How can we still improve a kiln
there is an emerging need for
fasteners, which requires conti-
all, this kiln has been in operation
concept, which is continuously
refractory bricks that have been
nuous cooling, Gouda wanted a
for decades and has been running
fired up, and equip it with the
baked at temperatures of 1650–
new type of roof structure. This
1700°C. Tunnel kiln 3 will be one
was especially due to the high
of very few tunnel kilns in the
temperatures at which burning
world to satisfy this need.
was taking place. And the results are in: the roof vault—with special
Unique design
spring structures to absorb any
What followed was over a year of
effect—ensures that the flue
teasing our brains and engaging in
gases are removed above the load
development. Special burners were
and that there is optimum circu-
designed to ensure that the flame
lation in the kiln. This unique
would adhere directly to the kiln
kiln—unequalled anywhere in the
wall; state-of-the-art measurement
world—is nearing completion. And
and control technology was used to
another important fact to mention
create an optimal ratio between gas
is that Gouda Refractories has
and oxygen supply, which also had
produced all the refractory material
an impact on energy consumption.
for the new kiln themselves.
THE IMPACT OF AN IMMENSE PROJECT It is Gouda Refractories' ambition to grow and there are opportunities to do so. The company provides high-quality refractories that the market needs. But how can you grow if the two tunnel kilns that you already have are producing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year? The answer is simple: by building a new kiln. The introduction of tunnel kiln 3
Heavy traffic
will serve to expand Gouda
The expansion of the tunnel kiln
Refractories' kiln capacity by 60%.
capacity does of course have direct
This provides Gouda with greater
consequences for the rest of the
flexibility and the ability to serve
production process, such as the
even more customers. The new
table cars transporting the refrac-
tunnel kiln also provides customers
tory bricks through the kiln. Traffic
with guaranteed continuity. Any
will increase by 60%! This is why
unlikely glitches in the kilns can
the tracks have been automated
now be absorbed more easily.
and marshalling yards have been installed. 170 new table cars have
New horizons
also been purchased since passing
And there's more: the new tunnel
through a kiln at temperatures of
kiln can reach temperatures of up
1700°C demands a bit more from
to 1700°C, which opens up the
these cars. Another logistical conse-
door to new markets and uses. For
quence is the supply of raw mate-
example, there is already a specific
rials, and the storage and transport
need in the market for bricks that
of finished products. Once again,
mixing plant—where the raw
robot called 'Andy' now takes care
are fired at temperatures of around
there will be a 60% increase in
materials are mixed—a complete
of this. He automatically picks up
1650°C. Not many manufacturers
traffic and use of space. A ring road
metamorphosis has been in the
each brick and loads it onto the table
in the world that can produce refrac-
is being installed on the premises
making for over a year. The entire
cars. Needless to say, the construc-
tory bricks at these high tempera-
and an immense storage area will
system has been updated and
tion of tunnel kiln 3 has required a
tures. Gouda would like to go even
also be built in the foreseeable
the process has been structured
lot of time and effort for a number
further: by vigorously pursuing
future, where refractory bricks can
differently. The pressing plant has
of people. It's not really something
R&D, the company is looking into
be kept until they are shipped.
also responded to the anticipated
you can just do on the side—and
expansion in production. Whereas
yet, that's exactly what happened.
what kinds of new products can be developed at these temperatures.
the unbaked, pressed refractory
So hats off to all our colleagues at
Gouda will be pushing the bounda-
But that's not all the impact that
bricks were previously stacked onto
Gouda. You have worked extremely
ries—that's for sure.
tunnel kiln 3 will have. In the
one of the main presses by hand, a
MORE BRICKS? MORE CASTABLES! Although our focus here is on Gouda Refractories as a supplier of high-quality refractory bricks, we don't want to forget one special part of the company: the castables factory in Geldermalsen. Gouda's range of refractory
are very large or have a very
feel the effects of the introduc-
products would not be complete
complex shape and which require
tion of tunnel kiln 3, because the
if it were not able to access refrac-
integrated metal anchors or frames
more refractory bricks are sold
tory castables. As early as 1981, an
of which often limited quantities
and produced, the more refractory
existing refractory brick factory in
are needed.
castables are needed. This is a challenge in itself, because the factory
Geldermalsen was transformed into a refractory castables factory.
currently runs for an average of
This factory now produces over
One of the castables factory's
47 hours a week and scaling up
20,000 tonnes of special refractory
strengths—alongside its high-
to a full two-shift system has
castables every year, in hundreds
quality products of course—is its
significant implications. This is
of varieties. These are not only
flexibility. This is partly due to the
why Gouda has chosen to further
produced as assembly or coating
nature of the work in which the
automate the labour-intensive
materials in conjunction with 'a
refractory castables are used. If a
packaging line. Wherever the bags
refractory brick order', but are also
client experiences an emergency
of refractory castables are still
often used by the service compa-
stop, certain types of refractory
filled either by hand or semi-auto-
nies in our Refractories division—
castables need to be delivered
matically, further robotisation will
namely, Gouda Vuurvast Services
almost instantly. The thirty-odd
ensure increased efficiency. The
and Gouda Vuurvast Belgium.
employees do everything in their
first robot is already in house and
These refractory castables also act
power to produce the required
working at full capacity! Optimi-
as the raw material for the Gouda
materials quickly.
sing the mixing lines will also lead to an increase in production. As
Refractories Prefab Division. This division produces non-standard
Introducing the robot
such, Geldermalsen is also well-
pre-cast refractory shapes which
The castables factory will certainly
prepared for the future.
THE SPECIAL FORCES AT GOUDA VUURVAST BELGIUM Besides Gouda Refractories, two operating companies also belong to the Andus Group's Refractories division, namely Gouda Vuurvast Belgium and Gouda Vuurvast Services. These are two special service companies that focus on the maintenance and installation of refractory and erosion-resistant linings—regardless of the manufacturer. Gouda Vuurvast Belgium is
high-quality oil. Some refine-
located just minutes away from
ries—more than 400 worldwide—
Antwerp, near major petroche-
use a Fluid Catalytic Cracking
mical companies. As such, the
Unit, or an FCC Unit to do so.
company has specialised in
This is at the heart of the produc-
this field throughout the years.
tion process. There are three of
So much so that 'the experts'
these units in Belgium, a few in
at Gouda Belgium receive
the Netherlands, and so on. They
maintenance requests from all
are few and far between. These
over Europe—even as far as
systems are stopped every four to
Turkmenistan. If a refinery goes
six years for major maintenance
'down' unexpectedly, the 'Special
works at which point their inte-
of downtime costs about $1–1.5
team at Gouda Belgium don't just
Forces' at Gouda are flown in
riors are also given a facelift. This
million. As such, there are only
receive requests for scheduled
because of their expertise, expe-
is a gigantic task involving a lot of
a few companies that are able to
maintenance—they also need to
rience and ability to respond
demolition work and complicated
take on a job like that: it's hard
be adequately prepared for unex-
steel and refractory work. This
to gain experience in this area
pected downtime: 24/7, all year
process has to meet the highest
because you don't see FCCs going
round. And if a problem arises,
Unique experience
American standards and safety
down every week. Gouda Belgium
they work around the clock to fix
There are several ways in which
regulations. Not to mention the
has, however, managed to become
it. It's work that requires tenacity
crude oil can be processed into
time pressure, because every day
the expert in this field. But the
and specialist expertise.
GOUDA VUURVAST SERVICES TAKES THE LEAD Gouda Vuurvast Services is convinced that technological developments are going to lead to a great deal of change in the next 10 years, even in the somewhat conservative refractory market. You can do one of two things: stand and watch from the side-lines or take the lead. Gouda Vuurvast Services has opted for the latter. Innovation is a popular concept.
boilers and all kinds of equip-
Or are we going to blast with
After all—no change, no progress.
ment—quickly and safely. The
sponges? Yes, sponge—that soft
But innovation needs to be more
signs of wear and tear will become
absorbent material we use to wash
than just a marketing term. It
apparent in no time at all, which
our cars. Gouda Vuurvast Services
needs to be a kind of adventu-
in turn means valuable input for
is doing it! A clean and effective
rous spirit in a company's genes.
the product developers at Gouda
technique. The ultimate research
It involves looking critically at
Refractories. And just imagine
project launched by Gouda is 'the
existing routines and daring to
flying one of those scanners into
learning stone'. We are looking
dream, all in the interest of your
the equipment on an unmanned
to establish a partnership with
clients and with the aim of push
aircraft...a prospect for the future?
the Duurzaamheidsfabriek
downing their final total cost of
(Sustainability factory) and the
ownership. Yes, innovation must
Startling developments
Delft University of Technology
serve an operational purpose.
Or how about rope access?
with the aim of developing a stone
Should we keep on erecting scaf-
that registers all the process data
Latest scanning methods
folding around equipment? Or
'live'. That will provide amazing
Gouda Vuurvast Services remains
are we going to jump into them
insights providing the basis for
innovative thanks to numerous
like accomplished abseilers? It's
new product developments and
original and useful developments.
possible. Are we going to keep
ultimately leading to even longer
What about the latest 3D scanning
sandblasting and dealing with all
service lives and lower main-
technology? It's ideal for inspecting
the excess dust that it produces?
tenance costs.
Fired up? Ready to go! Gouda Vuurvast Services used this motto to challenge members of its network to attend the Client Day held on 19 September. The theme was 'Innovation & inspiration' and over 150 enthusiastic clients and partners participated in a very inspiring day in the Fabrique in Utrecht. It quickly became clear that we are on the brink of a new era and that Gouda would very much like to lead the way on this journey of discovery.
Andustry news IS a n A NDUS G R O U P p u b l i c a t io n Andustry news appears several times a y e a r. T h e p u b l i c a t i o n a i m s a t k e e p i n g employees, clients and suppliers informed of developments within Andus Group.
ED I T O R I A L C O M M I TTEE K r i s Rooi j akk e r s Li n d a Dam s Ni e l s Wi b i e r
L A Y - O UT a n d P r o d u c t io n H O W c omm u n i c a t i e | c r e a t i e
ED I T O R I A L A DDRESS b e u k e n l aa n 117 5 61 6 V C E I ND H O V EN
ANDUS GROUP BV EINDHOVEN / TEL . +31 (0)40 - 211 58 0 0
Armada Janse BV Eindhoven / Tel . +31 (0)40 - 256 19 11
Armada Mobilit y BV Eindhoven / Tel . +31 (0)40 - 256 19 11
Armada Rail BV Nieuwegein / Tel . +31 (0)30 - 246 95 92
FIB INDUSTRIES BV LEEUWARDEN / TEL . +31 (0)58 - 294 59 45
HSM STEEL STRUCTURES BV SCHIEDAM / TEL . +31 (0)10 - 427 92 0 0
iss projec t s sro KoŠice / TEL . + 42 155 729 92 27
LENGKEEK STA ALBOUW BV HOOGVLIET RT / TEL . +31 (0)10 - 416 16 4 4
RIJNDIJK CONSTRUCTION BV EINDHOVEN / Budel / Schagen TEL . +31 (0)40 - 246 72 28
GOUDA REFR ACTORIES BV GOUDA / Geldermal sen TEL . +31 (0)182 - 59 14 0 0
GOUDA VUURVA ST SERVICES BV GOUDA / TEL . +31 (0)182 - 59 14 0 0
HSM OFFSHORE BV SCHIEDAM / TEL . +31 (0)10 - 427 92 0 0
van voorden c a stings bv z altbommel / TEL . +31 (0)418 - 57 12 0 0
van voorden maritime bv z altbommel / Delf zijl TEL . +31 (0)418 - 57 12 0 0