Annual Report 2013
In May our 2013 annual figures were presented. It was another good year. A year of unchanged revenue and profit. Something we are quite happy with these days. 2014 will once again prove a stable year. Some operating companies are actually exceeding expectations, but unfortunately others are experiencing difficulties. Especially those primarily targeted at the Netherlands. Because the largest portion of our group's revenue comes from abroad, the average results are positive. This is all reflected in our annual report, always drafted with the utmost care in view of open and transparent communication. On that note I would like to invite everyone to download the report, including the Dutch summary, from the website. If the economists will prove right in 2015, this will certainly benefit the further development and growth of Andus Group. I wish everyone a very pleasant holiday. And for those working on our numerous projects, the holiday will follow a little later this year. With summery regards,
ANDUS GROUP Tom van Rijn Chairman of the Board
Serving the industry
van voorden m ariti m e •
van voorden c astings •
G O U D A V U U R VA S T S E R V I C E S •
G O U D A V U U R VA S T B E L G I U M •
R I J N D I J K Constru c tion •
iss proje c ts •
H S M S tee l S tru c tures •
A r m ada R ai l •
A r m ada Mo b i l ity •
A r m ada J anse •
volume 4 | no. 1 | July 2014
CRAFTSMANSHIP AND INVOLVEMENT FIB Industries' production department is currently working hard manufacturing a vessel. Not a very surprising fact perhaps, until you get to see it. With its 65 mm thick walls, its 520 mm thick flanges and its 68 metric ton weight, it is an impressive sight. As many of the products leaving the FIB gates are. Pure craftsmanship that has positioned the company at the top of the international equipment manufacturing industry. And with passion. FIB provides and installs custo-
nals, burners and so on. Top
remains in close contact with
have a strong position on the
mized products globally, in any
quality, matched by very few
schools and enthusiastically
European market and are also
stainless steel, duplex steels, high
others. Once again proven by
contributes to future welders´
becoming increasingly popular
nickel alloy and exotic materials
the ISO 3834 welding certificate
in all corners of the world. And
such as titanium. They are often
f lawlessly obtained in June. The
complex constructions that are
craftsmanship in the company
Global enjoyment
hidden in the cellar, but are
part of high-tech process instal-
is nurtured. Because despite
Apart from specialist equipment
increasingly used as eye-catchers.
lations. This includes pressure
the fact that production is being
manufacturing, FIB has also
In that respect the beer market
vessels, columns, reactor inter-
increasingly automated, FIB
proven successful in the field of
is an 'experience-based market',
beer systems. In the past brewe-
which must be incorporated in
ries used to deliver beer kegs
the strategy. And also thanks to
to pubs, but today a beer truck
Armada Janse's expertise, FIB is
drives up to the front door to fill
one of the best. Both companies
up a cellar beer installation. FIB
cooperated in decorating pubs
pioneered this development and
in Bahrain and the United Arab
is capable of delivering the entire
Emirates. We are proud that
beer system: from the brewery to
Andus Group manages to pull
the tap. Nowadays ‘cellarbeer’ is
this off.
the beer tanks are no longer
an accepted phenomena worldwide. The FIB systems already
UNDER HIGH PRESSURE Many plants such as refineries, aluminium smelters and waste incineration plants are operational day and night. Once every few years largescale maintenance is necessary which means the production facilities must be stopped. Loss of production during such a shutdown is very costly. Depending on the type of installation, daily costs can amount to millions of euros a day! For such companies it is vital that the installations remain operational without maintenance for as long as possible, and for operations to resume as quickly as possible after maintenance is finished. The Gouda companies do whatever they can to contribute. The Gouda Refractories' refrac-
tenance after a certain period of
Hard work
Ingenious solution
tory linings are almost always
time, does not come as a surprise.
One of the many jobs during
Gouda Vuurvast Belgium sought
part of 'the heart' of such produc-
Next September the Valero
this ‘turnaround’ involves the
and found a solution. A contact in
tion facilities. These products are
Energy Corporation in Pembroke
'riser' of the FCC Unit. The pipe
France provided part of a similar
subjected to chemical reactions
(UK), where 270,000 barrels of
of subject is about 40 meters
riser pipe which was transported
under (extremely) high tempe-
oil products are produced every
high and has a diameter of a
to the UK. A specialised company
ratures 24 hours a day for years.
day, is faced with this situation.
meter and a half. Inside it is
was engaged. Together they figured
So the fact that for example the
Gouda Vuurvast Belgium was
covered with a 12.5 cm thick
out a way to remove the refractory
refractory lining of an FCC instal-
hired to get the job done.
layer of refractory castable. A
lining: with water! Today an inge-
very tough layer of which about 25 m 2 needs to be replaced.
nious installation is brought into
Traditionally, a worker would
washes the concrete away under
descend down this pipe with a
high pressure (>2000 bar). 16,000
pneumatic wreckinghammer
litres of water hammer the castable
to remove the lining bit by bit.
every hour, exerting a 160 ton force
A barbaric task because it only allows for 0.25 m 2 of castable to
and thereby peeling the skin from
be removed per day. The demoli-
invention for both the workers
tion alone would cost two teams
and the client! Because the intense
about 25 days. And that means
demolition activity is no longer
a lot of barrels ... clearly not the
done by hand and the new method
way to go. So then what?
is about 4 to 5 times quicker. Now
lation in a refinery requires main-
the pipe and a rotating arm simply
the inside of the pipe. A unique
that is thinking along with the client right there.
TIME iS MONEY As described in the article 'Under high pressure', a production facility shutdown costs a lot of money. This also goes for waste incinerators. Gouda tries to minimise the down time. Still, the new refractory lining of a furnace needs time to dry-out gradually. Could we not speed that up? This was the challenging question
Unique invention
that the product developers at
The Gouda scientists got to work.
Gouda Refractories were facing.
Because developing refractory
Let us be fair: a kiln with a new
castables is a science. There are
castable refractory lining cannot
products that require a staggering
be heated up to 1,000 °C tempe-
15 different raw materials to be
ratures in no-time. Gouda has
mixed in the exact right propor-
drafted detailed heating schedules
tions to obtain the unique refrac-
for this process. After about 58
tory qualities and long lifespan for
hours of gradually heating it up,
extreme environments. And how
the kiln can be taken back into
can one then change this mix to
full operation. Pretty fast, one
maintain the same qualities, but
could say. But once again: 58
reduce the 'heating time'? The
hours of operational loss costs
solution was found and is now
As powerful as the other Gouda
a heating curve of only 14 - 19
hundreds of thousands!
on the market as Velox castable.
Refractories castables, but with
hours. What a saving!
Velox Velox MD
LC Castable
Temperature in °C
900°C 750°C 600°C 450°C 300°C 150°C °C
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64
Time in hours
ISN'T IT GREAT WHEN EVERYTHING GOES TO PLAN In May 2013 we reported in Andustry news about the contract that had been awarded to HSM Offshore by Shell UK for the delivery of the Leman Compression Module. In August this immense construction will leave the HSM yard. The timing is great because in the meantime the production halls are being filled, thanks to Aker Solutions' assignment to produce two process modules for Talisman and an assignment of Chevron Transportation to produce a satellite platform. The Leman project constituted the
fell into place. A puzzle with over
form. This means two construc-
Sea. B13 is said to meet all
delivery of a jacket, a connecting
20,000 (!) pieces: and that only
tions of 29 x 16 x 20 metres
expectations and maintain an
bridge and a topside. Especially
includes the company provided
(1,200 tonnes) and 29 x 13 x 6
incredibly high availability rate.
the topside was so large (34 x 30
items, being the delivered
metres (333 tonnes) respectively.
This may have contributed to the
x 30 metres, 3,270 tonnes) that it
compressor elements. A marvel-
These modules will also involve
additional assignments being
would not entirely fit in the largest
lous achievement.
a great deal of piping, cables and
won. HSM is now employed to
equipment. But this is nothing
deliver the A18 platform which is
production hall. Another challenge for which HSM came up
Complex modules
new to HSM. Both modules will
almost identical to the B13. This
with the solution to produce every-
The Flyndre and Cawdor gas fields
be shipped in May 2015.
is very special, because it is not
thing in parts and assemble them
are in the English and Norwegian
at the yard. It seemed possible in
part of the North Sea. The Clyde
Once again
the opportunity to make such an
theory...and it proved practical too!
platform takes care of gas extrac-
Some years ago, HSM was
incredible construction twice. It
Literally all stages of the project
tion there. HSM was given the
assigned to deliver the B13 plat-
is expected that the jacket (1,250
as pre-defined on paper, were
assignment to deliver two process
form to Chevron. This platform
tonnes) and the topside (1,000
realised exactly as planned. An
modules (M12 and M14) that will
is now in full operation in the
tonnes) will leave the Schiedam
immense puzzle where every piece
be connected to the existing plat-
upper part of the Dutch North
yard mid August 2015.
often that HSM is presented with
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR IMPROVEMENT The NiAl bronze propellers by Van Voorden meet the highest quality
casting ladle. A fine method, but it
into the hot mass, which extracts
standards set by classification societies such as Lloyds Register,
did involve temperature loss.
the nitrogen. Result: up to 50%
Bureau Veritas and Germanische Lloyd. 'No changes required', one
more effective than the previous
could easily say. But it could not be further away from the truth.
High efficiency
method! Now a very pure melt is
Van Voorden is constantly looking for new design and production
With the rotor degasser the
accomplished without tempera-
methods to further improve the quality and efficiency.
molten bronze is degassed at
ture loss and the furnace requires
an earlier stage of the produc-
less maintenance because the
Soon a new invention will be put
gas. If the bronze is casted and
tion process; directly inside the
mass is kept in motion. All in all,
into operation at Van Voorden
then left to set, so-called gas
furnace. Picture it as an enor-
a sum of advantages resulting in
Castings: the rotor degasser.
inclusion may occur. To prevent
mous blender that is descended
a significantly higher efficiency.
Bronze is melted at a temperature
this as much as possible, the melt
into the hot melt to 'blend' the
of 1,250°C. This hot 'melt' can
is degassed with nitrogen. Up
bronze. During this stir, the
contain tiny bubbles of hydrogen
to recently, this was done in the
rotor degasser blows Argon gas
BUILDING IN AFRICA Whoever will land on Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es
Early April, BAM International
welded together when they arrive
Salaam, Tanzania in 2017, will be disembarking at the brand-new
granted the contract to RijnDijk
at their destination.
terminal III: made by RijnDijk Construction. For Tanzania the new
Construction and engineering has
terminal is important for the infrastructure and it increases the
started. RijnDijk Construction
Quality and safety
country's reachability.
will take care of production and
Local activities will be
installation of the steel construc-
performed by local workers.
tion, the fixed steel parts such
They will ensure that the 300
as the ‘bridges’ at the gates and the roofing (15.000 m 2). As
meter departure hall and the
many as 150 sea containers filled
are constructed in accordance
with finished, large steel tubes
with execution class 3, in accor-
and plates will be transported
dance with the NEN-EN 1090.
to Tanzania after the summer.
All in all an attractive project to
That is one of the challenges of
be proud of.
large arrival hall (50 x 70 metre)
this prestigious project: logistics. The 30 meter trusses will be produced in parts to facilitate transportation. They will be
Andustry news IS a n A NDUS G R O U P p u b l i c a t io n Andustry news appears several times a y e a r. T h e p u b l i c a t i o n a i m s a t k e e p i n g employees, clients and suppliers informed of developments within Andus Group.
ED I T O R I A L C O M M I TTEE K r i s Rooi j akk e r s Li n d a Dam s Ni e l s Wi b i e r
L A Y - O UT a n d P r o d u c t io n H O W c omm u n i c a t i e | c r e a t i e
ED I T O R I A L A DDRESS b e u k e n l aa n 117 5 61 6 V C E I ND H O V EN
ANDUS GROUP BV EINDHOVEN / TEL . 040 - 211 58 0 0
Armada Janse BV Budel / Tel . 040 - 256 19 11
Armada Mobilit y BV Nieuwegein / Tel . 030 - 246 95 0 0
Armada Rail BV Nieuwegein / Tel . 030 - 246 95 92
iss projec t s sro KoŠice / TEL . + 42 155 729 92 27
RIJNDIJK CONSTRUCTION BV EINDHOVEN / Budel / Schagen TEL . 040 - 246 72 28
GOUDA REFR ACTORIES BV GOUDA / Geldermal sen TEL . 0182 - 59 14 0 0
HSM OFFSHORE BV SCHIEDAM / TEL . 010 - 427 92 0 0
van voorden c a stings bv z altbommel / TEL . 0418 - 57 12 0 0
van voorden maritime bv z altbommel TEL . 0418 - 57 12 0 0