Hotline - Andus Group - April 2011

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POSITIVE OUTLOOK IN PERSPECTIVE When I look back on the past

possible freedom and decision-

that the demand for process

two years and think about the

making speed.

equipment had disappeared

results that we have achieved,

completely. The orders that

the moment that we bought

Fantastic turnaround

were being placed were usually

Gouda Vuurvast and delisted

The crisis struck Gouda

granted at prices that were well

it is one of the more powerful

Vuurvast fast and suddenly; it

and truly below cost: not the

memories. It was our biggest

disappeared with equal alacrity.

most attractive of conditions

takeover to date. At the begin-

In July 2010, we took advantage

for booking an order. We were

ning of September 2008, we

of the possibility for part-time

therefore using part-time

signed the takeover and a week

unemployment insurance for

unemployment insurance

later, the U.S. bank Lehman

our personnel in Gouda, but by

as much as possible at FIB

Brothers failed, which turned

August 2010, we had to bring in

Industries in 2010. Fortunately,

out to have been the starting

all of our resources in order to

that, too, was temporary. In the

short for the worldwide finan-

hit production levels of 100%.

last months of 2010, demand

cial crisis. Within a very short

returned just as quickly as it had

time, major production orders

The situation has remained

that had been placed with Gouda

the same every since and

Vuurvast were cancelled, and the

we are now working out an

Starting in January 2011, the

company's capacity utilisation

investment project to increase

FIB Industries order book is

rate quickly dropped to between

the production capacity in Gouda

once again looking good, we are

40% and 60%.

by approximately 60%. Once

working at full capacity and the

again, it becomes clear that

crisis seems to be behind us.

The shock was great, but the

things can change quickly and

And partly because we had also

f lexibility of our personnel

that maximum f lexibility and

invested heavily in production

in confronting those kinds of

adaptability are constantly being

equipment at FIB, we are looking

problems proved to be even

required from everyone.

at a promising future here, as

greater. With all hands on deck,

disappeared a year earlier.


we forged ahead. Fortunately, we

Still a temporary dip

didn't need the banks in 2008

As the most pressing concerns

A record

to finance the Gouda takeover

were easing at the Gouda

Fortunately, orders and capacity

and with our healthy financial

companies, we were confronted

utilisation remained good at

position since then, we haven't

with an strongly decreasing

the offshore operations and also

needed the banks since, either.

order book at FIB Industries.

the construction division kept

That gave us the maximum

When the crisis broke, it seemed

the ship on a reasonably steady

W V L S TA A L B O U W E R S •





M E B R A M E TA A L B E W E R K I N G •

L E N G K E E K S TA A L B O U W •

I N T E R S T E E L S L O VA K I A •



G O U D A V U U R VA S T S E R V I C E S •

G O U D A V U U R VA S T B E L G I U M •






volume 3 | no. 6 | April 2011

about you AND US A S S E L B E R G S V E N T I L AT O R E N •


course. The results and turnover

turnover growth in nearly all of

of course, that our clients have

do what we do. Being a reliable

at Andus Group as a whole, were

the Andus subsidiaries and we

also had to work under difficult

supplier for our valued customers

rather stable in 2009 and 2010,

are positive about the results.

conditions in these times. And

in industry: That is and will be

and, even more importantly, on

I can therefore only be proud

apparently, they have come

our mission.

the black side of the ledger. If we

of how we have managed the

back to us as soon as their own

now, April 2011, look forward, we

difficult period. I am especially

markets began recovering.

have a positive outlook. With an

proud of our employees. The

order portfolio of â‚Ź160 million,

way that they have shown their

That gives us a good feeling

we have reached a new record.

f lexibility in difficult times,

of confidence. Our clients are

Our order book has never been

shows where the true strength of

after all - and that's what we all

so high. In 2011, we forecast

our company lies. I also realise,

agree upon - the reason that we

Tom van Rijn, CEO

FIB INDUSTRIES HAMMERING AWAY At FIB Industries, we met the three sales managers, Harold van der Veen, Willem Heddema and Peter Scholten. FIB also has to bring all of its resources to bear right now. The chemical industry is picking up again and the good contacts that have been kept over the past few years are now paying dividends in terms of impressive orders. The three are enthusiastic and

transported by road. Spectacular!

proudly lift the veil on the order

The second column is for Shell

book over the past few months.

Moerdijk. Also not small fry:

"For the Shell Gas to Liquid

30 m' long and 4.3 m' across.

installation in Qatar - the largest

This column will be delivered

such installation in the world -

in mid-2011. It's a so-called

we have been given a follow-up

'fully dressed' column, complete

order that is related to the high-

with platforms manufactured

tech industrial burners that we

by Intersteel, cabling and even

delivered in 2009. It's a unique

lantern pools. Once we have

product that stands out by its

delivered the column, all that is

size, the choice of the materials,

left to do, is to plug it in and off

and the high degree of accuracy.

they go.

We also booked some significant

And, finally, let's not forget

follow-up orders from GE. They

the storage tank for DOW in

relate to the enormous air-intake

Stade. That order also shows off

and air-outf low systems that are

the strength of FIB. By working

used in gas turbines. We also got

closely with the DOW engineers,

an order to supply two, how shall

we have been able to make the

we say, 'large' columns. The

vessel 'transportable'. We have a

first is an absorption column for

great deal of in-house expertise

Dynea. How big do you want it?

and assist clients in developing

36 m' long, nearly 4m' across

clever solutions, usually resulting

and a weight of 30 tonnes. That

in 'co-makership'."

is the maximum that can be

Unique in the Netherlands

fully automated. It cuts holes

"It should come as no surprise

into convex surfaces up to 6 m'

to hear that the atmosphere

in diameter, profiles plates and

here is completely different

makes tube-tube cuts, and it

than last year. Not only do we

does it all with a high degree of

have splendid orders, but we

precision. To house the robot, we

have also invested heavily in our

have set up a separate workshop

production. We now have an

with an operating control room.

ultra-modern plasma cutting and

It's great! We are back in busi-

welding robot. With the robot

ness like never before!"

operating three workstations, this configuration is unique in the Netherlands. Its work is l. to r.: Willem Heddema, Peter Scholten and Harold van der Veen

CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE In the foreword to this Hotline, we already talked about how both the Refractory division and FIB Industries have turbulent times behind them. But also that the tide has turned. That is why we want to give some attention to the most recent developments at the Gouda companies and FIB. Because that shows just how resilient the Andus companies are. Marcus Schuchmann, Arie van

construction of a new storage ware-

Vliet and Philip Knipscheer are

house and a shipping hall. But the

the managing directors of Gouda

most important is yet to come. We

Refractories, Gouda Vuurvast

recently bought the adjoining 2.3

Services and Gouda Vuurvast

ha of industrially zoned property.

Belgium, respectively. They

Over the next 18 months, a new

gladly tell us about their plans

production facility with a third

for the future. "When I started as

tunnel kiln is to be built there.

Director of Sales & Marketing in

That means an expansion of our

mid-2009," Marcus Schuchmann

New shipping hall

Expansion of company premises in Gouda

production capacity by 60%. That

workshop, prefab works can be

our own facilities. With the new

says, "things were not going well.

increase in scale will be good for

done more efficient and we will

built workshop, we will be able to

The order book was only 33% filled


be able to meet the increasing

handle larger prefab orders more

demand in the market for prefab

efficiently." All things considered,

and there was a depressed mood. We were in the middle of the crisis.

Connecting with the market

work. Philip Knipscheer "the

they all three are enthusiastic

That turned around completely a

Arie van Vliet joins in: "The

same goes for Gouda Vuurvast

about all the building activities

year later, however. Projects that we

construction activities that we see

Belgium. We are also building

and investments. Not just because

had been fighting to win for a long

now on the Gouda premises also

a new office building, storage

of the expansion and the improve-

time, were finally granted and we

go for Vuurvast Services. We are

warehouse and prefab workshop.

ments in efficiency but "It also

booked some large orders. That is

getting our own new office build-

Clients increasingly want to have

contributes to the positive atmos-

when the strength of the company

ing, warehouse and workshop,

maintenance related refractory

phere in our companies. People

and the group shows. We worked

complete with overhead cranes.

works done outside of their own

see those new buildings and

hard on delivering those orders

Until now, we have done our

facilities. So they send us part of

workshops going up, they see that

in time and were able to convert

prefab work in a rented workshop

their installation and we do the

we are investing. That enforces

that success into investments. In

in Vlissingen, but with the new

installation of refractory linings in

confidence in the future."

New office building and workshop at

l. to r.: Arie van Vliet, Marcus Schuchmann

Artist impression Gouda Vuurvast Belgium

Gouda Vuurvast Services

and Philip Knipscheer

Geldermalsen, we put two new packing machine lines into operation immediately and in Gouda, we started upgrading the company's premises. The factory buildings have been provided with new wall cladding. That was the first step. We are now engaged in the

SPLENID ARCH BRIDGE IN NORWAY When you visit the Norwegian

express it this way: "‌it is very

town of Brandanger, you will

critical work. One mistake and

see yet another example of HSM

the bridge will collapse like a

Steel Structures craftsmanship.

house of cards." For that reason,

A slim and slender bridge in this

the bridge is first constructed

no-man's land. It is a special

on a specially built quay as a

cable-stayed bridge with crossed

pre-fab construction, including

stays, which you won't see in the

the concrete road surface. Two

Netherlands. That doesn't make

enormous crane barges were then

it easier to build, though: the

used to transport the construc-

stability of the 200 m' long arch

tion to its final destination. The

bridge (total length 300 m') can

unsuspecting tourist travelling

only be achieved by connecting

through this quiet area will be

all of the stays. Project manager

surprised when contemplating

Anton van der Elst and Project

how such a special bridge could

engineer Erik-Jan van de Sijden

have come to be there.

QUALITY, SAFETY, HEALTH & AND THE ENVIRONMENT AT A HIGH LEVEL André Kraaijvanger is the QSHE officer (Quality, Safety, Health and Environment officer) at Andus Group. One might think of his job as a combination of policeman and accountant. Strict, keeping an eye on the regulations, etc. And, yes, that is part of the job. But André is primarily someone who is concerned with practical matters. Realistic and driven to continuously improve how things are done. "Quality, safety, health and the

The highest standards

have been reported in these

environmentally aware' hand-

concern about environment is

"It is good to see that our QSHE

audits. An extraordinary result,

book. With that book, we want to

essential in the work we do,"

management systems (ISO,

which the certifying bodies

emphasise once again that we all

he says. "Good quality, both

SCC) also lead to results. Our

confirm. These good results do

have to be aware of what we are

technically and organisationally,

operating companies are audited

not mean that we can rest on

doing and act in such a way that

and safe working will result in

every six months to a year by

our laurels, however. Far from

everyone goes home safely at the

satisfied clients. Our employees

TüV, DNV or Lloyd’s. In 2010,

it. There is still work to be done.

end of every day and that the

also benefit from good working

over 20 audits, including a

Such as in the respect of failure

impact of our doing on the envi-

conditions, and society is

number of recertifications, were

costs, for example. Recently I

ronment is as little as possible."

being served if we minimize

carried out successfully within

read an article about the failure

the impact of our activities on

our subsidiaries. Moreover six

costs in the building sector

Always new challenges

the environment as much as

of our operating companies are

rising to 11% in 2010. That is

"Yes, the standard is always

possible. In fact, QSHE is almost

SCC-petrochemical certified.

troubling, especially when you

being placed higher in terms

a prerequisite for us being able

That is the highest achievable

take into consideration that net

of quality, safety and the envi-

to do what we do. If you don't

standard within SCC. Only

profit margins are only between

ronment. Good Corporate

have QSHE well in order, you are

minimal and, easy to correct

1% and 2%. There is still some

Governance is becoming ever

offering someone a disservice."

deviations from the standard

challenge in this area for Andus

more important. Not only profit

Group, too!"

and loss figures are important, but also the consequences for

Getting home safely

society and the environment

"Another challenge is maintain-

have to be considered.

ing, and, if possible, improving

To summarise, we can state

our high levels of safety. We

that Andus Group is a company

operate in a market where very

that not only operates at the

strict safety regulations are set.

top of the market, but also one

And rightly so. Within Andus

that takes its responsibilities

Group, safety has always been

for the safety and health of

one of our priorities and fortu-

its employees and all others

nately we have relatively few

involved. We also take the envi-

incidents. But one can never be

ronmental aspects related to our

'satisfied' with that result. There

company activities into account.

has to be a continuous aim for

We can be justly proud of the

improvement. To demonstrate

fact that we have been collec-

just how important the Andus

tively successful in doing so!"

Group feels safety and the environment to be, we recently presented all of the employees with the "Working safely and

HOTLINE IS A P U B L IC AT I O N O F T HE A NDUS G RO U P H o t L i n e a p p e a r s s e v e r a l t i m e s a y e a r. The publication aims at keeping employees, clients and suppliers informed of developments within the Andus Group.

EDITORIAL COMMIT TEE K ris R ooi j akkers , L inda D ams N iels W ibier

L A Y - O U T and P roduction BUREAU HOW

EDITORIAL ADDRESS beukenlaan 117 5 61 6 V C E I N D H O V E N

ANDUS GROUP BV EINDHOVEN / TEL . 040 - 211 58 0 0

A SSELBERGS VENTIL ATOREN BV Nieuwegein / TEL . 030 - 246 95 01


GFD SERVICES PARSAU (WOLFSBURG) / TEL. +49(0)5368 97 06 60

GOUDA FEUERFEST WILLICH / TEL . + 49(0)2154 88 87 0 0

GOUDA REFR AC TORIES BV GOUDA / TEL . 0182 - 59 14 0 0

GOUDA VUURVA ST BELGIUM SCHOTEN / TEL . +32(0)3 - 326 57 0 0


HSM OFFSHORE BV SCHIEDAM / TEL . 010 - 427 92 0 0





P& K R AIL BV Nieuwegein / TEL . 030 - 246 95 92




W VL STA ALBOUWER S BV SCHAGEN / TEL . 0224 - 27 31 0 0

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