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Who’s on the List?
25 Hottest Sneak Peak
Dr. Prasad Savanna, M.D.
Interview by Wilnona Marie

Meet one of 2022’s hottest advocates of the year. This doctor volunteered to be on the front lines of the Covid 19 battle. When he heard about the outbreak his reaction was opposite to most of us. As we sequestered ourselves in our homes afraid this new invader had trojan horsed its way into our lives to attack our families, he risked his health to do what he felt was necessary to call himself a doctor. Head long he went into fight the unknown and hoped he would come out with his life.
Although death and suffering surrounded Dr. Savanna at all times during his stint on this medical battle field it did not engulf him, he never lost heart or hope that this would end nor did he lose his compassion for the patient. Savanna accredits his continued focus on the patient during these trying times to his mantra “Caring for the whole patient” including their emotional state.
Hear the stories of compassion, victories and defeat during the dark times of the Covid pandemic from a doctor who chose to be there so we could safely get through the uncertainty of Covid-19’s early days. Also, learn about the softer creative side of Savanna and his latest venture into fashion design in the 2021 25 Hottest Indie Authors Artist and Advocates magazine.

Connect with Prasad Savanna Online:

TayTay Stharz
Interview by Wilnona Marie

Many people know TayTay Starhz or they heard of him. I remember the first time I was privileged to interview him. Quite honestly, I wasn’t sure what I would ask, he has done so much in his life.
When I finally sat down in the chair and started the interview, what I had read and seen of Starhz during my research was not who was there for the interview. That’s when it hit me TayTay of yesteryear was just that, his past. The TayTay in front of me had matured. All of my former questions were scrapped, minus one, (I’m a journalist after all I had to ask about his past.) and I started over getting to know the new Starhz, the real TayTay. He was a delight. Fun with equal parts entertaining and serious about his career. This is why TayTay Starhz is 2022’s 25 Hottest Artist. Read about his rise to fame, his love for his fans, the new him, and the impact it’s having on his career. (Spoiler it’s not a negative.) Why are you so motivated? Life keeps me motivated, life is very precious and I am grateful for everyday and that’s what keeps me motivated. What part of your career are you happiest about? All of it, I have achieved so much and still achieving and knowing that I have more music to share is even more of a blessing. If you had to give up singing tomorrow what other passions would you pursue ? I am currently into property and renovations, to bring new ideas and creativity to a house is also rewarding. Currently working on two properties in London. Have you ever regretted your decision to pursue your career? I have never regretted doing music, the only issues I would say is the choice of people that get tangled up in your life in the music business. Trust is a major factor. We worked with one producer who we loved as family and when things didn’t go his way he removed all of our work we did with him, which was a shame as the songs and music were great. If you could go back in time and advise yourself what would you say? Go it alone and not with others who only think they share the same passion for music.

Jennifer McEwan
Interview by Wilnona Marie
Jennifer works in the place best known for their beaches. Most of us consider Hilton Head South Carolina when we ready ourselves for the family beach vacation. While there the beach is about as far as most visitors get to see. Beyond the sandy outstretched terrain covering miles of waterfront property is Jennifer’s domain. As the director for cultural affairs she oversees multiple arts festival and displays. As you read this article the Crescendo event is occurring in Hilton Head. Multiple events occur during this festival. It concludes with the lantern parade. As a writer I was interested in the literary offerings of Hilton head. The Bluffton book festival is hosted on Hilton Head. They do this in partnership with the Pat Conory Literary Center and many other sponsors and volunteers. Jennifer is involved with this festival as well. She is a multi-creator advocate.
Jennifer found her love for the arts through singing. She was classically trained, but found her place wasn’t on stage, but making sure there was a stage to perform on. Scouring the country for a good arts administration program she settled on one not too far from home. Her masters are in administration, and her first admin job was in a theatre. An actor she is not she will openly admit but an art administrator she was born to be.
When she is not at her desk advocating/funding/creating artistic opportunities for the Hilton Head artist community you might find her chowing down on a soft-shell crab or enjoying a southern crab boil. Wherever you find her she will be lighting up the world of the creative so we can enjoy their creation.