me Kieran aged 12
’m quite a normal person, I’m living with my dad but he’s looking to put me into foster care as he’s not coping. My mum hasn’t been around since I was born. I don’t know why it all went bad – I started to have suicidal thoughts and feeling really low and making the wrong choices so Dad has given me one last chance or he’ll look at fostering me out – so I’m working really hard now. It’s hard when you know that my mum didn’t want me. But (hey it’s cool really), I have 3 dogs and I love them and they love me they are so bouncy and they keep my happiness up. One good thing that has happened is that through my Relational Support Worker I’ve begun to find the real and true me. One of the things I now want to do is to become a social worker so I can help kids like me find their true selves aswell – because there is a light and you just have to find it.
It’s your partnership that has enabled Kieran to find the light
Transformation through being real By Mattias Arvidsson
grew up in Sweden (I won’t mention the recent international football match between our countries) and I’ve always been a Christian with a heart for my Community. My journey in youthwork really began as a youth pastor in Stockholm, I moved into supporting teenagers with drug misuse issues at a rehabilitation centre. In 2011 I moved over to England (obviously for the sunshine) when my wife Lena started a role at Gartner. When I saw the advert for The Supported Lodgings Manager and read the job description, it resonated with my background and heart for young people, I simply had to apply - because I’m driven by a desire to support young people who find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations – seemingly; because there is always Hope and that’s what I love to see; young people getting a glimpse of Hope and embracing it.
the local churches who are also driven by the same desire – so it feels like a positive place to be. Yet, within that positivity Nick (Robin to Mattias’ Batman) and I are constantly getting the message out about the need for more hosts. One of the overarching reasons why people are nervous about coming forward is that we all like to hang out with people from our own neighbourhood or background and opening up your home and lives to a stranger, can press our comfort buttons. Both Nick and I are very aware of the sacrifice of hospitality that is why we are here to support and encourage you – we want you can feel equipped and enabled.
The biggest high since starting in November (apart from finding fellow coffee drinkers) has to be the partnership working. So often local authorities and churches can be easy targets to knock – but having been in several homeless panel meetings with Surrey County Council; I can see that they are driven by the desire to eradicate teenage homelessness. Then there are the wonderful supported lodgings hosts from
What these young people have in common is that they’re not able to stay in their family home – what they have in common is a need for stability – what they have in common is the desire to be seen, to know that they exist and have value. So my plea would be that as followers of Jesus we’re real with our Christianity – don’t let it just be words - let it also be actions and let those actions transform
a young person’s life forever. It’s one thing to pray for The Kingdom of God to expand, it’s another to step up and become part of its expansion. We’re looking for people who know that they are blessed and want to pass that blessing on….could you be that person? If you’d like to explore the possibility of bringing Hope through Hospitality, then I’d love to meet with you and yes the coffee’s are on me.
“distinctive, well-respected & compassionate” I
n September Nigel Pimlott ( a writer and trainer in youth work focused on east to west as part of research undertaken for his PhD study. Nigel interviewed members of the team and local partners about our work and from those interviews wrote the following – which as you can imagine was very humbling.
east to west is a distinctive, well-respected and compassionate project. It occupies a significant space and place within the community. It has a very strong focus on meeting the needs of the local young people, supporting and journeying with them over the long-term and bringing a sense of hope and possibility to their situations. east to west’s faith position is a mix of being very explicit and more thinly veiled or diaphanous as it works inclusively and with integrity in different contexts. The work of east to west is focused upon: Formation and Education, Informal Education, Pastoral Care, Faith Transmission, Citizenship, Community Development, Social Action and Transformation.
Those interviewed offered the following three word descriptors of what first came to mind when they thought of east to west:
Within the description and sentiments offered and observed about the project, there was an overwhelming sense of a hope that things could be different. This sense of possibility, life and the anticipation of transformation underpinned everything. There was a strong pedagogy and approach that was very much focused on young people, rooted in a desire to see the transformation of individual lives.
Mission, Values, Aims and Objectives The following key dynamics were evident: Meeting young people’s needs; Providing support for young people; Journeying with young people for the long-term; Along with journeying with young people is a desire to develop hope and transformation; On-going commitment to young people; Voluntary participation in the work; Working in partnership with others;
Compassionate x2
Hope x2
Developing a sense of community; Portraying faith in action; Being successful in broad, but perhaps difficult to define ways.
Faith dynamic I propose describing this dynamic as ‘diaphanous’ in nature: i.e. Light delicate and translucent (Oxford Dictionary); So fine and sheer as to let light pass through (Ultimate Words Dictionary). Thus, the faith element can clearly be seen if people look through or past the various veils that might cover the faith element of their work. For example, the professional pastoral work, educational and formational work aswell as the practical help offered might act as veils covering the faith-based heart and motivation behind these works.
Atmosphere FOCUSED
On-going/ Long-term
at the
end of
the tunnel
east to west was said to be about: Compassion, hope and focussed long term-work.
Relationships and Influences My study discovered that the project experienced a variety of significant (and mutually beneficial) relationships and external influences. east to west’s effectiveness is dependent upon the effectiveness of the partnerships it is involved in. It would appear that east to west has some very strong partnerships, especially with local schools and churches.
east to west has a welcoming atmosphere that is warm and embracing. There is a fun and jovial dynamic that speaks well of a strong team spirit and positive organisational culture. This joviality should not hide what is a hard working and fast moving group of people who are constantly on the go, responding to the needs of young people across a wide geographical area.
“As a parent you think you’ve heard it all” Rachel Clough joined east to west in December as a Relational Support Worker in Bishop Wand School and comments on how the first 3 months have gone.
By Malcolm Bateman A Chartered Accountant and east to west’s Finance Manager I came to Egham over 12 years ago to work as an accountant at a local firm and became aware of east to west through my connection at St John’s Church, Egham and a friend called Gill Plumb who used to do the finance role here at east to west before me. About 3 years ago Gill asked if I’d take it on – I work part-time and have space to offer my services, so I said “Yes” and it’s been great as it means I can use my skills in a voluntary capacity rather than it always being in a commercial one. Ultimately I said “Yes” because east to west works in my community so the local connection is appealing to me. We have a Christian Faith Ethos which is attractive and the young people that we serve matter; many of them have had such bad starts in their lives they need organisations like east to west around. I’ve been privileged and never really wanted for anything – my life has been pretty good and it’s great to be able to give something back. What I love hearing is the impact being made by the team and knowing that, whilst I’m in the ‘back office’, I’ve played some part in that story. The biggest eye opener has to be the Surrey projection that all is leafy and rosy – no poverty or brokenness around. Yet being here has opened my eyes – if you want to live an insulated middleclass life then you can do so and be blissfully unaware of the reality of people in your community. Without volunteers like Malcolm east to west would struggle to exist and for that we are eternally grateful. If you have a ‘back office’ skill (as Malcolm puts it) that you could offer in the service of young people, then drop Andy an email and let’s explore whether you could join our growing team of volunteers.
I wanted to join east to west because I have a desire to help, not that I think I have all the answers or that I’m able to make miracles happen; rather I simply want to be someone who listens because most of them are missing out on having someone able or willing to take the time to do that in their life. The best thing I can offer is a space away from pressure, a space where they are able to open up and be themselves and open up about is bothering them. With so much pressure in life to perform pressure building at home for parents – offering space is a real lifeline. The biggest surprise especially as a mum is that you think you have heard it all, you think you know about stuff like bullying etc. but when 13 and 14 year olds talk to you about anxiety and depression you do need to compose yourself as you listen. The biggest high so far has to be a young man who dealt with the build-up of frustration in his life through anger and aggression – he was recently confronted in the playground and using the anger management coping ideas that we’d discussed together, dealt with an issue positively. He was so pleased with himself that he stuck his head around the door to say thanks. It was certainly a great idea signing up for the role because the glimpses of hope make it worth it.
Since September 2012 1-2-1 Relational Support Work Session’s
Support Groups
Children / Young People / Parents 402
Sessions 609
Top 5 Issues
Delivered in partnership with:
Self Esteem & Social Services involvement (joint)
17 Paid Team
122 Ind. Donors
10 Schools
11 Churches
25 Volunteers
2 Local Authorities
east to west trust, Unit 3, 80 High Street, Egham, TW20 9HE Tel 01784 438007 A company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 6972769 Registered Charity No. 1131229
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