Nutrition tips for women to help fight off the calories
We are what we eat. Thus, the harm caused by wrong eating habits, in terms of quality or quantity, would negate all the other beneficial choices that one makes in the fight to stay healthy. Good food habits, together with the right exercise regimen have been universally considered to be the best fat loss tips for women. There’s lots of advice available out there, some great, others not so much. From eat all you want diets to carbohydrate and protein heavy diet; one can find them all. Each self-proclaimed expert out there has their own secret fitness advice and tips that they wish to share with those who need them. Separating the useful and discarding the rest can be quite an affair. Some equate fitness tips with starvation and culinary damnation. However, the best way to tackle cravings is through moderation. So, go on, have that occasional ice-cream or a regular slice of pizza. But make sure you come back and work off those calories. Diet need not be all dull and boring. There are a few super foods that are as tantalizing: • Fitness enthusiasts swear by the power of nuts. Almonds, pine nuts and their ilk have long been favoured for their health benefits. They have the right amounts of vital nutrients such as vitamins and fats. Flax Seeds are another source for high energy nutrients and can be combined for consumption with everyday meals • Oats are another great source of high energy nutrients. Fresh, wholemeal oats when combined with cut fruits (fresh or dried) make a filling meal. Whether consumed as a snack or as a replacement for meals, oats do make for a nice refreshing change in the options • Fruits when consumed freshly cut and not when canned or preserved can also serve to curb those hunger cravings. They are high in nutrients, low in complex carbohydrates and contain loads of vitamins. When shopping for fruits, go for the brightly coloured variety. The soluble and insoluble
fibre that fruits are packed with, help manage hunger and prevent those junk food binges • Many sources of nutrient tips for women exhort them to reduce the fat content in their diet. But not all fat is bad and some amount of fat is even necessary if one is to continue to remain in good health. Olive Oil and Flaxseed oil are two worthy replacements for the usual butter and other saturated fats • Avoid the intake of red meats. Choose lean meats and lean cuts of meat. Skinless poultry is the way to go. Sea-food when braised or poached is also another healthy option
At the end of the day, one has to eat smart. There are plenty of ways in which exercise regimens can be woven into the daily routine. So get out there and start burning up those calories. Summary: We are what we eat. With each self-proclaimed expert having their own secret fitness advice and tips that they wish to share with those who need them, separating the useful and discarding the rest can be quite an affair.