Shred all your troubles away Since some companies and organisations in Dubai need paper as a medium to bring in information and complete digitization is not a possibility, they often have to ensure that what information comes into a company or organisation stays there without getting leaked. This is not only the case of companies where digital information is too vulnerable, but also in the case of organisations such as healthcare, that cannot do without paper. The problem with paper is that it is a physical medium of documenting information. It is brittle and can be destroyed easily. Moreover it gets really difficult to secure, since backups cannot be created automatically and require extra effort on the part of those who maintain it. Paper documents can easily be stolen and since there is no way of making an exact copy (unless they happened to be created that way) they cannot be replicated. An original remains an original and a copy remains a copy.
This does present some advantages of paper when it comes to authenticity of documents. People will go to great lengths to compare even the fibre and the ink of the paper with that available at the compared point in time, to prove that the document was signed or created at that particular moment. However in today’s day and age and the advances of the internet, more companies and organisations are moving on to digital systems, but as mentioned at the beginning of this article, lots of paper is being used to bring in information. Once
the documents or forms have been scanned for the necessary information, it is the legal procedure to get rid of those documents as soon as possible. These have to be discarded before the same document gets into the hands of another individual and personal information gets leaked out. Shredding is a brilliant way of disposing off all forms and other documents that may contain personal information of applicants on a daily basis, but the question here is, who is going to do it? Are you willing to let your employees who are busy working to stop and shred every single document that has served its purpose? It sounds like a good idea for a small scale operation, since a business that covers its tracks is the one that is well covered indeed. But it sure does take up all that extra time; time that can be used to be productive. A third-party secure shredding service in Dubai is an excellent way to get rid of all your shredding, security and compliance concerns. Such companies will walk in as instructed and collect all the documents that need to be shredded on a daily or weekly basis and cover up your company’s tracks leaving you without worries and your employees stress free. Secure document shredding companies in Dubai are often divisions of records management or information management companies that offer a host of other services, that will work with your company’s retention schedules and purge only what needs to go. All in all they work as a one stop comprehensive solution, provide records management, document scanning and document storage in Dubai working with you all the way, taking the weight of your shoulders.