The green future of the Dubai Jet Ski Experience
The well developed infrastructure and plentiful avenues make it a skier’s paradise. Thus, one can truly enjoy the experience of jet skiing in Dubai, irrespective of whether their skills are at the beginners, intermediate or advanced levels. The climate in the Gulf that has the sun shining down all year round make it the ideal location to indulge in some good old aquatic fun. The waters round the place dangle just the right amount of temptation to go skimming across their surface. The well developed infrastructure and plentiful avenues make it a skier’s paradise. Thus, one can truly enjoy the experience of jet skiing in Dubai, irrespective of whether their skills are at the beginners, intermediate or advanced levels.
Given the surging popularity for Jet Skiing, it has become extremely important to follow the rules. Each Jet Ski must be licensed for use. Riding an unlicensed jet ski is an offence that attracts fines that increase with each subsequent instance. Life jackets are compulsory. While some complain about the same, many have realized that a jacket can be quite handy should one take a rough and tumble while skimming over the water. Even rentals of skis are governed by licenses and must be kept up-to-date at all times. The rules and regulations governing the Dubai jet ski experience have been put into place with the sole intention of ensuring that tourists and residents are kept safe at all times. In some extreme cases, violators may also be found liable to have their aquatic recreation vehicles impounded by the authorities. Given the rise in instances involving Jet Ski accidents, the authorities have
responded by restricting jet-ski usage to certain, selected areas around the Emirate. Any violation of the ski restriction rule is met with strict and swift action. The busy aftermarket performance parts industry has not only contributed to the Jet-ski halo, but it has also managed to slap on some notoriety of sorts onto it. Growing consciousness on emission controls too has led to a certain section of customers to become more vocal about the harmful effects of the Jet Ski. It is perhaps recognition of the validity regarding some of these concerns that seem to have led to the creation of the JetPad – a new age vehicle that has been designed to function as a minimal emissions personal watercraft. While it may be powered by the more commonly available lithium ion batteries, its security measures are second to none. It uses an RFID chip that allows only a pre-determined person to access the craft. Other unique features include an option that takes the help of a Global Positioning Sensor to pinpoint the exact location of the craft and bring it back to base. The best part about this Jet Ski is that it features a system that will restrict it to areas that have been mapped out prior to start. Should one be eager to make a quick escape, they’d find the craft slowing down and eventually shutting down completely. The JetPad therefore signals towards the future that awaits us. A bright future; where tourism will have a minimal impact on the environment, thereby ensuring that we enjoy the gifts of nature for decades to come. Author Bio : Dubai is an ideal location for jet skiing. Facilities and locations are perfect for both beginners and advanced skiers. Enquire us for best jet skiing Tour Package.