Who are the
CHELMSFORD CHIEFTAINS? The Chelmsford Chieftains are a semiprofessional Ice Hockey team playing out of Riverside Ice & Leisure, in the City of Chelmsford. The Highlight of the early years was the treble winning season of 1999/2000. That season the Chieftains picked up the Premier League, Playoffs and Millennium Trophy. The club then went through a barren period until 2008/2009 when the Chieftains re-grouped and they lifted the NIHL Division Two South League championship trophy under the
leadership of coach, Dean Birrell. It was a proud moment and a real feather in the cap for Chelmsford Ice Hockey. No less than seventeen players from the squad of twentytwo were locally trained players who had make thier way into the Chieftains via the City’s Ice Hockey Academy. This gained them automatic promotion into NIHL Division One South. Birell remained as head coach for a further two seasons and in that time brought a Play-off Trophy to Riverside. But the League Championship trophy still eluded them.
In 2011/12 the club were making headlines before the season began when they signed the Premier League’s top British points scorer, Gary Clarke as player/coach. This was to be the dawn of a new era for Chelmsford’s senior team. Clarke instilled a winning mentality into the team and brought a new professionalism to the club. In his first coaching role ‘Clarky’ as he was known at Riverside, brought a further Play-off Trophy and an Essex Cup. The following season the player’s hard work and dedication was rewarded and at last the Chieftains could call themselves the 2013/13 League Champions they also defended the Play-off Trophy and became Play-off Champions for the third successive season. In 2013/14 the Chieftains reached new heights, becoming only the second team in British Ice Hockey history to achieve the ‘Quadruple’. They were crowned NIHL Division 1 South League Champions, Play-off Champions, League Cup Winners and South-East Trophy Winners...the clean sweep. It was also the final season under Clarke who left not only the club, but the UK as work commitments took him and his family abroad.
The man left with the tough task of following the Clarky years was Canadian Duane Newman, a former team mate of Clarke at Milton Keynes Lightning. He remained in the hot seat for just one season during which the Chieftains successfully defended their league crown and were the 2014/15 League Champions. A off ice adminstration error led to an early exit for the Chieftains from the end of season play-offs, thus ending the run of four successive playoff titles. Last season the management made the decision of recruiting a coach from within. 29-year old Sean Easton was the man put into the hot seat. Easton was and still is the Head of Coaching for the Chelmsford Ice Hockey Academy. He has gained the respect of many in the ice hockey community through his achievements in the Junior ranks. But could he coach a senior squad of players in the big league? He answered that question with results, helped immensely by a team of players with that winning/professional mentality. The team was unstoppable, adding another NIHL Division 1 South League Championship, Play-off Championship, League Cup
Winners Trophy and South-East Trophy... another well-deserved Quadruple. And as if Chelmsford Ice Hockey is not already the envy of the NIHL, the Chelmsford Warriors, the Chieftains ‘feeder’ team took NIHL Division 2 East by storm. They took all three trophies on offer, The NIHL Division 2 East League Championships, NIHL Division 2 Play-off Champions and NIHL Division 2 Cup Winners...the Triple! In a nutshell all seven available NIHL trophies last season now reside at Riverside! So now to this coming season. It’s been a busy off-season with the coach putting together the squad to take-on some strengthening teams in 2016/17. Easton
has promoted five young exciting talents into the Chieftains squad from the Warriors. Most of last seasons squad have returned with once again, the emphasis being on locally trained players. So yet another season of fastaction, hard-hitting, edge of the seat Ice Hockey is getting closer. The season begins in September, why not support the City’s Champions!
SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES The Chelmsford Chieftains are able to offer a wide range of sponsorship and advertising packages that can be tailored to suit the specific requirements and budgets of those involved. Whether you want to invest £150 or £5,000, we have a range of opportunities that can get your company name in front of thousands of people per year and associated with a high profile and successful team. OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE: • Advertising on team kit (shirts, shorts, helmets, socks etc) • Advertising boards around the perimeter of the ice pad • Matchnight programme adverts • Player sponsorships • Video Wall advertising • And more... ADVERTISE WITH THE CHELMSFORD CHIEFTAINS AND BECOME INVOLVED WITH: • The fastest growing spectator sport in the United Kingdom • The fastest team sport in the world • A great family atmosphere • A sport that appeals to all ages and professions and that crosses the usual sporting sex barriers.
ADVANTAGES OF ADVERTISING with the Chieftains • Ice hockey presents a receptive audience that reflects a wide cross section of the market. • Unlike any other local sports teams, the Chieftains have always attracted support from not only the Chelmsford area , but from right across the County of Essex and surrounding counties. With average crowds of 600+ we aim to increase this by 10% minimum for the 2016-2017 season by active promotion and advertising during both the summer months and throughout the season. • The team plays throughout the country giving your company exposure both locally and nationally. • Advertising with the Chieftains raises your company profile with a targeted audience and presents an ideal opportunity to promote a wide range of products and services with additional opportunities to distribute promotional material, vouchers and/or merchandise to further boost awareness of your involvement. • The Chieftains also have excellent links with local radio, in particular with Southend Radio, Chelmsford Radio and BBC Essex. • The local press covers the Chieftains throughout the year with photo opportunities and reports We are regularly featured in the Essex Chronicle, East Anglian Daily Times and other local publications. • Our website has had over 100,000 visits over the past season and has had over 237,000 page views. • We have almost 2000 followers to our Facebook page
Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that you need each and every guy helping each other and pulling in the same direction to be successful. Wayne Gretzky
BACK ROW: Cameron Bartlett, Grant Bartlett, Ross Brears, Danny Ha
Julian Smith, Jake Sylvester, Brandon Ayliffe, Charlie
FRONT ROW: Ben Clements, Sean Barry, Luk
ammond, Anthony Leone, Alex Staples, Darren Brown, James Ayling,
e Phillips, Billy Phillips, Olegs Lascenko, Juraj Huska.
kas Zatopek, Matt Turner, Euan King, Mascots
Company Sponsorship Packages CHELMSFORD CHIEFTAINS ADVERTISING BOARDS LOW-LEVEL RINK BOARDS 2.2m x 0.8m approx. made from reinforced plastic and remains in place for one year £650
TEAM EQUIPMENT ADVERTISING TEAM HELMET - Sponsors logos to appear on both sides of the helmet. SHIRT - (NB The front of the shirt is reserved for the main team sponsors.) SHOULDER / UPPER ARM - 100mm x 50mm logo space. Up to 3 can be incorporated on each arm.
£800 £1500 £1500
PLAYER SHIRT OWNED AND LOANED Great for both Fans and Companies. Sponsor a players shirt for the season and your name will appear at the bottom of the shirt. It is ‘Owned ‘n’ Loaned by you and at the end of the season the shirt will be yours to keep. For the home shirts your name will be read out when the players are presented to the crowd at home games. Home £300 - Away £200 - Warm-up £100
PROGRAMME ADVERTISING FULL PAGE ADVERT - 138mm x 200mm portrait advert HALF PAGE ADVERT - 138mm x 98mm Landscape advert QUARTER PAGE ADVERT - 138mm x 67mm portrait advert
£350 £250 £200
MAJOR SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Main company logo on all shirts, full page advert in programme, 2 x rink surround boards, 4 x season tickets, Free entrance to all functions, a chosen player sponsor Also Company logo will be on our website on the front page. £5000 OTHER SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Website Links, Mascot Sponsorship, Penalty Box Sponsorship, Team Bench or maybe you have an idea which we haven’t thought off? We are always open to suggestions!
For Further information call Chelmsford Chieftains on
07970 823 602
“Be a part of our winning team”
Beginner’s Guide to
Enjoy the game
WHY ICE HOCKEY? If you have never witnessed Ice Hockey before then words can never replace the pure excitement and adrenaline charged atmosphere of a live game. Ice Hockey is the fastest team game in the world with players skating at speeds of up to 30mph and the hard rubber puck can reach speeds in excess of 100mph. It is an aggressive contact sport and the extreme nature of the sport means a player may only be able to give 100% for as little as 20 seconds before being changed for a fresh player. The game totals 60 minutes which are divided into three 20 minute periods. On each whistle the clock is stopped and then restarted again on a drop of the puck. So
you really do get a full hour of action unlike many other sports. Each period “break� lasts for 20 minutes, during which time there will be an interval of entertainment such as an ice dancing displays and competitions for all the family. The evening normally lasts around 3 hours. Refreshments are available throughout the evening from the snack bar and vending facilities situated around the rink. And why not take home a souvenir of your evening from our very own merchandising area.
WHERE AND WHEN DO CHIEFTAINS PLAY?? The team play at Riverside Ice and Leisure in Chelmsford and the season runs from September through to April. The teams plays around fifty games in an average season of which a minimum of twenty-five are at home. Even throughout the summer when the playing season has stopped the promotion never stops with regular
appearences at events throughout Essex in preparation for the new season. On the road they travel to Isle of Wight, Bracknell, Gillingham, Cardiff, London, Oxford, Milton Keynes, Gosport, Lee Valley
HAINAULT BUSINESS PARK, ILFORD, ESSEX, IG6 3TU T: 07970 823602 Derek Bartlett) T: 07739092189 (Andy Driver)