Both Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV) infections are increasing in Aboriginal Australia
What do you know about HIV?
HIV damages your immune system, and your body’s ability to fight the organisms that causes diseases.
Did you know HIV and AIDS are different things?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potential life threatening condition which is caused by HIV if it is left untreated.
Did you know you can have HIV and not know it? Most people don’t know they have been infected with HIV and have no symptoms. The only way to find out if you have been infected with HIV is to have a test. 7
Did you know you can get HIV by having sex without a condom? Like most STIs, HIV can be passed on through unprotected sex. 9
Did you know that by sharing needles you can catch HIV?
Currently the highest rates of HIV in the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander population is from injecting drug use. You should never share injecting equipment. Always use new needles if you inject drugs. Fitpacks are available from the NSP at NTAHC. Contact NTAHC for more information.
Did you know you can get HIV from unprofessional tattooing? Unprofessional tattooing is unsafe and HIV can be transmitted through equipment that could still have infected blood on it. It is recommended you use a professional tattooist who uses equipment properly 13
Did you know you can’t get HIV from sharing food?
HIV cannot be passed on when eating, drinking or sharing food.
Did you know you can’t get HIV from kissing and hugging ?
HIV is a blood borne virus only transmitted through blood to blood contact and body fluids such as semen and breast milk.
Did you know you can’t get HIV from a toilet seat, mosquitoes or by sharing water? 19
Did you know it is illegal to give someone HIV on purpose? Even if you love them 21
Did you know it’s illegal to lie about your HIV status if you are going to have unprotected sex? Talk about it. 23
Did you know you need to ask your Doctor for a HIV test to find out if you have HIV? When asking for an STI test you can ask for a HIV test at the same time. You usually get your results in one week, but might need another test in three months 25
Did you know there is no cure or vaccine for HIV?
No cure or vaccination exists for HIV but there are treatments.
Did you know you can get medication for HIV that helps stop you from getting sick? If you think that you have been exposed to HIV, Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is available. If you already have HIV you can go on treatments which reduce the amount of HIV in your body. Contact NTAHC for more information. 29
Did you know that you can go to NT AIDS & Hepatitis Council (NTAHC), and Clinic 34’s for support? 31
NORTHERN TERRITORY AIDS & HEPATITIS COUNCIL Darwin 46 Woods Street DARWIN NT 0800 PO BOX 2826 DARWIN NT 0801 T: 08 8944 7777 Fx: 08 8944 7700 E: info@ntahc.org.au Alice Springs 14 Railway Terrace ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 PO Box 2461 ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 T : 08 8953 3172 Fx: 08 8953 2925 E : info@ntahc.org.au Palmerston (NSP only) Palmerston Health Precinct. Cnr Temple Terrace & Roystonea Ave, Palmerston. T: (08) 8931 3676 F: (08) 8931 4070