Year 11 Studio Art Promotions Activity

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Unit 1&2


THE AIM This study is designed to enable students to: • express themselves creatively through artmaking and come to understand how to support and sustain their art practice; • develop an individual design process to support the development of artworks; • develop, practise and refine specialised skills appropriate to particular art forms and media selected for artmaking; • analyse and draw inspiration from the ways in which artists use various visual elements, together with materials and techniques, in the production of their individual artworks; • develop an awareness of aesthetic qualities in the production of their individual artworks; • develop and apply skills in visual analysis including the use of appropriate terminology in relation to their own artwork and artists studied; • acquire an understanding of how artists develop styles and interpret subject matter; • extend their understanding of the roles and methods involved in the presentation of artworks; • develop an understanding of professional art practices related to the exhibition of artworks to an audience.

Unit 1 Artistic inspiration and techniques Outcome 1: Developing art ideas On completion of this unit the student should be able to source inspiration, identify individual ideas and use a variety of methods to translate these into visual language. Outcome 2: Materials and techniques On completion of this unit the student should be able to explore and use a variety of materials and techniques to support and record the development of individual ideas to produce artworks. Outcome 3: Interpretation of art ideas and use of materials and techniques On completion of this unit the student should be able to discuss how artists from different times and cultures have interpreted sources of inspiration and used materials and techniques in the production of artworks.

Unit 2 Design exploration and concepts Outcome 1: Design exploration On completion of this unit the student should be able to develop an individual design process, including visual research and inquiry, in order to produce a variety of design explorations to create a number of artworks. Outcome 2: Ideas and styles in artworks On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse and discuss the ways in which artists from different times and cultures have created aesthetic qualities in artworks, communicated ideas and developed styles.

ASSESSMENT There will be four assessment tasks in Unit One and four assessment tasks in Unit Two. Unit 1 1. Art Ideas 2. Materials & Techniques 3. Interpreting Art 4. Examination

Unit 2 1. Design Exploration 2. Body of Works 3. Ideas and Styles 4. Examination

In short…. • Year 11 Studio Art will be an intensive exploration into art movements of the past and present. • It will require you to undertake independent and collaborative research. • There IS a large amount of reading and written work. • You will develop your own art making skills through a balance of structured tasks and creative responses to set themes. • You will explore a wide range of art forms and develop an understanding of the materials and techniques involved.

The logistics • Ultranet – Will be used as a resource and as a virtual classroom where you will complete learning activities. • All single lessons will be devoted to exploring and responding to artistic movements, styles and techniques. • You will be required to bring your netbook to ALL sessions.


Activity 1 What is Art? What is the role / function of Art? 1. In groups, each take a turn to share your thoughts about the above questions. 2. Discuss as a group then compile your agreed responses 3. Select a spokesperson to share with the class.

Activity 2 • Organise yourselves into teams of 5. • Make a list of every artistic movement you can think of. • Make another list of every famous artists. Team with the highest number of correct answers wins ☺

This is Civilisation… Your art history and analysis studies will be heavily focused on the series ‘This is Civilisation’ by Matthew Collings.

HOLIDAY HOMEWORK The first unit of work will be based on the theme ‘Belief, Religion & Spirituality’. • In your folio, explore what ‘belief’ means to you. • Research artworks, imagery and anything else that will assist you to create artworks based on this idea. • Explore possible imagery – min 5 pages of research, sketches ideas. You will use these ideas to drive your exploration into various materials and techniques.

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