HaoChe Hung Design Portfolio 2018

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PORTFOLIO Hao Che Hung 洪 皓 哲

True Bao Social Game App

Deliver your HEART in the perfect LOCATION. Commune in VIRTUAL, Play in REAL.

“ Ture Bao” a social game app designed for “Hami apps competiton” in Taiwan, aim to create a new way to express user ’s feeling through a treasure-hunting game. Memories often come along with events and space s. In order to create the best a tomosphere for users to revive the good old days, “ Ture Bao” with the location-based te chnology could bring users to the perfect location for receiving the memorial treasures.




Sent Message



Find Treasure

Bury Treasure

App Structure

Research After the primitive process c reated, we build up a interface prototype board to collect the instinct responce from users. With making every step of the process into a bar, users can rearrange the interface to the best version they think of. Through the feecback collecting, we deepen the understanding of user ’s needs, and we redesign our app structure to deliver the best user experience.


Creative Taipei InVisible Cities


What makes

CREATIVES STAY ? Creative Milieu Place Charisma


Creative People Creative Workforce


How Research Begins In “Creative Taipei”, we ‘d like to know what makes the city ’s creative talents settle in, gather togetther, and work collaboratively ? Start from there, we can think of what might be the opportunutes for the city to better faciliate creativity & innovation? There are two main parts of the research: Creative Milieu and Creative People. We take two different approach (top-down data analysis and bottom-up quantitative research) toward these topics. hoping that we could clarify most of the factors that influence creativt, and turning the insights into strategies.

Creative Milieu Analysis

Annual Activity Number

Annual Activity Price


Cultural Activity

There are high demands of small workshops and lectures in the market small scales activities could be complementary with city-scale events.

Business Activity

Technology Activity

Fundamental Needs Functional Needs


Workplace L

Personal Routine & Preference

Workplace M

Sharing & Coll

lace Dynamics

Network & Outreach


Clustering Effect




Business Interaction

Creative Peoples


Home Studio

Creative Firm


Creative Host

Home Studio / Freelancer

Creative Host / Freelancer

Creative Firm

Creative Independent Map The new era workplaces are highly corelatived with the livable neighborhood. LIFESTLE means a lot.

Floor - Rent Chart of Creative Industry Each creative industries have different preference for office location. However, all creative companys willing to pay more for staying in downtown. The CLOSER to the CLIENT, the BEST.

Sofa So Good

Public Space Redesign Exhibition

Use SERVICE DESIGN Process to Tackle Space design Issue

V is it o r De n si ty - Ti me

V isit or Flow M ap


Quantitative Research

70 60

In order to understand the problem of the student activity space, we use different methodology to study it.


“Mapping visitor flows”, “counting visitor distributions” help us to read the influence of current space layout.

40 30

With these data, we rearrange the space layout to increase the space-use efficiency.

20 10 00 1100







Vi s it o r D is t r ib u ti on

9 27



30 9





Qualitative Research To most of the people, space is like the white noise that often be ignored during daily lives, which makes us diffucult to get useful information through interview. So we use “shadowing” and “time lapse” method to observe the user behavior within the space. we discover some insights help us redesign the furniture afterward.

Design Process A in-scale post-it can be a great tool to design the space layout. This method allow everyone in the team to co-create on the bl ank sheet of space plan shaped paper. First, we rearranged the original space layout through the order of quietness. Then, we add some new factors like ball pool, round seats and side desk to create the space diversity in different zones. In the end, we design a new student activity with five zones: 1. Color Ball Pool 2. Grey Sofa 3. Blue Red Sofa 4. Circle Paper 5. Round Table.

1. Color Ball Pool 2. Grey Sofa 3. Blue Red Sofa 4. Circle Paper


5. Round Table

4 5 1


1 1. Red Blue Sofa Near the student restautant area, the most poplular a nd noisy place, it ’s desgined for group event and having meal.

2. Color Ball Pool

Pas s i v e Area O v e r l ay

Promote the idea of “Our daily space can be COOL too.”. Held a lot of event aournd the ball pool, which a ttract a lot of students to come over experience.

3. Grey Sofa The quierest spot in the actvivty space. Provide s ingle seats for solo viistors to read, work and have a good rest.

4. Circle Paper Movable round ch air made of paper, produced in limited budget but become a popular funiture in the space. Being loved for it ’s great adaptability.





One Day Host SIACUU Social Lab

Du e to the hol l ow i ng o u t , t h e re are m o re an d m ore u nu se d

nega ti ve

sp ac e s



Tai c h u n g

c en tral

d istrict. SIAC UU S oci a l L ab h as c h o s e n an av ailable u nu se d si te a s a n ex p e r i m e n t t o f l i p t h e n e gative s pace into a cti ve one. T here we re a va ca nt s p ac e w i t h f e n c e an d an un u s ed b uildin g on thi s si te. We b u i l t u p t e m p o rar y s t a ir s to b reak the ba rri er of f e n c e , t u r n i n g t h e p r i v at e s pac e in to publ i c. A nd then w e p l an n e d a c am p ai g n c alled ‘One Da y Host ’ , a ttra ct i n g c i t i z e n s t o t ak e t h i s p l ac e as a pop-u p store, freel y t o ex p e r i m e n t al l t y p e s o f bu s in es s mo del they w i l l i n g t o t r y. B y u s i n g t h e pallet modu les w e desi gned , t h i s ad ap t ab l e f u r n i t u re c ou ld mee t different host ’s s i t u at i o n . Du ring these tw o m o n t h s , w e s u c c e s s f u l l y i n t r igu ed c itizen s’ i nterest toward n e g at i v e s p ac e s . We h ave p roo f tha t, w i th a we l l - d e s i g n e d s p ac e f ram ewor k, ev e ryo ne coul d crea t e t h e i r ow n s t y l e o f s t o re . A n d w hen mo re a nd m ore ac t i v i t i e s are ac u p u n c t u r i ng th e c ity, we c a n cha nge th e h o l l ow i n g c i t y i n t o l i v ab le on e.

Mobile Castle SIACUU Social Lab

T hro ugh


urba n

re g e n e rat i o n ,


t rad ition al

ma rk et nea r Ta i chung t rai n s t at i o n i s d e t e r m i ned to b e dismantl ed. T here w o u l d b e a f arew e l l ex h ibition f or the m a rk et, a nd w e b u i l d u p a n ew t y p e o f v en dor c art to attend the ex h i b i t i o n , i n o rd e r t o d e m o ns trate th e pos si bi l i ty of the s e t rad i t i o n al m ar k e t s i n th e f uture . We obs er ved the typi c al m o b i l e m ar k e t s , n o t i c i ng th at th e ve ndor ca rt i s the s h ow ro o m o f c i t i z e n s . C itiz en s c ou ld u se the ca rt to o c c u py a s p ac e , an d t u r n it in to a shop o r a resta ura nt . B u i l t o n t h e p rev i o u s c ampaign ’One Day Host ’ , w e cre at e an ad ap t ab l e v e n d or c ar t c alled ’Mobi l e C a stl e ’, al l ow i n g d i f f e re n t h o s t to s h a pe th ei r ow n ta ste o f s p ac e . T hes e ‘Mobi l e C a stl e’ c o u l d f i l l i n al l k i n d s o f l e ft-over s paces , redefi ni ng tho s e s p ac e s by t h e w i l l o f c i tiz en s . When


tra di ti ona l

m ar k e t




‘M obile

Castles ’ whi ch ca rry di f f e re n t t y p e s o f d ac t i v i t i e s , th e ma rk et is re- connecte d t o o u r d ai l y l i v e s .

Quad Core T h ere a re four courty ard s w i t h d i f f e re n t t h e m es in th is c ommuni ty, w hi ch a re d i v i d e d by t h e v o l u m e s o f th e h ou s in g. Res idents coul d e as i l y re ac h t h e s e o p e n s pac es , an d b uild u p a n i nti m a te re l at i o n w i t h s p ac e s . E a ch Co urtya rd w i th d i f f e re n t h i g h l ev e l c re at es a playfu l experie nce, a nd the al l ey s c o n n e c t i n g t h e c o u r tyards are th e bes t pl a ces for ex p l o rat i o n . Th e w h o l e c om m u n ity b ecome s a new styl e t h e m e p ar k , an d t h e re i s always a c orner for peopl e to f i t i n .

P la yground

Type A


Type B 1F

Young Entrepreneur Housing

Type D

Young Entrepreneur Housing

Green Sta i rca s e

B u ffe r Q u ad

Type C

Social Housing

Type B 2F above Social Housing

The Station Never Sleep T h e c ity of n igh t is c om pos ed by ‘ac tivity ’ an d ‘ ligh t ’. I ha ve tr ied to des ign a n ew town c en tre bas ed on the se t wo elem en ts , c reatin g an in n er in ten s ive ac tivities z one a nd a lan dfor m s u r fac e for th e ou ter u r ban c on text. T h is town c en tre h as th ree differen t layer s : u pper l a ye r t he floatin g h igh -r is e (offic e, h otel), m iddle layer u r b a n l a nd s c ape (s por ts par k), an d th e ben eath layer n igh t th eme p a rk (n igh t life program s ). T h e s u r fac e of lan ds c ape veils th e s h ape of bu ildin g s, whi ch c reates th e pos s ibility for th os e ligh t c olu m n s to fo rm t he c h arac ter of s pac es . L igh t an d ac tivity bec om e t he ma i n c h arac ter of s pac e, givin g th e n igh t c ity a who l e new appearan c e.

HAO CHE HUNG 洪 皓 哲 EDUCATION Oct 2015 now Sep 2009 Feb 2014

Master of Architecture I, National Chiao Tung University

BA in Chemical engineering, National Taiwan University



Mar 2018

A rc h i t e c t

Dec 2016




Media Marketing I n t e r n s h i p

Mar 2016


Sep 2016

Digital Advertising I n t e r n s h i p

From conceptual design, detail design to construction, two interior design project completed. Co-working with cooperation and marketing teams to optimize the space experience to the greatest version.

Analyzed network traffic and brainstormed new marketing campaign to enhance content delivery quality. Distributed 5 articles per week, and the facebook page’s network traffic increase 20% during my internship.


InVisible Cities Core


Mar 2016


Sep 2016

Core Members

A data-driven urban innovation community Collected Data, data visualizing through QGIS, discovered the pattern behind the phenomena, propose a preliminary solution for the issue.

May 2017

O I S T A T Theatre Architecture C o m p e t i t i o n

Sep 2014

Sofa So Good

Feb 2015

D i r e c t o r

Sep 2011 Jan 2012

Design Thinking Club of NTU D i r e c t o r

+86 13917124615









A city intervention community Designed and made movable installations to occupy the ruin, turning the ruin into pop-up stores. Planned ‘One Day Host’ campaigns, contacted the willing host and arranged the layout of the pop-up store.



Assisted performance control of the online advertising Merchandise, and prepared presentations for business development.




Rhinoceros Additional Prize: Castle In The Air AutoCAD NTU Campus Open Space Redesign Exhibition More than 5000 people visited the Exhibition and 200+ positive feedback letters received. School staff accepted and applied our design proposal to reconstruct the hall area. The Design is remained till nowadays. Design of 2011 fall club lecture. In charge of public relationship and operation planning. Coach of EMBA (in NTU) design thinking workshop, leading five middle & top level managers from different companies.

Illustrator Photoshop InDesign QGIS Matlab

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