Can you use the universal law of attraction to attract abundance?

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Can you use the universal law of attraction to attract abundance? Yes, or so we have been told, using the law of attraction and you will attract abundance. The last few years the world has gone law of attraction mad and this is due to the docu-film and book ‘The Secret’. The observant within us would state that ‘The Secret’ has in fact attracted abundance for those who appeared in it. Joe Vitale was an internet marketer and author of ebooks has now gone onto becoming a best selling print author and much sought after speaker. Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray and Rev Michael Beckwith have also been launched onto the world stage with appearances on popular TV shows such as Oprah Winfrey. This has helped in their abundance growing. Is it fair to be so cynical? They were, after all, teaching and preaching this stuff before the film and it is why they were chosen to be in ‘The Secret’. So did the law of attraction bring them and the film together and created the road to abundance as it is told? What is the universal law of attraction and what can it do for you and me? The law of attraction is a universal law and it has been with us since the start of time. It is what scientists call a principle. What is a principle? As humans we see things differently from each other and these opinions make us all see the world differently. This is called separate realities or ‘Relativity’ however there are a few facts that are universal and cannot be denied. These facts are principles, such as all things on Earth are subject to gravity and gravity here on Earth is different to the moon because of the size of the planet. Law of attraction is really the law of vibration. Everything in the Universe is made from Energy and energy vibrates at a frequency. The principle of Frequency is that when two things vibrate with the same or similar frequency, they are drawn together like magnets. If everything is made of Energy and has a frequency then our thoughts are Energy, and we humans are unlike anything else on the planet, we can create our thoughts into such vivid images that have distinct frequencies. Those frequencies then match that is around is in the Universe and pulls it to us. As it says in the bible… ‘For he who thinks he has abundance, he shall gain more, for he who thinks he has not, he shall lose even that which he has’ So if you think you are poor and do not have a lot of money then that is the life you will have, if however you do not have a lot of money but spend your time thinking that you have and imagining you have you will get more. ‘For he that believes, he will receive’ It sounds wish washy mumbo jumbo nonsense but this is the law of vibration and that is a scientific principle. What you think about you bring about… What are you thinking about constantly? Remember this is a principle, a law… it is working now whether you know it or not. Even if you believe it or not, you do not need to believe in gravity for it to hold you to the Earth’s surface. Change your thoughts and you will change your ability to manifest wealth and abundance in your life.

Once you know the law you will realize there is a science to using the law. People who start to use for their own benefit often don’t get the results they want due to easy to make mistakes. There are books like ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’ that can teach you how to master the law of attraction and many excellent CD & DVD courses that will give you all the knowledge that you need to become a manifestation master. It can take some work maintaining the discipline that is need to override the bad habits that you have developed over 20,30,40 years of living and it is easy to slip back to old ways of living, however if you are determined to change your life and stick to practicing the law of attraction your life will change incredibly. Those who are finding incredible long term success and manifesting abundance and wealth in all areas of their lives by using this law did it by studying and following those who teach how to use the law. Makes sense really, if you wanted to master speaking Spanish what would you do? Go to a Spanish speaking teacher? Or a mathematician? or sit around hoping you will pick it up from reading the odd Spanish crisp packet on the floor? It is clear that in order to attract wealth and abundance you need to be consistent and persistent in controlling what you think and do regularly to be in harmony with the things you want to attract into your life. To get more wealth and abundance and live the life of your dreams learn the law of attraction from those who have used it to great success. Click the Image Below.

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