mgnr undrgrd v1

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01 verdant collective 1.0


The Verdant Collective exists as a response to the crises of a post-present context. In this extrapolation, heavy population swings have left most of the world heavily underpopulated. The lessened effects of mankind on the environment has led to rapid natural reclamation. The structure houses a diverse community of researchers whose goal is to document and archive the emerging flora, and their properties that may be beneficial to society.


The project began with small group material explorations aimed at representing networks of relationships among workers. I was interested in allowing a series of tensioned points determine the form of a mold that would later be cast. The points were placed parametrically, and the form of the mold responded.



I continued to use tensioned molds as a form finding exercise, however I expanded this into a building conceptualization technique, that would encompass the relationship between skin, and interior void space.





The studio was structured in a way that allowed me to completely design the site, program, and context in accordance to a problem that I developed. The final proposal came in form of deep field research and development facility, that was designed around the laboratory and daily lives of a scientific collective group.



/ render of the social atria that bridge the programmatic and spatial gap from the main social area, to the laboratory.


The conversation between network and worker evolved into a formal relationship between the different programs of the facility. Spaces designed for scientific work were more regulated and scaled for the human worker, while those spaces oriented towards social engagement had the formal focus shift from the human space to a scaleless object oriented space.






[ final model ]



The final model was produced using a combination of each 3d print, CNC milling, lasercut, and hand-craft techniques. The model is a sectional model, in order to reveal the interior relationship between the central circulation core, the social atria, and the lab space.







02 verdant collective 2.0 The second half of the studio offered an opportunity to refine the problem I was looking to solve, and recontextualize the project through intensive site research. I focused in on issues regarding loss of biodiversity, urban densification, and urban sustainability.



biodiversity graphics test

u.s. urban density

u.s. leaf coverage GIS map showing: urban sites of +750k pop. biodiversity leaf coverage earth’s night light

u.s. woody biomass


GIS data was used to create a global site plan that would allow local sites to be picked. I investigated overlays of varying biodiversity data, with urban densities, contrasted by leaf coverage to identify areas of high urban density, with little presence of natural landscape.


Based on the global analysis, Los Angeles was chosen as the city that would best exemplify the urban proposal strategy. Using GIS data regarding land use, zoning, transit, bike paths, and future development, I identified 6 sites of varying scale and urban environment that could host my proposal.



The final proposal investigated the value of introducing the once private laboratory to the pulbic realm, and the sunstainably beneficial crossovers that resulted. The result came in form of a public park woven into the urban fabric, with a subterranean natural exhibition.





The instersection of the exhibition space with this concrete form is condusive the collision between the public park and the private laboratory. The interior of the concrete form houses exotic flora for the exhibtion, while filtering light into the subterranean laboratory space.

The exhibition is wedged into the site between two thick concrete walls. These walls block the suns’s heat during the day in order to cool the space, while the thermal mass radiates heat into the space at night in order to passively heat it. The western wall is skinned by a photovoltaic/ co2 scrubbing skin that stores energy, while removing co2 from the air.



By weaving the proposal into a Culver’s boulevard, a strip of daily activity, I look to investigate the role in which built form has to influence the daily lives of those who may wander into it. Specfically, I hoped to influence guests to make more sustainable choices, given the natural landscape intervention, exo-cultural exhibition, and sustainable workshops that take place within.







[ final pinup ] individually printed components on lenox 100

The final model is an abstract representation of the project. It is a 3d printed composite of the entire geometry that formed the building. It is submerged in a clear cast resin to illustrate the relationship between the visible built form, the subterranean spaces, and the unbuilt geometry that influences the shape of the building.



03 extrapolations Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



04 BTVC Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



05 extrapolations Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



06 CHC Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



01 verdant collective Uda vollitas doluptaera sit res et et labore nest fuga. Ut modigenit, explam sitia voloratem qui accae sunt opta natquia nat quundaest, que eius eicia volor sum volupta tionsequias aut vit aspere ex eicius ipsam que non rest aut explatur rectemo blaccul laccae ommolo berio berferum ent quat



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