Tips For Developing A Brand It’s no easy task to put an exact definition on your business. Business owners want to be all things to all people – they are people pleasers. But branding is one of the most important aspects of a business. Your brand is your promise to your customer. What can they expect from your products or services? Who are you and who do people see you as? Who you are should be based to some extent on who your target customers want and need you to be. It cannot be stressed enough that branding is one of the most important aspects of a business or organization's identity. Unfortunately people too often give it very little thought or just develop their brand based on what they like and not necessarily what is best for their company’s goals and objectives. First and foremost, you must define the type of business you are. If you can’t describe your business in a compelling manner, customers won’t be able to engage with it. If you’re a sports equipment retail store and someone needs a new basketball, your name should pop up in his or her head. This is the result of good branding, because good branding will make your name rise up above the competition. Why? Because it’s memorable.
What Are The Elements Of Branding? There are many components that come together in order to make a remarkable brand, and every element is just as important as the next. These facets will build upon one another, each with a purpose and thought behind it, working together in order to reach your objective. The foundation of your brand is your name and logo. • Your name unlocks your brand image in your consumer’s mind. • Your logo is the symbol that serves as the face of your brand. • Website, packaging and promotional materials should integrate your logo and communicate your brand. As we’ve talked about before, sometimes people overlook the work and research that is required to develop a brand correctly. At Mediaura we sit with our clients and ask them a series of in-depth questions in order to get to know their goals, purpose, and audience. You would be surprised at how often business owners remark to questions we ask with, “to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it.” We understand the need to want to rush a product or a service out to market, but as the old saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Skipping the process of thorough branding that is tailor-made for your business will leave you fighting an uphill battle in the longrun. It will make your brand come across as haphazard, and no one wants that to be the impression clients and potential consumers have about their business. You see, branding elements permeate everything; your company message, the tonality, how clients and potential customers relate to you, etc. It’s not only your first impression, your brand is going to be your lasting impression as well.
The fonts you choose, the color choices you make, the imagery you utilize - all of these will either enhance or detract from your identity. So it’s critical that they are chosen with care and a purpose in mind.
Making The Most Of Your Brand Next you have to have a brand strategy. Your brand strategy encompasses all the ways you will get your brand message across. • • • •
Where will you advertise? Who are your distribution channels? What will you communicate visually and verbally? How will you deliver your brand message?
It will allow you to charge more for your goods than another company can charge for their generic goods, because consumers will identify your brand with quality. Think about food products. Brands like Kraft and Pepperidge Farm charge more than their unknown counterparts who sell essentially the same product. This is because they are well-known brands. People will pay for a quality product that is tested and true. They know what they are getting and that loyalty and sense of comfort goes a long way. To define your brand you must decide: • What is your company’s mission? • What are the benefits and features of your products or services? • What do your customers and prospects already think of your company? • What qualities do you want them to associate with your company? Now it’s time to get the word out • Use your logo. Place it everywhere! • Write down your brand messaging. Know your brand attributes. • Integrate your brand. Use your company’s name when answering the phones, look professional on sales calls, use an e-mail signature, etc. • Create a “voice”. Do you want to sound conversational or more formal? • Create a tagline. Develop a concise statement that sums up what your brand represents. • Design templates. Use a consistent look and feel every time. • Deliver. Always come through on your promise to customers. • Be consistent. This is the most important tip of all. It wraps all of the above information into one point and is essential for establishing a brand that will succeed.
Mediaura Can Help Develop Your Identity At Mediaura we know that value of effective branding. Our detailed branding process leaves no stone unturned, diving into the minutia that will ultimately become your identity. A strong brand identity is the gift that keeps on giving, because it is memorable, actionable, and says so much to
consumers simply at a glance. Our award-winning team is able to handle every aspect of the process, from graphic design to content creation and much more. If you would like to learn how Mediaura will benefit your business, contact us or give us a call at 502-554-9649. A member of our team will be happy to assist you. Content Source