Professor Andy Miah CV (2018, August)

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Professor Andy Miah Science. Technology. Ethics. Art. Media. Culture.

CV Andy Miah is the Renaissance man of the enhancement enlightenment� H+ Magazine

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In the first person / Career Since 2014, I have been Chair in Science Communication & Future Media, at the University of Salford, Manchester. In this capacity, I curate our programme within Manchester Science Festival and work to develop creative and innovative projects, which bring together art and science. I am a member of the university’s thought leaders group for our Innovation Collaboration Zones strategy, member of our Digital Futures Group, Impact Champion for Science, Athena Swan Sub-Committee, member of the Emerging Technologies Group, and draw together research in drones and virtual reality. Formerly, I was Professor of Ethics & Emerging Technologies at the University of the West of Scotland, where I was also founder and Director of the Creative Futures Institute; a cross-faculty research unit focused on bringing together research perspectives around key questions confronting the future of humanity.

I am a passionate philosopher, futurist, communicator, and prosumer of social media.

“Andy Miah is no ordinary academic. Part futurologist, part philosopher, his work on the science of sport grew to encompass bioethics, medical law and now covers all aspects of the way technology impacts on human beings” The Scotsman

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Qualifications During my first degree I specialized in philosophy and science, while my PhD drew on various intellectual traditions, notably from cultural studies, philosophy of technology, performance art, and bioethics, to examine the human genome project and its implications beyond therapy. Specifically, it explored the emerging culture of biotechnological body modification within elite sports, which led me to publish in such areas as medical sociology, digital health studies, biolaw, mediated spectacle, and posthumanism. My subsequent MPhil in Medical Law & Ethics encompassed such areas as cyberlaw and cybermedicine. Impact Throughout my career, I have ensured that my research extends well beyond academia. I hold several roles with media outlets, notably the Conversation and the Huffington Post. I also interview fortnightly for the world’s media, where some of my most well-received work includes writing for the Washington Post, Wired, The Guardian, The Independent, interviewing for Andrew Marr, appearing live on BBC Newsnight, Sky News, BBC World and BBC News 24. Several broadsheet newspapers and magazines have also written profile pieces about me, including the Spanish national El Pais (2012) and Scotland on Sunday (2012). I have also been interviewed by such magazines as Glamour, Vogue, Wallpaper* and Fortune. I give around 50 invited lectures and conference keynotes each year and I am a regular contributor to science festivals, recently Cheltenham, Edinburgh, Manchester and the Battle of Ideas in London. I also provide consultancy, recently including the News Media Coalition, Swiss Re, and the BBVA.


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Current / 2014-present: 2014-present: 2013-present: 2014-present: 2008-present: 2008-present: 2008-present: 2005-present:

Chair in Science Communication & Future Media, University of Salford, Manchester, UK. International Olympic Committee Young Reporters Programme, Mentor Ministerial Advisory Group for Digital Participation, The Scottish Government, UK. The Conversation, Columnist The Huffington Post, Columnist Fellow, Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT), UK Fellow, Royal Society for the Arts, UK. Fellow, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, USA

Previous Appointments / 2010-2015: 2011-2014: 2009-2014: 2011-2011: 2009-2011: 2006-2008: 2002-2005: 2002-2002:

Global Director, Centre for Policy on Emerging Technologies (Washington, DC) Director, Creative Futures Institute, University of the West of Scotland, UK Professor of Ethics & Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, UK Otago University, visiting fellow The Guardian, occasional writer. University of the West of Scotland, UK, Reader in New Media & Bioethics University of Glasgow, Scotland, Lecturer in the Ethics of Biomedical & Life Sciences The Hastings Center, New York, USA, International Visiting Scholar

Education & Qualifications / 2003-2006:

University of Glasgow, Scotland MPhil: Medical Law and Ethics


De Montfort University, England PhD: Bioethics, Philosophy of Technology and Cultural Studies.


De Montfort University, England First Class, BA (Hons) Degree, Sport Science.

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Associate Roles / EDITORIAL BOARDS Active (2016-) NanoEthics (Springer) (2013-) The Computer Games Journal (2013-) Frontiers In Genetics – Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Associate Editor (2012-) Performance Enhancement & Health (Elsevier Science) (2011-) Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimiento Sociales (Open Journal Systems) (2010-) International Journal of Technoethics (IGI Global)

Past (2009-2011) Second Nature: International Journal of Creative Media (2007-2011) Studies in Ethics, Law & Technology (Berkeley) (2005-2012) Genomics, Society and Policy (2005-2010) Health Care Analysis (Springer) (2001-2013) Culture @ the Olympics: Issues, Trends & Perspectives

ADVISORY BOARDS (2016-) Agora Commission Jury, Swiss National Scientific Foundation (2016-) Museum of Science and Industry, Advisory Board (2015-16) Lakes Alive Festival, Advisory Board. (2015-16) Manchester 2016 European City of Science, Steering Group member. (2014-16) FameLab Judge, Manchester. (2014-16) News Media Coalition, Digital Media Experts Group. (2013-) Kudos [social media start-up for academic publishing], Advisory Board (2012-13) Box Office Bioethics jury, Nuffield Council on Bioethics. (2012-) NeoHumanitas, Switzerland think-tank (2008-) International Astronautical Federation, International Technical Activities Committee for the Cultural Utilization of Space, Committee Member. (2006-) The Lifeboat Foundation, Scientific Advisory Board

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Publications / I have published over 150 scholarly papers and present here a recent selection. Books 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Lorch, M. & Miah, A. (eds.) (2017) The Science of Superheroes, Royal Society of Chemistry. Miah, A. (2017) Sport 2.0: Transforming Sports for Digital Worlds. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. a. Published in Japanese (2018) Lorch, M. & Miah, A. (eds.) (2016) A Flash of Light: The Science of Light and Colour. Royal Society of Chemistry. Miah, A., Zolotarev, A. & Belousov, L. (2014) The Olympic Movement and New Media, Russian International Olympic University, Moscow [in Russian]. Miah, A. & Garcia, B. (2012) The Olympics: The Basics, London & New York: Routledge. a. Russian Edition published by the Russian International Olympic University (2013) Miah, A. (ed.) (2008) Human Futures: Art in an Age of Uncertainty FACT & Liverpool University Press / University of Chicago Press. Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2008) The Medicalization of Cyberspace Oxon & New York: Routledge. Miah, A. (2004) Genetically Modified Athletes: Biomedical Ethics, Gene Doping, & Sport London and New York: Routledge. a. trans. Miah, A. (2008) Atletas Geneticamente Modificados. Phorte Publishers, Sao Paulo. Miah, A. & Eassom, S.B. (eds) (2002) Sport Technology: Philosophy, History and Policy. Special Edition of Research in Philosophy and Technology, 21, Oxford: Elsevier

Selection of Refereed Journal Articles 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


Miah, A. (2017) Nanoethics, Science Communication and a Fourth Model for Public Engagment, Nanoethics, 11(2), 139-52. Rich, E. & Miah, A. (2016) Mobile, Wearable, and Ingestible Health Technologies: Towards a Critical Research Agenda, Health Sociology Review, 1-14.. Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2014) Editoriale, in Corposanto, C. & Lombi, L. e-Methods and Web Society, Salute e Societa (Health and Society), 11-17. Rich, E. & Miah, A. (2014) Understanding Digital Health as Public Pedagogy: A Critical Framework, Societies, 4(2), 296-315 Miah, A. (2012) Bioarte: actuaciĂłn transhumana y posthumana, Teknokultura, 9(1), 85-104. Miah, A. (2012) Genetics & Sport: Bioethical Concerns, Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences, 6(3), 197-202. Drake P. & Miah, A. (2010) The Cultural Politics of Celebrity, Cultural Politics, 6(1), 49-64. Miah, A. (2010) Towards the Transhuman Athlete: Therapy, Non-Therapy and Enhancement,, Sport in Society, 13(2), 221-233. Miah, A. (2009) Medicalization, Biomedicalization, or Biotechnologization? Biocultural Capital and a New Social Order, Salute e SocietĂ / Health and Society (Italian), 8(2), pp.248-251. Wackerage, H., Miah, A., Harris, R.C., Montgomery, H.E. and Williams, A.G. (2009) Genetic Research and Testing in Sport and Exercise Science: A Review of the Issues, Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(11), 1109-1116. Miah, A. (2008) Inside the mind of a marathon runner, Nature, 454, 583-4.

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21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Rich E. & Miah, A. (2008) Prosthetic Surveillance: The medical governance of healthy bodies in cyberspace, Surveillance and Society, 6(2), 163-177. Miah, A. (2008) Engineering Greater Resilience or Radical Transhuman Enhancement, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, 2(1). Miah, A. (2007) Genetic Selection for Enhanced Health Characteristics, Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 4(6), 239-264. Kayser, B., Mauron, A. & Miah, A. (2007) Current Anti-Doping Policy: A Critical Appraisal, Biomedical Central Medical Ethics, 8(2), doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-8.2. Miah, A. (2006) Rethinking Enhancement in Sport, in Bainbridge, W.S. and M.C. Roco Progress in Convergence, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol, 1093, pp.301-320. Miah, A. (with Keyser, B. & Mauron, A.) (2005) Viewpoint: Legalisation of performanceenhancing drugs. The Lancet, Special Supplement on Sport & Medicine, Dec, 366, S21. Miah, A. (2005) Genetics, Cyberspace and Bioethics: Why Not a Public Engagement with Ethics? Public Understanding of Science 14(4), 409-421.

Selection of Book Chapters 28. 29. 30. 31.

32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Miah, A. (2015) Art. In: Bainbridge, W.S. & Roco, M. (eds). Convergence in Science & Technology (Second Edition), Springer Reference, 10.1007/978-3-319-04033-2_33-1 Miah, A. (2015) Sport. In Have, H.T. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Global Bioethics, Springer Reference. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_399-1 Miah, A. (2014) Tweeting the Olympic Games, in Girginov, V. The Routledge Handbook of the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games, Volume 2, Oxon, Routledge. Miah, A. (2013) Justifying Human Enhancement: The Accumulation of Biocultural Capital, in More, M. & Vita More, N. (Eds) The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. Miah, A. (2011) Ethical Issues Raised by Human Enhancements, in Gonzalez, F. Ethics and Values for the 21st Century, BBVA Spain, pp.199-233 [also in Spanish]. Miah, A. (2011) New Media, in Bainbridge, W.S.J. (Ed) Leadership in Science and Technology. SAGE Reference, pp.264-71. Miah, A. (2011) Physical Enhancement: The State of the Art, in Savulescu, J., Meulen, R.T., & Kahane, G. Enhancing Human Capacities. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp.266-73. Miah, A. (2011) Bioethical Concerns in a Culture of Human Enhancement In Bouchard, C. & Hoffman, E. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Sport Performance. Lausanne, International Olympic Committee, pp.383-392. Miah, A. (2011) Towards Web 3.0: Mashing Up Work and Leisure In: Bramham, P. & Wagg, S. The New Politics of Leisure and Pleasure, Palgrave, pp.136-152. Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2009) The Body, Health & Illness In: Albertazzi, D. & Cobley, P. The Media: An Introduction (Third Edition). Pearson. Miah, A. (2008) A Critical history of Posthumanism. In: Chadwick, R. & Gordijn, B. Medical Enhancements and Posthumanity. Springer. Miah, A. (2008) The Ethics of Memory Modification in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In Shapshay, S. (Ed) Bioethics Through Film, Johns Hopkins University Press. Miah, A. (2008) A Deep Blue Grasshopper: Playing Games with Artificial Intelligence. For Hales Benjamin. Philosophy and Chess.

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Recent Major Projects / 2018:

Science in the House, Executive Producer An art/science project developed in collaboration with University of Manchester and CERN Geneva, working with a particle physicist and visual jockey to create a festival gig experience informed by particle physics and work around the Large Hadron Collider.


Creative Media and the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Games Continuing longitudinal research at the Olympic Games, focused on emerging technology, social media, journalist practice, and the Olympic industry.


The AquAIRium, Creative Direction An immersive art/science installation exploring crucial issues surrounding marine biology, creating an immersive, indoor, dry aquarium using mixed media, virtual reality, and physical materials.


Curator of The Salford Programme, Manchester Science Festival Consisting of 20 major events, including 3 new art/science commissions, multiple demonstration events, eSport Showcase, Library of Fake News, VR Meet Up.


Curator of The Salford Programme, Manchester Science Festival Consisting of 20 major events, including 2 new artistic commissions, multiple demonstration events, debates, and film programme.


Beacons for Science Development of a mobile application utilizing augmented reality and 360-degree film, creating a unique experience for the European City of Science, in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University...


Digital Food Landscapes Funded by Pendleton Together, a public regeneration programme, this project examined the food miles and local area footprint of food consumption of local citizens, using mapping technology and media analysis to understand how people shop, the origins of their food, and the range of their neighbourhood.


Salford Science Jam Curator for the Salford University programme of Manchester Science Festival, consisting of 20 major events, including 2 new artistic commissions, multiple demonstration events, debates, and film programme.


Alienated Life: Life Returning to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone This project is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council as a public engagement project to create an immersive installation that takes audiences into the CEZ, through the research of Dr Mike Wood and Prof Nick Beresford, who have been tracking species with camera sensors over the last few years.


Project Daedalus, Digital R&D for the Arts, NESTA, Arts Council England & AHRC This project explores the utilization of quadcopter technology within a creative context, while developing novel techniques for engaging arts audiences. It explores the political history of autonomous flying machines – drones – within science fiction, contemporary publicity campaigns around quadcopters, and documents the collaborative relationship

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between artists, technologists, in developing a guide to using quadcopters for novel filmmaking experiences. 2014:

Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Young Reporters Programme International Olympic Committee Social Media Mentor for the Young Reporters’ programme, which takes 30+ young people to the Games to learn how to be an Olympic reporter.


International Amateur Athletics Federation Social Media training for Athletes Providing social media training for athletes at the Junior World Championships in Oregon this year.


Media Politics at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games Funded by the Carnegie Trust for the University of Scotland to examine how journalists at the Olympic Games negotiate political issues and utilize social media within their work.


Ethics and Politics of Biomedical Developments for Human Enhancement, University of Madrid and University of Granada, Spain.


Digital Futures 2050, European Commission. Part of the DG Digital Agenda, this initiative brings together academics and industry to consider how convergence in scientific and technological systems around digital technology will affect life


Emoto, Future Everything festival. Emoto was a social media sentiment analysis project focused on content around the London 2012 Olympic Games. Led by Drew Hemment, I formed part of their research team, providing insights that helped shape the project during the Games.


#media2012, UK associated with the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games. An activism project investigating media change, using the Olympics as a vehicle for promoting citizen journalism. Partners included the Abandon Normal Devices festival, FACT Liverpool, Cornerhouse Manchester, the London 2012. It won an award from PODIUM, the London 2012 HE Unit & was shortlisted from over 200 projects for a Pierre de Coubertin award.


Human Enhancement, European Parliament. Led by the Rathenau Institute of ETAG on behalf of the European Parliament’s Science & Technology Options Assessment unit. It was discussed by MEPs and my contribution focused on the reasons for why human enhancement can enrich society if used responsibly.

2009-present: Abandon Normal Devices, festival of Experimental Cinema and Digital Art This relationship was born out of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad, which brought £3.4m funds to England’s North West. In 2008, I advised the regional creative programmer Debbi Lander via a stakeholder consultation, which led to funding for AND. 2005-2007:

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NanoBio-RAISE (Responsible Action on Issues of Society & Ethics), European Union. This European horizon-scanning project investigated the ethical implications of nanotechnology. My working group focused on the implications for human enhancement and lifestyle body or mental modifications, reporting in December 2007.


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Selected Invited Presentations / I have given over 350 invited presentations for academic conferences, international festivals, and various scientific meetings over the years. Here is a selection of them from recent years. 2018 | eSport, mHealth, VR, AI, PyeongChang 2018, Future Humans 1. Manchester Science Festival, Oct 2018. 2. Olympism in Action Forum, Buenos Aires, Oct 2018. 3. Blue Dot Festival, July 2018. 4. Global Health Week, Imperial College London, June 22, 2018 5. Sheffield International Documentary Festival, June, 2018. 6. The Next Web, Amsterdam, June 2018. 7. The House of Commons, London, May 2018. 8. MeCCSA Keynote, London Jan 2018. 2017 | Cyborgs, Sport 2.0, Fake News, VR, eSport, Rio 2016 9. Global eSport Executive Summit, Busan, South Korea, Nov 2017. 10. Trust, Science, and Journalism, British Association of Science Writers, Nov, 2017 11. Tomorrow’s World Live, Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, Oct, 2017. 12. Human Enhancement, BBC Radio 4 & Wellcome Trust, Oct, 2017 13. The Unimagined Cyborg, Ethnography Conference, August 2017. 14. eSport, Nordic eSport Academy, June 2017 15. Alternate Realities, Sheffield Documentary Festival, June 2017. 16. Digital Democracy, London Futurists & GlobalNet21, House of Commons, London June, 2017 17. Designing Digital Healthcare for the Entire Life Course, ESRC Seminar, University of Bath, June, 2017. 18. Roundtable on Trust in Science, British Government and Royal Society, April, 2017. 19. Superhumans, Edinburgh Science Festival, April 2017. 20. Social Media for Research, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9 Feb 2017. 2016 | Virtual Reality, mHealth, Human Enhancement, Drones, eSport, Rio 2016 1. Sporting Integrity Conference, Geneva, 7 Dec, 2016. 2. International Peace and Sport Symposium, Monaco November, 2016. 3. Digital Sports Summit, London 26 October, 2016 4. Future Fest, September 2016. 5. Rio Federal University, Rio, 16 August, 2016. 6. Blue Dot Festival, July, 2016. 7. Cheltenham Science Festival, June, 2016. 8. University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 18-19 May, 2016. 9. Future Everything, 1 April, 2016. 10. City Events, Paris, 14 March, 2016. 11. British Film Institute, 4 February, 2016. 12. Prolific North, Manchester, 2 February, 2016 2015 | Drones, eSport, Social Media, Wearables, Superhumans, Space Ethics 1. International e-Sport World Championships Summit, December, Korea, Dec 2015. 2. Creative Entrepreneurs event, University of Salford, Manchester, 25 Nov, 2015. 3. International Olympic Committee Athletes Commission, Athletes Forum, Lausanne, 8 Oct, 2015 4. British Science Festival, September, 2015. 5. UK Space Conference, Produced by the Institute of Ideas, Liverpool, 14 July, 2015.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

York Festival of Ideas, June, 2015. London School of Economics, 26 May, 2015. Sport Accord Convention, Sochi, Russia, 19-24 April, 2015 GED Korea on The Role of Technology in the Race for Global Talent, Seoul, Korea, 26 Feb, 2015 Future City, British Embassy Paris, UK Trade and Investment, 10 Feb, 2015. BETT Show, London Excel Centre, January 21, 2015. Digital Utopias, Arts Council England, Abandon Normal Devices, Google, Hull City of Culture 2016, January 20, 2015.

2014 | Internet of Things, Drones, Google Glass, Science Communication, mHealth, 1. European Broadcast Union, November 2014. 2. Manchester Science Festival, October, 2014. 3. Encounters Short-Film & Animation Festival, Bristol, 21 September, 2014. 4. Zurich Salon, Denkfest, 14 September, 2014. 5. European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, July 2, 2014. 6. Bioethics & Human Enhancement, Second International Workshop in Practical Ethics: Bioethics & Human Enhancement, University of Granada, June 12-15, 2014. 7. The Future of Sports and News Reporting, co-hosted by the IOC & AFP, Paris, 7 May, 2014 8. British Science Fiction Convention, April, 19th 2014. 9. Sport Accord Convention, Antalya, April, 2014. 10. York Literature Festival, York, March 24, 2014. 11. London Student Association (BLSA) and the Undergraduate Sports and Exercise Medicine Society (USEMS), London, UK, March 20, 2014. 12. Central St Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK, March 6, 2014. 2013 | Doping, Social Media, Human Enhancement, BioArt, Bionics, 1. Congress of Brilliant Minds, November 9, 2013. 2. Sport Accord, Social Media Forum, Lausanne, November 4, 2013. 3. Cambridge University Union, November 7, 213. 4. British Association of Sport & Exercise Medicine annual conference, October 31, 2013. 5. Future Fest, London, Sept 28-29, 2013. 6. Thailand Creative & Design Center, Bangkok, Sept 7, 2013. 7. Human Enhancement Technologies: Pushing the Boundaries, Swiss Re, Zurich, July 3, 2013. 8. Cities Forum, St Petersburg, Russia, May 28, 2013. 9. Sport Accord Convention, St Petersburg, Russia, May 28, 2013. 10. THNK: Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership, April 28, 2013. 11. The Future of News Broadcasting, for International Olympic Committee London 2012 Media Debrief, USA Today, New York, April, 2013. 12. The Future of Parenting, European Commission, March 15, 2013 2012 | London 2012, Future Sport, Human Enhancement, Social Media, Evolution 1. Battle of Ideas, Royal Academy of Engineering, 22 Nov, 2012. 2. Manchester Science Festival, Oct 30th, 2012. 3. The Olympic Games: Meeting New Global Challenges, Oxford University, 13-14 Aug, 2012. 4. International Sport Business Symposium, Birkbeck University, Aug 7th, 2012. 5. Olympic Games lecture series, Nottingham Contemporary, July 17, 2012. 6. 1st Brazilian Symposium on Genomics & Sports, Sao Paolo Federal University, 27 June 2012. 7. South Place Ethical Society, June 17, 2012. 8. OpenMind launch, BBVA Madrid, 11-12 June, 2012 9. Edinburgh International Science Festival, National Museum of Scotland, April 2012. 10. Digital Futures Foresight event, European Commission, Brussels, March 29-30, 2012. 11. Sport’s Social Media Revolution Da-Yeh University, Taiwan, March 21, 2012 12. HUMAN DESIGN or EVOLUTION? Aalto University, Helsinki Finland, Jan 23, 2012.

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Media Appearances / Over 15 years, I have given over 300 media appearances, including the following: Radio

BBC Radio 4 Click BBC Radio 4 Andrew Marr BBC World Service BBC Radio Scotland BBC Radio Five Live Radio New Zealand

Danish Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcast Corporation CBC, The World at 6pm CBC, As it Happens

ABC Brisbane WAMU (Washington, USA); Austrian Radio 4FM Radio Salta 840AM, Argentina

CNN Arte, Switzerland CBC, Canada ITV News, UK Sky News, UK Sky One, UK

ABC Australia, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, The National Cadena 3, Argentina TV Globo, Brazil

Wired Magazine The Times Times Higher Education Supplement The Observer The Scotsman The Independent The Scotsman The Evening Standard

Wonderland Magazine, UK. Sunday Telegraph The Herald The Scotsman The Independent on Sunday The Daily Express Champions Magazine The Big Issue in The Mail on Sunday

Fortune Magazine (USA) Los Angeles Times (USA) The Boston Globe La Vanguardia (Spain) Tone Magazine (New Zealand) Re:Public (Greece)

The National (Abu Dhabi) ESPN The Magazine (USA) Liberation (France) Vogue Magazine (Australia ) The Jordan Times (Jordan) Globe and Mail (Canada Politiken (Denmark) Chicago Tribune (USA)

TV BBC World BBC News 24 BBC2 Newsnight BBC1, Morning Show BBC Horizon Channel 4 Printed News Media

UK Glamour Magazine BBC Focus Magazine The Guardian, UK The Telegraph The Independent The Sunday Express Wallpaper* Magazine The Daily Mail New Statesman INTERNATIONAL TIME Magazine (USA) Aargauer Zeitung (Switzerland) XL Semanal (Spain) De Morgen (Denmark) New York Times (USA) Le Temps (France) Int. Business Times, USA

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Learning & Teaching / MASTER CLASS LECTURES Manchester School of Art (2016) Bioart and Posthumanism Royal College of Art, London (2016) After Evolution (2015) Posthuman Designs (2014) Drone Culture (2012) Future Fictions of Sport (2009) Superheroes (2008) NanoCulture: On Speculation & Paranoia (2007) Robots Rights and Artificial General Intelligence, (2006) Posthuman Designs, MA in Design Interactions Central St Martin’s College of Art, MA Material Futures (2017) Biodesign (2014) Posthuman Futures University College London (2007) Beyond Bioethics: The Culture of Posthumanity, for Dr David Gems (2007) Bioethics & Sport, MSc in Human Health & Performance, for Dr Bruce Lynn Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK Master Degree in Art, Design and Architecture (2006) New Media Ethics and Biotechnology (2005) Posthumanism International Academy of Sports Science and Technology, Switzerland (2004) Social and Ethical issues Concerning Technology and Sport (2003) Gene Doping St. Mary’s College, San Francisco, USA (2008) The Posthuman Athlete (2004) Gene Doping and the Future of Sport Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, England, LLM/MA International Sport Law (2007) Bioethics and Biolaw for Sporting Bodies (2004) Ethics of Sport Enhancements (2001) Human Rights and the Transhuman Athlete

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Professor Andy Miah, Ph.D. Chair of Science Communication & Future Media School of Environment and Life Sciences University of Salford, Manchester Peel Building, Room G50, The Crescent Salford, Greater Manchester M5 4WT, United Kingdom [t] +44 7455 001638

@andymiah cv


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