RACEPLACE Magazine July/August SoCal 2015

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G U A D A L A J A R A • G U AT E M A L A • L I M A • L I S B O N • L O S A N G E L E S • M A D R I D • M A N A G U A






Marina Green Park 386 E Shoreline Dr. Long Beach, CA 90802




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PA N A M A • P H I L A D E L P H I A • S A N J O S E • S A N S A LVA D O R • S A N T I A G O • T E G U C I G A L PA

A S U N C I O N • B E I J I N G • B E L O H O R I Z O N T E • B O G O TA • B U E N O S A I R E S • C A R A C A S • G U A D A L A J A R A


[ A NOTE NOTE FROM FROM THE THE PUBLISHER PUBLISHER]] Welcome Welcome to to our ourJuly-August July-Augustedition editionofof RACEPLACE RACEPLACE Magazine, Magazine,where whichwe is our feature largest edi600+ tion ofevents the year. , nutrition 600 + events and training to viewarticles , nutrition to andhelp training you stay articles fit and to help inspirational you staystoies fit and to motivate inspirational you.stoies Checktoout motivate our #RPAOM you. Check Athlete out of ourthe #RPAOM Month Athlete promotion of the and Month enter yourself promotion to win and aenter free event yoursefl entry to win andapair freeofevent shoesentry fromand RoadRunner pair of shoesSports. from RoadRunner Want to write Sports. content Want or to

articles write content and recieve andfree recieve racefree entries racefrom entries us?from Become us? Become an official an offi RACEPLACE cial RACEPLACE Ambassador Ambassador and let’s andwork let ustogether help grow to grow your network. each others network. Email info@raceplace.com for more info. Keep up withKeep us onup Instagram, with us on Facebook Instagram, andFacebook Twitter toand take Twitter part to in our takemonthly part in our giveaways weekly .See giveaways. you at a finish Stay line active soon! this summer and we’ll see you at your next Finish Line!




Starting Startinginin1974, 1974,she shewould wouldtour tourthe theworld worldas asaasolosoloististand andplay playone oneconcert concerton onthe theway wayover overto toEurope Europe ononthe theQueen QueenElizabeth Elizabethcruise cruiseship shipand andone oneconcert concert ononthe theway wayback. back.“It“Itwas wasaagreat greatway wayto toget getaapaid paidvavacation cationand andI did I didthat thatfor forten tenyears,” years,”she sheremembers. remembers. She Shewould wouldtake takesome someofofher herfifive ve children childrenwith withher heron on her herexcursions excursionsabroad abroadsosothey theycould couldlearn learnto tolove loveto to travel travelasasmuch muchasasshe shedid. did.




hen she she was was born, born,Babe BabeRuth Ruthwas wasstill still ruling the the U.S. U.S. sporting sportingworld worldand and Charles Charles Lindbergh Lindberghhad hadyet yetto tobecome become the fifirst rst person to cross cross the theAtlantic AtlanticOcean Oceanby byair. air. In her youth, she loved loved to to swim swimand androller rollerskate skateand and never felt the need need to to grow growup. up.“I“Ialways alwaysliked likedtoto do things in a hurry,” hurry,” laughs laughs92 92year yearold oldHarriette Harriette Thompson. “I still remember rememberthe theDean Deanof ofmy mycollege college calling me into his office office to totell tellme methat thatititwasn’t wasn’t okay to be roller skating skating on oncampus campusor orto tobe bewearwearing ski pants to class.” class.”

Harriette Harriettefirst firstgot gotinto intorunning runningatatthe theage ageof of76 76and and inin1999 1999she shedid didthe thesecond secondever everRock Rock‘n’ ‘n’Roll RollMaraMarathon thonininSan SanDiego. Diego.She Shewas washooked. hooked.“The “Thediscipline discipline from frommy myyears yearsininpiano pianodefi definitely nitely helped helpedmy myrunning,” running,” she sheadmits.” admits.” ToTocelebrate celebrateher her90th 90thbirthday birthdaytwo twoyears yearsago, ago,she she traveled traveledthe thecountry countryand andperformed performedininsenior seniorcenters centers ininNorth NorthCarolina, Carolina,Virginia, Virginia,Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,Colorado Colorado and andSouth SouthCarolina. Carolina.“It“Itwas wasvery veryexciting,” exciting,”she shesays. says. “Every “Everyconcert concertwas wasstanding standingroom roomonly.” only.”

She married her husband, husband, Sydnor, Sydnor,two twohours hoursafter after she graduated from from college collegeand andthey theywere weretogether together for 67 years, until he he passed passedaway awayfrom frompancreatic pancreatic cancer in January of of 2015. 2015.

Her Hersecrets secretstotoa along longand andhappy happylife? life?Don’t Don’tdwell dwellon on bad badthings, things,always alwaysthink thinkpositive positivethoughts, thoughts,stay stayactive, active, bebehappy happyand andunderstand understandthat thatage ageisisjust justaanumber. number.

And, And,ininHarriette’s Harriette’scase, case,it’s it’sjust justaanumber number totobebeignored. ignored.

At the end of May, Harriette Harriettebecame becamethe theoldest oldest woman to finish finish a marathon marathonwhen whenshe shecomplete completethe the Suja Rock ‘n’ Roll San San Diego DiegoMarathon Marathoninin7:24:36. 7:24:36. The two-time cancer cancer survivor survivorhas hasraised raisedmore morethan than $100,000 for the Leukemia Leukemiaand andLymphoma LymphomaSociety Society during the 16 times times she she has hascompleted completedthe theonly only marathon event she she has has ever everparticipated participatedin. in.


In an era where women women were wereexpected expectedto tobe bestay stayatat home mothers, Harriette Harriette was wasanything anythingbut buttotoher her fifive ve children. She was was aa classical classicalmusician musicianwho whotravtraveled the world playing playing the thepiano. piano.During Duringher hercareer, career, she played Carnegie Carnegie Hall Hall three threetimes. times. photo credit: credit: Dan DanCruz Cruz

Make Makesure sure toto check check outout ourour website website often often since since wewe areare constantly constantly adding adding funfun new new events. events. And And please please send send meme a anote notetelling telling usus how how getting getting into into training training andand racing racing hashas changed changedyour your lifelife forfor thethe better. better. MyMy email email is bob@raceplace. is bob@raceplace. com . We’d love to share shareyour yourstories storieswith withother othermembers members of theofRACEPLACE the RACEPLACE family. family. Subscribe Subscribe for for freefree to Babbittville to Babbittville Radio Radio onon iTunes iTunes or or check outcheck the shows out the onshows Babbittville.com on Babbittville.com






CALENDAR – TABLE OF CONTENTS NutritionPlace - Cook more, Run Faster!.................................... 11 RUNNING/WALKING/FITNESS CALENDAR (San Diego and Riverside Counties).......................................... 7-17 Event Spotlight - Triple Crown Special................................. 27-30 RUNNING/WALKING/FITNESS CALENDAR (LA, Orange, Santa Barbara, San Bernadino, and Ventura Counties).......................................................... 17-34







TrainingPlace - Prepare for a time trial like a pro.................. 34-35 RUNNING/WALKING Outside SoCal ........................................ 34 MULTISPORT CALENDAR................................................... 35-39 CYCLING CALENDAR........................................................... 39-40





TRAINING PROGRAMS.............................................................. 41

ADV ER T IS E W IT H U S : I N FO@R ACEP L ACE.COM • 8 5 8 .4 8 5 .9 8 0 6


Sarah Sandoval Sarah started running in December 2014 while battling severe depression. She used RACEPLACE magazine to find events that she could participate in during the year in San Diego and Los Angeles. She started her journey by participating in a Color Run and most recently just completed the San Diego Half Marathon 5k. “As silly as it sounds, this race literally changed me. It changed my way of thinking and made me more positive. I only ran the 5k but talking to other people about why they run and what they’re running for, it gave me hope. I want people to know that it’s ok to feel down and depressed. It’s not healthy, but everybody goes through it at some point in their lives. Running helps, when you feel down.” Congratulations Sarah! You are an inspiration and our Athlete of the Month! As athlete of the month Sarah will receive: • $120 gift card to Roadrunner Sports • 1 free event entry to any event on our calendar

Enter to win at: raceplace.com/rrsports /RACEPLACE




San Diego Running/Walking Calendar Event Name

Event Date

Contact Info

Event Location

Event Description

July Scripps Ranch Old Pros 4th of July Run & Ride

July 4 2015 7:00am

Steve Brousse - 619669-8179 - sbrousse@sbcglobal.net

Scripps Ranch (San Diego) The Start Line is at the intersection of Scripps Ranch Blvd. and Hibert St., San Diego, CA, 92131

Scripps Ranch Old Pros 4th of July Run & Ride http://www.srop.org

Crown City Classic - Coronado’s 4th of July 12K and 5K Run

July 4, 2015 7:00am

Easy Day Sports contact@easydaysports.com

Coronado Tidelands Park 2000 Mullinex Drive , Coronado, CA, 92118

A Patriotic Run to Celebrate America! http://crowncityrun. com/ Come run 7.4 miles (12K) on July 4th! Run the streets of Coronado and then stay for the largest 4th of July Parade on the west coast after the event. There is also a 5K and 1/2 mile kids run. This race is in it’s 41st year!!http://runcoronado.com/

USATF San Diego-Imperial Association Summer Nights Track and Field SeriesMeet #3

July 8, 2015 6:00pm

Paul Greer - pauliegreer@gmail.com

San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA, 92182

This is the third event of the 4-event Summer Nights Track and Field Series! At this meet, participants can compete in the 400m hurdles, 1000m, Kids’ 800m, 400m, 5,000m, and the 1600m racewalk! Field events include: Pole vault, long jump, high jump, and shot put. http://summernightstrack.com

USATF - Summer Nights Track Series #3

July 8, 2015 5:00pm

Sheila Burrell - 858573-1500 - sburrell@ mail.sdsu.edu

San Diego State University 5500 Campanile dr, San Diego, CA, 92182

The USATF Sanctioned four event Summer Nights Track series is back! Join us for a variety of track and field events at local area high schools with modern track and field facilities! First 200 registrants receive a souvenir! summernightstrack.com

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - July

July 9, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

Road Runner Sports San Diego

Road Runner Sports San Diego • 5553 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

12th annual Bake at the lake 4 mile trail race

July 11, 2015 7:30am

joe crosswhite - 7607233257 joecrosswhite983@ roadrunner.com

lake hodges lake drive , escondido, CA, 92027

This race benefits MVHS xc team awards 14 divisions, 5 year age groups 3 deep northcountyroadrunners.com

West Coast Road Runners Half & Full Marathon Training Programs

July 11 &18th 2015 -

Dan Guillory 858.492.8455 - dan@ wcroadrunners.com

San Diego, 3 locations - Mission Bay, Rancho Bernardo, Carlsbad 5553 Copley Dr, san diego, CA, 92121

Our 2015 Fall Season registration is NOW OPEN and ON-GOING! WCRR is training for ANY/ALL races, INCLUDING Chicago Marathon, New York City Marathon, Silver Strand Half Marathon, St George Marathon, California International Marathon, USA Half Marathon, Honolulu Marathon, AFC Half Marathon and more!

July 18, 2015 -

In Motion Fit - (760) 692-2900 - katie@ inmotionfit.com inmotionfit.com

Carlsbad & Mission Bay 4970 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA, 92008

In Motion Fit is a training program for runners & walkers geared toward completing the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon & Half Marathon on January 17, 2016. Get in the best shape of your life in a non-intimidating & fun environment!

July 19, 2015 -

Easy Day Sports 619-996-9002 - info@ chargers5k.com

Qualcomm Stadium 9449 Friars Rd, San Diego, CA, 92108

Grab Your Jersey and Register to BOLT to the Q! JULY 19, 2015 7:30 AM Registration is NOW OPEN for the 5th Annual Kaiser Permanente Bolt to the Q! chargers.com/bolt-to-the-q/register

Tim Latham - 858573-1500 - robert. latham@sweetwaterschools.com

Sweetwater High School 2900 Highland ave, Chula Vista , CA, 91950

The USATF Sanctioned four event Summer Nights Track series is back! Join us for a variety of track and field events at local area high schools with modern track and field facilities! First 200 registrants receive a souvenir! Open to all ability levels and ages! summernightstrack.com

Pg. 38

In Motion Fit - Carlsbad & Mission Bay training groups Pg. 30

Kaiser Permanente Bolt to the Q 5K/10K and Kids Fun Run

USATF - Summer Nights Track Series #4

July 22, 2015 5:00pm

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 7

San Diego Running USATF San Diego-Imperial Association Summer Nights Track and Field SeriesMeet #3

July 22, 2015 6:00pm

Paul Greer - pauliegreer@gmail.com

San Diego State University 2900 Highland Avenue, National City, CA, 91950

This is the fourth and final event of the 4-event Summer Nights Track and Field Series! At this meet, participants can compete in the 100m and 110m hurdles, 1500m, 200m, 400m, and 3000m! Field events include: Pole vault, long jump, high jump, and shot put. summernightstrack.com

2015 Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - July

July 23, 2015 @ 6:30 PM

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad • 5617 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008

Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

Cabrillo Sunset 5K Run/Walk

July 25, 2015

Cabrillo National Monument Foundation 619-920-2121

Cabrillo National Monument • 1800 Cabrillo Memorial Drive San Diego, CA 92106

The Cabrillo Sunset 5K is a component of the National Park Service’s 100 year centennial challenge to “Find Your Park” Move to Improve Challenge, July 25th 2015. This is sure to be an exhilarating outdoor experience.

Love Run 5K

July 26, 2015 -

Rachel Hiner 619.269.7047 - info@ sandyfeetevents.com loverun.rocks/

Embarcadero North 500 Ketner Blvd, San Diego, CA, 92101

The Love Run has something for everyone! Join us for a love filled morning of fun, fitness and surprises. Race also features: Scenic 5K run/walk course, Creative Finisher Medal, Meet & Mingle Mimosas, Date Night Giveaways, & Chip Timing

Balboa Park 8 & 3 Miler

August 1, 2015

San Diego Track Club 8153822324

Pan American Plaza, Balboa Park • Pan American Plaza San Diego, CA 92101

The Balboa 8 & 3 Miler is the longest consecutively run race in San Diego and the only one that offers a full tour of Balboa Park!

2015 Free to Breathe 5k (6th annual)

August 9, 2015 8:00am

Roger Drews - production@rammsports. com

Seaport Village / N. Embarcadero Park 400 Kettner Boulevard, San Diego, CA, 92101

Lung cancer affects 1 in 15 in the USA. Help us double lung cancer survival by 2022! Join us for a flat, fast and scenic 5k run/walk along the bay front of beautiful San Diego!


San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - August

August 13, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

Road Runner Sports San Diego

Road Runner Sports San Diego • 5553 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

America’s Finest City Half Marathon & 5K

August 16, 2015 7:00am

In Motion, Inc. - 760.692.2900 info@afchalf.com

Cabrillo National Monument to Balboa Park 1549 El Prado, San Diego, CA, 92101

This San Diego tradition is run on a fast, scenic, point-to-point course. The race starts at the historic Cabrillo National, follows scenic San Diego Bay & Harbor Island, winds through downtown San Diego & finishes in beautiful Balboa Park. afchalf.com/

Stairway to Heaven Half Marathon and 15K

Victor Runco - Drrunco@sdri.net


August 16, 2015 7:00am

Mission Trails Regional Park Equestrian Center off Mast Blvd. 8525 GIBBS DRIVE suite 205, Santee, CA, 92072

Runners will follow the course markings through the grasslands until they begin to ascend a steep ¾ mile hill at mile 2 encountering their first aid station at the top. After reaching the top, runners will wind down into the canyon on a combination of narrow single track and fire road trails.

10th annual Wild duck 5k

August 22, 2015 8:00am

joe crosswhite - 7607233257 joecrosswhite983@ roadrunner.com

guajome regional park 3000 N santa fe road , oceanside/vista border , CA, 92057

This race benefits the MVHS XC team , its the 1st race in the dirt dog series , 14 divisions, 5 year age groups 3 deep over $2500 in drawing prizes northcountyroadrunners.com


End of Summer - 4 mile run/walk La Jolla to Pacific Beach

August 23, 2015 6:30 AM

Kathy Loper Events - 619-298-7400 - info@kathyloperevents.com

Pacific Beach Prospect St & Girard Ave, San Diego, CA, 92037

Fast 4 mile course from La Jolla to Pacific Beach Awards for Overall/Masters Male and Female Awards for Top 3 in each age division USAT&F certified course and sanctioned event kathyloperevents.com/endofsummer4m/

August 27, 2015 @ 6:30 PM

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad • 5617 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008

Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer. The adventure begins at 6:30pm

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Pg. 20

2015 Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - August

San Diego Running San Diego Beer Run

August 29, 2015 7:30am

Brandi - 8582020406 - info@beerrunsd.com

Embarcadero Marina Park South 1 Marina Way , San Diego , CA, 92101

The San Diego Beer Run is back and bigger than ever! Returning for its fourth year, revamped and celebrating fun, fitness and the regions burgeoning craft brewing industry, this 21+ event is sure to capture the outgoing spirit of San Diegan’s while raising much needed funds for charity. beerrunsd.com

Optimist Club of Coronado 44th Sports Fiesta/5K Run

September 5, 2015 9:00am

Don Crawford - 619920-8653 - udtra42@ aol.com

Ocean Boulevard, Coronado, CA, 92118

A 5,000 meter run over a flat, fast course on paved streets on NAS North Island. Check-in table opens at 7:00 a.m. Day of race registration accepted until 8:45 a.m. Bibs and course briefing provided on day of race. optimistclubofcoronado.org/

Spartyka Wounded Warrior 5K Run/ Walk

September 5, 2015 9:00am

Jimi Partyka/Kevin Murphy - (757) 5156538/(757) 705-9618 - kevmurphy1@aol. com

NTC Park at Liberty Station 2455 Cushing Road, San Diego, CA, 92106

The 5th annual Spartyka WW 5K run/walk comes to NTC San Diego. We welcome all competitive/leisure runners/ walkers and folks with patriotic spirit to join us. Medals for all finishers. spartykawoundedwarrior.com

51st Annual Balboa 4 Mile Cross Country

September 5, 2015 7:30am

Paul Baumhoefner - 619-200-4792 paulbaumhoefner@ gmail.com

Start & Finish just north of 6th & Laurel in Balboa Park 6th Ave & Quince Street, San Diego, CA, 92101

A challenging cross country race on trails, grass and sidewalks. Masters race 7:30am, Open race 8:20am. Olympic Quality Medals to 1st three finishers in each 5 year age division. Part of the Dirt Dog / USATF Club Championship Series.

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - September

September 10, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

Road Runner Sports San Diego

Road Runner Sports San Diego • 5553 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

Lulu Tyner - 909-3730678 - support@ therunforachild.org

Prado Regional Park 16700 Euclid Avenue, Chino, CA, 91708

THE RUN FOR A CHILD 5K/10K and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run September 12, 2015 Prado Regional Park, Chino Join us on September 12, 2015 for the 7th Annual Run for a Child! therunforachild.org


The Run for a Child Pg. 23

Sept 12, 2015 7:30am

LoziLu Women’s Mud Run - San Diego 2015

September 12, 2015

LoziLu info@lozilu.com 424-256-9458

TBD San Diego, CA 92101

Exfoliate your Girls’ Day Out… Make the boys jealous and get dirty at the LoziLu Women’s Mud Run! This fabulous 5k obstacle course is perfect for beginners and fitness divas alike. ozilu.com/san-diego

Revel Big Cottonwood

September 12, 2015 7:00am

Anna Ryan - 720467-2188 - Anna@ brooksee.com

Cottonwood Heights, Utah 265 E. Fort Union Boulevard , Cottonwood Heights, UT, 84121

The Hoka One One Big Cottonwood Marathon & Half is very excited to announce its expansion into the REVEL Race Series! New REVEL races are scheduled in Denver and Los Angeles, with more locations to follow. runrevel.com/bcm/info

Aloha Run San Diego

September 13, 2015

Gemini Next thealoharun.com/

Tecolote Shores Park • 1740 E Mission Bay Dr San Diego, CA 92109

The Aloha Run is packed with entertainment: Polynesian dancers, island music, surf bands and other surprises along the beautiful bayside course! Plus, the race features finisher medals for all participants, winner awards, chip timing, Aloha Run t-shirt and a festive Aloha after-party!

Carmel Valley Trail 10k and 5k

September 19, 2015

Endurance Race Series 858-259-1501

Carmel Valley, San Diego • El Camino Real San Diego, CA 92130

Wecome the 2nd Annual Carmel Valley Trail 10k/5k. This second year event will take place at Gonzales Open Space Canyon in the Carmel Valley area of San Diego. carmelvalley10k.com

31st Annual Self-Transcendence La Jolla Swim & Run

September 20, 2015 7:00am

SCMT - 619-2800735 - vasudha@ ix.netcom.com

La Jolla Shores Beach 8302 Camino del Oro, La Jolla, CA, 92037

A classic San Diego event--sun, sand, and surf! 1-mile swim from La Jolla Cove to La Jolla Shores followed by 10K run along beach. Relays allowed. New for this year: 10K Run-only category. Sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team. us.srichinmoyraces.org/sandiego/swim-run

Kelley Sitar - info@ bootcampchallenge. com bootcampchallenge. com/

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego 3800 Chosin Ave , San Diego, CA, 92140

3 mile obstacle run with over 50 REAL obstacles used to make United States Marines, plus over 60 USMC Drill Instructors providing extra motivation throughout the race course. Compete as an individual, a team of three or a team of five. Run where Marines are Made! Visit our website for more information.

BootCamp Challenge Pg. 2

Sept 26, 2015 9:00am

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 9

San Diego Running St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer - San Diego

September 26, 2015

ALSAC St Jude Children’s Research Hospital 9015953300

Westfield Mission Valley • 1640 Camino Del Rio N San Diego, CA 92108

On September 19 and 26, St. Jude supporters in 58 cities across the country will join together to participate in the the St. Jude Walk/ Run to End Childhood Cancer, an inspiring, family-friendly walk/ run to raise money for the children of St. Jude.

Del Mar Mud Run 2015

September 26, 2015

VAVi INC 858.273.3485 x13

Del Mar Fairgrounds • 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd Del Mar, CA 92014

One of the most fun mud runs in the world, it has attracted celebrities, international media and participants from across the country. delmarmudrun.com/

Hula Dash 5k

September 27, 2015

Hula Dash 8316014646

Crown Point Park • Moorland Dr San Diego, CA 92109

Start at the south parking lot of Crown Point Park. Head southwest then loop north along the boardwalk while enjoying beautiful views of the bay. Turn around in Fanuel St. Park and head back south as the sun begins to warm the bay overhead

Pacific Beachfest 5K

October 3, 2015

High Performance Movement info@pacificbeachfest5k.com 7322398012

710 Grand Avenue San Diego, CA 92109

Join us for the most popular run on the sands of Pacific Beach! Following the race, enjoy the beer garden, multiple stages of live music, pro surf and volleyball competition, hundreds of vendors, and more! www. pacificbeachfest5k.com

Raptor Ridge Half Marathon

October 4, 2015

Dirt Devil Racing

San Dieguito River Park • 3600 Sunset Drive Escondido, CA 92025

Entry fee is $60 until Jun 30 and $65 after for half marathon; $40 until Jun 30 and $45 after for 5K.

2015 Awesome 80s Run - San Diego

October 10, 2015

Superhero Events LLC 619-800-4376

Tecolote Shores North Park • 1332 E Mission Bay Dr. San Diego, CA 92109

EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: Coolest Costume Contest. Totally Awesome T-Shirt Custom ‘80s medal for all finishers Live ‘80s Cover Band, Dance Crews, and Entertainment.

Good On You 5K Charity Run/Walk 2015

October 10, 2015

The Jared F. Purton Foundation 619-800-0514

Crown Point Park (Mission Bay) • 3750 Corona Oriente Rd San Diego, CA 92109

Through our major event, our “Good On You 5K Charity Run/Walk”, we hope to connect the general public with a variety of charities in a fun setting. This year we are highlighting three main charities that promote youth as part of their mission.


October 10, 2015

The Color Run 855-662-6567

Qualcomm Stadium • 9449 Friars Rd San Diego, CA 92108

Also known as The Happiest 5k on the Planet, we love chucking paint and making people smile. With events in more than 50 countries, The Color Run is on almost every single continent on EARTH!

2015 Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - October

October 22, 2015 @ 6:30 PM

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad • 5617 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008

Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

Bob Nichols - 760846-5721 - bob@ surfingmadonna.org

Moonlight State Beach 400 B Street, Encinitas, CA, 92024

Most famous low tide beach run in the USA! Run alongside crashing waves & huge cliffs on the beautiful beaches of Encinitas. All entries include Race Shirt, Medal, After-Party. $13,500 PRIZE MONEY! surfingmadonnarun.org/



Surfing Madonna “Save the Ocean” 5K/10K & 10 Mile Beach Run/Walk Pg. 45 SDCDS 2015 5K Run

October 24, 2015

San Diego County Dental Society 6192757188

NTC Park • 2455 Cushing Rd San Diego, CA 92106

Spooktacular 15K,10K & 5K San Diego

October 25, 2015

Wiz Marketing Inc. 6194910677

San Diego-Hospitality Point • Quivera Court San Diego, CA 92109

Register today Participants receive: A Spooktacular medal, short sleeve tech for the 15K,White short sleeve unisex for 5K-10K,Timing by Racewire , Sweet aid stations , Festive Scenic Course, Post race festivities and more.

Chaz Major - cmajor@celebrationrun. com

Bonita Cove 1100 West Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA, 92109

The celebration is back on November 1, 2015! Run the half marathon or 10K scenic, waterfront course that starts and finishes in Mission Bay’s beautiful Bonita Cove. celebrationrun.com/sandiego/

J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 10

October 24, 2015 12:30pm

November Celebration Run Pg. 54

November 1, 2015 7:00am

NutritionPlace 1. Start simple (and stay simple) A recipe doesn’t have to be complicated to be healthy and delicious. Some meals are so easy to prepare, it almost feels like cheating to make them. Build your comfort level and confidence in the kitchen by starting your cooking journey with a single recipe that includes just a few familiar ingredients, takes mere minutes to put together, and requires no fancy techniques. Once you’ve mastered it, add a second easy recipe to your repertoire, and so on.



e live in strange times. People today spend more time than ever watching other people cook on TV and less time than ever cooking in their own homes. A scientific survey published in the Nutrition Journal in 2013 reported that only 54 percent of american adults do any home cooking, an all-time low. That’s unfortunate, because other research suggests that people who cook more eat healthier.

A 2014 study at the University of Washington, for example, found that frequent home cooks ate significantly more fruit and vegetables compared to others. Lack of time is the most commonly cited reason for not cooking. As a runner, you may feel even more timecrunched than people who aren’t trying to squeeze workouts into their day along with everything else. But as a runner, you also need the dietary control that comes with home cooking more than others. A higherquality diet won’t just make you healthier but will also improve your running. A reluctant cook myself, I’ve learned really doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming to prepare healthy meals at home. To the right are three helpful tricks I’ve picked up to help you cook more, run faster:

Need an idea? Try the Garden Minestrone with Kale from my Racing Weight Cookbook.

2. Let others do the prep work for you The supermarkets that sell the food we buy and the companies that make the food that supermarkets sell are well aware that people today are busy and have little time for cooking. To meet the demand for products that save time without sacrificing quality, they are coming up with more and more offerings that marry healthiness and convenience.

3. Keep your kitchen stocked with staples Some nutritionists advise home cooks to plan all of their meals in advance. But to me this feels like just another obligation. I’d rather wing it. An alternative to setting aside time for planning is to keep your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator well stocked with versatile staple foods that you can throw together to make a meal on the spur of the moment. My kitchen staples include frozen vegetables of various kinds, frozen fish, fresh onions and minced garlic, brown rice and quinoa, bullion, and basic seasonings.

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Run San Diego’s Finest Half Marathon!

SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2015 The Finest Course San DiegoÕ s fastest and most scenic half marathon! Run from the Cabrillo National Monument at the tip of Point Loma, along San Diego Bay, Harbor Island, Embarcadero, past the Star of India, through downtown to a rousing finish in historic Balboa Park.

Other Highlights Technical fabric race shirts | B-Tag timing | Reusable bag Personalized bib numbers | Finish line party with live band Great course support | Custom medal | 5K Run/Walk & More!

Event sells out. Register online today at:

www.afchalf.com Questions? Call 760.692.2900 or email info@afchalf.com


DonÕ t miss this third and final race of the 2015 series!

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Julian 10K/5K Run

November 7, 2015 8:00 AM

Kathy Loper Events - 619- 298-7400 - info@kathyloperevents.com

Julian 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA, 92036

Run in the Apple Country! The Julian 10K/5K Run is back this November 7th! Benefits the Julian High School Sports Teams. kathyloperevents.com/

She Runs San Diego 1/2 Marathon and 5k

November 7, 2015

She Runs LLC 8014202000

Sikes Adobe Farm House • 12655 Sunset Drive Escondido, CA 92025

She Runs San Diego course wraps around Lake Hodges. If you want scenery, then this is the race for you! This race is meant to be a challenge. It will take place mainly on dirt trail.

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - November

November 12, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

Road Runner Sports San Diego

Road Runner Sports San Diego • 5553 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111

San Diego Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

Bubble RUN San Diego

November 14, 2015

Bubble Run 8772284881

Sleep Train Amphitheater • 2050 Entertainment Cir Chula Vista, CA 91911

If you’ve done a traditional 5K, you know they can be a bit lackluster. But the BUBBLE RUN™ is like running through Willy Wonkas’ factory.

Silver Strand Half Marathon San Diego

November 15, 2015 7:00am

Sarah Clinton - 858268-1250 - info@ kozenterprises.com

Sunset Park to Imperial Beach Pier 101 Ocean Boulevard, Coronado, CA, 92118

1/2 Marathon is open to Runners and Walkers. 10 mile course is open to Runners, Walkers, Skaters, Hand cycles, and Wheelchairs. Run with the Pacific Ocean on your right and the Bay on your left, from Coronado to Imperial Beach! kozevents.com/Running/Silver_Strand_Half_Marathon.htm

USA Half Marathon

November 21, 2015 6:00am

USA Half Marathon, LLC. - 800-RUN-3213 - run@usahalfmarathonsandiego.com usahalfmarathonsandiego.com/

San Diego 1100 3rd Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92101

Join the nation’s leading distance runners to race through the streets of San Diego! Developed to encourage recreational runners to set new goals and challenges for themselves. The USA Half Marathon is the first “Qualifiers Only” half marathon, designed for elite, sub-elite, and competitive runners.

Pacific Marine Credit Union O’Side Turkey Trot

November 26, 2015 -

Kinane Events - 760434-5255 - info@ kinaneevents.com

Oceanside Pier, Oceanside, CA 300 N Pacific St., Oceanside, CA, 92054

Come “move your feet before you eat” on Thanksgiving at the 10th PMCU Turkey Trot 10k or 5K run/walk and kids runs. Event offers a costume contest, live entertainment and finisher medals for all. osideturkeytrot.com/

Dana Point Turkey Trot

November 26, 2015 7:00am

Vickie McMurchie - 949-496-1555 - turkey@danapointchamber.com

Dana Point Harbor Dana Point Harbor Drive & Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA, 92629

The Dana Point Turkey Trot is the oldest Trot in California and is known, not only for its family-friendly activities, but for its breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and the Dana Point Harbor. turkeytrot.com

Father Joe’s Thanksgiving Day 5K

November 26, 2015 7:30am

Father Joe’s - 619446-2193 - events@ neighbor.org

Balboa Park 1350 El Prado, San Diego, CA, 92101

“San Diego’s Best Turkey Trot!” The Best Way to start your Thanksgiving Day! All proceeds go to help your homeless neighbors in need—from children and families to adults and veterans. kozevents.com/Running/Father_Joe_s_Villages_Thanksgiving_Day_5K.htm

San Diego Turkey Trot

November 26, 2015

Gemini Next

Rohr Park • 4250 Sweetwater Rd Bonita, CA 91902

2nd Annual San Diego South Bay Turkey Trot and Food Drive. Put your turkey in the oven, pack up the family and come out to run or walk San Diego’s only Turkey Trot that has 3 distances to choose from: 15K, 10K and 5K.

Encinitas Turkey Trot

November 26, 2015 7:00am

Steve Lebherz 7608031797 - steve@ encinitasturkeytrot.org

Encinitas, California 460 S Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA, 92024

If you have never walked or run along the Pacific Coast in Encinitas in late November, you are in for the surprise of your life. Early morning offers a beautiful color to the Pacific Ocean. encinitasturkeytrot.org/

December 3, 2015 @ 6:30 PM (PST)

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad

Road Runner Sports Carlsbad • 5617 Paseo del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92008

Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a fun, 60-minute scavenger run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, music and free beer.

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December 2015 Carlsbad Road Runner Sports Adventure Run - December

San Diego Running Jingle Paws 5K and fun run

December 5, 2015 8:00am

Jackie Horton-Toft - 619-561-3277 - ladydogtrainer@hotmail. com

Cuyamaca College, Water Conservation Garden

900 Rancho San Diego Parkwa, EL Cajon, CA, 92019 acesfoundation.org

San Diego Holiday Half Marathon

December 27, 2015

info@usaenduranceevents.com 619-269-5443

14340 Penasquitos Dr San Diego, CA 92129

2nd Annual Holiday Half Marathon. USATF Certified course with a 711 ft. net drop from start to finish. Potential PR. Last year’s event sold out fast! Hurry & sign up today! www.SDHolidayHalf.com

January 2016 The Citrus Heritage Run

January 9, 2016 7:30am

Sparkswood Events - info@sparkswoodevents.com

Arlington Heights Sports Park 9401 Cleveland Avenue, Riverside, CA, 92503

Half Marathon, 5K, Kids Fun Run Location: Arlington Heights Sports Park 9401 Cleveland Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503 The Citrus Heritage Run is celebrating our 7th year anniversary. citrusheritagerun.com

Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon & Half Marathon

January 17, 2016 6:15am

In Motion, Inc - (760) 692-2900 - info@ inmotionevents.com

Westfield Carlsbad & Carlsbad Blvd. 2525 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, 92008

Carlsbad is a winter marathon and half marathon unlike any other. From our ideal weather conditions to our spectacular coastal course, Carlsbad is more than a race - it’s an unforgettable experience! carlsbadmarathon.com/

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SoCal Running/Walking July Red, White and Blue 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon

July 3, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Huntington Beach 17398 N Pacific Ave, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649

It’s time to celebrate 4th of July weekend with a fun filled three race series!! This is the first race of three. FREE photos, official results posted, medals for everyone, scenic beach route, walker friendly, group discounts! abetterworldrunning.com

Freedom Run at The Ranch

July 4, 2015

Gemini Next

Ladera Ranch • 1 Daisy St Ladera Ranch, CA 92694

Put on your red, white and blue and join us this 4th of July for the Freedom Run at the Ranch, Ladera Ranch’s 9th annual 5K/10K Run and 1K Little Firecrackers Dash. runladera.com

37th Annual Run in the Parks Laguna Niguel Family YMCA 5K/10K/Children’s Run

July 4, 2015 7:30am

Jonathan Pauley 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Crown Valley Community Park 29831 Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677

The YMCA is a nonprofit charity that serves children and families. Proceeds from the event benefit the YMCA scholarship program. ymcaoc.org/ritp

2015 Claremont Village Freedom 5000

July 4, 2015

City of Claremont 9093995358

Memorial Park • 840 North Indian Hill Blvd. Claremont, CA 91711

The Annual Claremont Village Freedom 5000 1K/5K is a family friendly event that kicks off the 4th of July Celebration in the City of Claremont. The event features a 1K Kids Run, a 5K Competitive Race Walk, and a 5K Run through the scenic tree-lined streets of Claremont.

Stars and Stripes 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon and Marathon

July 4, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Santa Monica, CA 2000 ocean ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90405

It’s time to celebrate the 4th of July with an awesome race!! This is the second race in a 3 race series. FREE photos, official results posted, walker friendly, flat and scenic course, group discounts available. abetterworldrunning.com

Surf City Run 5K

July 4, 2015 7:00am

Spectrum Sports Management, Inc. 909.399.3553 - info@ spectrumsports.net

Huntington Beach 1905 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA, 92648

This classic holiday run will be held on Saturday, July 4, 2015 with over 4,500 runners plus family and spectators expected to attend! surfcityrun.com/


July 4, @7:00AM

Carl Pantoji - 661 993-1741 - cpantoji@ aol.com

Newhall California 24933 Newhall Ave., Newhall , CA, 91321

33rd Annual Independence Day Classic 5K/10K Run/ Walk and Kiddie K - Proceeds benefit the Cross Country teams of each of the six Santa Clarita Valley High Schools. scrunners.org


Freedom 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon

July 5, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Long Beach 5400 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA, 90703

The final race in a 3 race series finishes off with the Freedom Race!!! Official results posted, medals for everyone, FREE photos, flat and scenic route and group discount available.

4th Annual Independence Day 5k/10k Fun Run/Walk

July 5, 2015 8:00am

Larry - 5624812995 fitnessfourall@gmail. com

Beach running/walkking path 54th Place & Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA, 90803

Family and newbie runner/walker friendly in a great beachfront location! abetterworldrunning.com


Independence Day Classic 5K/10K Run and Walk

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SoCal Running Cross-Country Summer Series

July 8, 2015 5:30pm

SCRC - 310-9931730 - RunForYourYouth@gmail.com

Hansen Dam 11198 Stonehurst Avenue, Lakeview Terrace, CA, 91342

July 8, 15, 22, 29 & 8/5/2015 santaclaritarun.com

Renegade Summer 5 Mile Trail Run, Series #2

July 9, 2015 6:00pm

Jonathan Pauley 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Cedar Grove Park 11385 Pioneer Road, Tustin, CA, 92782

The Renegade Summer Trail Run Series benefits WeROCK (We Run Orange County’s Kids), a non-profit organization that provides after-school intervention programs for the Middle and High School students of Orange County. renegaderaceseries.com

Summer Fun 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon, Marathon

July 11, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Woodley Park, Van Nuys 6335 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA, 91436

It’s summer and it’s time for the Summer Fun Run/ Walk!!! FREE photos, chip timing, low affordable cost, fun and relaxed environment, scenic park course, chip timing, walker friendly, medals for everyone, and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

Hot an Dirty Mud Run Series - Mud Splash

July 11, 2015

July 11, 2015

Acton Movie Ranch • 3840 Crown Valley Road Acton, CA 93510

Our 120 acre mountain mud run venue is easily accessible from greater Los Angeles. Located in Acton, Hot an Dirty Mud Run is a traditional family, friendly and fun obstacle course race/ mud run event while at the same time providing more of a challenge with a 10k mud run course for our avid runners.

2015 Awesome 80s Run - Pasadena

July 18, 2015

Superhero Events LLC 619-800-4376

Pasadena Rose Bowl • 1001 Rose Bowl Drive Pasadena, CA 91103

EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: *Coolest Costume Contest. * Totally Awesome T-Shirt *Custom ‘80s medal for all finishers.

Run Over Hunger

July 18, 2015 @ 7:00 AM

310-600-1335 http://runoverhunger. com

Manhattan Beach • Manhattan Beach, CA 90267

RECEIVE $5 OFF By using the discount CODE: IBM13 or ibm13

HB Wave Run

July 18, 2015 @ 7:30 AM

6572150657 onefootfree.com

Huntington Beach bike trail • 22080 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, CA 92646

This race is full!This HB Run is a beautiful jaunt down the paved Huntington Beach bike trail that wanders along the beautiful sandy beach. All runners start on the HB bike trail at Pacific Coast Highway and Magnolia St., and run North on the HB trail toward Bolsa Chica.

Greenest Fastest 1-Mile & 5K Run/Walk

July 19, 2015 -

Jose Zavala 6267558489 - jose@ aztlanathletics.org

South Pasadena Corner of Gravlia and Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA, 91030

This is a run for EVERYONE, including beginners and advanced. Run on world famous Route 66 in South Pasadena! Proceeds benefiting the Aztlan Athletics Foundation. This year there will be a 5K run included. greenestfastestmilerun.com

Summer Blast 5K Lake Balboa

July 19, 2015 8:30 AM

Try Us Events - 310993-1730 - Run@ TryUsEvents.com

Woodley Park, Van Nuys 6350 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA, 91316

Blast of this summer with a beautiful run around Lake Balboa Park with abundant trees and scenic views of the lake. Stay and enjoy the festivities with plenty of watermelon to eat. tryusevents.com/events/

Summer Spectacular 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon

July 19, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Santa Monica, CA 2000 ocean ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90405

It’s time for the Summer Spectacular race!!! FREE photos, low affordable cost, walker friendly, scenic beach route, official results posted, medals for everyone and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

Lovin’ Summer Run

July 19, 2015 @ 7:30 AM

6572150657 http://www.onefootfree.com

Beach Path-Belmont Shores • 5000 E Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90803

Surrounded by city and sea, this Long Beach Run is the place to be! This gorgeous route is along the beach on the NEW resin-based, straight, and VERY FLAT Long Beach path that wanders around the white sand from Belmont Shore to Long Beach Shoreline Marina.

Summer Sensation 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon

July 25, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Huntington Beach 17398 N Pacific Ave, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649

Summer is here and it’s time for the Summer Sensation race!!! Walker friendly, FREE photos, official results posted, affordable low price, walker friendly, scenic beach route, medals for everyone, and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

City of Cypress 5K & 10K Run/Walk

July 25, 2015 @ 7:30 AM


Cypress Civic Center • 5275 Orange Ave. Cypress, CA 90630

This flat and fast race includes a certified race course, chip timing, $3500 in prize money for the 10K, free parking and Big Stick popsicles for all finishers to help cool down! All pre-registered participants will recieve a race t-shirt.

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August Run For Veteran, Run For Justice 5K Run/Walk

August 1, 2015 -

Historic Filipinotown Neigborhood Council Inc. - 213-413-3323 cecramos@aol.com

1925 W. Temple St, Los Angeles, CA, 90026

Come and join us for a great run in the Historic Filipinotown community. We appreciate your support and in the way help you stay active. historicfilipinotown.org

Pride of the Valley 5K

August 1, 2015 8:00am

Maria Moreno - 626813-5245 - mmoreno@baldwinpark. com

City of Baldwin Park 4100 Baldwin Park Blvd., Baldwin Park, CA, 91706

Cash bonus if overall male or female course record is set • Got a Story? Drop an email or send a letter • USATF sanctioned event

11th Annual Spirit of LA Run

August 1, 2015 8:00am

Wayne - info@thewccompany.com www.theWCcompany. com.

Elysian Park, Los Angeles 1880 Academy Dr, Los Angeles, CA, 90012

Join us for the 11th Annual Spirit of LA 5K Run, benefiting Los Angeles High School! The race will be on our “west coast” style cross-country course at Elysian Park. You will be running on asphalt, dirt, and grass on a challenging, hilly course overlooking downtown LA and Dodgers Stadium!

18th Annual OCTC Pancake Breakfast 5K

August 2, 2015 -

Wilfred Sanchez - 714-878-2018 wil2run@yahoo.com

Located on Placentia between Adams & Wilson in Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, CA, 92627

Scenic dirt Trails winding through Fairview Park. Medals will be given to the top three finishers in each age/sex division. A 1K kids FUN RUN will also be held (12 & under octrackclub.org

Renegade Summer 5 Mile Trail Run Series #3

August 6, 2015 6:00pm

Jonathan Pauley 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Cedar Grove Park 11385 Pioneer Road, Tustin, CA, 92782

The Renegade Summer Trail Run Series benefits WeROCK (We Run Orange County’s Kids), a non-profit organization that provides after-school intervention programs for the Middle and High School students of Orange County. renegaderaceseries.com


August 8, 2015 7:30am

Jim Kirk-Johnson 949-212-8071 - info@ wetnwild5k.com

La Mirada SPLASH! Aquatics Center and Regional Park 13806 La Mirada Boulevard, La Mirada, CA, 90638

The WetNWild5K is a “family friendly” run/walk event featuring a challenging cross country course through a 100 acre scenic park with our traditional LAZY RIVER finish! Wave starts, tech t-shirt, finisher medals, chip timing, EXPO, and TEAM/H.S. wetnwild5k.com/Home.html

Aloha 5k Fun Run & Walk

August 8, 2015 8:45AM

Clear Timing Griffith Park 4730 CrysElite Sports California 3233337011 - eulotal Springs Drive, Los 805-258-3779 gio101003@hotmail. Angeles, CA, 90027 com

Join us for a fun and festive 5k in Griffith Park on Saturday, August 8, 2015! We have a flat, easy 5k course on packed dirt laid out for the entire family! clear-timing.com/aloha5k.html?m

Summer Bliss, 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon

August 8, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Huntington Beach 17398 N Pacific Ave, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649

Come have a blissful time at the Summer Bliss 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon!!! FREE photos, official results posted, medals for everyone, affordable low cost, walker friendly, scenic beach route, fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

The OC Fair Fun Run 5K

August 9, 2015 8:00 AM

The OC Marathon LLC - 949-222-3327 info@ocfair5k.com

OC Fair and Event Center 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mes, CA, 92626

This is the MOST fun you can have before the Fair opens! You only have ONE chance to RUN, WALK or SKIP through the OC Fair! ocfair5k.com

Summer Time 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon

August 9, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Santa Monica, CA 2000 ocean ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90405

The Summer Time race is here!!! FREE photos, low affordable cost, walker friendly, scenic beach route, official results posted, medals for everyone and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

Arroyo Creek Half Marathon 2015

August 9, 2015

Elite Sports California 805-258-3779

Rancho Simi Community Park • 1765 Royal Ave Simi Valley, CA 93065

Yes, this is a very walker friendly course! It is mostly flat, with a few gentle rollers to keep you on your game. There are plenty of aid stations, and this event is loads of fun! There is a: Generous 4:00 hour time limit for the half marathon, so take your time and enjoy the scenery!

Heroes of Hope Race for Brain Tumor Research

August 11, 2015 8:00am

Lisa Millar - 703-7299897 - Lisa@tbkf.org

Dockweiler State Beach 12001 Vista Del Mar, Playa Del Rey, CA, 90293

Fast and Flat Course, Gorgeous Beach Views, Kids Zone, Family Friendly Day of Fit Fun all in the Name of Hope! Come out and run for your Hero! Special in Honor of Bibs, Tons of Food, Tech Tees, Prizes for top three male and female in each age division, Overall Top Male and Female prize for 5k and 10k. heroesofhoperace.org

Escape Obstacle Run

August 15, 2015

Escape Obstacle Run escapeobstaclerun. com

Prado Recreation Dog Park • 17505 Euclid Ave Chino Hills, CA 91708

Part Obstacle Mud Course 5k + Part Music Festival + Part Food Festival = ALL YOU !!! Is the ESCAPE OBSTACLE RUN the toughest obstacle course out there? NOPE

Endless Summer Run

August 15, 2015

One Foot Free Racing LLC 2087132127

Huntington Beach Pedestrian Trail • 22080 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington

This HB run is a beautiful jaunt down the paved Huntington Beach bike trail that wanders along the beautiful sandy beach. All runners start on the HB bike trail at Pacific Coast Highway and Magnolia St., and run North on the HB trail toward Bolsa Chica.

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SoCal Running Shoreline Run

August 16, 2015 @ 7:30 AM

6572150657 http://www.onefootfree.com

Beach Path-Belmont Shores • 5000 E Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90803

Surrounded by city and sea, this Long Beach Run is the place to be! This gorgeous route is along the beach on the NEW resin-based, straight, and VERY FLAT Long Beach path that wanders around the white sand from Belmont Shore to Long Beach Shoreline Marina

Bulldog 50K & 25K Trail Runs

August 22, 2015 6:30am

Nancy Shura-Dervin - 818-591-1862 trailrunevents@ yahoo.com

Malibu Creek State Park 1925 Las Virgenes Rd, Calabasas, CA, 91302

The challenging and popular Bulldog runs. Come run in the beautiful scenic Santa Monica Mountains recreational area beginning at our base camp in Malibu Creek State Park. The Bulldog is a RRCA Regional Championship Race for the 50K. trailrunevents.com

Rockin’ Summer 10k, Half Marathon, Marathon

August 22, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Huntington Beach 17398 N Pacific Ave, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649

It’s time for an awesome run along the beautiful beach! Medals for everyone, FREE photos, affordable low cost, flat and scenic course, walker friendly, and fun for the whole family! abetterworldrunning.com

5K Wet ‘N Wild Adventure Run & Kids Fun Run

August 22, 2015

The Krusher Series 805-320-6224

Lake Piru • Piru Piru, CA 93040

Add adventure to your next run with the Wet ‘N Wild Adventure Run! Family-friendly 5K and kids routes wind through the trees, hills, rocks and water with a challenge at every turn. We supply the WET, you provide the WILD.

Conquer the Overlook 5K and 282 Step climb

August 22, 2015 6:00pm

Jose Zavala 6267558489 - jose@ aztlanathletics.org

Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook 6300 Hetzler Rd., Culver City, CA, 90232

Challenge yourself with the Toughest 5K Run/Walk/Hike & Step Climb. Trek up the 282 stone steps, and finish with a spectacular view of Culver City, Downtown LA, & more. Included for participants: a finisher medal & t-shirt, AYCE tacos, 2 free beers, & DJ music. www.ConquerTheOverlook.com

August 23, 2015 8:30 AM

Try Us Events - 310993-1730 - run@ tryusevents.com

Woodley Park 6350 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, CA, 91436

Take a bite out of summer with a beautiful run around Lake Balboa Park with abundant trees and scenic views of the lake. Stay and enjoy the festivities with plenty of watermelon to eat. tryusevents. com/

Summer Splendor 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon

August 23, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Santa Monica, CA 2000 ocean ave, Santa Monica, CA, 90405

The Summer Splendor race is here!!! FREE photos, low affordable cost, walker friendly, scenic beach route, official results posted, medals for everyone and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

RunPC 5k/1k

August 23, 2015 7:30am

Howard Hsu - 909287-1310 - runpc5k@ gmail.com

Bonelli Park - 120 Via Verde Rd San Dimas, CA 91773 120 Via Verde Rd, San Dimas, CA, 91773

The 2015 RunPC 5K/1K takes place Sunday, August 23, 2015 at Frank G Bonelli Park in the City of San Dimas. All proceeds from the run will benefit members of Pacific Crest. The 5K Run will feature a paved trail along the Picnic Valley and the shoreline of the Puddingstone Reservoir. pacific-crest.org/run/

31st Jet to Jetty Run/Walk for Mental Health

August 29, 2015 8:00am

Eden Garcia-Balis - 310-670-1410 ebalis@airportmarina.org

Dockweiler Beach 12501 Vista Del Mar, Playa del Rey, CA, 90293

On Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 8:00am Airport Marina Counseling Service (AMCS) will host its 31st Annual Jet to Jetty 5K/10K Run/Walk for Mental Health Sponsored by the Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation. The race will be held at beautiful Dockweiler State Beach in Playa del Rey, west of LAX. www.w2promo.com

Watermelon Run Lake Balboa 5K Pg. 49

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32nd Annual Al Rivera Menudo 5k, 10k, and Kiddie Run

August 29, 2015

Electric Run http://electricrun.com/ losangeles

StubHub Center • 18400 Avalon Blvd Carson, CA 90746

Come party with us in a different world! Along the 5K route, music will pump and lights will dance, creating an electric wonderland that will keep you energized and moving to the beat! You’ll run, walk and dance through distinct lands with lights and music custom-mixed to match the mood of the lighting elements!

August 29, 2015 8:00am

Johnathan Garcia - 909-815-1360 johnathanngarcia@ outlook.com

Whittier Narrows Park. Lexington and Santa Anita Avenue, South El Monte, CA, 91750

Awards three deep per division for M/F 5K/10K and top 3 5K teams. Come out & enjoy a bowl of menudo and cold drink after the race. Proceeds benefit college scholarships for High School Graduates. menudorun.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=1851

September 6, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Woodley Park, Van Nuys 6335 Woodley Ave, van nuys, CA, 91436

It’s time for the Summer Breeze race!! A beautiful, scenic park run!! FREE photos, medals for EVERYONE, chip timing, official results posted, fun for the whole family, walker friendly, affordable low cost!! abetterworldrunning.com

September Summer Breeze 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon, Marathon

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SoCal Running Ventura Marathon

New Balance Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation 5K & 10K Run and Kids Fun Run, presented by your SoCal Honda Dealers

September 13, 2015 6:00am

Josh Spiker - Josh@ Vendurance.com

Ventura, CA 668 Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA, 93001

Flat & Fast Boston Marathon Qualifier and Awesome 2 Day Beach Party @ the Ventura Pier. VenturaMarathon.com

Sept 13, 2015 -

David Brennan - 323-224-1413 davidbr@ladodgers. com

Dodger Stadium 1000 Elysian Park Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90012

We have a fantastic race planned around Dodger Stadium, a scenic run through Elysian Park for our 10K runners, including a cool down lap around the warning track of the field and appearances by Dodger Legends! dodgers.com/run

Sept 13, 2015

Evelyn Calip - evelynsbff@gmail.com

Dockweiler State Beach 12501 Vista del Mar, Playa Del Rey, CA, 90293

Enjoy a great morning of a 5K & 7K running or walking at the beach! Participants will be running and walking on the service road and travel along the beach service road finishing in the beach parking lot at the event expo. evsbff.org

Sept 13, 2015 8:00am

LA MARATHON LLC - 213-542-3000 - info@lamarathon. com

Santa Monica, CA 2600 Barnard Way , Santa Monica, CA, 90401

The Santa Monica Classic 5K/10K is open to runners and walkers of all ages and abilities. Come enjoy the picturesque course with ocean views and a finish line that is just steps away from the iconic Santa Monica Pier! santamonicaclassic.com

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Fountain Valley Ward St and W Edinger St Shelter 17, Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708

It’s time to celebrate World Peace Day with an awesome 5k/10k run in a beautiful park!! Chip timing, AWESOME medals for everyone, scenic park route, FREE photos, walker friendly, fun for the whole family!! abetterworldrunning.com

Pg. 26 BRA RunWalk Pg. 31

Santa Monica Classic Pg. 3

World Peace Day 5k/10k

September 20, 2015 8:00am

6th Annual STOP CANCER 5|10K Run|Walk

September 20, 2015 -

Alexandra Schoch - 310--841-2600 aschoch@stopcancer.org

Woodley Park, Section 1 6350 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA, 91406

Make a difference! Run|Walk to help STOP CANCER. Proceeds benefit young cancer researchers of all forms of cancer at UCLA’s Jonsson, USC Norris and City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Centers. www.stopcancerrunwalk.org

Kaiser Permanente Get Fit Festival

Sept 20, 2015 -

Spectrum Sports Management, Inc. 909.399.3553 - info@ spectrumsports.net

Irvine 6640 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA, 92618

Kaiser Permanente Southern California welcomes back its annual Get Fit Festival to promote the health and well-being of it’s employees, members, and the communities it serves. getfitsocal.org/events/

Bimbo Global Energy 10K

Sept 27, 2015 7:00am

Scot Breithaupt 562-795-8900 - Sbreithaupt@runracing. com

Marina Green Park 386 E Shoreline Dr, Long Beach, CA, 90802

Bimbo is excited to present the new Global Energy 10K, the soon to be world’s largest same day global race. www.runracing.com/events.php

Alive & Running 5k Walk

Sep 27th 2015

AliveandRunning@ DidiHirsch.org 310.751.5455

West 88th Street & La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045

Supports Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center, whichruns the nation’s first crisis line and provides training, educations and support for people who are considering or have lost loved ones to suicide.

September 27, 2015 8:00AM

D’Camp Entertainment - 818-267-8667 - dcampentertain@ aol.com

UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90095

By raising awareness across all cultural, social, and economic bounds, The Burning Sands Runs elects to touch the hearts and lives of all participants as part of a Universal Movement. theburningsands5kruns.com/

RUNLOVE 5k, 10K, Kid’s Run

October 3, 2015 7:30am

Caren Ware Inc. Events/ ITz ABOUT TIME - 909-213-4407 - carenfasttrack@ aol.com

Woodbridge Lake, Irvine, Ca. 4602 Barranca Pkwy ( between Lake/Creek St), Irvine, CA, 92604

The greatest FALL RUN in Irvine. Great way to GET FIT and GIVE back. Enjoy a picturesque lake setting and super course to test your times on. Professionally CHIPPED TIMED by ITz ABOUT TIME. Beautiful ‘In it to Win it” awards. runloverace.com/index.html

RAD Runs

October 3, 2015 7:00am

Annemarie Flaherty - 8188802993 annemarie@ahccc. org

Agoura Hills City Hall 30001 Ladyface Circle, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301

Agoura Hills, CA - This timed 10K and 10-Miler course features historic and scenic views of the Santa Monica Mountains and Agoura Hills. radruns.org

Pg. 12 & 13

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 22

Pg. 39 The Burning Sands 5K-UCLA


ALS - Lou Gehrig’s Disease Charity Bicycle Fundraiser

Hosted by

A Community Bicycle Tour with Distances of 10, 25 & 50 Miles and...

New this year…Metric Century Course!

1” 25, 2015 Sunday, October

Del Mar Fair Grounds

www.bike4mike.org DISTANCE

Metric Century 50 Mile* 25 Mile* 10 Mile*


$100 $75 $60 $50



7:30 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am


PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM TO HELP RAISE AWARENESS OF ALS... SUPPORT ALS RESEARCH... AND ULTIMATELY FIND A CURE *Only the cycling portion of this event is sanctioned by USA Cycling

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 23


Dockweiler Beach, Playa del Rey R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 24

Free Race T-Shirt, Team Competition, Free After-Race Refreshments Costume Contest, Special Prize Drawing, Great Vendor Expo,

of Los Angeles. Open seven days a week, AMCS provides an array of effective mental health services for people of all ages and services are provided based on a sliding fee scale. Airport Marina Counseling Service…… a safe place to come for help and healing.

Register online at: www.W2Promotions.com For Information: ebalis@airportmarina.org or (310) 670-1410

A Premier Cycling Event in Solana Beach, CA!

Sunday, September 12-13th, 2015 Gran Fondo: 106 mi • Medio Fondo: 65 mi • Piccolo Fondo: 35 mi Road and Mountain Bike Events Trail Quest Mountain Bike 10 mile and 30 mile

Great Routes • Timed Climbs • Prizes Live Music • Beer • Wine • Gourmet Food Post Ride Party with:

Gourmet Italian Lunch • Live Band • Beer Garden Free 10 minute Message • Finisher Medals • EXPO

girodisandiego.com Ride for FREE – Raise $600 for CAF

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 25

SU N DAY, S E P TE M B E R 13 , 2 015 New Balance Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation 5K & 10K Run and Kids Fun Run, presented by your SoCal Honda Dealers, benefitting the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation’s cornerstone programs and charitable giving to underserved youth in the areas of sports, education and health

























5K & 10K






We have a fantastic race planned, complete with amazing views of Dodger Stadium and Downtown Los Angeles, cool-down run around the Dodger Stadium warning track and guest appearances by Dodger Legends! Every runner gets a Dodger tech shirt and medal! For event details and to see photos from last year’s race, please visit Dodgers.com/RUN.


Spend your 2016 Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend in beautiful Carlsbad Village by the Sea!

More than a race. An unforgettable experience. Space is limited and events sell out. Log on to register today!

carlsbadmarathon.com 760.692.2900 | info@inmotionevents.com

• Coastal course • Long-sleeve, technical fabric race shirt • Personalized bib numbers • Custom medallion to full and half marathon finishers • Support stations and entertainment at every mile • ChronoTrack B-Tag timing • Mylar blankets • Special gift of a stylish jacket for each full marathoner • First race in the 2016 Half Marathon Triple CrownSM Series • Outstanding finish line amenities and refreshments including chocolate milk and more!

Log on to our website to book your stay at our spectacular host hotel - Cape Rey Carlsbad - A Hilton Resort. It offers ocean views, outstanding amenities including spa and onsite dining and race shuttles, and is located just a few miles from LEGOLAND®, home to our Kids Marathon Mile!


I R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 28

n 1985, Lynn Flanagan and In Motion, Inc. were hired to put on a local event called the Heart of San Diego Marathon. Three years later, In Motion, Inc. negotiated a merger of that event with another marathon in the area, the San Diego Track Club’s Mission Bay Marathon. Then in 1990, Flanagan decided to take the event to San Diego’s North County and the rest, as they say, is history. The original North County plan was to create a point-to-point marathon that would travel through Del Mar, Solana Beach, and Encinitas, but getting support and permits from all of the cities along the coast proved challenging to say the least. Eventually, two cities – Oceanside and Carlsbad – stepped up and said they would be happy to host the event. Lynn’s daughter, Christine Adams, is now the CEO of In Motion and Lynn has been retired

since 2009. But the event that Lynn and the family worked so hard to make a reality, the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon & Half Marathon, continues to thrive. “It has been a labor of love,” admits Christine. “There were a number of years in the early days where we didn’t sell out and the event barely paid for itself. But we were committed and we believed in the event.”

a full or a half marathon. That achievement transforms people. There is something special about completing a long distance event. You learn that when you apply yourself and do the training, you can accomplish anything.”

That faith has paid off in a number of ways. Despite the fact that In Motion has a staff of only five, with Christine and her sister Ellen running the company while their other sister, Katie, oversees the In Motion Fit training program, the event continues to expand its reach.

After each edition of the event, the In Motion team gets together for what they call a ‘hot wash’ to go over every aspect of the weekend. They put everything under the microscope from the expo to the Kid’s Marathon Mile at LEGOLAND to In Motion Fit to the half and full marathon. The plan is to always be improving, to make each year’s event better than the last. “At the end of the day, we want our participants to come back and succeed,” says Christine.

“We’re just five women trying to make a difference in the world,” says Christine. “When things get tough, we always think about what it feels like to be standing at the finish line knowing that we created this opportunity for people to fulfill a lifetime goal of completing

In 2008, Lynn came up with the idea to create a Triple Crown Series that would kick off with the Tri-City Carlsbad Marathon or Half Marathon in January and be followed by the La Jolla Half Marathon in April and America’s Finest City Half Marathon in August.

“The majority of our ViaSat Triple Crown series runners are people who a few years ago probably wouldn’t have signed up for one half marathon a year,” continues Christine. “But now they are running three in one year!”

Anyone who does all three events in a calendar year gets a unique medal, bragging rights and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing something that you didn’t know you could. Carlsbad-based communications company ViaSat became the series title sponsor this year and will be hosting a post-event celebration in the finish line festival area of the third and final race, the America’s Finest City Half Marathon, for the roughly 2,500 runners who will complete the challenge that day. If you’re planning your race schedule for 2016, here’s an idea: commit to the 2016 Half Marathon Triple Crown! Start by joining In Motion Fit at inmotionfit.com and train either in Carlsbad or Mission Bay beginning on Saturday, July 18. Christine’s sister Katie and her team will get you more than ready for either the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon or Half Marathon on

Sunday, January 17. Continue training with In Motion Fit for the La Jolla Half Marathon in April and finally the America’s Finest City Half Marathon in August. Before you know it, you’ll have a Half Marathon Triple Crown medal of your very own! The Half Marathon Triple Crown is a unique challenge that recognizes dedicated athletes who commit to complete a trio of scenic Southern California half marathons within the same calendar year. All of the half marathons are known for their spectacular scenery. The Carlsbad Half Marathon in January boasts an oceanfront course in Carlsbad, 30 miles north of San Diego. The La Jolla Half Marathon held in April features a point-to-point course stretching from the quaint seaside village of Del Mar to La Jolla. The America’s Finest City Half Marathon (AFC) held each August, runs from the historic Cabrillo National Monument in Point Loma, then along the San Diego Harbor before winding through downtown San Diego and finishing in beautiful Balboa Park.

With the three races spaced evenly apart; winter, spring and summer, it allows participants the time to train and recover adequately from all three events. To be a part of the series, simply register and finish each of these events in the same calendar year, starting with the Carlsbad Half Marathon or Full Marathon in January. Finishers of the Half Marathon Triple Crown will receive an impressive commemorative medal, as well as gain some serious bragging rights and a huge sense of accomplishment! Entry into each event is not guaranteed register early to ensure your spot.

See you at the finish line!


The Half Marathon Triple Crown is a special challenge requiring the completion of three of Southern California’s best half marathons in the same year: Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Half (or full marathon), La Jolla Half and America’s Finest City Half. SM

At the finish line of the third and final event in the series, Triple Crowners receive a celebratory welcome, an impressive commemorative medal, some serious bragging rights and a huge sense of accomplishment! While completing each race is a challenge in and of itself so is registering before each event sells out!

Start your 2016 Half Marathon Triple Crown challenge by registering today for the January 17th Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon or Half!


Let the In Motion Fit training program get you ready for all three races! Program meets in San Diego and Carlsbad and kicks off Saturday, July 18!


JANUARY 17, 2016

APRIL 24, 2016

AUGUST 21, 2016

3rd Annual Breast Cancer Reconstruction

5K & 7K BRA Run/Walk (Breast Reconstruction Awareness_)

Register at www.active.com


Run/walk in BRAS in honor and memory of those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer!



Dockweiler State Beach, Playa del Rey


Proceeds will help fund reconstruction for uninsured and underinsured women with breast cancer. www.evsbff.org SPONSORS

Leo Montegrande Tax Service

2 0 1 5 31

SoCal Running The 7th Annual Rose Run Los Angeles 5k & 1k Kids’ Fun Run

October 4, 2015 7:30AM

The Strength Of A Rose Foundation - 818-681-2756 Jessica@TheRoseRun.com

Griffith Park 730 Crystal Springs Dr , Los Angeles, CA, 90027

Come run the trails for a great cause! The 7th Annual Rose Run sponsored by A Runner’s Circle Los Angeles will kick off Breast Cancer awareness month on Sunday, October 4th. .theroserun.com/

Big Bear North Shore Half Marathon/ 5k, 10K

October 4, 2015 -

Tom Spiegel - 909 633 6729 - teambigbear@aol.com

Big Bear Lake Business Center Dr, Big Bear Lake, CA, 92315

Come and enjoy one of the most scenic runs in Southern California. This relatively flat course runs along the beautiful north shore of Big Bear Lake. bigbearnorthhalfmarathon.com

JetBlue Long Beach Marathon & Half Marathon

October 11, 2015 -

Scot Breithaupt 562-795-8900 - info@ runracing.com

Long Beach Convention Center 300 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA, 90802

The Premier Fall Marathon and Half Marathon in Southern California. Hosted in beautiful sunny Long Beach, CA, this event is an annual must for any runner. We want you to come “Run Long Beach”. runlongbeach.com

2015 Free Clinic of Simi Valley Tooth Fairy 5K/10K and 1K Kids Fun Run & Community Health Expo

October 17, 2015 8:00am

Karen Finmark - (805) 527-9632 x4 - kfinmark@simimidvalley. com

Simi Valley Town Center 1555 Simi Town Center Way, Simi Valley, CA, 93065

The Tooth Fairy 5K/10K Run & 1K Kids Fun Run. Proceeds benefit the medical, legal, counseling and dental programs of the Free Clinic of Simi Valley, specifically the pediatric dental program. freeclinicsv.com/toothfairy

Newport Harbor Heritage Run

October 17, 2015 8:00am

Sunny Beeker - 9495488793 NHHSHHR@GMAIL. COM

Newport Harbor High School 600 Irvine Ave. , Newport Beach, CA, 92663

Serious runners and those who run for fun will enjoy this breezy, beautiful course for the 29th Annual Harbor Heritage Run. Bring the whole family! harborheritagerun.com/index.html

A Rare Run

October 17, 2015 7:30 AM

Organizer Info National MPS Society 909-223-7132 - info@ mpssociety.org

Griffith Park 4730 Crystal Springs Dr, Los Angeles, CA, 90027

5K Walk/Run begins at 7:30am. Flat, fast course. Awards immediately following: Overall Male and Female - 5 deep – under 12 to 80+ (Special Awards for best costume) Kid Fun Run starts at 9am. mpssociety.org/

Every Angeleno Counts 5K & Festival

October 24, 2015 -

Alex Rousso - 323526-1254 - register@ everyangelenocvounts.org

Homeboy Industries 130 Bruno Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012

Help support Homeboy Industries at Every Angeleno Counts 5K & Festival everyangelenocounts.org/

Race for the Rescues

October 24, 2015 8:30am

Lisa Young 3238995640 - topdog@therescuetrain. org

The Rose Bowl in Pasadena 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena, CA, 91103

Race For The Rescues – Southern California on Saturday, October 24th, 2015, at the renowned Rose Bowl in Pasadena. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HELP SAVE ANIMALS LIVES! Join host Jane Lynch for the 10th anniversary Race For The Rescues! /racefortherescues.org

Lexus LaceUp Running Series Ventura

October 24, 2015 -

Courtney - info@laceuprunningseries. com

Promenade Park (Surfer’s Point) Shoreline Park , Ventura, CA, 93001

The Lexus LaceUp Running Series is an exceptional race and finish experience for runners and their friends. Enjoy a premier running race followed by a local food truck brunch and a Sierra Nevada finish line toast in a lively event hub. laceuprunningseries. com/

October 25, 2015 7:30am

LA Cancer Challenge - info@ pancreatic.org

Veterans Administration Grounds, West Los Angeles, CA, 90049

10/25 marks the 17th Annual LACC 5K/10K Run/Walk & Kids Can Cure Fun Run in West L.A. including a Fit Family Expo with more than 60 exhibitors, a Kids Zone & an Adult Costume Contest and more! http://www.lacancerchallenge.org/

October 25, 2015 8:00am

Jonathan Pauley 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Salt Creek Beach 33333 Pacific Coast Hwy, Dana Point, CA, 92629

Fun for the whole family!

October 31, 2015 8:00am

Caren Ware - 909 213 4407 - carenfasttrack@aol.com

Laguna Niguel Regional Park 28241 La Paz Rd, Laguna Niguel, CA, 92677

Every registered runner receives a GRAB THE SWAG T-Shirt, race bib and GREAT SWAG BAG! Enjoy a scenic course around the lake at Laguna Niguel Regional Park and celebrate. itzabouttime.com

Pg. 52 R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 32

LA Cancer Challenge 5K/10K Run/ Walk (LACC) Pg. 46

Terrifying 10-Miler & Halloween 5K-10K-Kids Run Pg. 48

GRAB the SWAG 5K - a Product Trick or Treat style run/walk

Terrifying-10-Miler, Spooky 10K, 5K and the Super Hero 1/2 Mile Kids Run! www.renegaderaceseries.com

SoCal Running Turkey Trot 5k/10k

October 31, 2015 8:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Fountain Valley Ward St and W Edinger St Shelter 17, Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708

It’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving with an awesome 5k/10k run in a beautiful park!! Chip timing, AWESOME medals for everyone, scenic park route, FREE photos, walker friendly, fun for the whole family!! abetterworldrunning.com

Monster Dash 5k/10k

October 31, 2015 8:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Fountain Valley Ward St and W Edinger St Shelter 17, Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708

It’s time to celebrate Halloween with an awesome 5k/10k run in a beautiful park!! Dress up in your best costume!! Chip timing, AWESOME medals for everyone, scenic park route, FREE photos, walker friendly, fun for the whole family!! abetterworldrunning.com

Greenway 2020 10K & Half Marathon

November 8, 2015 7:45 AM

Detox Retox Events 213-221-5658 - info@ greenway2020run. com

Ferraro Soccer Field Zoo Drive , Los Angeles, California, 921201

Greenway-2020 10K & Half Marathon is one of LA’s top races. The secluded route runs along the LA River greenway providing gleening views of downtown, the Verdugos, and green lushness that surprises most. greenway2020run.com

Lexus LaceUp Running Series Palos Verdes

November 14, 2015 -

Courtney - info@laceuprunningseries. com

Pelican Cove Park 31300 Palos Verdes Dr. , Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275

The Lexus LaceUp Running Series is an exceptional race and finish experience for runners and their friends. Enjoy a premier running race followed by a local food truck brunch and a Sierra Nevada finish line toast in a lively event hub. laceuprunningseries. com

November 14, 2015 -

Courtney - info@laceuprunningseries. com

Pelican Cove Park 31300 Palos Verdes Dr. , Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, 90275

The Lexus LaceUp Running Series is an exceptional race and finish experience for runners and their friends. Enjoy a premier running race followed by a local food truck brunch and a Sierra Nevada finish line toast in a lively event hub. laceuprunningseries. com

Walk of Ages XVI

November 15, 2015 -

Denise Horowitz 8187743324 - Denise. Horowitz@jha.org

Woodley Park 6350 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA, 91436

Join us for an unforgettable fitness experience and the ultimate feel-good event, the Home’s signature fundraiser is your chance to run, walk, or stroll 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) on a brisk November morning while raising funds for the Home and its residents. .jha.org/calendar/walk-of-ages.asp

Catalina Eco Marathon & Half

November 21, 2015 8:00am

Spectrum Sports Management, Inc. 9093993553 - info@ spectrumsports.net

Catalina Island 205 Crescent Ave, Avalon, Avalon, CA, 90704

Experience the spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and the island’s wildlife. Sign up for either the 26.2 or the 13.1 miles and run some of the most beautiful, rugged and breathtaking trails you will ever experience! catalinaecomarathon.com/

November 21, 2015 8:00AM

Renegade Racing 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Frank G. Bonelli Park 120 Via Verde, San Dimas, CA, 91773

Come join us for a 5K Run/Walk, 10K Run & 1/2 mile Kids Run - This is not your typical Turkey Trot. These holiday runs have a mixture of dirt and paved trails. renegaderaceseries.com

The OC Turkey Trot 5k

November 26, 2015 8:00am

Cindy Chong/Caren Ware - 808 283 8566/ 909 213 4407 - cindyefx@yahoo.com

Irvine Valley College 5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA, 92656

Run ORANGE COUNTY’s TURKEY TROT 5K. Gobble up the opportunity.Plenty of parking, plenty of refreshments, and plenty of Thanksgiving theme. Work up your appetites. Enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie at the finish! Custom Turkey Trot medals for everyone and a festive event t- shirt. itzabouttime.com

Plymouth Rock ‘n’ Run 5k/10k Turkey Trot

November 26, 2015 -

Jim Scott - 714-3101935 - jlscott2@ sbcglobal.net

Yorba Regional Park 7600 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA, 92807

8th annual Thanksgiving Day 5k/10k run/walk hosted at beautiful Yorba Regional Park * Kids 1k fun run * Timed & untimed 5k options * Costume contest * Fabulous finish-line festival. Come trot with us! plymouthrocknrun.com


Pg. 52

Lexus LaceUp Running Series Palos Verdes Pg. 52

Pg. 51

San Dimas Turkey Trot 5K, 10K & Kids Run Pg. 48

Turkey Trot Los Angeles

November 26, 2015 8:00am

Generic Events 310-821-7898 - info@ genericevents.com

Civic Center Grand Park N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012

The Turkey returns to Downtown Los Angeles on Thanksgiving morning. Downtown – Get Ready. First 4,000 Participants receive TTLA Flannel Boxer Shorts. turkeytrot.la

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 33

TrainingPlace Our goal at RACEPLACE is to always help you Find Your Finish Line, and we believe TrainingPlace will help you do that. Check out this full length article on RACEPLACE. com/trainingplace. Use #RACEPLACE when training or racing to recieve free event entries!

The Program CONTINUED >>

Pro triathlete Eric Lagerstrom’s

“Bread and Butter” Workout 1.

Warm-up with 20-45 min riding in the small ring at slightly higher cadence (80+ rpm)


The Workout: perform 6 x [5mins Building to Max Effort with 2 mins rest]


Cool Down for 20-45 mins in the small ring to spin out any lactic acid


R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 34


ro triathlete, Eric Lagerstrom has been one of the hottest triathletes out there in 2015 winning ITU Sarasota, ITU Barbados, taking 2nd overall at St. Anthony’s, and most recently winning the 2015 Escape From Alcatraz. His amazing ability to time trial (T T) has been a big reason for success. TT helped keep him in the lead pack on the bike, and set him up to have a strong run.

Train Like a Pro

How can you become stronger at time trialing like Eric? While you may not be able to catch him on the bike, you can definitely train like him and become faster using Eric’s “Bread and Butter” workout:

The challenge of a workout is to gradually build the effort over the 5 minutes, and really sit up and recover during the 2 minutes. An important piece of the puzzle is paying attention to the effort and metering throughout the workout. If Eric burns himself out in the first round of 5 minutes, the 6th round is going to be hard, or even impossible to finish.


Prepare for Your Next Time Trial like a Pro

He uses wattage to measure his efforts in these workouts. He starts each rep about 5 watts lower than how he thinks he can finish. Gradually, he builds the effort over the 5 minutes to point of finishing each repetition with that “I’m not sure I can finish this workout” sensation. Eric uses power to measure his effort because it allows him to track a ton of data. His Pioneer Power meter allows him to measure multiple variables, like each leg’s individual output that he uses to plan his future workouts.

TrainingPlace Measurements For This Workout:


Wattage/Power: Start at 5 watts lower than goal, and finish with last 1-2 minutes above goal wattage output


Speed: Start at 1 mph slower than goal pace, and build to 2-3 mph faster by the end of the 5 minutes.


Heart Rate: Start 10 beats lower than VO2Max and finish last minute at VO2Max RPE: Start at 1 minute at RPE 7 to move to RPE of 8-9 for minutes 2-4 Finishing the last minute at RPE of 10

How This Workout Will Improve Your Performance?

Why You Should Love this Workout:

Build your lactate threshold. This is the effort/output required for TT 50-70 minutes. Coincidentally, it’s the same time it takes most athletes to cover the cycling portion of a sprint or olympic distance tri, and the common distance of most road time trials.

It’s great for any level of athlete. What that Means for You: Whether you’re a beginner Tri-geek, or Cat 1 cyclist gearing, the work to rest ratio of this workout makes it perfect for your build phase of training. All you have to do is adjust the number of repetitions to match your experience. Less for beginners and the suggested amounts for experienced riders.

Pushes you outside of your comfort zone Pushing hard through the end of each rep is exhausting and Eric says, “Overcoming that and finishing the workout strong is a great mental boost and mimics the mindset necessary for racing.” In other words, this workout will toughen you up. Teaches you to focus for 30 minutes TT requires concentration which can be exhausting, but the 6 rounds of 5 minute reps require you to concentrate for a total 30 minutes. As Eric puts it, “5 minutes with lower rest really allows me to elevate my TT power without the same mental draw that a 30 minute all out TT effort would.”


View this article and more on www.RACEPLACE.COM #RACEPLACE

It’s versatile. What that Means for You: You can do this workout to train for any distance up to a 70.3. If you’re doing a sprint, you might only do 4 reps at a higher effort. Stick with 6 for an Olympic (Eric’s focus), and up it to 8-10 for a 70.3 backing off on your max intensity. Simple What that Means for You: Some workouts can get overly complicated, and you spend more time paying attention to the details of the workout instead of paying attention to the workout itself. It can be done solo,..or with a group. What that Means to You: Time trialing in its essence is pure cycling, rider vs the clock, making this the perfect workout for when you end up riding alone. If you are riding with a group, use the effort to move to the front and take a pull during each interval, and fall back on the recovery and let the group pull you along. Start training like a pro! Add this workout to your cycling routine, and watch your times improve. Just like Eric, this workout could be the key to helping you find your next finish line.

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 35

SoCal Running Giving Thanks 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon, Marathon

November 29, 2015 7:00am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Woodley Park, Van Nuys 6335 Woodley Ave, van nuys, CA, 91436

What a great way to finish the Thanksgiving Weekend with a Giving Thanks Run through a beautiful, scenic park!! FREE photos, medals for EVERYONE, chip timing, official results posted, fun for the whole family, walker friendly, affordable low cost!! abetterworldrunning.com

December 6, 2015 -

Courtney - info@laceuprunningseries. com

Fairmount Park 2700 Locust St. , Riverside, CA, 92501

The Lexus LaceUp Running Series is an exceptional race and finish experience for runners and their friends. Enjoy a premier running race followed by a local food truck brunch and a Sierra Nevada finish line toast in a lively event hub. Half Marathon, 10k and 5k distances for individuals. laceuprunningseries.com

December 12, 2015 6:00 AM

Renedage Race Series - 949-9751812 - questions@ renegaderaceseries. com

Hicks Canyon Elementary School 3817 Viewpark Ave, Irvine, CA, 92602

Orange County’s best holiday run! Costume contests Prizes for: Best Running Santa, Best Holiday non-santa Costume and Best Kids Holiday Costume. renegaderaceseries.com

Holiday Half Marathon & 5K

December 13, 2015 6:00am

Run Racing - 562795-8900 - info@ runracing.com

Fairplex at Pomona 1101 W McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA, 91768

Dress up in the spirit of the holidays and run 13.1 or 5k with friends and family runholidayhalf.com

Santa to the Sea

December 13, 2015 8:00am

Mike Barber - 805797-8401 - Mike@ SantatotheSea.com

Oxnard, CA. 2801 Ventura Blvd, Oxnard, CA, 93036

We want to provide all participants with a fun, healthy and safe running event, while supporting and showcasing our local communities. santatothesea.com

Reindeer Run 5k, 10k, 15k, Half Marathon, Marathon

December 20, 2015 7:30am

mark and michelle abetterworldrunning@ yahoo.com

Woodley Park, Van Nuys 6335 Woodley Ave, van nuys, CA, 91436

It’s time for one of the best holiday races in SoCal! The Reindeer Run!!! FREE photos, official results posted, low affordable cost, walker friendly, chip timing, beautiful scenic course and fun for the whole family!!! abetterworldrunning.com

Jive Live - customerservice@newyearsrace.com

7th St. & Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90015

Start off the New Year on the right foot by crossing the finish line! The New Year’s Race Los Angeles course offers its runners an awe-inspiring and totally unique tour of downtown Los Angeles. newyearsrace.com/#

December Lexus LaceUp Running Series Riverside Pg. 52

Renegade Santa Run 5K, 10K, Kids Run Pg. 48

January New Year’s Race

January 3, 2016 6:00 PM

Outside SoCal Running/Walking July R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 36

See Jane Run Women’s Half Marathon, 5K & Kid’s Run - Seattle

July 12, 2015 8:00am

Dino - 4158399393 events@seejanerun. com

Gas Works Park 2101 N. Northlake Way, Seattle, WA, 98103

This is not just any race. This is a celebration of women of all sizes, ages and fitness levels. Take in the scenic beauty of Seattle’s Gas Works Park and breathtaking views of the Fremont Area, Ship Canal Path and Lake Union. Please visit:http://www.seejanerun.com/see-janerun-half-marathon-seattle

August 22, 2015 -

Jennifer - jennifer@ visioneventmanagement.com

University of Wisconsin - Madison 800 Langdon St, Madison, WI, 53706

Join us for the 5th annual Summerfest Rock n’ Sole run presented by BMO Harris Bank. This will include a Half Marathon, Quarter Marathon, 5k, and kids run. rocknsolerun.com

September 5, 2015 -

Dani Lassiter - info@ brooksee.com

Daybreak’s Soda Row 11259 Kestrel Rise Road, South Jordan, UT, 89095

The Goldilocks Salt Lake Half Marathon starts in the heart of Daybreak at SoDa Row and heads south on the scenic path alongside Mountain View Corridor. At 8200 South you cross under the MVC and wind your way through beautiful South Jordan neighborhoods back into the Daybreak Community. goldilocks.events/gsl/info

August Madison Mini-Marathon

September Goldilocks Salt Lake

The Hungerford Trail Races

September 26, 2015 7:30am

Ben Talsma - 231250-9531 - hungerfordgames@gmail. com

Manistee National Forest 15200 220th Ave, Big Rapids, MI, 49307

Wind your way through the beautiful fall colors of the Manistee National Forest in Michigan. Great racing temperatures, unique wooden finishers medals branded on site, chainsaw-carved trophies -- the Hungerford Trail Races is the perfect little trail race! hungerfordgames.com

Chicago Half Marathon

September 27, 2015 7:00am

Mary Kunz - 773-4042281 - chicagoregistration@lifetimefitness.com

Jackson Park 6401 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago, IL, 60637

Chicago’s hometown race returns; the 19th Annual Chicago Half Marathon & 5K. With an iconic course set amongst the sites of Historic Jackson Park with Chicago’s infamous skyline as its backdrop, this flat, fast course traverses the streets around Hyde Park and the Museum of Science and Industry before winding on to traffic-free Lake Shore Drive. chicagohalfmarathon.com

January 24, 2016 6:00am

Athlete Services FLevents@lifetimefitness.com

Bayfront Park 301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL, 33132

Join 25,000 runners from 80 countries for the Miami Marathon. See Miami like no other- run through Downtown, Miami Beach, and the Art District. Become #MiamiFamous when you cross the finish line. themiamimarathon.com

January Miami Marathon

Multisport July Pasadena Triathlon

July 3, 2015 -

Generic Events 310-821-7898 - info@ genericevents.com

Rose Bowl in Pasadena 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, Pasadena, CA, 91103

The 9th annual 2015 Pasadena Triathlon, Duathlon and Rock ‘n Reggae 5k Run features the perfect course for both the novice and experienced triathletes, duathletes, 5k runners, and kid triathletes. pasadenatriathlon.com

Coronado’s 57th Annual July 4th Rough Water Swim

July 4, 2015 @ 8:00 AM

760 805 2796

Central Beach LIFE GUARD TOWER • 900 Ocean Blvd CORONADO CA 92118 Coronado, CA 92118

The 57th Annual July 4 Coronado rough water swim is open to swimmers of all age groups and level of swimmin The open races challenge even the best swimmers and triathletes to great competition. Register on Active.com

2015 Carlsbad Triathlon

July 12, 2015

City of Carlsbad 760.602.7519

Tamarack Surf Beach 3900 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad, CA 92008

Carlsbad Triathlon ranks among the nation’s longest running triathlons and is for everybody: from first-timers to elites, and their friends and family. http://www.carlsbadtriathlon.com

Chula Vista Challenge Olympic, Sprint, and Kid’s Triathlons & Duathlons

July 18, 2015 7:00am

J Harris - 619-6565222 - info@chulavistachallenge.com

Bayside Park - Chula Vista 999 Bayside Parkway, Chula Vista, CA, 91910

The Chula Vista Challenge Triathlons are in their 5th year. On July 18th and 19th the two-day event begins at Bayside Park in Chula Vista, providing both participants and spectators the opportunity to enjoy one of San Diego’s “hidden gems” – the pristine South Bay waterfront. www.chulavistachallenge.com


July 18, 2015 7:00am

Judi Carbary - jcarbary@hotmail.com

Bayside Park Plover Way, Chula Vista, CA, 91910

Event #5 in our USA Triathlon sanctioned youth triathlon series featuring fun, age specific distances! Preregister for our Sunday, 10/18/2015, 9-11a Kids Prerace Clinic to make sure your child is race ready and earn points towards series awards! http://www.triuscoaching.com/upcoming-events

Graeagle Century Ride

July 26, 2015 -

Alice Berg - RaceDirector@communitymultisport.com

Graeagle 8989 Hwy.89, Graeagle, CA, 96103

Graeagle Century Ride is a 108 mile route with a 6,615; elevation gain that starts and ends in the historic mill town of Graeagle, California and passes through the beautiful mountains of the Lost Sierra. CommunityMultisport.com

Goleta Beach Triathlon - goletabchtri@ aol.com

Goleta Beach Park 5986 Sandspit Rd, Goleta, CA, 93117

Goleta Beach Triathlon, Duathlon, & AquaBike

July 26, 2015 7:00am

Simply the best triathlon venue on the California Coast! Come and enjoy Santa Barbara County’s most visited beach from a different perspective: Swim, Bike, & Run (all before lunch) goletabeachtriathlon.com

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17th Annual

SEPT 27, 2015


www.AliveandRunning.org USA Track and Field Certified Course • Free race T-shirt Chip timing and awards • Age group medals • Kiddie 1K • Expo • Entertainment Please no rollerblades or bicycles Starting Line: North of LAX at W. 88th Street and La Tijera Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045 7:45 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

Warm-up 5K Start

Email aliveandrunning@didihirsch.org or call (310) 751-5455

August - Multisport Semper Tri & Devil Dog Duathlon

August 1, 2015 8:00am

Semper Fit Division Race Office info@hardcorpsraceseries.com

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Camp Pendleton North, Camp Pendleton North, CA, 92055

500 meter swim off of ACU-5 Camp Pendleton with an average water temperature of 68 degrees. The out and back 30K bike ride leaves ACU-5, follows Stuart Mesa Road North, and continues east to a turnaround point on Las Pulgas Road-moderate hills throughout. mccscp.com/sempertri-devildogdu

Solana Beach Triathlon & Duathlon

August 2, 2015 6:30am

KOZ Events - 858268-1250 - info@ kozenterprises.com

Fletcher Cove 150 South Sierra Ave, Solana Beach, CA, 92075

Iconic California Triathlon / Duathlon. Surf entry swim then ride and run down the world Famous Pacific Coast Highway. Do not miss this event! SanDiegoTriathlonSeries.com

2015 Dwight Crum Pier to Pier Swim

August 2, 2015

International Surf Festival 310-920-2639

Hermosa Beach Pier • 1101 Strand Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

The Dwight Crum Pier to Pier Swim is one of the most popular ocean swims in the country. 2015 marks the 54th consecutive year that this annual swim has been conducted.

Hansen Dam Triathlon

August 16, 2015 7:00 AM

MVT Event Services - 8184694540 - info@ raceplace.com

Hansen Dam 11798 Foothill Boulevard, Sylmar, CA, 91342

Our triathlon is back and better than ever! The Hansen Dam Tri is one of the fastest growing and most exciting events in So. Cal. hdtri.com

Long Beach Triathlon-2015

August 16, 2015

Pacific Sports LLC 714-978-1528

Alfredo’s Beach Shack • 700 Shoreline Drive Long Beach, CA 90802

On August 17, 2014 the Long Beach Triathlon promises to be one of the most scenic races on the Pacific Coast! Your adventure will begin with a half mile swim inside the break-wall. The 11 mile scenic bike course travels along Shoreline Drive, Queensway Bridge, and past the Queen Mary.

Optimist Club of Coronado 44th Sports Fiesta/Triathlon

September 5, 2015 7:00am

Don Crawford - 619920-8653 - udtra42@ aol.com

Ocean Boulevard, Coronado, CA, 92118

The longest continuous running triathlon in the world. A 400-yard ocean swim, a 1-mile beach run, and a 4-mile bike race, continuous action in that order. Swim and run legs at Coronado’s North Beach. Coronado. Start and finish on North Beach at Sunset Park located 1 mile northwest of the Hotel Del Coronado on Ocean Boulevard next to Gate 5, Naval Air Station North Island. optimistclubofcoronado.org/

86th Annual Oceanside Labor Day Pier Swim

September 7, 2015

86th Annual Oceanside Labor Day Pier Swim 8166742522

Oceanside Pier • Pier View Way N. Pacific St. Oceanside, CA 92054

The Labor Day Pier Swim is as much apart of Oceanside as the Top Gun house, San Luis Rey Mission, Camp Pendleton and Pacific Coast Highway.

Water Warrior Amphibious Assault

September 12, 2015 8:00am

Semper Fit Division Race Office - info@ hardcorpsraceseries. com

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Camp Pendleton North, Camp Pendleton North, CA, 92055

Compete with the few, the proud, the Marines! Our Amphibious Assault includes a stand up and prone paddleboard races, outrigger canoe and surfski race, and an open water swim. mccscp.com/waterwarrior

San Diego Triathlon Classic

September 12, 2015 6:00am

Sara - 619-523-2453 x112 - race@sdtriclassic.com

NTC Park in Point Loma 2300 Farragut Road, San Diego, CA, 92106

Challenge yourself to San Diego’s premier triathlon experience. Join us for the San Diego Triathlon Classic, a day you will never forget and a race you’ll want to do again and again. sdtriclassic.com

31st Annual Self-Transcendence La Jolla Swim & Run

September 20, 2015 7:00am

SCMT - 619-2800735 - vasudha@ ix.netcom.com

La Jolla Shores Beach 8302 Camino del Oro, La Jolla, CA, 92037

A classic San Diego event--sun, sand, and surf! 1-mile swim from La Jolla Cove to La Jolla Shores followed by 10K run along beach. Relays allowed. New for this year: 10K Run-only category. Sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team. us.srichinmoyraces.org/sandiego/swim-run

TriRock San Diego

September 20, 2015 @ 6:30 AM

Competitor Group

San Diego Convention Center • 111 W Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101

Intermediate Distance includes: 1500m swim, 22 miles, 6 miles run. Entry fees range from $150 to $170 for individual and from $190 to $210 for relay.

Pg. 55


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October 3, 2015 7:00am

Judi Carbary - jcarbary@hotmail.com

Lake Lopez 6800 Lopez Dr., Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420

Series Event #6 in our USA Triathlon sanctioned youth triathlon race series featuring fun, age specific distances. Preregister for our Friday, 10/2/2015, 4-5p Kids Prerace Clinic to make sure your child is race ready and earn points towards great series awards! http://www.triuscoaching.com/upcoming-events


October 3, 2015 7:00am

Judi Carbary - jcarbary@hotmail.com

Lake Lopez 6800 Lopez Dr., Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420

Event #6 in our USA Triathlon sanctioned youth triathlon series featuring fun, age specific distances. Preregister for our Friday, 10/2/2015, 4-5p Kids Prerace Clinic to make sure your child is race ready and earn points towards great series awards! http://www.triuscoaching.com/upcoming-events

Xterra Mission Bay Triathlon - USAT Sanctioned

October 4, 2015 6:30am

KOZ Events - 858268-1250 - info@ kozenterprises.com

Bonita Cove - Mission Bay San Diego, CA 92109, San Diego, CA, 92109

“San Diego’s Best Triathlon” Fantastic location - Calm bay swim, flat bike Ride, finishing next to the Iconic Belmont Park Roller Coaster. Triathlon, Duathlon, Aqua Bike. SanDiegoTriathlonSeries.com

October 18, 2015 @ 6:55 AM


South Shores Park • Mission Bay Parkway San Diego, CA 92109

Super Sprint Tri includes: .375-kilometer (.23-mile) swim, 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) bike, 2.5-kilometer (1.58-mile) run. Sprint course Tri includes: .75-kilometer (.5-mile) swim, 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) bike, 5-kilometer (3.1mile) run.

November 7, 2015 9:00am

Jonathan Pauley 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Catalina Island Catalina Avenue, Avalon, CA, 90704

Experience the beauty of Catalina Island and the City of Avalon with the perfect end of the season triathlon. Come for the weekend or for the day and experience all that Catalina has to offer. renegaderaceseries.com

2015 San Diego Duathlon (5th annual)

November 8, 2015 7:30am

Roger Drews - production@rammsports. com

Mission Bay/Fiesta Island, San Diego E. Mission Bay Dr & Fiesta Island Dr., San Diego, CA, 92109

U.S.A.T. sanctioned event. 1.5mi run - 20km bike - 2.5mi run. Flat and fast! Closed to traffic. Overall awards & awards 3-deep in 5 year age-groups. .sandiegoduathlon.com

Turkey Tri & Pumpkin Pie Kids Du

November 22, 2015 8:00 AM

Renegade Racing 949 975-1812 - questions@renegaderaceseries.com

Frank G. Bonelli Park 120 Vía Verde, San Dimas, CA, 91773

Welcome to the Turkey Tri. Come out and BURN those holiday calories with triathlon distances challenging enough for the seasoned triathlete, yet short enough for the novice triathlete. renegaderaceseries.com

December 6, 2015 7:00am

Judi Carbary - jcarbary@hotmail.com

Lake Cahuilla Park 58075 Jefferson St., La Quinta, CA, 92253

Series Champioship Event #7 in our USA Triathlon sanctioned youth triathlon series featuring fun age specific distances. http://www.triuscoaching.com/upcoming-events


Pg. 44 Esprit de She San Diego Triathlon & Duathlon

November Catalina Island Triathlon Pg. 48


Cycling Calendar July Scripps Ranch Old Pros 4th of July Run & Ride

July 4, 2015 7:00am

Steve Brousse - 619669-8179 - sbrousse@sbcglobal.net

The Start Line is at the intersection of Scripps Ranch Blvd. and Hibert St., San Diego, CA, 92131

Scripps Ranch Old Pros 4th of July Run & Ride srop.org

29th Annual Healdsburg Harvest Century Bicycle Tour

July 18, 2015 -

Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce - (707) 433-6935 - info@ healdsburg.com

Healdsburg Community Church 1100 University Avenue, Healdsburg, CA, 95448

Join us as we pedal through the heart of Sonoma County Wine Country. Road and mountain bikes, skinny tires and fat tires welcome. Moderately challenging ride through the Alexander, Dry Creek & Russian River Valleys. healdsburg.com/biketour

A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 41

Cycling August Piru 20K Time Trial (Aug)

August 1st & 2, 2015

Piru 20K

3549 Guiberson Road Fillmore, CA 93015

August 1st (40K) August 2nd (20K)

Central Coast Classique

August 22, 2015 7:00am

Kelly Donohue 8055490442 - info@ centralcoastclassique. com

Heritage Square Park Short and Nelson Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420

Taste & ride the Central Coast! The route begins along the coasts of Avila and Pismo Beaches, and continues through wine country of Edna Valley, though Lopez Lake & Husana Valley. Every cyclists receives a wine tasting punch card for free tasting week of the ride! centralcoastclassique.com

8th Annual Bike the Bay

August 23, 2015

Bike The Bay

Embarcadero Marina Park South • San Diego, CA Downtown San Diego San Diego, CA 92101

Ride The Bridge-Bike The Bay. A scenic 25-mile ride around the San Diego Bay and your only opportunity of the year to ride across the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge!

September 13, 2015 7:00am

GranFondo Events - 858-668-1739 info@girodisandiego.com

Fletcher Cove 150 South Sierra Ave , Solana Beach, CA, 92075

105, 66, 38 miles Giro di San Diego has a Ride for everyone from Beginner to Pro Come join the party, make friends, and enjoy some of the best cycling in San Diego. GirodiSanDiego.com

Santa Clarita Century

September 19, 2015 7:00am

Cheryl Jones - 661255-6847 x3018 - cheryl.jones@ childfamilycenter.org

Mann Biomedical Park 21504 Rye Canyon Loop, Santa Clarita, CA, 91355

Ready to explore new territory? The 7th Annual Santa Clarita Century, Saturday September 19, 2015 features ALL NEW and challenging routes for its 100, 50 and 25 mile rides. Rides start/finish at Mann Biomedical Park in Santa Clarita and include fully supported course with themed rest stops, mobile tech support, delicious after ride BBQ meal, craft beer, bands & more!! For start times and registration, visit www.santaclaritacentury.com.

“Pedal for Parkinson’s”

September 27, 2015 8:00am

Jeff Seckendorf - 323-314-6501 Sherrie Gould - 858361-4811 - pedalforparkinsons@snaproll. com

Revolution Bike Shop 235 S. Hwy 101, Solana Beach, CA, 92075

Support cutting edge research that can eliminate the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Pedal For Parkinsons is a 5 mile, 25 mile or 50 mile fun cycling event starting in scenic Solana Beach. Sign up at www.pedalforparkinsons.net. pedalforparkinsons.net

Tour De Camp Pendleton

October 3, 2015 8:00am

Semper Fit Division Race Office - info@ hardcorpsraceseries. com

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Camp Pendleton North, Camp Pendleton North, CA, 92055

It’s an opportunity to ride on Camp Pendleton from the Northernmost point down Basilone to the air station, around through Stuart Mesa Road and Las Pulgas. While on your ride enjoy all the scenery Camp Pendleton has to offer; from rolling hills to wildlife, aircraft to barracks mccscp.com/tour

Bike the Coast - Taste the Coast

October 10, 2015

Event Media, Inc. - II (760) 687-9848

Oceanside • 300 N. The Strand Oceanside, CA 92054

Join riders of all levels and experience the best of the Southern California beaches and surf towns as you ride routes of 25, 50 or 100 (2 loops of 50 mile route) miles.

Orange County Ride for AIDS

October 24, 2015 7:00am

Sierra Catcott 9498095750 - scatcott@ocasf.org

William R. Mason Regional Park 18712 University Drive, Irvine, CA, 92612

With full century, metric century, and 30-mile routes, OCRA offers something for very skill level. Our fully-supported rides, concluding with available massages, receive rave reviews! Join us and Ride for a Reason! ocrideforaids.com

4th Annual Bike4Mike to Cure ALS

October 25, 2015 6:00am

Gretchen Simoneaux - 7604159836 gsimoneaux@als. net

Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA, 92014

This is a FUN community Bike event (10, 25, and 50 mile distances) and the ONLY cycling event allowed at the Del Mar Fairgrounds! All participants receive a goody bag and finisher medal. Also, this year we are adding a Metric Century Ride and a Scenic Nature Walk through the San Dieguito Coastal Trail. b4m.als.net/

September Giro di San Diego GranFondo Pg. 25


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Pg. 23

Cycling November UC Cyclery/SDBC Fiesta Island Time Trials Series

November 15, 2015 @ 7:00 AM

San Diego Bicycle Club PO Box 80562 San Diego, C A 92138

Fiesta Island Road San Diego, CA 92109

This race is part of the 2015 UC Cyclery/SDBC Fiesta Island Time Trials. Entry fees for the 20K Individual Time Trial is $33 for adults and $17 for all juniors. Tandems and 40K’s are $45. Top six finishers in each category will be eligible to earn points towards series competition. Prize and award will be given to series winners at the last race of the season.

April 10, 2016 7:00am

GranFondo Events 858-668-1739 - info@ sdgranfondo.com

Little italy 1608 India Street , San Diego, CA, 92101

Southern California meets Italy in this celebration of cycling, food, and San Diego’s picturesque water front. Routes 105, 56, 34, 20 Miles No matter which your distance you choose, you will be Rewarded with the Full GranFondo Experience! SDGranFondo.com

April 2016 Campagnolo GranFondo San Diego

Training Calendar July USATF - Summer Nights Track Series #3

July 8, 2015 5:00pm

Sheila Burrell - 858573-1500 - sburrell@ mail.sdsu.edu

San Diego State University 5500 Campanile dr, San Diego, CA, 92182

The USATF Sanctioned four event Summer Nights Track series is back! Join us for a variety of track and field events at local area high schools with modern track and field facilities! First 200 registrants receive a souvenir! Open to all ability levels and ages! Pre-event registration at: www.directathletics.com for $5/event or event day for $7/event. summernightstrack.com

West Coast Road Runners 2015 Fall Training

July 11 & 18, 2015 @ 8:00 AM

760-815-9502 http://www.wcroadrunners.com

3 Locations: Mission Bay, Carlsbad, Rancho Bernardo

Training for 18 different Fall or Winter Full and Half Marathons. All paces welcome! 6 different pace groups. 28 week training program to get you ready for your Marathon or Half Marathon. http://www.wcroadrunners.com

29th Annual Healdsburg Harvest Century Bicycle Tour

July 18, 2015 -

Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce - (707) 433-6935 - info@ healdsburg.com

Healdsburg Community Church 1100 University Avenue, Healdsburg, CA, 95448

Join us as we pedal through the heart of Sonoma County Wine Country. Road and mountain bikes, skinny tires and fat tires welcome. Moderately challenging ride through the Alexander, Dry Creek & Russian River Valleys. Distance options include 23, 37 or 60 miles; gradually increasing in difficulty. The 23 mile route is rather flat, while the 37 & 60 mile routes have more rolling hills and moderate climbs. healdsburg.com/biketour/

In Motion Fit - Carlsbad & Mission Bay training groups

July 18, 2015 -

In Motion Fit - (760) 692-2900 - katie@ inmotionfit.com

Carlsbad & Mission Bay 4970 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA, 92008

In Motion Fit is a training program for runners & walkers geared toward completing the Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon & Half Marathon on January 17, 2016. Get in the best shape of your life in a non-intimidating & fun environment! inmotionfit.com/

USATF - Summer Nights Track Series #4

July 22, 2015 5:00pm

Tim Latham - 858573-1500 - robert. latham@sweetwaterschools.com

Sweetwater High School 2900 Highland ave, Chula Vista , CA, 91950

The USATF Sanctioned four event Summer Nights Track series is back! Join us for a variety of track and field events at local area high schools with modern track and field facilities! First 200 registrants receive a souvenir! Open to all ability levels and ages! Pre-event registration at: www.directathletics.com for $5/event or event day for $7/event. summernightstrack.com

november-project. com/

Kate Sessions Park Or Balboa Park

Mondays: rotating locations. First Monday of every month at Kate Sessions Park in PB. See FB, Instagram, or Twitter for all other Monday locations!

Ongoing November Project

First Monday of every month

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SAN DIEGO • CALIFORNIA Birthplace of the Triathlon

Sprint Triathlon: 500 meter swim, 15K bike, and 5K run Duathlon: 1 mile run, 9 mile bike, 3 mile Run Aqua Bike: 500m swim, 15k bike


Stay in

go! San Die

J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 44

Funded in part by the San Diego Tourism Marketing District Corporation with City of San Diego Tourism Marketing District Assessment Funds. USAT Sanctioned Event!

Register at www.KOZevents.com San Diego Triathlon Points Series Event

The 3rd Annual

October 24th, 2015 • Encinitas

Register at

www.surfingmadonnarun.org surfingmadonnarun surfingmadonnarun.org

Use coupon code “RP20” for 20% OFF all entries! • $15,000 in PRIZE MONEY • Live Music • Parent/Child, Costume, Masters and Team Divisions available sharing $5,500 in PRIZE MONEY • Fresh fruit at the finish line

All participants receive: ONS of sponsor goodies • TONS • KILLER medal • SOFT race shirt • FREE race photos • SUPER FUN after party!

JOIN THOUSANDS FOR THE LARGEST BEACH RUN IN THE NATION TION and the ONLY 10 Mile Beach Run on the WEST COAST! This famous amous Moonlight Beach (Encinitas) low tide course takes you along the waters’ edge covering the most beautiful beaches in San Diego!

Run/Walk/Skate Down the Silver Strand!

Stay in

o! g e i D n Sa Coronado to Imperial Beach

Sunday, November 15, 2015 A California Beach Party with Live Music, Beer Garden and Food!



Funded in part by the San Diego Tourism Marketing District Corporation with City of San Diego Tourism Marketing District Assessment Funds.

2 0 1 5 47

Lake Balboa

Summer Blast 5K

Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 5K Run/Walk & 1K Kids Fun Run Woodley Park, Van Nuys, California

Register on Active.com

Lake Balboa

Watermelon 5K

Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 5K Run/Walk & 1K Kids Fun Run Woodley Park, Van Nuys, California

Register on Active.com


with LavA magaziNe YOuR no.1 sOUrcE for serIOus tRiAthLon

R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 49

Visit RACEPLACE.com to find your favorite events NOW FEATURING: • Tell us YOUR fitness story - Babbittville • Event and gear discounts • Athlete of the Month • Event Spotlight

COMING SOON: • GEARPLACE and product reviews • RACEPLACE Ambassador Program

ADV E R T I S E W I T H US : I N FO @RAC EPLAC E. C OM • 8 5 8 . 4 8 5 . 9806 OUR REACH

LOCATIONS WE SERVE San Diego/Riverside Riverside County San Diego Menifee Temecula Oceanside Carlsbad Encinitas El Cajon Escondido San Marcos Chula Vista











Greater Los Angeles Los Angeles Long Beach Irvine Pasadena Newport Beach Torrance Santa Monica Glendale Huntington Beach Santa Clarita Anaheim Thousand Oaks San Bernadino Santa Barbara Orange County San Francisco







Experience the spectacular views of the Padfc Ocean and the island's wildlife. Sign up for either the 26.2 or the 13.1 miles and run some of the most beautiful, rugged and breathtaking trails you will ever experience!

Entry Fees Kid's Run 5k



Until 9/30/15 $10.00

Until 2/5/16 After 2/5/16 $10.00











at, March 19, 2016 Catalina Island SCatalina Island, Avalon, California MARATHON 110K I sK I KIDS RUN

Famous Catalina Island Tile 2015 Finisher Medal

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Stay in

go! e i D n a S

Race Features • Race on the world famous Pacific Coast Hwy • Ocean Swim with swim buddies • Challenged Athletes Foundation Beer Garden • Awards 3 deep in Each Division • Post – Race Breakfast • Points for the SD Tri Series • Tech T-shirt and Finisher Medals

San Diego Triathlon Points Series Event R A C E P L A C E J U L Y A U G U S T

Register at www.KOZevents.com

2 0 1 5 55

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