EP Magazine

Page 1

Oontents ] 7 A L L FOF P A S SON A 6r i tirc vith Dubii's residar whor liv.iing up tht .irl shh thrf iorrcsriDso(uprioDs.

20 BOTTONILINE Srook vtrh ivinr8r c ds*tr eDgrng lrcm @o1b oududkhrc rrhErrodehindit

24 A OBATEBS P A C E TLr\uillirr rnd d,in. fthndurc Grcck rcrci! on i $.ltrd.d thnd.

rcigDsupEDr n dris

32 M N M AL TO S U B LIM N A L GidlgioAuori: Mdr rnft isi tlomrgi[unaiionortis $llnh d(onkucrcd syl. thr hd 6uDJ Ans iD G@rge clooqod L.omido Di cipdo.

,100lltT sLoucH NG Tht hEs rouids oaiDtqrriorrl ahyJl5 Lae rKlg] |hr lhc Bond Sk{ g!trrl.n look is brk hd hda tu *q

ft b,g.ofrns$onin5p,.!Jt,).J(tirsLr!.gor .brg rr,r.. !]ldLigwnh d.tLgh(rnJ N rheivl "itoot.E s.(n

50 V E N E TIANF N D S Ajokd.ttodncdathcino(rcDin!. !ni.s n lhe vodd NLnh tuh tik! i drh Lrc! ifr! lisniug it.

6O JET.S E TTIN G Fljng hN d$ i pxs! ror tlt n.r buJ ofglohdrcrt{s n pivrtcjds brcnc dc is@uL rr Dodc iqi.ion.

AdwDruE ddliogju$

b.flme Nn


suvs {ti.h hac stck .ur6 rc nr.h


with thr !fly

pow!iaLLl cdgin.r.

T 2AWOM ANS TQU C H Mc{ i flodftn pi& df Emnri womcn {Lo ra arinirg (pft aDdi lDtmor for drn iinoyrdr thilldDs.

76 JOY OF G V !N G Eid n the time of

ydr vht! givirg gifG b loEd oE3

S Iee Y







ANOTHER io o l!r!,y





I iebrm ics rhc q

sii.el925,Simn.'shosbeefre5e!rchiisreepoidrledeoreeps!,lo.elo,bare,sleeD hqi mode simmoi3 he wo, d e.der i q!c iry r eep 5 {ienr | ..ly I s lrc\|n

as rk





o ,e.l!.e troD4q of po,he, movenar

6e.ar:e I ai. leE on I r p,om 5e of o,d r !,hed 3 esp

The Do No t.Di st utb Ma tt nss"

1t):'litt D IS( O\,ER

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shsri zorcdtuod Ntrr Delerce ro!\da6a!tre r97ra17r32s2,3437273

93 2, k ! wA r. Milo5rel Roho sold l,odns Rtqafle f,966 r 2!3!76!, lBddohc +9662 6636363/332

trendr I'L Aut tLiry !6oursooL is rlftlouqD.D orihcLloL];r of (n s(irgNnhour i[.h. hiid. of !]trtrsingtrpspi!. ADd,@5t hqrr,ttlr$ool kDolong!.siDdrthc|umhlc lrl-kfi{hir rr$o,} r uild,o [. tdi],rqhM 6(on uoiquc ncon pic!$ ttn ao, lof qnnpi!, ]JJ r bu(L oa R d'i. of !inilgr do io rnr rco,n 'nirin LdrulrLE rijor ry or iook rLtrlr idn $ b ishrd o JN Juiy iofrg! unl uniL !L! rN redl ellEii&,lo$nt Nfltr rlq struLd ]lt loi gorco. JlDl5 tu .oiionFqiq .l$Lg&f DJrq$ dny ,relun r i rn1-qoriry ij ton LiSN Ro$ !][E. longo. ru 1016 oarD iDa4dJ dru). o srd 1@l lnL !l{l Ndo,L $ tu so.tofdroi.r tft 8drrc 1,.ftuD Gdrni bndd Dj! colL.dioD nr @npnyi @ol [trrt6Di] rFp{DN jr Jn ,&Ll.dmfluNa to ior n*c oatL( M rtu.hDmc

I}!url io rlrinooJ 6 !Nshj,$r lirrl! morcvhi,ni.n,sori YxfuNis i.oni. ldn dlr sodl fo, Vni' i r ru$wodi of mipl( \rood or vtrh Digri E nck orid , nigimtirc opijoor d prclid! pLrfld fool poi'rs r.jk.d$ro.r{rkof hLoinrrunyonfhoNh{!)ry.ighr d$igN Srtfiio cionDnoi L$ rlrc irtr rc tlE .hrlllDg! otuhc lii,$ scclnl,!i!liNd ir r tr noJLo iaD His asigr! ruogc i! I dtrirg-&19. rlu ro drrirlt iNF\] .tu. ciorrrotris No,irc $qkl $oorr .or Mrg,s, ril dsitrE,.on! i , i q iry of

wn! ns urduldJ pLni. *rt rd rdjumbh l8gln gs lewl im,t|I no'bDlrs 3 hiDtof,{srn ?o voraLourithd r<h j5 ;lvniblr J$dD!<l tu 6(on. r [,voon. ofrh UAFi lori Jlrlhs.lrdpn.DD.Dllrsucslnlftsiouhr SuiLtn! cFuhrion oo ndjlsr goo.li6i!o, ln,r Jro r rdt tlnr is borl,

nr l.-l$g!,1 silLrl,lt Mo,ln 60 \ Alu Anb olfcLl r daor .hi rgcof prq cl$rt rppLJjngb rn$usiansof.l$i. iA1gtr, lhn nodJ (Krtlr Jkdurs rlrlixllo{&l luLlsofd,!fsnin$ .\nlrdior or T! MuFu I of Mo.].! A r lotrwotrli.xp.{ tioD f rol h.dcigDsPh'L,ppcShrck /18ry frdn oftuuitucLcd$isDs hli tuodcnqto bcom.l !on!osrioD r.ift. His i'lFrrrqD..s-rpi."ig!d$igl W l1'{orliL)|ntosibh tu igmrc NeDitru phcLl ni] $.

o isjsl! Jsigncd aot6LiniiLartq wju w{Jus (hs.t dr DDrrl,i5pkoilnmxtofi{.dq\irnnninsr lNi, lLd,giEJ ad ho n q'rsniijLrst iDnqrdn T[c s@l! 'Jil<-s[]pc GonLlao.! bil dhqSrr(dicsigoolJis!. t liitodi 6 Ah$i - n ibsolLdr 0nnn[iLrLc DqhcLJ6igr oasqL+: k drt a}!rL cran .l* studl tu Kn, udhSlc io i rnlc dflroghB rnJ .oLctr* lvloLrn'hnd dnd r u'W, dnr.olLdotr vill uno$r.d! blc. i \!sc or tuD Do ] rcqn nll,ollgi oq Lov oo prna rhryft <,ti l|*h

-:-l l-!

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,^ trdL( L.ii}rcotiotr of llrc srool .D$ lLlN Lrrolucd Dfrh /1L.sisd.r l{dnid HLr ofDLoogD.pi Fl,o!. ri?!,J ioud ofitrg! {oolnllcJ th..z..,,Iw\o{rJ aq dr! aloiLtrl Mus(ur jo Jrc Ndhq liods b nlow 6f srr Doanon n] rr sNN]highly [,LtrtrouddLll.'fiuJgrdN frfirpo rqn-trrrc\ LoEsorino J$,sl nr$ ea)5& Lu?alqJ s$.jncd widr ill liNrituc is cfgco.En! Siwls lilc Ddr[or, D.gldd ir .h. i r.h n) f,rlEJ pGrur i a1 ! Euk n rft sryl! lrr F 6! <,m6jLr.n{n6 (urfoft. llt,NJR rc ncll rjmplt ini-11,;!n rrmrr,lin Jiiui ! i nlgi ncd iiDG D ! ,oDp,r! ,1,! lF,r}l sr roJ trr[, r aroL<16*00vH!ryritr!nlof t,n JnrrnrHftr3.trli HIN$ ors,.rvf*nrd D(n rnr r! soik ga! hn DnNoal

[F ra].rL)|luh] s { vi No. rhD hn}iarurrgo. scppjo!$srlionllssnDdJ nr(iil i!1.*r\ NIo,iro,r ,4,1r s.dl, orAiDlly [oJn.rL1 ro, r !: Hd. rlr !G dloF i gcnlr, !u, !!A prJJlA lsJr! q i[rir rdr o i nj n.Li$ 5nii6r icLl ..u! rht! oDtlrrL) trrirtrbh rerr hihi.raistr A Dodd ilid / 1, olluoox' y sren Lrnool6f Krilll is d DL.h i ffror st s n! nuddDrl nDiffr tr J,pc,l 16$ x rJ !iq.h h.ight i.llsDgncllrn'n tr qlnL oa'!'ghro rllo{ n jdd iry]i!ry

,r..lul+!a((lLrc al ft, q'ltJ/l-,ry,r !r,f\.,.a orf m,.ou 1f .. BoaoEPt to Tl lLi rcDi iLlloLl{dorsjoOLt\iil,onArin


Eg <t) (n

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iigCMgio r.r kilnD Dlq5pip.r nlL'\mo|n [Dofl l;1 l,k sisonurc lLcro loo[. Hn r t ,udr si nu iilr{cnt frdD ljisrrslro Nui ia(. u!Dqlr r r lLr ( r ! r r ! [

insii. is sdfiinpsiL[uDlq5]o( h.,ppRtu [ei odrh{oa liis.oim rlrL D.ltrdA H.ll|{oo,rs

D$igocdbrAtmoi ikmofiD Lour!rlli.ds tr M,DLr! n!1itortCjun o Oftli M( n, isn k|.Png N ] r|IANr; burMlL-J.liDcJGrNthndonil'a 6naLhircdi!'i.r,,lonrl ioNtud!sliglEqoItuNs l!tcP($ft thcphilao$r'lB! lLqrt.r n siD,si4'litir) r!Ls) irrury n $!' f ig irs iDiio'LF]!nr, lhc J$jgn{ oahjsur.l3rilir.n rH 'r rhc lrJlnonD Datri.il s5d Kird out h l,rrigimrcqLi !li< 52 Drtrr tr.kn hir sgrru e. I.]r ! .o hurLdoJ i i +ud b lrft los Nun.l DLr74 d/lio' Eujn t qdlLDoro Itiljao 601 6uil(ld Cmi.rCoi&asi,



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,LiL,,.! ,.tr. !tuI. f! tr, if.l nf:,.r!.il ] ', \ D t u N\ P .i u(r | ,l .rj ,!r,i n.f , : : : r r $1. di, ! . ! i, i. r N :!tr.j ]r[' )l i l ]\ ]. ! |l

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!odbqs rDouoa $rtitrg.ods of (oidua Iid rlr fdh. of mi,rd of tho .nricc Ttq gilc rou 3vry Thy rrwll qtrc(ions. Ar }!tr b{ti YdtrDui 6c A, e yotr grimo$r Ys, }!ul t csrrDs r brii.N u!e gor itr oNltop. b g Ar )d vd1 dcfoicd? rt sy rc, rtxri nc odrl mimudicrc Are rou gimcr Yout brkprk gfs Jirr xr Aru |otr rdrptruc? Y.p, thr so.r sLould{ &s k 6ig ercugh LotddiiFns Ac ]ou hshion .onsid$r Nii{ i6isrer 6ag ,nd you aLr h$? |JDD, . r spim.F shoptng [xg sugg*B r lould.A,a pu ddcKi,r,l: nE rNnr, !o rr uftd big &ys r re Yc, fotrf t))g 3itc5 lou rwrtr rr'oldiir !msh(, bigs.frii. gA.ms miqr tu thc nmnr. .hrat-tdJ 6q mat$ Jrr 6odr moE JiFcrrt J,D oEstsng !$ ei6o!'ld!rsrgsii!ptrbli.JnplirpiKsd{t.omiu Erthio$ rrnphrjoD Dotorll fo, ftrhi.t, aofls x.hnd Jiq into hismothtri h$Jhag [now, rh.plco6rdou'

tumod(o triodbrsn nr d$aDt! r. ot i Nnhsoirstori.il tigs,iti!m.di.\ 8i,nL po{.h !n.l nnooo, & 13dr ,tu,rpo.kd,pureoJqo,kbxgdr19 aMLryfti.trld I drrc|nnu Lik. tualr's dukh 5!gr brs rnd Lu&$.[q drs :i!rr big\ vne d$i8tr.d ,o {ry hon.} hd dtfiq ,alur61c5, dns,nn ers,rrook,.4Ndics,visiriDgqrdsr NB. ,{adt brgs N@ d(qrcJ wnh qquiiE . n6rcidert or ladr'g I wh'le f.w *is. omnic ofEGqnn iorL, rlq p,!!ide l .imrjngi rEhr r$ rh! dol[b, of.hc hMlbrg f.om 1 )edrPsr$ obs*sionlnh d,lt b13lanSc n&edh&Lb rt5t. q5 thc iuFoa 6i!r or.si r Dovic sr Lc8.d 8ds IN prinr hd ri.s lin. Dtrri4 he $$g!ncnt to l,in( RiiDicr ol Mdn.q wdt-grooNd, bto,,l. cn.c K.lv lrs dfto! pfiobgtrphcd ryiog 1 cEitr H.u,ir brg - llr $ill m bi8 wdr $dpst hil. lh| p(s vcot Dad i6our & lor Dndr, th. Frtn.lr npiny ldjoltd tht Fcc p$li.iq md ..lchiir, .n,lornn.n. nr b|nh3dllcrdy nckmNd.liebig ni. HcrnlslBn * rrjbuto rh. nLw pri!($, HrNi! Nadc a aDnr Do\? o reoined n I Kltt brg ir l9r5 (o nrtk i]t tuFt w.iding Thc pn! m! Jcd MoneoCrhcdell1r.GlloNdsr{rid [helodd wml . .tirudly dry wd. flood.d wi$ od{6 Gon @p}or uniog i{. of Prituts Gnei desxn. syt.. Arr! hlr muLirfi thc lttragLn dE Ledlio$ again,Nh dr.pitr.sswsrufrourcd h,r lnd th. b1grd hid. hq pEgnd.r 6om rhe P|'ing .ye

of dr pilDfz"i. 1c 1r3squr[! b(N rtrr bAls.ltrf rDi $i]l nxiNhe .on$o]{ Ndi populaLLrs rcJxr nr v!dge-nuped glo,hdnr btrg,moidld on i $! t&i ,r a/i!i! hadr nn1L3n,l1co,l ri{or.d ir ! ftu0t.lB $dJl. rjEr,ingpidlo.k d dntindilc Hqmrs.Pilis itrrig nrtk.di. oft s o olLsiml Pii,rc|lngry Nd. by h d, q.h olc .oo[ 13 lrousollndliSourrnadcmdJed2600$ir.lu p' ine$ Gncci, trl'L wr ifrnotulisrd by nr @Dpqr v|nh Jorrt oush! .h. pulili.s i.anron by usin! dLc, alchritf orJq$ncD. w r thei, Brlrr i'r rh. 1930srnd rlirld,,

!r arF.rnr G+ on hos. tr, fl ny,rd t,4 r "o,rr \ mnc big or i rt biry .ndondns Dio! Di4,i wa nimeJ 3li!rDiifx, Prir..s oawits ani Lrrd; dcrson tu ihdo$ Li: Hulcr s dri! nnlssidor his dod. thdr whr is .ridrit, oug[ is rhrt dr b+s drnsl!6 e! r !r]i *lhtrtltr ics$q a,lomrid r. pri..d r..d ingtyiiiDo iory rlwlfoo rlr thd !d3ucfo! hig 6rgsi! ii.[nI{] cL*t}, tbn n an i,rdidior no! o nr nrr bigs irc notritr ofiias, 6ur rc qrgrrEir i hstiioiisl: Jrrrs inpori.ht.r thcifonfls od riiss!$o:Dui.trr$rres*-trk rr it f pdF.riotr od 3tour isturioE{$rL$n:pssitrleaor$rru&a qash'o'dNisrdb be Elo Fddi, dmr ofrh. Srgucq shj.tr tu Ld h mdt mde dr im, h$ r qrconnh! hq. big witL 1 bu.l<tcrc inrh. sc rooksoodo! th| sirrlc-rilc prcpq.o.s or \ n Ah v v sup(uodctr, iti wo renenbcnng rhii bcfw yoo pur rinc oi I wiiti!* li$ lof r M6! Lag,Nho rrc younilv lour PiDaFtrLni, pft or .Lrcd$lgtr eim r Nrrr.ltudh5 nr$,"k nkd x ldi Eqc @Drid.na b yc{ 3n itr.xp.$i!. bqt A lor of p.opl. d!6nc drnrlvs br thcn k($qj!r Doq you |re m b! $.uc d your !9h !o pulLi{ orl lf)otr ihin[ ihorft tlrc hisrory of rrsLioo, ldno horc rlNqs Naoi!d to [N\q'wn! is dr ltDliDc? wh{ Jo I Lrn!.o vlr ro bNhshidniblc? ADd in thc L* rirc y.rd, fi$idn L{ 6(D rSout iD,ljviluirnr in,l putiing n tugdbLr ior rou$df. w. , aorx tdt ofp{oplc thr! nd sr so whctr drl b4r,'Oh iri dr libid *nrl<direql wliL h( word, dc @mtorrirg for the oi i riucd Sdgci l dou& rhit rh. dlr san6 ofri 5!*5 wiu 6c &mj!iLi,* oy oft soon,

Jo on."Wtr lhoft dE Rolri,Bs'on.s, JmsrRo cWoddpinh.."JoLnref iftruPtca, wcirc r sirt.d dgc olsk rvnhi oilvry rr.k{ rc obri otr wc$ld ouLrcukrcd g.idBd+ahsofdlP, ry uicr.ndao6nrd rri gotforthr rhc $n{js wrnrd rortfu odus b 6trun dft bcfo,airuggti's oor oahis DcmL'mdd.dl.rh{rlcdidad pulliDg oDhn dsic-Niisrd odurcF orJ hhring aor6n 6rc3us. As h. !.ftd foL i Porofld$ viltarcri cff,odovtr |hc J.mqi! mgc Nk -trf hclt ao.sortci ,ornor.."Y$rL ari 6csutP.d,'iltmr noul,l( roncd so tu !,y Now n 6oks is rriotrghlhcy'a rrft ro$i/ r*t rQ. Rdh ws hrtf dr Dan Lc usd .o b.


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Ageng rockregen.lTonmyFothdoesnt wanlto d e belorehe growso d helustwantsrnoretime11]payfarv1/ay to heaven o.k$ii


an L; |?t |ro-sPoncd ]rinds dnNirglririndsgh.d inrd thc gold grgoylc &mcof6is hrlrreon 'nifto( HcNsrlon.in Lis qp{osivcl},1<orur.l ]\nbho Rrrh6 hoDr d drinls!{c bid, !q bii ioi(i Hn aL1r,Dol riu 6ng$swe. ilmdysthkingNirh drr riNrigDs of qn[iriw]tind Rdrllishcd trr 62 rar oid nagg] rcicrior ior rti! rtDrhddl dmc hos Lotrghclouii [ep ln$({ rio,i rc,$ofth{ 6!rJ. rfthq aourd 6c 16 PhyifS igii I h. qouid b. 6rislnt. His d,a{ elutd qoisL bdirrc }!u @ut,l sr'25!h rv!Br), soLld idur': His rc.I! loJ *rs s rlu hid guirra. of Ah.k Ndr'lhodq louu 6c donrrjlic,l od rhir resloir of drh arcm beL ohlosuc iodorJs vould dq trP lllc Lod hid Ldr hoiiilial {licn JrL} hBr foeJ qr aSor Ln prc51emolo Fasigo.'Golf!Yourc di(d] rdBdlfr' srdmd sjns{str\hJolnFi'coutdtrl

ylu Jjnd &rmahiry ndE gLuDreur You sLouLJ 6csh .dr W. o$ nitLionrif 'ltr siulq i&r)5 ,pol<cif crlimrctr Nrks rrwsj,ar on. of $( thiossRdh hftd abouljornror. H. dcPi*J hn 6r &i.is r rcnt, hj5Lig .ld girl&ic s,hn P$ln vc{iLrg o} t.rtis Prm rnd |j5 I$isi.n.. oDhriDg Jrc$cd s stish Irjun w$tr! itPfoPiitr fot r PNioDd whor Litrh.srili.rrc sim DouglJi

| $ty(ii.tur


Dtrbri liDnisshJium

L"J hdd.r or nx.

rtn ibreAmsiqn-4{ inolcotiotr w r ttr 6oys6on rtr. Lrd i rd, of.otrdc nqc 'in4. frhiPuhtorl'Ncdn qP(s l Niigeneir gun,Jihlnlou.ouLdstELel _flr c|]las?r nub r Gtrk {$ inrvnah[ r w* aSLtrJ solr did c rn".onlor nhlr {trh !idngLdf sl&LNishrnru . l Rd6 sliEcd r lrr fldnory r I'r rerLfrbddl GghtiDghk <rDo,'wcll li(cooPcl PhF goll qhr nor ncl wc m lor r Prnbnime o![ Lnld; rcti.d

Qtrr rhia$rcrdinlotrio{.Hr rrhid fortrd$ uni[ctyntyj,,Dsbii In Jrn dry ofsok, rlr!gutud*{b e rPr!.dr,hdrrrDs, $Peidt otrdil sorr@u,s.H. odd swingtril P,ftcrs lt s,rltr.l nosnE nrtri.trtuigccnsoa nrM, nrgorm.t,un, rg BhA N,ghr nrui,lqi D, b, ltu / crrtrp/< pnnL m io 1976)or{ Dorrodt, $sotLLrl},DotroJj, wooldkndwvho hc s!5. rr wr bl's. Hcd r,ougrrhis Rh.tns lilh Ilrc v&l< b.tm itnt ro6tc $iiuo rStr n hi.l Prcpfl9 hvcsmon, btrrnoe ft w5 dr arvou.itcof nlListon4 Ir LA,a{lrjng wrjus scdudE qQousrgumnnos {Lo hd ,Drc siti.oD thm $r$ Ro.kn Rd HnlofFrn! udonr qL,r dLd w4k dIoqo ordirsarilil of musir

mrgazi,E jnrt, !ie!s .hrt Jwlrl 6(sin q ) dr sin. qusioD so youi. rot dud yd/ RorhIrw h. wisnr KcidrRnhrdi lhrsfl @.kr'rc]] ntrhdtdS, Bt&h Nighr'rhundcf! pu61nth'iotrs.onpmy rPm. of.ousr lt .outdsilc Ri!6rds fi(orymP.. htr,rmn lr ri ed vor mo(dom4.i. NortitnaNillr hh hiPtiqthaD itr rtaflFon in AcE Hrdqnr or FqhrPsa vcc[! ]d ir Hru vnh Lis qih Do(oi. l]t (r oa!l( rine .dqLdtl,tc,ln@d F t Ptr$uirofdr h drd Jiyt dr bxnJ wq,lJ 5c 6r![ otr ,tI rdxJ ldr lDollQ EurePnr Rn( rrJ bNq,lw Roth woqld |Eyc b pn[ up his tcdrta frer (]I dry dunqs. stjtL, Ddq.hcwdlho vr5 nird d Tl)! Moi.g.mi. !r dli,rs. nrc sNml sun s! wlrc, iaordiry rd R.[ri{ sbr ifg,iDc RcdcliDc,t & lrr n.ni. hdrcrlnlL(!(r Amoiqn tot[1]d duih mdn i tu![cd vft v$ l.ft dfhis roDsbhckmn inotirapoJ 6q,led tor r|tOUN T ANDY FOUND

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